1 !***********************************************************************
2 !* GNU Lesser General Public License
4 !* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
6 !* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7 !* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8 !* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9 !* your option) any later version.
11 !* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 !* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 !* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
16 !* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17 !* License along with FMS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 !***********************************************************************
19 !> @defgroup diag_output_mod diag_output_mod
20 !> @ingroup diag_manager
21 !! @brief diag_output_mod is an integral part of
22 !! diag_manager_mod. Its function is to write axis-meta-data,
23 !! field-meta-data and field data.
24 !! @author Seth Underwood
26 !> @addtogroup diag_output_mod
28 MODULE diag_output_mod
31 use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: real128
32 use,intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_double,c_float,c_int64_t, &
33 c_int32_t,c_int16_t,c_intptr_t
34 USE mpp_domains_mod, ONLY: domain1d, domain2d, mpp_define_domains, mpp_get_pelist,&
35 & mpp_get_global_domain, mpp_get_compute_domains, null_domain1d, null_domain2d,&
36 & domainUG, null_domainUG, CENTER, EAST, NORTH, mpp_get_compute_domain,&
37 & OPERATOR(.NE.), mpp_get_layout, OPERATOR(.EQ.), mpp_get_io_domain, &
38 & mpp_get_compute_domain, mpp_get_global_domain
39 USE mpp_mod, ONLY: mpp_npes, mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, mpp_get_current_pelist
40 USE diag_axis_mod, ONLY: diag_axis_init, get_diag_axis, get_axis_length,&
41 & get_axis_global_length, get_domain1d, get_domain2d, get_axis_aux, get_tile_count,&
42 & get_domainUG, get_diag_axis_name
43 USE diag_data_mod, ONLY: pack_size, diag_fieldtype, diag_global_att_type, CMOR_MISSING_VALUE, diag_atttype, files
44 USE time_manager_mod, ONLY: get_calendar_type, valid_calendar_types
45 USE fms_mod, ONLY: error_mesg, mpp_pe, write_version_number, fms_error_handler, FATAL, note
47 USE netcdf, ONLY: NF90_INT, NF90_FLOAT, NF90_CHAR
49 use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_get_UG_io_domain
50 use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_get_UG_domain_npes
51 use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_get_UG_domain_pelist
52 use mpp_mod, only: mpp_gather
53 use mpp_mod, only: uppercase,lowercase
59 PUBLIC :: diag_output_init, write_axis_meta_data, write_field_meta_data, done_meta_data,&
60 & diag_fieldtype, get_diag_global_att, set_diag_global_att
61 PUBLIC :: diag_field_write, diag_write_time, diag_flush
62 TYPE(diag_global_att_type), SAVE :: diag_global_att
65 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: mxch = 128
66 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: mxchl = 256
67 INTEGER :: current_file_unit = -1
68 INTEGER, DIMENSION(2,2) :: max_range = RESHAPE((/ -32767, 32767, -127, 127 /),(/2,2/))
69 INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: missval = (/ -32768, -128 /)
71 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: max_axis_num = 20
72 INTEGER :: num_axis_in_file = 0
73 INTEGER, DIMENSION(max_axis_num) :: axis_in_file
74 LOGICAL, DIMENSION(max_axis_num) :: time_axis_flag, edge_axis_flag
76 LOGICAL :: module_is_initialized = .FALSE.
78 ! Include variable "version" to be written to log file.
79 character(len=*), parameter :: version = '2020.03'
82 !> @addtogroup diag_output_mod
86 !> @brief Opens the output file.
87 SUBROUTINE diag_output_init (file_name, file_title, file_unit,&
88 & domain, domainU, fileobj, fileobjU, fileobjND, fnum_domain, &
90 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: file_name !< Output file name
91 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: file_title !< Descriptive title for the file
92 INTEGER , INTENT(out) :: file_unit !< File unit number assigned to the output file.
93 !! Needed for subsuquent calls to
95 TYPE(domain2d) , INTENT(in) :: domain !< Domain associated with file, if domain decomposed
96 TYPE(domainUG) , INTENT(in) :: domainU !< The unstructure domain
97 type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t),intent(inout),target :: fileobj !< Domain decomposed fileobj
98 type(FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t),intent(inout),target :: fileobjU !< Unstructured domain fileobj
99 type(FmsNetcdfFile_t),intent(inout),target :: fileobjND !< Non domain decomposed fileobj
100 character(*),intent(out) :: fnum_domain !< String indicating the type of fileobj was used:
101 !! "2d" domain decomposed
102 !! "ug" unstrucuted domain decomposed
104 TYPE(diag_atttype), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: attributes(:) !< Array of global attributes to be written to file
106 class(FmsNetcdfFile_t), pointer :: fileob => NULL()
107 integer :: i !< For looping through number of attributes
108 TYPE(diag_global_att_type) :: gAtt
109 integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: current_pelist
110 integer :: mype !< The pe you are on
111 character(len=9) :: mype_string !< a string to store the pe
112 character(len=FMS_FILE_LEN) :: filename_tile !< Filename with the tile number included
113 !! It is needed for subregional diagnostics
115 !---- initialize mpp_io ----
116 IF ( .NOT.module_is_initialized ) THEN
117 module_is_initialized = .TRUE.
