4 use Data
6 use FindBin
7 if ($FindBin::VERSION < 1.51) {
8 warn "[!]Your Perl is too old, thus there can only be ONE `bsuit` file in your PATH. [FindBin Version: $FindBin::VERSION < 1.51]\n\n"
11 use lib "$RealBin/lib";
16 'prepare' => \&do_pre,
18 'analyse' => \&do_analyse,
22 die '[!]Available Commands are: [',join('],[',sort keys %Cmd2Fun),"], case insensitive.\n";
26 warn "Usage: $0 <command> Human=hg19.fa,Virus=hbv.fa,bam=Sorted.bam,out=./test/\n";
31 #die "[!]Config File [$cfgfile] NOT found !\n" unless -f $cfgfile;
38 for ( split /\,/,$cfgdat ) {
39 my ($id,$val) = split /=/,$_;
41 next unless exists $CFG{$id};
44 die "[!]Bam File [$CFG{'bam'}] NOT found !\n" unless -f $CFG{'bam'};
45 my $cfgfile = $CFG{'out'} . '/prj.ini';
46 my $thedir = $CFG{'out'} . '/Project1_aln';
48 File::Path::make_path($thedir,{verbose => 0,mode => 0755});
50 link $CFG{'bam'},$thedir.'/Test.bam';
56 VirusRef=$CFG{'virus'}
74 unless (exists $Cmd2Fun{$cmd}) {
75 warn "[x]Unknown Command: [$cmd] !\n";
79 #our $CFGminMAPQ = 30;
80 our $minHostDepth = 30;
81 our $minSoftClip = 10;
82 our $methly3BaseErrRate = 0.08;
86 our $idbacmd = '--max_gap 100 --min_region 31 --min_contig 31 --mink 17 --maxk 89 --step 20';
87 our $PathPrefix = "PATH=\"$RealBin/bin:\$PATH\";";
89 our $Config = Galaxy::IO::INI->new();
90 $Config->read($cfgfile);
93 warn "[!]Runing $0 [$cmd].\n";
97 our $RootPath = $Config->{'Output'}->{'WorkDir'};
98 $RootPath =~ s/[\/\\]+$//g;
99 our $ProjectID = $Config->{'Output'}->{'ProjectID'};
100 warn "[!] Working on: [$ProjectID] @ [$RootPath]\n";
102 our $HostRefName = basename($Config->{'RefFiles'}->{'HostRef'});
103 our $VirusRefName = basename($Config->{'RefFiles'}->{'VirusRef'});
104 our $RefFilesSHA = getFilesHash($HostRefName,$VirusRefName);
106 our $RefConfig = Galaxy::IO::INI->new();
107 our (%RefChrIDs,%VirusChrIDs);
109 $Cmd2Fun{'prepare'}($cfgfile);
111 if ($cmd ne 'prepare') {
112 if ( -f "$RootPath/Ref/Ref.ini" ) {
113 $RefConfig->read("$RootPath/Ref/Ref.ini");
114 } else {die "[x] Prepare INI not found ! [$RootPath/Ref/Ref.ini]\n";}
115 my @RefChrID = split(',',$RefConfig->{$RefFilesSHA}->{'RefChrIDs'});
116 my @VirusChrID = split(',',$RefConfig->{$RefFilesSHA}->{'VirusChrIDs'});
118 $RefChrIDs{$_} = $RefConfig->{$RefFilesSHA}->{$_};
120 $VirusChrIDs{$_} = $RefConfig->{$RefFilesSHA}->{$_} for @VirusChrID;
123 $Cmd2Fun{$cmd}($cfgfile); # If use `do $Cmd2Fun{$cmd}();`, the sub MUST return 1;
126 # overlap = (min(end_mate1,end_mate2) - max(start_mate1,start_mate2)) http://sourceforge.net/p/bio-bwa/mailman/message/27028596/
128 # rsync -Lav --existing . ~/git/BS-viral-inte/