1 !***********************************************************************
2 !* GNU Lesser General Public License
4 !* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
6 !* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7 !* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8 !* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9 !* your option) any later version.
11 !* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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13 !* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
16 !* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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18 !***********************************************************************
19 !> @defgroup tridiagonal_mod tridiagonal_mod
20 !> @ingroup tridiagonal
21 !> @brief Solves a tridiagonal system of equations.
23 !> The following schematic represents the system of equations solved,
24 !! where X is the solution.
26 !! | B(1) A(1) 0 0 ....... 0 | |X(1)| |D(1)|
27 !! | C(2) B(2) A(2) 0 ....... 0 | |X(2)| |D(2)|
28 !! | 0 C(3) B(3) A(3) 0 ....... 0 | | .. | | .. |
29 !! | .......................................... | | .. | = | .. |
30 !! | .......................................... | | .. | | .. |
31 !! | C(N-2) B(N-2) A(N-2) 0 | | .. | | .. |
32 !! | 0 C(N-1) B(N-1) A(N-1)| | .. | | .. |
33 !! | 0 0 C(N) B(N) | |X(N)| |D(N)|
36 !! To solve this system
38 !! call tri_invert(X,D,A,B,C)
40 !! real, intent(out), dimension(:,:,:) :: X
41 !! real, intent(in), dimension(:,:,:) :: D
42 !! real, optional, dimension(:,:,:) :: A,B,C
44 !! For simplicity (?), A and C are assumed to be dimensioned the same size
45 !! as B, D, and X, although any input values for A(N) and C(1) are ignored.
46 !! (some checks are needed here)
48 !! If A is not present, it is assumed that the matrix (A,B.C) has not been changed
49 !! since the last call to tri_invert.
53 !! call close_tridiagonal
57 !! Arguments A, B, and C are optional, and are saved as module variables
58 !! if one recalls tri_invert without changing (A,B,C)
61 !! Optional arguments A,B,C have no intent declaration,
62 !! so the default intent is inout. The value of A(N) is modified
63 !! on output, and B and C are unchanged.
65 !! The following private allocatable arrays save the relevant information
66 !! if one recalls tri_invert without changing (A,B,C):
68 !! allocate ( e (size(x,1), size(x,2), size(x,3)) )
69 !! allocate ( g (size(x,1), size(x,2), size(x,3)) )
70 !! allocate ( cc (size(x,1), size(x,2), size(x,3)) )
71 !! allocate ( bb (size(x,1), size(x,2)) )
73 !! This storage is deallocated when close_tridiagonal is called.
75 !> @addtogroup tridiagonal_mod
77 module tridiagonal_mod
79 use platform_mod, only: r4_kind, r8_kind
80 use mpp_mod, only: mpp_error, FATAL
83 type :: tridiag_reals_r4
84 real(r4_kind), private, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: e, g, cc
85 real(r4_kind), private, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: bb
88 type :: tridiag_reals_r8
89 real(r8_kind), private, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: e, g, cc
90 real(r8_kind), private, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: bb
93 type(tridiag_reals_r4) :: tridiag_r4 !< holds reals stored from r4_kind calls to tri_invert
94 type(tridiag_reals_r8) :: tridiag_r8 !< holds reals stored from r8_kind calls to tri_invert
96 logical, private :: init_tridiagonal_r4 = .false. !< true when fields in tridiag_r4 are allocated
97 logical, private :: init_tridiagonal_r8 = .false. !< true when fields in tridiag_r8 are allocated
99 !> Interface to solve tridiagonal systems of equations for either kind value.
100 !! Module level variables will be deallocated and allocated for every
101 !! Since this relies on the state of module variables (unless A,B,C are specified)
102 !! the values stored are distinct for each kind call unless the added optional argument store_both_kinds
105 module procedure tri_invert_r4
106 module procedure tri_invert_r8
113 !> @brief Releases memory used by the solver
114 subroutine close_tridiagonal
115 if(.not. init_tridiagonal_r4 .and. .not. init_tridiagonal_r8) return
117 if(allocated(tridiag_r4%e)) deallocate(tridiag_r4%e)
118 if(allocated(tridiag_r4%g)) deallocate(tridiag_r4%g)
119 if(allocated(tridiag_r4%cc)) deallocate(tridiag_r4%cc)
120 if(allocated(tridiag_r4%bb)) deallocate(tridiag_r4%bb)
121 if(allocated(tridiag_r8%e)) deallocate(tridiag_r8%e)
122 if(allocated(tridiag_r8%g)) deallocate(tridiag_r8%g)
123 if(allocated(tridiag_r8%cc)) deallocate(tridiag_r8%cc)
124 if(allocated(tridiag_r8%bb)) deallocate(tridiag_r8%bb)
125 init_tridiagonal_r4 = .false.; init_tridiagonal_r8 = .false.
128 end subroutine close_tridiagonal
130 #include "tridiagonal_r4.fh"
131 #include "tridiagonal_r8.fh"
133 end module tridiagonal_mod
136 ! close documentation grouping