1 !***********************************************************************
2 !* GNU Lesser General Public License
4 !* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
6 !* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7 !* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8 !* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9 !* your option) any later version.
11 !* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 !* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 !* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
16 !* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17 !* License along with FMS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 !***********************************************************************
19 !> @defgroup interpolator_mod interpolator_mod
20 !> @ingroup interpolator
21 !> @brief A module to interpolate climatology data to model the grid.
22 !> @author William Cooke <William.Cooke@noaa.gov>
24 module interpolator_mod
26 use mpp_mod, only : mpp_error, &
35 use mpp_domains_mod, only : mpp_domains_init, &
41 mpp_get_compute_domain
42 use diag_manager_mod, only : diag_manager_init, get_base_time, &
43 register_diag_field, send_data, &
45 use fms_mod, only : lowercase, write_version_number, &
47 mpp_root_pe, stdlog, &
49 use fms2_io_mod, only : FmsNetcdfFile_t, fms2_io_file_exist => file_exists, dimension_exists, &
50 open_file, fms2_io_read_data=>read_data, &
51 variable_exists, get_variable_num_dimensions, &
52 get_num_variables, get_dimension_size, &
53 get_variable_units, get_variable_names, &
54 get_time_calendar, close_file, &
55 get_variable_dimension_names, get_variable_sense
57 use horiz_interp_mod, only : horiz_interp_type, &
63 use time_manager_mod, only : time_type, &
72 get_date_julian, set_date_no_leap, &
73 set_date_julian, get_date_no_leap, &
82 use time_interp_mod, only : time_interp, YEAR
83 use constants_mod, only : grav, PI, SECONDS_PER_DAY
84 use platform_mod, only : r4_kind, r8_kind, r16_kind, FMS_PATH_LEN, FMS_FILE_LEN
86 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
91 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
92 !------- interfaces --------
94 public interpolator_init, &
96 interpolate_type_eq, &
97 obtain_interpolator_time_slices, &
98 unset_interpolator_time_flag, &
104 !> Interpolates a field to a model grid
108 !! call interpolator (sulfate, model_time, p_half, model_data, name, is, js, clim_units)
109 !! call interpolator (o3, model_time, p_half, model_data, "ozone", is, js)
112 !! The first option is used to generate sulfate models.
114 !! The sulfate data is set by
116 !! type(interpolate_type), intent(inout) :: sulfate
118 !! The name of the model is set by
120 !! character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
122 !! The units used in this model are outputted to
124 !! character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: clim_units
127 !! The second option is generate ozone models.
129 !! The ozone data is set by
131 !! type(interpolate_type), intent(inout) :: o3
134 !! Both of these options use the following variables in the model.
136 !! The time used in the model is set by
139 !! type(time_type), intent(in) :: model_time
141 !! The model pressure field is set by
143 !! real, intent(in), dimension(:,:,:) :: p_half
146 !! @param [inout] <clim_type> The interpolate type previously defined by a call to interpolator_init
147 !! @param [in] <field_name> The name of a field that you wish to interpolate
148 !! @param [in] <Time> The model time that you wish to interpolate to
149 !! @param [in] <phalf> The half level model pressure field
150 !! @param [in] <is> Index for the physics window
151 !! @param [in] <js> Index for the physics window
152 !! @param [out] <interp_data> The model fields with the interpolated climatology data
153 !! @param [out] <clim_units> The units of field_name
154 !> @ingroup interpolator_mod
155 interface interpolator
156 module procedure interpolator_4D_r4, interpolator_4D_r8
157 module procedure interpolator_3D_r4, interpolator_3D_r8
158 module procedure interpolator_2D_r4, interpolator_2D_r8
159 module procedure interpolator_4D_no_time_axis_r4, interpolator_4D_no_time_axis_r8