118 CALL write_version_number("DIAG_OUTPUT_MOD", version)
121 !> Checks to make sure that only domain2D or domainUG is used. If both are not null, then FATAL
122 if (domain .NE. NULL_DOMAIN2D .AND. domainU .NE. NULL_DOMAINUG)&
123 & CALL error_mesg('diag_output_init', "Domain2D and DomainUG can not be used at the same time in "//&
124 & trim(file_name), FATAL)
126 !---- open output file (return file_unit id) -----
127 IF ( domain .NE. NULL_DOMAIN2D ) THEN
128 !> Check if there is an io_domain
129 iF ( associated(mpp_get_io_domain(domain)) ) then
131 if (.not.check_if_open(fileob)) call open_check(open_file(fileobj, trim(file_name)//".nc", "overwrite", &
132 domain, is_restart=.false.))
133 fnum_domain = "2d" ! 2d domain
135 elSE !< No io domain, so every core is going to write its own file.
138 write(mype_string,'(I0.4)') mype
139 !! Add the tile number to the subregional file
140 !! This is needed for the combiner to work correctly
141 call get_mosaic_tile_file(file_name, filename_tile, .true., domain)
142 filename_tile = trim(filename_tile)//"."//trim(mype_string)
144 if (.not.check_if_open(fileob)) then
145 call open_check(open_file(fileobjND, trim(filename_tile), "overwrite", &
147 !< For regional subaxis add the NumFilesInSet attribute, which is added by fms2_io for (other)
148 !< domains with sufficient decomposition info. Note mppnccombine will work with an entry of zero.
149 call register_global_attribute(fileobjND, "NumFilesInSet", 0)
151 fnum_domain = "nd" ! no domain
152 if (file_unit < 0) file_unit = 10
156 if (.not.check_if_open(fileob)) call open_check(open_file(fileobjU, trim(file_name)//".nc", "overwrite", &
157 domainU, is_restart=.false.))
158 fnum_domain = "ug" ! unstructured grid
162 allocate(current_pelist(mpp_npes()))
163 call mpp_get_current_pelist(current_pelist)
164 if (.not.check_if_open(fileob)) then
165 call open_check(open_file(fileobjND, trim(file_name)//".nc", "overwrite", &
166 pelist=current_pelist, is_restart=.false.))
168 fnum_domain = "nd" ! no domain
169 if (file_unit < 0) file_unit = 10
170 deallocate(current_pelist)
173 !---- write global attributes ----
174 IF ( file_title(1:1) /= ' ' ) THEN
175 call register_global_attribute(fileob, 'title', TRIM(file_title), str_len=len_trim(file_title))
178 IF ( PRESENT(attributes) ) THEN
179 DO i=1, SIZE(attributes)
180 SELECT CASE (attributes(i)%type)
182 call register_global_attribute(fileob, TRIM(attributes(i)%name), attributes(i)%iatt)
185 call register_global_attribute(fileob, TRIM(attributes(i)%name), attributes(i)%fatt)
188 call register_global_attribute(fileob, TRIM(attributes(i)%name), attributes(i)%catt, &
189 & str_len=len_trim(attributes(i)%catt))
192 ! Unknown attribute type for attribute <name> to module/input_field <module_name>/<field_name>.
193 ! Contact the developers.
195 CALL error_mesg('diag_output_mod::diag_output_init', 'Unknown attribute type for global attribute "'&
196 &//TRIM(attributes(i)%name)//'" in file "'//TRIM(file_name)//'". Contact the developers.', FATAL)
200 !---- write grid type (mosaic or regular)
201 CALL get_diag_global_att(gAtt)
203 call register_global_attribute(fileob, 'grid_type', TRIM(gAtt%grid_type), str_len=len_trim(gAtt%grid_type))
205 call register_global_attribute(fileob, 'grid_tile', TRIM(gAtt%tile_name), str_len=len_trim(gAtt%tile_name))
207 END SUBROUTINE diag_output_init
209 !> @brief Write the axis meta data to file.
210 SUBROUTINE write_axis_meta_data(file_unit, axes, fileob, time_ops, time_axis_registered)
211 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: file_unit !< File unit number
212 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: axes(:) !< Array of axis ID's, including the time axis
213 class(FmsNetcdfFile_t) , intent(inout) :: fileob !< FMS2_io fileobj
214 LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: time_ops !< .TRUE. if this file contains any min, max, time_rms, or time_average
215 logical, intent(inout) , optional :: time_axis_registered !< .TRUE. if the time axis was already
216 !! written to the file
218 TYPE(domain1d) :: Domain
219 TYPE(domainUG) :: domainU
221 CHARACTER(len=mxch) :: axis_name, axis_units, axis_name_current
222 CHARACTER(len=mxchl) :: axis_long_name
223 CHARACTER(len=1) :: axis_cart_name
224 INTEGER :: axis_direction, axis_edges
225 REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: axis_data(:)
227 INTEGER :: num_attributes
228 TYPE(diag_atttype), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: attributes
229 INTEGER :: calendar, id_axis, id_time_axis
230 INTEGER :: i, j, index, num, length, edges_index
231 INTEGER :: gend !< End index of global io_domain
233 CHARACTER(len=2048) :: err_msg
234 integer :: id_axis_current
235 logical :: is_time_axis_registered
236 integer :: istart, iend
237 integer :: gstart, cstart, cend !< Start and end of global and compute domains
238 integer :: clength !< Length of compute domain
239 character(len=32) :: type_str !< Str indicating the type of the axis data
241 ! Make sure err_msg is initialized
243 IF ( PRESENT(time_ops) ) THEN
248 if (present(time_axis_registered)) then
249 is_time_axis_registered = time_axis_registered
251 is_time_axis_registered = .false.
