modified: pixi.toml
[GalaxyCodeBases.git] / BioInfo / BS-Seq / bwa-meth /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 """
3 map bisulfite converted reads to an insilico converted genome using bwa mem.
4 A command to this program like:
6 python --reference ref.fa A.fq B.fq
8 Gets converted to:
10 bwa mem -pCMR ref.fa.bwameth.c2t '<python c2t A.fq B.fq'
12 So that A.fq has C's converted to T's and B.fq has G's converted to A's
13 and both are streamed directly to the aligner without a temporary file.
14 The output is a corrected, sorted, indexed BAM.
15 """
16 from __future__ import print_function
17 import tempfile
18 import sys
19 import os
20 import os.path as op
21 import argparse
22 from subprocess import check_call
23 from operator import itemgetter
24 from itertools import groupby, repeat, chain
25 import re
27 try:
28 from itertools import izip
29 import string
30 maketrans = string.maketrans
31 except ImportError: # python3
32 izip = zip
33 maketrans = str.maketrans
34 from toolshed import nopen, reader, is_newer_b
36 __version__ = "0.2.0"
38 def checkX(cmd):
39 for p in os.environ['PATH'].split(":"):
40 if os.access(os.path.join(p, cmd), os.X_OK):
41 break
42 else:
43 raise Exception("executable for '%s' not found" % cmd)
45 checkX('samtools')
46 checkX('bwa')
48 class BWAMethException(Exception): pass
50 def comp(s, _comp=maketrans('ATCG', 'TAGC')):
51 return s.translate(_comp)
53 def wrap(text, width=100): # much faster than textwrap
54 try: xrange
55 except NameError: xrange = range
56 for s in xrange(0, len(text), width):
57 yield text[s:s+width]
59 def run(cmd):
60 list(nopen("|%s" % cmd.lstrip("|")))
62 def fasta_iter(fasta_name):
63 fh = nopen(fasta_name)
64 faiter = (x[1] for x in groupby(fh, lambda line: line[0] == ">"))
65 for header in faiter:
66 header = next(header)[1:].strip()
67 yield header, "".join(s.strip() for s in next(faiter)).upper()
69 def convert_reads(fq1s, fq2s, out=sys.stdout):
71 for fq1, fq2 in zip(fq1s.split(","), fq2s.split(",")):
72 sys.stderr.write("converting reads in %s,%s\n" % (fq1, fq2))
73 fq1 = nopen(fq1)
74 if fq2 != "NA":
75 fq2 = nopen(fq2)
76 q2_iter = izip(*[fq2] * 4)
77 else:
78 sys.stderr.write("WARNING: running bwameth in single-end mode\n")
79 q2_iter = repeat((None, None, None, None))
80 q1_iter = izip(*[fq1] * 4)
82 lt80 = 0
83 for pair in izip(q1_iter, q2_iter):
84 for read_i, (name, seq, _, qual) in enumerate(pair):
85 if name is None: continue
86 name = name.rstrip("\r\n").split(" ")[0]
87 if name[0] != "@":
88 sys.stderr.write("""ERROR!!!!
89 ERROR!!! FASTQ conversion failed
90 ERROR!!! expecting FASTQ 4-tuples, but found a record %s that doesn't start with "@"
91 """ % name)
92 sys.exit(1)
93 if name.endswith(("_R1", "_R2")):
94 name = name[:-3]
95 elif name.endswith(("/1", "/2")):
96 name = name[:-2]
98 seq = seq.upper().rstrip('\n')
99 if len(seq) < 80:
100 lt80 += 1
102 char_a, char_b = ['CT', 'GA'][read_i]
103 # keep original sequence as name.
