1 @@require(PLATFORM, VERSION, isTX)
6 <title>Welcome to your ExpressLRS System
7 <meta charset=
"utf-8" />
8 <meta name=
"viewport" content=
"width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
9 <link rel=
"stylesheet" href=
"elrs.css" />
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59 <header class=
"mui-appbar mui--z1 mui--text-center elrs-header">
60 @@include(
61 <h1><b>ExpressLRS
62 <span id=
63 <b>Firmware Rev.
<span id=
66 <div class=
"mui-container-fluid mui-col-sm-10 mui-col-sm-offset-1">
67 <div id=
"custom_config" class=
"mui-panel" style=
"display:none; background-color: #FFC107;">
68 This hardware configuration has been customised. This can be safely ignored if this is a custom hardware build or for testing purposes.
69 You can
<a download
</a> the configuration or
<a href=
</a> to pre-configured defaults and reboot.
71 <div class=
72 <label>Upload target configuration (remember to press
"Save Target Configuration" below):
73 <button class=
"mui-btn mui-btn--small mui-btn--primary upload">
76 <input type=
"file" id=
"fileselect" name=
"fileselect[]" />
79 <div id=
"filedrag">or drop files here
81 <div class=
82 <form id='upload_hardware' method='POST'
83 <input type=
"hidden" id=
"customised" name=
"customised" value=
85 <tr><td colspan='
><b>CRSF Serial Pins
86 <tr><td width=
"30"></td><td>RX pin
<img class=
"icon-input"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='serial_rx' name='serial_rx' type='text'
/></td><td>Pin used to receive CRSF signal from the handset
87 <tr><td></td><td>TX pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='serial_tx' name='serial_tx' type='text'
/></td><td>Pin used to transmit CRSF telemetry to the handset (may be the same as the RX PIN)
89 <tr><td colspan='
><b>Serial2 Pins
90 <tr><td width=
"30"></td><td>RX pin
<img class=
"icon-input"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='serial1_rx' name='serial1_rx' type='text'
/></td><td>Serial2 RX - ESP32 targets only
91 <tr><td></td><td>TX pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='serial1_tx' name='serial1_tx' type='text'
/></td><td>Serial2 TX - ESP32 targets only
93 <tr><td colspan='
><b>Radio Chip Pins & Options
94 <tr><td></td><td>BUSY pin
<img class=
"icon-input"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='radio_busy' name='radio_busy' type='text'
/></td><td>GPIO Input connected to SX128x busy pin
95 <tr><td></td><td>DIO0 pin
<img class=
"icon-input"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='radio_dio0' name='radio_dio0' type='text'
/></td><td>Unused on SX128x, Interrupt pin for SX127x
96 <tr><td></td><td>DIO1 pin
<img class=
"icon-input"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='radio_dio1' name='radio_dio1' type='text'
/></td><td>Interrupt pin for SX128x
97 <tr><td></td><td>MISO pin
<img class=
"icon-input"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='radio_miso' name='radio_miso' type='text'
/></td><td>MISO connected to (possibly) multiple SX1280/
98 <tr><td></td><td>MOSI pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='radio_mosi' name='radio_mosi' type='text'
/></td><td>MOSI connected to (possibly) multiple SX1280/
99 <tr><td></td><td>NSS pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='radio_nss' name='radio_nss' type='text'
/></td><td>Chip select pin for first SX1280/
100 <tr><td></td><td>RST pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='radio_rst' name='radio_rst' type='text'
/></td><td>Reset pin connected to (possibly) multiple SX1280/
101 <tr><td></td><td>SCK pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='radio_sck' name='radio_sck' type='text'
/></td><td>Clock pin connected to (possibly) multiple SX1280/
102 <tr><td></td><td>BUSY_2 pin
<img class=
"icon-input"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='radio_busy_2' name='radio_busy_2' type='text'
