modified: pixi.toml
[GalaxyCodeBases.git] / BioInfo / BS-Seq / bwa-meth / compare / src /
1 #! /bin/bash
3 # Align paired bisulfite-converted DNA reads to a genome.
5 # This assumes that reads1.fastq are all from the converted strand
6 # (i.e. they have C->T conversions) and reads2.fastq are all from the
7 # reverse-complement (i.e. they have G->A conversions).
9 # "GNU parallel" needs to be installed.
11 [ $# -eq 5 ] || {
12 cat <<EOF
13 Typical usage:
15 lastdb -w 2 -u bisulfite_f.seed my_f mygenome.fa
16 lastdb -w 2 -u bisulfite_r.seed my_r mygenome.fa
18 $(basename $0) my_f my_r reads1.fastq reads2.fastq readgroup_id > results.maf
20 EOF
21 exit 2
24 # Try to get the LAST programs into the PATH, if they aren't already:
25 PATH=$PATH:$(dirname $0)/../src:$(dirname $0)/../scripts
27 tmp=/scratch/brentp/$$
28 trap 'rm -f $tmp.*' EXIT
30 cat > $tmp.fmat << 'EOF'
31 A C G T
32 A 6 -18 -18 -18
33 C -18 6 -18 3
34 G -18 -18 6 -18
35 T -18 -18 -18 3
36 EOF
38 cat > $tmp.rmat << 'EOF'
39 A C G T
40 A 3 -18 -18 -18
41 C -18 6 -18 -18
42 G 3 -18 6 -18
43 T -18 -18 -18 6
44 EOF
46 cat > $tmp.script << 'EOF'
47 t=$1.$$
49 lastal -m10 -p $1.fmat -s1 -Q1 -e120 -i1 "$2" "$4" > $t.t1f
50 lastal -m10 -p $1.rmat -s0 -Q1 -e120 -i1 "$3" "$4" > $t.t1r
51 $t.t1f $t.t1r > $t.t1
52 rm $t.t1f $t.t1r
54 lastal -m10 -p $1.fmat -s0 -Q1 -e120 -i1 "$2" "$5" > $t.t2f
55 lastal -m10 -p $1.rmat -s1 -Q1 -e120 -i1 "$3" "$5" > $t.t2r
56 $t.t2f $t.t2r > $t.t2
57 rm $t.t2f $t.t2r
59 -m0.1 $t.t1 $t.t2 |
60 perl -F'(\s+)' -ane '$F[12] =~ y/ta/CG/ if /^s/ and $s++ % 2; print @F'
61 rm $t.t1 $t.t2
62 EOF
64 # use less as it does zless too
65 # Convert C to t, and all other letters to uppercase:
66 perl -pe 'y/Cca-z/ttA-Z/ if $. % 4 == 2' <(less $3) | split -l1800000 -a5 - $tmp.1
68 # Convert G to a, and all other letters to uppercase:
69 perl -pe 'y/Gga-z/aaA-Z/ if $. % 4 == 2' <(less $4) | split -l1800000 -a5 - $tmp.2
71 parallel --noswap -j 4 --gnu --xapply sh $tmp.script $tmp "$1" "$2" ::: $tmp.1* ::: $tmp.2* > $tmp.merge.maf
73 rg=$5
74 sam -d $tmp.merge.maf -r "ID:$rg SM:$rg"