253 !---- save the current file_unit ----
254 IF ( num_axis_in_file == 0 ) current_file_unit = file_unit
256 !---- dummy checks ----
258 ! <ERROR STATUS="FATAL">number of axes < 1 </ERROR>
259 IF ( num < 1 ) CALL error_mesg('write_axis_meta_data', 'number of axes < 1.', FATAL)
261 ! <ERROR STATUS="FATAL">writing meta data out-of-order to different files.</ERROR>
262 IF ( file_unit /= current_file_unit ) CALL error_mesg('write_axis_meta_data',&
263 & 'writing meta data out-of-order to different files.', FATAL)
265 IF (pack_size .eq. 1) then
267 ELSE IF (pack_size .eq. 2) then
271 !---- check all axes ----
272 !---- write axis meta data for new axes ----
275 index = get_axis_index ( id_axis )
277 !---- skip axes already written -----
278 IF ( index > 0 ) CYCLE
280 !---- create new axistype (then point to) -----
281 num_axis_in_file = num_axis_in_file + 1
282 axis_in_file(num_axis_in_file) = id_axis
283 edge_axis_flag(num_axis_in_file) = .FALSE.
284 length = get_axis_global_length(id_axis)
285 ALLOCATE(axis_data(length))
287 CALL get_diag_axis(id_axis, axis_name, axis_units, axis_long_name,&
288 & axis_cart_name, axis_direction, axis_edges, Domain, DomainU, axis_data,&
289 & num_attributes, attributes, domain_position=axis_pos)
291 IF ( Domain .NE. null_domain1d ) THEN
293 type is (FmsNetcdfFile_t)
294 !> If the axis is domain decomposed and the type is FmsNetcdfFile_t, this is regional diagnostic
295 !! So treat it as any other dimension
296 call mpp_get_global_domain(domain, begin=gstart, end=gend) !< Get the global indicies
297 call mpp_get_compute_domain(domain, begin=cstart, end=cend, size=clength) !< Get the compute indicies
298 iend = cend - gstart + 1 !< Get the array indicies for the axis data
299 istart = cstart - gstart + 1
300 call register_axis(fileob, axis_name, dimension_length=clength)
301 call register_field(fileob, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
303 !> For regional subaxis add the "domain_decomposition" attribute, which is added
304 !> fms2_io for (other) domains with sufficient decomposition info.
305 call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "domain_decomposition", &
306 (/gstart, gend, cstart, cend/))
307 type is (FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t)
308 !> If the axis is domain decomposed and the type is FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t,
309 !! this is a domain decomposed dimension
310 !! so register it as one
311 call register_axis(fileob, axis_name, lowercase(trim(axis_cart_name)), domain_position=axis_pos )
312 call get_global_io_domain_indices(fileob, trim(axis_name), istart, iend)
313 call register_field(fileob, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
316 ELSE IF ( DomainU .NE. null_domainUG) THEN
318 type is (FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t)
319 !> If the axis is in unstructured domain and the type is FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t,
320 !! this is an unstrucutred axis
321 !! so register it as one
322 call register_axis(fileob, axis_name )
324 call register_field(fileob, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
325 istart = lbound(axis_data,1)
326 iend = ubound(axis_data,1)
328 !> If the axis is not in a domain, register it as a normal dimension
329 call register_axis(fileob, axis_name, dimension_length=size(axis_data))
330 call register_field(fileob, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
331 istart = lbound(axis_data,1)
332 iend = ubound(axis_data,1)
333 ENDIF !! IF ( Domain .NE. null_domain1d )
335 if (length <= 0) then
336 !> @note Check if the time variable is registered. It's possible that is_time_axis_registered
337 !! is set to true if using
338 !! time-templated files because they aren't closed when done writing. An alternative
339 !! to this set up would be to put
340 !! variable_exists into the if statement with an .or. so that it gets registered.
341 is_time_axis_registered = variable_exists(fileob,trim(axis_name),.true.)
342 if (.not. is_time_axis_registered) then
343 call register_axis(fileob, trim(axis_name), unlimited )
344 call register_field(fileob, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
345 is_time_axis_registered = .true.
