1 !***********************************************************************
2 !* GNU Lesser General Public License
4 !* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
6 !* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7 !* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8 !* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9 !* your option) any later version.
11 !* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 !* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 !* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
16 !* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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18 !***********************************************************************
19 !> @defgroup time_interp_mod time_interp_mod
20 !> @ingroup time_interp
21 !> @brief Computes a weight and dates/indices for linearly interpolating between two dates.
22 !> @author Bruce Wyman
24 !! A time type is converted into two consecutive dates plus
25 !! a fraction representing the distance between the dates.
26 !! This information can be used to interpolate between the dates.
27 !! The dates may be expressed as years, months, or days or
28 !! as indices in an array.
30 module time_interp_mod
32 use time_manager_mod, only: time_type, get_date, set_date, set_time, &
33 days_in_year, days_in_month, leap_year, &
34 time_type_to_real, real_to_time_type, &
35 get_calendar_type, JULIAN, GREGORIAN, NO_CALENDAR, &
36 operator(+), operator(-), operator(>), &
37 operator(<), operator( // ), operator( / ), &
38 operator(>=), operator(<=), operator( * ), &
39 operator(==), print_date, print_time,&
40 time_list_error, date_to_string
42 use fms_mod, only: write_version_number, &
43 error_mesg, FATAL, stdout, stdlog, &
46 use mpp_mod, only: input_nml_file
52 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
54 public :: time_interp_init, time_interp, fraction_of_year
56 !> Returns a weight and dates or indices for interpolating between two dates. The
57 !! interface fraction_of_year is provided for backward compatibility with the
58 !! previous version.\n
60 !! Returns weight by interpolating Time between Time1 and Time2.
61 !! i.e. weight = (Time-Time1)/(Time2-Time1)
62 !! Time1 and Time2 may be specified by any of several different ways,
63 !! which is the reason for multiple interfaces.\n
65 !! - If Time1 and Time2 are the begining and end of the year in which
66 !! Time falls, use first interface.\n
68 !! - If Time1 and Time2 fall on year boundaries, use second interface.\n
70 !! - If Time1 and Time2 fall on month boundaries, use third.\n
72 !! - If Time1 and Time2 fall on day boundaries, use fourth.\n
74 !! - If Time1 and Time2 are consecutive elements of an assending list, use fifth.
75 !! The fifth also returns the indices of Timelist between which Time falls.\n
77 !! - The sixth interface is for cyclical data. Time_beg and Time_end specify the
78 !! begining and end of a repeating period. In this case:<br>
79 !! weight = (Time_adjusted - Time1) / (Time2 - Time1)
82 !! Time1 = Timelist(index1)
83 !! Time2 = Timelist(index2)
84 !! Time_adjusted = Time - N*Period
85 !! Period = Time_end-Time_beg
87 !! N is between (Time-Time_end)/Period and (Time-Time_beg)/Period
88 !! That is, N is the integer that results in Time_adjusted that is between Time_beg and Time_end.
90 !! <br>Example usages:
92 !! call time_interp( Time, weight )
93 !! call time_interp( Time, weight, year1, year2 )
94 !! call time_interp( Time, weight, year1, year2, month1, month2 )
95 !! call time_interp( Time, weight, year1, year2, month1, month2, day1, day2 )
96 !! call time_interp( Time, Timelist, weight, index1, index2 [, modtime] )
97 !! call time_interp( Time, Time_beg, Time_end, Timelist, weight, index1, index2
98 !! [,correct_leap_year_inconsistency])
101 !! For all routines in this module the calendar type in module
102 !! time_manager must be set.
104 !! The following private parameters are set by this module:
106 !! seconds per minute = 60
107 !! minutes per hour = 60
108 !! hours per day = 24
109 !! months per year = 12
111 !! @param Time The time at which the the weight is computed.
112 !! @param Time_beg For cyclical interpolation: Time_beg specifies the begining time of a cycle.
113 !! @param Time_end For cyclical interpolation: Time_end specifies the ending time of a cycle.
114 !! @param Timelist For cyclical interpolation: Timelist is an array of times between Time_beg and Time_end.
115 !! Must be monotonically increasing.
116 !! @param index1 Timelist(index1) = The largest value of Timelist which is less than mod(Time,Time_end-Time_beg)
117 !! @param index2 Timelist(index2) = The smallest value of Timelist which is greater than mod(Time,Time_end-Time_beg)
118 !! @param correct_leap_year_inconsistency Turns on a kluge for an inconsistency which may occur in a special case.
119 !! When the modulo time period (i.e. Time_end - Time_beg) is a whole number of years
120 !! and is not a multiple of 4, and the calendar in use has leap years, then it is
121 !! likely that the interpolation will involve mapping a common year onto a leap year.
122 !! In this case it is often desirable, but not absolutely necessary, to use data for
123 !! Feb 28 of the leap year when it is mapped onto a common year.
124 !! To turn this on, set correct_leap_year_inconsistency=.true.
