6 use Getopt
qw(:config bundling nopermute);
11 "v|verbose:1" => \
12 ) or die "usage: $0 [--check]\n";
15 open my $pm, "<", "Peek.pm" or die "Cannot read Peek.pm";
17 m/^.VERSION\s*=\s*"?([-0-9._]+)"?\s*;\s*$/ or next;
31 use Test
33 my $yml = join "", @yml;
34 eval { $h = Load
($yml) };
36 $opt_v and print Dump
37 my $t = Test
->new (yaml
=> $h);
38 $t->parse () and die join "\n", $t->errors, "";
40 use Parse
41 eval { Parse
($yml) };
44 print "Checking if 5.006 is still OK as minimal version for examples\n";
45 use Test
46 # All other minimum version checks done in xt
47 all_minimum_version_ok
("5.006", { paths
=> [ "examples" ]});
53 my @my = glob <*/META
54 @my == 1 && open my $my, ">", $my[0] or die "Cannot update META.yml|n";
57 chmod 0644, glob <*/META
64 abstract
: Modified
and extended debugging facilities
67 - H
.Merijn Brand
69 distribution_type
: module
83 license
: http
86 url
: http