modified: Makefile
[GalaxyCodeBases.git] / perl / etc / justonce / oyk / bin /
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
2 use strict;
3 use warnings;
5 my ($list,$store,$output) = @ARGV;
7 my %stat;
8 open LI,"<$list" or die($!);
9 open OUT,">$output" or die($!);
10 while (my $info = <LI>){
11 chomp($info);
12 my ($M,$F,$C) = split /\s+/,$info;
13 my %hete = &get_hete($C);
14 my $total = 0;
15 my $mismatch = 0;
16 open FC,"<$store/p$C.C.tsv" or die($!);
17 while (my $line = <FC>){
18 chomp($line);
19 my @data = split /\t/,$line;
20 my @Bases = split /,/,$data[2];
21 next unless (defined $hete{$data[0]});
22 next if ($data[3] eq '.' or $data[3] < 100);
23 my @tmpInfo = splice @data,4;
24 my %Dep;
25 my $depcheck = 1;
26 my $sum = 0;
27 for (@tmpInfo){
28 my $depsum = 0;
29 my @Depinfo = split /[;,]/,$_;
30 for my $i (1..scalar @Depinfo - 1){
31 if ($Depinfo[$i] eq '.'){$Depinfo[$i] = 0;}
32 $Dep{$i - 1} += $Depinfo[$i];
33 $depsum += $Depinfo[$i];
35 $sum += $depsum;
36 if ($depsum < 100){
37 $depcheck *= 0;
38 }else{
39 $depcheck *= 1;
42 next if ($depcheck == 0);
44 $total++;
45 my @dKeys = sort { $Dep{$b} <=> $Dep{$a} } keys %Dep;
46 if (@dKeys>1 and $Dep{$dKeys[1]} >= $Dep{$dKeys[0]} * 0.1){
47 my @rKeys = sort {$a<=>$b} @dKeys[0,1];
48 my $gt = join('/',$Bases[$rKeys[0]],$Bases[$rKeys[1]]);
49 unless ($gt eq $hete{$data[0]}){
50 $mismatch++;
51 print "$C\t$data[0]\t$gt\t$hete{$data[0]}\n";
53 }else{
54 $mismatch++;
55 # print "$C\t$data[0]\n";
58 close FC;
59 my $freq;
60 if ($total == 0){
61 $freq = "NA";
62 }else{
63 $freq = $mismatch/$total;
65 print OUT "p$C\t$mismatch/$total\t$freq\n";
67 close LI;
69 sub get_hete {
70 my ($input) = @_;
71 my %temp;
72 open TE,"<$store/p$input.M.tsv" or die($!);
73 while (my $line = <TE>){
74 chomp($line);
75 my @data = split /\t/,$line;
76 next if ($data[3] eq '.' or $data[3] < 100);
77 my @Depinfo = split /[;,]/,$data[4];
78 my @Bases = split /,/,$data[2];
79 my %Dep;
80 my $depsum = 0;
81 for my $i (1..scalar @Depinfo - 1){
82 if ($Depinfo[$i] eq '.'){$Depinfo[$i] = 0;}
83 $Dep{$i - 1} = $Depinfo[$i];
84 $depsum += $Depinfo[$i];
86 next if ($depsum <= 50);
87 my @dKeys = sort { $Dep{$b} <=> $Dep{$a} } keys %Dep;
88 if (@dKeys>1 and $Dep{$dKeys[1]} >= $Dep{$dKeys[0]} * 0.1){
89 my @rKeys = sort {$a<=>$b} @dKeys[0,1];
90 my $gt = join('/',$Bases[$rKeys[0]],$Bases[$rKeys[1]]);
91 $temp{$data[0]} = $gt;
92 }else{
93 next;
96 close TE;
97 return %temp;