modified: src1/input.c
[GalaxyCodeBases.git] / c_cpp / lib / klib / cpp / khashl.hpp
1 #ifndef __AC_KHASHL_HPP
2 #define __AC_KHASHL_HPP
4 #include <functional> // for std::equal_to
5 #include <cstdlib> // for malloc() etc
6 #include <cstring> // for memset()
7 #include <stdint.h> // for uint32_t
9 /* // ==> Code example <==
10 #include <cstdio>
11 #include "khashl.hpp"
13 int main(void)
15 klib::KHashMap<uint32_t, int, std::hash<uint32_t> > h; // NB: C++98 doesn't have std::hash
16 uint32_t k;
17 int absent;
18 h[43] = 1, h[53] = 2, h[63] = 3, h[73] = 4; // one way to insert
19 k = h.put(53, &absent), h.value(k) = -2; // another way to insert
20 if (!absent) printf("already in the table\n"); // which allows to test presence
21 if (h.get(33) == h.end()) printf("not found!\n"); // test presence without insertion
22 h.del(h.get(43)); // deletion
23 for (k = 0; k != h.end(); ++k) // traversal
24 if (h.occupied(k)) // some buckets are not occupied; skip them
25 printf("%u => %d\n", h.key(k), h.value(k));
26 return 0;
30 namespace klib {
32 /***********
33 * HashSet *
34 ***********/
36 template<class T, class Hash, class Eq = std::equal_to<T>, typename khint_t = uint32_t>
37 class KHashSet {
38 khint_t bits, count;
39 uint32_t *used;
40 T *keys;
41 static inline uint32_t __kh_used(const uint32_t *flag, khint_t i) { return flag[i>>5] >> (i&0x1fU) & 1U; };
42 static inline void __kh_set_used(uint32_t *flag, khint_t i) { flag[i>>5] |= 1U<<(i&0x1fU); };
43 static inline void __kh_set_unused(uint32_t *flag, khint_t i) { flag[i>>5] &= ~(1U<<(i&0x1fU)); };
44 static inline khint_t __kh_fsize(khint_t m) { return m<32? 1 : m>>5; }
45 static inline khint_t __kh_h2b(uint32_t hash, khint_t bits) { return hash * 2654435769U >> (32 - bits); }
46 static inline khint_t __kh_h2b(uint64_t hash, khint_t bits) { return hash * 11400714819323198485ULL >> (64 - bits); }
47 public:
48 KHashSet() : bits(0), count(0), used(0), keys(0) {};
49 ~KHashSet() { std::free(used); std::free(keys); };
50 inline khint_t n_buckets() const { return used? khint_t(1) << bits : 0; }
51 inline khint_t end() const { return n_buckets(); }
52 inline khint_t size() const { return count; }
53 inline T &key(khint_t x) { return keys[x]; };
54 inline bool occupied(khint_t x) const { return (__kh_used(used, x) != 0); }
55 void clear(void) {
56 if (!used) return;
57 memset(used, 0, __kh_fsize(n_buckets()) * sizeof(uint32_t));
58 count = 0;
60 khint_t get(const T &key) const {
61 khint_t i, last, mask, nb;
62 if (keys == 0) return 0;
63 nb = n_buckets();
64 mask = nb - khint_t(1);
65 i = last = __kh_h2b(Hash()(key), bits);
66 while (__kh_used(used, i) && !Eq()(keys[i], key)) {
67 i = (i + khint_t(1)) & mask;
68 if (i == last) return nb;
70 return !__kh_used(used, i)? nb : i;
72 int resize(khint_t new_nb) {
73 uint32_t *new_used = 0;
74 khint_t j = 0, x = new_nb, nb, new_bits, new_mask;
75 while ((x >>= khint_t(1)) != 0) ++j;
76 if (new_nb & (new_nb - 1)) ++j;
77 new_bits = j > 2? j : 2;
78 new_nb = khint_t(1) << new_bits;
79 if (count > (new_nb>>1) + (new_nb>>2)) return 0; /* requested size is too small */
80 new_used = (uint32_t*)std::malloc(__kh_fsize(new_nb) * sizeof(uint32_t));
81 memset(new_used, 0, __kh_fsize(new_nb) * sizeof(uint32_t));
