modified: makefile
[GalaxyCodeBases.git] / tools / Bilibili / Biligrab /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 # Author: Beining --<ACICFG>
4 # Purpose: Yet another danmaku and video file downloader of Bilibili.
5 # Created: 11/06/2013
6 #
7 # Biligrab is licensed under MIT license (
8 #
9 # Copyright (c) 2013-2015
11 '''
12 Biligrab
13 Beining@ACICFG
14 cnbeining[at]
17 MIT license
18 '''
20 from ast import literal_eval
21 import sys
22 import os
23 from StringIO import StringIO
24 import gzip
25 import urllib
26 import urllib2
27 import math
28 import json
29 import commands
30 import subprocess
31 import hashlib
32 import getopt
33 import logging
34 import traceback
35 import threading
36 import Queue
37 from time import time
39 from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
41 try:
42 from danmaku2ass2 import *
43 except Exception:
44 pass
46 global vid, cid, partname, title, videourl, part_now, is_first_run, APPKEY, SECRETKEY, LOG_LEVEL, VER, LOCATION_DIR, VIDEO_FORMAT, convert_ass, is_export, IS_SLIENT, pages, IS_M3U, FFPROBE_USABLE, QUALITY, IS_FAKE_IP, FAKE_IP
48 cookies, VIDEO_FORMAT = '', ''
49 LOG_LEVEL, pages, FFPROBE_USABLE = 0, 0, 0
50 APPKEY = '6f90a59ac58a4123'
51 SECRETKEY = 'b78be1fef78c3e7fdc7633e5fd5eee90'
52 SECRETKEY_MINILOADER = '1c15888dc316e05a15fdd0a02ed6584f'
53 VER = '0.98.95'
54 FAKE_UA = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.52 Safari/537.36'
56 'User-Agent': FAKE_UA,
57 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
58 'Pragma': 'no-cache',
59 'pianhao': '%7B%22qing%22%3A%22super%22%2C%22qtudou%22%3A%22real%22%2C%22qyouku%22%3A%22super%22%2C%22q56%22%3A%22super%22%2C%22qcntv%22%3A%22super%22%2C%22qletv%22%3A%22super2%22%2C%22qqiyi%22%3A%22real%22%2C%22qsohu%22%3A%22real%22%2C%22qqq%22%3A%22real%22%2C%22qhunantv%22%3A%22super%22%2C%22qku6%22%3A%22super%22%2C%22qyinyuetai%22%3A%22super%22%2C%22qtangdou%22%3A%22super%22%2C%22qxunlei%22%3A%22super%22%2C%22qsina%22%3A%22high%22%2C%22qpptv%22%3A%22super%22%2C%22qpps%22%3A%22high%22%2C%22qm1905%22%3A%22high%22%2C%22qbokecc%22%3A%22super%22%2C%22q17173%22%3A%22super%22%2C%22qcuctv%22%3A%22super%22%2C%22q163%22%3A%22super%22%2C%22q51cto%22%3A%22high%22%2C%22xia%22%3A%22auto%22%2C%22pop%22%3A%22no%22%2C%22open%22%3A%22no%22%7D'}
60 LOCATION_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
62 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
63 def list_del_repeat(list):
64 """delete repeated items in a list, and keep the order.
66 l2 = []
67 [l2.append(i) for i in list if not i in l2]
68 return(l2)
70 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
71 def logging_level_reader(LOG_LEVEL):
72 """str->int
73 Logging level."""
74 return {
75 'INFO': logging.INFO,
76 'DEBUG': logging.DEBUG,
77 'WARNING': logging.WARNING,
78 'FATAL': logging.FATAL
79 }.get(LOG_LEVEL)
81 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
82 def calc_sign(string):
83 """str/any->str
84 return MD5."""
85 return str(hashlib.md5(str(string).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest())
87 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
88 def read_cookie(cookiepath):
89 """str->list
90 Original target: set the cookie
91 Target now: Set the global header"""
93 try:
94 cookies_file = open(cookiepath, 'r')
95 cookies = cookies_file.readlines()
96 cookies_file.close()
97 # print(cookies)
98 return cookies
99 except Exception:
100 logging.warning('Cannot read cookie, may affect some videos...')
101 return ['']
103 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
104 def clean_name(name):
105 """str->str
106 delete all the dramas in the filename."""
107 return (str(name).strip().replace('\\',' ').replace('/', ' ').replace('&', ' ')).replace('-', ' ')
109 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
110 def send_request(url, header, is_fake_ip):
111 """str,dict,int->str
112 Send request, and return answer."""
113 global IS_FAKE_IP
114 data = ''
115 if IS_FAKE_IP == 1:
116 header['X-Forwarded-For'] = FAKE_IP
117 header['Client-IP'] = FAKE_IP
118 header['X-Real-IP'] = FAKE_IP
119 try:
120 #logging.debug(header)
121 request = urllib2.Request(url, headers=header)
122 response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
123 data =
124 except urllib2.HTTPError:
126 return ''
127 if'Content-Encoding') == 'gzip':
128 buf = StringIO(
129 f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf)
130 data =
131 #except Exception:
132 #raise URLOpenException('Cannot open URL! Raw output:\n\n{output}'.format(output = command_result[1]))
133 #print(request.headers)
134 logging.debug(data)
135 return data
137 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
138 def mylist_to_aid_list(mylist):
139 """str/int->list"""
140 data = send_request('{mylist}.js'.format(mylist = mylist), FAKE_HEADER, IS_FAKE_IP)
141 #request = urllib2.Request('{mylist}.js'.format(mylist = mylist), headers = FAKE_HEADER)
142 #response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
143 aid_list = []
144 #data =
145 for i in data.split('\n')[-3].split(','):
146 if 'aid' in i:
147 aid_list.append(i.split(':')[1])
148 return aid_list
152 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
153 def find_cid_api(vid, p, cookies):
154 """find cid and print video detail
155 str,int?,str->str,str,str,str
156 TODO: Use json."""
157 global cid, partname, title, videourl, pages
158 cid = 0
159 title , partname , pages, = '', '', ''
160 if str(p) is '0' or str(p) is '1':
161 #str2Hash = 'appkey={APPKEY}&id={vid}&type=xml{SECRETKEY}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, vid = vid, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY)
162 #biliurl = '{APPKEY}&id={vid}&type=xml&sign={sign}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, vid = vid, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY, sign = calc_sign(str2Hash))
163 biliurl = '{APPKEY}&id={vid}&type=xml'.format(APPKEY = '8e9fc618fbd41e28', vid = vid, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY)
165 else:
166 #str2Hash = 'appkey={APPKEY}&id={vid}&page={p}&type=xml{SECRETKEY}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, vid = vid, p = p, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY)
167 #biliurl = '{APPKEY}&id={vid}&page={p}&type=xml&sign={sign}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, vid = vid, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY, p = p, sign = calc_sign(str2Hash))
168 biliurl = '{APPKEY}&id={vid}&page={p}&type=xml'.format(APPKEY = '8e9fc618fbd41e28', vid = vid, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY, p = p)
169 logging.debug('BiliURL: ' + biliurl)
170 videourl = '{vid}/index_{p}.html'.format(vid = vid, p = p)
171'Fetching api to read video info...')
