1 % Crossvalidation to estimate the best parameters
9 disp('Reading the data...');
10 read_data; % has to be configured first - see the code
12 % Set the range of potential boundary height values
14 max_height = size(Visuals{1}, 1);
16 disp('Extracting features...');
17 Features = cell(size(Visuals));
18 for i=1:length(Features)
19 Features{i} = extract_features(Visuals{i}, FEATURE_EXTRACTION_METHOD);
22 disp('Generating the hashtable for all possible feature vectors... (this may take a while)');
23 X_ht = get_all_possible_x(FEATURE_EXTRACTION_METHOD, min_height:max_height);
29 %% the crossvalidation part
30 kernel_types = {'gaussian', 'flat'};
31 kernel_widths = [0.02 0.1 0.5 1 2 4 7];
32 hmm_fb_methods = {'mean', 'map'};
34 for kt = 1:length(kernel_types)
35 for kw = 1:length(kernel_widths)
36 for fbm = 1:length(hmm_fb_methods)
37 fprintf(1, '====== Iteration for parameters (%s, %i, %s) ======\n', kernel_types{kt}, kernel_widths(kw), hmm_fb_methods{fbm});
38 disp('Computing model parameters...');
40 [s, S, X] = get_probabilities(Features, Boundary1, X_ht, min_height, max_height, FEATURE_EXTRACTION_METHOD, kernel_types{kt}, kernel_widths(kw));
44 true_sequence = Boundary1{1};
47 % create emission probabilities matrix as requested by
49 X_viterbi = zeros(size(fim, 2), length(s));
50 for i=1:size(X_viterbi, 1)
51 fid = num2str(fim(:, i)'); % convert the feature to string -> feature id
52 X_viterbi(i, :) = X(X_ht.get(fid), :); % get this features' P(feature|state) for all states
55 disp('Inferring boundary 1...');
56 inferred_sequence = hmm_forward_backward(s, S', X_viterbi, hmm_fb_methods{fbm});
58 true_sequence_cleaned = true_sequence(true_sequence > 1); % remove missing data
59 inferred_sequence_cleaned = inferred_sequence(true_sequence > 1);
61 dist = sum(norm(inferred_sequence_cleaned - true_sequence_cleaned'));
62 fprintf(1, '====== Total euclidean distance between the true and the predicted sequence is: %f\n', dist);