1 !***********************************************************************
2 !* GNU Lesser General Public License
4 !* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
6 !* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7 !* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8 !* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9 !* your option) any later version.
11 !* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 !* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 !* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
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17 !* License along with FMS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 !***********************************************************************
19 !! TODO more complicated cases and data
20 !> @brief Checks the output file after running test_reduction_methods using the "time_diurnal" reduction method
21 program check_time_diurnal
22 use fms_mod, only: fms_init, fms_end, string
23 use fms2_io_mod, only: FmsNetcdfFile_t, read_data, close_file, open_file
24 use mpp_mod, only: mpp_npes, mpp_error, FATAL, mpp_pe, input_nml_file, NOTE
25 use platform_mod, only: r4_kind, r8_kind
26 use testing_utils, only: allocate_buffer, test_normal, test_openmp, test_halos, no_mask, logical_mask, real_mask
30 type(FmsNetcdfFile_t) :: fileobj !< FMS2 fileobj
31 type(FmsNetcdfFile_t) :: fileobj1 !< FMS2 fileobj for subregional file 1
32 type(FmsNetcdfFile_t) :: fileobj2 !< FMS2 fileobj for subregional file 2
33 real(kind=r4_kind), allocatable :: cdata_out(:,:,:,:) !< Data in the compute domain
34 real(kind=r4_kind), allocatable :: cdata_out_5d(:,:,:,:,:) !< Data in the compute domain
35 integer :: nx !< Number of points in the x direction
36 integer :: ny !< Number of points in the y direction
37 integer :: nz !< Number of points in the z direction
38 integer :: nw !< Number of points in the w direction
39 integer :: nd !< Number of points in the diurnal axis
40 integer :: ti !< For looping through time levels
41 integer :: io_status !< Io status after reading the namelist
42 logical :: use_mask !< .true. if using masks
43 integer, parameter :: file_freq = 6 !< file frequency as set in diag_table.yaml
45 integer :: test_case = test_normal !< Indicates which test case to run
46 integer :: mask_case = no_mask !< Indicates which masking option to run
47 integer, parameter :: kindl = KIND(0.0) !< compile-time default kind size
48 integer :: nmonths !< number of months the test ran for
49 namelist / test_diag_diurnal_nml / test_case, mask_case
53 read (input_nml_file, test_diag_diurnal_nml, iostat=io_status)
55 select case(mask_case)
58 case (logical_mask, real_mask)
66 nd = 3 !< diurnal sample size
68 if (.not. open_file(fileobj, "test_diurnal.nc", "read")) &
69 call mpp_error(FATAL, "unable to open test_diurnal.nc")
71 if (.not. open_file(fileobj1, "test_diurnal_regional.nc.0004", "read")) &
72 call mpp_error(FATAL, "unable to open test_diurnal_regional.nc.0004")
74 if (.not. open_file(fileobj2, "test_diurnal_regional.nc.0005", "read")) &
75 call mpp_error(FATAL, "unable to open test_diurnal_regional.nc.0005")
77 !cdata_out = allocate_buffer(1, nx, 1, ny, nz, nd)
78 allocate(cdata_out(nx, ny, nz, nd))
79 allocate(cdata_out_5d(nx, ny, nz, nw, nd))
82 cdata_out = -999_r4_kind
83 print *, "Checking answers for var1 - time_level:", string(ti)
84 call read_data(fileobj, "var1", cdata_out(:,1:nd,1,1), unlim_dim_level=ti)
85 call check_data_1d(cdata_out(:,1:nd,1,1), ti, sample_size=nd)
87 cdata_out = -999_r4_kind
88 print *, "Checking answers for var2 - time_level:", string(ti)
89 call read_data(fileobj, "var2", cdata_out(:,:,1:nd,1), unlim_dim_level=ti)
90 call check_data_2d(cdata_out(:,:,1:nd,1), ti, sample_size=nd)
92 cdata_out = -999_r4_kind
93 print *, "Checking answers for var3 - time_level:", string(ti)
