Remove the auto protocol detection for now, as it is false-triggering (#2910)
[ExpressLRS.git] / src / src / rx_main.cpp
1 #include "rxtx_common.h"
2 #include "LowPassFilter.h"
4 #include "crc.h"
5 #include "telemetry_protocol.h"
6 #include "telemetry.h"
7 #include "stubborn_sender.h"
8 #include "stubborn_receiver.h"
10 #include "lua.h"
11 #include "msp.h"
12 #include "msptypes.h"
13 #include "PFD.h"
14 #include "options.h"
15 #include "dynpower.h"
16 #include "MeanAccumulator.h"
17 #include "freqTable.h"
19 #include "rx-serial/SerialIO.h"
20 #include "rx-serial/SerialNOOP.h"
21 #include "rx-serial/SerialCRSF.h"
22 #include "rx-serial/SerialSBUS.h"
23 #include "rx-serial/SerialSUMD.h"
24 #include "rx-serial/SerialAirPort.h"
25 #include "rx-serial/SerialHoTT_TLM.h"
26 #include "rx-serial/SerialMavlink.h"
27 #include "rx-serial/SerialTramp.h"
28 #include "rx-serial/SerialSmartAudio.h"
30 #include "rx-serial/devSerialIO.h"
31 #include "devLED.h"
32 #include "devLUA.h"
33 #include "devWIFI.h"
34 #include "devButton.h"
35 #include "devServoOutput.h"
36 #include "devVTXSPI.h"
37 #include "devAnalogVbat.h"
38 #include "devSerialUpdate.h"
39 #include "devBaro.h"
40 #include "devMSPVTX.h"
41 #include "devThermal.h"
43 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP8266)
44 #include <user_interface.h>
45 #include <FS.h>
46 #elif defined(PLATFORM_ESP32)
47 #include <SPIFFS.h>
48 #include "esp_task_wdt.h"
49 #endif
52 // Code encapsulated by the ARDUINO_CORE_INVERT_FIX #ifdef temporarily fixes EpressLRS issue #2609 which is caused
53 // by the Arduino core (see and fixed
54 // by Espressif with Arduino core release 3.0.3 (see
56 // With availability of Arduino core 3.0.3 and upgrading ExpressLRS to Arduino core 3.0.3 the temporary fix
57 // should be deleted again
62 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP32) && defined(ARDUINO_CORE_INVERT_FIX)
63 #include "driver/uart.h"
64 #endif
67 ///LUA///
68 #define LUA_MAX_PARAMS 32
69 ////
71 //// CONSTANTS ////
75 #define PACKET_TO_TOCK_SLACK 200 // Desired buffer time between Packet ISR and Tock ISR
76 ///////////////////
78 device_affinity_t ui_devices[] = {
79 {&Serial0_device, 1},
80 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP32)
81 {&Serial1_device, 1},
82 #endif
83 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP32)
84 {&SerialUpdate_device, 1},
85 #endif
86 #ifdef HAS_LED
87 {&LED_device, 0},
88 #endif
89 {&LUA_device, 0},
90 #ifdef HAS_RGB
91 {&RGB_device, 0},
92 #endif
93 #ifdef HAS_WIFI
94 {&WIFI_device, 0},
95 #endif
96 #ifdef HAS_BUTTON
97 {&Button_device, 0},
98 #endif
99 #ifdef HAS_VTX_SPI
100 {&VTxSPI_device, 0},
101 #endif
102 #ifdef USE_ANALOG_VBAT
103 {&AnalogVbat_device, 0},
104 #endif
106 {&ServoOut_device, 1},
107 #endif
108 #ifdef HAS_BARO
109 {&Baro_device, 0}, // must come after AnalogVbat_device to slow updates
110 #endif
111 #ifdef HAS_MSP_VTX
112 {&MSPVTx_device, 0}, // dependency on VTxSPI_device
113 #endif
114 #if defined(HAS_THERMAL) || defined(HAS_FAN)
115 {&Thermal_device, 0},
116 #endif
119 uint8_t antenna = 0; // which antenna is currently in use
120 uint8_t geminiMode = 0;
122 PFD PFDloop;
123 Crc2Byte ota_crc;
124 ELRS_EEPROM eeprom;
125 RxConfig config;
126 Telemetry telemetry;
127 Stream *SerialLogger;
128 bool hardwareConfigured = true;
130 #if defined(USE_MSP_WIFI)
131 #include "crsf2msp.h"
132 #include "msp2crsf.h"
134 CROSSFIRE2MSP crsf2msp;
135 MSP2CROSSFIRE msp2crsf;
136 #endif
138 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP8266) || defined(PLATFORM_ESP32)
139 unsigned long rebootTime = 0;
140 extern bool webserverPreventAutoStart;
141 bool pwmSerialDefined = false;
142 #endif
143 uint32_t serialBaud;
145 /* SERIAL_PROTOCOL_TX is used by CRSF output */
146 #if defined(TARGET_RX_FM30_MINI)
147 HardwareSerial SERIAL_PROTOCOL_TX(USART2);
148 #elif defined(TARGET_DIY_900_RX_STM32)
149 HardwareSerial SERIAL_PROTOCOL_TX(USART1);
150 #else
151 #define SERIAL_PROTOCOL_TX Serial
153 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP32)
154 #define SERIAL1_PROTOCOL_TX Serial1
156 // SBUS driver needs to distinguish stream for SBUS/DJI protocol
157 const Stream *serial_protocol_tx = &(SERIAL_PROTOCOL_TX);
158 const Stream *serial1_protocol_tx = &(SERIAL1_PROTOCOL_TX);
160 SerialIO *serial1IO = nullptr;
161 #endif
162 #endif
164 SerialIO *serialIO = nullptr;
166 /* SERIAL_PROTOCOL_RX is used by telemetry receiver and can be on a different peripheral */
168 #define SERIAL_PROTOCOL_RX CrsfRxSerial
169 HardwareSerial CrsfRxSerial(USART1, HALF_DUPLEX_ENABLED);
171 #define SERIAL_PROTOCOL_RX CrsfRxSerial
172 HardwareSerial CrsfRxSerial(USART3);
173 #elif defined(TARGET_RX_FM30_MINI)
175 #else
176 #define SERIAL_PROTOCOL_RX Serial
177 #define SERIAL1_PROTOCOL_RX Serial1
178 #endif
180 StubbornSender TelemetrySender;
181 static uint8_t telemetryBurstCount;
182 static uint8_t telemetryBurstMax;
184 StubbornReceiver MspReceiver;
185 uint8_t MspData[ELRS_MSP_BUFFER];
187 uint8_t mavlinkSSBuffer[CRSF_MAX_PACKET_LEN]; // Buffer for current stubbon sender packet (mavlink only)
189 static bool tlmSent = false;
190 static uint8_t NextTelemetryType = ELRS_TELEMETRY_TYPE_LINK;
191 static bool telemBurstValid;
192 /// PFD Filters ////////////////
193 LPF LPF_Offset(2);
194 LPF LPF_OffsetDx(4);
196 /// LQ/RSSI/SNR Calculation //////////
197 LQCALC<100> LQCalc;
198 LQCALC<100> LQCalcDVDA;
199 uint8_t uplinkLQ;
200 LPF LPF_UplinkRSSI0(5); // track rssi per antenna
201 LPF LPF_UplinkRSSI1(5);
202 MeanAccumulator<int32_t, int8_t, -16> SnrMean;
204 static uint8_t scanIndex;
205 uint8_t ExpressLRS_nextAirRateIndex;
206 int8_t SwitchModePending;
208 int32_t PfdPrevRawOffset;
209 RXtimerState_e RXtimerState;
210 uint32_t GotConnectionMillis = 0;
211 const uint32_t ConsiderConnGoodMillis = 1000; // minimum time before we can consider a connection to be 'good'
212 bool doStartTimer = false;
214 ///////////////////////////////////////////////
216 bool didFHSS = false;
217 bool alreadyFHSS = false;
218 bool alreadyTLMresp = false;
220 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
222 ///////Variables for Telemetry and Link Quality///////////////
223 uint32_t LastValidPacket = 0; //Time the last valid packet was recv
224 uint32_t LastSyncPacket = 0; //Time the last valid packet was recv
226 static uint32_t SendLinkStatstoFCintervalLastSent;
227 static uint8_t SendLinkStatstoFCForcedSends;
229 int16_t RFnoiseFloor; //measurement of the current RF noise floor
230 #if defined(DEBUG_RX_SCOREBOARD)
231 static bool lastPacketCrcError;
232 #endif
233 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
235 /// Variables for Sync Behaviour ////
236 uint32_t cycleInterval; // in ms
237 uint32_t RFmodeLastCycled = 0;
238 #define RFmodeCycleMultiplierSlow 10
239 uint8_t RFmodeCycleMultiplier;
240 bool LockRFmode = false;
241 ///////////////////////////////////////
243 #if defined(DEBUG_BF_LINK_STATS)
244 // Debug vars
245 uint8_t debug1 = 0;
246 uint8_t debug2 = 0;
247 uint8_t debug3 = 0;
248 int8_t debug4 = 0;
249 ///////////////////////////////////////
250 #endif
252 #if defined(DEBUG_RCVR_LINKSTATS)
253 static bool debugRcvrLinkstatsPending;
254 static uint8_t debugRcvrLinkstatsFhssIdx;
255 #endif
257 bool BindingModeRequest = false;
258 static uint32_t BindingRateChangeTime;
259 #define BindingRateChangeCyclePeriod 125
261 extern void setWifiUpdateMode();
262 void reconfigureSerial();
264 uint8_t getLq()
266 return LQCalc.getLQ();
269 static inline void checkGeminiMode()
271 if (isDualRadio())
273 geminiMode = config.GetAntennaMode() || FHSSuseDualBand; // Force Gemini when in DualBand mode. Whats the point of using a single frequency!
277 static uint8_t minLqForChaos()
279 // Determine the most number of CRC-passing packets we could receive on
280 // a single channel out of 100 packets that fill the LQcalc span.