104 name = " ".join((name,
105 "YS:Z:" + seq +
106 "\tYC:Z:" + char_a + char_b + '\n'))
107 seq = seq.replace(char_a, char_b)
108 out.write("".join((name, seq, "\n+\n", qual)))
110 out.flush()
111 if lt80 > 50:
112 sys.stderr.write("WARNING: %i reads with length < 80\n" % lt80)
113 sys.stderr.write(" : this program is designed for long reads\n")
114 return 0
116 def convert_fasta(ref_fasta, just_name=False):
117 out_fa = ref_fasta + ".bwameth.c2t"
118 if just_name:
119 return out_fa
120 msg = "c2t in %s to %s" % (ref_fasta, out_fa)
121 if is_newer_b(ref_fasta, out_fa):
122 sys.stderr.write("already converted: %s\n" % msg)
123 return out_fa
124 sys.stderr.write("converting %s\n" % msg)
125 try:
126 fh = open(out_fa, "w")
127 for header, seq in fasta_iter(ref_fasta):
128 ########### Reverse ######################
129 fh.write(">r%s\n" % header)
131 #if non_cpg_only:
132 # for ctx in "TAG": # use "ATC" for fwd
133 # seq = seq.replace('G' + ctx, "A" + ctx)
134 # for line in wrap(seq):
135 # print >>fh, line
136 #else:
137 for line in wrap(seq.replace("G", "A")):
138 fh.write(line + '\n')
140 ########### Forward ######################
141 fh.write(">f%s\n" % header)
142 for line in wrap(seq.replace("C", "T")):
143 fh.write(line + '\n')
144 fh.close()
145 except:
146 try:
147 fh.close()
148 except UnboundLocalError:
149 pass
150 os.unlink(out_fa)
151 raise
152 return out_fa
155 def bwa_index(fa):
156 if is_newer_b(fa, (fa + '.amb', fa + '.sa')):
157 return
158 sys.stderr.write("indexing: %s\n" % fa)
159 try:
160 run("bwa index -a bwtsw %s" % fa)
161 except:
162 if op.exists(fa + ".amb"):
163 os.unlink(fa + ".amb")
164 raise
166 class Bam(object):
167 __slots__ = 'read flag chrom pos mapq cigar chrom_mate pos_mate tlen \
168 seq qual other'.split()
169 def __init__(self, args):
170 for a, v in zip(self.__slots__[:11], args):
171 setattr(self, a, v)
172 self.other = args[11:]
173 self.flag = int(self.flag)
174 self.pos = int(self.pos)
175 self.tlen = int(float(self.tlen))
177 def __repr__(self):
178 return "Bam({chr}:{start}:{read}".format(chr=self.chrom,
179 start=self.pos,
182 def __str__(self):
183 return "\t".join(str(getattr(self, s)) for s in self.__slots__[:11]) \
184 + "\t" + "\t".join(self.other)
186 def is_first_read(self):
187 return bool(self.flag & 0x40)
189 def is_second_read(self):
190 return bool(self.flag & 0x80)
192 def is_plus_read(self):
193 return not (self.flag & 0x10)
195 def is_minus_read(self):
196 return bool(self.flag & 0x10)
198 def is_mapped(self):
199 return not (self.flag & 0x4)
201 def cigs(self):
202 if self.cigar == "*":
203 yield (0, None)
204 raise StopIteration
205 cig_iter = groupby(self.cigar, lambda c: c.isdigit())
206 for g, n in cig_iter:
207 yield int("".join(n)), "".join(next(cig_iter)[1])
209 def cig_len(self):
210 return sum(c[0] for c in self.cigs() if c[1] in
211 ("M", "D", "N", "EQ", "X", "P"))
213 def left_shift(self):
214 left = 0
215 for n, cig in self.cigs():
216 if cig == "M": break
217 if cig == "H":
218 left += n
219 return left
221 def right_shift(self):
222 right = 0
