2 if (isset($globalProtect) && $globalProtect) {
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6 //gets the page file and stores it in a variable
7 $file_path = pathinfo($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
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12 else $MapType = $globalMapProvider;
14 if (isset($globalMapOffline) && $globalMapOffline) $MapType = 'offline';
16 if (isset($_GET['3d'])) {
17 setcookie('MapFormat','3d');
18 } else if (isset($_GET['2d'])) {
19 setcookie('MapFormat','2d');
22 if (isset($globalTSK) && $globalTSK && isset($_GET['tsk'])) {
23 $tsk = filter_input(INPUT_GET
26 if (isset($_POST['archive'])) {
27 setcookie('archive','true');
28 setcookie('archive_begin',strtotime($_POST['start_date']));
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30 setcookie('archive_speed',$_POST['archivespeed']);
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34 setcookie('archive_begin','',-1);
35 setcookie('archive_end','',-1);
36 setcookie('archive_speed','',-1);
38 // When button "Remove all filters" is clicked
39 if (isset($_POST['removefilters'])) {
40 $allfilters = array_filter(array_keys($_COOKIE),function($key) {
41 return strpos($key,'filter_') === 0;
43 foreach ($allfilters as $filt) {
44 unset($_COOKIE[$filt]);
45 setcookie($filt,null,-1);
52 <meta charset
53 <meta http
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54 <title
print $title; ?
> |
print $globalName; ?
55 <meta name
="keywords" content
="<?php print $title; ?> spotter live flight tracking tracker map aircraft airline airport history database ads-b acars" />
56 <meta name
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57 <meta name
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58 <link rel
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83 if (strtolower($current_page) == "about")
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92 if (strtolower($current_page) == "search")
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100 if (strtolower($current_page) == "index")
103 <link type
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105 <script type
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106 <script type
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109 if ((!isset($_COOKIE['MapFormat']) && isset($globalMap3Ddefault) && $globalMap3Ddefault) ||
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120 <link rel
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126 <script type
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132 <script type
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133 <script type
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134 <link rel
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135 <script type
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136 <script type
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137 <script type
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138 <script type
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141 if (isset($_COOKIE['Map2DBuildings']) && $_COOKIE['Map2DBuildings'] == 'true') {
143 <script type
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148 if ($globalMapProvider == 'MapboxGL' ||
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150 <link href
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='stylesheet' />
151 <script type
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152 <script type
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158 if (isset($globalGoogleAPIKey) && $globalGoogleAPIKey != '' && ($MapType == 'Google-Roadmap' ||
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$MapType == 'Google-Hybrid' ||
$MapType == 'Google-Terrain')) {
160 <script type
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161 <script type
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166 if (isset($globalBingMapKey) && $globalBingMapKey != '') {
168 <!--<script type
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169 <script type
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="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/leaflet-Bing.js"></script
174 if (isset($globalMapQuestKey) && $globalMapQuestKey != '' && ($MapType == 'MapQuest-OSM' ||
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$MapType == 'MapQuest-Aerial')) {
176 <!--<script type
="text/javascript" src
="https://www.mapquestapi.com/sdk/leaflet/v2.2/mq-map.js?key=<?php print $globalMapQuestKey; ?>"></script
177 <script type
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="https://open.mapquestapi.com/sdk/leaflet/v2.2/mq-map.js?key=<?php print $globalMapQuestKey; ?>"></script
182 if (isset($globalHereappId) && $globalHereappId != '' && isset($globalHereappCode) && $globalHereappCode != '') {
184 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/leaflet-Here.js"></script
189 if ($MapType == 'Yandex') {
191 <script src
="https://api-maps.yandex.ru/2.0/?load=package.map&lang=en_US" type
192 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/leaflet-Yandex.js"></script
198 if ((!isset($_COOKIE['MapFormat']) && (!isset($globalMap3Ddefault) ||
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200 <script type
