Default to USE_LIBISAL.
[GalaxyCodeBases.git] / tools / lh3misc / klib.lua
1 --[[
2 The MIT License
4 Copyright (c) 2011, Attractive Chaos <>
6 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
7 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
8 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
9 to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
10 copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
11 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
13 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
14 all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
23 ]]--
25 --[[
26 This is a Lua library, more exactly a collection of Lua snippets, covering
27 utilities (e.g. getopt), string operations (e.g. split), statistics (e.g.
28 Fisher's exact test), special functions (e.g. logarithm gamma) and matrix
29 operations (e.g. Gauss-Jordan elimination). The routines are designed to be
30 as independent as possible, such that one can copy-paste relevant pieces of
31 code without worrying about additional library dependencies.
33 If you use routines from this library, please include the licensing
34 information above where appropriate.
35 ]]--
37 --[[
38 Library functions and dependencies. "a>b" means "a is required by b"; "b<a"
39 means "b depends on a".
41 os.getopt()
42 string:split()
43 io.xopen()
44 table.ksmall()
45 table.shuffle()
46 math.lgamma() >math.lbinom() >math.igamma()
47 math.igamma() <math.lgamma() >matrix.chi2()
48 math.erfc()
49 math.lbinom() <math.lgamma() >math.fisher_exact()
50 math.bernstein_poly() <math.lbinom()
51 math.fisher_exact() <math.lbinom()
52 math.jackknife()
53 math.pearson()
54 math.spearman()
55 math.fmin()
56 matrix
57 matrix.add()
58 matrix.T() >matrix.mul()
59 matrix.mul() <matrix.T()
60 matrix.tostring()
61 matrix.chi2() <math.igamma()
62 matrix.solve()
63 ]]--
65 -- Description: getopt() translated from the BSD getopt(); compatible with the default Unix getopt()
66 --[[ Example:
67 for o, a in os.getopt(arg, 'a:b') do
68 print(o, a)
69 end
70 ]]--
71 function os.getopt(args, ostr)
72 local arg, place = nil, 0;
73 return function ()
74 if place == 0 then -- update scanning pointer
75 place = 1
76 if #args == 0 or args[1]:sub(1, 1) ~= '-' then place = 0; return nil end
77 if #args[1] >= 2 then
78 place = place + 1
79 if args[1]:sub(2, 2) == '-' then -- found "--"
80 place = 0
81 table.remove(args, 1);
82 return nil;
83 end
84 end
85 end
86 local optopt = args[1]:sub(place, place);
87 place = place + 1;
88 local oli = ostr:find(optopt);
89 if optopt == ':' or oli == nil then -- unknown option
90 if optopt == '-' then return nil end
91 if place > #args[1] then
92 table.remove(args, 1);
93 place = 0;
94 end
95 return '?';
96 end
97 oli = oli + 1;
98 if ostr:sub(oli, oli) ~= ':' then -- do not need argument
99 arg = nil;
100 if place > #args[1] then
101 table.remove(args, 1);
102 place = 0;
104 else -- need an argument
105 if place <= #args[1] then -- no white space
106 arg = args[1]:sub(place);
107 else
108 table.remove(args, 1);
109 if #args == 0 then -- an option requiring argument is the last one
110 place = 0;
111 if ostr:sub(1, 1) == ':' then return ':' end
112 return '?';
113 else arg = args[1] end
115 table.remove(args, 1);
116 place = 0;
118 return optopt, arg;
122 -- Description: string split
123 function string:split(sep, n)
124 local a, start = {}, 1;
125 sep = sep or "%s+";
126 repeat
127 local b, e = self:find(sep, start);
128 if b == nil then
129 table.insert(a, self:sub(start));
130 break
132 a[#a+1] = self:sub(start, b - 1);
133 start = e + 1;
134 if n and #a == n then
135 table.insert(a, self:sub(start));
136 break
138 until start > #self;
139 return a;
142 -- Description: smart file open
143 function io.xopen(fn, mode)
144 mode = mode or 'r';
145 if fn == nil then return io.stdin;
146 elseif fn == '-' then return (mode == 'r' and io.stdin) or io.stdout;
147 elseif fn:sub(-3) == '.gz' then return (mode == 'r' and io.popen('gzip -dc ' .. fn, 'r')) or io.popen('gzip > ' .. fn, 'w');
148 elseif fn:sub(-4) == '.bz2' then return (mode == 'r' and io.popen('bzip2 -dc ' .. fn, 'r')) or io.popen('bgzip2 > ' .. fn, 'w');
149 else return, mode) end
152 -- Description: find the k-th smallest element in an array (Ref.
