limit fstBC to 30bp in Python3 ver.
[GalaxyCodeBases.git] / perl / etc / WoodyMiaoLin / structure_histogram /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 use strict;
3 use warnings;
5 die("\nUsage: $0 <input_f> <output.svg>\n\n") if (@ARGV < 2);
7 my $in = shift;
8 my $out = shift;
9 open I, "<", $in;
10 while (<I>) {
11 last if /\(%Miss\) : Inferred clusters/;
14 my @color = ("#FF0000", "#00FF00", "#0000FF", "#00FFFF", "#FF00FF", "#FFFF00", "#800000", "#008000", "#000080", "#008080", "#800080", "#808000");
15 my @PO; # Probability of inferred clusters with original order
16 my @pg; # Probability of inferred clusters grouped by numerical order of the max probability
17 my $num_clust; # Number of clusters
18 my $num_indiv; # Number of individuals
19 while (<I>) {
20 chomp;
21 last unless $_;
22 my @a = split /: /;
23 $a[1] =~ s/ $//;
24 my @b = split / /, $a[1];
25 $num_clust = @b unless $num_clust;
26 ++$num_indiv;
27 unshift @b, $num_indiv;
28 my $max_order = 1; # The numerical order of the max probability
29 foreach (1 .. $num_clust) {
30 if ($b[$_] > $b[$max_order]) {
31 $max_order = $_;
34 push @{$pg[$max_order]}, \@b;
35 push @PO, \@b;
37 close I;
39 my @PQ; # Probability of inferred clusters sort by Q
40 foreach (1 .. $num_clust) {
41 next unless $pg[$_];
42 push @PQ, sort {${$b}[$_] <=> ${$a}[$_]} @{$pg[$_]};
45 $in =~ s/^.*\///;
46 open O, ">", $out;
47 # SVG attribute definitions
48 my $w = 10 * $num_indiv + 20;
49 my $h = 240;
50 print O "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
51 print O "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"$w\" height=\"$h\">\n";
52 print O "<g transform=\"translate(10,10)\">\n\n";
54 # Print histogram
55 foreach my $indiv (0 .. $num_indiv-1) {
56 my $xr = 10*($indiv);
57 my $yrPO = 0;
58 my $yrPQ = 115;
59 my $xt = $xr + 1;
60 foreach my $clust (1 .. $num_clust) {
61 my $hPO = 100*$PO[$indiv][$clust];
62 my $hPQ = 100*$PQ[$indiv][$clust];
63 print O "<rect x=\"$xr\" y=\"$yrPO\" width=\"10\" height=\"$hPO\" fill=\"$color[$clust-1]\"/>\n";
64 print O "<rect x=\"$xr\" y=\"$yrPQ\" width=\"10\" height=\"$hPQ\" fill=\"$color[$clust-1]\"/>\n";
65 $yrPO += $hPO;
66 $yrPQ += $hPQ
68 my $numPO = sprintf("%03d", $PO[$indiv][0]);
69 my $numPQ = sprintf("%03d", $PQ[$indiv][0]);
70 print O "<text x=\"$xt\" y=\"105\" font-family=\"Courier\" font-size=\"4\" fill=\"black\">$numPO</text>\n";
71 print O "<text x=\"$xt\" y=\"220\" font-family=\"Courier\" font-size=\"4\" fill=\"black\">$numPQ</text>\n";
74 print O "\n</g>\n</svg>\n";
75 close O;