346 if (present(time_axis_registered)) time_axis_registered = is_time_axis_registered
347 endif !! if (.not. is_time_axis_registered)
348 endif !! if (length <= 0)
350 !> Add the attributes
351 if(trim(axis_units) .ne. "none") call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "units", &
352 & trim(axis_units), str_len=len_trim(axis_units))
353 call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "long_name", trim(axis_long_name), &
354 & str_len=len_trim(axis_long_name))
355 if(trim(axis_cart_name).ne."N") call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "axis", &
356 & trim(axis_cart_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_cart_name))
358 if (length > 0 ) then
359 !> If not a time axis, add the positive attribute and write the data
360 select case (axis_direction)
362 call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "positive", "up", str_len=len_trim("up"))
364 call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "positive", "down", str_len=len_trim("down"))
366 call write_data(fileob, axis_name, axis_data(istart:iend) )
369 !> Write additional axis attributes, from diag_axis_add_attribute calls
370 CALL write_attribute_meta(file_unit, num_attributes, attributes, err_msg, varname=axis_name, fileob=fileob)
371 IF ( LEN_TRIM(err_msg) .GT. 0 ) THEN
372 CALL error_mesg('diag_output_mod::write_axis_meta_data', TRIM(err_msg), FATAL)
375 !> Write additional attribute (calendar_type) for time axis ----
376 !> @note calendar attribute is compliant with CF convention
377 !! http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cms/eaton/netcdf/CF-current.htm#cal
378 IF ( axis_cart_name == 'T' ) THEN
379 time_axis_flag(num_axis_in_file) = .TRUE.
380 id_time_axis = num_axis_in_file
381 calendar = get_calendar_type()
384 call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "calendar_type", &
385 UPPERCASE(TRIM(valid_calendar_types(calendar))), &
386 & str_len=len_trim(valid_calendar_types(calendar)) )
387 call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "calendar", &
388 lowercase(TRIM(valid_calendar_types(calendar))), &
389 & str_len=len_trim(valid_calendar_types(calendar)) )
390 IF ( time_ops1 ) THEN
391 call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, 'bounds', TRIM(axis_name)//'_bnds', &
392 & str_len=len_trim(TRIM(axis_name)//'_bnds'))
394 call set_fileobj_time_name(fileob, axis_name)
396 time_axis_flag(num_axis_in_file) = .FALSE.
399 DEALLOCATE(axis_data)
401 !> Deallocate attributes
402 IF ( ALLOCATED(attributes) ) THEN
403 DO j=1, num_attributes
404 IF ( allocated(attributes(j)%fatt ) ) THEN
405 DEALLOCATE(attributes(j)%fatt)
407 IF ( allocated(attributes(j)%iatt ) ) THEN
408 DEALLOCATE(attributes(j)%iatt)
411 DEALLOCATE(attributes)
414 !------------- write axis containing edge information ---------------
416 ! --- this axis has no edges -----
417 IF ( axis_edges <= 0 ) CYCLE
419 ! --- was this axis edge previously defined? ---
420 id_axis_current = id_axis
421 axis_name_current = axis_name
423 edges_index = get_axis_index(id_axis)
424 IF ( edges_index > 0 ) CYCLE
426 ! ---- get data for axis edges ----
427 length = get_axis_global_length ( id_axis )
428 ALLOCATE(axis_data(length))
429 CALL get_diag_axis(id_axis, axis_name, axis_units, axis_long_name, axis_cart_name,&
430 & axis_direction, axis_edges, Domain, DomainU, axis_data)
432 ! ---- write edges attribute to original axis ----
433 call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name_current, "edges",trim(axis_name), &
434 & str_len=len_trim(axis_name))
435 ! ---- add edges index to axis list ----
436 ! ---- assume this is not a time axis ----
437 num_axis_in_file = num_axis_in_file + 1
438 axis_in_file(num_axis_in_file) = id_axis
439 edge_axis_flag(num_axis_in_file) = .TRUE.
440 time_axis_flag (num_axis_in_file) = .FALSE.
442 !> Add edges axis with fms2_io
443 if (.not.variable_exists(fileob, axis_name)) then
444 call register_axis(fileob, axis_name, size(axis_data) )
445 call register_field(fileob, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
446 if(trim(axis_units) .ne. "none") call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "units", &
447 & trim(axis_units), str_len=len_trim(axis_units))
448 call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "long_name", trim(axis_long_name), &
449 & str_len=len_trim(axis_long_name))
450 if(trim(axis_cart_name).ne."N") call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "axis", &
451 & trim(axis_cart_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_cart_name))
452 select case (axis_direction)
454 call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "positive", "up", str_len=len_trim("up"))
456 call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "positive", "down", str_len=len_trim("down"))
458 call write_data(fileob, axis_name, axis_data)
459 endif !! if (.not.variable_exists(fileob, axis_name))
461 DEALLOCATE (axis_data)
463 END SUBROUTINE write_axis_meta_data
465 !> @brief Write the field meta data to file.
