modified: makefile
[GalaxyCodeBases.git] / tools / linkage /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 use strict;
3 use warnings;
4 use lib '/nas/RD_09C/resequencing/soft/lib';
5 use Time::HiRes qw ( gettimeofday tv_interval );
6 use Galaxy::ShowHelp;
8 $main::VERSION=0.0.1;
10 our $opts='i:o:n:g:v:r:c:f:h:bqd';
11 our($opt_i, $opt_n, $opt_g, $opt_r, $opt_c, $opt_f, $opt_o, $opt_v, $opt_b, $opt_q, $opt_d, $opt_h);
13 our $help=<<EOH;
14 \t-i soaps.lst
15 \t-c Chromosome NFO file (chr.nfo) in format: /^ChrID\\s+ChrLen\\s?.*\$/
16 \t-o Output path (./ffq) for [ChrID/Sample.ffq], will mkdir if not exist
17 \t-v Verbose level (undef=0)
18 \t-b No pause for batch runs
19 \t-d Debug Mode, for test only
20 EOH
22 ShowHelp();
24 die "[x]-i $opt_i not exists !\n" unless -f $opt_i;
25 $opt_c='chr.nfo' if ! $opt_c;
26 $opt_o='./ffq' if ! $opt_o;
28 no warnings;
29 $opt_v=int $opt_v;
30 use warnings;
32 $opt_o=~s#/+$##;
34 print STDERR "From [$opt_i] to [$opt_o] refer to [$opt_c]\n";
35 print STDERR "DEBUG Mode on !\n" if $opt_d;
36 print STDERR "Verbose Mode [$opt_v] !\n" if $opt_v;
37 unless ($opt_b) {print STDERR 'press [Enter] to continue...'; <>;}
39 my $start_time = [gettimeofday];
41 system('mkdir','-p',$opt_o);
42 my %ChrOutFH;
43 open ChrNFO,'<',$opt_c or die "[x]Error opening $opt_c: $!\n";
44 while (<ChrNFO>) {
45 next if /^#/;
46 my ($chrid)=split /\t/;
47 open $ChrOutFH{$chrid},'|-',"gzip -9c - >$opt_o/$chrid.ffq.gz" or die "[x]Error opening $opt_o/$chrid.ffq with gzip: $!\n";
49 close ChrNFO;
50 open $ChrOutFH{'__UnKnown__'},'|-',"gzip -9c - >$opt_o/__UnKnown__.ffq.gz" or die "[x]Error opening $opt_o/__UnKnown__.ffq with gzip: $!\n";
52 open LST,'<',$opt_i or die "[x]Error opening $opt_i: $!\n";
53 while (<LST>) {
54 chomp;
55 my ($PESE,$sample,$lib,$FL,$ReadLen,$nfofpath)=split /\t/;
56 $nfofpath =~ s/\.nfo$//;
57 my @Files;
58 if ($PESE eq 'PE') {
59 @Files=("$nfofpath.soap","$nfofpath.single");
60 } else {
61 @Files=("$nfofpath.soap");
63 unless (-s "$nfofpath.unmap") {
64 open FQ,'-|',"gzip -dc $nfofpath.unmap.gz" or warn "[x]Error opening $PESE [$nfofpath.unmap.gz] with gzip: $!\n" and next;
65 } else { open FQ,'<',"$nfofpath.unmap" or warn "[x]Error opening $PESE [$nfofpath.unmap]: $!\n" and next; }
66 my ($name,$seq,$Qstr);
67 while (<FQ>) {
68 chomp;
69 s/^[@>]//;
70 $name=$_;
71 chomp($seq=<FQ>);
72 <FQ>;
73 chomp($Qstr=<FQ>);
74 print ${$ChrOutFH{'__UnKnown__'}} join("\t",$FL,$name,'.','0','0',$seq,$Qstr,$sample,$lib),"\n";
76 close FQ;
77 for my $file (@Files) {
78 unless (-s $file) {
79 open SP,'-|',"gzip -dc $file.gz" or warn "[x]Error opening $PESE [$file.gz] with gzip: $!\n" and next;
80 print STDERR '[!]',join(', ',$sample,$lib,$FL,"$file.gz");
81 } else {
82 open SP,'<',$file or warn "[x]Error opening $PESE [$file]: $!\n" and next;
83 print STDERR '[!]',join(', ',$sample,$lib,$FL,$file);
85 while (<SP>) {
86 my ($soapid,$seq,$Qstr,$hit,$strand,$chr,$pos) = (split(/\t/))[0,1,2,3,6,7,8];
87 next unless defined $pos;
88 $chr='__UnKnown__' unless exists $ChrOutFH{$chr};
89 if ($hit == 1) {
90 print ${$ChrOutFH{$chr}} join("\t",$FL,$soapid,$chr,$pos,$hit,$seq,$Qstr,$sample,$lib),"\n";
91 } else {
92 print ${$ChrOutFH{'__UnKnown__'}} join("\t",$FL,$soapid,$chr,$pos,$hit,$seq,$Qstr,$sample,$lib),"\n";
95 warn ", done.\n";
98 close LST;
100 close $ChrOutFH{$_} for keys %ChrOutFH;
102 #END
103 my $stop_time = [gettimeofday];
105 print STDERR "\nTime Elapsed:\t",tv_interval( $start_time, $stop_time )," second(s).\n";
106 __END__