125 !! @param weight weight = (mod(Time,Time_end-Time_beg) - Timelist(index1)) / (Timelist(index2) - Timelist(index1))
126 !> @ingroup time_interp_mod
127 interface time_interp
128 module procedure time_interp_frac_r8, time_interp_year_r8, &
129 time_interp_month_r8, time_interp_day_r8, &
130 time_interp_list_r8, time_interp_modulo_r8
131 module procedure time_interp_frac_r4, time_interp_year_r4, &
132 time_interp_month_r4, time_interp_day_r4, &
133 time_interp_list_r4, time_interp_modulo_r4
136 !> @addtogroup time_interp_mod
138 integer, public, parameter :: NONE=0, YEAR=1, MONTH=2, DAY=3
140 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
142 integer, parameter :: secmin = 60, minhour = 60, hourday = 24, &
143 sechour = secmin*minhour, &
144 secday = secmin*minhour*hourday
146 integer, parameter :: monyear = 12
147 integer, parameter :: halfday = secday/2
149 integer :: yrmod, momod, dymod
150 logical :: mod_leapyear
152 ! Include variable "version" to be written to log file.
153 #include<file_version.h>
155 logical :: module_is_initialized=.FALSE.
156 logical :: perthlike_behavior=.FALSE.
158 namelist / time_interp_nml / perthlike_behavior
163 subroutine time_interp_init()
164 integer :: ierr, io, logunit
166 if ( module_is_initialized ) return
168 read (input_nml_file, time_interp_nml, iostat=io)
169 ierr = check_nml_error (io, 'time_interp_nml')
171 call write_version_number("TIME_INTERP_MOD", version)
173 write(logunit,time_interp_nml)
175 module_is_initialized = .TRUE.
177 end subroutine time_interp_init
180 !> @brief Wrapper function to return the fractional time into the current year
181 !! Always returns an r8_kind, conversion to r4 will be done implicitly if needed
182 !> @param Time time to calculate fraction with
183 !> @return real(kind=8) fraction of time passed in current year
184 function fraction_of_year (Time)
185 type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time
186 real(r8_kind) :: fraction_of_year
188 call time_interp ( Time, fraction_of_year )
190 end function fraction_of_year
192 !#######################################################################
193 !> Given an array of times in ascending order and a specific time returns
194 !! values of index1 and index2 such that the Timelist(index1)<=Time and
195 !! Time<=Timelist(index2), and index2=index1+1
196 !! index1=0, index2=1 or index=n, index2=n+1 are returned to indicate that
197 !! the time is out of range
198 subroutine bisect(Timelist,Time,index1,index2)
199 type(time_type) , intent(in) :: Timelist(:)
200 type(time_type) , intent(in) :: Time
201 integer, optional, intent(out) :: index1, index2
203 integer :: i,il,iu,n,i1,i2
205 n = size(Timelist(:))
207 if (Time==Timelist(1)) then
209 else if (Time==Timelist(n)) then
215 if(Timelist(i) > Time) then
224 if(PRESENT(index1)) index1 = i1
225 if(PRESENT(index2)) index2 = i2
226 end subroutine bisect
228 !#######################################################################
230 !#######################################################################
232 function year_midpt (yr)
234 integer, intent(in) :: yr
235 type (time_type) :: year_midpt, year_beg, year_end
238 year_beg = set_date(yr , 1, 1)
239 year_end = set_date(yr+1, 1, 1)
241 year_midpt = (year_beg + year_end) / 2
243 end function year_midpt
245 function month_midpt (yr, mo)
247 integer, intent(in) :: yr, mo
248 type (time_type) :: month_midpt, month_beg, month_end
250 ! --- beginning of this month ---
251 month_beg = set_date(yr, mo, 1)
253 ! --- start of next month ---
255 month_end = set_date(yr, mo+1, 1)
257 month_end = set_date(yr+1, 1, 1)
260 month_midpt = (month_beg + month_end) / 2
262 end function month_midpt
264 function set_modtime (Tin, modtime) result (Tout)
265 type(time_type), intent(in) :: Tin
266 integer, intent(in), optional :: modtime
267 type(time_type) :: Tout
268 integer :: yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, se, mtime
270 if(present(modtime)) then
280 call get_date (Tin, yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, se)
282 ! correct leap year dates
283 if (.not.mod_leapyear .and. mo == 2 .and. dy > 28) then
286 Tout = set_date (yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, se)
288 call get_date (Tin, yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, se)
289 yr = yrmod; mo = momod
290 Tout = set_date (yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, se)
292 call get_date (Tin, yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, se)
293 yr = yrmod; mo = momod; dy = dymod
294 Tout = set_date (yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, se)
297 end function set_modtime
299 subroutine error_handler(string)
300 character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
302 call error_mesg ('time_interp_mod', trim(string), FATAL)
304 end subroutine error_handler
307 #include "time_interp_r4.fh"
308 #include "time_interp_r8.fh"
310 end module time_interp_mod
313 ! close documentation grouping