466 !! @return diag_fieldtype Field
467 !! @details The meta data for the field is written to the file indicated by file_unit
468 FUNCTION write_field_meta_data ( file_unit, name, axes, units, long_name, range, pack, mval,&
469 & avg_name, time_method, standard_name, interp_method, attributes, num_attributes, &
470 & use_UGdomain, fileob) result ( Field )
471 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: file_unit !< Output file unit number
472 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: axes(:) !< Array of axis IDs
473 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !< Field name
474 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: units !< Field units
475 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: long_name !< Field's long name
476 REAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: RANGE(2) !< Valid range (min, max). If min > max, the range will be ignored
477 REAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: mval !< Missing value, must be within valid range
478 INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: pack !< Packing flag. Only valid when range specified. Valid values:
485 CHARACTER(len=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: avg_name !< Name of variable containing time averaging info
486 CHARACTER(len=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: time_method !< Name of transformation applied to the time-varying data,
487 !! i.e. "avg", "min", "max"
488 CHARACTER(len=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: standard_name !< Standard name of field
489 CHARACTER(len=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: interp_method
490 TYPE(diag_atttype), DIMENSION(:), allocatable, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: attributes
491 INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: num_attributes
492 LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: use_UGdomain
493 class(FmsNetcdfFile_t), intent(inout) :: fileob
495 logical :: is_time_bounds !< Flag indicating if the variable is time_bounds
496 CHARACTER(len=256) :: standard_name2
497 TYPE(diag_fieldtype) :: Field
498 LOGICAL :: coord_present
499 CHARACTER(len=128) :: aux_axes(SIZE(axes))
500 CHARACTER(len=160) :: coord_att
501 CHARACTER(len=1024) :: err_msg
503 character(len=128),dimension(size(axes)) :: axis_names
505 INTEGER :: i, indexx, num, ipack, np
507 INTEGER :: axis_indices(SIZE(axes))
508 logical :: use_UGdomain_local
509 !---- Initialize err_msg to bank ----
512 !---- dummy checks ----
513 coord_present = .FALSE.
514 IF( PRESENT(standard_name) ) THEN
515 standard_name2 = standard_name
517 standard_name2 = 'none'
520 use_UGdomain_local = .false.
521 if(present(use_UGdomain)) use_UGdomain_local = use_UGdomain
524 ! <ERROR STATUS="FATAL">number of axes < 1</ERROR>
525 IF ( num < 1 ) CALL error_mesg ( 'write_meta_data', 'number of axes < 1', FATAL)
526 ! <ERROR STATUS="FATAL">writing meta data out-of-order to different files</ERROR>
527 IF ( file_unit /= current_file_unit ) CALL error_mesg ( 'write_meta_data', &
528 & 'writing meta data out-of-order to different files', FATAL)
530 IF (trim(name) .eq. "time_bnds") then
531 is_time_bounds = .true.
533 is_time_bounds = .false.
536 !---- check all axes for this field ----
537 !---- set up indexing to axistypes ----
539 indexx = get_axis_index(axes(i))
540 !---- point to existing axistype -----
541 IF ( indexx > 0 ) THEN
542 axis_indices(i) = indexx
544 ! <ERROR STATUS="FATAL">axis data not written for field</ERROR>
545 CALL error_mesg ('write_field_meta_data',&
546 & 'axis data not written for field '//TRIM(name), FATAL)
549 call get_diag_axis_name(axes(i),axis_names(i))
552 ! Create coordinate attribute
553 IF ( num >= 2 .OR. (num==1 .and. use_UGdomain_local) ) THEN
556 aux_axes(i) = get_axis_aux(axes(i))
557 IF( TRIM(aux_axes(i)) /= 'none' ) THEN
558 IF(LEN_TRIM(coord_att) == 0) THEN
559 coord_att = TRIM(aux_axes(i))
561 coord_att = TRIM(coord_att)// ' '//TRIM(aux_axes(i))
563 coord_present = .TRUE.
568 !--------------------- write field meta data ---------------------------
570 !---- select packing? ----
571 !(packing option only valid with range option)
572 IF ( PRESENT(pack) ) THEN
578 !---- check range ----
582 IF ( PRESENT(range) ) THEN
583 IF ( RANGE(2) > RANGE(1) ) THEN
585 !---- set packing parameters ----
586 IF ( ipack > 2 ) THEN
588 add = 0.5*(RANGE(1)+RANGE(2))
589 scale = (RANGE(2)-RANGE(1)) / real(max_range(2,np)-max_range(1,np))
