1 1. How to specify the memory size in BWT building?
2 ./2bwt/2bwt_builder_cpu read_library read_length prefix 24 MaxMemory >2bwt.log 2>2bwt.err
4 ./2bwt/2bwt_builder_gpu read_library read_length prefix 24 MaxMemory >2bwt.log 2>2bwt.err
6 2. How to specify the GPU memory in BWT building?
7 ./2bwt/2bwt_builder_gpu read_library read_length prefix 24 MaxMemory GPUMemory >2bwt.log 2>2bwt.err
8 If you want to set the GPUMemory only, then:
9 ./2bwt/2bwt_builder_gpu read_library read_length prefix 24 0 GPUMemory >2bwt.log 2>2bwt.err
11 3. How to calculate "Expected depth" for BASE?
12 Simply, you need to estimate the genome size, kmerfreq + gce are suggested to be used here.
13 Expected_depth = total_base_number/estimated_genome_size.
15 This argument must be set to run BASE.
17 4. How to set "Low depth threshold" for BASE?
18 If the Expected depth is less than 60X, it is suggested to use 3, or else you can increase to 4.