[GalaxyCodeBases.git] / c_cpp / etc / KaKs_Calculator / src / GY94.h
1 /************************************************************
2 * Copyright (c) 2005, BGI of Chinese Academy of Sciences
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * Filename: GY94.h
6 * Abstract: Declaration of GY94 class.
8 * Version: 1.0
9 * Author: Zhang Zhang (
10 * Date: Oct.2, 2005
12 * Note: Source codes are taken from codeml.c in PAML.
14 References:
15 Goldman N, Yang Z (1994) A codon-based model of nucleotide
16 substitution for protein-coding DNA sequences. Mol. Biol.
17 Evol. 11:725-736.
18 *************************************************************/
20 #if !defined(GY94_H)
21 #define GY94_H
23 #include "base.h"
25 using namespace std;
27 class GY94: public Base {
29 public:
30 GY94();
31 GY94(string model);
32 ~GY94();
34 /* Main function */
35 string Run(const char *seq1, const char *seq2);
37 protected:
38 /* Preprocess for calculating Ka&Ks */
39 int preProcess(const char* seq1, const char* seq2);
40 /* Parse substitution rates according to the given model */
41 int parseSubRates(string model, double kappa[]);
42 /* Construct two array according to genetic code */
43 int setmark_61_64 (void);
44 int PatternWeight();
45 /* Encode two compared sequneces */
46 void EncodeSeqs (void);
47 /* Calculate Ka&Ks using ML */
48 int PairwiseCodon (double space[]);
49 /* Get codons' frequencies */
50 int GetCodonFreqs(double pi[]);
51 /* Construct transition probability matrix (64*64) */
52 int EigenQc (int getstats, double blength, double *S, double *dS, double *dN, double Root[], double U[], double V[], double kappa[], double omega, double Q[]);
53 /* Return maximum-likelihood score */
54 double lfun2dSdN (double x[], int np);
55 /* Main fuctiion for GY method */
56 int ming2 (double *f, double x[], double xb[][2], double space[], double e, int n);
58 int eigenQREV (double Q[], double pi[], int n, double Root[], double U[], double V[], double spacesqrtpi[]);
59 double LineSearch2 (double *f, double x0[], double p[], double step, double limit, double e, double space[], int n);
60 double rndu(void) ;
61 /* x[i]=x0[i] + t*p[i] */
62 double fun_ls(double t, double x0[], double p[], double x[], int n);
63 double distance (double x[], double y[], int n);
64 int transform (char *z, int ls);
65 int gradientB (int n, double x[], double f0, double g[], double space[], int xmark[]);
66 int H_end (double x0[], double x1[], double f0, double f1, double e1, double e2, int n);
67 void HouseholderRealSym(double a[], int n, double d[], double e[]);
68 int EigenTridagQLImplicit(double d[], double e[], int n, double z[]);
69 void EigenSort(double d[], double U[], int n);
70 int eigenRealSym(double A[], int n, double Root[], double work[]);
71 void FreeMemPUVR(void);
73 public:
74 struct common_info {
75 char *z[2]; //sequences
76 int ns; //ns=2
77 int ls; //sequence's length
78 int ngene, npatt;
79 int icode; //number of genetic code
80 int ncode; //number of non-stop codon
81 int np, nkappa, sspace;
82 double fpatt[CODON*CODON];
83 double *space;
84 double kappa; //transition/transversion
85 double omega; //Ka/Ks
86 double pi[CODON]; //codons' frequencies
87 double KAPPA[8];
88 } com;
90 protected:
92 int Nsensecodon, FROM61[CODON], FROM64[CODON];
93 int Iround;
94 unsigned int w_rndu;//=123456757;
95 double SIZEp;
96 double Small_Diff;
97 string str1, str2; //a pair of sequences
100 #endif