1 # Fills file md5 for NCBI SRA uploading page
3 set myVar to the clipboard
6 set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " *"
7 tell application "Google Chrome" to activate
9 repeat with p in paragraphs of myVar
10 set ns to text items of p
11 #display dialog item 1 of ns
12 tell application "System Events"
13 keystroke item 2 of ns
15 keystroke item 1 of ns
21 #display dialog "Done !"
23 #tell application "Google Chrome" to activate
25 #tell application "System Events"
26 # keystroke "lane1_Undetermined_L001_210210.A2.GZXJ008.1.addN.gz.101.fq.gz"
28 # keystroke "e0ddffd4dc74f5309819400e24cfacf7"