2 "name": "CGLTextViewContainer",
4 "summary": "CGLTextViewContainer is the guts of JTSTextView, fixing UITextView by laying out on one, big screen.",
5 "description": " CGLTextViewContainer is a lighweight version of Jared Sinclair's excellent workaround to UITextView's notorious update problems. \n \n It's pretty much just wholesale stolen, but it differs in a few ways: it trusts clients enough to grant them access to the internal text view, cutting the amount of code needed by about half. Has-a vs. is-a or pretends-to-be-a. It allows configuration of the text container's height. And it takes into account measurements of the text view's inset.\n \n Original source here:\n https://github.com/jaredsinclair/JTSTextView\n \n Hopefully, iOS 9 will continue the long chain of text improvements on iOS and we won't need these shenanigans anymore. Until then, this does seem to be a good workaround.\n\n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/chrisladd/CGLTextViewContainer",
9 "Chris Ladd": "c.g.ladd@gmail.com"
12 "git": "https://github.com/chrisladd/CGLTextViewContainer.git",
19 "source_files": "Pod/Classes/**/*",