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[GitSharp.git] / tools / nant / NAnt.Core.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <doc>
3     <assembly>
4         <name>NAnt.Core</name>
5     </assembly>
6     <members>
7         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BooleanValidatorAttribute">
8             <summary>
9             Used to indicate that a property should be able to be converted into a 
10             <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>.
11             </summary>
12         </member>
13         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.ValidatorAttribute">
14             <summary>
15             Base class for all validator attributes.
16             </summary>
17         </member>
18         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Attributes.ValidatorAttribute.Validate(System.Object)">
19             <summary>
20             Validates the specified value.
21             </summary>
22             <param name="value">The value to be validated.</param>
23             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.ValidationException">The validation fails.</exception>
24         </member>
25         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BooleanValidatorAttribute.#ctor">
26             <summary>
27             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BooleanValidatorAttribute"/> 
28             class.
29             </summary>
30         </member>
31         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BooleanValidatorAttribute.Validate(System.Object)">
32             <summary>
33             Checks if the specified value can be converted to a <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>.
34             </summary>
35             <param name="value">The value to be checked.</param>
36             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.ValidationException"><paramref name="value"/> cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>.</exception>
37         </member>
38         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildAttributeAttribute">
39             <summary>
40             Indicates that property should be treated as a XML attribute for the 
41             task.
42             </summary>
43             <example>
44               Examples of how to specify task attributes
45               <code>
46             #region Public Instance Properties
48             [BuildAttribute("out", Required=true)]
49             public string Output {
50                 get { return _out; }
51                 set { _out = value; }
52             }
53                         [BuildAttribute("optimize")]
54             [BooleanValidator()]
55             public bool Optimize {
56                 get { return _optimize; }
57                 set { _optimize = value; }
58             }
59                         [BuildAttribute("warnlevel")]
60             [Int32Validator(0,4)] // limit values to 0-4
61             public int WarnLevel {
62                 get { return _warnLevel; }
63                 set { _warnLevel = value; }
64             }
65                         [BuildElement("sources")]
66             public FileSet Sources {
67                 get { return _sources; }
68                 set { _sources = value; }
69             }
71             #endregion Public Instance Properties
73             #region Private Instance Fields
75             private string _out = null;
76             private bool _optimize = false;
77             private int _warnLevel = 4;
78             private FileSet _sources = new FileSet();
80             #endregion Private Instance Fields
81               </code>
82             </example>
83         </member>
84         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildAttributeAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
85             <summary>
86             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildAttributeAttribute"/> with the 
87             specified name.
88             </summary>
89             <param name="name">The name of the attribute.</param>
90             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="name"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
91             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="name"/> is a zero-length <see cref="T:System.String"/>.</exception>
92         </member>
93         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildAttributeAttribute.Name">
94             <summary>
95             Gets or sets the name of the XML attribute.
96             </summary>
97             <value>
98             The name of the XML attribute.
99             </value>
100         </member>
101         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildAttributeAttribute.Required">
102             <summary>
103             Gets or sets a value indicating whether the attribute is required.
104             </summary>
105             <value>
106             <see langword="true" /> if the attribute is required; otherwise, 
107             <see langword="false" />. The default is <see langword="false" />.
108             </value>
109         </member>
110         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildAttributeAttribute.ExpandProperties">
111             <summary>
112             Gets or sets a value indicating whether property references should 
113             be expanded.
114             </summary>
115             <value>
116             <see langword="true" /> if properties should be expanded; otherwise 
117             <see langword="false" />. The default is <see langword="true" />.
118             </value>
119         </member>
120         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildAttributeAttribute.ProcessXml">
121             <summary>
122             Used to specify how this attribute will be handled as the XML is 
123             parsed and given to the element.
124             </summary>
125             <value>
126             <see langword="true" /> if XML should be processed; otherwise 
127             <see langword="false" />. The default is <see langword="true" />.
128             </value>
129         </member>
130         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildElementArrayAttribute">
131             <summary>
132             Indicates that property should be treated as a XML arrayList
133             </summary>
134             <remarks>
135             <para>
136             Should only be applied to properties exposing strongly typed arrays or 
137             strongly typed collections.
138             </para>
139             <para>
140             The XML format is like this:
141             <code>
142                 <![CDATA[
143             <task>
144                 <elementName ... />
145                 <elementName ... />
146                 <elementName ... />
147                 <elementName ... />
148             </task>
149                 ]]>
150             </code>
151             </para>
152             </remarks>
153         </member>
154         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildElementAttribute">
155             <summary>
156             Indicates that the property should be treated as an XML element and 
157             further processing should be done.
158             </summary>
159             <remarks>
160             <para>
161             The XML format is like this:
162             <code>
163                 <![CDATA[
164             <task>
165                 <elementName ...>
166                     <morestuff />
167                 </elementName>
168             </task>
169                 ]]>
170             </code>
171             </para>
172             </remarks>
173         </member>
174         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildElementAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
175             <summary>
176             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildElementAttribute"/> with the 
177             specified name.
178             </summary>
179             <param name="name">The name of the attribute.</param>
180             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="name"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
181             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="name"/> is a zero-length <see cref="T:System.String"/>.</exception>
182         </member>
183         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildElementAttribute.Name">
184             <summary>
185             Gets or sets the name of the attribute.
186             </summary>
187             <value>
188             The name of the attribute.
189             </value>
190         </member>
191         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildElementAttribute.Required">
192             <summary>
193             Gets or sets a value indicating whether the attribute is required.
194             </summary>
195             <value>
196             <see langword="true" /> if the attribute is required; otherwise, 
197             <see langword="false" />. The default is <see langword="false" />.
198             </value>
199         </member>
200         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildElementAttribute.ProcessXml">
201             <summary>
202             Used to specify how this element will be handled as the XML is parsed 
203             and given to the element.
204             </summary>
205             <value>
206             <see langword="true" /> if XML should be processed; otherwise 
207             <see langword="false" />. The default is <see langword="true" />.
208             </value>
209         </member>
210         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildElementArrayAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
211             <summary>
212             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildElementArrayAttribute"/> 
213             with the specified name.
214             </summary>
215             <param name="name">The name of the attribute.</param>
216             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="name"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
217             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="name"/> is a zero-length <see cref="T:System.String"/>.</exception>
218         </member>
219         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildElementArrayAttribute.ElementType">
220             <summary>
221             Gets or sets the type of objects that this container holds.
222             </summary>
223             <value>
224             The type of the elements that this container holds.
225             </value>
226             <remarks>
227             <para>
228             This can be used for validation and schema generation.
229             </para>
230             <para>
231             If not specified, the type of the elements will be determined using
232             reflection.
233             </para>
234             </remarks>
235             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="name"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
236         </member>
237         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildElementCollectionAttribute">
238             <summary>
239             Indicates that the property should be treated as a container for a 
240             collection of build elements.
241             </summary>
242             <remarks>
243             <para>
244             Should only be applied to properties exposing strongly typed arrays or 
245             strongly typed collections.
246             </para>
247             <para>
248             The XML format is like this:
249             <code>
250                 <![CDATA[
251             <task>
252                 <collectionName>
253                     <elementName ... />
254                     <elementName ... />
255                     <elementName ... />
256                     <elementName ... />
257                 </collectionName>
258             </task>
259                 ]]>
260             </code>
261             </para>
262             </remarks>
263         </member>
264         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildElementCollectionAttribute.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
265             <summary>
266             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildElementCollectionAttribute"/> with the 
267             specified name and child element name.
268             </summary>
269             <param name="collectionName">The name of the collection.</param>
270             <param name="childName">The name of the child elements in the collection</param>
271             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="childName"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
272             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="childName"/> is a zero-length <see cref="T:System.String"/>.</exception>
273         </member>
274         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildElementCollectionAttribute.ChildElementName">
275             <summary>
276             The name of the child element within the collection.
277             </summary>
278             <value>
279             The name to check for in the XML of the elements in the collection.
280             </value>
281             <remarks>
282             This can be used for validation and schema generation.
283             </remarks>
284         </member>
285         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.DateTimeValidatorAttribute">
286             <summary>
287             Used to indicate that a property should be able to be converted into a 
288             <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>.
289             </summary>
290         </member>
291         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Attributes.DateTimeValidatorAttribute.#ctor">
292             <summary>
293             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.DateTimeValidatorAttribute"/> 
294             class.
295             </summary>
296         </member>
297         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Attributes.DateTimeValidatorAttribute.Validate(System.Object)">
298             <summary>
299             Checks if the specified value can be converted to a <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>.
300             </summary>
301             <param name="value">The value to be checked.</param>
302             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.ValidationException"><paramref name="value"/> cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>.</exception>
303         </member>
304         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.ElementNameAttribute">
305             <summary>
306             Indicates that class should be treated as a NAnt element.
307             </summary>
308             <remarks>
309             Attach this attribute to a subclass of Element to have NAnt be able
310             to recognize it.  The name should be short but must not confict
311             with any other element already in use.
312             </remarks>
313         </member>
314         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Attributes.ElementNameAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
315             <summary>
316             Initializes a new instance of the <see cre="ElementNameAttribute"/> 
317             with the specified name.
318             </summary>
319             <param name="name">The name of the element.</param>
320             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="name"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
321             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="name"/> is a zero-length <see cref="T:System.String"/>.</exception>
322         </member>
323         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.ElementNameAttribute.Name">
324             <summary>
325             Gets or sets the name of the element.
326             </summary>
327             <value>
328             The name of the element.
329             </value>
330         </member>
331         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.FileSetAttribute">
332             <summary>
333             Indicates that a property should be treated as a XML file set for the 
334             task.
335             </summary>
336         </member>
337         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Attributes.FileSetAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
338             <summary>
339             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.FileSetAttribute"/> with the
340             specified name.
341             </summary>
342             <param name="name">The name of the attribute.</param>
343             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="name"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
344             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="name"/> is a zero-length <see cref="T:System.String"/>.</exception>
345         </member>
346         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.FrameworkConfigurableAttribute">
347             <summary>
348             Indicates that the value of the property to which the attribute is 
349             assigned, can be configured on the framework-level in the NAnt application 
350             configuration file.
351             </summary>
352             <example>
353             <para>
354             The following example shows a property of which the value can be 
355             configured for a specific framework in the NAnt configuration file.
356             </para>
357             <code lang="C#">
358             [FrameworkConfigurable("exename", Required=true)]
359             public virtual string ExeName {
360                 get { return _exeName; }
361                 set { _exeName = value; }
362             }
363             </code>
364             </example>
365         </member>
366         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Attributes.FrameworkConfigurableAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
367             <summary>
368             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.FrameworkConfigurableAttribute"/>
369             with the specified attribute name.
370             </summary>
371             <param name="name">The name of the framework configuration attribute.</param>
372             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="name"/> is a <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
373             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="name"/> is a zero-length <see cref="T:System.String"/>.</exception>
374         </member>
375         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.FrameworkConfigurableAttribute.Name">
376             <summary>
377             Gets or sets the name of the framework configuration attribute.
378             </summary>
379             <value>The name of the framework configuration attribute.</value>
380         </member>
381         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.FrameworkConfigurableAttribute.Required">
382             <summary>
383             Gets or sets a value indicating whether the configuration attribute 
384             is required.