160 module procedure interpolator_3D_no_time_axis_r4, interpolator_3D_no_time_axis_r8
161 module procedure interpolator_2D_no_time_axis_r4, interpolator_2D_no_time_axis_r8
162 end interface interpolator
164 !> Private assignment override interface for interpolate type
165 !> @ingroup interpolator_mod
166 interface assignment(=)
167 module procedure interpolate_type_eq
170 interface interpolator_init
171 module procedure interpolator_init_r4
172 module procedure interpolator_init_r8
173 end interface interpolator_init
175 interface fms2io_interpolator_init
176 module procedure fms2io_interpolator_init_r4
177 module procedure fms2io_interpolator_init_r8
178 end interface fms2io_interpolator_init
180 interface get_axis_latlon_data
181 module procedure get_axis_latlon_data_r4
182 module procedure get_axis_latlon_data_r8
183 end interface get_axis_latlon_data
185 interface get_axis_level_data
186 module procedure get_axis_level_data_r4
187 module procedure get_axis_level_data_r8
188 end interface get_axis_level_data
190 interface cell_center2
191 module procedure cell_center2_r4
192 module procedure cell_center2_r8
193 end interface cell_center2
195 interface cart_to_latlon
196 module procedure cart_to_latlon_r4
197 module procedure cart_to_latlon_r8
198 end interface cart_to_latlon
201 module procedure latlon2xyz_r4
202 module procedure latlon2xyz_r8
203 end interface latlon2xyz
205 interface diag_read_data
206 module procedure diag_read_data_r4
207 module procedure diag_read_data_r8
208 end interface diag_read_data
211 module procedure read_data_r4
212 module procedure read_data_r8
213 end interface read_data
215 interface read_data_no_time_axis
216 module procedure read_data_no_time_axis_r4
217 module procedure read_data_no_time_axis_r8
218 end interface read_data_no_time_axis
220 interface interp_linear
221 module procedure interp_linear_r4
222 module procedure interp_linear_r8
223 end interface interp_linear
225 !> Private interface for weighted scalar interpolation
229 !! call interp_weighted_scalar (pclim, phalf(ilon,j,:),hinterp_data(ilon,j,:,:),interp_data(ilon,j,:,:))
230 !! call interp_weighted_scalar (pclim, phalf(ilon,j,:),hinterp_data(ilon,j,:),interp_data(ilon,j,:))
233 !! @param [in] <grdin> Input grid
234 !! @param [in] <grdout> Output grid
235 !! @param [in] <datin> Input data
236 !! @param [out] <datout> Output data
237 !> @ingroup interpolator_mod
238 interface interp_weighted_scalar
239 module procedure interp_weighted_scalar_1D_r4, interp_weighted_scalar_1D_r8
240 module procedure interp_weighted_scalar_2D_r4, interp_weighted_scalar_2d_r8
241 end interface interp_weighted_scalar
243 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
244 !----------- version number for this module --------------------------
246 ! Include variable "version" to be written to log file.
247 #include<file_version.h>
249 !> Redundant climatology data between fields
250 !> @ingroup interpolate_type
252 type, private :: interpolate_r4_type
253 logical :: is_allocated = .false.
254 real(r4_kind), allocatable :: lat(:) !< No description
255 real(r4_kind), allocatable :: lon(:) !< No description
256 real(r4_kind), allocatable :: latb(:) !< No description
257 real(r4_kind), allocatable :: lonb(:) !< No description
258 real(r4_kind), allocatable :: levs(:) !< No description
259 real(r4_kind), allocatable :: halflevs(:) !< No description
260 real(r4_kind), allocatable :: data5d(:,:,:,:,:) !< (nlatmod,nlonmod,nlevclim,size(time_init,2),nfields)
261 real(r4_kind), allocatable :: pmon_pyear(:,:,:,:) !< No description
262 real(r4_kind), allocatable :: pmon_nyear(:,:,:,:) !< No description
263 real(r4_kind), allocatable :: nmon_nyear(:,:,:,:) !< No description
264 real(r4_kind), allocatable :: nmon_pyear(:,:,:,:) !< No description
265 real(r4_kind) :: tweight !< No description
266 real(r4_kind) :: tweight1 !< The time weight between the climatology years
267 real(r4_kind) :: tweight2 !< No description
268 real(r4_kind) :: tweight3 !< The time weight between the month
269 end type interpolate_r4_type
271 type, private :: interpolate_r8_type
272 logical :: is_allocated = .false.
