3 mkdir salusSpatialOmics
5 #git clone --bare --recursive --filter=blob:none --also-filter-submodules github-BGI:salusbio/SpatialOmics.git
6 git clone
--bare --recursive --filter=blob
:none git@github.com
9 git config
--add remote.origin.fetch
12 git config
--local user.name
'HU Xuesong'
13 git config
--local user.email
15 git for-each-ref
'refs/heads/*' --format '%(refname:short)' --sort=-creatordate --shell |
head -n5 |
xargs -I{} echo "git worktree add ../{} {}; git branch -u origin/{} {}" | bash
19 # https://stackoverflow.com/a/74876298/159695 and https://stackoverflow.com/a/62524752/159695
20 # for `git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/heads | xargs git branch -d`, there will be not 'refs/heads/*' but only 'refs/remotes/origin/*', and its short refname is like `origin/main`, which is not good.
21 # However, `git worktree add ../main main` works.
22 # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14639206/how-can-i-pass-all-arguments-with-xargs-in-middle-of-command-in-linux/35612138#35612138