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202 if (isset($_POST['archive'])) {
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206 <script type
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207 <script type
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="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/leaflet.timedimension.src.js"></script
209 <script type
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213 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/map.2d.js.php?<?php print time(); ?><?php if (isset($tsk)) print '&tsk='.$tsk; ?>"></script
216 if (!isset($globalAircraft) ||
$globalAircraft) {
218 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/map-aircraft.2d.js.php?<?php print time(); ?>"></script
221 if (isset($globalTracker) && $globalTracker) {
223 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/map-tracker.2d.js.php?<?php print time(); ?>"></script
226 if (isset($globalMarine) && $globalMarine) {
228 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/map-marine.2d.js.php?<?php print time(); ?>"></script
231 if (isset($globalSatellite) && $globalSatellite) {
233 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/map-satellite.2d.js.php?<?php print time(); ?>"></script
240 //if ((strtolower($current_page) == "ident-detailed" && isset($ident)) || strtolower($current_page) == "flightid-overview")
241 //if ((strtolower($current_page) == "ident-detailed" && isset($ident) && isset($globalArchive) && $globalArchive))
242 if ((strtolower($current_page) == "ident-detailed" && isset($ident) && isset($globalArchive) && $globalArchive))
245 <link type
="text/css" rel
="stylesheet" href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/css/style-map.css?<?php print date("H
"); ?>" />
246 <link rel
="stylesheet" href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/css/leaflet.css" />
247 <link rel
="stylesheet" href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/css/leaflet-sidebar.css" />
248 <script type
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249 <script type
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250 <script type
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251 <script type
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252 <script type
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253 <script type
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255 if (!isset($type) ||
$type == 'aircraft') {
257 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/map-aircraft.2d.js.php?<?php print time(); ?>&ident=<?php print $ident; ?>"></script
259 } elseif (isset($type) && $type == 'marine') {
261 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/map-marine.2d.js.php?<?php print time(); ?>&ident=<?php print $ident; ?>"></script
263 } elseif (isset($type) && $type == 'tracker') {
265 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/map-tracker.2d.js.php?<?php print time(); ?>&ident=<?php print $ident; ?>"></script
267 } elseif (isset($type) && $type == 'satellite') {
269 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/map-satellite.2d.js.php?<?php print time(); ?>&ident=<?php print $ident; ?>"></script
274 if (isset($globalGoogleAPIKey) && $globalGoogleAPIKey != '' && ($MapType == 'Google-Roadmap' ||
$MapType == 'Google-Satellite' ||
$MapType == 'Google-Hybrid' ||
$MapType == 'Google-Terrain')) {
276 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="https://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?v=3&key=<?php print $globalGoogleAPIKey; ?>"></script
277 <script type
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="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/leaflet-Google.js"></script
282 if (isset($globalBingMapKey) && $globalBingMapKey != '') {
284 <!--<script type
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285 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/leaflet-Bing.js"></script
290 if (isset($globalMapQuestKey) && $globalMapQuestKey != '' && ($MapType == 'MapQuest-OSM' ||
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$MapType == 'MapQuest-Aerial')) {
292 <!--<script type
="text/javascript" src
="https://www.mapquestapi.com/sdk/leaflet/v2.2/mq-map.js?key=<?php print $globalMapQuestKey; ?>"></script
293 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="https://open.mapquestapi.com/sdk/leaflet/v2.2/mq-map.js?key=<?php print $globalMapQuestKey; ?>"></script
298 if (isset($globalHereappId) && $globalHereappId != '' && isset($globalHereappCode) && $globalHereappCode != '') {
300 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/leaflet-Here.js"></script
305 if ($MapType == 'Yandex') {
307 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="http://api-maps.yandex.ru/2.0/?load=package.map&lang=en_US" type
308 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/leaflet-Yandex.js"></script
315 if (strtolower($current_page) == "flightid-overview" && isset($globalArchive) && $globalArchive && isset($flightaware_id) && (isset($latitude) && $latitude != 0) && (isset($longitude) && $longitude != 0))
318 <link type
="text/css" rel
