7 "summary": "Convenience-stuff for CoreLocation/MapKit on iOS. Includes a UIBarButtonItem mimicing the Locate-Me-Button of the built-in Google Maps App.",
8 "homepage": "https://github.com/myell0w/MTLocation",
10 "Matthias Tretter": "myell0w@me.com"
13 "git": "https://github.com/myell0w/MTLocation.git",
17 "description": "These classes aim to mimic some of the functions of the built-in Google Maps App on iOS for you. Currently the library contains a simple Location Manager-Singleton that sends out notifications when CLLocationManager-Delegate-Methods are called and a UIBarButtonItem/UIButton that acts as a Locate-Me Button that behaves similar to the one in the Google Maps App. The switch from one mode to another is animated, just like in the Google Maps App. It can also be customized to support Heading-Updates or not, by setting property headingEnabled.",
19 "source_files": "*.{h,m}",
20 "resources": "Resources/*.png",