3 ez_setup
4 from setuptools
import setup
8 """Get the version info from the mpld3 package without importing it"""
11 with
) as init_file
12 module
= ast
14 version
= (ast
) for node
in ast
15 if isinstance(node
, ast
16 and node
[0].id == "__version__")
20 raise ValueError("version could not be located")
22 install_requires
= ['toolshed']
23 if sys
[:2] < (2, 7):
24 install_requires
.extend(["argparse", "ordereddict"])
27 version
28 description
="align BS-Seq reads with bwa mem",
29 py_modules
30 author
="Brent Pedersen",
31 author_email
33 install_requires
34 long_description
36 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics',
37 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2',
38 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3'
40 scripts