="stylesheet" href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/css/style-map.css?<?php print date("H
"); ?>" />
319 <link type
="text/css" rel
="stylesheet" href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/css/leaflet.css" />
320 <link type
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="stylesheet" href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/css/leaflet-sidebar.css" />
321 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/leaflet.js"></script
322 <script type
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="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/Marker.Rotate.js"></script
323 <script type
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="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/MovingMarker.js"></script
324 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/jquery.idle.min.js"></script
325 <script type
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="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/map.common.js"></script
326 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/map.2d.js.php?flightaware_id=<?php print $flightaware_id; ?><?php if(isset($latitude)) print '&latitude='.$latitude; ?><?php if(isset($longitude)) print '&longitude='.$longitude; ?>&<?php print time(); ?>"></script
327 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/map-aircraft.2d.js.php?flightaware_id=<?php print $flightaware_id; ?>&<?php print time(); ?>"></script
329 if (isset($globalGoogleAPIKey) && $globalGoogleAPIKey != '' && ($MapType == 'Google-Roadmap' ||
$MapType == 'Google-Satellite' ||
$MapType == 'Google-Hybrid' ||
$MapType == 'Google-Terrain')) {
331 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="https://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?v=3&key=<?php print $globalGoogleAPIKey; ?>"></script
332 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/leaflet-Google.js"></script
337 if (isset($globalBingMapKey) && $globalBingMapKey != '') {
339 <!--<script type
="text/javascript" src
340 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/leaflet-Bing.js"></script
345 if (isset($globalMapQuestKey) && $globalMapQuestKey != '' && ($MapType == 'MapQuest-OSM' ||
$MapType == 'MapQuest-Hybrid' ||
$MapType == 'MapQuest-Aerial')) {
347 <!--<script type
="text/javascript" src
="https://www.mapquestapi.com/sdk/leaflet/v2.2/mq-map.js?key=<?php print $globalMapQuestKey; ?>"></script
348 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="https://open.mapquestapi.com/sdk/leaflet/v2.2/mq-map.js?key=<?php print $globalMapQuestKey; ?>"></script
353 if (isset($globalHereappId) && $globalHereappId != '' && isset($globalHereappCode) && $globalHereappCode != '') {
355 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/leaflet-Here.js"></script
360 if ($MapType == 'Yandex') {
362 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="http://api-maps.yandex.ru/2.0/?load=package.map&lang=en_US" type
363 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/leaflet-Yandex.js"></script
372 if ($facebook_meta_image != "")
375 <meta property="og:image" content="<?php print $facebook_meta_image; ?>"/>
379 <meta property="og:image" content="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/images/touch-icon.png"/>
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387 <link type
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395 <meta property
="og:title" content
="<?php print $title; ?> | <?php print $globalName; ?>"/>
396 <meta property
="og:url" content
="<?php print $globalURL.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>"/>
397 <meta property
="og:site_name" content
="<?php print $globalName; ?>"/>
399 <body
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400 <div
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401 <div
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="button" class="navbar-toggle" data
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404 <span
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412 <div
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414 <ul
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416 if (isset($globalNewsFeeds['global']) && !empty($globalNewsFeeds['global'])) {
418 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/news"><?php
echo _("News"); ?
427 (!isset($globalAircraft) ||
(isset($globalAircraft) && $globalAircraft === TRUE)) && ((isset($globalMarine) && $globalMarine === TRUE) ||
(isset($globalTracker) && $globalTracker === TRUE) ||
(isset($globalSatellite) && $globalSatellite === TRUE))
430 isset($globalMarine) && $globalMarine === TRUE && ((isset($globalTracker) && $globalTracker === TRUE) ||
(isset($globalSatellite) && $globalSatellite === TRUE))
433 isset($globalTracker) && $globalTracker === TRUE && ((isset($globalMarine) && $globalMarine === TRUE) ||
(isset($globalSatellite) && $globalSatellite === TRUE))
436 isset($globalSatellite) && $globalSatellite === TRUE && ((isset($globalMarine) && $globalMarine === TRUE) ||
(isset($globalTracker) && $globalTracker === TRUE))
443 if (!isset($globalAircraft) ||
$globalAircraft === TRUE) {
445 <li
449 <li
450 <a href
="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data
echo _("Aircraft"); ?