594 !---- select packing? ----
595 IF ( PRESENT(mval) ) THEN
597 Field%miss_present = .TRUE.
598 IF ( ipack > 2 ) THEN
600 Field%miss_pack = REAL(missval(np))*scale+add
601 Field%miss_pack_present = .TRUE.
603 Field%miss_pack = mval
604 Field%miss_pack_present = .FALSE.
607 Field%miss_present = .FALSE.
608 Field%miss_pack_present = .FALSE.
611 !< Save the fieldname in the diag_fieldtype, so it can be used later
612 field%fieldname = name
614 if (.not. variable_exists(fileob,name)) then
615 ! ipack Valid values:
622 call register_field(fileob,name,"double",axis_names)
623 !< Don't write the _FillValue, missing_value if the variable is
624 !time_bounds to be cf compliant
625 if (.not. is_time_bounds) then
626 IF ( Field%miss_present ) THEN
627 call register_variable_attribute(fileob,name,"_FillValue",real(Field%miss_pack,8))
628 call register_variable_attribute(fileob,name,"missing_value",real(Field%miss_pack,8))
630 call register_variable_attribute(fileob,name,"_FillValue",real(CMOR_MISSING_VALUE,8))
631 call register_variable_attribute(fileob,name,"missing_value",real(CMOR_MISSING_VALUE,8))
633 IF ( use_range ) then
634 call register_variable_attribute(fileob,name,"valid_range", real(RANGE,8))
636 endif !< if (.not. is_time_bounds)
638 call register_field(fileob,name,"float",axis_names)
639 !< Don't write the _FillValue, missing_value if the variable is
640 !time_bounds to be cf compliant
641 if (.not. is_time_bounds) then
642 IF ( Field%miss_present ) THEN
643 call register_variable_attribute(fileob,name,"_FillValue",real(Field%miss_pack,4))
644 call register_variable_attribute(fileob,name,"missing_value",real(Field%miss_pack,4))
646 call register_variable_attribute(fileob,name,"_FillValue",real(CMOR_MISSING_VALUE,4))
647 call register_variable_attribute(fileob,name,"missing_value",real(CMOR_MISSING_VALUE,4))
649 IF ( use_range ) then
650 call register_variable_attribute(fileob,name,"valid_range", real(RANGE,4))
652 endif !< if (.not. is_time_bounds)
654 CALL error_mesg('diag_output_mod::write_field_meta_data',&
655 &"Pack values must be 1 or 2. Contact the developers.", FATAL)
657 if (trim(units) .ne. "none") call register_variable_attribute(fileob,name,"units",trim(units), &
658 & str_len=len_trim(units))
659 call register_variable_attribute(fileob,name,"long_name",long_name, str_len=len_trim(long_name))
660 IF (present(time_method) ) then
661 call register_variable_attribute(fileob,name,'cell_methods','time: '//trim(time_method), &
662 & str_len=len_trim('time: '//trim(time_method)))
665 !---- write user defined attributes -----
666 IF ( PRESENT(num_attributes) ) THEN
667 IF ( PRESENT(attributes) ) THEN
668 IF ( num_attributes .GT. 0 .AND. allocated(attributes) ) THEN
669 CALL write_attribute_meta(file_unit, num_attributes, attributes, time_method, err_msg, &
670 & fileob=fileob, varname=name)
671 IF ( LEN_TRIM(err_msg) .GT. 0 ) THEN
672 CALL error_mesg('diag_output_mod::write_field_meta_data',&
673 & TRIM(err_msg)//" Contact the developers.", FATAL)
676 ! Catch some bad cases
677 IF ( num_attributes .GT. 0 .AND. .NOT.allocated(attributes) ) THEN
678 CALL error_mesg('diag_output_mod::write_field_meta_data',&
679 & 'num_attributes > 0 but attributes is not allocated for attribute '&
680 &//TRIM(attributes(i)%name)//' for field '//TRIM(name)//'. Contact the developers.', FATAL)
681 ELSE IF ( num_attributes .EQ. 0 .AND. allocated(attributes) ) THEN
682 CALL error_mesg('diag_output_mod::write_field_meta_data',&
683 & 'num_attributes == 0 but attributes is allocated for attribute '&
684 &//TRIM(attributes(i)%name)//' for field '//TRIM(name)//'. Contact the developers.', FATAL)
688 ! More edge error cases
689 CALL error_mesg('diag_output_mod::write_field_meta_data',&
690 & 'num_attributes present but attributes missing for attribute '&
691 &//TRIM(attributes(i)%name)//' for field '//TRIM(name)//'. Contact the developers.', FATAL)
693 ELSE IF ( PRESENT(attributes) ) THEN
694 CALL error_mesg('diag_output_mod::write_field_meta_data',&
695 & 'attributes present but num_attributes missing for attribute '&
696 &//TRIM(attributes(i)%name)//' for field '//TRIM(name)//'. Contact the developers.', FATAL)
699 !---- write additional attribute for time averaging -----
700 IF ( PRESENT(avg_name) ) THEN
701 IF ( avg_name(1:1) /= ' ' ) THEN
702 call register_variable_attribute(fileob,name,'time_avg_info',&
703 & trim(avg_name)//'_T1,'//trim(avg_name)//'_T2,'//trim(avg_name)//'_DT', &
704 & str_len=len_trim(trim(avg_name)//'_T1,'//trim(avg_name)//'_T2,'//trim(avg_name)//'_DT'))
708 ! write coordinates attribute for CF compliance
709 IF ( coord_present ) then
710 call register_variable_attribute(fileob,name,'coordinates',TRIM(coord_att), str_len=len_trim(coord_att))
712 IF ( TRIM(standard_name2) /= 'none' ) then
713 call register_variable_attribute(fileob,name,'standard_name',TRIM(standard_name2), &
714 & str_len=len_trim(standard_name2))
716 !---- write attribute for interp_method ----
717 IF( PRESENT(interp_method) ) THEN
718 call register_variable_attribute(fileob,name,'interp_method', TRIM(interp_method), &
