1 # Cisco-IPSec-VPN-Install
2 This is a one-key file to install Cisco IPSec VPN on CentOS or Ubuntu Server.
3 It will be stable when you connect your iPhone/Anroid/PC/Mac to your CentOS/Ubuntu Server with this tool in China.
4 And the only thing you should do is typing several words based on the tips.
5 So enjoy it if you have one VPS (CentOS/Ubuntu/Debian/Fedora) with XEN/KVM/OpenVZ.
7 Tips: This code supports the following servers: Linode/DigitalOcean/Bandwagonhost and more.
9 Pls remember, you must run this codes with your root user.
11 If you want to one-key install Cisco IPSec VPN on your server, you could copy the following codes and run:
13 wget --no-check-certificate http://lokyshin.com/codes/CIVInstall.sh && chmod +x CIVInstall.sh && bash CIVInstall.sh 2>&1 | tee civaws_install.log