273 real(r8_kind), allocatable :: lat(:) !< No description
274 real(r8_kind), allocatable :: lon(:) !< No description
275 real(r8_kind), allocatable :: latb(:) !< No description
276 real(r8_kind), allocatable :: lonb(:) !< No description
277 real(r8_kind), allocatable :: levs(:) !< No description
278 real(r8_kind), allocatable :: halflevs(:) !< No description
279 real(r8_kind), allocatable :: data5d(:,:,:,:,:) !< (nlatmod,nlonmod,nlevclim,size(time_init,2),nfields)
280 real(r8_kind), allocatable :: pmon_pyear(:,:,:,:) !< No description
281 real(r8_kind), allocatable :: pmon_nyear(:,:,:,:) !< No description
282 real(r8_kind), allocatable :: nmon_nyear(:,:,:,:) !< No description
283 real(r8_kind), allocatable :: nmon_pyear(:,:,:,:) !< No description
284 real(r8_kind) :: tweight !< No description
285 real(r8_kind) :: tweight1 !< The time weight between the climatology years
286 real(r8_kind) :: tweight2 !< No description
287 real(r8_kind) :: tweight3 !< The time weight between the month
288 end type interpolate_r8_type
290 type, public :: interpolate_type
292 !Redundant data between fields
293 !All climatology data
294 type(interpolate_r4_type) :: r4_type
295 type(interpolate_r8_type) :: r8_type
296 type(horiz_interp_type) :: interph !< No description
297 type(time_type), allocatable :: time_slice(:) !< An array of the times within the climatology.
298 type(FmsNetcdfFile_t) :: fileobj ! object that stores opened file information
299 character(len=FMS_PATH_LEN) :: file_name !< Climatology filename
300 integer :: TIME_FLAG !< Linear or seaonal interpolation?
301 integer :: level_type !< Pressure or Sigma level
302 integer :: is,ie,js,je !< No description
303 integer :: vertical_indices !< direction of vertical
305 logical :: climatological_year !< Is data for year = 0000?
307 !Field specific data for nfields
308 character(len=64), allocatable :: field_name(:) !< name of this field
309 logical, allocatable :: has_level(:) !< indicate if the variable has level dimension
310 integer, allocatable :: time_init(:,:) !< second index is the number of time_slices being
312 integer, allocatable :: mr(:) !< Flag for conversion of climatology to mixing ratio.
313 integer, allocatable :: out_of_bounds(:) !< Flag for when surface pressure is out of bounds.
315 integer, allocatable :: vert_interp(:) !< Flag for type of vertical interpolation.
317 !integer :: indexm, indexp, climatology
318 integer,dimension(:), allocatable :: indexm !< No description
319 integer,dimension(:), allocatable :: indexp !< No description
320 integer,dimension(:), allocatable :: climatology !< No description
322 type(time_type), allocatable :: clim_times(:,:) !< No description
323 logical :: separate_time_vary_calc !< No description
324 integer :: itaum !< No description
325 integer :: itaup !< No description
327 end type interpolate_type
329 !> @addtogroup interpolator_mod
332 logical :: module_is_initialized = .false.
333 logical :: clim_diag_initialized = .false.
335 integer :: ndim !< No description
336 integer :: nvar !< No description
337 integer :: ntime !< No description
338 integer :: nlat !< No description
339 integer :: nlatb !< No description
340 integer :: nlon !< No description
341 integer :: nlonb !< No description
342 integer :: nlev !< No description
343 integer :: nlevh !< No description
344 integer :: len, ntime_in, num_fields !< No description
346 ! pletzer real, allocatable :: time_in(:)
347 ! sjs real, allocatable :: climdata(:,:,:), climdata2(:,:,:)
349 character(len=64) :: units !< No description
350 integer :: sense !< No description
352 integer, parameter :: max_diag_fields = 30 !< No description
354 ! flags to indicate direction of vertical axis in data file
355 integer, parameter :: INCREASING_DOWNWARD = 1, INCREASING_UPWARD = -1 !< Flags to indicate direction
356 !! of vertical axis in data file
358 ! Flags to indicate whether the time interpolation should be linear or some other scheme for seasonal data.
