2 desc "Library to create, extract, and modify Windows Imaging files"
3 homepage "https://wimlib.net/"
4 url "https://wimlib.net/downloads/wimlib-1.12.0.tar.gz"
5 sha256 "852cf59d682a91974f715f09fa98cab621b740226adcfea7a42360be0f86464f"
9 sha256 "32a00c25f98932b84ac5304df29eb5f6edea0a2fc3a2b33ee83938e92c488549" => :sierra
10 sha256 "6a2b65020b31dbda4499bffbe773e5596dbc130d6f91ee84c9a7c532dd858594" => :el_capitan
11 sha256 "c26d19bd6a6994fae60000f329d136c991b6a1172141c6c047792175a2c79439" => :yosemite
14 depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
15 depends_on "homebrew/ntfs-3g" => :optional
19 # fuse requires librt, unavailable on OSX
22 --disable-dependency-tracking
23 --disable-silent-rules
28 args << "--without-ntfs-3g" if build.without? "ntfs-3g"
30 system "./configure", *args
31 system "make", "install"
35 # make a directory containing a dummy 1M file
37 system "dd", "if=/dev/random", "of=foo/bar", "bs=1m", "count=1"
40 ENV.append "WIMLIB_IMAGEX_USE_UTF8", "1"
41 system "#{bin}/wimcapture", "foo", "bar.wim"
42 assert File.exist?("bar.wim")
44 # get info on the image
45 system "#{bin}/wiminfo", "bar.wim"