> <b
451 <ul
class="dropdown-menu multi-level">
452 <li
457 if (isset($globalNewsFeeds['aircraft']) && !empty($globalNewsFeeds['aircraft'])) {
459 <a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/news-aircraft"><?php
echo _("Aircraft News"); ?
465 <a href
="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data
echo _("Explore"); ?
> <b
class="<?php if ($sub) echo 'right-'; ?>caret"></b
466 <ul
467 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/aircraft"><?php
echo _("Aircraft Types"); ?
469 if (!isset($globalNoAirlines) ||
$globalNoAirlines === FALSE) {
471 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/airline"><?php
echo _("Airlines"); ?
475 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/airport"><?php
echo _("Airports"); ?
477 if ((isset($globalUseOwner) && $globalUseOwner) ||
(!isset($globalUseOwner) && (!isset($globalVA) ||
!$globalVA) && (!isset($globalIVAO) ||
!$globalIVAO) && (!isset($globalVATSIM) ||
!$globalVATSIM) && (!isset($globalphpVMS) ||
!$globalphpVMS) && (!isset($globalVAM) ||
!$globalVAM))) {
479 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/owner"><?php
echo _("Owners"); ?
482 if ((isset($globalUsePilot) && $globalUsePilot) ||
!isset($globalUsePilot) && ((isset($globalVA) && $globalVA) ||
(isset($globalIVAO) && $globalIVAO) ||
(isset($globalVATSIM) && $globalVATSIM) ||
(isset($globalphpVMS) && $globalphpVMS) ||
(isset($globalVAM) && $globalVAM))) {
485 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/pilot"><?php
echo _("Pilots"); ?
490 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/currently"><?php
echo _("Current Activity"); ?
491 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/latest"><?php
echo _("Latest Activity"); ?
492 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/date/<?php print date("Y
"); ?>"><?php
echo _("Today's Activity"); ?
493 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/newest"><?php
echo _("Newest by Category"); ?
496 if (isset($globalDemo) && $globalDemo) {
499 <li
echo _('ACARS data not available publicly'); ?
500 <li
><a href
echo _('Latest ACARS messages'); ?
501 <li
><a href
echo _('Archive ACARS messages'); ?
506 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/acars-latest"><?php
echo _("Latest ACARS messages"); ?
507 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/acars-archive"><?php
echo _("Archive ACARS messages"); ?
513 if (isset($globalAccidents) && $globalAccidents) {
516 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/accident-latest"><?php
echo _("Latest accident"); ?
517 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/accident/<?php print date("Y
"); ?>"><?php
echo _("Today's Accident"); ?
518 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/incident-latest"><?php
echo _("Latest incident"); ?
519 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/incident/<?php print date("Y
"); ?>"><?php
echo _("Today's Incident"); ?
524 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/highlights/table"><?php
echo _("Special Highlights"); ?
526 if (!isset($globalNoUpcoming) ||
$globalNoUpcoming === FALSE) {
528 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/upcoming"><?php
echo _("Upcoming Flights"); ?
534 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/search"><?php
echo _("Search"); ?
535 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/statistics"><?php
echo _("Statistics"); ?
536 <li
class="dropdown<?php if ($sub) echo '-submenu'; ?>">
537 <a href
="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data
echo _("Tools"); ?
> <b
class="<?php if ($sub) echo 'right-'; ?>caret"></b
538 <ul
539 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/tools/acars"><?php
echo _("ACARS translator"); ?
540 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/tools/metar"><?php
echo _("METAR translator"); ?
541 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/tools/notam"><?php
echo _("NOTAM translator"); ?
543 if (isset($globalGeoid) && $globalGeoid) {
545 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/tools/geoid"><?php
echo _("Geoid Height Calculator"); ?
561 if (isset($globalMarine) && $globalMarine) {
563 <li
567 <a href
="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data
echo _("Marines"); ?
> <b
568 <ul
class="dropdown-menu multi-level">
569 <li
574 if (isset($globalNewsFeeds['marine']) && !empty($globalNewsFeeds['marine'])) {
576 <a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/marine/news"><?php
echo _("Marines News"); ?