172 data = ''
173 try:
174 #request = urllib2.Request(biliurl, headers=BILIGRAB_HEADER)
175 #response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
176 #data =
177 data = send_request(biliurl, BILIGRAB_HEADER, IS_FAKE_IP)
178 logging.debug('Bilibili API: ' + data)
179 dom = parseString(data)
180 for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('cid'):
181 if node.parentNode.tagName == "info":
182 cid = node.toxml()[5:-6]
183'cid is ' + cid)
184 break
185 for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('partname'):
186 if node.parentNode.tagName == "info":
187 partname = clean_name(str(node.toxml()[10:-11]))
188'partname is ' + partname)# no more /\ drama
189 break
190 for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('title'):
191 if node.parentNode.tagName == "info":
192 title = clean_name(str(node.toxml()[7:-8])).decode("utf-8")
193'Title is ' + title).encode(sys.stdout.encoding))
194 for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('pages'):
195 if node.parentNode.tagName == "info":
196 pages = clean_name(str(node.toxml()[7:-8]))
197'Total pages is ' + str(pages))
198 return [cid, partname, title, pages]
199 except Exception: # If API failed
200 logging.warning('Cannot connect to API server! \nIf you think this is wrong, please open an issue at \n with *ALL* the screen output, \nas well as your IP address and basic system info.\nYou can get these data via "-l".')
201 logging.debug('API Data: ' + data)
202 return ['', '', '', '']
204 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
205 def find_cid_flvcd(videourl):
206 """str->None
207 set cid."""
208 global vid, cid, partname, title
209'Fetching webpage with raw page...')
210 #request = urllib2.Request(videourl, headers=FAKE_HEADER)
211 data = send_request(videourl, FAKE_HEADER, IS_FAKE_IP)
212 #request.add_header('Accept-encoding', 'gzip')
213 #try:
214 #response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
215 #except urllib2.HTTPError:
217 #return ''
218 #if'Content-Encoding') == 'gzip':
219 #buf = StringIO(
220 #f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf)
221 #data =
222 data_list = data.split('\n')
223 logging.debug(data)
224 # Todo: read title
225 for lines in data_list:
226 if 'cid=' in lines:
227 cid = lines.split('&')
228 cid = cid[0].split('=')
229 cid = cid[-1]
230'cid is ' + str(cid))
231 break
233 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
234 def check_dependencies(download_software, concat_software, probe_software):
235 """None->str,str,str
236 Will give softwares for concat, download and probe.
237 The detection of Python3 is located at the end of Main function."""
238 concat_software_list = ['ffmpeg', 'avconv']
239 download_software_list = ['aria2c', 'axel', 'wget', 'curl']
240 probe_software_list = ['ffprobe', 'mediainfo']
241 name_list = [[concat_software,
242 concat_software_list],
243 [download_software,
244 download_software_list],
245 [probe_software,
246 probe_software_list]]
247 for name in name_list:
248 if name[0].strip().lower() not in name[1]: # Unsupported software
249 # Set a Unsupported software, not blank
250 if len(name[0].strip()) != 0:
251 logging.warning('Requested Software not supported!\n Biligrab only support these following software(s):\n ' + str(name[1]) + '\n Trying to find available one...')
252 for software in name[1]:
253 output = commands.getstatusoutput(software + ' --help')
254 if str(output[0]) != '32512': # If exist
255 name[0] = software
256 break
257 if name[0] == '':
258 logging.fatal('Cannot find software in ' + str(name[1]) + ' !')
259 exit()
260 return name_list[0][0], name_list[1][0], name_list[2][0]
262 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
263 def download_video_link(part_number, download_software, video_link, thread_single_download):
264 """set->str"""
265'Downloading #{part_number}...'.format(part_number = part_number))
266 if download_software == 'aria2c':
267 cmd = 'aria2c -c -U "{FAKE_UA}" -s{thread_single_download} -x{thread_single_download} -k1M --out {part_number}.flv "{video_link}"'
268 elif download_software == 'wget':
269 cmd = 'wget -c -A "{FAKE_UA}" -O {part_number}.flv "{video_link}"'
270 elif download_software == 'curl':
271 cmd = 'curl -L -C - -A "{FAKE_UA}" -o {part_number}.flv "{video_link}"'
272 elif download_software == 'axel':
273 cmd = 'axel -U "{FAKE_UA}" -n {thread_single_download} -o {part_number}.flv "{video_link}"'
274 cmd = cmd.format(part_number = part_number, video_link = video_link, thread_single_download = thread_single_download, FAKE_UA = FAKE_UA)
275 logging.debug(cmd)
276 return cmd
278 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
279 def execute_cmd(cmd):
280 """"""
281 return_code =, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
282 if return_code != 0:
283 logging.warning('ERROR')
284 return return_code
286 def execute_sysencode_cmd(command):
287 """execute cmd with sysencoding"""
288 os.system(command.decode("utf-8").encode(sys.stdout.encoding))
290 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
291 def concat_videos(concat_software, vid_num, filename):
292 """str,str->None"""
293 global VIDEO_FORMAT,title
294 if concat_software == 'ffmpeg':
295 f = open('ff.txt', 'w')
296 ff = ''
297 cwd = os.getcwd()
298 for i in range(vid_num):
299 ff += 'file \'{cwd}/{i}.flv\'\n'.format(cwd = cwd, i = i)
300 # ff = ff.encode("utf8")
301 f.write(ff)
302 f.close()
303 logging.debug(ff)
304'Concating videos...')
306 execute_sysencode_cmd('ffmpeg -f concat -i ff.txt -c copy "' + filename + '".mp4')
307 VIDEO_FORMAT = 'mp4'
308 if os.path.isfile((str(i) + '.mp4').decode("utf-8")):
309 try:
310 # os.remove('ff.txt')
311 print((str(i) + '.flv').decode("utf-8"))
312 os.remove((str(i) + '.flv').decode("utf-8"))
313 for i in range(vid_num):
314 os.remove((str(i) + '.flv').decode("utf-8"))
315 #execute_sysencode_cmd('rm -r ' + str(i) + '.flv')
316'Done, enjoy yourself!')
317 except Exception:
318 logging.warning('Cannot delete temporary files!')
319 return ['']
320 else:
321 print('ERROR: Cannot concatenate files, trying to make flv...')
322 execute_sysencode_cmd('ffmpeg -f concat -i ff.txt -c copy "' + filename + '".flv')
323 VIDEO_FORMAT = 'flv'
324 if os.path.isfile((str(i) + '.flv').decode("utf-8")):
325 logging.warning('FLV file made. Not possible to mux to MP4, highly likely due to audio format.')