94 call read_data(fileobj, "var3", cdata_out(:,:,:,:), unlim_dim_level=ti)
95 call check_data_3d(cdata_out(:,:,:,:), ti, .false., sample_size=nd)
97 cdata_out = -999_r4_kind
98 print *, "Checking answers for var4_diurnal - time_level:", string(ti)
99 call read_data(fileobj, "var4", cdata_out_5d, unlim_dim_level=ti)
100 call check_data_4d(cdata_out_5d(:,:,:,:,:), ti, .false., sample_size=nd)
102 cdata_out = -999_r4_kind
103 print *, "Checking answers for var3_diurnal in the first regional file- time_level:", string(ti)
104 call read_data(fileobj1, "var3_diurnal", cdata_out(1:4,1:3,1:2,1:1), unlim_dim_level=ti)
105 call check_data_3d(cdata_out(1:4,1:3,1:2,1:1), ti, .true., sample_size=nd, nx_offset=77, ny_offset=77, nz_offset=1)
107 cdata_out = -999_r4_kind
108 print *, "Checking answers for var3_diurnal in the second regional file- time_level:", string(ti)
109 call read_data(fileobj2, "var3_diurnal", cdata_out(1:4,1:1,1:2,1:1), unlim_dim_level=ti)
110 call check_data_3d(cdata_out(1:4,1:1,1:2,1:1), ti, .true., sample_size=nd, nx_offset=77, ny_offset=80, nz_offset=1)
118 !> @brief Check that the 2d data read in is correct
119 subroutine check_data_2d(buffer, time_level, sample_size)
120 real(kind=r4_kind), intent(in) :: buffer(:,:,:) !< Buffer read from the table (2d + the diurnal axis)
121 integer, intent(in) :: time_level !< Time level read in
122 integer, intent(in) :: sample_size !< diurnal sample size of variable to check
123 real(kind=r4_kind) :: buffer_exp !< Expected result
125 integer :: ii,i, j, k, l, d!< For looping
126 integer :: step_avg !< avg of time step increments to use in generating reference data
128 real(r8_kind) :: hrly_sums(sample_size)
130 ! sum of hours in diurnal section
133 d_index = i / (24/sample_size) + 1
134 hrly_sums(d_index) = hrly_sums(d_index) + i
136 hrly_sums = hrly_sums / (24/sample_size)
139 do ii = 1, size(buffer, 1)
140 do j = 1, size(buffer, 2)
141 do d = 1, sample_size
142 buffer_exp = hrly_sums(d)
143 if (use_mask .and. ii .eq. 1 .and. j .eq. 1) buffer_exp = -666_r4_kind
144 if (abs(buffer(ii, j, d) - buffer_exp) > 0.0) then
145 print *, "indices:", ii, j, d, "expected:", buffer_exp, "read in:",buffer(ii, j, d)
146 call mpp_error(FATAL, "Check_time_diurnal::check_data_2d:: Data is not correct")
151 end subroutine check_data_2d
153 !> @brief Check that the 3d data read in is correct
154 subroutine check_data_3d(buffer, time_level, is_regional, sample_size, nx_offset, ny_offset, nz_offset)
155 real(kind=r4_kind), intent(in) :: buffer(:,:,:,:) !< Buffer read from the table
156 integer, intent(in) :: time_level !< Time level read in
157 logical, intent(in) :: is_regional !< .True. if the variable is subregional
158 integer, intent(in) :: sample_size !< diurnal sample size
159 real(kind=r4_kind) :: buffer_exp !< Expected result
160 integer, optional, intent(in) :: nx_offset !< Offset in the x direction
161 integer, optional, intent(in) :: ny_offset !< Offset in the y direction
162 integer, optional, intent(in) :: nz_offset !< Offset in the z direction
164 integer :: ii, i, j, k, l, d!< For looping
165 integer :: nx_oset !< Offset in the x direction (local variable)
166 integer :: ny_oset !< Offset in the y direction (local variable)
167 integer :: nz_oset !< Offset in the z direction (local variable)
168 integer :: step_avg!< avg of time step increments to use in generating reference data
169 real(r8_kind) :: hrly_sums(24/sample_size) !< can i even do this (yes)
170 integer :: d_index !< diurnal index
172 ! data is just the hour it was sent at
173 ! sum of hours in each diurnal section
176 d_index = i / (24/sample_size) + 1
177 hrly_sums(d_index) = hrly_sums(d_index) + i
179 hrly_sums = hrly_sums / (24/sample_size)
182 if (present(nx_offset)) nx_oset = nx_offset
185 if (present(ny_offset)) ny_oset = ny_offset
188 if (present(nz_offset)) nz_oset = nz_offset