153 function table.ksmall(arr, k)
154 local low, high = 1, #arr;
155 while true do
156 if high <= low then return arr[k] end
157 if high == low + 1 then
158 if arr[high] < arr[low] then arr[high], arr[low] = arr[low], arr[high] end;
159 return arr[k];
161 local mid = math.floor((high + low) / 2);
162 if arr[high] < arr[mid] then arr[mid], arr[high] = arr[high], arr[mid] end
163 if arr[high] < arr[low] then arr[low], arr[high] = arr[high], arr[low] end
164 if arr[low] < arr[mid] then arr[low], arr[mid] = arr[mid], arr[low] end
165 arr[mid], arr[low+1] = arr[low+1], arr[mid];
166 local ll, hh = low + 1, high;
167 while true do
168 repeat ll = ll + 1 until arr[ll] >= arr[low]
169 repeat hh = hh - 1 until arr[low] >= arr[hh]
170 if hh < ll then break end
171 arr[ll], arr[hh] = arr[hh], arr[ll];
173 arr[low], arr[hh] = arr[hh], arr[low];
174 if hh <= k then low = ll end
175 if hh >= k then high = hh - 1 end
179 -- Description: shuffle/permutate an array
180 function table.shuffle(a)
181 for i = #a, 1, -1 do
182 local j = math.random(i)
183 a[j], a[i] = a[i], a[j]
188 -- Mathematics
191 -- Description: log gamma function
192 -- Required by: math.lbinom()
193 -- Reference: AS245, 2nd algorithm,
194 function math.lgamma(z)
195 local x;
196 x = 0.1659470187408462e-06 / (z+7);
197 x = x + 0.9934937113930748e-05 / (z+6);
198 x = x - 0.1385710331296526 / (z+5);
199 x = x + 12.50734324009056 / (z+4);
200 x = x - 176.6150291498386 / (z+3);
201 x = x + 771.3234287757674 / (z+2);
202 x = x - 1259.139216722289 / (z+1);
203 x = x + 676.5203681218835 / z;
204 x = x + 0.9999999999995183;
205 return math.log(x) - 5.58106146679532777 - z + (z-0.5) * math.log(z+6.5);
208 -- Description: regularized incomplete gamma function
209 -- Dependent on: math.lgamma()
210 --[[
211 Formulas are taken from Wiki, with additional input from Numerical
212 Recipes in C (for modified Lentz's algorithm) and AS245
213 (
215 A good online calculator is available at:
219 It calculates upper incomplete gamma function, which equals
220 math.igamma(s,z,true)*math.exp(math.lgamma(s))
221 ]]--
222 function math.igamma(s, z, complement)
224 local function _kf_gammap(s, z)
225 local sum, x = 1, 1;
226 for k = 1, 100 do
227 x = x * z / (s + k);
228 sum = sum + x;
229 if x / sum < 1e-14 then break end
231 return math.exp(s * math.log(z) - z - math.lgamma(s + 1.) + math.log(sum));
234 local function _kf_gammaq(s, z)
235 local C, D, f, TINY;
236 f = 1. + z - s; C = f; D = 0.; TINY = 1e-290;
237 -- Modified Lentz's algorithm for computing continued fraction. See Numerical Recipes in C, 2nd edition, section 5.2
238 for j = 1, 100 do
239 local d;
240 local a, b = j * (s - j), j*2 + 1 + z - s;
241 D = b + a * D;
242 if D < TINY then D = TINY end
243 C = b + a / C;
244 if C < TINY then C = TINY end
245 D = 1. / D;
246 d = C * D;
247 f = f * d;
248 if math.abs(d - 1) < 1e-14 then break end
250 return math.exp(s * math.log(z) - z - math.lgamma(s) - math.log(f));
253 if complement then
254 return ((z <= 1 or z < s) and 1 - _kf_gammap(s, z)) or _kf_gammaq(s, z);
255 else
256 return ((z <= 1 or z < s) and _kf_gammap(s, z)) or (1 - _kf_gammaq(s, z));