719 & str_len=len_trim(interp_method))
722 !---- get axis domain ----
723 Field%Domain = get_domain2d ( axes )
724 Field%tile_count = get_tile_count ( axes )
725 Field%DomainU = get_domainUG ( axes(1) )
727 END FUNCTION write_field_meta_data
729 !> \brief Write out attribute meta data to file
731 !! Write out the attribute meta data to file, for field and axes
732 SUBROUTINE write_attribute_meta(file_unit, num_attributes, attributes, time_method, err_msg, varname, fileob)
733 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: file_unit !< File unit number
734 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: num_attributes !< Number of attributes to write
735 TYPE(diag_atttype), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: attributes !< Array of attributes
736 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: time_method !< To include in cell_methods attribute if present
737 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(out), OPTIONAL :: err_msg !< Return error message
738 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: varname !< The name of the variable
739 class(FmsNetcdfFile_t), intent(inout) :: fileob !< FMS2_io fileobj
741 INTEGER :: i, att_len
742 CHARACTER(len=1280) :: att_str
744 ! Clear err_msg if present
745 IF ( PRESENT(err_msg) ) err_msg = ''
747 DO i = 1, num_attributes
748 SELECT CASE (attributes(i)%type)
750 IF ( .NOT.allocated(attributes(i)%iatt) ) THEN
751 IF ( fms_error_handler('diag_output_mod::write_attribute_meta',&
752 & 'Integer attribute type indicated, but array not allocated for attribute '&
753 &//TRIM(attributes(i)%name)//'.', err_msg) ) THEN
757 if (present(varname))call register_variable_attribute(fileob, varname,TRIM(attributes(i)%name), &
758 & attributes(i)%iatt)
760 IF ( .NOT.allocated(attributes(i)%fatt) ) THEN
761 IF ( fms_error_handler('diag_output_mod::write_attribute_meta',&
762 & 'Real attribute type indicated, but array not allocated for attribute '&
763 &//TRIM(attributes(i)%name)//'.', err_msg) ) THEN
767 if (present(varname))call register_variable_attribute(fileob, varname,TRIM(attributes(i)%name), &
768 & real(attributes(i)%fatt,4) )
770 att_str = attributes(i)%catt
771 att_len = attributes(i)%len
772 IF ( TRIM(attributes(i)%name).EQ.'cell_methods' .AND. PRESENT(time_method) ) THEN
773 ! Append ",time: time_method" if time_method present
774 att_str = attributes(i)%catt(1:attributes(i)%len)//' time: '//time_method
775 att_len = LEN_TRIM(att_str)
777 if (present(varname))&
778 call register_variable_attribute(fileob, varname,TRIM(attributes(i)%name) , att_str(1:att_len), &
782 IF ( fms_error_handler('diag_output_mod::write_attribute_meta', 'Invalid type for attribute '&
783 &//TRIM(attributes(i)%name)//'.', err_msg) ) THEN
788 END SUBROUTINE write_attribute_meta
790 !> @brief Writes axis data to file.
791 !! @details Writes axis data to file. This subroutine is to be called once per file
792 !! after all <TT>write_meta_data</TT> calls, and before the first
793 !! <TT>diag_field_out</TT> call.
794 SUBROUTINE done_meta_data(file_unit)
795 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: file_unit !< Output file unit number
797 !---- write data for all non-time axes ----
799 END SUBROUTINE done_meta_data
801 !> \brief Writes diagnostic data out using fms2_io routine.
802 subroutine diag_field_write (varname, buffer, static, file_num, fileobjU, fileobj, fileobjND, &
803 & fnum_for_domain, time_in)
804 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: varname !< Variable name
805 REAL , INTENT(inout) :: buffer(:,:,:,:) !< Buffer containing the variable data
806 logical, intent(in) :: static !< Flag indicating if a variable is static
807 integer, intent(in) :: file_num !< Index in the fileobj* types array
808 type(FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t), intent(inout) :: fileobjU(:) !< Array of non domain decomposed fileobj
809 type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t), intent(inout) :: fileobj(:) !< Array of domain decomposed fileobj
810 type(FmsNetcdfFile_t), intent(inout) :: fileobjND(:) !< Array of unstructured domain fileobj
811 character(len=2), intent(in) :: fnum_for_domain !< String indicating the type of domain
812 !! "2d" domain decomposed
813 !! "ug" unstructured domain decomposed
815 INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: time_in !< Time index
817 integer :: time !< Time index
818 real,allocatable :: local_buffer(:,:,:,:) !< Buffer containing the data will be sent to fms2io
820 !> Set up the time. Static field and default time is 0
823 elseif (present(time_in)) then
829 if (size(buffer,3) .eq. 1 .and. size(buffer,2) .eq. 1) then
830 !> If the variable is 1D, switch the buffer so that n_diurnal_samples is
831 !! the second dimension (nx, n_diurnal_samples, 1, 1)
832 allocate(local_buffer(size(buffer,1),size(buffer,4),size(buffer,2),size(buffer,3)))
833 local_buffer(:,:,1,1) = buffer(:,1,1,:)
834 else if (size(buffer,3) .eq. 1) then
835 !> If the variable is 2D, switch the n_diurnal_samples and nz dimension, so local_buffer has
836 !! dimension (nx, ny, n_diurnal_samples, 1).
