1 # Yaapu Frsky Telemetry script
3 A lua based telemetry script for the Taranis X9D+ and X7 radio using the frsky passthrough protocol, requires OpenTX 2.2 and arducopter 3.5.x.
5 Tested on a pixracer with copter 3.5.3 and on a pixhawk clone with copter 3.5.4
7 ![Taranis X9D+](https://github.com/yaapu/FrskyTelemetry/blob/master/IMAGES/screenshot_x9.JPG)
9 ![Taranis X7](https://github.com/yaapu/FrskyTelemetry/blob/master/IMAGES/screenshot_x7.JPG)
13 - artificial horizon with roll,pitch and yaw with numeric compass heading
14 - battery voltage from 3 sources (in order of priority)
15 - - frsky FLVSS voltage sensor if available (vs is displayed next to voltage)
16 - - frsky analog port if available (a2 is displayed next to voltage)
17 - - flight controller via telemetry (fc is displayed next to voltage)
18 - battery lowest cell if available or cell average if not
20 - battery capacity and battery capacity used in mAh and %
21 - vertical speed on left side of HUD
22 - altitude on right side of HUD
24 - gps fix status and hdop
29 - home heading as rotating triangle
30 - mavlink messages with history accessible with +/- buttons short press
32 ## Hardware requirements
34 Please refer to the arducopter wiki for information on how to configure your flight controller for passthrough protocol
35 - http://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-frsky-passthrough.html
37 For information on how to connect the FrSky equipment together, please refer to
38 - http://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-frsky-telemetry.html#common-frsky-equipment
39 - http://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-frsky-telemetry.html#frsky-cables
43 Speech sound files generated with https://soundoftext.com/
44 As of now only english is supported