1 Run "python setup.py --help" for help with the installer, or "python setup.py
2 install" to perform a default install.
4 I recommend running the included ez_setup.py script to install setuptools and
5 easy_install if you don't have them. You can then run easy_install
6 Comic[<feature1>,<feature2>,...] to add the optional features. You'll need to
7 install the webdisplay and fetch options to do much of anything, and also the
8 sqlite option, unless you're using another database (you'll have to run one of
9 the scripts once, to create a default config file, and then edit it, if you
10 don't want to use the default sqlite database. So, the quickest way to a useful
11 install is running 'easy_install Comic[webdisplay,fetch,sqlite]' after
12 installing with setup.py. This will change when there's a handy release version
13 that I can add to PyPI.
15 After installing, you can run 'comic_get -h' for some help with the script. Once
16 you've selected some comics, 'comic_get -b' can get you started fetching them,
17 and can be used to fetch just the newest issues of comics if you've already
18 fetched their archives.
20 The web interface, by default, will run on port 8080. On its first run, it will
21 create an admin user with the password 'admin'. You can use
22 to change the password for the user currently
23 logged in, and to create new users. These will
24 eventually be part of an admin page in the web UI, but for now this is the only
25 way to get started. Create a new user, go to to log in as
26 your new user, and you'll be able to view comic archives.
28 For now, Fetch.py and the YAML files are the only real guide to the comic
32 The entire package requires:
34 SQLObject (sqlobject.org)
35 setuptools (peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools)
36 A support module for whichever DB you want to use
37 (sqlite should be fine)
39 The Fetch module and comic_get script require:
40 BeautifulSoup (http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/)
42 The Session and Web modules and comic_show script require:
43 beaker (http://beaker.groovie.org/)
44 web.py (http://webpy.org)