192 do ii = 1, size(buffer, 1)
193 do j = 1, size(buffer, 2)
194 do k = 1, size(buffer, 3)
195 do d=1, size(buffer, 4)
196 buffer_exp = hrly_sums(d)
197 if (use_mask .and. ii .eq. 1 .and. j .eq. 1 .and. k .eq. 1 .and. .not. is_regional) &
198 buffer_exp = -666_r4_kind
199 if (abs(buffer(ii, j, k, d) - buffer_exp) > 0.0) then
200 print *, mpp_pe(),'indices:',ii, j, k, d, "read in:", buffer(ii, j, k, d), "expected:",buffer_exp
201 call mpp_error(FATAL, "Check_time_diurnal::check_data_3d:: Data is not correct")
207 end subroutine check_data_3d
209 !> @brief Check that the 1d data read in is correct
210 subroutine check_data_1d(buffer, time_level, sample_size)
211 real(kind=r4_kind), intent(in) :: buffer(:,:) !< Buffer read from the table
212 integer, intent(in) :: time_level !< Time level read in
213 integer, intent(in) :: sample_size !< diurnal sample size of variable to check
214 real(kind=r4_kind) :: buffer_exp !< Expected result
215 integer :: ii,i, j, k, l, d!< For looping
216 integer :: step_avg !< avg of time step increments to use in generating reference data
218 real(r8_kind) :: hrly_sums(sample_size)
220 ! sum of hours in diurnal section
223 d_index = i / (24/sample_size) + 1
224 hrly_sums(d_index) = hrly_sums(d_index) + i
226 hrly_sums = hrly_sums / (24/sample_size)
228 do ii = 1, size(buffer, 1)
229 do d = 1, sample_size
230 buffer_exp = hrly_sums(d)
231 if (use_mask .and. ii .eq. 1) buffer_exp = -666_r4_kind
232 if (abs(buffer(ii,d) - buffer_exp) > 0.0) then
233 print *, "indices:", ii, d, "expected:", buffer_exp, "read in:",buffer(ii,d)
234 call mpp_error(FATAL, "Check_time_diurnal::check_data_1d:: Data is not correct")
238 end subroutine check_data_1d
240 !> @brief Check that the 4d data read in is correct
241 subroutine check_data_4d(buffer, time_level, is_regional, sample_size, nx_offset, ny_offset, nz_offset)
242 real(kind=r4_kind), intent(in) :: buffer(:,:,:,:,:) !< Buffer read from the table
243 integer, intent(in) :: time_level !< Time level read in
244 logical, intent(in) :: is_regional !< .True. if the variable is subregional
245 integer, intent(in) :: sample_size !< diurnal sample size
246 real(kind=r4_kind) :: buffer_exp !< Expected result
247 integer, optional, intent(in) :: nx_offset !< Offset in the x direction
248 integer, optional, intent(in) :: ny_offset !< Offset in the y direction
249 integer, optional, intent(in) :: nz_offset !< Offset in the z direction
251 integer :: ii, i, j, k, l, d, w!< For looping
252 integer :: nx_oset !< Offset in the x direction (local variable)
253 integer :: ny_oset !< Offset in the y direction (local variable)
254 integer :: nz_oset !< Offset in the z direction (local variable)
255 integer :: step_avg!< avg of time step increments to use in generating reference data
256 real(r8_kind) :: hrly_sums(24/sample_size) !< calculated hourly sums for each diurnal section
257 integer :: d_index !< diurnal index
259 ! data is just the hour it was sent at
260 ! sum of hours in each diurnal section
263 d_index = i / (24/sample_size) + 1
264 hrly_sums(d_index) = hrly_sums(d_index) + i
266 hrly_sums = hrly_sums / (24/sample_size)
269 if (present(nx_offset)) nx_oset = nx_offset
272 if (present(ny_offset)) ny_oset = ny_offset
275 if (present(nz_offset)) nz_oset = nz_offset
277 do ii = 1, size(buffer, 1)
278 do j = 1, size(buffer, 2)
279 do k = 1, size(buffer, 3)
280 do w = 1, size(buffer, 4)
281 do d = 1, sample_size
282 buffer_exp = hrly_sums(d)
283 if (use_mask .and. ii .eq. 1 .and. j .eq. 1 .and. k .eq. 1 .and. &
284 .not. is_regional) then
285 buffer_exp = -666_r4_kind
287 if (abs(buffer(ii, j, k, w, d) - buffer_exp) > 0.0) then
288 print *, mpp_pe(),'indices:',ii, j, k, w, d, "read in:", buffer(ii, j, k, w, d), "expected:",buffer_exp
289 call mpp_error(FATAL, "Check_time_diurnal::check_data_4d:: Data is not correct")
296 end subroutine check_data_4d