359 ! NOTIME indicates that data file has no time axis.
360 integer, parameter :: LINEAR = 1, SEASONAL = 2, BILINEAR = 3, NOTIME = 4 !< Flags to indicate whether the time
361 !! interpolation should be linear or some
362 !! other scheme for seasonal data.
364 !! that data file has no time axis.
366 ! Flags to indicate where climatology pressure levels are pressure or sigma levels
367 integer, parameter :: PRESSURE = 1, SIGMA = 2 !< Flags to indicate where climatology pressure
368 !! levels are pressure or sigma levels
370 ! Flags to indicate whether the climatology units are mixing ratio (kg/kg) or column integral (kg/m2).
371 ! Vertical interpolation scheme requires mixing ratio at this time.
372 integer, parameter :: NO_CONV = 1, KG_M2 = 2 !< Flags to indicate whether the climatology units
373 !! are mixing ratio (kg/kg) or column integral (kg/m2).
374 !! Vertical interpolation scheme requires mixing ratio at
377 ! Flags to indicate what to do when the model surface pressure exceeds the climatology surface pressure level.
378 integer, parameter, public :: CONSTANT = 1, ZERO = 2 !< Flags to indicate what to do when the model surface
379 !! pressure exceeds the climatology surface pressure level.
381 ! Flags to indicate the type of vertical interpolation
382 integer, parameter, public :: INTERP_WEIGHTED_P = 10, INTERP_LINEAR_P = 20, INTERP_LOG_P = 30 !< Flags to indicate
383 !! the type of vertical interpolation
386 real(r8_kind), parameter :: TPI = (2.0_r8_kind*PI) ! 4.*acos(0.)
387 real(r8_kind), parameter :: DTR = TPI/360._r8_kind
391 integer :: num_clim_diag = 0 !< No description
392 character(len=64) :: climo_diag_name(max_diag_fields) !< No description
393 integer :: climo_diag_id(max_diag_fields), hinterp_id(max_diag_fields) !< No description
394 real(r8_kind) :: missing_value = -1.e10_r8_kind !< No description
395 ! sjs integer :: itaum, itaup
398 ! Higher precision (kind=16) for grid geometrical factors:
399 integer, parameter:: f_p = r16_kind !< Higher precision (kind=16) for grid geometrical factors
401 ! 64-bit precision (kind=8)
402 integer, parameter:: f_p = r8_kind !< 64-bit precision (kind=8)
405 logical :: read_all_on_init = .false. !< No description
406 integer :: verbose = 0 !< No description
407 logical :: conservative_interp = .true. !< No description
408 logical :: retain_cm3_bug = .false. !< No description
409 logical :: use_mpp_io = .false. !< Set to true to use mpp_io, otherwise fms2io is used
411 namelist /interpolator_nml/ &
412 read_all_on_init, verbose, conservative_interp, retain_cm3_bug, use_mpp_io
416 !> @brief Assignment overload routine for interpolate_type, to be used
417 !! through the assignment interface
418 subroutine interpolate_type_eq (Out, In)
420 type(interpolate_type), intent(in) :: In
421 type(interpolate_type), intent(inout) :: Out
423 if(In%r4_type%is_allocated) then
424 if (allocated(In%r4_type%lat)) Out%r4_type%lat = In%r4_type%lat
425 if (allocated(In%r4_type%lon)) Out%r4_type%lon = In%r4_type%lon
426 if (allocated(In%r4_type%latb)) Out%r4_type%latb = In%r4_type%latb
427 if (allocated(In%r4_type%lonb)) Out%r4_type%lonb = In%r4_type%lonb
428 if (allocated(In%r4_type%levs)) Out%r4_type%levs = In%r4_type%levs
429 if (allocated(In%r4_type%halflevs)) Out%r4_type%halflevs = In%r4_type%halflevs
430 else if(In%r8_type%is_allocated) then
431 if (allocated(In%r8_type%lat)) Out%r8_type%lat = In%r8_type%lat
