modified: pixi.toml
[GalaxyCodeBases.git] / etc / salus /
1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
3 #
4 # called by
5 # sh input.bam BC
6 # to print read_id and BC tag value
8 # two arguments, a bam file and the tag to extract
9 BAM=$1
10 TAG=$2
12 # write a tsv with columns read_id and tag value
13 echo -e "read_id\t$TAG"
14 samtools view "$BAM" | grep "$TAG:." | perl -pe 's/(^.+?)\t.*'$TAG':.:(.+?)\t.*/$1\t$2/g'
15 # regular expression substutes pattern (read_id)*(tag_value)* for (read_id)\t(tag_value)