4 "summary": "Datatrans iOS SDK - Accept payments on your iOS apps",
5 "description": "Accept payments on your iOS apps: Our mobile SDKs support your entire payment and\nregistration process and simplify the integration of any payment method in your mobile\napps. Completely outsource your payment processes to us from inside your native apps.\nWe also take care of redirecting your users to 3D Secure processes and enable smooth\napp-switches to other payment applications including Twint and PostFinance.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/datatrans/ios-sdk",
7 "license": "Datatrans",
9 "ieffects ag": "support@ieffects.com"
11 "swift_versions": "5",
16 "git": "https://github.com/datatrans/ios-sdk.git",
19 "vendored_frameworks": [
20 "Datatrans.xcframework",
21 "PPRiskMagnes.xcframework"