432 if (allocated(In%r8_type%lon)) Out%r8_type%lon = In%r8_type%lon
433 if (allocated(In%r8_type%latb)) Out%r8_type%latb = In%r8_type%latb
434 if (allocated(In%r8_type%lonb)) Out%r8_type%lonb = In%r8_type%lonb
435 if (allocated(In%r8_type%levs)) Out%r8_type%levs = In%r8_type%levs
436 if (allocated(In%r8_type%halflevs)) Out%r8_type%halflevs = In%r8_type%halflevs
439 Out%interph = In%interph
440 if (allocated(In%time_slice)) Out%time_slice = In%time_slice
441 Out%file_name = In%file_name
442 Out%time_flag = In%time_flag
443 Out%level_type = In%level_type
448 Out%vertical_indices = In%vertical_indices
449 Out%climatological_year = In%climatological_year
450 if (allocated(In%has_level )) Out%has_level = In%has_level
451 if (allocated(In%field_name )) Out%field_name = In%field_name
452 if (allocated(In%time_init )) Out%time_init = In%time_init
453 if (allocated(In%mr )) Out%mr = In%mr
454 if (allocated(In%out_of_bounds)) Out%out_of_bounds = In%out_of_bounds
455 if (allocated(In%vert_interp )) Out%vert_interp = In%vert_interp
456 if(In%r4_type%is_allocated) then
457 if (allocated(In%r4_type%data5d )) Out%r4_type%data5d = In%r4_type%data5d
458 if (allocated(In%r4_type%pmon_pyear )) Out%r4_type%pmon_pyear = In%r4_type%pmon_pyear
459 if (allocated(In%r4_type%pmon_nyear )) Out%r4_type%pmon_nyear = In%r4_type%pmon_nyear
460 if (allocated(In%r4_type%nmon_nyear )) Out%r4_type%nmon_nyear = In%r4_type%nmon_nyear
461 if (allocated(In%r4_type%nmon_pyear )) Out%r4_type%nmon_pyear = In%r4_type%nmon_pyear
462 else if(In%r8_type%is_allocated) then
463 if (allocated(In%r8_type%data5d )) Out%r8_type%data5d = In%r8_type%data5d
464 if (allocated(In%r8_type%pmon_pyear )) Out%r8_type%pmon_pyear = In%r8_type%pmon_pyear
465 if (allocated(In%r8_type%pmon_nyear )) Out%r8_type%pmon_nyear = In%r8_type%pmon_nyear
466 if (allocated(In%r8_type%nmon_nyear )) Out%r8_type%nmon_nyear = In%r8_type%nmon_nyear
467 if (allocated(In%r8_type%nmon_pyear )) Out%r8_type%nmon_pyear = In%r8_type%nmon_pyear
469 if (allocated(In%indexm )) Out%indexm = In%indexm
470 if (allocated(In%indexp )) Out%indexp = In%indexp
471 if (allocated(In%climatology )) Out%climatology = In%climatology
472 if (allocated(In%clim_times )) Out%clim_times = In%clim_times
473 Out%separate_time_vary_calc = In%separate_time_vary_calc
474 if(In%r4_type%is_allocated) then
475 Out%r4_type%tweight = In%r4_type%tweight
476 Out%r4_type%tweight1 = In%r4_type%tweight1
477 Out%r4_type%tweight2 = In%r4_type%tweight2
478 Out%r4_type%tweight3 = In%r4_type%tweight3
479 else if(In%r8_type%is_allocated) then
480 Out%r8_type%tweight = In%r8_type%tweight
481 Out%r8_type%tweight1 = In%r8_type%tweight1
482 Out%r8_type%tweight2 = In%r8_type%tweight2
483 Out%r8_type%tweight3 = In%r8_type%tweight3
488 Out%r4_type%is_allocated = In%r4_type%is_allocated
489 Out%r8_type%is_allocated = Out%r8_type%is_allocated
491 end subroutine interpolate_type_eq
496 !#######################################################################
498 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
499 !> @brief check_climo_units checks the units that the climatology
500 !! data is using. This is needed to allow for conversion of
501 !! datasets to mixing ratios which is what the vertical
502 !! interpolation scheme requires. The default is to assume no
503 !! conversion is needed. If the units are those of a column
504 !! burden (kg/m2) then conversion to mixing ratio is flagged.