/></td><td>Busy pin for second SX1280
103 <tr><td></td><td>DIO0_2 pin
<img class=
"icon-input"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='radio_dio0_2' name='radio_dio0_2' type='text'
/></td><td>Interrupt pin for second SX127x
104 <tr><td></td><td>DIO1_2 pin
<img class=
"icon-input"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='radio_dio1_2' name='radio_dio1_2' type='text'
/></td><td>Interrupt pin for second SX1280
105 <tr><td></td><td>NSS_2 pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='radio_nss_2' name='radio_nss_2' type='text'
/></td><td>Chip select pin for second SX1280
106 <tr><td></td><td>RST_2 pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='radio_rst_2' name='radio_rst_2' type='text'
/></td><td>Reset pin connected to second SX1280/
107 <tr><td></td><td>DCDC enabled
</td><td><input size='
3' id='radio_dcdc' name='radio_dcdc' type='checkbox'
/></td><td>Use the SX1280 DC-DC converter rather than LDO voltage regulator (
15uH inductor must be present)
108 <tr><td></td><td>RFO_HF enabled
</td><td><input size='
3' id='radio_rfo_hf' name='radio_rfo_hf' type='checkbox'
/></td><td>SX127x PA to use, either the RFO_HF or PA_BOOST (depends on circuit design)
109 <tr><td></td><td>LR1121 RF Switch Controls
</td><td><input size='
40' id='radio_rfsw_ctrl' name='radio_rfsw_ctrl' type='text' class='array'
/></td><td>Comma-separated list of
8 values used for setting the LR1121 RF switch controls
111 <tr><td colspan='
><b>Radio Antenna
112 <tr><td></td><td>CTRL pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='ant_ctrl' name='ant_ctrl' type='text'
/></td><td>Pin connected to Antenna select pin on power amplifier
113 <tr><td></td><td>CTRL_COMPL pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='ant_ctrl_compl' name='ant_ctrl_compl' type='text'
/></td><td>Inverted CTRL for devices using antenna selectors that need separate pins for A/B selection
115 <tr><td colspan='
><b>Radio Power
116 <tr><td></td><td>PA enable pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='power_enable' name='power_enable' type='text'
/></td><td>Enable the power amplifier (active high)
117 <tr><td></td><td>APC2 pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='power_apc2' name='power_apc2' type='text'
/></td><td>Power amplifier control voltage
118 <tr><td></td><td>RXEN pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='power_rxen' name='power_rxen' type='text'
/></td><td>Enable RX mode LNA (active high)
119 <tr><td></td><td>TXEN pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='power_txen' name='power_txen' type='text'
/></td><td>Enable TX mode PA (active high)
120 <tr><td></td><td>RXEN_2 pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='power_rxen_2' name='power_rxen_2' type='text'
/></td><td>Enable RX mode LNA on second SX1280 (active high)
121 <tr><td></td><td>TXEN_2 pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='power_txen_2' name='power_txen_2' type='text'
/></td><td>Enable TX mode PA on second SX1280 (active high)
122 <tr><td></td><td>Min Power
123 <select id='power_min' name='power_min'
124 <option value='
125 <option value='
126 <option value='
127 <option value='
128 <option value='
129 <option value='
130 <option value='
131 <option value='
133 </td><td>Minimum selectable power output
134 <tr><td></td><td>High Power
135 <select id='power_high' name='power_high'
136 <option value='
137 <option value='
138 <option value='
139 <option value='
140 <option value='
141 <option value='
142 <option value='
143 <option value='
145 </td><td>Highest selectable power output (if option for higher power is NOT enabled)
146 <tr><td></td><td>Max Power
147 <select id='power_max' name='power_max'
148 <option value='
149 <option value='
150 <option value='
151 <option value='
152 <option value='
153 <option value='
154 <option value='
155 <option value='
