4 "summary": "RxTestPlus is a library that gives you flexibility to write tests more declaratively",
5 "description": "This is a set of extension functions that helps you write Rxtests in a declarative manor. \nThe aim is to improve the readability and minimise the risk of making errors in boiler plate code. \n\nThe method names are purposely the same as RxJava2 so that you can copy the testing approach from any android application.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/sindhu238/RxTestPlus",
12 "sindhu238": "srisindhusaride@gmail.com",
13 "markGilchrist": "theheadchef@gameforeverything.com"
16 "git": "https://github.com/sindhu238/RxTestPlus.git",
22 "source_files": "RxTestPlus/Classes/**/*",
23 "swift_versions": "5.1",
33 "frameworks": "XCTest"
35 "weak_frameworks": "XCTest",
36 "pod_target_xcconfig": {
39 "swift_version": "5.1"