2 "name": "LICustomActionSheet",
4 "summary": "LICustomActionSheet provide the simple way to use different type of actionsheet.",
5 "description": "TODO:\n\n1. Import LICustomActionSheet in your class to use LICustomActionsheet:\n\nimport LICustomActionSheet\n\n2. Create object of LICustomActionSheet using create() method like below:\n\nvar objCustomActionSheet = LICustomActionSheetVC.create()\n\n3. To present simplay Call loadActionSheet() using object of LICustomActionSheet:\n\nobjShowGetImageActionSheet.loadActionSheet(fromView: self, arrEmoji: nil, arrActionData: arrActionData, type: .regular)\n\nHere,\n\n- fromView : fromView is the object of your object of your class to handle delegate method of LIActionsheet. This parameter is Required.\n\n- arrEmoji: If you want to display Emoji actionsheet than you need to pass array of emoji name and need to add images in the your project.\n\n- arrActionData: arrActionData is array of action name which you want to display in the action sheet.\n\n- type: you can set type of actionsheet. e.g. regular and sectionWise\n\n## Customization\n\n### Colors\n\n`actionButtonTextColor` - standard color for LICustomActionSheet's buttons\n\n`cancelButtonTextColor` - color for the cancel button.\n\n## Example\n\n## Author\n\n### Vishal Dodiya\n@Logistic Infotech Pvt Ltd.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/logisticinfotech/CustomActionSheet",
12 "vvdodiya": "v.v.dodiya101@gmail.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/logisticinfotech/CustomActionSheet.git",
21 "source_files": "LICustomActionSheet/Classes/**/*"