260 math.M_SQRT2 = 1.41421356237309504880 -- sqrt(2)
261 math.M_SQRT1_2 = 0.70710678118654752440 -- 1/sqrt(2)
263 -- Description: complement error function erfc(x): \Phi(x) = 0.5 * erfc(-x/M_SQRT2)
264 function math.erfc(x)
265 local z = math.abs(x) * math.M_SQRT2
266 if z > 37 then return (x > 0 and 0) or 2 end
267 local expntl = math.exp(-0.5 * z * z)
268 local p
269 if z < 10. / math.M_SQRT2 then -- for small z
270 p = expntl * ((((((.03526249659989109 * z + .7003830644436881) * z + 6.37396220353165) * z + 33.912866078383)
271 * z + 112.0792914978709) * z + 221.2135961699311) * z + 220.2068679123761)
272 / (((((((.08838834764831844 * z + 1.755667163182642) * z + 16.06417757920695) * z + 86.78073220294608)
273 * z + 296.5642487796737) * z + 637.3336333788311) * z + 793.8265125199484) * z + 440.4137358247522);
274 else p = expntl / 2.506628274631001 / (z + 1. / (z + 2. / (z + 3. / (z + 4. / (z + .65))))) end
275 return (x > 0 and 2 * p) or 2 * (1 - p)
278 -- Description: log binomial coefficient
279 -- Dependent on: math.lgamma()
280 -- Required by: math.fisher_exact()
281 function math.lbinom(n, m)
282 if m == nil then
283 local a = {};
284 a[0], a[n] = 0, 0;
285 local t = math.lgamma(n+1);
286 for m = 1, n-1 do a[m] = t - math.lgamma(m+1) - math.lgamma(n-m+1) end
287 return a;
288 else return math.lgamma(n+1) - math.lgamma(m+1) - math.lgamma(n-m+1) end
291 -- Description: Berstein polynomials (mainly for Bezier curves)
292 -- Dependent on: math.lbinom()
293 -- Note: to compute derivative: let beta_new[i]=beta[i+1]-beta[i]
294 function math.bernstein_poly(beta)
295 local n = #beta - 1;
296 local lbc = math.lbinom(n); -- log binomial coefficients
297 return function (t)
298 assert(t >= 0 and t <= 1);
299 if t == 0 then return beta[1] end
300 if t == 1 then return beta[n+1] end
301 local sum, logt, logt1 = 0, math.log(t), math.log(1-t);
302 for i = 0, n do sum = sum + beta[i+1] * math.exp(lbc[i] + i * logt + (n-i) * logt1) end
303 return sum;
307 -- Description: Fisher's exact test
308 -- Dependent on: math.lbinom()
309 -- Return: left-, right- and two-tail P-values
310 --[[
311 Fisher's exact test for 2x2 congintency tables:
313 n11 n12 | n1_
314 n21 n22 | n2_
315 -----------+----
316 n_1 n_2 | n
318 Reference:
319 ]]--
320 function math.fisher_exact(n11, n12, n21, n22)
321 local aux; -- keep the states of n* for acceleration
323 -- Description: hypergeometric function
324 local function hypergeo(n11, n1_, n_1, n)
325 return math.exp(math.lbinom(n1_, n11) + math.lbinom(n-n1_, n_1-n11) - math.lbinom(n, n_1));
328 -- Description: incremental hypergeometric function
329 -- Note: aux = {n11, n1_, n_1, n, p}
330 local function hypergeo_inc(n11, n1_, n_1, n)
331 if n1_ ~= 0 or n_1 ~= 0 or n ~= 0 then
332 aux = {n11, n1_, n_1, n, 1};
333 else -- then only n11 is changed
334 local mod;
335 _, mod = math.modf(n11 / 11);
336 if mod ~= 0 and n11 + aux[4] - aux[2] - aux[3] ~= 0 then
337 if n11 == aux[1] + 1 then -- increase by 1
338 aux[5] = aux[5] * (aux[2] - aux[1]) / n11 * (aux[3] - aux[1]) / (n11 + aux[4] - aux[2] - aux[3]);
339 aux[1] = n11;