326 #execute_sysencode_cmd('rm -r ff.txt')
327 # os.remove('ff.txt')
328 print(('ff.txt').decode("utf-8"))
329 os.remove(('ff.txt').decode("utf-8"))
330 for i in range(vid_num):
331 #execute_sysencode_cmd('rm -r ' + str(i) + '.flv')
332 os.remove((str(i) + '.flv').decode("utf-8"))
333 else:
334 logging.error('Cannot concatenate files!')
335 elif concat_software == 'avconv':
336 pass
338 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
339 def process_m3u8(url):
340 """str->list
341 Only Youku."""
342 url_list = []
343 data = send_request(url, FAKE_HEADER, IS_FAKE_IP)
344 if data == '':
345 logging.error('Cannot download required m3u8!')
346 return []
347 #request = urllib2.Request(url, headers=BILIGRAB_HEADER)
348 #try:
349 #response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
350 #except Exception:
351 #logging.error('Cannot download required m3u8!')
352 #return []
353 #data =
354 #logging.debug(data)
355 data = data.split()
356 if 'youku' in url:
357 return [data[4].split('?')[0]]
359 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
360 def make_m3u8(video_list):
361 """list->str
362 list:
363 [(VIDEO_URL, TIME_IN_SEC), ...]"""
364 TARGETDURATION = int(max([i[1] for i in video_list])) + 1
366 for i in video_list:
367 line += '#EXTINF:{time}\n{url}\n'.format(time = str(i[1]), url = i[0])
368 line += '#EXT-X-ENDLIST'
369 logging.debug('m3u8: ' + line)
370 return line
372 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
373 def find_video_address_html5(vid, p, header):
374 """str,str,dict->list
375 Method #3."""
376 api_url = '{vid}&page={p}'.format(vid = vid, p = p)
377 data = send_request(api_url, header, IS_FAKE_IP)
378 if data == '':
379 logging.error('Cannot connect to HTML5 API!')
380 return []
381 #request = urllib2.Request(api_url, headers=header)
382 #url_list = []
383 #try:
384 #response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
385 #except Exception:
386 #logging.error('Cannot connect to HTML5 API!')
387 #return []
388 #data =
389 #Fix #13
390 #if'Content-Encoding') == 'gzip':
391 #data = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=StringIO(data), mode="r").read()
392 #logging.debug(data)
393 info = json.loads(data.decode('utf-8'))
394 raw_url = info['src']
395 if 'error.mp4' in raw_url:
396 logging.error('HTML5 API returned ERROR or not available!')
397 return [] #As in #11
398 if 'm3u8' in raw_url:
399'Found m3u8, processing...')
400 return process_m3u8(raw_url)
401 return [raw_url]
403 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
404 def find_video_address_force_original(cid, header):
405 """str,str->str
406 Give the original URL, if possible.
407 Method #2."""
408 # Force get oriurl
409 #sign_this = calc_sign('appkey={APPKEY}&cid={cid}{SECRETKEY}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, cid = cid, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY))
410 api_url = ''
411 #data = send_request(api_url + 'appkey={APPKEY}&cid={cid}&sign={sign_this}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, cid = cid, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY, sign_this = sign_this), header, IS_FAKE_IP)
412 data = send_request(api_url + 'appkey={APPKEY}&cid={cid}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, cid = cid, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY), header, IS_FAKE_IP)
413 #request = urllib2.Request(api_url + 'appkey={APPKEY}&cid={cid}&sign={sign_this}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, cid = cid, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY, sign_this = sign_this), headers=header)
414 #response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
415 #data =
416 #logging.debug('interface responce: ' + data)
417 data = data.split('\n')
418 for l in data:
419 if 'oriurl' in l:
420 originalurl = str(l[8:-9])
421'Original URL is ' + originalurl)
422 return originalurl
423 logging.warning('Cannot get original URL! Chances are it does not exist.')
424 return ''
426 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
427 def find_link_flvcd(videourl):
428 """str->list
429 Used in method 2 and 5."""
430'Finding link via Flvcd...')
431 data = send_request('' + urllib.urlencode([('kw', videourl)]) + '&format=super', FAKE_HEADER, IS_FAKE_IP)
433 #request = urllib2.Request('' +
434 #urllib.urlencode([('kw', videourl)]) + '&format=super', headers=FAKE_HEADER)
435 #request.add_header('Accept-encoding', 'gzip')
436 #response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
437 #data =
438 #if'Content-Encoding') == 'gzip':
439 #buf = StringIO(data)
440 #f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf)
441 #data =
442 data_list = data.split('\n')
443 #logging.debug(data)
444 for items in data_list:
445 if 'name' in items and 'inf' in items and 'input' in items:
446 c = items
447 rawurlflvcd = c[59:-5]
448 rawurlflvcd = rawurlflvcd.split('|')
449 return rawurlflvcd
451 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
452 def find_video_address_pr(cid, quality, header):
453 """str,str->list
454 The API provided by BilibiliPr."""
455'Finding link via BilibiliPr...')
456 api_url = '{quality}?cid={cid}'.format(quality = quality, cid = cid)
457 data = send_request(api_url, header, IS_FAKE_IP)
459 #request = urllib2.Request(api_url, headers=header)
460 #try:
461 #response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=3)
462 #data =
463 #except Exception:
464 #logging.warning('No response!')
465 #return ['ERROR']
466 #logging.debug('BilibiliPr API: ' + data)
467 if '!' in data[0:2]:
468 logging.warning('API returned 404!')
469 return ['ERROR']
470 else:
471 rawurl = []
472 originalurl = ''
473 dom = parseString(data)
474 for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('durl'):
475 url = node.getElementsByTagName('url')[0]
476 rawurl.append(url.childNodes[0].data)
477 return rawurl
479 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
480 def find_video_address_normal_api(cid, header, method, convert_m3u = False):
481 """str,str,str->list
482 Change in 0.98: Return the file list directly.
483 Method:
484 0: Original API
485 1: CDN API
486 2: Original URL API - Divided in another function
487 3: Mobile API - Divided in another function
488 4: Flvcd - Divided in another function
489 5: BilibiliPr
490 [(VIDEO_URL, TIME_IN_SEC), ...]
492 if method == '1':
493 api_url = ''
494 else: #Method 0 or other
495 api_url = ''
496 if QUALITY == -1:
497 sign_this = calc_sign('cid={cid}&from=miniplay&player=1{SECRETKEY_MINILOADER}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, cid = cid, SECRETKEY_MINILOADER = SECRETKEY_MINILOADER))
498 interface_url = api_url + 'cid={cid}&from=miniplay&player=1&sign={sign_this}'.format(cid = cid, sign_this = sign_this)
499 #interface_url = api_url + 'appkey={APPKEY}&cid={cid}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, cid = cid, SECRETKEY = SECRETKEY)
500 else:
501 sign_this = calc_sign('cid={cid}&from=miniplay&player=1&quality={QUALITY}{SECRETKEY_MINILOADER}'.format(APPKEY = APPKEY, cid = cid, SECRETKEY_MINILOADER = SECRETKEY_MINILOADER, QUALITY = QUALITY))
502 interface_url = api_url + 'cid={cid}&from=miniplay&player=1&quality={QUALITY}&sign={sign_this}'.format(cid = cid, sign_this = sign_this, QUALITY = QUALITY)
505 data = send_request(interface_url, header, IS_FAKE_IP)
506 #request = urllib2.Request(interface_url, headers=header)
507 #logging.debug('Interface: ' + interface_url)
508 #response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
509 #data =
510 #logging.debug('interface API: ' + data)
511 for l in data.split('\n'): # In case shit happens
512 if 'error.mp4' in l or 'copyright.mp4' in l:
513 logging.warning('API header may be blocked!')
