1 Version 0.4.8 (recent):
2 - Fixed the behaviour of 1;30, which should be darkgray instead of black (thanks to Vincent Pelletier)
5 - Fix some clang compiler warnings on OS X (thanks to tbb)
8 - Improve the install process (thanks to Richard Quirk)
9 - Fix a few warnings raised by cppcheck (thanks to Richard Quirk)
12 - stylesheet support (thanks to Andrew Kvalheim)
15 - Honor common compiler and linker flags
18 - Added Feature for not creating a header e.g. for already existing HTML-files (thanks to Nicolas Zagulajew)
21 - Added Feature for word wrap (thanks to Jussi Leinonen)
25 - Fixed Bug: Command \e24m (underline off) didn't work
26 - Fixed Bug: Command \e7m (inverted) didn't work
27 - Fixed Bug: Command \e27m (inverted off) didn't work
31 - new option "--title" for an alternative title in the html file
32 - Fixed Bug 624233 (typo in manpage -color -> --color)