506 !! @param [in] <units> The units which you will be checking
507 function check_climo_units(units)
508 ! Function to check the units that the climatology data is using.
509 ! This is needed to allow for conversion of datasets to mixing ratios which is what the
510 ! vertical interpolation scheme requires
511 ! The default is to assume no conversion is needed.
512 ! If the units are those of a column burden (kg/m2) then conversion to mixing ratio is flagged.
514 character(len=*), intent(in) :: units
516 integer :: check_climo_units
518 check_climo_units = NO_CONV
519 select case(chomp(units))
520 case('kg/m2', 'kg/m^2', 'kg/m**2', 'kg m^-2', 'kg m**-2')
521 check_climo_units = KG_M2
522 case('molecules/cm2/s', 'molecule/cm2/s', 'molec/cm2/s')
523 check_climo_units = KG_M2
525 check_climo_units = KG_M2
528 end function check_climo_units
530 !#######################################################################
532 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
533 !> @brief init_clim_diag is a routine to register diagnostic fields
534 !! for the climatology file. This routine calculates the domain
535 !! decompostion of the climatology fields for later export
536 !! through send_data. The ids created here are for column
537 !! burdens that will diagnose the vertical interpolation
540 !! @param [inout] <clim_type> The interpolate type containing the
541 !! names of the fields in the climatology file
542 !! @param [in] <mod_axes> The axes of the model
543 !! @param [in] <init_time> The model initialization time
545 !! @throw FATAL, "init_clim_diag : You must call interpolator_init before calling init_clim_diag"
546 !! @throw FATAL, "init_clim_diag : Trying to set up too many diagnostic fields for the climatology data"
547 subroutine init_clim_diag(clim_type, mod_axes, init_time)
549 ! Routine to register diagnostic fields for the climatology file.
550 ! This routine calculates the domain decompostion of the climatology fields
551 ! for later export through send_data.
552 ! The ids created here are for column burdens that will diagnose the vertical interpolation routine.
553 ! climo_diag_id : 'module_name = climo' is intended for use with the model vertical resolution.
554 ! hinterp_id : 'module_name = 'hinterp' is intended for use with the climatology vertical resolution.
557 ! clim_type : The interpolate type containing the names of the fields in the climatology file.
560 ! mod_axes : The axes of the model.
561 ! init_time : The model initialization time.
563 type(interpolate_type), intent(inout) :: clim_type
564 integer , intent(in) :: mod_axes(:)
565 type(time_type) , intent(in) :: init_time
567 integer :: axes(2),nxd,nyd,ndivs,i
568 type(domain2d) :: domain
569 integer :: domain_layout(2), iscomp, iecomp,jscomp,jecomp
571 if(clim_type%r4_type%is_allocated) call init_clim_diag_r4(clim_type, mod_axes, init_time)
572 if(clim_type%r8_type%is_allocated) call init_clim_diag_r8(clim_type, mod_axes, init_time)
574 end subroutine init_clim_diag
579 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
580 !> @brief obtain_interpolator_time_slices makes sure that the
581 !! appropriate time slices are available for interpolation on
584 !! @param [inout] <clim_type> The interpolate type previously defined
585 !! by a call to interpolator_init
586 !! @param [in] <Time> The model time that you wish to interpolate to
588 !! @throw FATAL "interpolator_timeslice 1: file="
589 !! @throw FATAL "interpolator_timeslice 2: file="
590 !! @throw FATAL "interpolator_timeslice 3: file="
591 !! @throw FATAL "interpolator_timeslice 4: file="
592 !! @throw FATAL "interpolator_timeslice 5: file="
593 !! @throw FATAL "interpolator_timeslice : No data from the previous
594 !! climatology time but we have the next time. How did
596 subroutine obtain_interpolator_time_slices (clim_type, Time)
598 ! Makes sure that appropriate time slices are available for interpolation
602 ! clim_type : The interpolate type previously defined by a call to interpolator_init
605 ! Time : The model time that you wish to interpolate to.