514 return ['API_BLOCKED']
515 rawurl = []
516 originalurl = ''
517 dom = parseString(data)
518 if convert_m3u:
519 for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('durl'):
520 length = node.getElementsByTagName('length')[0]
521 url = node.getElementsByTagName('url')[0]
522 rawurl.append((url.childNodes[0].data, int(int(length.childNodes[0].data) / 1000) + 1))
523 else:
524 for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('durl'):
525 url = node.getElementsByTagName('url')[0]
526 rawurl.append(url.childNodes[0].data)
527 return rawurl
529 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
530 def find_link_you_get(videourl):
531 """str->list
532 Extract urls with you-get."""
533 command_result = commands.getstatusoutput('you-get -u {videourl}'.format(videourl = videourl))
534 logging.debug(command_result)
535 if command_result[0] != 0:
536 raise YougetURLException('You-get failed somehow! Raw output:\n\n{output}'.format(output = command_result[1]))
537 else:
538 url_list = command_result[1].split('\n')
539 for k, v in enumerate(url_list):
540 if v.startswith('http'):
541 url_list = url_list[k:]
542 break
543 #url_list = literal_eval(url_list_str)
544 logging.debug('URL_LIST:{url_list}'.format(url_list = url_list))
545 return list(url_list)
547 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
548 def get_video(oversea, convert_m3u = False):
549 """str->list
550 A full parser for getting video.
551 convert_m3u: [(URL, time_in_sec)]
552 else: [url,url]"""
553 rawurl = []
554 if oversea == '2':
555 raw_link = find_video_address_force_original(cid, BILIGRAB_HEADER)
556 rawurl = find_link_flvcd(raw_link)
557 elif oversea == '3':
558 rawurl = find_video_address_html5(vid, p, BILIGRAB_HEADER)
559 if rawurl == []: #As in #11
560 rawurl = find_video_address_html5(vid, p, FAKE_HEADER)
561 elif oversea == '4':
562 rawurl = find_link_flvcd(videourl)
563 elif oversea == '5':
564 rawurl = find_video_address_pr(cid, 1080, BILIGRAB_HEADER)
565 if '404' in rawurl[0]:
566'Using lower quality...')
567 rawurl = find_video_address_pr(cid, 720, BILIGRAB_HEADER)
568 if '404' in rawurl[0]:
569 logging.error('Failed!')
570 rawurl = []
571 else:
572 pass
573 elif 'ERROR' in rawurl[0]:
574'Wait a little bit...')
575 time.sleep(5)
576 rawurl = find_video_address_pr(cid, 1080, BILIGRAB_HEADER)
577 elif oversea == '6':
578 raw_link = find_video_address_force_original(cid, BILIGRAB_HEADER)
579 rawurl = find_link_you_get(raw_link)
580 else:
581 rawurl = find_video_address_normal_api(cid, BILIGRAB_HEADER, oversea, convert_m3u)
582 if 'API_BLOCKED' in rawurl[0]:
583 logging.warning('API header may be blocked! Using fake one instead...')
584 rawurl = find_video_address_normal_api(cid, FAKE_HEADER, oversea, convert_m3u)
585 return rawurl
587 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
588 def get_resolution(filename, probe_software):
589 """str,str->list"""
590 resolution = []
591 filename = filename + '.' + VIDEO_FORMAT
592 try:
593 if probe_software == 'mediainfo':
594 resolution = get_resolution_mediainfo(filename)
595 if probe_software == 'ffprobe':
596 resolution = get_resolution_ffprobe(filename)
597 logging.debug('Software: {probe_software}, resolution {resolution}'.format(probe_software = probe_software, resolution = resolution))
598 return resolution
599 except Exception: # magic number
600 return[1280, 720]
602 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
603 def get_resolution_mediainfo(filename):
604 """str->list
605 [640,360]
606 path to dimention"""
607 resolution = str(os.popen('mediainfo \'--Inform=Video;%Width%x%Height%\' "' +filename +'"').read()).strip().split('x')
608 return [int(resolution[0]), int(resolution[1])]
610 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
611 def get_resolution_ffprobe(filename):
612 '''str->list
613 [640,360]'''
614 width = ''
615 height = ''
616 cmnd = ['ffprobe', '-show_format', '-show_streams', '-pretty', '-loglevel', 'quiet', filename]
617 p = subprocess.Popen(cmnd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
618 # print filename
619 out, err = p.communicate()
620 if err:
621 print err
622 return None
623 try:
624 for line in out.split():
625 if 'width=' in line:
626 width = line.split('=')[1]
627 if 'height=' in line:
628 height = line.split('=')[1]
629 except Exception:
630 return None
631 # return width + 'x' + height
632 return [int(width), int(height)]
634 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
635 def get_url_size(url):
636 """str->int
637 Get remote URL size by reading Content-Length.
638 In bytes."""
639 site = urllib.urlopen(url)
640 meta =
641 return int(meta.getheaders("Content-Length")[0])
643 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
644 def getvideosize(url, verbose=False):
645 try:
646 if url.startswith('http:') or url.startswith('https:'):
647 ffprobe_command = ['ffprobe', '-icy', '0', '-loglevel', 'repeat+warning' if verbose else 'repeat+error', '-print_format', 'json', '-select_streams', 'v', '-show_format', '-show_streams', '-timeout', '60000000', '-user-agent', BILIGRAB_UA, url]
648 else:
649 ffprobe_command = ['ffprobe', '-loglevel', 'repeat+warning' if verbose else 'repeat+error', '-print_format', 'json', '-select_streams', 'v', '-show_streams', url]
650 logcommand(ffprobe_command)
651 ffprobe_process = subprocess.Popen(ffprobe_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
652 try:
653 ffprobe_output = json.loads(ffprobe_process.communicate()[0].decode('utf-8', 'replace'))
654 except KeyboardInterrupt:
655 logging.warning('Cancelling getting video size, press Ctrl-C again to terminate.')