385             </summary>
386             <value>
387             <see langword="true" /> if the configuration attribute is required; 
388             otherwise, <see langword="true" />. The default is <see langword="false" />.
389             </value>
390         </member>
391         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.FrameworkConfigurableAttribute.ExpandProperties">
392             <summary>
393             Gets or sets a value indicating whether property references should 
394             be expanded.
395             </summary>
396             <value>
397             <see langword="true" /> if properties should be expanded; otherwise 
398             <see langword="false" />. The default is <see langword="true" />.
399             </value>
400         </member>
401         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.FunctionAttribute">
402             <summary>
403             Indicates that the method should be exposed as a function in NAnt build 
404             files.
405             </summary>
406             <remarks>
407             Attach this attribute to a method of a class that derives from 
408             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.FunctionSetBase"/> to have NAnt be able to recognize it.
409             </remarks>
410         </member>
411         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Attributes.FunctionAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
412             <summary>
413             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.FunctionAttribute"/>
414             class with the specified name.
415             </summary>
416             <param name="name">The name of the function.</param>
417             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="name"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
418             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="name"/> is a zero-length <see cref="T:System.String"/>.</exception>
419         </member>
420         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.FunctionAttribute.Name">
421             <summary>
422             Gets or sets the name of the function.
423             </summary>
424             <value>
425             The name of the function.
426             </value>
427         </member>
428         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.FunctionSetAttribute">
429             <summary>
430             Indicates that class should be treated as a set of functions.
431             </summary>
432             <remarks>
433             Attach this attribute to a class that derives from <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.FunctionSetBase"/> 
434             to have NAnt be able to recognize it as containing custom functions.
435             </remarks>
436         </member>
437         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Attributes.FunctionSetAttribute.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
438             <summary>
439             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.FunctionSetAttribute"/> 
440             class with the specified name.
441             </summary>
442             <param name="prefix">The prefix used to distinguish the functions.</param>
443             <param name="category">The category of the functions.</param>
444             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
445               <para><paramref name="prefix"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</para>
446               <para>-or-</para>
447               <para><paramref name="category"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</para>
448             </exception>
449             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
450               <para><paramref name="prefix"/> is a zero-length <see cref="T:System.String"/>.</para>
451               <para>-or-</para>
452               <para><paramref name="category"/> is a zero-length <see cref="T:System.String"/>.</para>
453             </exception>
454         </member>
455         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.FunctionSetAttribute.Category">
456             <summary>
457             Gets or sets the category of the function set.
458             </summary>
459             <value>
460             The name of the category of the function set.
461             </value>
462             <remarks>
463             This will be displayed in the user docs.
464             </remarks>
465         </member>
466         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.FunctionSetAttribute.Prefix">
467             <summary>
468             Gets or sets the prefix of all functions in this function set.
469             </summary>
470             <value>
471             The prefix of the functions in this function set.
472             </value>
473         </member>
474         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.Int32ValidatorAttribute">
475             <summary>
476             Indicates that property should be able to be converted into a <see cref="T:System.Int32"/> 
477             within the given range.
478             </summary>
479         </member>
480         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Attributes.Int32ValidatorAttribute.#ctor">
481             <summary>
482             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.Int32ValidatorAttribute"/> 
483             class.
484             </summary>
485         </member>
486         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Attributes.Int32ValidatorAttribute.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
487             <summary>
488             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.Int32ValidatorAttribute"/> 
489             class with the specied minimum and maximum values.
490             </summary>
491             <param name="minValue">The minimum value.</param>
492             <param name="maxValue">The maximum value.</param>
493         </member>
494         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Attributes.Int32ValidatorAttribute.Validate(System.Object)">
495             <summary>
496             Checks whether the specified value can be converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int32"/> 
497             and whether the value lies within the range defined by the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.Int32ValidatorAttribute.MinValue"/> 
498             and <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.Int32ValidatorAttribute.MaxValue"/> properties.
499             </summary>
500             <param name="value">The value to be checked.</param>
501             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.ValidationException">
502               <para>
503               <paramref name="value"/> cannot be converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int32"/>.
504               </para>
505               <para>-or-</para>
506               <para>
507               <paramref name="value"/> is not in the range defined by <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.Int32ValidatorAttribute.MinValue"/>
508               and <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.Int32ValidatorAttribute.MaxValue"/>.
509               </para>
510             </exception>
511         </member>
512         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.Int32ValidatorAttribute.MinValue">
513             <summary>
514             Gets or sets the minimum value.
515             </summary>
516             <value>
517             The minimum value. The default is <see cref="F:System.Int32.MinValue"/>.
518             </value>
519         </member>
520         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.Int32ValidatorAttribute.MaxValue">
521             <summary>
522             Gets or sets the maximum value.
523             </summary>
524             <value>
525             The maximum value. The default is <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue"/>.
526             </value>
527         </member>
528         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.Int32ValidatorAttribute.Base">
529             <summary>
530             The base of the number to validate, which must be 2, 8, 10, or 16.
531             </summary>
532             <value>
533             The base of the number to validate.
534             </value>
535             <remarks>
536             The default is 10.
537             </remarks>
538         </member>
539         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.LocationType">
540             <summary>
541             Defines possible locations in which a task executable can be located.
542             </summary>
543         </member>
544         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Attributes.LocationType.FrameworkDir">
545             <summary>
546             Locates the task executable in the current Framework directory.
547             </summary>
548         </member>
549         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Attributes.LocationType.FrameworkSdkDir">
550             <summary>
551             Locates the task executable in the current Framework SDK directory.
552             </summary>
553         </member>
554         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.ProgramLocationAttribute">
555             <summary>
556             Indicates the location that a task executable can be located in.
557             </summary>
558             <remarks>
559               <para>
560               When applied to a task deriving from <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase"/>,
561               the program to execute will first be searched for in the designated
562               location.
563               </para>
564               <para>
565               If the program does not exist in that location, and the file name is
566               not an absolute path then the list of tool paths of the current
567               target framework will be searched (in the order in which they are
568               defined in the NAnt configuration file).
569               </para>
570             </remarks>
571         </member>
572         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Attributes.ProgramLocationAttribute.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Attributes.LocationType)">
573             <summary>
574             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.ProgramLocationAttribute"/> 
575             with the specified location.
576             </summary>
577             <param type="type">The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.ProgramLocationAttribute.LocationType"/> of the attribute.</param>
578         </member>
579         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.ProgramLocationAttribute.LocationType">
580             <summary>
581             Gets or sets the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.ProgramLocationAttribute.LocationType"/> of the task.
582             </summary>
583             <value>
584             The location type of the task to which the attribute is assigned.
585             </value>
586         </member>
587         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.StringValidatorAttribute">
588             <summary>
589             Used to indicate whether a <see cref="T:System.String"/> property should allow 
590             an empty string value or not.
591             </summary>
592         </member>
593         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Attributes.StringValidatorAttribute.#ctor">
594             <summary>
595             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.StringValidatorAttribute"/> 
596             class.
597             </summary>
598         </member>
599         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Attributes.StringValidatorAttribute.Validate(System.Object)">
600             <summary>
601             Checks if the specified value adheres to the rules defined by the 
602             properties of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.StringValidatorAttribute"/>.
603             </summary>
604             <param name="value">The value to be checked.</param>
605             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.ValidationException"><paramref name="value"/> is an empty string value and <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.StringValidatorAttribute.AllowEmpty"/> is set to <see langword="false"/>.</exception>
606         </member>
607         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.StringValidatorAttribute.AllowEmpty">
608             <summary>
609             Gets or sets a value indicating whether an empty string or
610             <see langword="null" /> should be a considered a valid value.
611             </summary>
612             <value>
613             <see langword="true" /> if an empty string or <see langword="null" />
614             should be considered a valid value; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
615             The default is <see langword="true" />.
616             </value>
617         </member>
618         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.StringValidatorAttribute.Expression">
619             <summary>
620             Gets or sets a regular expression.  The string will be validated to
621                 determine if it matches the expression.
622             </summary>
623             <value>
624             <see cref="N:System.Text.RegularExpressions"/>
625             </value>
626         </member>
627         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.StringValidatorAttribute.ExpressionErrorMessage">
628             <summary>
629             An optional error message that can be used to better describe the
630             regular expression error.
631             </summary>
632         </member>
633         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.TaskAttributeAttribute">
634             <summary>
635             Indicates that property should be treated as a XML attribute for the 
636             task.
637             </summary>
638             <example>
639             Examples of how to specify task attributes
640             <code>
641             // task XmlType default is string
642             [TaskAttribute("out", Required=true)]
643             string _out = null; // assign default value here
644                         [TaskAttribute("optimize")]
645             [BooleanValidator()]
646             // during ExecuteTask you can safely use Convert.ToBoolean(_optimize)
647             string _optimize = Boolean.FalseString;
648                         [TaskAttribute("warnlevel")]
649             [Int32Validator(0,4)] // limit values to 0-4
650             // during ExecuteTask you can safely use Convert.ToInt32(_optimize)
651             string _warnlevel = "0";
652                         [BuildElement("sources")]
653             FileSet _sources = new FileSet();
654             </code>
655             NOTE: Attribute values must be of type of string if you want
656             to be able to have macros.  The field stores the exact value during
657             Initialize.  Just before ExecuteTask is called NAnt will expand
658             all the macros with the current values.
659             </example>
660         </member>
661         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Attributes.TaskAttributeAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
662             <summary>
663             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.TaskAttributeAttribute"/>
664             with the specified attribute name.
665             </summary>
666             <param name="name">The name of the task attribute.</param>
667             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="name"/> is a <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
668             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="name"/> is a zero-length <see cref="T:System.String"/>.</exception>
669         </member>
670         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.TaskNameAttribute">
671             <summary>
672             Indicates that class should be treated as a task.
673             </summary>
674             <remarks>
675             Attach this attribute to a subclass of Task to have NAnt be able
676             to recognize it.  The name should be short but must not confict
677             with any other task already in use.
678             </remarks>
679         </member>
680         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Attributes.TaskNameAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
681             <summary>
682             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.TaskNameAttribute"/> 
683             with the specified name.
684             </summary>
685             <param name="name">The name of the task.</param>
686             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="name"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
687             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="name"/> is a zero-length <see cref="T:System.String"/>.</exception>
688         </member>
689         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Element">
690             <summary>
691             Models a NAnt XML element in the build file.
692             </summary>
693             <remarks>
694             <para>
695             Automatically validates attributes in the element based on attributes 
696             applied to members in derived classes.
697             </para>
698             </remarks>
699         </member>
700         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Element.#ctor">
701             <summary>
702             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Element"/> class.
703             </summary>
704         </member>
705         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Element.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Element)">
706             <summary>
707             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Element"/> class
708             from the specified element.
709             </summary>
710             <param name="e">The element that should be used to create a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Element"/> class.</param>
711         </member>
712         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Element.Initialize(System.Xml.XmlNode)">
713             <summary>
714             Performs default initialization.
715             </summary>
716             <remarks>
717             Derived classes that wish to add custom initialization should override 
718             the <see cref="M:NAnt.Core.Element.Initialize"/> method.