607 type(interpolate_type), intent(inout) :: clim_type
608 type(time_type) , intent(in) :: Time
610 integer :: taum, taup
611 integer :: modyear, modmonth, modday, modhour, modminute, modsecond
612 integer :: climyear, climmonth, climday, climhour, climminute, climsecond
613 integer :: year1, month1, day, hour, minute, second
614 integer :: climatology, m
615 type(time_type) :: t_prev, t_next
616 type(time_type), dimension(2) :: month
617 integer :: indexm, indexp, yearm, yearp
619 character(len=256) :: err_msg
621 if(clim_type%r4_type%is_allocated) call obtain_interpolator_time_slices_r4(clim_type, Time)
622 if(clim_type%r8_type%is_allocated) call obtain_interpolator_time_slices_r8(clim_type, Time)
625 end subroutine obtain_interpolator_time_slices
628 !#####################################################################
630 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
631 !> @brief unset_interpolator_time_flag sets a flag in clim_type to
634 !! @param [inout] <clim_type> The interpolate type containing the names of the fields in the climatology file
635 subroutine unset_interpolator_time_flag (clim_type)
637 type(interpolate_type), intent(inout) :: clim_type
640 clim_type%separate_time_vary_calc = .false.
643 end subroutine unset_interpolator_time_flag
646 !#####################################################################
648 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
649 !> @brief interpolator_end receives interpolate data as input
650 !! and deallocates its memory.
652 !! @param [inout] <clim_type> The interpolate type whose components will be deallocated
653 subroutine interpolator_end(clim_type)
654 ! Subroutine to deallocate the interpolate type clim_type.
657 ! clim_type : allocate type whose components will be deallocated.
659 type(interpolate_type), intent(inout) :: clim_type
663 if ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) then
664 write (logunit,'(/,(a))') 'Exiting interpolator, have a nice day ...'
667 if(clim_type%r4_type%is_allocated) then
668 if (allocated (clim_type%r4_type%lat )) deallocate(clim_type%r4_type%lat)
669 if (allocated (clim_type%r4_type%lon )) deallocate(clim_type%r4_type%lon)
670 if (allocated (clim_type%r4_type%latb )) deallocate(clim_type%r4_type%latb)
671 if (allocated (clim_type%r4_type%lonb )) deallocate(clim_type%r4_type%lonb)
672 if (allocated (clim_type%r4_type%levs )) deallocate(clim_type%r4_type%levs)
673 if (allocated (clim_type%r4_type%halflevs)) deallocate(clim_type%r4_type%halflevs)
674 if (allocated (clim_type%r4_type%data5d )) deallocate(clim_type%r4_type%data5d)
675 else if(clim_type%r8_type%is_allocated) then
676 if (allocated (clim_type%r8_type%lat )) deallocate(clim_type%r8_type%lat)
677 if (allocated (clim_type%r8_type%lon )) deallocate(clim_type%r8_type%lon)
678 if (allocated (clim_type%r8_type%latb )) deallocate(clim_type%r8_type%latb)
679 if (allocated (clim_type%r8_type%lonb )) deallocate(clim_type%r8_type%lonb)
680 if (allocated (clim_type%r8_type%levs )) deallocate(clim_type%r8_type%levs)
681 if (allocated (clim_type%r8_type%halflevs)) deallocate(clim_type%r8_type%halflevs)
682 if (allocated (clim_type%r8_type%data5d)) deallocate(clim_type%r8_type%data5d)
685 if (allocated (clim_type%time_slice)) deallocate(clim_type%time_slice)
686 if (allocated (clim_type%field_name)) deallocate(clim_type%field_name)
687 if (allocated (clim_type%time_init )) deallocate(clim_type%time_init)