281 // The LQ must be GREATER THAN this value, not >=
282 // The amount of time we coexist on the same channel is
283 // 100 divided by the total number of packets in a FHSS loop (rounded up)
284 // and there would be 4x packets received each time it passes by so
285 // FHSShopInterval * ceil(100 / FHSShopInterval * numfhss) or
286 // FHSShopInterval * trunc((100 + (FHSShopInterval * numfhss) - 1) / (FHSShopInterval * numfhss))
287 // With a interval of 4 this works out to: 2.4=4, FCC915=4, AU915=8, EU868=8, EU/AU433=36
288 const uint32_t numfhss = FHSSgetChannelCount();
289 const uint8_t interval = ExpressLRS_currAirRate_Modparams->FHSShopInterval;
290 return interval * ((interval * numfhss + 99) / (interval * numfhss));
293 void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR getRFlinkInfo()
295 int32_t rssiDBM = Radio.LastPacketRSSI;
297 if (GPIO_PIN_NSS_2 != UNDEF_PIN)
299 int32_t rssiDBM2 = Radio.LastPacketRSSI2;
301 #if !defined(DEBUG_RCVR_LINKSTATS)
302 rssiDBM = LPF_UplinkRSSI0.update(rssiDBM);
303 rssiDBM2 = LPF_UplinkRSSI1.update(rssiDBM2);
304 #endif
305 rssiDBM = (rssiDBM > 0) ? 0 : rssiDBM;
306 rssiDBM2 = (rssiDBM2 > 0) ? 0 : rssiDBM2;
308 // BetaFlight/iNav expect positive values for -dBm (e.g. -80dBm -> sent as 80)
309 CRSF::LinkStatistics.uplink_RSSI_1 = -rssiDBM;
310 CRSF::LinkStatistics.uplink_RSSI_2 = -rssiDBM2;
311 antenna = (Radio.GetProcessingPacketRadio() == SX12XX_Radio_1) ? 0 : 1;
313 else if (antenna == 0)
315 #if !defined(DEBUG_RCVR_LINKSTATS)
316 rssiDBM = LPF_UplinkRSSI0.update(rssiDBM);
317 #endif
318 if (rssiDBM > 0) rssiDBM = 0;
319 // BetaFlight/iNav expect positive values for -dBm (e.g. -80dBm -> sent as 80)
320 CRSF::LinkStatistics.uplink_RSSI_1 = -rssiDBM;
322 else
324 #if !defined(DEBUG_RCVR_LINKSTATS)
325 rssiDBM = LPF_UplinkRSSI1.update(rssiDBM);
326 #endif
327 if (rssiDBM > 0) rssiDBM = 0;
328 // BetaFlight/iNav expect positive values for -dBm (e.g. -80dBm -> sent as 80)
329 // May be overwritten below if DEBUG_BF_LINK_STATS is set
330 CRSF::LinkStatistics.uplink_RSSI_2 = -rssiDBM;
333 SnrMean.add(Radio.LastPacketSNRRaw);
335 CRSF::LinkStatistics.active_antenna = antenna;
336 CRSF::LinkStatistics.uplink_SNR = SNR_DESCALE(Radio.LastPacketSNRRaw); // possibly overriden below
337 //CRSF::LinkStatistics.uplink_Link_quality = uplinkLQ; // handled in Tick
338 CRSF::LinkStatistics.rf_Mode = ExpressLRS_currAirRate_Modparams->enum_rate;
339 //DBGLN(CRSF::LinkStatistics.uplink_RSSI_1);
340 #if defined(DEBUG_BF_LINK_STATS)
341 CRSF::LinkStatistics.downlink_RSSI_1 = debug1;
342 CRSF::LinkStatistics.downlink_Link_quality = debug2;
343 CRSF::LinkStatistics.downlink_SNR = debug3;
344 CRSF::LinkStatistics.uplink_RSSI_2 = debug4;
345 #endif
347 #if defined(DEBUG_RCVR_LINKSTATS)
348 // DEBUG_RCVR_LINKSTATS gets full precision SNR, override the value
349 CRSF::LinkStatistics.uplink_SNR = Radio.LastPacketSNRRaw;
350 debugRcvrLinkstatsFhssIdx = FHSSsequence[FHSSptr];
351 #endif
354 void SetRFLinkRate(uint8_t index, bool bindMode) // Set speed of RF link
356 expresslrs_mod_settings_s *const ModParams = get_elrs_airRateConfig(index);
357 expresslrs_rf_pref_params_s *const RFperf = get_elrs_RFperfParams(index);
358 // Binding always uses invertIQ
359 bool invertIQ = bindMode || (UID[5] & 0x01);
361 uint32_t interval = ModParams->interval;
362 #if defined(DEBUG_FREQ_CORRECTION) && defined(RADIO_SX128X)
363 interval = interval * 12 / 10; // increase the packet interval by 20% to allow adding packet header
364 #endif
366 hwTimer::updateInterval(interval);
368 FHSSusePrimaryFreqBand = !(ModParams->radio_type == RADIO_TYPE_LR1121_LORA_2G4) && !(ModParams->radio_type == RADIO_TYPE_LR1121_GFSK_2G4);
369 FHSSuseDualBand = ModParams->radio_type == RADIO_TYPE_LR1121_LORA_DUAL;
371 Radio.Config(ModParams->bw, ModParams->sf, ModParams->cr, FHSSgetInitialFreq(),
372 ModParams->PreambleLen, invertIQ, ModParams->PayloadLength, 0
373 #if defined(RADIO_SX128X)
374 , uidMacSeedGet(), OtaCrcInitializer, (ModParams->radio_type == RADIO_TYPE_SX128x_FLRC)
375 #endif
376 #if defined(RADIO_LR1121)
377 , ModParams->radio_type == RADIO_TYPE_LR1121_GFSK_900 || ModParams->radio_type == RADIO_TYPE_LR1121_GFSK_2G4, (uint8_t)UID[5], (uint8_t)UID[4]
378 #endif
381 #if defined(RADIO_LR1121)
382 if (FHSSuseDualBand)
384 Radio.Config(ModParams->bw2, ModParams->sf2, ModParams->cr2, FHSSgetInitialGeminiFreq(),
385 ModParams->PreambleLen2, invertIQ, ModParams->PayloadLength, 0,
386 ModParams->radio_type == RADIO_TYPE_LR1121_GFSK_900 || ModParams->radio_type == RADIO_TYPE_LR1121_GFSK_2G4,
387 (uint8_t)UID[5], (uint8_t)UID[4], SX12XX_Radio_2);
389 #endif
391 Radio.FuzzySNRThreshold = (RFperf->DynpowerSnrThreshUp == DYNPOWER_SNR_THRESH_NONE) ? 0 : (RFperf->DynpowerSnrThreshDn - RFperf->DynpowerSnrThreshUp);
393 checkGeminiMode();
394 if (geminiMode)
396 Radio.SetFrequencyReg(FHSSgetInitialGeminiFreq(), SX12XX_Radio_2);
399 OtaUpdateSerializers(smWideOr8ch, ModParams->PayloadLength);
400 MspReceiver.setMaxPackageIndex(ELRS_MSP_MAX_PACKAGES);
401 TelemetrySender.setMaxPackageIndex(OtaIsFullRes ? ELRS8_TELEMETRY_MAX_PACKAGES : ELRS4_TELEMETRY_MAX_PACKAGES);
403 // Wait for (11/10) 110% of time it takes to cycle through all freqs in FHSS table (in ms)
404 cycleInterval = ((uint32_t)11U * FHSSgetChannelCount() * ModParams->FHSShopInterval * interval) / (10U * 1000U);
406 ExpressLRS_currAirRate_Modparams = ModParams;
407 ExpressLRS_currAirRate_RFperfParams = RFperf;
408 ExpressLRS_nextAirRateIndex = index; // presumably we just handled this
409 telemBurstValid = false;
412 bool ICACHE_RAM_ATTR HandleFHSS()
414 uint8_t modresultFHSS = (OtaNonce + 1) % ExpressLRS_currAirRate_Modparams->FHSShopInterval;
416 if ((ExpressLRS_currAirRate_Modparams->FHSShopInterval == 0) || alreadyFHSS == true || InBindingMode || (modresultFHSS != 0) || (connectionState == disconnected))
418 return false;
421 alreadyFHSS = true;
423 if (geminiMode)
425 if ((((OtaNonce + 1)/ExpressLRS_currAirRate_Modparams->FHSShopInterval) % 2 == 0) || FHSSuseDualBand) // When in DualBand do not switch between radios. The OTA modulation paramters and HighFreq/LowFreq Tx amps are set during Config.
427 Radio.SetFrequencyReg(FHSSgetNextFreq(), SX12XX_Radio_1);
428 Radio.SetFrequencyReg(FHSSgetGeminiFreq(), SX12XX_Radio_2);
430 else
432 // Write radio1 first. This optimises the SPI traffic order.