719             </remarks>
720         </member>
721         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Element.Log(NAnt.Core.Level,System.String)">
722             <summary>
723             Logs a message with the given priority.
724             </summary>
725             <param name="messageLevel">The message priority at which the specified message is to be logged.</param>
726             <param name="message">The message to be logged.</param>
727             <remarks>
728             The actual logging is delegated to the project.
729             </remarks>
730         </member>
731         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Element.Log(NAnt.Core.Level,System.String,System.Object[])">
732             <summary>
733             Logs a message with the given priority.
734             </summary>
735             <param name="messageLevel">The message priority at which the specified message is to be logged.</param>
736             <param name="message">The message to log, containing zero or more format items.</param>
737             <param name="args">An <see cref="T:System.Object"/> array containing zero or more objects to format.</param>
738             <remarks>
739             The actual logging is delegated to the project.
740             </remarks>
741         </member>
742         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Element.InitializeElement(System.Xml.XmlNode)">
743             <summary>
744             Derived classes should override to this method to provide extra 
745             initialization and validation not covered by the base class.
746             </summary>
747             <param name="elementNode">The XML node of the element to use for initialization.</param>
748         </member>
749         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Element.Initialize">
750             <summary>
751             Derived classes should override to this method to provide extra 
752             initialization and validation not covered by the base class.
753             </summary>
754             <remarks>
755             Access to the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.XmlNode"/> that was used to initialize
756             this <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Element"/> is available through <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.XmlNode"/>.
757             </remarks>
758         </member>
759         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Element.CopyTo(NAnt.Core.Element)">
760             <summary>
761             Copies all instance data of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Element"/> to a given
762             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Element"/>.
763             </summary>
764         </member>
765         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Element.Initialize(System.Xml.XmlNode,NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary,NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo)">
766             <summary>
767             Performs initialization using the given set of properties.
768             </summary>
769         </member>
770         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Element.InitializeXml(System.Xml.XmlNode,NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary,NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo)">
771             <summary>
772             Initializes all build attributes and child elements.
773             </summary>
774         </member>
775         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Element.GetAttributeConfigurationNode(NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo,System.String)">
776             <summary>
777             Locates the XML node for the specified attribute in the project 
778             configuration node.
779             </summary>
780             <param name="attributeName">The name of attribute for which the XML configuration node should be located.</param>
781             <param name="framework">The framework to use to obtain framework specific information, or <see langword="null" /> if no framework specific information should be used.</param>
782             <returns>
783             The XML configuration node for the specified attribute, or 
784             <see langword="null" /> if no corresponding XML node could be 
785             located.
786             </returns>
787             <remarks>
788             If there's a valid current framework, the configuration section for
789             that framework will first be searched.  If no corresponding 
790             configuration node can be located in that section, the framework-neutral
791             section of the project configuration node will be searched.
792             </remarks>
793         </member>
794         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Element.GetElementNameFromType(System.Type)">
795             <summary>
796             Returns the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.ElementNameAttribute.Name"/> of the 
797             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.ElementNameAttribute"/> assigned to the specified
798             <see cref="T:System.Type"/>.
799             </summary>
800             <param name="type">The <see cref="T:System.Type"/> of which the assigned <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.ElementNameAttribute.Name"/> should be retrieved.</param>
801             <returns>
802             The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.ElementNameAttribute.Name"/> assigned to the specified 
803             <see cref="T:System.Type"/> or a null reference is no <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.ElementNameAttribute.Name"/>
804             is assigned to the <paramref name="type"/>.
805             </returns>
806         </member>
807         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Element.Parent">
808             <summary>
809             Gets or sets the parent of the element.
810             </summary>
811             <value>
812             The parent of the element.
813             </value>
814             <remarks>
815             This will be the parent <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/>, <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Target"/>, or 
816             <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.Project"/> depending on where the element is defined.
817             </remarks>
818         </member>
819         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Element.Name">
820             <summary>
821             Gets the name of the XML element used to initialize this element.
822             </summary>
823             <value>
824             The name of the XML element used to initialize this element.
825             </value>
826         </member>
827         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Element.Project">
828             <summary>
829             Gets or sets the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.Project"/> to which this element belongs.
830             </summary>
831             <value>
832             The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.Project"/> to which this element belongs.
833             </value>
834         </member>
835         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Element.Properties">
836             <summary>
837             Gets the properties local to this <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Element"/> and the 
838             <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.Project"/>.
839             </summary>
840             <value>
841             The properties local to this <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Element"/> and the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.Project"/>.
842             </value>
843         </member>
844         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Element.NamespaceManager">
845             <summary>
846             Gets or sets the <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager"/>.
847             </summary>
848             <value>
849             The <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager"/>.
850             </value>
851             <remarks>
852             The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.NamespaceManager"/> defines the current namespace 
853             scope and provides methods for looking up namespace information.
854             </remarks>
855         </member>
856         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Element.XmlNode">
857             <summary>
858             Gets or sets the XML node of the element.
859             </summary>
860             <value>
861             The XML node of the element.
862             </value>
863         </member>
864         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Element.Location">
865             <summary>
866             Gets or sets the location in the build file where the element is 
867             defined.
868             </summary>
869             <value>
870             The location in the build file where the element is defined.
871             </value>
872         </member>
873         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Element.CustomXmlProcessing">
874             <summary>
875             Gets a value indicating whether the element is performing additional
876             processing using the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.XmlNode"/> that was used to 
877             initialize the element.
878             </summary>
879             <value>
880             <see langword="false"/>.
881             </value>
882             <remarks>
883             <para>
884             Elements that need to perform additional processing of the 
885             <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.XmlNode"/> that was used to initialize the element, should
886             override this property and return <see langword="true"/>.
887             </para>
888             <para>
889             When <see langword="true"/>, no build errors will be reported for
890             unknown nested build elements.
891             </para>
892             </remarks>
893         </member>
894         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator">
895             <summary>
896             Configures an <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.Element"/> using meta-data provided by
897             assigned attributes.
898             </summary>
899         </member>
900         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Element,System.Xml.XmlNode,NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary,NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo)">
901             <summary>
902             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator"/>
903             class for the given <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.Element"/>.
904             </summary>
905             <param name="element">The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.Element"/> for which an <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator"/> should be created.</param>
906             <param name="elementNode">The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.XmlNode"/> to initialize the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.Element"/> with.</param>
907             <param name="properties">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary"/> to use for property expansion.</param>
908             <param name="targetFramework">The framework that the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.Element"/> should target.</param>
909             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
910                 <para><paramref name="element"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</para>
911                 <para>-or-</para>
912                 <para><paramref name="elementNode"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</para>
913                 <para>-or-</para>
914                 <para><paramref name="properties"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</para>
915             </exception>
916         </member>
917         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.CreateChildBuildElement(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo,System.Reflection.MethodInfo,System.Reflection.MethodInfo,System.Xml.XmlNode,NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary,NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo)">
918             <summary>
919             Creates a child <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.Element"/> using property set/get methods.
920             </summary>
921             <param name="propInf">The <see cref="T:System.Reflection.PropertyInfo"/> instance that represents the property of the current class.</param>
922             <param name="getter">A <see cref="T:System.Reflection.MethodInfo"/> representing the get accessor for the property.</param>
923             <param name="setter">A <see cref="T:System.Reflection.MethodInfo"/> representing the set accessor for the property.</param>
924             <param name="xml">The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.XmlNode"/> used to initialize the new <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.Element"/> instance.</param>
925             <param name="properties">The collection of property values to use for macro expansion.</param>
926             <param name="framework">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo"/> from which to obtain framework-specific information.</param>
927             <returns>The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.Element"/> child.</returns>
928         </member>
929         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.CreateAttributeSetter(System.Type)">
930             <summary>
931             Creates an <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.IAttributeSetter"/> for the given 
932             <see cref="T:System.Type"/>.
933             </summary>
934             <param name="attributeType">The <see cref="T:System.Type"/> for which an <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.IAttributeSetter"/> should be created.</param>
935             <returns>
936             An <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.IAttributeSetter"/> for the given <see cref="T:System.Type"/>.
937             </returns>
938         </member>
939         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator._element">
940             <summary>
941             Holds the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.Element"/> that should be initialized.
942             </summary>
943         </member>
944         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator._elementXml">
945             <summary>
946             Holds the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.XmlNode"/> that should be used to initialize
947             the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.Element"/>.
948             </summary>
949         </member>
950         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator._properties">
951             <summary>
952             Holds the dictionary that should be used for property 
953             expansion.
954             </summary>
955         </member>
956         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator._targetFramework">
957             <summary>
958             Holds the framework that should be targeted by the 
959             <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.Element"/> that we're configuring, or
960             <see langword="null"/> if there's no current target
961             framework.
962             </summary>
963         </member>
964         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator._unprocessedAttributes">
965             <summary>
966             Holds the names of the attributes that still need to be 
967             processed.
968             </summary>
969         </member>
970         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator._unprocessedChildNodes">
971             <summary>
972             Holds the names of the child nodes that still need to be 
973             processed.
974             </summary>
975         </member>
976         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.logger">
977             <summary>
978             Holds the logger for the current class.
979             </summary>
980         </member>
981         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.AttributeSetters">
982             <summary>
983             Holds the cache of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.IAttributeSetter"/> instances.
984             </summary>
985         </member>
986         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.NamespaceManager">
987             <summary>
988             Gets the <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager"/>.
989             </summary>
990             <value>
991             The <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager"/>.
992             </value>
993             <remarks>
994             The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.NamespaceManager"/> defines the current namespace 
995             scope and provides methods for looking up namespace information.
996             </remarks>
997         </member>
998         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.IAttributeSetter">
999             <summary>
1000             Internal interface used for setting element attributes. 
1001             </summary>
1002         </member>
1003         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Configuration.DirList">
1004             <summary>
1005             Represents an explicitly named list of directories.
1006             </summary>
1007             <remarks>
1008             A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Configuration.DirList"/> is useful when you want to capture a list of
1009             directories regardless whether they currently exist.
1010             </remarks>
1011         </member>
1012         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Configuration.DirList.Directory">
1013             <summary>
1014             The base of the directory of this dirlist. The default is the project
1015             base directory.
1016             </summary>
1017         </member>
1018         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Configuration.ManagedExecutionMode.Environment">
1019             <summary>
1020             Gets the collection of environment variables that should be passed
1021             to external programs that are launched.
1022             </summary>
1023             <value>
1024             <summary>
1025             The collection of environment variables that should be passed
1026             to external programs that are launched.
1027             </summary>
1028             </value>
1029         </member>
1030         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Configuration.RuntimeEngine.Arguments">
1031             <summary>
1032             The command-line arguments for the runtime engine.
1033             </summary>
1034         </member>
1035         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly">
1036             <summary>
1037             Represents an <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly.Assembly"/> in which one or more extensions
1038             are found.
1039             </summary>
1040         </member>
1041         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly.#ctor(System.Reflection.Assembly)">
1042             <summary>
1043             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly"/>
1044             class for a given <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly.Assembly"/>.
1045             </summary>
1046             <param name="assembly">The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly.Assembly"/> for which to construct an <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly"/>.</param>
1047         </member>
1048         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly.Assembly">
1049             <summary>
1050             Gets the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly.Assembly"/> containing extensions.
1051             </summary>
1052         </member>
1053         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionBuilder.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly)">
1054             <summary>
1055             Initializes a instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionBuilder"/> 
1056             class for an extension in a given <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionBuilder.ExtensionAssembly"/>.