688 if (allocated (clim_type%has_level)) deallocate(clim_type%has_level)
689 if (allocated (clim_type%mr )) deallocate(clim_type%mr)
690 if (allocated (clim_type%out_of_bounds )) deallocate(clim_type%out_of_bounds)
691 if (allocated (clim_type%vert_interp )) deallocate(clim_type%vert_interp)
692 if (allocated(clim_type%indexm)) deallocate(clim_type%indexm)
693 if (allocated(clim_type%indexp)) deallocate(clim_type%indexp)
694 if (allocated(clim_type%clim_times)) deallocate(clim_type%clim_times)
695 if (allocated(clim_type%climatology)) deallocate(clim_type%climatology)
697 call horiz_interp_del(clim_type%interph)
699 if(clim_type%r4_type%is_allocated) then
700 if (allocated(clim_type%r4_type%pmon_pyear)) then
701 deallocate(clim_type%r4_type%pmon_pyear)
702 deallocate(clim_type%r4_type%pmon_nyear)
703 deallocate(clim_type%r4_type%nmon_nyear)
704 deallocate(clim_type%r4_type%nmon_pyear)
706 else if(clim_type%r8_type%is_allocated) then
707 if (allocated(clim_type%r8_type%pmon_pyear)) then
708 deallocate(clim_type%r8_type%pmon_pyear)
709 deallocate(clim_type%r8_type%pmon_nyear)
710 deallocate(clim_type%r8_type%nmon_nyear)
711 deallocate(clim_type%r8_type%nmon_pyear)
715 clim_type%r4_type%is_allocated=.false.
716 clim_type%r8_type%is_allocated=.false.
719 if( .not.(clim_type%TIME_FLAG .eq. LINEAR .and. read_all_on_init) &
720 .and. (clim_type%TIME_FLAG.ne.NOTIME) ) then
721 ! read_all_on_init)) .or. clim_type%TIME_FLAG .eq. BILINEAR ) then
722 call close_file(clim_type%fileobj)
726 module_is_initialized = .false.
728 end subroutine interpolator_end
730 !#######################################################################
734 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
735 !> @brief query_interpolator receives an interpolate type as input
736 !! and returns the number of fields and field names.
738 !! @param [in] <clim_type> The interpolate type which contains the data
739 !! @param [out] <nfields> OPTIONAL: No description
740 !! @param [out] <field_names> OPTIONAL: No description
741 subroutine query_interpolator( clim_type, nfields, field_names )
743 ! Query an interpolate_type variable to find the number of fields and field names.
745 type(interpolate_type), intent(in) :: clim_type
746 integer, intent(out), optional :: nfields
747 character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(out), optional :: field_names
749 if( present( nfields ) ) nfields = SIZE( clim_type%field_name(:) )
750 if( present( field_names ) ) field_names = clim_type%field_name
752 end subroutine query_interpolator
755 !#######################################################################
757 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
758 !> @brief chomp receives a string from NetCDF files and removes
759 !! CHAR(0) from the end of this string.
761 !! @param [in] <string> The string from the NetCDF file
762 function chomp(string)
764 ! A function to remove CHAR(0) from the end of strings read from NetCDF files.
766 character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
767 character(len=64) :: chomp
771 len = len_trim(string)
772 if (string(len:len) == CHAR(0)) len = len -1
778 !########################################################################
780 #include "interpolator_r4.fh"
781 #include "interpolator_r8.fh"
783 end module interpolator_mod
786 ! close documentation grouping
788 !#######################################################################