223 for n, cig in reversed(list(self.cigs())):
224 if cig == "M": break
225 if cig == "H":
226 right += n
227 return -right or None
229 @property
230 def original_seq(self):
231 try:
232 return next(x for x in self.other if x.startswith("YS:Z:"))[5:]
233 except:
234 sys.stderr.write(repr(self.other) + "\n")
235 sys.stderr.write( + "\n")
236 raise
238 @property
239 def ga_ct(self):
240 return [x for x in self.other if x.startswith("YC:Z:")]
242 def longest_match(self, patt=re.compile("\d+M")):
243 return max(int(x[:-1]) for x in patt.findall(self.cigar))
246 def rname(fq1, fq2=""):
247 fq1, fq2 = fq1.split(",")[0], fq2.split(",")[0]
248 def name(f):
249 n = op.basename(op.splitext(f)[0])
250 if n.endswith('.fastq'): n = n[:-6]
251 if n.endswith(('.fq', '.r1', '.r2')): n = n[:-3]
252 return n
253 return "".join(a for a, b in zip(name(fq1), name(fq2)) if a == b) or 'bm'
256 def bwa_mem(fa, mfq, extra_args, threads=1, rg=None,
257 paired=True, set_as_failed=None):
258 conv_fa = convert_fasta(fa, just_name=True)
259 if not is_newer_b(conv_fa, (conv_fa + '.amb', conv_fa + '.sa')):
260 raise BWAMethException("first run index %s" % fa)
262 if not rg is None and not rg.startswith('@RG'):
263 rg = '@RG\tID:{rg}\tSM:{rg}'.format(rg=rg)
265 # penalize clipping and unpaired. lower penalty on mismatches (-B)
266 cmd = "|bwa mem -T 40 -B 2 -L 10 -CM "
268 if paired:
269 cmd += ("-U 100 -p ")
270 cmd += "-R '{rg}' -t {threads} {extra_args} {conv_fa} {mfq}"
271 cmd = cmd.format(**locals())
272 sys.stderr.write("running: %s\n" % cmd.lstrip("|"))
273 as_bam(cmd, fa, set_as_failed)
276 def as_bam(pfile, fa, set_as_failed=None):
278 pfile: either a file or a |process to generate sam output
279 fa: the reference fasta
280 set_as_failed: None, 'f', or 'r'. If 'f'. Reads mapping to that strand
281 are given the sam flag of a failed QC alignment (0x200).
283 sam_iter = nopen(pfile)
285 for line in sam_iter:
286 if not line[0] == "@": break
287 handle_header(line)
288 else:
289 sys.stderr.flush()
290 raise Exception("bad or empty fastqs")
291 sam_iter2 = (x.rstrip().split("\t") for x in chain([line], sam_iter))
292 for read_name, pair_list in groupby(sam_iter2, itemgetter(0)):
293 pair_list = [Bam(toks) for toks in pair_list]
295 for aln in handle_reads(pair_list, set_as_failed):
296 sys.stdout.write(str(aln) + '\n')
298 def handle_header(line, out=sys.stdout):
299 toks = line.rstrip().split("\t")
300 if toks[0].startswith("@SQ"):
301 sq, sn, ln = toks # @SQ SN:fchr11 LN:122082543
302 # we have f and r, only print out f
303 chrom = sn.split(":")[1]
304 if chrom.startswith('r'): return
305 chrom = chrom[1:]
306 toks = ["%s\tSN:%s\t%s" % (sq, chrom, ln)]
307 if toks[0].startswith("@PG"):
308 #out.write("\t".join(toks) + "\n")
309 toks = ["@PG\tID:bwa-meth\tPN:bwa-meth\tVN:%s\tCL:\"%s\"" % (
310 __version__,
311 " ".join(x.replace("\t", "\\t") for x in sys.argv))]
312 out.write("\t".join(toks) + "\n")
315 def handle_reads(alns, set_as_failed):
317 for aln in alns:
318 orig_seq = aln.original_seq
319 assert len(aln.seq) == len(aln.qual),
320 # don't need this any more.