1057             </summary>
1058             <param name="extensionAssembly">The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionBuilder.ExtensionAssembly"/> in which the extension is found.</param>
1059             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="extensionAssembly"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
1060         </member>
1061         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionBuilder.ExtensionAssembly">
1062             <summary>
1063             Gets the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionBuilder.ExtensionAssembly"/> in which the extension
1064             was found.
1065             </summary>
1066         </member>
1067         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionBuilder.Assembly">
1068             <summary>
1069             Gets the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionBuilder.Assembly"/> from which the extension will 
1070             be created.
1071             </summary>
1072             <value>
1073             The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionBuilder.Assembly"/> containing the extension.
1074             </value>
1075         </member>
1076         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.PluginConsumerAttribute.#ctor(System.Type)">
1077             <summary>
1078             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.PluginConsumerAttribute"/> 
1079             with the specified type.
1080             </summary>
1081             <param name="type">The type of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.IPlugin"/> to consume.</param>
1082             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="type"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
1083         </member>
1084         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.PluginScanner">
1085             <summary>
1086             Responsible for scanning types for plugins, and maintaining a cache of
1087             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.PluginBuilder"/> instances.
1088             </summary>
1089         </member>
1090         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.PluginScanner.ScanTypeForPlugins(NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly,System.Type,NAnt.Core.Task)">
1091             <summary>
1092             Scans a given <see cref="T:System.Type"/> for plugins.
1093             </summary>
1094             <param name="extensionAssembly">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly"/> containing the <see cref="T:System.Type"/> to scan.</param>
1095             <param name="type">The <see cref="T:System.Type"/> to scan.</param>
1096             <param name="task">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> which will be used to output messages to the build log.</param>
1097             <returns>
1098             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="type"/> represents a
1099             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.IPlugin"/>; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
1100             </returns>
1101         </member>
1102         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.PluginScanner.RegisterPlugins(NAnt.Core.Extensibility.IPluginConsumer)">
1103             <summary>
1104             Registers matching plugins for the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.IPluginConsumer"/>.
1105             </summary>
1106             <param name="consumer">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.IPluginConsumer"/> which plugins must be registered for.</param>
1107             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="consumer"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
1108         </member>
1109         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.ChainableReader">
1110             <summary>
1111             Functions as a chainable TextReader
1112             </summary>
1113             <remarks>
1114             Implements a abstraction over a TextReader that allows the class to represent
1115             either a TextReader or another ChainableReader to which it is chained.
1116                         By passing a ChainableReader as a constructor paramater it is possiable to
1117             chain many ChainableReaders together.  The last ChainableReader in the chain must
1118             be based on a TextReader.
1119             </remarks>
1120         </member>
1121         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ChainableReader.Chain(NAnt.Core.Filters.ChainableReader)">
1122             <summary>
1123             Makes it so all calls to Read and Peek are passed  the ChainableReader
1124             passed as a parameter.
1125             </summary>
1126             <param name="parentChainedReader">ChainableReader to forward calls to</param>
1127         </member>
1128         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ChainableReader.Chain(System.IO.TextReader)">
1129             <summary>
1130             Makes it so all calls to Read and Peek are passed the TextReader
1131             passed as a parameter.
1132             </summary>
1133             <param name="baseReader">TextReader to forward calls to</param>
1134         </member>
1135         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ChainableReader.Peek">
1136             <summary>
1137             Forwards Peek calls to the TextReader or ChainableReader passed in the corresponding constructor.
1138             </summary>
1139             <returns>Character or -1 if end of stream</returns>
1140         </member>
1141         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ChainableReader.Read">
1142             <summary>
1143             Forwards Read calls to the TextReader or ChainableReader passed in the corresponding constructor.
1144             </summary>
1145             <returns>
1146             Character or -1 if end of stream.
1147             </returns>
1148         </member>
1149         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ChainableReader.Close">
1150             <summary>
1151             Closes the reader.
1152             </summary>
1153         </member>
1154         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ChainableReader.Dispose">
1155             <summary>
1156             Calls close and supresses the finalizer for the object.
1157             </summary>
1158         </member>
1159         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.ChainableReader.Base">
1160             <summary>
1161             Gets a value indicating if the reader is backed by a stream in the 
1162             chain.
1163             </summary>
1164             <value>
1165             <see langword="true" /> if the reader is backed by a stream;
1166             otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
1167             </value>
1168         </member>
1169         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter">
1170             <summary>
1171             Allows a file's content to be modified while performing an operation.
1172             </summary>
1173         </member>
1174         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter.InitializeFilter">
1175             <summary>
1176             Called after construction and after properties are set. Allows
1177             for filter initialization.
1178             </summary>
1179         </member>
1180         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter.IfDefined">
1181             <summary>
1182             If <see langword="true" /> then the filter will be used; otherwise, 
1183             skipped. The default is <see langword="true" />.
1184             </summary>
1185         </member>
1186         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter.UnlessDefined">
1187             <summary>
1188             Opposite of <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter.IfDefined"/>. If <see langword="false"/> 
1189             then the filter will be executed; otherwise, skipped. The default 
1190             is <see langword="false"/>.
1191             </summary>
1192         </member>
1193         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly,System.String)">
1194             <summary>
1195             Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/> class
1196             for the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/> class in the specified
1197             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly"/>.
1198             </summary>
1199             <param name="extensionAssembly">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly"/> containing the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/>.</param>
1200             <param name="className">The class representing the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/>.</param>
1201         </member>
1202         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder.ClassName">
1203             <summary>
1204             Gets the name of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/> class that can be created
1205             using this <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/>.
1206             </summary>
1207             <value>
1208             The name of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/> class that can be created using
1209             this <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/>.
1210             </value>
1211         </member>
1212         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder.FilterName">
1213             <summary>
1214             Gets the name of the filter which the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/>
1215             can create.
1216             </summary>
1217             <value>
1218             The name of the task which the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> can 
1219             create.
1220             </value>
1221         </member>
1222         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection">
1223             <summary>
1224             Contains a strongly typed collection of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/> objects.
1225             </summary>
1226         </member>
1227         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection.#ctor">
1228             <summary>
1229             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection"/> class.
1230             </summary>
1231         </member>
1232         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection)">
1233             <summary>
1234             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection"/> class
1235             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection"/> instance.
1236             </summary>
1237         </member>
1238         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder[])">
1239             <summary>
1240             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection"/> class
1241             with the specified array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/> instances.
1242             </summary>
1243         </member>
1244         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection.Add(NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder)">
1245             <summary>
1246             Adds a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/> to the end of the collection.
1247             </summary>
1248             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
1249             <returns>The position into which the new element was inserted.</returns>
1250         </member>
1251         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder[])">
1252             <summary>
1253             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/> array to the end of the collection.
1254             </summary>
1255             <param name="items">The array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/> elements to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
1256         </member>
1257         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection)">
1258             <summary>
1259             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection"/> to the end of the collection.
1260             </summary>
1261             <param name="items">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
1262         </member>
1263         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection.Contains(NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder)">
1264             <summary>
1265             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/> is in the collection.
1266             </summary>
1267             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/> to locate in the collection.</param> 
1268             <returns>
1269             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="item"/> is found in the 
1270             collection; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
1271             </returns>
1272         </member>
1273         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection.Contains(System.String)">
1274             <summary>
1275             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/> for the specified 
1276             task is in the collection.
1277             </summary>
1278             <param name="taskName">The name of task for which the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/> should be located in the collection.</param> 
1279             <returns>
1280             <see langword="true"/> if a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/> for 
1281             the specified task is found in the collection; otherwise, 
1282             <see langword="false"/>.
1283             </returns>
1284         </member>
1285         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection.CopyTo(NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder[],System.Int32)">
1286             <summary>
1287             Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array.        
1288             </summary>
1289             <param name="array">The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The array must have zero-based indexing.</param> 
1290             <param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins.</param>
1291         </member>
1292         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection.IndexOf(NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder)">
1293             <summary>
1294             Retrieves the index of a specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/> object in the collection.
1295             </summary>
1296             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/> object for which the index is returned.</param> 
1297             <returns>
1298             The index of the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/>. If the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/> is not currently a member of the collection, it returns -1.
1299             </returns>
1300         </member>
1301         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection.Insert(System.Int32,NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder)">
1302             <summary>
1303             Inserts a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/> into the collection at the specified index.
1304             </summary>
1305             <param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="item"/> should be inserted.</param>
1306             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/> to insert.</param>
1307         </member>
1308         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection.GetEnumerator">
1309             <summary>
1310             Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection.
1311             </summary>
1312             <returns>
1313             A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderEnumerator"/> for the entire collection.
1314             </returns>
1315         </member>
1316         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection.Remove(NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder)">
1317             <summary>
1318             Removes a member from the collection.
1319             </summary>
1320             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/> to remove from the collection.</param>
1321         </member>
1322         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
1323             <summary>
1324             Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
1325             </summary>
1326             <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get or set.</param>
1327         </member>
1328         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection.Item(System.String)">
1329             <summary>
1330             Gets the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/> for the specified task.
1331             </summary>
1332             <param name="filterName">The name of the filter for which the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/> should be located in the collection.</param> 
1333         </member>
1334         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderEnumerator">
1335             <summary>
1336             Enumerates the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/> elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection"/>.
1337             </summary>
1338         </member>
1339         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderEnumerator.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection)">
1340             <summary>
1341             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderEnumerator"/> class
1342             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection"/>.
1343             </summary>
1344             <param name="arguments">The collection that should be enumerated.</param>
1345         </member>
1346         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderEnumerator.MoveNext">
1347             <summary>
1348             Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.
1349             </summary>
1350             <returns>
1351             <see langword="true" /> if the enumerator was successfully advanced 
1352             to the next element; <see langword="false" /> if the enumerator has 
1353             passed the end of the collection.
1354             </returns>
1355         </member>
1356         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderEnumerator.Reset">
1357             <summary>
1358             Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the 
1359             first element in the collection.
1360             </summary>
1361         </member>
1362         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderEnumerator.Current">
1363             <summary>
1364             Gets the current element in the collection.
1365             </summary>
1366             <returns>
1367             The current element in the collection.
1368             </returns>
1369         </member>
1370         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterChain">
1371             <summary>
1372             Represent a chain of NAnt filters that can be applied to a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/>.
1373             </summary>
1374             <remarks>
1375             <para>
1376             A FilterChain represents a collection of one or more filters that can 
1377             be appled to a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> such as the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask"/>.
1378             In the case of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask"/>, the contents of the copied 
1379             files are filtered through each filter specified in the filter chain. 
1380             Filtering occurs in the order the filters are specified with filtered
1381             output of one filter feeding into another.
1382             </para>
1383             <para>
1384                :--------:---&gt;:----------:---&gt;:----------: ... :----------:---&gt;:--------:<br/>
1385                :.Source.:---&gt;:.Filter 1.:---&gt;:.Filter 2.: ... :.Filter n.:---&gt;:.target.:<br/>
1386                :--------:---&gt;:----------:---&gt;:----------: ... :----------:---&gt;:--------:<br/>
1387             </para>
1388             <para>
1389             A list of all filters that come with NAnt is available <see href="../filters/index.html">here</see>.
1390             </para>
1391             <para>
1392             The following tasks support filtering with a FilterChain:
1393             </para>
1394             <list type="bullet">
1395               <item>
1396                 <description><see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask"/></description>
1397               </item>
1398               <item>
1399                 <description><see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MoveTask"/></description>
1400               </item>
1401             </list>
1402             </remarks>
1403             <example>
1404               <para>
1405               Replace all occurrences of @NOW@ with the current date/time and 
1406               replace tabs with spaces in all copied files.