82 if (!new_used) return -1; /* not enough memory */
83 nb = n_buckets();
84 if (nb < new_nb) { /* expand */
85 T *new_keys = (T*)std::realloc(keys, new_nb * sizeof(T));
86 if (!new_keys) { std::free(new_used); return -1; }
87 keys = new_keys;
88 } /* otherwise shrink */
89 new_mask = new_nb - 1;
90 for (j = 0; j != nb; ++j) {
91 if (!__kh_used(used, j)) continue;
92 T key = keys[j];
93 __kh_set_unused(used, j);
94 while (1) { /* kick-out process; sort of like in Cuckoo hashing */
95 khint_t i;
96 i = __kh_h2b(Hash()(key), new_bits);
97 while (__kh_used(new_used, i)) i = (i + khint_t(1)) & new_mask;
98 __kh_set_used(new_used, i);
99 if (i < nb && __kh_used(used, i)) { /* kick out the existing element */
100 { T tmp = keys[i]; keys[i] = key; key = tmp; }
101 __kh_set_unused(used, i); /* mark it as deleted in the old hash table */
102 } else { /* write the element and jump out of the loop */
103 keys[i] = key;
104 break;
108 if (nb > new_nb) /* shrink the hash table */
109 keys = (T*)std::realloc(keys, new_nb * sizeof(T));
110 std::free(used); /* free the working space */
111 used = new_used, bits = new_bits;
112 return 0;
114 khint_t put(const T &key, int *absent_ = 0) {
115 khint_t nb, i, last, mask;
116 int absent = -1;
117 nb = n_buckets();
118 if (count >= (nb>>1) + (nb>>2)) { /* rehashing */
119 if (resize(nb + khint_t(1)) < 0) {
120 if (absent_) *absent_ = -1;
121 return nb;
123 nb = n_buckets();
124 } /* TODO: to implement automatically shrinking; resize() already support shrinking */
125 mask = nb - 1;
126 i = last = __kh_h2b(Hash()(key), bits);
127 while (__kh_used(used, i) && !Eq()(keys[i], key)) {
128 i = (i + 1U) & mask;
129 if (i == last) break;
131 if (!__kh_used(used, i)) { /* not present at all */
132 keys[i] = key;
133 __kh_set_used(used, i);
134 ++count, absent = 1;
135 } else absent = 0; /* Don't touch keys[i] if present */
136 if (absent_) *absent_ = absent;
137 return i;
139 int del(khint_t i) {
140 khint_t j = i, k, mask, nb = n_buckets();
141 if (keys == 0 || i >= nb) return 0;
142 mask = nb - khint_t(1);
143 while (1) {
144 j = (j + khint_t(1)) & mask;
145 if (j == i || !__kh_used(used, j)) break; /* j==i only when the table is completely full */
146 k = __kh_h2b(Hash()(keys[j]), bits);
147 if ((j > i && (k <= i || k > j)) || (j < i && (k <= i && k > j)))
148 keys[i] = keys[j], i = j;
150 __kh_set_unused(used, i);
151 --count;
152 return 1;
156 /***********
157 * HashMap *
158 ***********/
160 template<class KType, class VType>
161 struct KHashMapBucket { KType key; VType val; };
163 template<class T, class Hash, typename khint_t>
164 struct KHashMapHash { khint_t operator() (const T &a) const { return Hash()(a.key); } };
166 template<class T, class Eq>
167 struct KHashMapEq { bool operator() (const T &a, const T &b) const { return Eq()(a.key, b.key); } };
169 template<class KType, class VType, class Hash, class Eq=std::equal_to<KType>, typename khint_t=uint32_t>
170 class KHashMap : public KHashSet<KHashMapBucket<KType, VType>,
171 KHashMapHash<KHashMapBucket<KType, VType>, Hash, khint_t>,
172 KHashMapEq<KHashMapBucket<KType, VType>, Eq>, khint_t>
174 typedef KHashMapBucket<KType, VType> bucket_t;
