1 name: Tag CI libFMS with AM4 regression
11 runs-on: [self-hosted, pw-platform]
17 # Runs AM4 with intel18 on AM4_intel18
18 # - runname: AM4 build and run with intel 18
19 # runscript: python3 /home/Thomas.Robinson/pw/storage/pw_api_python/AM4_intel18StartClusters.py am4_intel18
20 # Runs AM4 using a container to build and run the model with intel 21
21 - runname: AM4 regression with intel 21 and answer check
22 runscript: python3 /home/Thomas.Robinson/pw/storage/pw_api_python/AM4_intel21StartClusters.py main
25 - name: FMS make check on paralellWorks
27 RUNNAME: ${{ matrix.runname }}
28 RUNSCRIPT: ${{ matrix.runscript }}
31 runs-on: [self-hosted, pw-platform]
33 needs: [parallelWorks]
37 # - cluster: am4_intel18
38 - cluster: am4_container
40 - name: Turn off cluster
42 CLUSTER: ${{ matrix.cluster }}
43 run: python3 /home/Thomas.Robinson/pw/storage/pw_api_python/stopClusters.py $CLUSTER