1407               </para>
1408               <code>
1409                 <![CDATA[
1410             <property name="NOW" value="${datetime::now()}" />
1411             <copy todir="out">
1412                 <fileset basedir="in">
1413                     <include name="**/*" />
1414                 </fileset>
1415                 <filterchain>
1416                     <replacetokens>
1417                         <token key="NOW" value="${TODAY}" />
1418                     </replacetokens>
1419                     <tabstospaces />
1420                 </filterchain>
1421             </copy>
1422                 ]]>
1423               </code>
1424             </example>
1425         </member>
1426         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBase">
1427             <summary>
1428             Provides the abstract base class for types.
1429             </summary>
1430         </member>
1431         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBase.Reset">
1432             <summary>
1433             Should be overridden by derived classes. clones the referenced types 
1434             data into the current instance.
1435             </summary>
1436         </member>
1437         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBase.CopyTo(NAnt.Core.DataTypeBase)">
1438             <summary>
1439             Copies all instance data of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBase"/> to a given
1440             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBase"/>.
1441             </summary>
1442         </member>
1443         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBase.ID">
1444             <summary>
1445             The ID used to be referenced later.
1446             </summary>
1447         </member>
1448         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBase.RefID">
1449             <summary>
1450             The ID to use as the reference.
1451             </summary>
1452         </member>
1453         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBase.CanBeReferenced">
1454             <summary>
1455             Gets a value indicating whether a reference to the type can be
1456             defined.
1457             </summary>
1458             <remarks>
1459             Only types with an <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.ElementNameAttribute"/> assigned 
1460             to it, can be referenced.
1461             </remarks>
1462         </member>
1463         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBase.Name">
1464             <summary>
1465             Gets the name of the datatype.
1466             </summary>
1467             <value>
1468             The name of the datatype.
1469             </value>
1470         </member>
1471         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterChain.InitializeXml(System.Xml.XmlNode,NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary,NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo)">
1472             <summary>
1473             Initializes all build attributes and child elements.
1474             </summary>
1475             <remarks>
1476             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterChain"/> needs to maintain the order in which the
1477             filters are specified in the build file.
1478             </remarks>
1479         </member>
1480         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterChain.GetBaseFilter(NAnt.Core.Filters.PhysicalTextReader)">
1481             <summary>
1482             Used to to instantiate and return the chain of stream based filters.
1483             </summary>
1484             <param name="physicalTextReader">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.PhysicalTextReader"/> that is the source of input to the filter chain.</param>
1485             <remarks>
1486             The <paramref name="physicalTextReader"/> is the first <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/>
1487             in the chain, which is based on a physical stream that feeds the chain.
1488             </remarks>
1489             <returns>
1490             The last <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/> in the chain.
1491             </returns>
1492         </member>
1493         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterChain.Filters">
1494             <summary>
1495             The filters to apply.
1496             </summary>
1497         </member>
1498         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterChain.InputEncoding">
1499             <summary>
1500             The encoding to assume when filter-copying files. The default is
1501             system's current ANSI code page.
1502             </summary>
1503         </member>
1504         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterChain.FilterChainConfigurator">
1505             <summary>
1506             Configurator that initializes filters in the order in which they've
1507             been specified in the build file.
1508             </summary>
1509         </member>
1510         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection">
1511             <summary>
1512             Contains a collection of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/> elements.
1513             </summary>
1514         </member>
1515         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection.#ctor">
1516             <summary>
1517             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection"/> class.
1518             </summary>
1519         </member>
1520         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection)">
1521             <summary>
1522             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection"/> class
1523             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection"/> instance.
1524             </summary>
1525         </member>
1526         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter[])">
1527             <summary>
1528             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection"/> class
1529             with the specified array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/> instances.
1530             </summary>
1531         </member>
1532         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection.Add(NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter)">
1533             <summary>
1534             Adds a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/> to the end of the collection.
1535             </summary>
1536             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
1537             <returns>The position into which the new element was inserted.</returns>
1538         </member>
1539         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter[])">
1540             <summary>
1541             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/> array to the end of the collection.
1542             </summary>
1543             <param name="items">The array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/> elements to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
1544         </member>
1545         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection)">
1546             <summary>
1547             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection"/> to the end of the collection.
1548             </summary>
1549             <param name="items">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
1550         </member>
1551         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection.Contains(NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter)">
1552             <summary>
1553             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/> is in the collection.
1554             </summary>
1555             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/> to locate in the collection.</param> 
1556             <returns>
1557             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="item"/> is found in the 
1558             collection; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
1559             </returns>
1560         </member>
1561         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection.CopyTo(NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter[],System.Int32)">
1562             <summary>
1563             Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array.        
1564             </summary>
1565             <param name="array">The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The array must have zero-based indexing.</param> 
1566             <param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins.</param>
1567         </member>
1568         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection.IndexOf(NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter)">
1569             <summary>
1570             Retrieves the index of a specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/> object in the collection.
1571             </summary>
1572             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/> object for which the index is returned.</param> 
1573             <returns>
1574             The index of the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/>. If the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/> is not currently a member of the collection, it returns -1.
1575             </returns>
1576         </member>
1577         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection.Insert(System.Int32,NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter)">
1578             <summary>
1579             Inserts a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/> into the collection at the specified index.
1580             </summary>
1581             <param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="item"/> should be inserted.</param>
1582             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/> to insert.</param>
1583         </member>
1584         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection.GetEnumerator">
1585             <summary>
1586             Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection.
1587             </summary>
1588             <returns>
1589             A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterEnumerator"/> for the entire collection.
1590             </returns>
1591         </member>
1592         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection.Remove(NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter)">
1593             <summary>
1594             Removes a member from the collection.
1595             </summary>
1596             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/> to remove from the collection.</param>
1597         </member>
1598         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
1599             <summary>
1600             Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
1601             </summary>
1602             <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get or set.</param>
1603         </member>
1604         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterEnumerator">
1605             <summary>
1606             Enumerates the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/> elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection"/>.
1607             </summary>
1608         </member>
1609         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterEnumerator.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection)">
1610             <summary>
1611             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterEnumerator"/> class
1612             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection"/>.
1613             </summary>
1614             <param name="arguments">The collection that should be enumerated.</param>
1615         </member>
1616         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterEnumerator.MoveNext">
1617             <summary>
1618             Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.
1619             </summary>
1620             <returns>
1621             <see langword="true" /> if the enumerator was successfully advanced 
1622             to the next element; <see langword="false" /> if the enumerator has 
1623             passed the end of the collection.
1624             </returns>
1625         </member>
1626         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterEnumerator.Reset">
1627             <summary>
1628             Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the 
1629             first element in the collection.
1630             </summary>
1631         </member>
1632         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterEnumerator.Current">
1633             <summary>
1634             Gets the current element in the collection.
1635             </summary>
1636             <returns>
1637             The current element in the collection.
1638             </returns>
1639         </member>
1640         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.PhysicalTextReader">
1641             <summary>
1642             Represents a physical <see cref="T:System.IO.TextReader"/>.  That is a reader based 
1643             on a stream.
1644             </summary>
1645             <remarks>
1646             Used by <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.ChainableReader"/> to represent a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/>
1647             based on a <see cref="T:System.IO.TextReader"/> in the chain.
1648             </remarks>
1649         </member>
1650         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.ExpandProperties">
1651             <summary>
1652             Parses NAnt properties and expressions
1653             </summary>
1654             <remarks>
1655             <para>
1656             This filter parses any NAnt properties or expressions found in its input, 
1657             inlining their values in its output.
1658             </para>
1659             <para>
1660             Note: Due to limitations on buffering, expressions longer than 2048 
1661             characters are not guaranteed to be expanded.
1662             </para>
1663             Filters are intended to be used as a element of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterChain"/>.
1664             </remarks>
1665             <example>
1666               <para>Replace all properties with their corresponding values.</para>
1667               <code>
1668                 <![CDATA[
1669             <expandproperties />
1670                 ]]>
1671               </code>
1672             </example>
1673         </member>
1674         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Filters.ExpandProperties._buffer">
1675             <summary>
1676             Holds data for expression expansion between input and output.
1677             </summary>
1678         </member>
1679         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ExpandProperties.InitializeFilter">
1680             <summary>
1681             Called after construction and after properties are set. Allows
1682             for filter initialization.
1683             </summary>
1684         </member>
1685         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ExpandProperties.Read">
1686             <summary>
1687             Reads the next character applying the filter logic.
1688             </summary>
1689             <returns>Char as an int or -1 if at the end of the stream</returns>
1690         </member>
1691         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ExpandProperties.Peek">
1692             <summary>
1693             Reads the next character applying the filter logic without advancing the current position in the stream.
1694             </summary>
1695             <returns>Char as an int or -1 if at the end of the stream</returns>
1696         </member>
1697         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ExpandProperties.Advance">
1698             <summary>
1699             Moves to the next character.
1700             </summary>
1701         </member>
1702         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ExpandProperties.ReplenishBuffer">
1703             <summary>
1704             Refills the buffer, running our input through 
1705             <see cref="M:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary.ExpandProperties(System.String,NAnt.Core.Location)"/>.)
1706             </summary>
1707         </member>
1708         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.ExpandProperties.AtEnd">
1709             <summary>
1710             Determines whether we've passed the end of our data.
1711             </summary>
1712         </member>
1713         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceString">
1714             <summary>
1715             Replaces all occurrences of a given string in the original input with 
1716             user-supplied replacement string.
1717             </summary>
1718             <remarks>
1719             <para>
1720             This filter replaces all occurrences of a given string in the original 
1721             input stream with a user-supplied replacement string. By default string 
1722             comparisons are case sensitive but this can be changed by setting the 
1723             optional <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceString.IgnoreCase"/> attribute to <see langword="true"/>.
1724             </para>
1725             <para>
1726             To use this filter specify the string to be replaced with the 
1727             <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceString.From"/> attribute and the string to replace it with using the 
1728             <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceString.To"/> attribute. 
1729             </para>
1730             <para>
1731             Filters are intended to be used as a element of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterChain"/>.
1732             </para>
1733             </remarks>
1734             <example>
1735               <para>
1736               Replace all occurrences of "3.14" with "PI".
1737               </para>
1738               <code>
1739                 <![CDATA[
1740             <replacestring from="3.14" to="PI" />
1741                 ]]>
1742               </code>
1743             </example>
1744             <example>
1745               <para>
1746               Replace all occurrences of "string", "String", etc. with "System.String".
1747               </para>
1748               <code>
1749                 <![CDATA[
1750             <replacestring from="String" to="System.String" ignorecase="true" />
1751                 ]]>
1752               </code>
1753             </example>
1754         </member>
1755         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceString.Chain(NAnt.Core.Filters.ChainableReader)">
1756             <summary>
1757             Construct that allows this filter to be chained to the one
1758             in the parameter chainedReader.