433 uint32_t freqRadio2 = FHSSgetNextFreq();
434 Radio.SetFrequencyReg(FHSSgetGeminiFreq(), SX12XX_Radio_1);
435 Radio.SetFrequencyReg(freqRadio2, SX12XX_Radio_2);
438 else
440 Radio.SetFrequencyReg(FHSSgetNextFreq());
443 #if defined(RADIO_SX127X)
444 // SX127x radio has to reset receive mode after hopping
445 uint8_t modresultTLM = (OtaNonce + 1) % ExpressLRS_currTlmDenom;
446 if (modresultTLM != 0 || ExpressLRS_currTlmDenom == 1) // if we are about to send a tlm response don't bother going back to rx
448 Radio.RXnb();
450 #endif
451 #if defined(Regulatory_Domain_EU_CE_2400)
452 SetClearChannelAssessmentTime();
453 #endif
454 return true;
457 void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR LinkStatsToOta(OTA_LinkStats_s * const ls)
459 // The value in linkstatistics is "positivized" (inverted polarity)
460 // and must be inverted on the TX side. Positive values are used
461 // so save a bit to encode which antenna is in use
462 ls->uplink_RSSI_1 = CRSF::LinkStatistics.uplink_RSSI_1;
463 ls->uplink_RSSI_2 = CRSF::LinkStatistics.uplink_RSSI_2;
464 ls->antenna = antenna;
465 ls->modelMatch = connectionHasModelMatch;
466 ls->lq = CRSF::LinkStatistics.uplink_Link_quality;
467 ls->mspConfirm = MspReceiver.GetCurrentConfirm() ? 1 : 0;
468 #if defined(DEBUG_FREQ_CORRECTION)
469 ls->SNR = FreqCorrection * 127 / FreqCorrectionMax;
470 #else
471 if (SnrMean.getCount())
473 ls->SNR = SnrMean.mean();
475 else
477 ls->SNR = SnrMean.previousMean();
479 #endif
482 bool ICACHE_RAM_ATTR HandleSendTelemetryResponse()
484 uint8_t modresult = (OtaNonce + 1) % ExpressLRS_currTlmDenom;
486 if ((connectionState == disconnected) || (ExpressLRS_currTlmDenom == 1) || (alreadyTLMresp == true) || (modresult != 0) || !teamraceHasModelMatch)
488 return false; // don't bother sending tlm if disconnected or TLM is off
491 // ESP requires word aligned buffer
492 WORD_ALIGNED_ATTR OTA_Packet_s otaPkt = {0};
493 alreadyTLMresp = true;
494 otaPkt.std.type = PACKET_TYPE_TLM;
496 bool noAirportDataQueued = firmwareOptions.is_airport && apOutputBuffer.size() == 0;
497 bool noTlmQueued = !TelemetrySender.IsActive() && noAirportDataQueued;
499 if (NextTelemetryType == ELRS_TELEMETRY_TYPE_LINK || noTlmQueued)
501 OTA_LinkStats_s * ls;
502 if (OtaIsFullRes)
504 otaPkt.full.tlm_dl.containsLinkStats = 1;
505 ls = &otaPkt.full.tlm_dl.ul_link_stats.stats;
506 // Include some advanced telemetry in the extra space
507 // Note the use of `ul_link_stats.payload` vs just `payload`
508 otaPkt.full.tlm_dl.packageIndex = TelemetrySender.GetCurrentPayload(
509 otaPkt.full.tlm_dl.ul_link_stats.payload,
510 sizeof(otaPkt.full.tlm_dl.ul_link_stats.payload));
512 else
514 otaPkt.std.tlm_dl.type = ELRS_TELEMETRY_TYPE_LINK;
515 ls = &otaPkt.std.tlm_dl.ul_link_stats.stats;
517 LinkStatsToOta(ls);
519 NextTelemetryType = ELRS_TELEMETRY_TYPE_DATA;
520 // Start the count at 1 because the next will be DATA and doing +1 before checking
521 // against Max below is for some reason 10 bytes more code
522 telemetryBurstCount = 1;
524 else
526 if (telemetryBurstCount < telemetryBurstMax)
528 telemetryBurstCount++;
530 else
532 NextTelemetryType = ELRS_TELEMETRY_TYPE_LINK;
535 if (TelemetrySender.IsActive())
537 if (OtaIsFullRes)
539 otaPkt.full.tlm_dl.packageIndex = TelemetrySender.GetCurrentPayload(
540 otaPkt.full.tlm_dl.payload,
541 sizeof(otaPkt.full.tlm_dl.payload));
543 else
545 otaPkt.std.tlm_dl.type = ELRS_TELEMETRY_TYPE_DATA;
546 otaPkt.std.tlm_dl.packageIndex = TelemetrySender.GetCurrentPayload(
547 otaPkt.std.tlm_dl.payload,
548 sizeof(otaPkt.std.tlm_dl.payload));
551 else if (firmwareOptions.is_airport)
553 OtaPackAirportData(&otaPkt, &apInputBuffer);
557 OtaGeneratePacketCrc(&otaPkt);
559 SX12XX_Radio_Number_t transmittingRadio;
560 if (config.GetForceTlmOff())
562 transmittingRadio = SX12XX_Radio_NONE;
564 else if (isDualRadio())
566 transmittingRadio = SX12XX_Radio_All;
568 else
570 transmittingRadio = Radio.GetLastSuccessfulPacketRadio();
573 #if defined(Regulatory_Domain_EU_CE_2400)
574 transmittingRadio &= ChannelIsClear(transmittingRadio); // weed out the radio(s) if channel in use
575 #endif
577 if (!geminiMode && transmittingRadio == SX12XX_Radio_All) // If the receiver is in diversity mode, only send TLM on a single radio.
579 transmittingRadio = Radio.LastPacketRSSI > Radio.LastPacketRSSI2 ? SX12XX_Radio_1 : SX12XX_Radio_2; // Pick the radio with best rf connection to the tx.
582 Radio.TXnb((uint8_t*)&otaPkt, ExpressLRS_currAirRate_Modparams->PayloadLength, transmittingRadio);
584 if (transmittingRadio == SX12XX_Radio_NONE)
586 // No packet will be sent due to LBT / Telem forced off.
587 // Defer TXdoneCallback() to prepare for TLM when the IRQ is normally triggered.
588 deferExecutionMicros(ExpressLRS_currAirRate_RFperfParams->TOA, Radio.TXdoneCallback);
591 return true;
594 int32_t ICACHE_RAM_ATTR HandleFreqCorr(bool value)
596 int32_t tempFC = FreqCorrection;
597 if (Radio.GetProcessingPacketRadio() == SX12XX_Radio_2)
599 tempFC = FreqCorrection_2;
602 if (value)
604 if (tempFC > FreqCorrectionMin)
606 tempFC--; // FREQ_STEP units
607 if (tempFC == FreqCorrectionMin)
609 DBGLN("Max -FreqCorrection reached!");
613 else
615 if (tempFC < FreqCorrectionMax)
617 tempFC++; // FREQ_STEP units
618 if (tempFC == FreqCorrectionMax)
620 DBGLN("Max +FreqCorrection reached!");
625 if (Radio.GetProcessingPacketRadio() == SX12XX_Radio_1)
627 FreqCorrection = tempFC;
629 else
631 FreqCorrection_2 = tempFC;
634 return tempFC;
637 void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR updatePhaseLock()
639 if (connectionState != disconnected && PFDloop.hasResult())
641 int32_t RawOffset = PFDloop.calcResult();
642 int32_t Offset = LPF_Offset.update(RawOffset);
643 int32_t OffsetDx = LPF_OffsetDx.update(RawOffset - PfdPrevRawOffset);
644 PfdPrevRawOffset = RawOffset;
646 if (RXtimerState == tim_locked)
648 // limit rate of freq offset adjustment, use slot 1
649 // because telemetry can fall on slot 1 and will
650 // never get here
651 if (OtaNonce % 8 == 1)
653 if (Offset > 0)
655 hwTimer::incFreqOffset();
657 else if (Offset < 0)
659 hwTimer::decFreqOffset();
664 if (connectionState != connected)
666 hwTimer::phaseShift(RawOffset >> 1);
668 else
670 hwTimer::phaseShift(Offset >> 2);
673 DBGVLN("%d:%d:%d:%d:%d", Offset, RawOffset, OffsetDx, hwTimer::getFreqOffset(), uplinkLQ);
674 UNUSED(OffsetDx); // complier warning if no debug
677 PFDloop.reset();
680 void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR HWtimerCallbackTick() // this is 180 out of phase with the other callback, occurs mid-packet reception
682 updatePhaseLock();
683 OtaNonce++;
685 // if (!alreadyTLMresp && !alreadyFHSS && !LQCalc.currentIsSet()) // packet timeout AND didn't DIDN'T just hop or send TLM
686 // {
687 // Radio.RXnb(); // put the radio cleanly back into RX in case of garbage data
688 // }
691 if (ExpressLRS_currAirRate_Modparams->numOfSends == 1)
693 // Save the LQ value before the inc() reduces it by 1
694 uplinkLQ = LQCalc.getLQ();
695 } else
696 if (!((OtaNonce - 1) % ExpressLRS_currAirRate_Modparams->numOfSends))
698 uplinkLQ = LQCalcDVDA.getLQ();
702 CRSF::LinkStatistics.uplink_Link_quality = uplinkLQ;
703 // Only advance the LQI period counter if we didn't send Telemetry this period
704 if (!alreadyTLMresp)
707 alreadyTLMresp = false;
708 alreadyFHSS = false;
711 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
712 // flip to the other antenna
713 // no-op if GPIO_PIN_ANT_CTRL not defined
714 static inline void switchAntenna()
716 if (GPIO_PIN_ANT_CTRL != UNDEF_PIN && config.GetAntennaMode() == 2)
718 // 0 and 1 is use for gpio_antenna_select
719 // 2 is diversity
720 antenna = !antenna;
721 (antenna == 0) ? LPF_UplinkRSSI0.reset() : LPF_UplinkRSSI1.reset(); // discard the outdated value after switching
722 digitalWrite(GPIO_PIN_ANT_CTRL, antenna);
725 digitalWrite(GPIO_PIN_ANT_CTRL_COMPL, !antenna);
730 static void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR updateDiversity()
735 if(config.GetAntennaMode() == 2)
737 // 0 and 1 is use for gpio_antenna_select
738 // 2 is diversity
739 static int32_t prevRSSI; // saved rssi so that we can compare if switching made things better or worse
740 static int32_t antennaLQDropTrigger;
741 static int32_t antennaRSSIDropTrigger;
742 int32_t rssi = (antenna == 0) ? LPF_UplinkRSSI0.value() : LPF_UplinkRSSI1.value();
743 int32_t otherRSSI = (antenna == 0) ? LPF_UplinkRSSI1.value() : LPF_UplinkRSSI0.value();
745 //if rssi dropped by the amount of DIVERSITY_ANTENNA_RSSI_TRIGGER
748 switchAntenna();
749 antennaLQDropTrigger = 1;
750 antennaRSSIDropTrigger = 0;
752 else if (rssi > prevRSSI || antennaRSSIDropTrigger < DIVERSITY_ANTENNA_INTERVAL)
754 prevRSSI = rssi;
755 antennaRSSIDropTrigger++;
758 // if we didn't get a packet switch the antenna
759 if (!LQCalc.currentIsSet() && antennaLQDropTrigger == 0)
761 switchAntenna();
762 antennaLQDropTrigger = 1;
763 antennaRSSIDropTrigger = 0;
765 else if (antennaLQDropTrigger >= DIVERSITY_ANTENNA_INTERVAL)
767 // We switched antenna on the previous packet, so we now have relatively fresh rssi info for both antennas.
768 // We can compare the rssi values and see if we made things better or worse when we switched
769 if (rssi < otherRSSI)
771 // things got worse when we switched, so change back.
772 switchAntenna();
773 antennaLQDropTrigger = 1;
774 antennaRSSIDropTrigger = 0;
776 else
778 // all good, we can stay on the current antenna. Clear the flag.