656 ffprobe_process.terminate()
657 return 0, 0
658 width, height, widthxheight, duration, total_bitrate = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
659 try:
660 if dict.get(ffprobe_output, 'format')['duration'] > duration:
661 duration = dict.get(ffprobe_output, 'format')['duration']
662 except Exception:
663 pass
664 for stream in dict.get(ffprobe_output, 'streams', []):
665 try:
666 if duration == 0 and (dict.get(stream, 'duration') > duration):
667 duration = dict.get(stream, 'duration')
668 if dict.get(stream, 'width')*dict.get(stream, 'height') > widthxheight:
669 width, height = dict.get(stream, 'width'), dict.get(stream, 'height')
670 if dict.get(stream, 'bit_rate') > total_bitrate:
671 total_bitrate += int(dict.get(stream, 'bit_rate'))
672 except Exception:
673 pass
674 if duration == 0:
675 duration = int(get_url_size(url) * 8 / total_bitrate)
676 return [[int(width), int(height)], int(float(duration))+1]
677 except Exception as e:
678 logorraise(e)
679 return [[0, 0], 0]
681 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
682 def convert_ass_py3(filename, probe_software, resolution = [0, 0]):
683 """str,str->None
684 With danmaku2ass, branch master.
686 Author: @m13253
687 GPLv3
688 A simple way to do that.
689 resolution_str:1920x1080"""
690 xml_name = os.path.abspath(filename + '.xml')
691 ass_name = filename + '.ass'
692'Converting danmaku to ASS file with danmaku2ass(main)...')
693'Resolution is %dx%d' % (resolution[0], resolution[1]))
694 if resolution == [0, 0]:
695'Trying to get resolution...')
696 resolution = get_resolution(filename, probe_software)
697'Resolution is %dx%d' % (resolution[0], resolution[1]))
698 if execute_sysencode_cmd('python3 %s/ -o %s -s %dx%d -fs %d -a 0.8 -dm 8 %s' % (LOCATION_DIR, ass_name, resolution[0], resolution[1], int(math.ceil(resolution[1] / 21.6)), xml_name)) == 0:
699'The ASS file should be ready!')
700 else:
701 logging.error('''Danmaku2ASS failed.
702 Head to to complain about this.''')
704 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
705 def convert_ass_py2(filename, probe_software, resolution = [0, 0]):
706 """str,str->None
707 With danmaku2ass, branch py2.
709 Author: @m13253
710 GPLv3"""
711'Converting danmaku to ASS file with danmaku2ass(py2)...')
712 xml_name = filename + '.xml'
713 if resolution == [0, 0]:
714'Trying to get resolution...')
715 resolution = get_resolution(filename, probe_software)
716'Resolution is {width}x{height}'.format(width = resolution[0], height = resolution[1]))
717 #convert_ass(xml_name, filename + '.ass', resolution)
718 try:
719 Danmaku2ASS(xml_name, filename + '.ass', resolution[0], resolution[1],
720 font_size = int(math.ceil(resolution[1] / 21.6)), text_opacity=0.8, duration_marquee=8.0)
721'INFO: The ASS file should be ready!')
722 except Exception as e:
723 logging.error('''Danmaku2ASS failed: %s
724 Head to to complain about this.'''% e)
725 logging.debug(traceback.print_exc())
726 pass #Or it may stop leaving lots of lines unprocessed
728 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
729 def download_danmaku(cid, filename):
730 """str,str,int->None
731 Download XML file, and convert to ASS(if required)
732 Used to be in main(), but replaced due to the merge of -m (BiligrabLite).
733 If danmaku only, will see whether need to export ASS."""
734'Fetching XML...')
735 execute_sysencode_cmd('curl -o "{filename}.xml" --compressed{cid}.xml'.format(filename = filename, cid = cid))
736 #execute_sysencode_cmd('gzip -d '+cid+'.xml.gz')
737'The XML file, {filename}.xml should be ready...enjoy!'.format(filename = filename.decode("utf-8").encode(sys.stdout.encoding)))
739 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
740 def logcommand(command_line):
741 logging.debug('Executing: '+' '.join('\''+i+'\'' if ' ' in i or '&' in i or '"' in i else i for i in command_line))
743 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
744 def logorraise(message, debug=False):
745 if debug:
746 raise message
747 else:
748 logging.error(str(message))
750 ########################################################################
751 class DanmakuOnlyException(Exception):
753 '''Deal with DanmakuOnly to stop the main() function.'''
754 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
756 def __init__(self, value):
757 self.value = value
758 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
760 def __str__(self):
761 return repr(self.value)
763 ########################################################################
764 class Danmaku2Ass2Exception(Exception):
766 '''Deal with Danmaku2ASS2 to stop the main() function.'''
767 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
769 def __init__(self, value):
770 self.value = value
771 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
773 def __str__(self):
774 return repr(self.value)
776 ########################################################################
777 class NoCidException(Exception):
779 '''Deal with no cid to stop the main() function.'''
780 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
782 def __init__(self, value):
783 self.value = value
784 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
786 def __str__(self):
787 return repr(self.value)
789 ########################################################################
790 class NoVideoURLException(Exception):
792 '''Deal with no video URL to stop the main() function.'''
793 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
795 def __init__(self, value):
796 self.value = value
797 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
799 def __str__(self):
800 return repr(self.value)
802 ########################################################################
803 class ExportM3UException(Exception):
805 '''Deal with export to m3u to stop the main() function.'''
806 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
808 def __init__(self, value):
809 self.value = value
810 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
812 def __str__(self):
813 return repr(self.value)
815 ########################################################################
816 class YougetURLException(Exception):
818 '''you-get cannot get URL somehow'''
819 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
821 def __init__(self, value):
822 self.value = value
823 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
825 def __str__(self):
826 return repr(self.value)
828 ########################################################################
829 class URLOpenException(Exception):
831 '''cannot get URL somehow'''
832 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
834 def __init__(self, value):
835 self.value = value
836 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
838 def __str__(self):
839 return repr(self.value)
842 ########################################################################
843 class DownloadVideo(threading.Thread):
844 """Threaded Download Video"""
845 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
846 def __init__(self, queue):
847 threading.Thread.__init__(self)
848 self.queue = queue
849 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
850 def run(self):
851 while True:
852 #grabs start time from queue
853 down_set = self.queue.get()
854 #return_value = download_video(down_set)
855 cmd = download_video_link(*down_set)
856 return_value = execute_cmd(cmd)
857 self.queue.task_done()
859 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
860 def main_threading(download_thread = 3, video_list = [], thread_single_download = 16):
861 """"""
862 command_pool = [(video_list.index(url_this), download_software, url_this, thread_single_download) for url_this in video_list]
863 #spawn a pool of threads, and pass them queue instance
864 for i in range(int(download_thread)):
865 t = DownloadVideo(queue)
866 t.setDaemon(True)
867 t.start()
868 #populate queue with data
869 for command_single in command_pool:
870 queue.put(command_single)
871 #wait on the queue until everything has been processed
872 queue.join()
874 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
875 def main(vid, p, oversea, cookies, download_software, concat_software, is_export, probe_software, danmaku_only, time_fetch=5, download_thread= 16, thread_single_download= 16):
876 global cid, partname, title, videourl, is_first_run
877 videourl = '{vid}/index_{p}.html'.format(vid = vid, p = p)
878 # Check both software
879 logging.debug(concat_software + ', ' + download_software)
880 # Start to find cid, api
881 cid, partname, title, pages = find_cid_api(vid, p, cookies)
882 #if cid is 0:
883 #logging.warning('Cannot find cid, trying to do it brutely...')