1759             </summary>
1760             <param name="chainedReader">Filter that the filter will be chained to</param>
1761         </member>
1762         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceString.Read">
1763             <summary>
1764             Reads the next character applying the filter logic.
1765             </summary>
1766             <returns>Char as an int or -1 if at the end of the stream</returns>
1767         </member>
1768         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceString.Peek">
1769             <summary>
1770             Reads the next character applying the filter logic without
1771             advancing the current position in the stream.
1772                         Peek currently is not supported.
1773             </summary>
1774             <returns>
1775             Char as an int or -1 if at the end of the stream.
1776             </returns>
1777         </member>
1778         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceString.FindString(System.Int32,System.Boolean@,System.String@)">
1779             <summary>
1780             <para>
1781             Helper function used to search for the filter's traget string. If the string
1782             is found the result is true. If the string was not found false is returned and
1783             nonMatchingChars contains the characters that were read to determine if the 
1784             string is present.
1785             </para>
1787             <para>
1788             It is assumed the stream is positioned at the character after the first character 
1789             in the target string.
1790             </para>
1791             </summary>
1792             <param name="startChar">First character in target string</param>
1793             <param name="streamEnded">Ture if the stream ended while search for the string.</param>
1794             <param name="nonMatchingChars">Characters that were read while searching for the string.</param>
1795             <returns></returns>
1796         </member>
1797         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceString.GetNextCharacter(NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceString.AcquireCharDelegate)">
1798             <summary>
1799             Returns the next character in the stream replacing the specified character. Using the
1800             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceString.AcquireCharDelegate"/> allows for the same implementation for Read and Peek
1801             </summary>
1802             <param name="AcquireChar">Delegate to acquire the next character. (Read/Peek)</param>
1803             <returns>Char as an int or -1 if at the end of the stream</returns>
1804         </member>
1805         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceString.CompareCharacters(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
1806             <summary>
1807             Compares to characters taking into account the _ignoreCase flag.
1808             </summary>
1809             <param name="char1"></param>
1810             <param name="char2"></param>
1811             <returns></returns>
1812         </member>
1813         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceString.From">
1814             <summary>
1815             The string to be replaced.
1816             </summary>
1817         </member>
1818         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceString.To">
1819             <summary>
1820             The new value for the replaced string.
1821             Am empty string is permissible.
1822             </summary>
1823         </member>
1824         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceString.IgnoreCase">
1825             <summary>
1826             Determines if case will be ignored.
1827             The default is <see langword="false" />.
1828             </summary>
1829         </member>
1830         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceString.AcquireCharDelegate">
1831             <summary>
1832             Delegate for Read and Peek. Allows the same implementation
1833             to be used for both methods.
1834             </summary>
1835         </member>
1836         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceTokens">
1837             <summary>
1838             Replaces tokens in the original input with user-supplied values.
1839             </summary>
1840             <remarks>
1841             <para>
1842             This filter replaces all token surrounded by a beginning and ending
1843             token. The default beginning and ending tokens both default to '@'. The 
1844             optional <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceTokens.BeginToken"/> and <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceTokens.EndToken"/> attributes
1845             can be specified to change either token. By default string 
1846             comparisons are case sensitive but this can be changed by setting the 
1847             optional <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceTokens.IgnoreCase"/> attribute to <see langword="true"/>.
1848             </para>
1849             <para>
1850             Tokens are specified by using the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Token"/> element. It is 
1851             possible to specify from 1 to n tokens and replacement values. Values can 
1852             be any valid NAnt expression.
1853             </para>
1854             <para>
1855             Filters are intended to be used as a element of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterChain"/>.
1856             </para>
1857             </remarks>
1858             <example>
1859               <para>
1860               Replace all occurrences of the string @DATE@ with the value of property
1861               "TODAY".
1862               </para>
1863               <code>
1864                 <![CDATA[
1865             <replacetokens>
1866                 <token key="DATE" value="${TODAY}" />
1867             </replacetokens>
1868                 ]]>
1869               </code>
1870             </example>
1871             <example>
1872               <para>
1873               Replace all occurrences of the string &lt;DATE&gt; with the value of 
1874               property "TODAY".
1875               </para>
1876               <code>
1877                 <![CDATA[
1878             <replacetokens begintoken="&lt;" endtoken="&gt;">
1879                 <token key="DATE" value="${TODAY}" />
1880             </replacetokens>
1881                 ]]>
1882               </code>
1883             </example>
1884         </member>
1885         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceTokens.Chain(NAnt.Core.Filters.ChainableReader)">
1886             <summary>
1887             Construct that allows this filter to be chained to the one
1888             in the parameter chainedReader.
1889             </summary>
1890             <param name="chainedReader">Filter that the filter will be chained to</param>
1891         </member>
1892         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceTokens.Read">
1893             <summary>
1894             Reads the next character applying the filter logic.
1895             </summary>
1896             <returns>Char as an int or -1 if at the end of the stream</returns>
1897         </member>
1898         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceTokens.Peek">
1899             <summary>
1900             Reads the next character applying the filter logic without
1901             advancing the current position in the stream.
1902                         Peek currently is not supported.
1903             </summary>
1904             <returns>
1905             Char as an int or -1 if at the end of the stream.
1906             </returns>
1907         </member>
1908         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceTokens.Initialize">
1909             <summary>
1910             Initialize the filter by setting its parameters.
1911             </summary>
1912         </member>
1913         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceTokens.FindTokenContents(System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@)">
1914             <summary>
1915             Finds a token give that we are positioned at a beginning token character.  Either a
1916             token replacement is returned or the characters that were read looking for the token.
1917             </summary>
1918             <param name="tokenNotFound">A token was not found</param>
1919             <param name="unknownToken">A token was found by there is no replacement</param>
1920             <param name="streamEnded">The stream ended while looking for the token</param>
1921             <returns>Either the replacement token or the characters that were read looking for the token</returns>
1922         </member>
1923         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceTokens.GetNextCharacter(NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceTokens.AcquireCharDelegate)">
1924             <summary>
1925             Returns the next character in the stream replacing the specified character. Using the
1926             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceTokens.AcquireCharDelegate"/> allows for the same implementation for Read and Peek
1927             </summary>
1928             <param name="AcquireChar">Delegate to acquire the next character. (Read/Peek)</param>
1929             <returns>Char as an int or -1 if at the end of the stream</returns>
1930         </member>
1931         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceTokens.CompareCharacters(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
1932             <summary>
1933             Compares to characters taking <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceTokens.IgnoreCase"/> into account.
1934             </summary>
1935             <param name="char1"></param>
1936             <param name="char2"></param>
1937             <returns>
1938             </returns>
1939         </member>
1940         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceTokens.BeginToken">
1941             <summary>
1942             Marks the beginning of a token. The default is "@".
1943             </summary>
1944         </member>
1945         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceTokens.EndToken">
1946             <summary>
1947             Marks the end of a token. The default is "@".
1948             </summary>
1949         </member>
1950         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceTokens.Tokens">
1951             <summary>
1952             Tokens and replacement values.
1953             </summary>
1954         </member>
1955         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceTokens.IgnoreCase">
1956             <summary>
1957             Determines if case will be ignored.
1958             The default is <see langword="false" />.
1959             </summary>
1960         </member>
1961         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.ReplaceTokens.AcquireCharDelegate">
1962             <summary>
1963             Delegate for Read and Peek. Allows the same implementation
1964             to be used for both methods.
1965             </summary>
1966         </member>
1967         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.TabsToSpaces">
1968             <summary>
1969             Converts tabs to spaces.
1970             </summary>
1971             <remarks>
1972             <para>
1973             The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.TabsToSpaces"/> filter replaces tabs in a text file 
1974             with spaces.
1975             </para>
1976             <para>
1977             Filters are intended to be used as a element of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterChain"/>.
1978             </para>
1979             </remarks>
1980             <example>
1981              <para>Replace all tabs with four spaces.</para>
1982              <code>
1983                <![CDATA[
1984             <tabtospaces tablength="4" />
1985                ]]>
1986              </code>
1987             </example>
1988         </member>
1989         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.TabsToSpaces.Chain(NAnt.Core.Filters.ChainableReader)">
1990             <summary>
1991             Construct that allows this filter to be chained to the one
1992             in the parameter chainedReader.
1993             </summary>
1994             <param name="chainedReader">Filter that the filter will be chained to</param>
1995         </member>
1996         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.TabsToSpaces.Peek">
1997             <summary>
1998             <para>Retrieves the next character with moving the position in the stream.</para>
1999             <note>This method is not implemented</note>
2000             </summary>
2001             <returns>-1 if end of stream otherwise a character</returns>
2002         </member>
2003         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.TabsToSpaces.Read">
2004             <summary>
2005             <para>Retrieves the next character in the stream.</para>
2006             </summary>
2007             <returns>-1 if end of stream otherwise a character</returns>
2008         </member>
2009         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Filters.TabsToSpaces.GetNextCharacter(NAnt.Core.Filters.TabsToSpaces.AcquireCharDelegate)">
2010             <summary>
2011             Returns the next character in the stream replacing the specified character. Using the
2012             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.TabsToSpaces.AcquireCharDelegate"/> allows for the same implementation for Read and Peek
2013             </summary>
2014             <param name="AcquireChar">Delegate to acquire the next character. (Read/Peek)</param>
2015             <returns>Char as an int or -1 if at the end of the stream</returns>
2016         </member>
2017         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Filters.TabsToSpaces.TabLength">
2018             <summary>
2019             The number of spaces used when converting a tab. The default is 
2020             "8".
2021             </summary>
2022         </member>
2023         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.TabsToSpaces.AcquireCharDelegate">
2024             <summary>
2025             Delegate for Read and Peek. Allows the same implementation
2026             to be used for both methods.
2027             </summary>
2028         </member>
2029         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyFunctions">
2030             <summary>
2031             Functions to return information for a given assembly.
2032             </summary>
2033         </member>
2034         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.FunctionSetBase.Project">
2035             <summary>
2036             Gets or sets the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.FunctionSetBase.Project"/> that this functionset will 
2037             reference.
2038             </summary>
2039             <value>
2040             The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.FunctionSetBase.Project"/> that this functionset will reference.
2041             </value>
2042         </member>
2043         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyFunctions.LoadFromFile(System.String)">
2044             <summary>
2045             Loads an assembly given its file name or path.
2046             </summary>
2047             <param name="assemblyFile">The name or path of the file that contains the manifest of the assembly.</param>
2048             <returns>
2049             The loaded assembly.
2050             </returns>
2051             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="assemblyFile"/> is an empty <see cref="T:System.String"/>.</exception>
2052             <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException"><paramref name="assemblyFile"/> is not found, or the module you are trying to load does not specify a filename extension.</exception>
2053             <exception cref="T:System.BadImageFormatException"><paramref name="assemblyFile"/> is not a valid assembly.</exception>
2054             <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">An assembly or module was loaded twice with two different evidences, or the assembly name is longer than MAX_PATH characters.</exception>
2055         </member>
2056         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyFunctions.Load(System.String)">
2057             <summary>
2058             Loads an assembly given the long form of its name.
2059             </summary>
2060             <param name="assemblyString">The long form of the assembly name.</param>
2061             <returns>
2062             The loaded assembly.
2063             </returns>
2064             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="assemblyString"/> is a <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
2065             <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException"><paramref name="assemblyString"/> is not found.</exception>
2066             <example>
2067               <para>
2068               Determine the location of the Microsoft Access 11 Primary Interop 
2069               Assembly by loading it using its fully qualified name, and copy it
2070               to the build directory.