157 </td><td>Absolute maximum selectable power output (only available if 'higher power' option is enabled)
158 <tr><td></td><td>Default Power
159 <select id='power_default' name='power_default'
160 <option value='
161 <option value='
162 <option value='
163 <option value='
164 <option value='
165 <option value='
166 <option value='
167 <option value='
169 </td><td>Default power output when resetting or first flashing a module
170 <tr><td></td><td>Power Level control
171 <select id='power_control' name='power_control'
172 <option value='
173 <option value='
175 </td><td>How the power level is set
176 <tr><td></td><td>Power Value(s)
</td><td><input size='
40' id='power_values' name='power_values' type='text' class='array'
/></td><td>Comma-separated list of values that set the power output (if using a DAC these are the DAC values)
177 <tr><td></td><td>Secondary Power Value(s)
</td><td><input size='
40' id='power_values2' name='power_values2' type='text' class='array'
/></td><td>Comma-separated list of values that set the power output (if using a DAC then these set the Semtech power output)
178 <tr><td></td><td>Dual Power Value(s)
</td><td><input size='
40' id='power_values_dual' name='power_values_dual' type='text' class='array'
/></td><td>Comma-separated list of values that set the higher frequency power output of a dual band Tx/Rx
179 <tr><td></td><td>PA LNA Gain
</td><td><input size='
20' id='power_lna_gain' name='power_lna_gain' type='text'
/></td><td>The amount of dB gain provided by the LNA
181 <tr><td colspan='
><b>Radio Power Detection
182 <tr><td></td><td>PDET pin
<img class=
"icon-analog"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='power_pdet' name='power_pdet' type='text'
/></td><td>Analog input (up to
1.1V) connected to 'power detect' pin on PA for adjustment of the power output
183 <tr><td></td><td>Intercept
</td><td><input size='
20' id='power_pdet_intercept' name='power_pdet_intercept' type='text'
/></td><td>Intercept and Slope are used together to calculate the dBm from the measured mV on the PDET pin
184 <tr><td></td><td>Slope
</td><td><input size='
20' id='power_pdet_slope' name='power_pdet_slope' type='text'
/></td><td>dBm = mV * slope + intercept, this is then used to adjust the actual output power accordingly
186 <tr><td colspan='
><b>Analog Joystick
187 <tr><td></td><td>ADC pin
<img class=
"icon-analog"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='joystick' name='joystick' type='text'
/></td><td>Analog Input (
3.3V max) use to read joystick direction using a resistor network
188 <tr><td></td><td>Values
</td><td><input size='
40' id='joystick_values' name='joystick_values' type='text' class='array'
/></td><td>Comma-separated list of ADC values (
190 <tr><td colspan='
><b>Digital Joystick
191 <tr><td></td><td>Pin
1<img class=
"icon-input"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='five_way1' name='five_way1' type='text'
3 pins create a binary value for the joystick direction
192 <tr><td></td><td>Pin
2<img class=
"icon-input"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='five_way2' name='five_way2' type='text'
/></td><td>7 = IDLE,
6 = OK,
5 = DOWN
193 <tr><td></td><td>Pin
3<img class=
"icon-input"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='five_way3' name='five_way3' type='text'
/></td><td>4 = RIGHT,
3 = UP,
2 = LEFT
195 <tr><td colspan='
><b>Mood Lighting
196 <tr><td></td><td>RGB LED pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='led_rgb' name='led_rgb' type='text'
/></td><td>Signal pin for WS2812 RGB LED or LED strip
197 <tr><td></td><td>RGB LED is GRB
</td><td><input size='
3' id='led_rgb_isgrb' name='led_rgb_isgrb' type='checkbox'
/></td><td>Most WS2812 RGB LEDs are actually GRB
198 <tr><td></td><td>RGB indexes for Status
</td><td><input size='
40' id='ledidx_rgb_status' name='ledidx_rgb_status' type='text' class='array'
/></td><td>Indexes into the
