modified: n.fq
[GalaxyCodeBases.git] / tools / gc_dep_plot / old /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 #use strict;
3 use Time::HiRes qw ( gettimeofday tv_interval );
4 use Getopt::Long;
5 my ($depth_file,$fa_file,$out_file,$win_size,$help);
6 GetOptions(
7 "depth:s"=>\$depth_file,
8 "fa:s"=>\$fa_file,
9 "output:s"=>\$out_file,
10 "win:i"=>\$win_size,
11 "help"=>\$help
13 if(!$depth_file || !$fa_file || !$out_file || !$win_size || $help)
15 print "\t -depth: the depth file\n";
16 print "\t -fa: the .fa file\n";
17 print "\t -output: the output file\n";
18 print "\t -win: the window size\n";
19 print "\t -help: if you need the help";
20 die;
22 #set time
23 my $str_time=[gettimeofday];
24 #getDepth
25 print "Begin to count average of depth\n";
26 my %depth=();
27 my $cnt=0;
28 my $sum=0;
29 my $chr;
30 open(IN,"<$depth_file")or die "can not open $depth_file :$!\n";
31 while(<IN>)
33 chomp;
34 if($_!~/^>/)
36 while($_=~/(\d+)/g)
38 my $num=$1;
39 if($num==65535){$num=0;}
40 $sum+=$num;
41 $cnt++;
42 if($cnt==$win_size)
44 my $aver=$sum/$cnt;
45 push @{$chr},$aver;
46 $sum=0;
47 $cnt=0;
51 else
53 $chr=$_;
54 $depth{$chr}=$chr;
55 print "$chr\n";
58 close IN;
59 close OUT;
60 print "Finish the depth counting\n";
62 #countGC
63 $chr=();
64 $cnt=0;
65 $sum=0;
66 print "Begin to count the gc\n";
67 open(IN,"<$fa_file")or die "can not open $fa_file:$!";
68 while(<IN>)
70 chomp;
71 if($_!~/^>/)
73 my $num=s/[gc]/Y/ig;
74 $sum+=$num;
75 $cnt+=length($_);
76 if($cnt==$win_size)
78 my $aver=int($sum/$cnt*100);
79 push @{$chr},$aver;
80 $sum=0;
81 $cnt=0;
83 elsif($cnt>$win_size)
85 my $dis=$cnt-$win_size;
86 my @chr=split(//,$_);
87 my $len=@chr;
88 my $count=0;
89 for(my $i=$len-$dis;$i<$len;$i++)
91 if($chr[$i]=~/[gc]/i)
93 $count++;
96 my $aver=int(($sum-$count)/$win_size*100);
97 push @{$chr},$aver;
98 $sum=$count;
99 $cnt=$dis;
101 else {next;}
103 else
105 $chr="gc$_";
106 print "$_\n";
109 close IN;
111 foreach(keys %depth)
113 my $chrname=$_;
114 foreach(@{"gc$chrname"})
116 my $dep=shift @{$chrname};
117 push @{$_},$dep;
121 my $str=0;
122 my $end=80;
123 my $na=0;
124 my $line=$end-$str;
125 my $max_depth=0;
126 my $cnt_depth=0;
127 open(OUT,">$out_file")or die "$!\n";
128 for(my $i=$str;$i<=$end;$i++)
130 print OUT "$i\t";
132 print OUT "\n";
133 while($na<=$line)
135 $na=0;
136 for(my $j=$str;$j<=$end;$j++)
138 my $dep=shift @{$j};
139 if(!defined $dep){$dep="NA";$na++;}
140 else{$max_depth+=$dep;$cnt_depth++;}
141 print OUT "$dep\t";
143 print OUT "\n";
145 close OUT;
146 #R plot
147 $max_depth/=$cnt_depth/2;
148 $max_depth=(int($max_depth/50)+1)*50;
149 my $area=0;
150 foreach(1..$max_depth/50)
152 my $ev_depth=$_*50;
153 $area.=",$ev_depth";
155 open(OUT,">$out_file.R")or die;
156 print OUT 'a=read.delim("',"$out_file",'");',"\n";
157 print OUT 'pdf("',"$out_file.pdf",'",width=8,height=6,paper="special");',"\n";
158 print OUT "boxplot(a,ylim=c(0,$max_depth),xlim=c(0,90),axes=FALSE,outline=FALSE,xlab='GC%',ylab='Depth');\n";
159 print OUT "axis(1,at=c(0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80),labels=c(0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80),las=0);\n";
160 print OUT "axis(2,at=c($area),labels=c($area),las=2);\nq();\nn\n";
161 close OUT;
162 `Rscript $out_file.R`;
163 my $end_time=[gettimeofday];
164 my $time=tv_interval($str_time,$end_time);