884 #find_cid_flvcd(videourl)
885 if cid is 0:
886 if IS_SLIENT == 0:
887 logging.warning('Strange, still cannot find cid... ')
888 is_black3 = str(raw_input('Type y for trying the unpredictable way, or input the cid by yourself; Press ENTER to quit.'))
889 else:
890 is_black3 = 'y'
891 if 'y' in str(is_black3):
892 vid = str(int(vid) - 1)
893 p = 1
894 find_cid_api(int(vid) - 1, p)
895 cid = cid + 1
896 elif str(is_black3) is '':
897 raise NoCidException('FATAL: Cannot get cid anyway!')
898 else:
899 cid = str(is_black3)
900 # start to make folders...
901 if title is not '':
902 folder = title
903 else:
904 folder = cid
905 if len(partname) is not 0:
906 filename = partname
907 elif title is not '':
908 filename = title
909 else:
910 filename = cid
911 #In case cannot find which s which
912 filename = str(p) + ' - ' + filename
913 # In case make too much folders
914 folder_to_make = os.getcwd() + '/' + folder
915 if is_first_run == 0:
916 if not os.path.exists(folder_to_make):
917 os.makedirs(folder_to_make)
918 is_first_run = 1
919 os.chdir(folder_to_make)
920 # Download Danmaku
921 download_danmaku(cid, filename)
922 if is_export >= 1 and IS_M3U != 1 and danmaku_only == 1:
923 rawurl = get_video(oversea, convert_m3u = True)
924 check_dependencies_remote_resolution('ffprobe')
925 resolution = getvideosize(rawurl[0])[0]
926 convert_ass(filename, probe_software, resolution = resolution)
927 if IS_M3U == 1:
928 rawurl = []
929 #M3U export, then stop
930 if oversea in {'0', '1'}:
931 rawurl = get_video(oversea, convert_m3u = True)
932 else:
933 duration_list = []
934 rawurl = get_video(oversea, convert_m3u = False)
935 for url in rawurl:
936 duration_list.append(getvideosize(url)[1])
937 rawurl = map(lambda x,y: (x, y), rawurl, duration_list)
938 #print(rawurl)
939 resolution = getvideosize(rawurl[0][0])[0]
940 m3u_file = make_m3u8(rawurl)
941 f = open(filename + '.m3u', 'w')
942 cwd = os.getcwd()
943 m3u_file = m3u_file.encode("utf8")
944 f.write(m3u_file)
945 f.close()
946 convert_ass(filename, probe_software, resolution = resolution)
947 logging.debug(m3u_file)
948 raise ExportM3UException('INFO: Export to M3U')
949 if danmaku_only == 1:
950 raise DanmakuOnlyException('INFO: Danmaku only')
951 # Find video location
952'Finding video location...')
953 # try api
954 # flvcd
955 url_flag = 1
956 rawurl = []
957'Trying to get download URL...')
958 rawurl = get_video(oversea, convert_m3u = False)
959 if len(rawurl) == 0 and oversea != '4': # hope this never happen
960 logging.warning('API failed, using falloff plan...')
961 rawurl = find_link_flvcd(videourl)
962 vid_num = len(rawurl)
963 if IS_SLIENT == 0 and vid_num == 0:
964 logging.warning('Cannot get download URL!')
965 rawurl = list(str(raw_input('If you know the url, please enter it now: URL1|URL2...'))).split('|')
966 vid_num = len(rawurl)
967 if vid_num is 0: # shit really hit the fan
968 raise NoVIdeoURLException('FATAL: Cannot get video URL anyway!')
969'{vid_num} videos in part {part_now} to download, fetch yourself a cup of coffee...'.format(vid_num = vid_num, part_now = part_now))
970 #Multi thread
971 if len(rawurl) == 1:
972 cmd = download_video_link(0,download_software,rawurl[0], thread_single_download)
973 execute_sysencode_cmd(cmd)
974 else:
975 global queue
976 queue = Queue.Queue()
977 main_threading(download_thread, rawurl, thread_single_download)
978 queue.join()
979 concat_videos(concat_software, vid_num, filename)
980 if is_export >= 1:
981 try:
982 convert_ass(filename, probe_software)
983 except Exception:
984 logging.warning('Problem with ASS conversion!')
985 pass
986'Part Done!')
988 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
989 def get_full_p(p_raw):
990 """str->list"""
991 p_list = []
992 p_raw = p_raw.split(',')
993 for item in p_raw:
994 if '~' in item:
995 # print(item)
996 lower = 0
997 higher = 0
998 item = item.split('~')
999 part_now = '0'
1000 try:
1001 lower = int(item[0])
1002 except Exception:
1003 logging.warning('Cannot read lower!')
1004 try:
1005 higher = int(item[1])
1006 except Exception:
1007 logging.warning('Cannot read higher!')
1008 if lower == 0 or higher == 0:
1009 if lower == 0 and higher != 0:
1010 lower = higher
1011 elif lower != 0 and higher == 0:
1012 higher = lower
1013 else:
1014 logging.warning('Cannot find any higher or lower, ignoring...')
1015 # break
1016 mid = 0
1017 if higher < lower:
1018 mid = higher
1019 higher = lower
1020 lower = mid
1021 p_list.append(lower)
1022 while lower < higher:
1023 lower = lower + 1
1024 p_list.append(lower)
1025 # break
1026 else:
1027 try:
1028 p_list.append(int(item))
1029 except Exception:
1030 logging.warning('Cannot read "{item}", abandon it.'.format(item = item))
1031 # break
1032 p_list = list_del_repeat(p_list)
1033 return p_list
1035 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1036 def check_dependencies_remote_resolution(software):
1037 """"""
1038 if 'ffprobe' in software:
1039 output = commands.getstatusoutput('ffprobe --help')
1040 if str(output[0]) == '32512':
1042 else:
1045 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1046 def check_dependencies_exportm3u(IS_M3U):
1047 """int,str->int,str"""
1048 if IS_M3U == 1:
1049 output = commands.getstatusoutput('ffprobe --help')
1050 if str(output[0]) == '32512':
1051 logging.error('ffprobe DNE, python3 does not exist or not callable!')
1052 err_input = str(raw_input('Do you want to exit, ignore or stop the conversion?(e/i/s)'))
1053 if err_input == 'e':
1054 exit()
1055 elif err_input == '2':
1057 elif err_input == 's':
1058 IS_M3U = 0
1059 else:
1060 logging.warning('Cannot read input, stop the conversion!')
1061 IS_M3U = 0
1062 else:
1064 return IS_M3U
1066 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1067 def check_dependencies_danmaku2ass(is_export):
1068 """int,str->int,str"""
1069 if is_export == 3:
1070 convert_ass = convert_ass_py3
1071 output = commands.getstatusoutput('python3 --help')
1072 if str(output[0]) == '32512' or not os.path.exists(os.path.join(LOCATION_DIR, '')):
1073 logging.warning(' DNE, python3 does not exist or not callable!')