2071               </para>
2072               <code>
2073                 <![CDATA[
2074             <property name="access.pia.path" value="${assembly::get-location(assembly::load('Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c'))}" />
2075             <copy file="${access.pia.path}" todir="${build.dir}" />
2076                 ]]>
2077               </code>
2078             </example>
2079         </member>
2080         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyFunctions.GetFullName(System.Reflection.Assembly)">
2081             <summary>
2082             Gets the full name of the assembly, also known as the display name.
2083             </summary>
2084             <param name="assembly">The assembly to get the full name for.</param>
2085             <returns>
2086             The full name of the assembly, also known as the display name.
2087             </returns>
2088         </member>
2089         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyFunctions.GetName(System.Reflection.Assembly)">
2090             <summary>
2091             Gets an <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyName"/> for the specified assembly.
2092             </summary>
2093             <param name="assembly">The assembly to get an <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyName"/> for.</param>
2094             <returns>
2095             An <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyName"/> for the specified assembly.
2096             </returns>
2097             <seealso cref="T:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyNameFunctions"/>
2098         </member>
2099         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyFunctions.GetLocation(System.Reflection.Assembly)">
2100             <summary>
2101             Gets the physical location, in codebase format, of the loaded file 
2102             that contains the manifest.
2103             </summary>
2104             <param name="assembly">The assembly to get the location for.</param>
2105             <returns>
2106             The location of the specified assembly.
2107             </returns>
2108         </member>
2109         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyNameFunctions">
2110             <summary>
2111             Functions that return information about an assembly's identity.
2112             </summary>
2113         </member>
2114         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyNameFunctions.GetCodeBase(System.Reflection.AssemblyName)">
2115             <summary>
2116             Gets the location of the assembly as a URL.
2117             </summary>
2118             <param name="assemblyName">The <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyName"/> of the assembly.</param>
2119             <returns>
2120             The location of the assembly as a URL.
2121             </returns>
2122             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyFunctions.GetName(System.Reflection.Assembly)"/>
2123         </member>
2124         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyNameFunctions.GetEscapedCodeBase(System.Reflection.AssemblyName)">
2125             <summary>
2126             Gets the URI, including escape characters, that represents the codebase.
2127             </summary>
2128             <param name="assemblyName">The <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyName"/> of the assembly.</param>
2129             <returns>
2130             The URI, including escape characters, that represents the codebase.
2131             </returns>
2132             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyFunctions.GetName(System.Reflection.Assembly)"/>
2133         </member>
2134         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyNameFunctions.GetFullName(System.Reflection.AssemblyName)">
2135             <summary>
2136             Gets the full name of the assembly, also known as the display name.
2137             </summary>
2138             <param name="assemblyName">The <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyName"/> of the assembly.</param>
2139             <returns>
2140             The full name of the assembly, also known as the display name.
2141             </returns>
2142             <example>
2143               <para>
2144               Output the full name of the <c>nunit.framework</c> assembly to the
2145               build log.
2146               </para>
2147               <code>
2148                 <![CDATA[
2149             <echo message="${assemblyname::get-full-name(assemblyname::get-assembly-name('nunit.framework.dll'))}" />
2150                 ]]>
2151               </code>
2152             </example>
2153             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyFunctions.GetName(System.Reflection.Assembly)"/>
2154         </member>
2155         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyNameFunctions.GetName(System.Reflection.AssemblyName)">
2156             <summary>
2157             Gets the simple, unencrypted name of the assembly.
2158             </summary>
2159             <param name="assemblyName">The <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyName"/> of the assembly.</param>
2160             <returns>
2161             The simple, unencrypted name of the assembly.
2162             </returns>
2163             <example>
2164               <para>
2165               Output the simple name of the <c>nunit.framework</c> assembly to 
2166               the build log.
2167               </para>
2168               <code>
2169                 <![CDATA[
2170             <echo message="${assemblyname::get-name(assemblyname::get-assembly-name('nunit.framework.dll'))}" />
2171                 ]]>
2172               </code>
2173             </example>
2174             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyFunctions.GetName(System.Reflection.Assembly)"/>
2175         </member>
2176         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyNameFunctions.GetVersion(System.Reflection.AssemblyName)">
2177             <summary>
2178             Gets the version of the assembly.
2179             </summary>
2180             <param name="assemblyName">The <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyName"/> of the assembly.</param>
2181             <returns>
2182             The version of the assembly.
2183             </returns>
2184             <example>
2185               <para>
2186               Output the major version of the <c>nunit.framework</c> assembly 
2187               to the build log.
2188               </para>
2189               <code>
2190                 <![CDATA[
2191             <echo message="${version::get-major-version(assemblyname::get-version(assemblyname::get-assembly-name('nunit.framework.dll')))}" />
2192                 ]]>
2193               </code>
2194             </example>
2195             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyFunctions.GetName(System.Reflection.Assembly)"/>
2196             <seealso cref="T:NAnt.Core.Functions.VersionFunctions"/>
2197         </member>
2198         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyNameFunctions.GetAssemblyName(System.String)">
2199             <summary>
2200             Gets the <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyName"/> for a given file.
2201             </summary>
2202             <param name="assemblyFile">The assembly file for which to get the <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyName"/>.</param>
2203             <returns>
2204             An <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyName"/> object representing the given file.
2205             </returns>
2206             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="assemblyFile"/> is an empty <see cref="T:System.String"/>.</exception>
2207             <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException"><paramref name="assemblyFile"/> does not exist.</exception>
2208             <exception cref="T:System.BadImageFormatException"><paramref name="assemblyFile"/> is not a valid assembly.</exception>
2209             <remarks>
2210             The assembly is not added to this domain.
2211             </remarks>
2212             <example>
2213               <para>
2214               Output the full name of the <c>nunit.framework</c> assembly to the
2215               build log.
2216               </para>
2217               <code>
2218                 <![CDATA[
2219             <echo message="${assemblyname::get-full-name(assemblyname::get-assembly-name('nunit.framework.dll'))}" />
2220                 ]]>
2221               </code>
2222             </example>
2223         </member>
2224         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.BooleanConversionFunctions.Parse(System.String)">
2225             <summary>
2226             Converts the specified string representation of a logical value to 
2227             its <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> equivalent.
2228             </summary>
2229             <param name="s">A string containing the value to convert.</param>
2230             <returns>
2231             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="value"/> is equivalent to 
2232             "True"; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
2233             </returns>
2234             <exception cref="T:System.FormatException"><paramref name="s"/> is not equivalent to <see cref="F:System.Boolean.TrueString"/> or <see cref="F:System.Boolean.FalseString"/>.</exception>
2235         </member>
2236         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.BooleanConversionFunctions.ToString(System.Boolean)">
2237             <summary>
2238             Converts the specified <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> to its equivalent string
2239             representation.
2240             </summary>
2241             <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> to convert.</param>
2242             <returns>
2243             "True" if <paramref name="value"/> is <see langword="true"/>, or 
2244             "False" if <paramref name="value"/> is <see langword="false"/>. 
2245             </returns>
2246         </member>
2247         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.ConversionFunctions.ToInt(System.Int32)">
2248             <summary>
2249             Converts the argument to an integer.
2250             </summary>
2251             <param name="value">value to be converted</param>
2252             <returns><paramref name="value" /> converted to integer. The function fails with an exception when the conversion is not possible.</returns>
2253         </member>
2254         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.ConversionFunctions.ToDouble(System.Double)">
2255             <summary>
2256             Converts the argument to double
2257             </summary>
2258             <param name="value">The value to be converted.</param>
2259             <returns><paramref name="value" /> converted to double. The function fails with an exception when the conversion is not possible.</returns>
2260         </member>
2261         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.ConversionFunctions.ConvertToString(System.String)">
2262             <summary>
2263             Converts the argument to a string.
2264             </summary>
2265             <param name="value">The value to be converted.</param>
2266             <returns>
2267             <paramref name="value" /> converted to string. The function fails 
2268             with an exception when the conversion is not possible.
2269             </returns>
2270             <remarks>
2271             Named method ConvertToString as a static ToString method would break
2272             CLS compliance.
2273             </remarks>
2274         </member>
2275         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.ConversionFunctions.ToDateTime(System.DateTime)">
2276             <summary>
2277             Converts the argument to a datetime.
2278             </summary>
2279             <param name="value">value to be converted</param>
2280             <returns><paramref name="value" /> converted to datetime. The function fails with an exception when the conversion is not possible.</returns>
2281         </member>
2282         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.ConversionFunctions.ToBoolean(System.Boolean)">
2283             <summary>
2284             Converts the argument to a boolean 
2285             </summary>
2286             <param name="value">The string value to be converted to boolean. Must be 'true' or 'false'.</param>
2287             <returns>
2288             <paramref name="value" /> converted to boolean. The function fails 
2289             with an exception when the conversion is not possible.
2290             </returns>
2291         </member>
2292         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DateTimeFunctions.Now">
2293             <summary>
2294             Gets a <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/> that is the current local date and 
2295             time on this computer.
2296             </summary>
2297             <returns>
2298             A <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/> whose value is the current date and time.
2299             </returns>
2300         </member>
2301         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DateTimeFunctions.GetYear(System.DateTime)">
2302             <summary>
2303             Gets the year component of the specified date.
2304             </summary>
2305             <param name="date">The date of which to get the year component.</param>
2306             <returns>
2307             The year, between 1 and 9999.
2308             </returns>
2309         </member>
2310         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DateTimeFunctions.GetMonth(System.DateTime)">
2311             <summary>
2312             Gets the month component of the specified date.
2313             </summary>
2314             <param name="date">The date of which to get the month component.</param>
2315             <returns>
2316             The month, between 1 and 12.
2317             </returns>
2318         </member>
2319         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DateTimeFunctions.GetDay(System.DateTime)">
2320             <summary>
2321             Gets the day of the month represented by the specified date.
2322             </summary>
2323             <param name="date">The date of which to get the day of the month.</param>
2324             <returns>
2325             The day value, between 1 and 31.
2326             </returns>
2327         </member>
2328         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DateTimeFunctions.GetHour(System.DateTime)">
2329             <summary>
2330             Gets the hour component of the specified date.
2331             </summary>
2332             <param name="date">The date of which to get the hour component.</param>
2333             <returns>
2334             The hour, between 0 and 23.
2335             </returns>
2336         </member>
2337         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DateTimeFunctions.GetMinute(System.DateTime)">
2338             <summary>
2339             Gets the minute component of the specified date.
2340             </summary>
2341             <param name="date">The date of which to get the minute component.</param>
2342             <returns>
2343             The minute, between 0 and 59.
2344             </returns>
2345         </member>
2346         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DateTimeFunctions.GetSecond(System.DateTime)">
2347             <summary>
2348             Gets the seconds component of the specified date.
2349             </summary>
2350             <param name="date">The date of which to get the seconds component.</param>
2351             <returns>
2352             The seconds, between 0 and 59.
2353             </returns>
2354         </member>
2355         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DateTimeFunctions.GetMillisecond(System.DateTime)">
2356             <summary>
2357             Gets the milliseconds component of the specified date.
2358             </summary>
2359             <param name="date">The date of which to get the milliseconds component.</param>
2360             <returns>
2361             The millisecond, between 0 and 999.
2362             </returns>
2363         </member>
2364         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DateTimeFunctions.GetTicks(System.DateTime)">
2365             <summary>
2366             Gets the number of ticks that represent the specified date.
2367             </summary>
2368             <param name="date">The date of which to get the number of ticks.</param>
2369             <returns>
2370             The number of ticks that represent the date and time of the 
2371             specified date.