"string" of RGB LEDs (if empty then only LED at
0 is used)
200 <tr><td></td><td>RGB indexes for VTX Status
</td><td><input size='
40' id='ledidx_rgb_vtx' name='ledidx_rgb_vtx' type='text' class='array'
/></td><td>Indexes into the
"string" of RGB LEDs (if empty then no VTX status)
202 <tr><td></td><td>RGB indexes for Boot animation
</td><td><input size='
40' id='ledidx_rgb_boot' name='ledidx_rgb_boot' type='text' class='array'
/></td><td>Indexes into the
"string" of RGB LEDs (if empty status indexes are used)
203 <tr><td></td><td>LED pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='led' name='led' type='text'
/></td><td>Only use when only a single LED is used
204 <tr><td></td><td>Red LED pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='led_red' name='led_red' type='text'
/></td><td>If there are multiple LEDs, then this is the pin for the RED LED
205 <tr><td></td><td>Red LED inverted
</td><td><input size='
3' id='led_red_invert' name='led_red_invert' type='checkbox'
/></td><td>LEDs are active LOW unless this is checked
206 <tr><td></td><td>Green LED pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='led_green' name='led_green' type='text'
/></td><td>If there is a GREEN LED as well as RED above
207 <tr><td></td><td>Green LED inverted
</td><td><input size='
3' id='led_green_invert' name='led_green_invert' type='checkbox'
/></td><td>Check if the LED is active HIGH
208 <tr><td></td><td>Blue LED pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='led_blue' name='led_blue' type='text'
/></td><td>Pin for a
3rd, BLUE, LED!
209 <tr><td></td><td>Blue LED inverted
</td><td><input size='
3' id='led_blue_invert' name='led_blue_invert' type='checkbox'
/></td><td>Check if the LED is active HIGH
210 <tr><td colspan='
211 <tr><td></td><td>Button
1 pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='button' name='button' type='text'
/></td><td>Single/first (active low) button
212 <tr><td></td><td>Button
1 RGB Index
</td><td><input size='
3' id='button_led_index' name='button_led_index' type='text'
/></td><td>Index of button LED in RGB string, leave empty for no RGB LED
213 <tr><td></td><td>Button
2 pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='button2' name='button2' type='text'
/></td><td>Second (active low) button
214 <tr><td></td><td>Button
2 RGB Index
</td><td><input size='
3' id='button2_led_index' name='button2_led_index' type='text'
/></td><td>Index of button LED in RGB string, leave empty for no RGB LED
216 <tr><td colspan='
><b>OLED/TFT (Crotch TV)
217 <tr><td></td><td>Screen type
218 <select id='screen_type' name='screen_type'
219 <option value='
220 <option value='
>I2C OLED (SSD1306
221 <option value='
222 <option value='
>SPI OLED (small SSD1306
223 <option value='
>SPI TFT (ST7735
225 </td><td>Type of OLED connected
226 <tr><td></td><td>180 rotation
</td><td><input size='
3' id='screen_reversed' name='screen_reversed' type='checkbox'
/></td><td>Select to rotate the display
180 degrees
227 <tr><td></td><td>CS pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='screen_cs' name='screen_cs' type='text'
/></td><td>Chip Select (if using SPI)
228 <tr><td></td><td>DC pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='screen_dc' name='screen_dc' type='text'
/></td><td>Data/Command Select (if using SPI)
229 <tr><td></td><td>MOSI pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='screen_mosi' name='screen_mosi' type='text'
/></td><td>Data (if using SPI)
230 <tr><td></td><td>RST pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='screen_rst' name='screen_rst' type='text'
231 <tr><td></td><td>SCK pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='screen_sck' name='screen_sck' type='text'
/></td><td>Clock (either SPI or I2C)
232 <tr><td></td><td>SDA pin
<img class=
"icon-input"/><img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='screen_sda' name='screen_sda' type='text'