175 typedef KHashSet<bucket_t, KHashMapHash<bucket_t, Hash, khint_t>, KHashMapEq<bucket_t, Eq>, khint_t> hashset_t;
176 public:
177 khint_t get(const KType &key) const {
178 bucket_t t = { key, VType() };
179 return hashset_t::get(t);
181 khint_t put(const KType &key, int *absent) {
182 bucket_t t = { key, VType() };
183 return hashset_t::put(t, absent);
185 inline KType &key(khint_t i) { return hashset_t::key(i).key; }
186 inline VType &value(khint_t i) { return hashset_t::key(i).val; }
187 inline VType &operator[] (const KType &key) {
188 bucket_t t = { key, VType() };
189 return value(hashset_t::put(t));
193 /****************************
194 * HashSet with cached hash *
195 ****************************/
197 template<class KType, typename khint_t>
198 struct KHashSetCachedBucket { KType key; khint_t hash; };
200 template<class T, typename khint_t>
201 struct KHashCachedHash { khint_t operator() (const T &a) const { return a.hash; } };
203 template<class T, class Eq>
204 struct KHashCachedEq { bool operator() (const T &a, const T &b) const { return a.hash == b.hash && Eq()(a.key, b.key); } };
206 template<class KType, class Hash, class Eq = std::equal_to<KType>, typename khint_t = uint32_t>
207 class KHashSetCached : public KHashSet<KHashSetCachedBucket<KType, khint_t>,
208 KHashCachedHash<KHashSetCachedBucket<KType, khint_t>, khint_t>,
209 KHashCachedEq<KHashSetCachedBucket<KType, khint_t>, Eq>, khint_t>
211 typedef KHashSetCachedBucket<KType, khint_t> bucket_t;
212 typedef KHashSet<bucket_t, KHashCachedHash<bucket_t, khint_t>, KHashCachedEq<bucket_t, Eq>, khint_t> hashset_t;
213 public:
214 khint_t get(const KType &key) const {
215 bucket_t t = { key, Hash()(key) };
216 return hashset_t::get(t);
218 khint_t put(const KType &key, int *absent) {
219 bucket_t t = { key, Hash()(key) };
220 return hashset_t::put(t, absent);
222 inline KType &key(khint_t i) { return hashset_t::key(i).key; }
225 /****************************
226 * HashMap with cached hash *
227 ****************************/
229 template<class KType, class VType, typename khint_t>
230 struct KHashMapCachedBucket { KType key; VType val; khint_t hash; };
232 template<class KType, class VType, class Hash, class Eq = std::equal_to<KType>, typename khint_t = uint32_t>
233 class KHashMapCached : public KHashSet<KHashMapCachedBucket<KType, VType, khint_t>,
234 KHashCachedHash<KHashMapCachedBucket<KType, VType, khint_t>, khint_t>,
235 KHashCachedEq<KHashMapCachedBucket<KType, VType, khint_t>, Eq>, khint_t>
237 typedef KHashMapCachedBucket<KType, VType, khint_t> bucket_t;
238 typedef KHashSet<bucket_t, KHashCachedHash<bucket_t, khint_t>, KHashCachedEq<bucket_t, Eq>, khint_t> hashset_t;
239 public:
240 khint_t get(const KType &key) const {
241 bucket_t t = { key, VType(), Hash()(key) };
242 return hashset_t::get(t);
244 khint_t put(const KType &key, int *absent) {
245 bucket_t t = { key, VType(), Hash()(key) };
246 return hashset_t::put(t, absent);
248 inline KType &key(khint_t i) { return hashset_t::key(i).key; }
249 inline VType &value(khint_t i) { return hashset_t::key(i).val; }
250 inline VType &operator[] (const KType &key) {
251 bucket_t t = { key, VType(), Hash()(key) };
252 return value(hashset_t::put(t));
258 #endif /* __AC_KHASHL_HPP */