[GalaxyCodeBases.git] / BGI / SOAPdenovo2 / standardPregraph / inc / global.h
1 /*
2 * inc/global.h
4 * Copyright (c) 2008-2012 BGI-Shenzhen <soap at genomics dot org dot cn>.
6 * This file is part of SOAPdenovo.
8 * SOAPdenovo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11 * (at your option) any later version.
13 * SOAPdenovo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 * GNU General Public License for more details.
18 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 * along with SOAPdenovo. If not, see <>.
23 int visual = 0; // 1 for output some files , which are useful for visual
24 int * contig_index_array = NULL;
25 int scaffNum = 0;
26 int gapNum = 1;
27 boolean fill = 0; // 1 for output some files ,which are useful for the software "kgf"
28 int overlaplen = 23;//k-mer Size
29 int inGraph; //for checking whether -g is set, (graph prefix)
30 long long n_ban; //not used
31 long long n_solexa = 0; //reads number
32 long long prevNum = 0; //not used
33 int ins_size_var = 20; // SD of insert-size
34 PE_INFO * pes = NULL; //record the pe info in lib file
35 MEM_MANAGER * rv_mem_manager = NULL;
36 MEM_MANAGER * cn_mem_manager = NULL;
37 MEM_MANAGER * arc_mem_manager = NULL;
38 unsigned int num_vt = 0; // num of the end-kmer
39 unsigned long long new_num_vt = 0; // the new num of the end-kmer after adding the new end-kmer
40 unsigned int ** found_routes = NULL;
41 unsigned int * so_far = NULL; // recorf the path of contig while filling gap
42 int max_n_routes = 10;
43 int num_trace;
44 Kmer WORDFILTER; //mask code for extracting Kmer info from raw data (two unsigned long long int)
45 unsigned int num_ed = 0; //number of edges
46 unsigned int num_ctg = 0; // num of contig
47 unsigned int num_ed_limit; // the count of edge
48 unsigned int extraEdgeNum; // the new count of edge after adding the new edge
49 EDGE * edge_array = NULL; // used to record all the info of edge
50 VERTEX * vt_array = NULL; // used to record the sequence info of the end-kmer
51 unsigned int * index_array = NULL; // used to translate the old contig index to the new contig index
52 CONTIG * contig_array = NULL; // used to record all the info of contig
53 int lineLen;
54 int len_bar = 100;
55 int weakPE = 3; // the minimun weight requirement for the connection
56 int fillGap = 0; // 1 for fill the gap after scaffold asm
57 boolean globalFlag;
58 long long arcCounter; // record the num of the arc
59 MEM_MANAGER * prearc_mem_manager = NULL;
60 MEM_MANAGER ** preArc_mem_managers = NULL;
61 int maxReadLen = 0; //max length will be used for each LIB, soapdenovo read LIBs one by one , for each set a maxReadLen
62 int maxReadLen4all = 0; //max length will be used for all reads
63 int minReadLen = 0; // min length will be used for all readss
64 int maxNameLen = 0; //max length for the name of reads or sequences
65 ARC ** arcLookupTable = NULL;
66 long long * markersArray = NULL;
67 boolean deLowKmer = 0; //remove the kmers which coverage are not bigger than deLowKmer
68 boolean deLowEdge = 1; //remove the edges which coverage are not bigger than deLowEdge
69 long long newCntCounter; // record the number of the new connection in one insert-size
70 long long discardCntCounter;
71 boolean repsTie = 0; //sovle tiny repeat or not
72 CONNECT ** cntLookupTable = NULL;
73 int num_libs = 0; //number of LIBs in read config file
74 LIB_INFO * lib_array = NULL; //store LIB's info into lib_array
75 int libNo = 0; // the current number of lib
76 long long readNumBack;
77 int gradsCounter; //pair number in lib file
78 unsigned int ctg_short = 0; //shortest contig for scaffolding
79 int thrd_num = 8; //thread number
80 int cvgAvg = 0; // the average coverage of contigs
81 KmerSet ** KmerSets = NULL; //KmerSet [i] for thread i
82 KmerSet ** KmerSetsPatch = NULL; //KmerSet for (k+1) mer
83 DARRAY * readSeqInGap = NULL;
84 DARRAY * gapSeqDarray = NULL;
85 DARRAY ** darrayBuf;
86 boolean orig2new; // 1 for re-arrange the contig index using the length
87 int maxSteps;
88 boolean maskRep = 1; // 1 for masking repeat for scaffold asm , 0 for un-masking repeat.
89 int GLDiff = 50;
90 int initKmerSetSize = 0; // init_size = (ubyte8) ((double) initKmerSetSize * 1024.0f * 1024.0f * 1024.0f / (double) thrd_num / 24);
91 long known_genome_size = 0;
92 int smallKmer = 0; // the kmer of the step "Map"
93 int deltaKmer = 0; // for map, K-k
95 double cvg_low = 0.1;
96 double cvg_high = 2;
97 double len_times = 0;
99 float ins_var_idx = 1.5;
100 int Insert_size = 0; // the current insert-size
101 int score_mask = 1;
102 int COMPATIBLE_MODE = 0; // 1 for the gz file ; 0 for the normal file
103 float cvg4SNP = 0.6;
105 MEM_MANAGER * edgeid_mem_manager = NULL;
106 unsigned int num_vtnew = 0; //new vertex num
107 unsigned int kmer_cnew = 0; //new kmer num
108 const int step = 1; //step for multi kmer
109 //int nowstep = 1;
110 int nowstep2 = 1;
112 unsigned int * edge_id = NULL; //edge id array
113 VERTEX * vt_arraynew = NULL; //vertex array for k+1mer
115 KmerSet2 * KmerSetsNew = NULL; //kmer set for k+1mer
116 char libfilename[256];
117 boolean parse = 0;
118 unsigned int num_ed_temp = 0; // record the count of the edge
120 int arcfilter = 0; //arc filter thrd
121 boolean outputContig = 0;
123 long long pinCounter; //the count of the merged bubble
124 int clean; //merge clean bubble
126 unsigned int num_kmer_limit;
128 int gLineLen = 5000;
129 char * gStr = NULL;