779 antennaLQDropTrigger = 0;
782 else if (antennaLQDropTrigger > 0)
784 antennaLQDropTrigger ++;
787 else
789 digitalWrite(GPIO_PIN_ANT_CTRL, config.GetAntennaMode());
792 digitalWrite(GPIO_PIN_ANT_CTRL_COMPL, !config.GetAntennaMode());
794 antenna = config.GetAntennaMode();
799 void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR HWtimerCallbackTock()
801 PFDloop.intEvent(micros()); // our internal osc just fired
803 if (ExpressLRS_currAirRate_Modparams->numOfSends > 1 && !(OtaNonce % ExpressLRS_currAirRate_Modparams->numOfSends))
805 if (LQCalcDVDA.currentIsSet())
807 crsfRCFrameAvailable();
808 if (teamraceHasModelMatch)
809 servoNewChannelsAvailable();
811 else
813 crsfRCFrameMissed();
816 else if (ExpressLRS_currAirRate_Modparams->numOfSends == 1)
818 if (!LQCalc.currentIsSet())
820 crsfRCFrameMissed();
824 if (!didFHSS)
826 HandleFHSS();
828 didFHSS = false;
830 Radio.isFirstRxIrq = true;
831 updateDiversity();
832 tlmSent = HandleSendTelemetryResponse();
834 #if defined(DEBUG_RX_SCOREBOARD)
835 static bool lastPacketWasTelemetry = false;
836 if (!LQCalc.currentIsSet() && !lastPacketWasTelemetry)
837 DBGW(lastPacketCrcError ? '.' : '_');
838 lastPacketCrcError = false;
839 lastPacketWasTelemetry = tlmSent;
840 #endif
843 void LostConnection(bool resumeRx)
845 DBGLN("lost conn fc=%d fo=%d", FreqCorrection, hwTimer::getFreqOffset());
847 // Use this rate as the initial rate next time if we connected on it
848 if (connectionState == connected)
849 config.SetRateInitialIdx(ExpressLRS_nextAirRateIndex);
851 RFmodeCycleMultiplier = 1;
852 connectionState = disconnected; //set lost connection
853 RXtimerState = tim_disconnected;
854 hwTimer::resetFreqOffset();
855 PfdPrevRawOffset = 0;
856 GotConnectionMillis = 0;
857 uplinkLQ = 0;
858 LQCalc.reset();
859 LQCalcDVDA.reset();
860 LPF_Offset.init(0);
861 LPF_OffsetDx.init(0);
862 alreadyTLMresp = false;
863 alreadyFHSS = false;
865 if (!InBindingMode)
867 if (hwTimer::running)
869 while(micros() - PFDloop.getIntEventTime() > 250); // time it just after the tock()
870 hwTimer::stop();
872 SetRFLinkRate(ExpressLRS_nextAirRateIndex, false); // also sets to initialFreq
873 // If not resumRx, Radio will be left in SX127x_OPMODE_STANDBY / SX1280_MODE_STDBY_XOSC
874 if (resumeRx)
876 Radio.RXnb();
881 void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR TentativeConnection(unsigned long now)
883 PFDloop.reset();
884 connectionState = tentative;
885 connectionHasModelMatch = false;
886 RXtimerState = tim_disconnected;
887 DBGLN("tentative conn");
888 PfdPrevRawOffset = 0;
889 LPF_Offset.init(0);
890 SnrMean.reset();
891 RFmodeLastCycled = now; // give another 3 sec for lock to occur
893 // The caller MUST call hwTimer::resume(). It is not done here because
894 // the timer ISR will fire immediately and preempt any other code
897 void GotConnection(unsigned long now)
899 if (connectionState == connected)
901 return; // Already connected
904 LockRFmode = firmwareOptions.lock_on_first_connection;
906 connectionState = connected; //we got a packet, therefore no lost connection
907 RXtimerState = tim_tentative;
908 GotConnectionMillis = now;
909 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP32) || defined(PLATFORM_ESP8266)
910 webserverPreventAutoStart = true;
911 #endif
913 if (firmwareOptions.is_airport)
915 apInputBuffer.flush();
916 apOutputBuffer.flush();
919 DBGLN("got conn");
922 static void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR ProcessRfPacket_RC(OTA_Packet_s const * const otaPktPtr)
924 // Must be fully connected to process RC packets, prevents processing RC
925 // during sync, where packets can be received before connection
926 if (connectionState != connected || SwitchModePending)
927 return;
929 bool telemetryConfirmValue = OtaUnpackChannelData(otaPktPtr, ChannelData, ExpressLRS_currTlmDenom);
930 TelemetrySender.ConfirmCurrentPayload(telemetryConfirmValue);
932 // No channels packets to the FC or PWM pins if no model match
933 if (connectionHasModelMatch)
935 if (ExpressLRS_currAirRate_Modparams->numOfSends == 1)
937 crsfRCFrameAvailable();
938 // teamrace is only checked for servos because the teamrace model select logic only runs
939 // when new frames are available, and will decide later if the frame will be forwarded
940 if (teamraceHasModelMatch)
941 servoNewChannelsAvailable();
943 else if (!LQCalcDVDA.currentIsSet())
945 LQCalcDVDA.add();
947 #if defined(DEBUG_RCVR_LINKSTATS)
948 debugRcvrLinkstatsPending = true;
949 #endif
953 void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR OnELRSBindMSP(uint8_t* newUid4)
955 // Binding over MSP only contains 4 bytes due to packet size limitations, clear out any leading bytes
956 UID[0] = 0;
957 UID[1] = 0;
958 for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++)
960 UID[i + 2] = newUid4[i];
963 DBGLN("New UID = %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u", UID[0], UID[1], UID[2], UID[3], UID[4], UID[5]);
965 // Set new UID in eeprom
966 // EEPROM commit will happen on the main thread in ExitBindingMode()
967 config.SetUID(UID);
970 static void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR ProcessRfPacket_MSP(OTA_Packet_s const * const otaPktPtr)
972 uint8_t packageIndex;
973 uint8_t const * payload;
974 uint8_t dataLen;
975 if (OtaIsFullRes)
977 packageIndex = otaPktPtr->full.msp_ul.packageIndex;
978 payload = otaPktPtr->full.msp_ul.payload;
979 dataLen = sizeof(otaPktPtr->full.msp_ul.payload);
980 if (config.GetSerialProtocol() == PROTOCOL_MAVLINK)
982 TelemetrySender.ConfirmCurrentPayload(otaPktPtr->full.msp_ul.tlmFlag);
984 else
989 else
991 packageIndex = otaPktPtr->std.msp_ul.packageIndex;
992 payload = otaPktPtr->std.msp_ul.payload;
993 dataLen = sizeof(otaPktPtr->std.msp_ul.payload);
994 if (config.GetSerialProtocol() == PROTOCOL_MAVLINK)
996 TelemetrySender.ConfirmCurrentPayload(otaPktPtr->std.msp_ul.tlmFlag);
998 else
1000 packageIndex &= ELRS4_TELEMETRY_MAX_PACKAGES;
1004 // Always examine MSP packets for bind information if in bind mode
1005 // [1] is the package index, first packet of the MSP
1006 if (InBindingMode && packageIndex == 1 && payload[0] == MSP_ELRS_BIND)
1008 OnELRSBindMSP((uint8_t *)&payload[1]);
1009 return;
1012 // Must be fully connected to process MSP, prevents processing MSP
1013 // during sync, where packets can be received before connection
1014 if (connectionState != connected)
1015 return;
1017 bool currentMspConfirmValue = MspReceiver.GetCurrentConfirm();
1018 MspReceiver.ReceiveData(packageIndex, payload, dataLen);
1019 if (currentMspConfirmValue != MspReceiver.GetCurrentConfirm())
1021 NextTelemetryType = ELRS_TELEMETRY_TYPE_LINK;
1025 static void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR updateSwitchModePendingFromOta(uint8_t newSwitchMode)
1027 if (OtaSwitchModeCurrent == newSwitchMode)
1029 // Cancel any switch if pending
1030 SwitchModePending = 0;
1031 return;
1034 // One is added to the mode because SwitchModePending==0 means no switch pending
1035 // and that's also a valid switch mode. The 1 is removed when this is handled.