340 return aux[5];
342 if n11 == aux[1] - 1 then -- descrease by 1
343 aux[5] = aux[5] * aux[1] / (aux[2] - n11) * (aux[1] + aux[4] - aux[2] - aux[3]) / (aux[3] - n11);
344 aux[1] = n11;
345 return aux[5];
348 aux[1] = n11;
350 aux[5] = hypergeo(aux[1], aux[2], aux[3], aux[4]);
351 return aux[5];
354 -- Description: computing the P-value by Fisher's exact test
355 local max, min, left, right, n1_, n_1, n, two, p, q, i, j;
356 n1_, n_1, n = n11 + n12, n11 + n21, n11 + n12 + n21 + n22;
357 max = (n_1 < n1_ and n_1) or n1_; -- max n11, for the right tail
358 min = n1_ + n_1 - n;
359 if min < 0 then min = 0 end -- min n11, for the left tail
360 two, left, right = 1, 1, 1;
361 if min == max then return 1 end -- no need to do test
362 q = hypergeo_inc(n11, n1_, n_1, n); -- the probability of the current table
363 -- left tail
364 i, left, p = min + 1, 0, hypergeo_inc(min, 0, 0, 0);
365 while p < 0.99999999 * q do
366 left, p, i = left + p, hypergeo_inc(i, 0, 0, 0), i + 1;
368 i = i - 1;
369 if p < 1.00000001 * q then left = left + p;
370 else i = i - 1 end
371 -- right tail
372 j, right, p = max - 1, 0, hypergeo_inc(max, 0, 0, 0);
373 while p < 0.99999999 * q do
374 right, p, j = right + p, hypergeo_inc(j, 0, 0, 0), j - 1;
376 j = j + 1;
377 if p < 1.00000001 * q then right = right + p;
378 else j = j + 1 end
379 -- two-tail
380 two = left + right;
381 if two > 1 then two = 1 end
382 -- adjust left and right
383 if math.abs(i - n11) < math.abs(j - n11) then right = 1 - left + q;
384 else left = 1 - right + q end
385 return left, right, two;
388 -- Description: Delete-m Jackknife
389 --[[
390 Given g groups of values with a statistics estimated from m[i] samples in
391 i-th group being t[i], compute the mean and the variance. t0 below is the
392 estimate from all samples. Reference:
394 Busing et al. (1999) Delete-m Jackknife for unequal m. Statistics and Computing, 9:3-8.
395 ]]--
396 function math.jackknife(g, m, t, t0)
397 local h, n, sum = {}, 0, 0;
398 for j = 1, g do n = n + m[j] end
399 if t0 == nil then -- When t0 is absent, estimate it in a naive way
400 t0 = 0;
401 for j = 1, g do t0 = t0 + m[j] * t[j] end
402 t0 = t0 / n;
404 local mean, var = 0, 0;
405 for j = 1, g do
406 h[j] = n / m[j];
407 mean = mean + (1 - m[j] / n) * t[j];
409 mean = g * t0 - mean; -- Eq. (8)
410 for j = 1, g do
411 local x = h[j] * t0 - (h[j] - 1) * t[j] - mean;
412 var = var + 1 / (h[j] - 1) * x * x;
414 var = var / g;
415 return mean, var;
418 -- Description: Pearson correlation coefficient
419 -- Input: a is an n*2 table
420 function math.pearson(a)
421 -- compute the mean
422 local x1, y1 = 0, 0
423 for _, v in pairs(a) do
424 x1, y1 = x1 + v[1], y1 + v[2]
426 -- compute the coefficient
427 x1, y1 = x1 / #a, y1 / #a
428 local x2, y2, xy = 0, 0, 0
429 for _, v in pairs(a) do
430 local tx, ty = v[1] - x1, v[2] - y1
431 xy, x2, y2 = xy + tx * ty, x2 + tx * tx, y2 + ty * ty
433 return xy / math.sqrt(x2) / math.sqrt(y2)
436 -- Description: Spearman correlation coefficient
437 function math.spearman(a)
438 local function aux_func(t) -- auxiliary function
439 return (t == 1 and 0) or (t*t - 1) * t / 12