321 aln.other = [x for x in aln.other if not x.startswith('YS:Z')]
323 # first letter of chrom is 'f' or 'r'
324 direction = aln.chrom[0]
325 aln.chrom = aln.chrom.lstrip('fr')
327 if not aln.is_mapped():
328 aln.seq = orig_seq
329 continue
331 assert direction in 'fr', (direction, aln)
332 aln.other.append('YD:Z:' + direction)
334 if set_as_failed == direction:
335 aln.flag |= 0x200
337 # here we have a heuristic that if the longest match is not 44% of the
338 # sequence length, we mark it as failed QC and un-pair it. At the end
339 # of the loop we set all members of this pair to be unmapped
340 if aln.longest_match() < (len(orig_seq) * 0.44):
341 aln.flag |= 0x200 # fail qc
342 aln.flag &= (~0x2) # un-pair
343 aln.mapq = min(int(aln.mapq), 1)
345 mate_direction = aln.chrom_mate[0]
346 if mate_direction not in "*=":
347 aln.chrom_mate = aln.chrom_mate[1:]
349 # adjust the original seq to the cigar
350 l, r = aln.left_shift(), aln.right_shift()
351 if aln.is_plus_read():
352 aln.seq = orig_seq[l:r]
353 else:
354 aln.seq = comp(orig_seq[::-1][l:r])
356 if any(aln.flag & 0x200 for aln in alns):
357 for aln in alns:
358 aln.flag |= 0x200
359 aln.flag &= (~0x2)
360 return alns
362 def cnvs_main(args):
363 __doc__ = """
364 calculate CNVs from BS-Seq bams or vcfs
366 p = argparse.ArgumentParser(__doc__)
367 p.add_argument("--regions", help="optional target regions", default='NA')
368 p.add_argument("bams", nargs="+")
370 a = p.parse_args(args)
371 r_script = """
372 options(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
373 suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(cn.mops))
374 suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(snow))
375 args = commandArgs(TRUE)
376 regions = args[1]
377 bams = args[2:length(args)]
378 n = length(bams)
379 if({
380 bam_counts = getReadCountsFromBAM(bams, parallel=min(n, 4), mode="paired")
381 res = cn.mops(bam_counts, parallel=min(n, 4), priorImpact=20)
382 } else {
383 segments = read.delim(regions, header=FALSE)
384 gr = GRanges(segments[,1], IRanges(segments[,2], segments[,3]))
385 bam_counts = getSegmentReadCountsFromBAM(bams, GR=gr, mode="paired", parallel=min(n, 4))
386 res = exomecn.mops(bam_counts, parallel=min(n, 4), priorImpact=20)
388 res = calcIntegerCopyNumbers(res)
390 df =
391 write.table(df, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep="\t")
393 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) as rfh:
394 rfh.write(r_script + '\n')
395 rfh.flush()
396 for d in reader('|Rscript {rs_name} {regions} {bams}'.format(
397, regions=a.regions, bams=" ".join(a.bams)),
398 header=False):
399 print("\t".join(d))
402 def convert_fqs(fqs):
403 script = __file__
404 return "'<%s %s c2t %s %s'" % (sys.executable, script, fqs[0],
405 fqs[1] if len(fqs) > 1
406 else ','.join(['NA'] * len(fqs[0].split(","))))
408 def main(args=sys.argv[1:]):
410 if len(args) > 0 and args[0] == "index":
411 assert len(args) == 2, ("must specify fasta as 2nd argument")
412 sys.exit(bwa_index(convert_fasta(args[1])))
414 if len(args) > 0 and args[0] == "c2t":
415 sys.exit(convert_reads(args[1], args[2]))
417 if len(args) > 0 and args[0] == "cnvs":
418 sys.exit(cnvs_main(args[1:]))
420 p = argparse.ArgumentParser(__doc__)
421 p.add_argument("--reference", help="reference fasta", required=True)
422 p.add_argument("-t", "--threads", type=int, default=6)
423 p.add_argument("--read-group", help="read-group to add to bam in same"
424 " format as to bwa: '@RG\\tID:foo\\tSM:bar'")
425 p.add_argument('--set-as-failed', help="flag alignments to this strand"
426 " as not passing QC (0x200). Targetted BS-Seq libraries are often"
427 " to a single strand, so we can flag them as QC failures. Note"
428 " f == OT, r == OB. Likely, this will be 'f' as we will expect"
429 " reads to align to the original-bottom (OB) strand and will flag"
430 " as failed those aligning to the forward, or original top (OT).",
431 default=None, choices=('f', 'r'))
432 p.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=' {}'.format(__version__))
434 p.add_argument("fastqs", nargs="+", help="bs-seq fastqs to align. Run"
435 "multiple sets separated by commas, e.g. ... a_R1.fastq,b_R1.fastq"
436 " a_R2.fastq,b_R2.fastq note that the order must be maintained.")
438 args, pass_through_args = p.parse_known_args(args)
440 # for the 2nd file. use G => A and bwa's support for streaming.
441 conv_fqs_cmd = convert_fqs(args.fastqs)
443 bwa_mem(args.reference, conv_fqs_cmd, ' '.join(map(str, pass_through_args)),
444 threads=args.threads, rg=args.read_group or
445 rname(*args.fastqs),
446 paired=len(args.fastqs) == 2,
447 set_as_failed=args.set_as_failed)
449 if __name__ == "__main__":
450 main(sys.argv[1:])