1036 // A negative SwitchModePending means not to switch yet
1037 int8_t newSwitchModePending = -(int8_t)newSwitchMode - 1;
1039 // Switch mode can be changed while disconnected
1040 // OR there are two sync packets with the same new switch mode,
1041 // as a "confirm". No RC packets are processed until
1042 if (connectionState == disconnected ||
1043 SwitchModePending == newSwitchModePending)
1045 // Add one to the mode because SwitchModePending==0 means no switch pending
1046 // and that's also a valid switch mode. The 1 is removed when this is handled
1047 SwitchModePending = newSwitchMode + 1;
1049 else
1051 // Save the negative version of the new switch mode to compare
1052 // against on the next SYNC packet, but do not switch yet
1053 SwitchModePending = newSwitchModePending;
1057 static bool ICACHE_RAM_ATTR ProcessRfPacket_SYNC(uint32_t const now, OTA_Sync_s const * const otaSync)
1059 // Verify the first two of three bytes of the binding ID, which should always match
1060 if (otaSync->UID3 != UID[3] || otaSync->UID4 != UID[4])
1061 return false;
1063 // The third byte will be XORed with inverse of the ModelId if ModelMatch is on
1064 // Only require the first 18 bits of the UID to match to establish a connection
1065 // but the last 6 bits must modelmatch before sending any data to the FC
1066 if ((otaSync->UID5 & ~MODELMATCH_MASK) != (UID[5] & ~MODELMATCH_MASK))
1067 return false;
1069 LastSyncPacket = now;
1070 #if defined(DEBUG_RX_SCOREBOARD)
1071 DBGW('s');
1072 #endif
1074 // Will change the packet air rate in loop() if this changes
1075 ExpressLRS_nextAirRateIndex = otaSync->rateIndex;
1076 updateSwitchModePendingFromOta(otaSync->switchEncMode);
1078 // Update TLM ratio, should never be TLM_RATIO_STD/DISARMED, the TX calculates the correct value for the RX
1079 expresslrs_tlm_ratio_e TLMrateIn = (expresslrs_tlm_ratio_e)(otaSync->newTlmRatio + (uint8_t)TLM_RATIO_NO_TLM);
1080 uint8_t TlmDenom = TLMratioEnumToValue(TLMrateIn);
1081 if (ExpressLRS_currTlmDenom != TlmDenom)
1083 DBGLN("New TLMrate 1:%u", TlmDenom);
1084 ExpressLRS_currTlmDenom = TlmDenom;
1085 telemBurstValid = false;
1088 // modelId = 0xff indicates modelMatch is disabled, the XOR does nothing in that case
1089 uint8_t modelXor = (~config.GetModelId()) & MODELMATCH_MASK;
1090 bool modelMatched = otaSync->UID5 == (UID[5] ^ modelXor);
1091 DBGVLN("MM %u=%u %d", otaSync->UID5, UID[5], modelMatched);
1093 if (connectionState == disconnected
1094 || OtaNonce != otaSync->nonce
1095 || FHSSgetCurrIndex() != otaSync->fhssIndex
1096 || connectionHasModelMatch != modelMatched)
1098 //DBGLN("\r\n%ux%ux%u", OtaNonce, otaPktPtr->sync.nonce, otaPktPtr->sync.fhssIndex);
1099 FHSSsetCurrIndex(otaSync->fhssIndex);
1100 OtaNonce = otaSync->nonce;
1101 TentativeConnection(now);
1102 // connectionHasModelMatch must come after TentativeConnection, which resets it
1103 connectionHasModelMatch = modelMatched;
1104 return true;
1107 return false;
1110 bool ICACHE_RAM_ATTR ProcessRFPacket(SX12xxDriverCommon::rx_status const status)
1112 if (status != SX12xxDriverCommon::SX12XX_RX_OK)
1114 DBGVLN("HW CRC error");
1115 #if defined(DEBUG_RX_SCOREBOARD)
1116 lastPacketCrcError = true;
1117 #endif
1118 return false;
1120 uint32_t const beginProcessing = micros();
1122 OTA_Packet_s * const otaPktPtr = (OTA_Packet_s * const)Radio.RXdataBuffer;
1123 if (!OtaValidatePacketCrc(otaPktPtr))
1125 DBGVLN("CRC error");
1126 #if defined(DEBUG_RX_SCOREBOARD)
1127 lastPacketCrcError = true;
1128 #endif
1129 return false;
1132 PFDloop.extEvent(beginProcessing + PACKET_TO_TOCK_SLACK);
1134 doStartTimer = false;
1135 unsigned long now = millis();
1137 LastValidPacket = now;
1139 switch (otaPktPtr->std.type)
1141 case PACKET_TYPE_RCDATA: //Standard RC Data Packet
1142 ProcessRfPacket_RC(otaPktPtr);
1143 break;
1145 ProcessRfPacket_MSP(otaPktPtr);
1146 break;
1147 case PACKET_TYPE_SYNC: //sync packet from master
1148 doStartTimer = ProcessRfPacket_SYNC(now,
1149 OtaIsFullRes ? &otaPktPtr->full.sync.sync : &otaPktPtr->std.sync)
1150 && !InBindingMode;
1151 break;
1152 case PACKET_TYPE_TLM:
1153 if (firmwareOptions.is_airport)
1155 OtaUnpackAirportData(otaPktPtr, &apOutputBuffer);
1157 break;
1158 default:
1159 break;
1162 // Store the LQ/RSSI/Antenna
1163 Radio.GetLastPacketStats();
1164 getRFlinkInfo();
1166 if (Radio.FrequencyErrorAvailable())
1168 int32_t tempFreqCorrection = HandleFreqCorr(Radio.GetFrequencyErrorbool()); // Adjusts FreqCorrection for RX freq offset
1169 #if defined(RADIO_SX127X)
1170 // Teamp900 also needs to adjust its demood PPM
1171 Radio.SetPPMoffsetReg(tempFreqCorrection);
1172 #endif /* RADIO_SX127X */
1175 // Received a packet, that's the definition of LQ
1176 LQCalc.add();
1177 // Extend sync duration since we've received a packet at this rate
1178 // but do not extend it indefinitely
1179 RFmodeCycleMultiplier = RFmodeCycleMultiplierSlow;
1181 #if defined(DEBUG_RX_SCOREBOARD)
1182 if (otaPktPtr->std.type != PACKET_TYPE_SYNC) DBGW(connectionHasModelMatch ? 'R' : 'r');
1183 #endif
1185 return true;
1188 bool ICACHE_RAM_ATTR RXdoneISR(SX12xxDriverCommon::rx_status const status)
1190 if (LQCalc.currentIsSet() && connectionState == connected)
1192 return false; // Already received a packet, do not run ProcessRFPacket() again.
1195 if (ProcessRFPacket(status))
1197 didFHSS = HandleFHSS();
1199 if (doStartTimer)
1201 doStartTimer = false;
1202 hwTimer::resume(); // will throw an interrupt immediately
1205 return true;
1207 return false;
1210 void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR TXdoneISR()
1212 Radio.RXnb();
1213 #if defined(Regulatory_Domain_EU_CE_2400)
1214 SetClearChannelAssessmentTime();
1215 #endif
1216 #if defined(DEBUG_RX_SCOREBOARD)
1217 DBGW('T');
1218 #endif
1221 void UpdateModelMatch(uint8_t model)
1223 DBGLN("Set ModelId=%u", model);
1224 config.SetModelId(model);
1227 void SendMSPFrameToFC(uint8_t *mspData)
1229 serialIO->queueMSPFrameTransmission(mspData);
1233 * Process the assembled MSP packet in MspData[]
1235 void MspReceiveComplete()
1237 switch (MspData[0])
1239 case MSP_ELRS_SET_RX_WIFI_MODE: //0x0E
1240 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP32) || defined(PLATFORM_ESP8266)
1241 // The MSP packet needs to be ACKed so the TX doesn't
1242 // keep sending it, so defer the switch to wifi
1243 deferExecutionMillis(500, []() {
1244 setWifiUpdateMode();
1246 #endif
1247 break;
1248 case MSP_ELRS_MAVLINK_TLM: // 0xFD
1249 // raw mavlink data
1250 mavlinkOutputBuffer.atomicPushBytes(&MspData[2], MspData[1]);
1251 break;
1252 default:
1253 //handle received CRSF package
1254 crsf_ext_header_t *receivedHeader = (crsf_ext_header_t *) MspData;
1255 switch (receivedHeader->type)
1257 case CRSF_FRAMETYPE_MSP_WRITE: //encapsulated MSP payload
1258 if (MspData[7] == MSP_SET_RX_CONFIG && MspData[8] == MSP_ELRS_MODEL_ID)
1260 UpdateModelMatch(MspData[9]);
1261 break;
1263 else if (MspData[7] == MSP_SET_VTX_CONFIG)
1265 if (OPT_HAS_VTX_SPI) {
1266 vtxSPIFrequency = getFreqByIdx(MspData[8]);
1267 if (MspData[6] >= 4) // If packet has 4 bytes it also contains power idx and pitmode.
1269 vtxSPIPowerIdx = MspData[10];
1270 vtxSPIPitmode = MspData[11];
1272 devicesTriggerEvent();
1273 break;
1274 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP32)
1275 } else if (config.GetSerial1Protocol() == PROTOCOL_SERIAL1_TRAMP || config.GetSerial1Protocol() == PROTOCOL_SERIAL1_SMARTAUDIO) {
1276 serial1IO->queueMSPFrameTransmission(MspData);
1277 break;
1278 #endif
1282 default:
1283 if ((receivedHeader->dest_addr == CRSF_ADDRESS_BROADCAST || receivedHeader->dest_addr == CRSF_ADDRESS_CRSF_RECEIVER))
1285 luaParamUpdateReq(
1291 break;
1293 // No MSP data to the FC if no model match
1294 if (connectionHasModelMatch && teamraceHasModelMatch &&
1295 (receivedHeader->dest_addr == CRSF_ADDRESS_BROADCAST || receivedHeader->dest_addr == CRSF_ADDRESS_FLIGHT_CONTROLLER))
1297 serialIO->queueMSPFrameTransmission(MspData);
1301 MspReceiver.Unlock();
1304 static void setupSerial()
1306 bool sbusSerialOutput = false;
1307 bool sumdSerialOutput = false;
1308 bool mavlinkSerialOutput = false;
1310 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP8266) || defined(PLATFORM_ESP32)
1311 bool hottTlmSerial = false;
1312 #endif
1316 // For PWM receivers with no serial pins defined, only turn on the Serial port if logging is on
1317 #if defined(DEBUG_LOG) || defined(DEBUG_RCVR_LINKSTATS)
1318 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP32_S3) && !defined(ESP32_S3_USB_JTAG_ENABLED)
1319 // Requires pull-down on GPIO3. If GPIO3 has a pull-up (for JTAG) this doesn't work.