442 for _, v in pairs(a) do v.r = {} end
443 local T, S = {}, {}
444 -- compute the rank
445 for k = 1, 2 do
446 table.sort(a, function(u,v) return u[k]<v[k] end)
447 local same = 1
448 T[k] = 0
449 for i = 2, #a + 1 do
450 if i <= #a and a[i-1][k] == a[i][k] then same = same + 1
451 else
452 local rank = (i-1) * 2 - same + 1
453 for j = i - same, i - 1 do a[j].r[k] = rank end
454 if same > 1 then T[k], same = T[k] + aux_func(same), 1 end
457 S[k] = aux_func(#a) - T[k]
459 -- compute the coefficient
460 local sum = 0
461 for _, v in pairs(a) do -- TODO: use nested loops to reduce loss of precision
462 local t = (v.r[1] - v.r[2]) / 2
463 sum = sum + t * t
465 return (S[1] + S[2] - sum) / 2 / math.sqrt(S[1] * S[2])
468 -- Description: Hooke-Jeeves derivative-free optimization
469 function math.fmin(func, x, data, r, eps, max_calls)
470 local n, n_calls = #x, 0;
471 r = r or 0.5;
472 eps = eps or 1e-7;
473 max_calls = max_calls or 50000
475 function fmin_aux(x1, data, fx1, dx) -- auxiliary function
476 local ftmp;
477 for k = 1, n do
478 x1[k] = x1[k] + dx[k];
479 local ftmp = func(x1, data); n_calls = n_calls + 1;
480 if ftmp < fx1 then fx1 = ftmp;
481 else -- search the opposite direction
482 dx[k] = -dx[k];
483 x1[k] = x1[k] + dx[k] + dx[k];
484 ftmp = func(x1, data); n_calls = n_calls + 1;
485 if ftmp < fx1 then fx1 = ftmp
486 else x1[k] = x1[k] - dx[k] end -- back to the original x[k]
489 return fx1; -- here: fx1=f(n,x1)
492 local dx, x1 = {}, {};
493 for k = 1, n do -- initial directions, based on MGJ
494 dx[k] = math.abs(x[k]) * r;
495 if dx[k] == 0 then dx[k] = r end;
497 local radius = r;
498 local fx1, fx;
499 fx = func(x, data); fx1 = fx; n_calls = n_calls + 1;
500 while true do
501 for i = 1, n do x1[i] = x[i] end; -- x1 = x
502 fx1 = fmin_aux(x1, data, fx, dx);
503 while fx1 < fx do
504 for k = 1, n do
505 local t = x[k];
506 dx[k] = (x1[k] > x[k] and math.abs(dx[k])) or -math.abs(dx[k]);
507 x[k] = x1[k];
508 x1[k] = x1[k] + x1[k] - t;
510 fx = fx1;
511 if n_calls >= max_calls then break end
512 fx1 = func(x1, data); n_calls = n_calls + 1;
513 fx1 = fmin_aux(x1, data, fx1, dx);
514 if fx1 >= fx then break end
515 local kk = n;
516 for k = 1, n do
517 if math.abs(x1[k] - x[k]) > .5 * math.abs(dx[k]) then
518 kk = k;
519 break;
522 if kk == n then break end
524 if radius >= eps then
525 if n_calls >= max_calls then break end
526 radius = radius * r;
527 for k = 1, n do dx[k] = dx[k] * r end
528 else break end
530 return fx1, n_calls;
534 -- Matrix
537 matrix = {}
539 -- Description: matrix transpose
540 -- Required by: matrix.mul()
541 function matrix.T(a)
542 local m, n, x = #a, #a[1], {};
543 for i = 1, n do
544 x[i] = {};
545 for j = 1, m do x[i][j] = a[j][i] end
547 return x;
550 -- Description: matrix add
551 function matrix.add(a, b)
552 assert(#a == #b and #a[1] == #b[1]);
553 local m, n, x = #a, #a[1], {};
554 for i = 1, m do
555 x[i] = {};
556 local ai, bi, xi = a[i], b[i], x[i];
557 for j = 1, n do xi[j] = ai[j] + bi[j] end
559 return x;
562 -- Description: matrix mul
563 -- Dependent on: matrix.T()
564 -- Note: much slower without transpose
