3 Author: Hu Xuesong @ BIOPIC <galaxy001@gmail.com>
4 Version: 1.0.0 @ 20120412
8 #use Data::Dump qw(ddx);
10 die "Usage: $0 <in file> <out file>\n" if @ARGV<2;
15 my ($indi,$site)=(0,0);
17 open I
,'<',$in or die;
21 my ($parent,undef,$id,@GT)=split /\t/;
22 $Indi[$id] = \
@GT; # @Indi[SNP][0..$indi-1]
23 push @Parents,$parent;
24 die if $indi && $indi != @GT;
27 $site = $#Indi; # count of data lines, 1st is 0. @Indi[1..SNP][0..$indi-1]
28 push @
{$Indi[0]},0 for (0 .. $indi-1); # also set @Indi[SNP==0][0..$indi-1]=0
29 print "Loaded: $site SNP sites * $indi Sperms.\n";
31 my @a=split //,('0' x
32 my @b=split //,('1' x
33 my (@matrix,@path); # 2D array in perl can be malloced auto.ly. @matrix[0..SNP][0..SNP]
34 my ($i,$j,$sc,$mstep);
35 my %COLOR=('1'=>'32','2'=>'33','3'=>'36','0'=>'0');
37 sub scoring
($$$) { # Recombin_Count >> 0, so 0 is reserved for NULL.
38 my ($i,$LR,$lastGrid)=@_;
39 my ($lasti,$lastj)=@
41 if ($path[$lasti][$lastj] == 1) {
43 } else { $lastLR = 1; }
45 for my $n (0..$indi-1) {
46 if ( ($LR^$Indi[$mstep][$n]) != ($lastLR^$Indi[$mstep-1][$n]) ) { # remember the higher precedence of '!=' to '^'
50 return $matrix[$lasti][$lastj]+$RC;
56 for ($i=0;$i<=$site;$i++) {
57 for ($j=0;$j<=$site;$j++) {
61 #for ($j=1;$j<=$#b;$j++) {$matrix[0][$j] = $j*$INDEL;$path[0][$j]=3;}
64 00, 0, - 01, 1, R 02, 2, RR 03, 3, RRR 04, 4, RRRR
65 10, 1, L 11, 2, LR/RL 12, 3, NNN 13, 4, NNNN (14, 5)
66 i => L 20, 2, LL 21, 3, NNN 22, 4, NNNN (23, 5) (24, 6)
67 30, 3, LLL 31, 4, NNNN (32, 5) (33, 6) (34, 7)
68 40, 4, LLLL (41, 5) (42, 6) (43, 7) (44, 8)
70 for ($mstep=1;$mstep<=$site;$mstep++) { # starts from 01 & 10.
71 for ($i=0;$i<=$mstep;$i++) {
72 $j = $mstep-$i; # only half matrix needed.
73 my ($sc1,$sc2)=(0,0); # better to set NULL as -1.
74 if ($j>0) { # has Up, can be L
75 $sc1=scoring
77 if ($i>0) { # has Left, can be R
78 $sc2=scoring
81 if ($sc2) { # both $sc1 and $sc2
85 } elsif ($sc1 == $sc2) {
86 $path[$i][$j]=3; # half L => 0.5, no difference.
88 } else { # $sc1 > $sc2
96 } elsif ($sc2) { # only $sc2
99 } else { # $sc1==$sc2==0
100 #die "Impossible for $i==$j==0. $sc1,$sc2.";
101 $path[$i][$j]=0; # for path, 00 <=> 11
104 $matrix[$i][$j] = $sc;
107 my ($min,$mini,$minj)=($matrix[0][$site],0,$site);
108 for ($i=1;$i<=$site;$i++) { # init value is from $i==0
110 if ($min > $matrix[$i][$j]) {
111 $min=$matrix[$i][$j];
112 ($mini,$minj)=($i,$j);
116 my ($sumxorP,@resultP,@xorP)=(0);
117 while ($mini>=0 and $minj>=0 and $mini+$minj) {
118 push @resultP,$path[$mini][$minj];
119 if ($path[$mini][$minj] & 1) {
123 @resultP = reverse @resultP;
125 my $t = ($resultP[$_]^$Parents[$_])&1;
130 print "Parents: ",join(',',@Parents),"\n";
131 print "Results: ",join(',',@resultP),"\n";
132 print "bitXORs: ",join(',',@xorP),"\nSumbXOR: $sumxorP\n";
133 print '-' x
134 for (sort keys %COLOR) {
135 print "\033[",$COLOR{$_},";1m $_";
139 open O
,'>',$out or die;
140 print O
"Loaded: $site SNP sites * $indi Sperms.\n";
142 for ($i=0;$i<=$site;$i++) {
143 for ($j=0;$j<=$site-$i;$j++) {
144 print "\033[",$COLOR{$path[$i][$j]},";1m";
145 printf("%4d ",$matrix[$i][$j]);
146 print O
152 print O
'-' x
153 print O
"Parents: ",join(',',@Parents),"\n";
154 print O
"Results: ",join(',',@resultP),"\n";
155 print O
"bitXORs: ",join(',',@xorP),"\nSumbXOR: $sumxorP\n";