581 <a href
="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data
echo _("Explore"); ?
> <b
class="<?php if ($sub) echo 'right-'; ?>caret"></b
582 <ul
584 if (isset($globalVM) && $globalVM) {
586 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/marine/captain"><?php
echo _("Captains"); ?
587 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/marine/race"><?php
echo _("Races"); ?
592 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/marine/currently"><?php
echo _("Current Activity"); ?
593 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/marine/latest"><?php
echo _("Latest Activity"); ?
594 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/marine/date/<?php print date("Y
"); ?>"><?php
echo _("Today's Activity"); ?
596 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/marine/search"><?php
echo _("Search"); ?
597 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/marine/statistics"><?php
echo _("Statistics"); ?
611 if (isset($globalTracker) && $globalTracker) {
613 <li
617 <a href
="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data
echo _("Trackers"); ?
> <b
618 <ul
class="dropdown-menu multi-level">
619 <li
624 if (isset($globalNewsFeeds['tracker']) && !empty($globalNewsFeeds['tracker'])) {
626 <a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/tracker/news"><?php
echo _("Trackers News"); ?
631 <a href
="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data
echo _("Explore"); ?
> <b
class="<?php if ($sub) echo 'right-'; ?>caret"></b
632 <ul
633 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/tracker/currently"><?php
echo _("Current Activity"); ?
634 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/tracker/latest"><?php
echo _("Latest Activity"); ?
635 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/tracker/date/<?php print date("Y
"); ?>"><?php
echo _("Today's Activity"); ?
638 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/tracker/search"><?php
echo _("Search"); ?
639 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/tracker/statistics"><?php
echo _("Statistics"); ?
652 if (isset($globalSatellite) && $globalSatellite) {
654 <li
658 <a href
="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data
echo _("Satellites"); ?
> <b
659 <ul
class="dropdown-menu multi-level">
660 <li
665 if (isset($globalNewsFeeds['satellite']) && !empty($globalNewsFeeds['satellite'])) {
667 <a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/marine/news"><?php
echo _("Satellites News"); ?
674 <a href
="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data
echo _("Explore"); ?
> <b
class="<?php if ($sub) echo 'right-'; ?>caret"></b
675 <ul
676 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/satellite/currently"><?php
echo _("Current Activity"); ?
677 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/satellite/latest"><?php
echo _("Latest Activity"); ?
678 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/satellite/date/<?php print date("Y
"); ?>"><?php
echo _("Today's Activity"); ?
682 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/satellite/statistics"><?php
echo _("Statistics"); ?
695 <li
696 <a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/about" class="dropdown-toggle" data
echo _("About"); ?
> <b
697 <ul
698 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/about"><?php
echo _("About The Project"); ?
700 if (!isset($globalAircraft) ||
$globalAircraft === TRUE) {
702 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/about/export"><?php
echo _("Exporting Data"); ?
704 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/about/tv"><?php
echo _("Spotter TV"); ?
708 <?php
if (isset($globalContribute) && $globalContribute) { ?
710 <li
><a href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/contribute"><?php
echo _("Contribute"); ?
713 <?php
if ($globalName == 'FlightAirMap') { ?
715 <li
><a href
="https://github.com/Ysurac/FlightAirMap/issues" target
echo _("Report any Issues"); ?