1074 err_input = str(raw_input('Do you want to exit, use Python 2.x or stop the conversion?(e/2/s)'))
1075 if err_input == 'e':
1076 exit()
1077 elif err_input == '2':
1078 convert_ass = convert_ass_py2
1079 is_export = 2
1080 elif err_input == 's':
1081 is_export = 0
1082 else:
1083 logging.warning('Cannot read input, stop the conversion!')
1084 is_export = 0
1085 elif is_export == 2 or is_export == 1:
1086 convert_ass = convert_ass_py2
1087 if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(LOCATION_DIR, '')):
1088 logging.warning(' DNE!')
1089 err_input = str(raw_input('Do you want to exit, use Python 3.x or stop the conversion?(e/3/s)'))
1090 if err_input == 'e':
1091 exit()
1092 elif err_input == '3':
1093 convert_ass = convert_ass_py3
1094 is_export = 3
1095 elif err_input == 's':
1096 is_export = 0
1097 else:
1098 logging.warning('Cannot read input, stop the conversion!')
1099 is_export = 0
1100 else:
1101 convert_ass = convert_ass_py2
1102 return is_export, convert_ass
1104 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1105 def usage():
1106 """"""
1107 print('''
1108 Biligrab
1113 Beining@ACICFG
1117 Usage:
1119 python (-h) (-a) (-p) (-s) (-c) (-d) (-v) (-l) (-e) (-b) (-m) (-n) (-u) (-t) (-q) (-r) (-g)
1121 -h: Default: None
1122 Print this usage file.
1124 -a: Default: None
1125 The av number.
1126 If not set, Biligrab will use the fallback interactive mode.
1127 Support "~", "," and mix use.
1128 Examples:
1129 Input Output
1130 1 [1]
1131 1,2 [1, 2]
1132 1~3 [1, 2, 3]
1133 1,2~3 [1, 2, 3]
1135 -p: Default: 0
1136 The part number.
1137 Able to use the same syntax as "-a".
1138 If set to 0, Biligrab will download all the available parts in the video.
1140 -s: Default: 0
1141 Source to download.
1142 0: The original API source, can be Letv backup,
1143 and can fail if the original video is not available(e.g., deleted)
1144 1: The CDN API source, "oversea accelerate".
1145 Can be MINICDN backup in Mainland China or oversea.
1146 Good to bypass some bangumi's restrictions.
1147 2: Force to use the original source.
1148 Use Flvcd to parse the video, but would fail if
1149 1) The original source DNE, e.g., some old videos
1150 2) The original source is Letvcloud itself.
1151 3) Other unknown reason(s) that stops Flvcd from parsing the video.
1152 For any video that failed to parse, Biligrab will try to use Flvcd.
1153 (Mainly for oversea users regarding to copyright-restricted bangumies.)
1154 If the API is blocked, Biligrab would fake the UA.
1155 3: (Not stable) Use the HTML5 API.
1156 This works for downloading some cached Letvcloud videos, but is slow, and would fail for no reason sometimes.
1157 Will retry if unavailable.
1158 4: Use Flvcd.
1159 Good to fight with oversea and copyright restriction, but not working with iQiyi.
1160 May retrieve better quality video, especially for Youku.
1161 5: Use BilibiliPr.
1162 Good to fight with some copyright restriction that BilibiliPr can fix.
1163 Not always working though.
1164 6: Use You-get (
1165 You need a you-get callable directly like "you-get -u blahblah".
1167 -c: Default: ./bilicookies
1168 The path of cookies.
1169 Use cookies to visit member-only videos.
1171 -d: Default: None
1172 Set the desired download software.
1173 Biligrab supports aria2c(16 threads), axel(20 threads), wget and curl by far.
1174 If not set, Biligrab will detect an available one;
1175 If none of those is available, Biligrab will quit.
1176 For more software support, please open an issue at
1178 -v: Default:None
1179 Set the desired concatenate software.
1180 Biligrab supports ffmpeg by far.
1181 If not set, Biligrab will detect an available one;
1182 If none of those is available, Biligrab will quit.
1183 For more software support, please open an issue at
1184 Make sure you include a *working* command line example of this software!
1186 -l: Default: INFO
1187 Dump the log of the output for better debugging.
1188 Can be set to debug.
1190 -e: Default: 1
1191 Export Danmaku to ASS file.
1192 Fulfilled with danmaku2ass(,
1193 Author: @m13253, GPLv3 License.
1194 *For issue with this function, if you think the problem lies on the danmaku2ass side,
1195 please open the issue at both projects.*
1196 If set to 1 or 2, Biligrab will use Danmaku2ass's py2 branch.
1197 If set to 3, Biligrab will use Danmaku2ass's master branch, which would require
1198 a python3 callable via 'python3'.
