modified: makefile
[GalaxyCodeBases.git] / c_cpp / etc / jellyfish / tests /
1 #! /bin/sh
3 cd tests
4 . ./
6 if [ -z "$BIG" ]; then
7 echo "Skip big test"
8 exit 77
9 fi
11 sort > ${pref}.md5sum <<EOF
12 f52abd3e2a7cc5089cc8f32cb607c4c5 ${pref}_16.histo
13 eac5dafa9db7af2c5202dec8c6c33d00 ${pref}_16.stats
14 EOF
16 # $JF count -m 31 -s 4000000000 -o ${pref}_31 -c 4 -p 253 -C -r -t $nCPUs --timing ${pref}_31.timing \
17 # seq30g.fa && \
18 # $JF histo ${pref}_31_0 > ${pref}_31.histo && \
20 echo "Generate 30 Gigs of sequence and count k-mers on it" && \
21 ([ -f seq30g.fa ] || ${DIR}/generate_sequence -v -o seq30g -r 1000 -s 1602176487 30000000000) && \
22 $JF count -m 16 -s 4000000000 -o ${pref}_16 -c 4 -p 253 -C --out-counter-len 2 \
23 -t $nCPUs --timing ${pref}_16.timing --stats ${pref}_16.stats $JFPARAM seq30g.fa && \
24 $JF histo ${pref}_16_0 > ${pref}_16.histo && \
25 check ${pref}.md5sum
26 RET=$?
28 echo "16-mer timing"; cat ${pref}_16.timing
30 exit $RET