/></td><td>Data (I2C)
233 <tr><td></td><td>BL pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='screen_bl' name='screen_bl' type='text'
235 <tr><td colspan='
><b>Backpack / Logging
236 <tr><td></td><td>Enable Backpack
</td><td><input size='
3' id='use_backpack' name='use_backpack' type='checkbox'
/></td><td>If a TX backpack is connected
237 <tr><td></td><td>Baud Rate
</td><td><input size='
10' id='debug_backpack_baud' name='debug_backpack_baud' type='text'
/></td><td>Baud rate used to communicate to the backpack (normally
238 <tr><td></td><td>RX pin
<img class=
"icon-input"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='debug_backpack_rx' name='debug_backpack_rx' type='text'
/></td><td>Connected to TX pin on backpack
239 <tr><td></td><td>TX pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='debug_backpack_tx' name='debug_backpack_tx' type='text'
/></td><td>Connected to RX pin on backpack
240 <tr><td></td><td>BOOT pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='backpack_boot' name='backpack_boot' type='text'
/></td><td>Pin connected to GPIO0 pin on backpack ESP8285, allows passthrough flashing
241 <tr><td></td><td>EN pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='backpack_en' name='backpack_en' type='text'
/></td><td>Pin connected to EN pin on backpack ESP8285, allows passthrough flashing
242 <tr><td></td><td>Passthrough baud
</td><td><input size='
7' id='passthrough_baud' name='passthrough_baud' type='text'
/></td><td>Baud rate to flash the backpack ESP8285 (default is to use the baud rate above)
244 <tr><td colspan='
><b>I2C & Misc Devices
245 <tr><td></td><td>SCL pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='i2c_scl' name='i2c_scl' type='text'
/></td><td>I2C clock pin used to communicate with I2C devices (may be the same as OLED I2C)
246 <tr><td></td><td>SDA pin
<img class=
"icon-input"/><img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='i2c_sda' name='i2c_sda' type='text'
/></td><td>I2C data pin used to communicate with I2C devices (may be the same as OLED I2C)
247 <tr><td></td><td>Fan enable pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='misc_fan_en' name='misc_fan_en' type='text'
/></td><td>Pin used to enable a cooling FAN (active HIGH)
248 <tr><td></td><td>Fan PWM pin
<img class=
"icon-pwm"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='misc_fan_pwm' name='misc_fan_pwm' type='text'
/></td><td>If the fan is controlled by PWM
249 <tr><td></td><td>Fan PWM output values
</td><td><input size='
40' id='misc_fan_speeds' name='misc_fan_speeds' type='text' class='array'
/></td><td>If the fan is PWM controlled, then this is the list of values for the PWM output for the matching power output levels
250 <tr><td></td><td>Fan TACHO pin
<img class=
"icon-input"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='misc_fan_tacho' name='misc_fan_tacho' type='text'
/></td><td>If the fan has a
"tachometer" interrupt pin
251 <tr><td></td><td>Has STK8xxx G-sensor
</td><td><input size='
3' id='gsensor_stk8xxx' name='gsensor_stk8xxx' type='checkbox'
/></td><td>Checked if there is a STK8xxx g-sensor on the I2C bus
252 <tr><td></td><td>G-sensor interrupt pin
<img class=
"icon-input"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='misc_gsensor_int' name='misc_gsensor_int' type='text'
/></td><td>Pin connected the STK8xxx g-sensor for interrupts
253 <tr><td></td><td>Has LM75A Thermal sensor
</td><td><input size='
3' id='thermal_lm75a' name='thermal_lm75a' type='checkbox'
/></td><td>Checked if there is a LM75A thermal sensor on the I2C bus
256 <tr><td colspan='
257 <tr><td></td><td>PWM output pins
<img class=
"icon-pwm"/></td><td><input size='
40' id='pwm_outputs' name='pwm_outputs' type='text' class='array'
/></td><td>Comma-separated list of pins used for PWM output
259 <tr><td colspan='
260 <tr><td></td><td>VBat pin
<img class=
