LR1121 FSK (#2789)
[ExpressLRS.git] / src / lib / Handset / CRSFHandset.h
4 #include "handset.h"
5 #include "crsf_protocol.h"
7 #include "HardwareSerial.h"
8 #endif
9 #include "common.h"
11 #ifdef PLATFORM_ESP32
12 #include "driver/uart.h"
13 #endif
15 class CRSFHandset final : public Handset
18 public:
19 /////Variables/////
20 void Begin() override;
21 void End() override;
23 #ifdef CRSF_TX_MODULE
24 bool IsArmed() override { return CRSF_to_BIT(ChannelData[4]); } // AUX1
25 void handleInput() override;
26 void handleOutput(int receivedBytes);
28 static HardwareSerial Port;
29 static Stream *PortSecondary; // A second UART used to mirror telemetry out on the TX, not read from
31 static uint8_t modelId; // The model ID as received from the Transmitter
32 static bool ForwardDevicePings; // true if device pings should be forwarded OTA
33 static bool elrsLUAmode;
35 static uint32_t GoodPktsCountResult; // need to latch the results
36 static uint32_t BadPktsCountResult; // need to latch the results
38 static void makeLinkStatisticsPacket(uint8_t buffer[LinkStatisticsFrameLength + 4]);
40 static void packetQueueExtended(uint8_t type, void *data, uint8_t len);
42 void setPacketInterval(int32_t PacketInterval) override;
43 void JustSentRFpacket() override;
44 void sendTelemetryToTX(uint8_t *data) override;
46 static uint8_t getModelID() { return modelId; }
48 uint8_t GetMaxPacketBytes() const override { return maxPacketBytes; }
49 static uint32_t GetCurrentBaudRate() { return UARTrequestedBaud; }
50 static bool isHalfDuplex() { return halfDuplex; }
51 int getMinPacketInterval() const override;
53 private:
54 inBuffer_U inBuffer = {};
56 /// OpenTX mixer sync ///
57 volatile uint32_t dataLastRecv = 0;
58 volatile int32_t OpenTXsyncOffset = 0;
59 volatile int32_t OpenTXsyncWindow = 0;
60 volatile int32_t OpenTXsyncWindowSize = 0;
61 uint32_t OpenTXsyncLastSent = 0;
63 /// UART Handling ///
64 uint8_t SerialInPacketPtr = 0; // index where we are reading/writing
65 bool CRSFframeActive = false; // since we get a copy of the serial data use this flag to know when to ignore it
66 static bool halfDuplex;
67 bool transmitting = false;
68 uint32_t GoodPktsCount = 0;
69 uint32_t BadPktsCount = 0;
70 uint32_t UARTwdtLastChecked = 0;
71 uint8_t maxPacketBytes = CRSF_MAX_PACKET_LEN;
72 uint8_t maxPeriodBytes = CRSF_MAX_PACKET_LEN;
74 static uint8_t UARTcurrentBaudIdx;
75 static uint32_t UARTrequestedBaud;
77 #if defined(PLATFORM_ESP32)
78 bool UARTinverted = false;
79 #endif
81 void sendSyncPacketToTX();
82 void adjustMaxPacketSize();
83 void duplex_set_RX() const;
84 void duplex_set_TX() const;
85 void RcPacketToChannelsData();
86 bool processInternalCrsfPackage(uint8_t *package);
87 bool ProcessPacket();
88 bool UARTwdt();
89 uint32_t autobaud();
90 void flush_port_input();
91 #endif
94 #endif