721 if (isset($globalTranslate) && $globalTranslate) {
722 $Language = new Language();
723 $alllang = $Language->getLanguages();
724 if (count($alllang) > 1) {
726 <div
728 <select
class="selectpicker" data
="120px" onchange
730 foreach ($alllang as $key => $lang) {
731 print '<option value="'.$key.'"';
732 if (isset($_COOKIE['language']) && $_COOKIE['language'] == $key) print ' selected ';
733 if ($lang[0] == 'Deutsch') print '>'.$lang[0].' (βeta)</option>';
734 else print '>'.$lang[0].'</option>';
745 <form action
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/search" method
746 <!--<input type
="text" name
="q" value
="<?php if (isset($GET['q'])) { if ($_GET['q'] != ""){ print $_GET['q']; } else { print _("Search
"); } } else { print _("Search
"); } ?>" onfocus
="if (this.value=='search'){this.value='';}" /><button type
class="fa fa-search"></i
747 <input type
="text" name
="callsign" value
="<?php if (isset($GET['callsign'])) { if ($_GET['callsign'] != ""){ print $_GET['callsign']; } else { print _("Search
"); } } else { print _("Search
"); } ?>" onfocus
="if (this.value=='search'){this.value='';}" /><button type
class="fa fa-search"></i
751 <!-- I
'm not sociable '-->
753 </div
758 if (isset($top_header) && $top_header != "")
760 print '<div class="top-header container clear" role="main">';
761 print '<img src="'.$globalURL.'/images/'.$top_header.'" alt="'.$title.'" title="'.$title.'" />';
765 if (strtolower($current_page) =='ident-detailed' ||
strtolower($current_page) == 'flightid-overview') {
767 <div
class="top-header clear" role
769 if (isset($longitude) && isset($latitude) && $longitude != 0 && $latitude != 0) {
771 <div id
778 if ((strpos(strtolower($current_page),'airport-') !== false && strpos(strtolower($current_page),'statistics-') === false) ||
(strpos(strtolower($current_page),'route-') !== false && strpos(strtolower($current_page),'statistics-') === false))
781 <div
class="top-header clear" role
783 <link rel
="stylesheet" href
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/css/leaflet.css" />
784 <script type
="text/javascript" src
="<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/leaflet.js"></script
791 if (strpos(strtolower($current_page),'airport-') !== false && strpos(strtolower($current_page),'statistics-') === false && isset($airport_array[0]['latitude'])) {
793 map
= L
.map('map', { zoomControl
:true }).setView([<?php
print $airport_array[0]['latitude']; ?
print $airport_array[0]['longitude']; ?
>], zoom
795 } elseif (strpos(strtolower($current_page),'airport-') !== false && strpos(strtolower($current_page),'statistics-') === false) {
797 map
= L
.map('map', { zoomControl
:true });
799 } elseif (strpos(strtolower($current_page),'route-') !== false && strpos(strtolower($current_page),'statistics-') === false && isset($spotter_array[0]['departure_airport_latitude'])) {
801 map
= L
.map('map', { zoomControl
:true }).setView([<?php
print $spotter_array[0]['departure_airport_latitude']; ?
print $spotter_array[0]['arrival_airport_longitude']; ?
802 var line
= L
print $spotter_array[0]['departure_airport_latitude']; ?
>, <?php
print $spotter_array[0]['departure_airport_longitude']; ?
print $spotter_array[0]['arrival_airport_latitude']; ?
>, <?php
print $spotter_array[0]['arrival_airport_longitude']; ?
803 map
print $spotter_array[0]['departure_airport_latitude']; ?
>, <?php
print $spotter_array[0]['departure_airport_longitude']; ?
print $spotter_array[0]['arrival_airport_latitude']; ?
>, <?php
print $spotter_array[0]['arrival_airport_longitude']; ?
804 var departure_airport
= L
print $spotter_array[0]['departure_airport_latitude']; ?
>, <?php
print $spotter_array[0]['departure_airport_longitude']; ?
>], {icon
: L
: '<?php print $globalURL; ?>/images/departure_airport.png',iconSize
: [16,18],iconAnchor
: [8,16]})}).addTo(map
805 var arrival_airport
= L
print $spotter_array[0]['arrival_airport_latitude']; ?
>, <?php
print $spotter_array[0]['arrival_airport_longitude']; ?
>], {icon
: L
: '<?php print $globalURL; ?>/images/arrival_airport.png',iconSize
: [16,18],iconAnchor
: [8,16]})}).addTo(map
807 } elseif (strpos(strtolower($current_page),'route-') !== false && strpos(strtolower($current_page),'statistics-') === false && !isset($spotter_array[0]['departure_airport_latitude']) && isset($spotter_array[0]['latitude'])) {
809 map
= L
.map('map', { zoomControl
:true }).setView([<?php
print $spotter_array[0]['latitude']; ?
print $spotter_array[0]['longitude']; ?