"icon-analog"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='vbat' name='vbat' type='text'
/></td><td>Analog input pin for reading VBAT voltage (
1V max on
3.3V max on ESP32)
261 <tr><td></td><td>VBat offset
</td><td><input size='
7' id='vbat_offset' name='vbat_offset' type='text'
/></td><td>Offset and scale are used together with the analog pin to calculate the voltage
262 <tr><td></td><td>VBat scale
</td><td><input size='
7' id='vbat_scale' name='vbat_scale' type='text'
/></td><td>voltage = (analog - offset) / scale
263 <tr><td></td><td>VBat attenuation
264 <select id='vbat_atten' name='vbat_atten'
265 <option value='-
266 <option value='
>0 dB
267 <option value='
>2.5 dB
268 <option value='
>6 dB
269 <option value='
>11 dB
270 <option value='
>0 dB + calibration
271 <option value='
>2.5 dB + calibration
272 <option value='
>6 dB + calibration
273 <option value='
>11 dB + calibration
275 </td><td>ADC pin attenuation (ESP32) and optional efuse-based calibration adjustment
277 <tr><td colspan='
278 <tr><td></td><td>RF amp PWM pin
<img class=
"icon-pwm"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='vtx_amp_pwm' name='vtx_amp_pwm' type='text'
/></td><td>Set the power output level of the VTX PA (value is calculated based on power and frequency using VPD interpolation values)
279 <tr><td></td><td>RF amp VPD pin
<img class=
"icon-analog"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='vtx_amp_vpd' name='vtx_amp_vpd' type='text'
/></td><td>Analog input for VPD (power detect) from VTX PA
280 <tr><td></td><td>RF amp VREF pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='vtx_amp_vref' name='vtx_amp_vref' type='text'
/></td><td>Active high enable pin the the VTX PA VREF (voltage reference)
281 <tr><td></td><td>SPI NSS pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='vtx_nss' name='vtx_nss' type='text'
/></td><td>Chip select for RTC6705 VTx (leave undefined if sharing Radio SPI bus)
282 <tr><td></td><td>SPI SCK pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='vtx_sck' name='vtx_sck' type='text'
/></td><td>Clock pin on RTC6705 VTx (leave undefined if sharing Radio SPI bus)
283 <tr><td></td><td>SPI MISO pin
<img class=
"icon-input"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='vtx_miso' name='vtx_miso' type='text'
/></td><td>MISO pin on RTC6705 VTx (leave undefined if sharing Radio SPI bus)
284 <tr><td></td><td>SPI MOSI pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='vtx_mosi' name='vtx_mosi' type='text'
/></td><td>MOSI pin on RTC6705 VTx (leave undefined if sharing Radio SPI bus)
285 <tr><td></td><td>25mW VPD interpolation values
</td><td><input size='
40' id='vtx_amp_vpd_25mW' name='vtx_amp_vpd_25mW' type='text' class='array'
/></td><td>4 values for
5950 frequencies at
286 <tr><td></td><td>100mW VPD interpolation values
</td><td><input size='
40' id='vtx_amp_vpd_100mW' name='vtx_amp_vpd_100mW' type='text' class='array'
/></td><td>4 values for
5950 frequencies at
287 <tr><td></td><td>25mW PWM interpolation values
</td><td><input size='
40' id='vtx_amp_pwm_25mW' name='vtx_amp_pwm_25mW' type='text' class='array'
/></td><td>4 values for
5950 frequencies at
288 <tr><td></td><td>100mW PWM interpolation values
</td><td><input size='
40' id='vtx_amp_pwm_100mW' name='vtx_amp_pwm_100mW' type='text' class='array'
/></td><td>4 values for
5950 frequencies at
290 <tr><td colspan='
291 <tr><td></td><td>SCL pin
<img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='i2c_scl' name='i2c_scl' type='text'
/></td><td>I2C clock pin used to communicate with I2C devices
292 <tr><td></td><td>SDA pin
<img class=
"icon-input"/><img class=
"icon-output"/></td><td><input size='
3' id='i2c_sda' name='i2c_sda' type='text'
/></td><td>I2C data pin used to communicate with I2C devices
296 <input type='button' value='Save Target Configuration' class='mui-btn mui-btn--primary'
301 <script src=