1320 USBSerial.begin(serialBaud);
1321 SerialLogger = &USBSerial;
1322 #else
1323 Serial.begin(serialBaud);
1324 SerialLogger = &Serial;
1325 #endif
1326 #else
1327 SerialLogger = new NullStream();
1328 #endif
1329 serialIO = new SerialNOOP();
1330 return;
1332 if (config.GetSerialProtocol() == PROTOCOL_CRSF || config.GetSerialProtocol() == PROTOCOL_INVERTED_CRSF)
1334 serialBaud = firmwareOptions.uart_baud;
1336 else if (config.GetSerialProtocol() == PROTOCOL_SBUS || config.GetSerialProtocol() == PROTOCOL_INVERTED_SBUS || config.GetSerialProtocol() == PROTOCOL_DJI_RS_PRO)
1338 sbusSerialOutput = true;
1339 serialBaud = 100000;
1341 else if (config.GetSerialProtocol() == PROTOCOL_SUMD)
1343 sumdSerialOutput = true;
1344 serialBaud = 115200;
1346 else if (config.GetSerialProtocol() == PROTOCOL_MAVLINK)
1348 mavlinkSerialOutput = true;
1349 serialBaud = 460800;
1351 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP8266) || defined(PLATFORM_ESP32)
1352 else if (config.GetSerialProtocol() == PROTOCOL_HOTT_TLM)
1354 hottTlmSerial = true;
1355 serialBaud = 19200;
1357 #endif
1358 bool invert = config.GetSerialProtocol() == PROTOCOL_SBUS || config.GetSerialProtocol() == PROTOCOL_INVERTED_CRSF || config.GetSerialProtocol() == PROTOCOL_DJI_RS_PRO;
1360 #ifdef PLATFORM_STM32
1361 #if defined(TARGET_R9SLIMPLUS_RX)
1363 SERIAL_PROTOCOL_RX.begin(serialBaud);
1366 #else
1368 if (invert)
1373 else
1374 #endif
1379 #endif /* TARGET_R9SLIMPLUS_RX */
1380 #if defined(TARGET_RX_GHOST_ATTO_V1)
1381 // USART1 is used for RX (half duplex)
1382 SERIAL_PROTOCOL_RX.setHalfDuplex();
1384 SERIAL_PROTOCOL_RX.begin(serialBaud);
1385 SERIAL_PROTOCOL_RX.enableHalfDuplexRx();
1387 // USART2 is used for TX (half duplex)
1388 // Note: these must be set before begin()
1389 SERIAL_PROTOCOL_TX.setHalfDuplex();
1390 SERIAL_PROTOCOL_TX.setRx((PinName)NC);
1392 #endif /* TARGET_RX_GHOST_ATTO_V1 */
1393 SERIAL_PROTOCOL_TX.begin(serialBaud, sbusSerialOutput ? SERIAL_8E2 : SERIAL_8N1);
1394 #endif /* PLATFORM_STM32 */
1395 #if defined(TARGET_RX_GHOST_ATTO_V1) || defined(TARGET_RX_FM30_MINI)
1396 if (invert)
1399 USART2->CR1 &= ~USART_CR1_UE;
1401 USART2->CR1 |= USART_CR1_UE;
1403 #endif
1405 #if defined(TARGET_RX_FM30_MINI) || defined(TARGET_DIY_900_RX_STM32)
1406 Serial.setRx(GPIO_PIN_DEBUG_RX);
1407 Serial.setTx(GPIO_PIN_DEBUG_TX);
1408 Serial.begin(serialBaud); // Same baud as CRSF for simplicity
1409 #endif
1411 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP8266)
1412 SerialConfig config = SERIAL_8N1;
1414 if(sbusSerialOutput)
1416 config = SERIAL_8E2;
1418 else if(hottTlmSerial)
1420 config = SERIAL_8N2;
1423 SerialMode mode = (sbusSerialOutput || sumdSerialOutput) ? SERIAL_TX_ONLY : SERIAL_FULL;
1424 Serial.begin(serialBaud, config, mode, -1, invert);
1425 #elif defined(PLATFORM_ESP32)
1426 uint32_t config = SERIAL_8N1;
1428 if(sbusSerialOutput)
1430 config = SERIAL_8E2;
1432 else if(hottTlmSerial)
1434 config = SERIAL_8N2;
1438 #if defined(ARDUINO_CORE_INVERT_FIX)
1439 if(invert == false)
1441 uart_set_line_inverse(0, UART_SIGNAL_INV_DISABLE);
1443 #endif
1446 Serial.begin(serialBaud, config, GPIO_PIN_RCSIGNAL_RX, GPIO_PIN_RCSIGNAL_TX, invert);
1447 #endif
1449 if (firmwareOptions.is_airport)
1451 serialIO = new SerialAirPort(SERIAL_PROTOCOL_TX, SERIAL_PROTOCOL_RX);
1453 else if (sbusSerialOutput)
1457 else if (sumdSerialOutput)
1461 else if (mavlinkSerialOutput)
1463 serialIO = new SerialMavlink(SERIAL_PROTOCOL_TX, SERIAL_PROTOCOL_RX);
1465 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP8266) || defined(PLATFORM_ESP32)
1466 else if (hottTlmSerial)
1470 #endif
1471 else
1476 #if defined(DEBUG_ENABLED)
1477 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP32_S3) || defined(PLATFORM_ESP32_C3)
1478 USBSerial.begin(460800);
1479 SerialLogger = &USBSerial;
1480 #else
1481 SerialLogger = &Serial;
1482 #endif
1483 #else
1484 SerialLogger = new NullStream();
1485 #endif
1488 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP32)
1489 static void serial1Shutdown()
1491 if(serial1IO != nullptr)
1493 Serial1.end();
1494 delete serial1IO;
1495 serial1IO = nullptr;
1499 static void setupSerial1()
1502 // init secondary serial and protocol
1504 int8_t serial1RXpin = GPIO_PIN_SERIAL1_RX;
1506 if (serial1RXpin == UNDEF_PIN)
1508 for (uint8_t ch = 0; ch < GPIO_PIN_PWM_OUTPUTS_COUNT; ch++)
1510 if (config.GetPwmChannel(ch)->val.mode == somSerial1RX)
1511 serial1RXpin = GPIO_PIN_PWM_OUTPUTS[ch];
1515 int8_t serial1TXpin = GPIO_PIN_SERIAL1_TX;
1517 if (serial1TXpin == UNDEF_PIN)
1519 for (uint8_t ch = 0; ch < GPIO_PIN_PWM_OUTPUTS_COUNT; ch++)
1521 if (config.GetPwmChannel(ch)->val.mode == somSerial1TX)
1522 serial1TXpin = GPIO_PIN_PWM_OUTPUTS[ch];
1526 switch(config.GetSerial1Protocol())
1529 break;
1531 Serial1.begin(firmwareOptions.uart_baud, SERIAL_8N1, serial1RXpin, serial1TXpin, false);
1533 break;
1535 Serial1.begin(firmwareOptions.uart_baud, SERIAL_8N1, serial1RXpin, serial1TXpin, true);
1537 break;
1540 Serial1.begin(100000, SERIAL_8E2, UNDEF_PIN, serial1TXpin, true);
1542 break;
1544 Serial1.begin(100000, SERIAL_8E2, UNDEF_PIN, serial1TXpin, false);
1546 break;
1548 Serial1.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, UNDEF_PIN, serial1TXpin, false);
1550 break;
1552 Serial1.begin(19200, SERIAL_8N2, serial1RXpin, serial1TXpin, false);
1553 serial1IO = new SerialHoTT_TLM(SERIAL1_PROTOCOL_TX, SERIAL1_PROTOCOL_RX, serial1TXpin);
1554 break;
1556 Serial1.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, UNDEF_PIN, serial1TXpin, false);
1557 serial1IO = new SerialTramp(SERIAL1_PROTOCOL_TX, SERIAL1_PROTOCOL_RX, serial1TXpin);
1558 break;
1560 Serial1.begin(4800, SERIAL_8N2, UNDEF_PIN, serial1TXpin, false);
1561 serial1IO = new SerialSmartAudio(SERIAL1_PROTOCOL_TX, SERIAL1_PROTOCOL_RX, serial1TXpin);
1562 break;
1566 void reconfigureSerial1()
1568 serial1Shutdown();
1569 setupSerial1();
1571 #else
1572 void setupSerial1() {};
1573 void reconfigureSerial1() {};
1574 #endif
1576 static void serialShutdown()
1578 SerialLogger = new NullStream();
1579 #ifdef PLATFORM_STM32
1580 #if defined(TARGET_R9SLIMPLUS_RX) || defined(TARGET_RX_GHOST_ATTO_V1)
1582 #endif
1584 #else
1585 if(serialIO != nullptr)
1587 Serial.end();
1589 #endif
1590 if(serialIO != nullptr)
1592 delete serialIO;
1593 serialIO = nullptr;
1597 void reconfigureSerial()
1599 serialShutdown();
1600 setupSerial();
1603 static void setupConfigAndPocCheck()
1605 eeprom.Begin();
1606 config.SetStorageProvider(&eeprom); // Pass pointer to the Config class for access to storage
1607 config.Load();
1609 // If bound, track number of plug/unplug cycles to go to binding mode in eeprom
1610 if (config.GetIsBound() && config.GetPowerOnCounter() < 3)
1612 config.SetPowerOnCounter(config.GetPowerOnCounter() + 1);
1613 config.Commit();
1616 // Set a deferred function to clear the power on counter if the RX has been running for more than 2s
1617 deferExecutionMillis(2000, []() {
1618 if (connectionState != connected && config.GetPowerOnCounter() != 0)
1620 config.SetPowerOnCounter(0);
1621 config.Commit();
1626 static void setupTarget()
1631 digitalWrite(GPIO_PIN_ANT_CTRL, LOW);
1635 digitalWrite(GPIO_PIN_ANT_CTRL_COMPL, HIGH);
1639 #if defined(TARGET_RX_FM30_MINI)
1641 digitalWrite(GPIO_PIN_UART1TX_INVERT, LOW);
1642 #endif
1644 setupTargetCommon();
1647 static void setupBindingFromConfig()
1649 // VolatileBind's only function is to prevent loading the stored UID into RAM
1650 // which makes the RX boot into bind mode every time
1651 if (config.GetIsBound())
1653 memcpy(UID, config.GetUID(), UID_LEN);
1656 DBGLN("UID=(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d) ModelId=%u",
1657 UID[0], UID[1], UID[2], UID[3], UID[4], UID[5], config.GetModelId());
1659 OtaUpdateCrcInitFromUid();
1662 static void setupRadio()
1664 Radio.currFreq = FHSSgetInitialFreq();
1665 #if defined(RADIO_SX127X)
1666 //Radio.currSyncWord = UID[3];
1667 #endif
1668 bool init_success = Radio.Begin(FHSSgetMinimumFreq(), FHSSgetMaximumFreq());
1669 POWERMGNT::init();
1670 if (!init_success)
1672 DBGLN("Failed to detect RF chipset!!!");
1673 connectionState = radioFailed;
1674 return;
1677 DynamicPower_UpdateRx(true);
1679 #if defined(Regulatory_Domain_EU_CE_2400)
1680 LBTEnabled = (config.GetPower() > PWR_10mW);
1681 #endif
1683 Radio.RXdoneCallback = &RXdoneISR;
1684 Radio.TXdoneCallback = &TXdoneISR;
1686 scanIndex = config.GetRateInitialIdx();
1687 SetRFLinkRate(scanIndex, false);
1688 // Start slow on the selected rate to give it the best chance
1689 // to connect before beginning rate cycling
1690 RFmodeCycleMultiplier = RFmodeCycleMultiplierSlow / 2;
1693 static void updateTelemetryBurst()
1695 if (telemBurstValid)
1696 return;
1697 telemBurstValid = true;
1699 uint16_t hz = 1000000 / ExpressLRS_currAirRate_Modparams->interval;
1700 telemetryBurstMax = TLMBurstMaxForRateRatio(hz, ExpressLRS_currTlmDenom);
1702 // Notify the sender to adjust its expected throughput
1703 TelemetrySender.UpdateTelemetryRate(hz, ExpressLRS_currTlmDenom, telemetryBurstMax);
1706 /* If not connected will rotate through the RF modes looking for sync
1707 * and blink LED
1709 static void cycleRfMode(unsigned long now)
1711 if (connectionState == connected || connectionState == wifiUpdate || InBindingMode)
1712 return;
1714 // Actually cycle the RF mode if not LOCK_ON_FIRST_CONNECTION
1715 if (LockRFmode == false && (now - RFmodeLastCycled) > (cycleInterval * RFmodeCycleMultiplier))
1717 RFmodeLastCycled = now;
1718 LastSyncPacket = now; // reset this variable
1719 SendLinkStatstoFCForcedSends = 2;
1720 SetRFLinkRate(scanIndex % RATE_MAX, false); // switch between rates
1721 LQCalc.reset100();
1722 LQCalcDVDA.reset100();
1723 // Display the current air rate to the user as an indicator something is happening
1724 scanIndex++;
1725 Radio.RXnb();
1726 DBGLN("%u", ExpressLRS_currAirRate_Modparams->interval);
1728 // Switch to FAST_SYNC if not already in it (won't be if was just connected)
1729 RFmodeCycleMultiplier = 1;
1730 } // if time to switch RF mode
1733 static void EnterBindingMode()
1735 if (InBindingMode)
1737 DBGLN("Already in binding mode");
1738 return;
1741 // Binding uses a CRCInit=0, 50Hz, and InvertIQ
1742 OtaCrcInitializer = 0;
1743 InBindingMode = true;
1744 // Any method of entering bind resets a loan
1745 // Model can be reloaned immediately by binding now
1746 config.ReturnLoan();
1747 config.Commit();
1749 // Start attempting to bind
1750 // Lock the RF rate and freq while binding
1751 SetRFLinkRate(enumRatetoIndex(RATE_BINDING), true);
1753 // If the Radio Params (including InvertIQ) parameter changed, need to restart RX to take effect
1754 Radio.RXnb();
1756 DBGLN("Entered binding mode at freq = %d", Radio.currFreq);
1757 devicesTriggerEvent();
1760 static void ExitBindingMode()
1762 if (!InBindingMode)
1764 DBGLN("Not in binding mode");
1765 return;
1768 MspReceiver.ResetState();
1770 // Prevent any new packets from coming in
1771 Radio.SetTxIdleMode();
1772 // Write the values to eeprom
1773 config.Commit();
1775 OtaUpdateCrcInitFromUid();
1776 FHSSrandomiseFHSSsequence(uidMacSeedGet());
1778 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP32) || defined(PLATFORM_ESP8266)
1779 webserverPreventAutoStart = true;
1780 #endif
1782 // Force RF cycling to start at the beginning immediately
1783 scanIndex = RATE_MAX;
1784 RFmodeLastCycled = 0;
1785 LockRFmode = false;
1786 LostConnection(false);
1788 // Do this last as LostConnection() will wait for a tock that never comes
1789 // if we're in binding mode
1790 InBindingMode = false;
1791 DBGLN("Exiting binding mode");
1792 devicesTriggerEvent();
1795 static void updateBindingMode(unsigned long now)
1797 // Exit binding mode if the config has been modified, indicating UID has been set
1798 if (InBindingMode && config.IsModified())
1800 ExitBindingMode();
1803 #if defined(RADIO_LR1121)
1804 // Change frequency domains every 500ms. This will allow single LR1121 receivers to receive bind packets from SX12XX Tx modules.