811 } elseif (!isset($spotter_array[0]['latitude']) && !isset($spotter_array[0]['longitude'])) {
813 map
= L
.map('map', { zoomControl
:true });
817 //initialize the layer group for the aircrft markers
818 var layer_data
= L
822 if ($globalMapProvider == 'Mapbox') {
824 L
.tileLayer('https://{s}.tiles.mapbox.com/v4/{id}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token={token}', {
826 attribution
: 'Map data © <a href="http://openstreetmap.org">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, ' +
827 '<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/">CC-BY-SA</a>, ' +
828 'Imagery © <a href="http://mapbox.com">Mapbox</a>',
829 id
: '<?php print $globalMapboxId; ?>',
830 token
: '<?php print $globalMapboxToken; ?>'
833 } elseif ($globalMapProvider == 'Mapbox-GL') {
836 accessToken
: '<?php print $globalMapboxToken; ?>',
837 style
: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/bright-v8'
840 } elseif ($globalMapProvider == 'MapQuest-OSM') {
842 L
.tileLayer('http://otile1.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
844 attribution
: 'Map data © <a href="http://openstreetmap.org">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, ' +
845 '<a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">Open Database Licence</a>, ' +
846 'Tiles Courtesy of <a href="http://www.mapquest.com">MapQuest</a>'
849 } elseif ($globalMapProvider == 'MapQuest-Aerial') {
851 L
.tileLayer('http://otile1.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/sat/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
853 attribution
: 'Map data © <a href="http://openstreetmap.org">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, ' +
854 '<a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">Open Database Licence</a>, ' +
855 'Tiles Courtesy of <a href="http://www.mapquest.com">MapQuest</a>, Portions Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech and U.S. Depart. of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency"'
858 } elseif ($globalMapProvider == 'Google-Roadmap') {
860 var googleLayer
= new L
861 map
863 } elseif ($globalMapProvider == 'Google-Satellite') {
865 var googleLayer
= new L
866 map
868 } elseif ($globalMapProvider == 'Google-Hybrid') {
870 var googleLayer
= new L
871 map
873 } elseif ($globalMapProvider == 'Google-Terrain') {
875 var googleLayer
= new L
876 map
878 } elseif (isset($globalMapCustomLayer[$globalMapProvider])) {
879 $customid = $globalMapProvider;
881 L
.tileLayer('<?php print $globalMapCustomLayer[$customid]['url
']; ?>/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
882 maxZoom
: <?php
if (isset($globalMapCustomLayer[$customid]['maxZoom'])) print $globalMapCustomLayer[$customid]['maxZoom']; else print '18'; ?
883 minZoom
: <?php
if (isset($globalMapCustomLayer[$customid]['minZoom'])) print $globalMapCustomLayer[$customid]['minZoom']; else print '0'; ?
884 noWrap
: <?php
if (isset($globalMapWrap) && !$globalMapWrap) print 'false'; else print 'true'; ?
885 attribution
: '<?php print $globalMapCustomLayer[$customid]['attribution
']; ?>'
888 } elseif ($globalMapProvider == 'offline' ||
(isset($globalMapOffline) && $globalMapOffline === TRUE)) {
890 var center
= map
891 map
= L
893 map
.getCenter(), map
.getZoom(), true);
894 L
.tileLayer('<?php print $globalURL; ?>/js/Cesium/Assets/Textures/NaturalEarthII/{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg', {
899 noWrap
: <?php
if (isset($globalMapWrap) && !$globalMapWrap) print 'false'; else print 'true'; ?
900 attribution
: 'Natural Earth'
903 //} elseif ($globalMapProvider == 'OpenStreetMap') {
906 L
.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
908 attribution
: 'Map data © <a href="http://openstreetmap.org">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, ' +
909 '<a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">Open Database Licence</a>'
922 <section
class="container main-content <?php if (strtolower($current_page) == 'index') print 'index '; ?>clear">