837 allocate(local_buffer(size(buffer,1),size(buffer,2),size(buffer,4),size(buffer,3)))
838 local_buffer(:,:,:,1) = buffer(:,:,1,:)
840 allocate(local_buffer(size(buffer,1),size(buffer,2),size(buffer,3),size(buffer,4)))
841 local_buffer = buffer(:,:,:,:)
844 !> Figure out which file object to write output to
845 if (fnum_for_domain == "2d" ) then
846 if (check_if_open(fileobj(file_num))) then
847 call write_data (fileobj (file_num), trim(varname), local_buffer, unlim_dim_level=time )
849 elseif (fnum_for_domain == "nd") then
850 if (check_if_open(fileobjND (file_num)) ) then
851 call write_data (fileobjND (file_num), trim(varname), local_buffer, unlim_dim_level=time)
853 elseif (fnum_for_domain == "ug") then
854 if (check_if_open(fileobjU(file_num))) then
855 call write_data (fileobjU(file_num), trim(varname), local_buffer, unlim_dim_level=time)
858 call error_mesg("diag_field_write","fnum_for_domain must be '2d', 'nd', or 'ug'",fatal)
861 deallocate(local_buffer)
862 end subroutine diag_field_write
864 !> \brief Writes the time data to the history file
865 subroutine diag_write_time (fileob,rtime_value,time_index,time_name)
866 class(FmsNetcdfFile_t), intent(inout) :: fileob !< fms2_io file object
867 real, intent(in) :: rtime_value !< The value of time to be written
868 integer, intent(in) :: time_index !< The index of the time variable
869 character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: time_name !< The name of the time variable
870 character(len=:),allocatable :: name_time !< The name of the time variable
872 !> Get the name of the time variable
873 if (present(time_name)) then
874 allocate(character(len=len(time_name)) :: name_time)
875 name_time = time_name
877 allocate(character(len=4) :: name_time)
880 !> Write the time data
881 call write_data (fileob, trim(name_time), rtime_value, unlim_dim_level=time_index)
883 if (allocated(name_time)) deallocate(name_time)
884 end subroutine diag_write_time
886 !> @brief Return the axis index number.
887 !! @return Integer index
888 FUNCTION get_axis_index(num) RESULT ( index )
889 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: num
894 !---- get the array index for this axis type ----
895 !---- set up pointers to axistypes ----
896 !---- write axis meta data for new axes ----
898 DO i = 1, num_axis_in_file
899 IF ( num == axis_in_file(i) ) THEN
904 END FUNCTION get_axis_index
906 !> @brief Return the global attribute type.
907 SUBROUTINE get_diag_global_att(gAtt)
908 TYPE(diag_global_att_type), INTENT(out) :: gAtt
911 END SUBROUTINE get_diag_global_att
913 !> @brief Set the global attribute type.
914 SUBROUTINE set_diag_global_att(component, gridType, tileName)
915 CHARACTER(len=*),INTENT(in) :: component, gridType, tileName
917 ! The following two lines are set to remove compile time warnings
918 ! about 'only used once'.
919 CHARACTER(len=64) :: component_tmp
920 component_tmp = component
921 ! Don't know how to set these for specific component
922 ! Want to be able to say
923 ! if(output_file has component) then
924 diag_global_att%grid_type = gridType
925 diag_global_att%tile_name = tileName
927 END SUBROUTINE set_diag_global_att
929 !> @brief Flushes the file into disk
930 subroutine diag_flush(file_num, fileobjU, fileobj, fileobjND, fnum_for_domain)
931 integer, intent(in) :: file_num !< Index in the fileobj* types array
932 type(FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t),intent(inout) :: fileobjU(:) !< Array of non domain decomposed fileobj
933 type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t), intent(inout) :: fileobj(:) !< Array of domain decomposed fileobj
934 type(FmsNetcdfFile_t), intent(inout) :: fileobjND(:) !< Array of unstructured domain fileobj
935 character(len=2), intent(in) :: fnum_for_domain !< String indicating the type of domain
936 !! "2d" domain decomposed
937 !! "ug" unstructured domain decomposed
939 if (fnum_for_domain == "2d" ) then
940 call flush_file (fileobj (file_num))
941 elseif (fnum_for_domain == "nd") then
942 call flush_file (fileobjND (file_num))
943 elseif (fnum_for_domain == "ug") then
944 call flush_file (fileobjU(file_num))
946 call error_mesg("diag_field_write","No file object is associated with this file number",fatal)
948 end subroutine diag_flush
949 END MODULE diag_output_mod
951 ! close documentation grouping