1805 else if (InBindingMode && (now - BindingRateChangeTime) > BindingRateChangeCyclePeriod)
1807 BindingRateChangeTime = now;
1808 if (ExpressLRS_currAirRate_Modparams->index == RATE_DUALBAND_BINDING)
1810 SetRFLinkRate(enumRatetoIndex(RATE_BINDING), true);
1812 else
1814 SetRFLinkRate(RATE_DUALBAND_BINDING, true);
1817 Radio.RXnb();
1819 #endif
1821 // If the power on counter is >=3, enter binding, the counter will be reset after 2s
1822 else if (!InBindingMode && config.GetPowerOnCounter() >= 3)
1824 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP32) || defined(PLATFORM_ESP8266)
1825 // Never enter wifi if forced to binding mode
1826 webserverPreventAutoStart = true;
1827 #endif
1828 DBGLN("Power on counter >=3, enter binding mode");
1829 EnterBindingMode();
1832 // If the eeprom is indicating that we're not bound, enter binding
1833 else if (!UID_IS_BOUND(UID) && !InBindingMode)
1835 DBGLN("RX has not been bound, enter binding mode");
1836 EnterBindingMode();
1839 else if (BindingModeRequest)
1841 DBGLN("Connected request to enter binding mode");
1842 BindingModeRequest = false;
1843 if (connectionState == connected)
1845 LostConnection(false);
1846 // Skip entering bind mode if on loan. This comes from an OTA request
1847 // and the model is assumed to be inaccessible, do not want the receiver
1848 // sitting in a field ready to be bound to anyone within 10km
1849 if (config.IsOnLoan())
1851 DBGLN("Model was on loan, becoming inert");
1852 config.ReturnLoan();
1853 config.Commit(); // prevents CheckConfigChangePending() re-enabling radio
1854 Radio.End();
1855 // Enter a completely invalid state for a receiver, to prevent wifi or radio enabling
1856 connectionState = noCrossfire;
1857 return;
1859 // if the InitRate config item was changed by LostConnection
1860 // save the config before entering bind, as the modified config
1861 // will immediately boot it out of bind mode
1862 config.Commit();
1864 EnterBindingMode();
1868 void EnterBindingModeSafely()
1870 // Will not enter Binding mode if in the process of a passthrough update
1871 // or currently binding
1872 if (connectionState == serialUpdate || InBindingMode)
1873 return;
1875 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP32) || defined(PLATFORM_ESP8266)
1876 // Never enter wifi mode after requesting to enter binding mode
1877 webserverPreventAutoStart = true;
1879 // If the radio and everything is shut down, better to reboot and boot to binding mode
1880 if (connectionState == wifiUpdate || connectionState == bleJoystick)
1882 // Force 3-plug binding mode
1883 config.SetPowerOnCounter(3);
1884 config.Commit();
1885 ESP.restart();
1886 // Unreachable
1888 #endif
1890 // If connected, handle that in updateBindingMode()
1891 if (connectionState == connected)
1893 BindingModeRequest = true;
1894 return;
1897 EnterBindingMode();
1900 static void checkSendLinkStatsToFc(uint32_t now)
1902 if (now - SendLinkStatstoFCintervalLastSent > SEND_LINK_STATS_TO_FC_INTERVAL)
1904 if (connectionState == disconnected)
1906 getRFlinkInfo();
1909 if ((connectionState != disconnected && connectionHasModelMatch && teamraceHasModelMatch) ||
1910 SendLinkStatstoFCForcedSends)
1912 serialIO->queueLinkStatisticsPacket();
1913 SendLinkStatstoFCintervalLastSent = now;
1914 if (SendLinkStatstoFCForcedSends)
1915 --SendLinkStatstoFCForcedSends;
1920 static void debugRcvrLinkstats()
1922 #if defined(DEBUG_RCVR_LINKSTATS)
1923 if (debugRcvrLinkstatsPending)
1925 debugRcvrLinkstatsPending = false;
1927 // Copy the data out of the ISR-updating bits ASAP
1928 // While YOLOing (const void *) away the volatile
1929 crsfLinkStatistics_t ls = *(crsfLinkStatistics_t *)((const void *)&CRSF::LinkStatistics);
1930 uint32_t packetCounter = debugRcvrLinkstatsPacketId;
1931 uint8_t fhss = debugRcvrLinkstatsFhssIdx;
1932 // actually the previous packet's offset since the update happens in tick, and this will
1933 // fire right after packet reception (a little before tock)
1934 int32_t pfd = PfdPrevRawOffset;
1936 // Use serial instead of DBG() because do not necessarily want all the debug in our logs
1937 char buf[50];
1938 snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u,%u,-%u,%u,%d,%u,%u,%d\r\n",
1939 packetCounter, ls.active_antenna,
1940 ls.active_antenna ? ls.uplink_RSSI_2 : ls.uplink_RSSI_1,
1941 ls.uplink_Link_quality, ls.uplink_SNR,
1942 ls.uplink_TX_Power, fhss, pfd);
1943 Serial.write(buf);
1945 #endif
1948 static void debugRcvrSignalStats(uint32_t now)
1950 #if defined(DEBUG_RCVR_SIGNAL_STATS)
1951 static uint32_t lastReport = 0;
1953 // log column header: cnt1, rssi1, snr1, snr1_max, telem1, fail1, cnt2, rssi2, snr2, snr2_max, telem2, fail2, or, both
1954 if(now - lastReport >= 1000 && connectionState == connected)
1956 for (int i = 0 ; i < (isDualRadio()?2:1) ; i++)
1958 DBG("%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%d\t%d\t",
1959 Radio.rxSignalStats[i].irq_count,
1960 (Radio.rxSignalStats[i].irq_count==0) ? 0 : double(Radio.rxSignalStats[i].rssi_sum)/Radio.rxSignalStats[i].irq_count,
1961 (Radio.rxSignalStats[i].irq_count==0) ? 0 : double(Radio.rxSignalStats[i].snr_sum)/Radio.rxSignalStats[i].irq_count/RADIO_SNR_SCALE,
1962 float(Radio.rxSignalStats[i].snr_max)/RADIO_SNR_SCALE,
1963 Radio.rxSignalStats[i].telem_count,
1964 Radio.rxSignalStats[i].fail_count);
1966 Radio.rxSignalStats[i].irq_count = 0;
1967 Radio.rxSignalStats[i].snr_sum = 0;
1968 Radio.rxSignalStats[i].rssi_sum = 0;
1969 Radio.rxSignalStats[i].snr_max = INT8_MIN;
1970 Radio.rxSignalStats[i].telem_count = 0;
1971 Radio.rxSignalStats[i].fail_count = 0;
1973 if (isDualRadio())
1975 DBGLN("%d\t%d", Radio.irq_count_or, Radio.irq_count_both);
1977 else
1979 DBGLN("");
1981 Radio.irq_count_or = 0;
1982 Radio.irq_count_both = 0;
1984 lastReport = now;
1986 #endif
1989 static void updateSwitchMode()
1991 // Negative value means waiting for confirm of the new switch mode while connected
1992 if (SwitchModePending <= 0)
1993 return;
1995 OtaUpdateSerializers((OtaSwitchMode_e)(SwitchModePending - 1), ExpressLRS_currAirRate_Modparams->PayloadLength);
1996 SwitchModePending = 0;
1999 static void CheckConfigChangePending()
2001 if (config.IsModified() && !InBindingMode && connectionState < NO_CONFIG_SAVE_STATES)
2003 LostConnection(false);
2004 config.Commit();
2005 devicesTriggerEvent();
2006 #if defined(Regulatory_Domain_EU_CE_2400)
2007 LBTEnabled = (config.GetPower() > PWR_10mW);
2008 #endif
2009 Radio.RXnb();
2013 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP8266)
2014 // Called from core's user_rf_pre_init() function (which is called by SDK) before setup()
2015 RF_PRE_INIT()
2017 // Set whether the chip will do RF calibration or not when power up.