565 function matrix.mul(a, b)
566 assert(#a[1] == #b);
567 local m, n, p, x = #a, #a[1], #b[1], {};
568 local c = matrix.T(b); -- transpose for efficiency
569 for i = 1, m do
570 x[i] = {}
571 local xi = x[i];
572 for j = 1, p do
573 local sum, ai, cj = 0, a[i], c[j];
574 for k = 1, n do sum = sum + ai[k] * cj[k] end
575 xi[j] = sum;
578 return x;
581 -- Description: matrix print
582 function matrix.tostring(a)
583 local z = {};
584 for i = 1, #a do
585 z[i] = table.concat(a[i], "\t");
587 return table.concat(z, "\n");
590 -- Description: chi^2 test for contingency tables
591 -- Dependent on: math.igamma()
592 function matrix.chi2(a)
593 if #a == 2 and #a[1] == 2 then -- 2x2 table
594 local x, z
595 x = (a[1][1] + a[1][2]) * (a[2][1] + a[2][2]) * (a[1][1] + a[2][1]) * (a[1][2] + a[2][2])
596 if x == 0 then return 0, 1, false end
597 z = a[1][1] * a[2][2] - a[1][2] * a[2][1]
598 z = (a[1][1] + a[1][2] + a[2][1] + a[2][2]) * z * z / x
599 return z, math.igamma(.5, .5 * z, true), true
600 else -- generic table
601 local rs, cs, n, m, N, z = {}, {}, #a, #a[1], 0, 0
602 for i = 1, n do rs[i] = 0 end
603 for j = 1, m do cs[j] = 0 end
604 for i = 1, n do -- compute column sum and row sum
605 for j = 1, m do cs[j], rs[i] = cs[j] + a[i][j], rs[i] + a[i][j] end
607 for i = 1, n do N = N + rs[i] end
608 for i = 1, n do -- compute the chi^2 statistics
609 for j = 1, m do
610 local E = rs[i] * cs[j] / N;
611 z = z + (a[i][j] - E) * (a[i][j] - E) / E
614 return z, math.igamma(.5 * (n-1) * (m-1), .5 * z, true), true;
618 -- Description: Gauss-Jordan elimination (solving equations; computing inverse)
619 -- Note: on return, a[n][n] is the inverse; b[n][m] is the solution
620 -- Reference: Section 2.1, Numerical Recipes in C, 2nd edition
621 function matrix.solve(a, b)
622 assert(#a == #a[1]);
623 local n, m = #a, (b and #b[1]) or 0;
624 local xc, xr, ipiv = {}, {}, {};
625 local ic, ir;
627 for j = 1, n do ipiv[j] = 0 end
628 for i = 1, n do
629 local big = 0;
630 for j = 1, n do
631 local aj = a[j];
632 if ipiv[j] ~= 1 then
633 for k = 1, n do
634 if ipiv[k] == 0 then
635 if math.abs(aj[k]) >= big then
636 big = math.abs(aj[k]);
637 ir, ic = j, k;
639 elseif ipiv[k] > 1 then return -2 end -- singular matrix
643 ipiv[ic] = ipiv[ic] + 1;
644 if ir ~= ic then
645 for l = 1, n do a[ir][l], a[ic][l] = a[ic][l], a[ir][l] end
646 if b then
647 for l = 1, m do b[ir][l], b[ic][l] = b[ic][l], b[ir][l] end
650 xr[i], xc[i] = ir, ic;
651 if a[ic][ic] == 0 then return -3 end -- singular matrix
652 local pivinv = 1 / a[ic][ic];
653 a[ic][ic] = 1;
654 for l = 1, n do a[ic][l] = a[ic][l] * pivinv end
655 if b then
656 for l = 1, n do b[ic][l] = b[ic][l] * pivinv end
658 for ll = 1, n do
659 if ll ~= ic then
660 local tmp = a[ll][ic];
661 a[ll][ic] = 0;
662 local all, aic = a[ll], a[ic];
663 for l = 1, n do all[l] = all[l] - aic[l] * tmp end
664 if b then
665 local bll, bic = b[ll], b[ic];
666 for l = 1, m do bll[l] = bll[l] - bic[l] * tmp end
671 for l = n, 1, -1 do
672 if xr[l] ~= xc[l] then
673 for k = 1, n do a[k][xr[l]], a[k][xc[l]] = a[k][xc[l]], a[k][xr[l]] end
676 return 0;