4 |PyPI version| |Build Status| |Coverage Status|
6 Generate fast PAC file from gfwlist. Examples: `fast
7 mode <https://github.com/clowwindy/gfwlist2pac/blob/master/test/proxy.pac>`__
9 mode <https://github.com/clowwindy/gfwlist2pac/blob/master/test/proxy_abp.pac>`__.
11 Fast mode: use O(1) domain lookup
13 Precise mode: use adblock plus engine
20 pip install gfwlist2pac
22 usage: gfwlist2pac [-h] [-i GFWLIST] -f PAC -p PROXY [--user-rule USER_RULE]
26 -h, --help show this help message and exit
27 -i GFWLIST, --input GFWLIST
29 -f PAC, --file PAC path to output pac
30 -p PROXY, --proxy PROXY
31 the proxy parameter in the pac file, for example,
32 "SOCKS5;"
34 user rule file, which will be appended to gfwlist
35 --precise use adblock plus algorithm instead of O(1) lookup
40 The PAC generated by GFWList2PAC is 1900x faster than SwitchySharp.
44 Testing fast mode pac generated by gfwlist2pac
47 Testing precise mode pac generated by gfwlist2pac
50 Testing pac generated by switchysharp
53 .. |PyPI version| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/gfwlist2pac.svg?style=flat
54 :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/gfwlist2pac
55 .. |Build Status| image:: https://img.shields.io/travis/clowwindy/gfwlist2pac/master.svg?style=flat
56 :target: https://travis-ci.org/clowwindy/gfwlist2pac
57 .. |Coverage Status| image::
58 :target: