new file:
[GalaxyCodeBases.git] / perl / popuSNP / nametrans /
1 #!/home/huxuesong/gentoo/usr/bin/perl -w
2 #use threads;
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
5 use DBI;
6 use Time::HiRes qw ( gettimeofday tv_interval );
7 use Galaxy::ShowHelp;
8 $main::VERSION=0.1.0;
10 our $opts='i:o:m:bv';
11 our($opt_i, $opt_o, $opt_v, $opt_b, $opt_m);
13 #our $desc='SoapSort library PCR PE Duplication Remover & Merger (Atom Edition)';
14 our $help=<<EOH;
15 \t-i Input file, in format: /^ChrID\\tPos\\t.*\\n\$/
16 \t-m merge list, in format: /^ChrID\\tscaffoldID\\tChrStart\\tChrStop\\n\$/
17 \t-o Output file
18 \t-v show verbose info to STDOUT
19 \t-b No pause for batch runs
20 EOH
22 ShowHelp();
24 warn "[x]Must specify -i !\n" unless $opt_i;
25 warn "[x]Must specify -m !\n" unless $opt_m;
26 warn "[x]Must specify -o !\n" unless $opt_o;
27 exit 1 unless $opt_i and $opt_o and $opt_m;
29 print STDERR "From [$opt_i] with [$opt_m] to [$opt_o]\n";
30 unless ($opt_b) {print STDERR 'press [Enter] to continue...'; <>;}
32 my $start_time = [gettimeofday];
34 unless (-s $opt_i) {die "[x]Soaplist [$opt_i] is nothing !\n";}
36 ### Begin SQL
37 my %attr = (
38 RaiseError => 0,
39 PrintError => 1,
40 AutoCommit => 0 );
41 my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:SQLite:dbname=:memory:','','',\%attr) or die $DBI::errstr;
43 # ChrNew2 scaffold90 1 45293
44 my $sql=q/
46 ( chrid TEXT,
47 scaffold TEXT,
48 start INTEGER,
49 end INTEGER );
51 # The rowid value can be accessed using one of the special names "ROWID", "OID", or "_ROWID_".
52 for (split /;/,$sql) {
53 next if /^\s*$/;
54 $dbh->do($_) or die $dbh->errstr;
56 $dbh->commit;
58 sub doindex() {
59 my $sql=q/
60 CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS se ON merge(start,end);
61 CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS c ON merge(chrid);
63 for (split /;/,$sql) {
64 next if /^\s*$/;
65 $dbh->do($_) or warn $dbh->errstr;
67 $dbh->commit;
70 my $sthi = $dbh->prepare( 'INSERT INTO merge ( chrid,scaffold,start,end ) VALUES ( ?,?,?,? )' );
71 my $stho = $dbh->prepare( 'SELECT DISTINCT scaffold,start,end FROM merge WHERE chrid=? AND ? BETWEEN start AND end' );
72 $|=1;
74 open SAMPLE,'-|',"gzip -dc $opt_m" or die "Error opening $opt_m: $!\n";
75 while (<SAMPLE>) {
76 chomp;
77 my ($chrid,$scaffold,$start,$end)=split /\t/;
78 $sthi->execute($chrid,$scaffold,$start,$end);
80 close SAMPLE;
81 &doindex;
83 open IN,'<',$opt_i or die "Error opening $opt_i: $!\n";
84 open OUT,'>',$opt_o or die "Error opening $opt_o: $!\n";
85 my ($chrid,$pos,$pos2,$scaffold,$scaffold2,$start,$end,$qres,$newpos,$newpos2,@last);
86 while (<IN>) {
87 # ChrNew1 121900 T T T T W W T T T T T T T T T T W W T T T T T T T - T T T T T T T T T T
88 ($chrid,$pos,$pos2,@last)=split /\t/;
89 $stho->execute($chrid,$pos);
90 $qres = $stho->fetchall_arrayref;
91 if ($#$qres == -1) {
92 warn "No info. for $chrid:$pos, skipped.\n";
93 next;
94 } elsif ($#$qres != 0) { warn "More than 1 hit, using first.\n" }
95 ($scaffold,$start,$end)=@{$$qres[0]};
96 $newpos=1+$pos-$start;
98 $stho->execute($chrid,$pos2);
99 $qres = $stho->fetchall_arrayref;
100 if ($#$qres == -1) {
101 warn "No info. for $chrid:$pos, skipped.\n";
102 next;
103 } elsif ($#$qres != 0) { warn "More than 1 hit, using first.\n" }
104 ($scaffold2,$start,$end)=@{$$qres[0]};
105 $newpos2=1+$pos2-$start;
106 if ($scaffold ne $scaffold2) {
107 print OUT "[$scaffold,$scaffold2] ";
108 warn "Diff scaffold happens. ";
110 print OUT join("\t",$scaffold,$newpos,$newpos2,@last);
112 close OUT;
113 close IN;
114 #END
115 my $stop_time = [gettimeofday];
117 print STDERR "\nTime Elapsed:\t",tv_interval( $start_time, $stop_time )," second(s).\n";
118 __END__