new file:
[GalaxyCodeBases.git] / perl / soap / draw /
1 #!/bin/env perl
2 use strict;
3 use warnings;
5 unless (@ARGV>0){
6 print "perl $0 depsingle\n";
7 exit;
9 my ($depf)=@ARGV;
10 my $statf=$depf;
11 $statf =~ s/\.[^.\/\\]+$//;
12 $statf .= '.depstat';
14 my ($ChrID,%Stat,%StatA)=('Empty');
15 open DEPTH,'<',$depf or die "[x]Error opening $depf: $!\n";
16 open STAT,'>',$statf or die "[x]Error opening $statf: $!\n";
17 open STATA,'>',$statf.'all' or die "[x]Error opening ${statf}all: $!\n";
18 while (<DEPTH>) {
19 chomp;
20 if (/^>/) {
21 if (exists $Stat{$ChrID}) {
22 print STAT "[Chr$ChrID]\n"; # for Reading in R, SectionName must be string
23 for my $v (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$Stat{$ChrID}}) {
24 print STAT 'd',$v,"=",$Stat{$ChrID}{$v},"\n"; # for Reading in R, Key must be string
25 #print $v,"=",$Stat{$ChrID}{$v},"\n";
27 print STAT "\n";
28 print STDERR "\b\b\bdone.\n";
29 delete $Stat{$ChrID};
31 print STDERR "$_ ...";
32 s/^>//;
33 $ChrID=$_;
34 next;
35 } else {
36 for (split /\s+/) {
37 ++$Stat{$ChrID}{$_};
38 ++$StatA{$_};
42 close DEPTH;
44 # for the last Chr.
45 if (exists $Stat{$ChrID}) {
46 print STAT "[$ChrID]\n";
47 for my $v (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$Stat{$ChrID}}) {
48 print STAT $v,"=",$Stat{$ChrID}{$v},"\n";
50 print STAT "\n";
51 print STDERR "\b\b\bo\n";
52 delete $Stat{$ChrID};
55 close STAT;
57 for my $v (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %StatA) {
58 print STATA $v,"\t",$StatA{$v},"\n";
61 close STATA;
63 __END__
64 > x=seq(0,30,1)
65 > plot(x,dpois(x,12),type='p')
66 > lines(x,dpois(x,12))
67 > lines(c(12,12),c(-1,1),col='blue')
71 a=read.delim(paste('g',Lib,'.depstatall',sep=''),F)
72 a[1,2]=a[1,2]-239850802
73 EffLen=sum(as.numeric(a$V2))
74 maxX=20
75 maxY=0.15
76 x=seq(0,maxX+1,1)
77 c=sum(as.numeric(a$V1*a$V2))/EffLen
78 pdf(paste('g',Lib,'.pdf',sep=''),width=8,height=6,paper="special")
79 plot(a$V1,a$V2/EffLen,xlim=c(0,maxX),ylim=c(0,maxY),type='b',xlab='depth',ylab='density',main=paste('g',Lib,sep=''),
80 sub=paste('depth=',round(c,4),', ','cvg=',round(100*(1-a[1,2]/EffLen),4),' % < ',round(100*(1-exp(-c)),4),' %',sep='')
82 #lines(a$V1,a$V2/EffLen)
83 lines(x,dpois(x,c),col='blue')
84 lines(c(c,c),c(-1,1),col='red')
85 axis(1,at=c)
90 Since in my problem the structure of the INI sections is almost static and
91 always present, I extended your example to create an in-memory list of
92 everything in the INI file with this function:
94 # Prototype of how to read INI files to process olfactometer data
95 # efg, 13 June 2007
96 # Thanks to Gabor Grothendieck for helpful suggestions in the R-Help
97 # mailing list on how to parse the INI file.
98 Parse.INI <- function(INI.filename)
100 connection <- file(INI.filename)
101 Lines <- readLines(connection)
102 close(connection)
104 Lines <- chartr("[]", "==", Lines) # change section headers
106 connection <- textConnection(Lines)
107 d <- read.table(connection, = TRUE, sep = "=", fill = TRUE)
108 close(connection)
110 L <- d$V1 == "" # location of section breaks
111 d <- subset(transform(d, V3 = V2[which(L)[cumsum(L)]])[1:3],
112 V1 != "")
114 ToParse <- paste("INI.list$", d$V3, "$", d$V1, " <- '",
115 d$V2, "'", sep="")
117 INI.list <- list()
118 eval(parse(text=ToParse))
120 return(INI.list)
124 Here's an example of using the above function (I'll put the sample input
125 file below):
127 INI1 <- Parse.INI("sample.ini")
129 # Explore INI contents
130 summary(INI1)
132 INI1$SystemSetup$OlfactometerCode
133 INI1$DefaultLevels
134 unlist(INI1$DefaultLevels)
135 INI1$Map
137 INI1$Map$port1
138 as.integer( unlist( strsplit(INI1$Map$port1, ",") ) )
140 = = = = =
141 Sample output:
143 > INI1 <- Parse.INI("sample.ini")
145 > # Explore INI contents
146 > summary(INI1)
147 Length Class Mode
148 SystemSetup 1 -none- list
149 Files 8 -none- list
150 DefaultLevels 4 -none- list
151 OdorNames 2 -none- list
152 Map 3 -none- list
154 > INI1$SystemSetup$OlfactometerCode
155 [1] "3"
156 > INI1$DefaultLevels
157 $FC00
158 [1] "50"
160 $FC01
161 [1] "100"
163 $FC02
164 [1] "50"
166 $FC10
167 [1] "50"
169 > unlist(INI1$DefaultLevels)
170 FC00 FC01 FC02 FC10
171 "50" "100" "50" "50"
172 > INI1$Map
173 $port0
174 [1] "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"
176 $port1
177 [1] "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"
179 $port2
180 [1] "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"
183 > INI1$Map$port1
184 [1] "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"
185 > as.integer( unlist( strsplit(INI1$Map$port1, ",") ) )
186 [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
188 = = = = =
189 Sample input file, sample.ini:
191 [SystemSetup]
192 OlfactometerCode=3
193 [Files]
194 prelog0=Part0.txt
195 date0=2:06:27.461 PM 6/9/2007
196 note0=group1-1
197 name0=group1
198 prelog1=Part1.txt
199 date1=2:09:16.809 PM 6/9/2007
200 note1=group1-1
201 name1=group1-1
202 [DefaultLevels]
203 FC00=50
204 FC01=100
205 FC02=50
206 FC10=50
207 [OdorNames]
208 port0=None
209 port1=None
210 [Map]
211 port0=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
212 port1=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
213 port2=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
215 plot(as.matrix(INI1$Chr11),type='l')