2018 // I believe the Arduino core fakes this (byte 114 of phy_init_data.bin)
2019 // to be 1, but the TX power calibration can pull over 300mA which can
2020 // lock up receivers built with a underspeced LDO (such as the EP2 "SDG")
2021 // Option 2 is just VDD33 measurement
2022 #if defined(RF_CAL_MODE)
2023 system_phy_set_powerup_option(RF_CAL_MODE);
2024 #else
2025 system_phy_set_powerup_option(2);
2026 #endif
2028 #endif
2030 void resetConfigAndReboot()
2032 config.SetDefaults(true);
2033 #if defined(PLATFORM_STM32)
2034 HAL_NVIC_SystemReset();
2035 #else
2036 // Prevent WDT from rebooting too early if
2037 // all this flash write is taking too long
2038 yield();
2039 // Remove options.json and hardware.json
2040 SPIFFS.format();
2041 yield();
2042 SPIFFS.begin();
2043 options_SetTrueDefaults();
2045 ESP.restart();
2046 #endif
2049 void setup()
2051 #if defined(TARGET_UNIFIED_RX)
2052 hardwareConfigured = options_init();
2053 if (!hardwareConfigured)
2055 // In the failure case we set the logging to the null logger so nothing crashes
2056 // if it decides to log something
2057 SerialLogger = new NullStream();
2059 // Register the WiFi with the framework
2060 static device_affinity_t wifi_device[] = {
2061 {&WIFI_device, 1}
2063 devicesRegister(wifi_device, ARRAY_SIZE(wifi_device));
2064 devicesInit();
2066 connectionState = hardwareUndefined;
2068 #else
2069 hardwareConfigured = options_init();
2070 #endif
2072 if (hardwareConfigured)
2074 // default to CRSF protocol and the compiled baud rate
2075 serialBaud = firmwareOptions.uart_baud;
2077 // pre-initialise serial must be done before anything as some libs write
2078 // to the serial port and they'll block if the buffer fills
2079 #if defined(DEBUG_LOG)
2080 Serial.begin(serialBaud);
2081 SerialLogger = &Serial;
2082 #else
2083 SerialLogger = new NullStream();
2084 #endif
2086 // External EEPROM needs I2C setup so it can load config
2087 // but configurable I2C pins for PWM RX needs config loaded first
2088 #if (defined(TARGET_USE_EEPROM) && defined(USE_I2C))
2089 setupTarget();
2090 #endif
2091 // Init EEPROM and load config, checking powerup count
2092 setupConfigAndPocCheck();
2093 #if !(defined(TARGET_USE_EEPROM) && defined(USE_I2C))
2094 setupTarget();
2095 #endif
2097 #if defined(OPT_HAS_SERVO_OUTPUT)
2098 // If serial is not already defined, then see if there is serial pin configured in the PWM configuration
2101 for (int i = 0 ; i < GPIO_PIN_PWM_OUTPUTS_COUNT ; i++)
2103 eServoOutputMode pinMode = (eServoOutputMode)config.GetPwmChannel(i)->val.mode;
2104 if (pinMode == somSerial)
2106 pwmSerialDefined = true;
2107 break;
2111 #endif
2112 setupSerial();
2113 setupSerial1();
2115 devicesRegister(ui_devices, ARRAY_SIZE(ui_devices));
2116 devicesInit();
2118 setupBindingFromConfig();
2120 FHSSrandomiseFHSSsequence(uidMacSeedGet());
2122 setupRadio();
2124 if (connectionState != radioFailed)
2126 // RFnoiseFloor = MeasureNoiseFloor(); //TODO move MeasureNoiseFloor to driver libs
2127 // DBGLN("RF noise floor: %d dBm", RFnoiseFloor);
2129 MspReceiver.SetDataToReceive(MspData, ELRS_MSP_BUFFER);
2130 Radio.RXnb();
2131 hwTimer::init(HWtimerCallbackTick, HWtimerCallbackTock);
2135 #if defined(HAS_BUTTON)
2136 registerButtonFunction(ACTION_BIND, EnterBindingModeSafely);
2137 registerButtonFunction(ACTION_RESET_REBOOT, resetConfigAndReboot);
2138 #endif
2140 devicesStart();
2142 // setup() eats up some of this time, which can cause the first mode connection to fail.
2143 // Resetting the time here give the first mode a better chance of connection.
2144 RFmodeLastCycled = millis();
2147 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP32_C3)
2148 void main_loop()
2149 #else
2150 void loop()
2151 #endif
2153 unsigned long now = millis();
2155 if (MspReceiver.HasFinishedData())
2157 MspReceiveComplete();
2160 devicesUpdate(now);
2162 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP8266) || defined(PLATFORM_ESP32)
2163 // If the reboot time is set and the current time is past the reboot time then reboot.
2164 if (rebootTime != 0 && now > rebootTime) {
2165 ESP.restart();
2167 #endif
2169 CheckConfigChangePending();
2170 executeDeferredFunction(micros());
2172 // Clear the power-on-count
2173 if ((connectionState == connected || connectionState == tentative) && config.GetPowerOnCounter() != 0)
2175 config.SetPowerOnCounter(0);
2178 if (connectionState > MODE_STATES)
2180 return;
2183 if ((connectionState != disconnected) && (ExpressLRS_currAirRate_Modparams->index != ExpressLRS_nextAirRateIndex)){ // forced change
2184 DBGLN("Req air rate change %u->%u", ExpressLRS_currAirRate_Modparams->index, ExpressLRS_nextAirRateIndex);
2185 LostConnection(true);
2186 LastSyncPacket = now; // reset this variable to stop rf mode switching and add extra time
2187 RFmodeLastCycled = now; // reset this variable to stop rf mode switching and add extra time
2188 SendLinkStatstoFCintervalLastSent = 0;
2189 SendLinkStatstoFCForcedSends = 2;
2192 if (connectionState == tentative && (now - LastSyncPacket > ExpressLRS_currAirRate_RFperfParams->RxLockTimeoutMs))
2194 DBGLN("Bad sync, aborting");
2195 LostConnection(true);
2196 RFmodeLastCycled = now;
2197 LastSyncPacket = now;
2200 cycleRfMode(now);
2202 uint32_t localLastValidPacket = LastValidPacket; // Required to prevent race condition due to LastValidPacket getting updated from ISR
2203 if ((connectionState == connected) && ((int32_t)ExpressLRS_currAirRate_RFperfParams->DisconnectTimeoutMs < (int32_t)(now - localLastValidPacket))) // check if we lost conn.
2205 LostConnection(true);
2208 if ((connectionState == tentative) && (abs(LPF_OffsetDx.value()) <= 10) && (LPF_Offset.value() < 100) && (LQCalc.getLQRaw() > minLqForChaos())) //detects when we are connected
2210 GotConnection(now);
2213 checkSendLinkStatsToFc(now);
2215 if ((RXtimerState == tim_tentative) && ((now - GotConnectionMillis) > ConsiderConnGoodMillis) && (abs(LPF_OffsetDx.value()) <= 5))
2217 RXtimerState = tim_locked;
2218 DBGLN("Timer locked");
2221 uint8_t *nextPayload = 0;
2222 uint8_t nextPlayloadSize = 0;
2223 if (!TelemetrySender.IsActive() && telemetry.GetNextPayload(&nextPlayloadSize, &nextPayload))
2225 TelemetrySender.SetDataToTransmit(nextPayload, nextPlayloadSize);
2228 uint16_t count = mavlinkInputBuffer.size();
2229 if (count > 0 && !TelemetrySender.IsActive())
2231 count = std::min(count, (uint16_t)CRSF_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MAX); // Constrain to CRSF max payload size to match SS
2232 // First 2 bytes conform to crsf_header_s format
2233 mavlinkSSBuffer[0] = CRSF_ADDRESS_USB; // device_addr - used on TX to differentiate between std tlm and mavlink
2234 mavlinkSSBuffer[1] = count;
2235 // Following n bytes are just raw mavlink
2236 mavlinkInputBuffer.popBytes(mavlinkSSBuffer + CRSF_FRAME_NOT_COUNTED_BYTES, count);
2237 nextPayload = mavlinkSSBuffer;
2238 nextPlayloadSize = count + CRSF_FRAME_NOT_COUNTED_BYTES;
2239 TelemetrySender.SetDataToTransmit(nextPayload, nextPlayloadSize);
2242 updateTelemetryBurst();
2243 updateBindingMode(now);
2244 updateSwitchMode();
2245 checkGeminiMode();
2246 DynamicPower_UpdateRx(false);
2247 debugRcvrLinkstats();
2248 debugRcvrSignalStats(now);
2251 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP32_C3)
2252 [[noreturn]] void loop()
2254 // We have to do this dodgy hack because on the C3 the Arduino main loop calls
2255 // a yield function (vTaskDelay) every 2 seconds, which causes us to lose connection!
2256 extern bool loopTaskWDTEnabled;
2257 for (;;) {
2258 if (loopTaskWDTEnabled) {
2259 esp_task_wdt_reset();
2261 main_loop();
2264 #endif
2266 struct bootloader {
2267 uint32_t key;
2268 uint32_t reset_type;
2271 void reset_into_bootloader(void)
2273 SERIAL_PROTOCOL_TX.println((const char *)&target_name[4]);
2274 SERIAL_PROTOCOL_TX.flush();
2275 #if defined(PLATFORM_STM32)
2276 delay(100);
2277 DBGLN("Jumping to Bootloader...");
2278 delay(100);
2280 /** Write command for firmware update.
2282 * Bootloader checks this memory area (if newer enough) and
2283 * perpare itself for fw update. Otherwise it skips the check
2284 * and starts ELRS firmware immediately
2286 extern __IO uint32_t _bootloader_data;
2287 volatile struct bootloader * blinfo = ((struct bootloader*)&_bootloader_data) + 0;
2288 blinfo->key = 0x454c5253; // ELRS
2289 blinfo->reset_type = 0xACDC;
2291 HAL_NVIC_SystemReset();
2292 #elif defined(PLATFORM_ESP8266)
2293 delay(100);
2294 ESP.rebootIntoUartDownloadMode();
2295 #elif defined(PLATFORM_ESP32)
2296 delay(100);
2297 connectionState = serialUpdate;
2298 #endif