1199 If python3 not callable or danmaku2ass2/3 DNE, Biligrab will ask for action.
1201 -b: Default: None
1202 Set the probe software.
1203 Biligrab supports Mediainfo and FFprobe.
1204 If not set, Biligrab will detect an available one;
1205 If none of those is available, Biligrab will quit.
1206 For more software support, please open an issue at
1207 Make sure you include a *working* command line example of this software!
1209 -m: Default: 0
1210 Only download the danmaku.
1212 -n: Default: 0
1213 Silent Mode.
1214 Biligrab will not ask any question.
1216 -u: Default: 0
1217 Export video link to .m3u file, which can be used with MPlayer, mpc, VLC, etc.
1218 Biligrab will export a m3u8 instead of downloading any video(s).
1219 Can be broken with sources other than 0 or 1.
1221 -t: Default: None
1222 The number of Mylist.
1223 Biligrab will process all the videos in this list.
1225 -q: Default: 3
1226 The thread number for downloading.
1227 Good to fix overhead problem.
1229 -r: Default: -1
1230 Select video quality.
1231 Only works with Source 0 or 1.
1232 Range: 0~4, higher for better quality.
1234 -g: Default: 6
1235 Threads for downloading every part.
1236 Works with aria2 and axel.
1238 -i: Default: None
1239 Fake IP address.
1240 ''')
1242 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
1243 if __name__ == '__main__':
1244 is_first_run, is_export, danmaku_only, IS_SLIENT, IS_M3U, mylist, time_fetch, download_thread, QUALITY, thread_single_download = 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 16, -1, 16
1245 argv_list,av_list = [], []
1246 argv_list = sys.argv[1:]
1247 p_raw, vid, oversea, cookiepath, download_software, concat_software, probe_software, vid_raw, LOG_LEVEL, FAKE_IP, IS_FAKE_IP = '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'INFO', '', 0
1248 convert_ass = convert_ass_py2
1249 try:
1250 opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv_list, "ha:p:s:c:d:v:l:e:b:m:n:u:t:q:r:g:i:",
1251 ['help', "av=", 'part=', 'source=', 'cookie=', 'download=', 'concat=', 'log=', 'export=', 'probe=', 'danmaku=', 'slient=', 'm3u=', 'mylist=', 'thread=', 'quality=', 'thread_single=', 'fake-ip='])
1252 except getopt.GetoptError:
1253 usage()
1254 exit()
1255 for o, a in opts:
1256 if o in ('-h', '--help'):
1257 usage()
1258 exit()
1259 if o in ('-a', '--av'):
1260 vid_raw = a
1261 if o in ('-p', '--part'):
1262 p_raw = a
1263 if o in ('-s', '--source'):
1264 oversea = a
1265 if o in ('-c', '--cookie'):
1266 cookiepath = a
1267 if cookiepath == '':
1268 logging.warning('No cookie path set, use default: ./bilicookies')
1269 cookiepath = './bilicookies'
1270 if o in ('-d', '--download'):
1271 download_software = a
1272 if o in ('-v', '--concat'):
1273 concat_software = a
1274 if o in ('-l', '--log'):
1275 try:
1276 LOG_LEVEL = str(a)
1277 except Exception:
1279 if o in ('-e', '--export'):
1280 is_export = int(a)
1281 if o in ('-b', '--probe'):
1282 probe_software = a
1283 if o in ('-m', '--danmaku'):
1284 danmaku_only = int(a)
1285 if o in ('-n', '--slient'):
1286 IS_SLIENT = int(a)
1287 if o in ('-u', '--m3u'):
1288 IS_M3U = int(a)
1289 if o in ('-t', '--mylist'):
1290 mylist = a
1291 if o in ('-q', '--thread'):
1292 download_thread = int(a)
1293 if o in ('-r', '--quality'):
1294 QUALITY = int(a)
1295 if o in ('-g', '--thread_single'):
1296 thread_single_download = int(a)
1297 if o in ('-i', '--fake-ip'):
1298 FAKE_IP = a
1299 IS_FAKE_IP = 1
1300 if len(vid_raw) == 0:
1301 vid_raw = str(raw_input('av'))
1302 p_raw = str(raw_input('P'))
1303 oversea = str(raw_input('Source?'))
1304 cookiepath = './bilicookies'
1305 logging.basicConfig(level = logging_level_reader(LOG_LEVEL))
1306 logging.debug('FAKE IP: ' + str(IS_FAKE_IP) + ' ' + FAKE_IP)
1307 av_list = get_full_p(vid_raw)
1308 if mylist != 0:
1309 av_list += mylist_to_aid_list(mylist)
1310 logging.debug('av_list')
1311 if len(cookiepath) == 0:
1312 cookiepath = './bilicookies'
1313 if len(p_raw) == 0:
1314'No part number set, download all the parts.')
1315 p_raw = '0'
1316 if len(oversea) == 0:
1317 oversea = '0'
1318'Oversea not set, use original API(methon 0).')
1319 IS_M3U = check_dependencies_exportm3u(IS_M3U)
1320 if IS_M3U == 1 and oversea not in {'0', '1'}:
1321 # See issue #8
1322'M3U exporting with source other than 0 or 1 can be broken, and lead to wrong duration!')
1323 if IS_SLIENT == 0:
1324 input_raw = str(raw_input('Enter "q" to quit, or enter the source you want.'))
1325 if input_raw == 'q':
1326 exit()
1327 else:
1328 oversea = input_raw
1329 concat_software, download_software, probe_software = check_dependencies(download_software, concat_software, probe_software)
1330 p_list = get_full_p(p_raw)
1331 if len(av_list) > 1 and len(p_list) > 1:
1332 logging.warning('You are downloading multi parts from multiple videos! This may result in unpredictable outputs!')
1333 if IS_SLIENT == 0:
1334 input_raw = str(raw_input('Enter "y" to continue, "n" to only download the first part, "q" to quit, or enter the part number you want.'))
1335 if input_raw == 'y':
1336 pass
1337 elif input_raw == 'n':
1338 p_list = ['1']
1339 elif input_raw == 'q':
1340 exit()
1341 else:
1342 p_list = get_full_p(input_raw)
1343 cookies = read_cookie(cookiepath)
1345 # deal with danmaku2ass's drama / Twice in case someone failed to check dependencies
1346 is_export, convert_ass = check_dependencies_danmaku2ass(is_export)
1347 is_export, convert_ass = check_dependencies_danmaku2ass(is_export)
1348 python_ver_str = '.'.join([str(i) for i in sys.version_info[:2]])
1349 BILIGRAB_UA = 'Biligrab/{VER} ( (Python-urllib/{python_ver_str}, like libcurl/1.0 NSS-Mozilla/2.0)'.format(VER = VER, python_ver_str = python_ver_str)
1351 #BILIGRAB_UA = 'Biligrab / ' + str(VER) + ' ( (like )'
1352 BILIGRAB_HEADER = {'User-Agent': BILIGRAB_UA, 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', 'Pragma': 'no-cache', 'Cookie': cookies[0]}
1353 if LOG_LEVEL == 'DEBUG':
1354 logging.debug('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\nWARNING: This log contains some sensitive data. You may want to delete some part of the data before you post it publicly!\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!')
1355 logging.debug('BILIGRAB_HEADER')
1356 try:
1357 request = urllib2.Request('', headers=FAKE_HEADER)
1358 response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
1359 data =
1360 print('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\nWARNING: This log contains some sensitive data. You may want to delete some part of the data before you post it publicly!\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!')
1361 print('=======================DUMP DATA==================')
1362 print(data)
1363 print('========================DATA END==================')
1364 print('DEBUG: ' + str(av_list))
1365 except Exception:
1366 print('WARNING: Cannot connect to IP-geo database server!')
1367 pass
1368 for av in av_list:
1369 vid = str(av)
1370 if str(p_raw) == '0':
1371'You are downloading all the parts in this video...')
1372 try:
1373 p_raw = str('1~' + find_cid_api(vid, p_raw, cookies)[3])
1374 p_list = get_full_p(p_raw)
1375 except Exception:
1376'Error when reading all the parts!')
1377 if IS_SLIENT == 0:
1378 input_raw = str(raw_input('Enter the part number you want, or "q" to quit.'))
1379 if input_raw == '0':
1380 print('ERROR: Cannot use all the parts!')
1381 exit()
1382 elif input_raw == 'q':
1383 exit()
1384 else:
1385 p_list = get_full_p(input_raw)
1386 else:
1387'Download the first part of the video...')
1388 p_raw = '1'
1389 p_list = [1]
1390'Your target download is av{vid}, part {p_raw}, from source {oversea}'.format(vid = vid, p_raw = p_raw, oversea = oversea))
1391 for p in p_list:
1392 reload(sys)
1393 sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')
1394 part_now = str(p)
1395 try:
1396'Downloading part {p} ...'.format(p = p))
1397 main(vid, p, oversea, cookies, download_software, concat_software, is_export, probe_software, danmaku_only, time_fetch, download_thread, thread_single_download)
1398 except DanmakuOnlyException:
1399 pass
1400 except ExportM3UException:
1401 pass
1402 except Exception as e:
1403 print('ERROR: Biligrab failed: %s' % e)
1404 print(' If you think this should not happen, please dump your log using "-l", and open a issue at .')
1405 print(' Make sure you delete all the sensitive data before you post it publicly.')
1406 traceback.print_exc()
1407 exit()