2372             </returns>
2373         </member>
2374         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DateTimeFunctions.GetDayOfWeek(System.DateTime)">
2375             <summary>
2376             Gets the day of the week represented by the specified date.
2377             </summary>
2378             <param name="date">The date of which to get the day of the week.</param>
2379             <returns>
2380             The day of the week, ranging from zero, indicating Sunday, to six, 
2381             indicating Saturday.
2382             </returns>
2383         </member>
2384         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DateTimeFunctions.GetDayOfYear(System.DateTime)">
2385             <summary>
2386             Gets the day of the year represented by the specified date.
2387             </summary>
2388             <param name="date">The date of which to get the day of the year.</param>
2389             <returns>
2390             The day of the year, between 1 and 366.
2391             </returns>
2392         </member>
2393         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DateTimeFunctions.GetDaysInMonth(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
2394             <summary>
2395             Returns the number of days in the specified month of the specified 
2396             year.
2397             </summary>
2398             <param name="year">The year.</param>
2399             <param name="month">The month (a number ranging from 1 to 12).</param>
2400             <returns>
2401             The number of days in <paramref name="month"/> for the specified 
2402             <paramref name="year"/>.
2403             </returns>
2404             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="month"/> is less than 1 or greater than 12.</exception>
2405         </member>
2406         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DateTimeFunctions.IsLeapYear(System.Int32)">
2407             <summary>
2408             Returns an indication whether the specified year is a leap year.
2409             </summary>
2410             <param name="year">A 4-digit year.</param>
2411             <returns>
2412             <see langword="true" /> if <paramref name="year" /> is a leap year; 
2413             otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
2414             </returns>
2415         </member>
2416         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DateTimeConversionFunctions.Parse(System.String)">
2417             <summary>
2418             Converts the specified string representation of a date and time to 
2419             its <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/> equivalent.
2420             </summary>
2421             <param name="s">A string containing a date and time to convert.</param>
2422             <returns>
2423             A <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/> equivalent to the date and time contained 
2424             in <paramref name="s"/>.
2425             </returns>
2426             <exception cref="T:System.FormatException"><paramref name="s"/> does not contain a valid string representation of a date and time.</exception>
2427             <remarks>
2428             The <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo"/> for the invariant culture is 
2429             used to supply formatting information about <paramref name="s"/>.
2430             </remarks>
2431         </member>
2432         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DateTimeConversionFunctions.ToString(System.DateTime)">
2433             <summary>
2434             Converts the specified <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/> to its equivalent
2435             string representation.
2436             </summary>
2437             <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/> to convert.</param>
2438             <returns>
2439             A string representation of <paramref name="value"/> formatted using
2440             the general format specifier ("G").
2441             </returns>
2442             <remarks>
2443             <paramref name="value"/> is formatted with the 
2444             <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo"/> for the invariant culture.
2445             </remarks>
2446         </member>
2447         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Functions.DirectoryFunctions">
2448             <summary>
2449             Groups a set of functions for dealing with directories.
2450             </summary>
2451         </member>
2452         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DirectoryFunctions.GetCreationTime(System.String)">
2453             <summary>
2454             Returns the creation date and time of the specified directory.
2455             </summary>
2456             <param name="path">The directory for which to obtain creation date and time information.</param>
2457             <returns>
2458             The creation date and time of the specified directory.
2459             </returns>
2460             <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">The specified directory does not exist.</exception>
2461             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="path"/> is a zero-length string, contains only white space, or contains one or more invalid characters.</exception>
2462             <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.</exception>
2463         </member>
2464         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DirectoryFunctions.GetLastWriteTime(System.String)">
2465             <summary>
2466             Returns the date and time the specified directory was last written to.
2467             </summary>
2468             <param name="path">The directory for which to obtain write date and time information.</param>
2469             <returns>
2470             The date and time the specified directory was last written to.
2471             </returns>
2472             <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">The specified directory does not exist.</exception>
2473             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="path"/> is a zero-length string, contains only white space, or contains one or more invalid characters.</exception>
2474             <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.</exception>
2475         </member>
2476         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DirectoryFunctions.GetLastAccessTime(System.String)">
2477             <summary>
2478             Returns the date and time the specified directory was last accessed.
2479             </summary>
2480             <param name="path">The directory for which to obtain access date and time information.</param>
2481             <returns>
2482             The date and time the specified directory was last accessed.
2483             </returns>
2484             <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">The specified directory does not exist.</exception>
2485             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="path"/> is a zero-length string, contains only white space, or contains one or more invalid characters.</exception>
2486             <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.</exception>
2487             <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <paramref name="path"/> parameter is in an invalid format.</exception>
2488         </member>
2489         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DirectoryFunctions.GetCurrentDirectory">
2490              <summary>
2491              Gets the current working directory.
2492              </summary>
2493              <returns>
2494              A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the path of the current working 
2495              directory.
2496             </returns>
2497         </member>
2498         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DirectoryFunctions.GetParentDirectory(System.String)">
2499             <summary>
2500             Retrieves the parent directory of the specified path.
2501             </summary>
2502             <param name="path">The path for which to retrieve the parent directory.</param>
2503             <returns>
2504             The parent directory, or an empty <see cref="T:System.String"/> if 
2505             <paramref name="path"/> is the root directory, including the root 
2506             of a UNC server or share name.
2507             </returns>
2508             <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">The directory specified by <paramref name="path"/> is read-only.</exception>
2509             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="path"/> is a zero-length string, contains only white space, or contains one or more invalid characters.</exception>
2510             <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.</exception>
2511             <exception cref="T:System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException">The specified path was not found.</exception>
2512             <example>
2513               <para>
2514               Copy "readme.txt" from the current working directory to 
2515               its parent directory.
2516               </para>
2517               <code>
2518                 <![CDATA[
2519             <property name="current.dir" value="${directory::get-current-directory()}" />
2520             <property name="current.dir.parent" value="${directory::get-parent-directory(current.dir)}" />
2521             <copy file="${path::combine(current.dir, 'readme.txt')} todir="${current.dir.parent}" />
2522                 ]]>
2523               </code>
2524             </example>
2525         </member>
2526         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DirectoryFunctions.GetDirectoryRoot(System.String)">
2527             <summary>
2528             Returns the volume information, root information, or both for the 
2529             specified path.
2530             </summary>
2531             <param name="path">The path for which to retrieve the parent directory.</param>
2532             <returns>
2533             A string containing the volume information, root information, or 
2534             both for the specified path.
2535             </returns>
2536             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="path"/> is a zero-length string, contains only white space, or contains one or more invalid characters.</exception>
2537             <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.</exception>
2538         </member>
2539         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DirectoryFunctions.Exists(System.String)">
2540             <summary>
2541             Determines whether the given path refers to an existing directory 
2542             on disk.
2543             </summary>
2544             <param name="path">The path to test.</param>
2545             <returns>
2546             <see langword="true" /> if <paramref name="path" /> refers to an
2547             existing directory; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
2548             </returns>
2549             <example>
2550               <para>Remove directory "test", if it exists.</para>
2551               <code>
2552                 <![CDATA[
2553             <delete dir="test" if="${directory::exists('test')}" />
2554                 ]]>
2555               </code>
2556             </example>
2557         </member>
2558         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Functions.DnsFunctions">
2559             <summary>
2560             Functions for requesting information from DNS.
2561             </summary>
2562         </member>
2563         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DnsFunctions.GetHostName">
2564             <summary>
2565             Gets the host name of the local computer.
2566             </summary>
2567             <returns>
2568             A string that contains the DNS host name of the local computer. 
2569             </returns>
2570             <exception cref="T:System.Net.Sockets.SocketException">An error is encountered when resolving the local host name.</exception>
2571         </member>
2572         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DoubleConversionFunctions.Parse(System.String)">
2573             <summary>
2574             Converts the specified string representation of a number to its 
2575             double-precision floating point number equivalent.
2576             </summary>
2577             <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert.</param>
2578             <returns>
2579             A double-precision floating point number equivalent to the numeric 
2580             value or symbol specified in <paramref name="s"/>.
2581             </returns>
2582             <exception cref="T:System.FormatException"><paramref name="s"/> is not a number in a valid format.</exception>
2583             <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException"><paramref name="s"/> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Double.MinValue"/> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Double.MaxValue"/>.</exception>
2584             <remarks>
2585             The <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo"/> for the invariant culture is 
2586             used to supply formatting information about <paramref name="s"/>.
2587             </remarks>
2588         </member>
2589         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DoubleConversionFunctions.ToString(System.Double)">
2590             <summary>
2591             Converts the specified <see cref="T:System.Double"/> to its equivalent 
2592             string representation.
2593             </summary>
2594             <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.Double"/> to convert.</param>
2595             <returns>
2596             The string representation of <paramref name="value"/> formatted
2597             using the general format specifier ("G").
2598             </returns>
2599             <remarks>
2600             <paramref name="value"/> is formatted with the 
2601             <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo"/> for the invariant culture.
2602             </remarks>
2603         </member>
2604         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Functions.EnvironmentFunctions">
2605             <summary>
2606             Provide information about the current environment and platform.
2607             </summary>
2608         </member>
2609         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.EnvironmentFunctions.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder)">
2610             <summary>
2611             Gets the path to the system special folder identified by the 
2612             specified enumeration.
2613             </summary>
2614             <param name="folder">An enumerated constant that identifies a system special folder.</param>
2615             <returns>
2616             The path to the specified system special folder, if that folder 
2617             physically exists on your computer; otherwise, the empty string ("").
2618             </returns>
2619             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="folder"/> is not a member of <see cref="T:System.Environment.SpecialFolder"/>.</exception>
2620             <example>
2621               <para>
2622               Copy "out.log" from the project base directory to the
2623               program files directory.
2624               </para>
2625               <code>
2626                 <![CDATA[
2627             <copy file="out.log" todir="${environment::get-folder-path('ProgramFiles')}" />
2628                 ]]>
2629               </code>
2630             </example>
2631         </member>
2632         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.EnvironmentFunctions.GetMachineName">
2633             <summary>
2634             Gets the NetBIOS name of this local computer.
2635             </summary>
2636             <returns>
2637             The NetBIOS name of this local computer.
2638             </returns>
2639             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The name of this computer cannot be obtained.</exception>
2640         </member>
2641         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.EnvironmentFunctions.GetOperatingSystem">
2642             <summary>
2643             Gets an <see cref="T:System.OperatingSystem"/> object that represents the 
2644             current operating system.
2645             </summary>
2646             <returns>
2647             An <see cref="T:System.OperatingSystem"/> object that contains the current 
2648             platform identifier and version number.
2649             </returns>
2650             <example>
2651               <para>
2652               Output string representation of the current operating system.
2653               </para>
2654               <code>
2655                 <![CDATA[
2656             <echo message="OS=${operating-system::to-string(environment::get-operating-system())}" />
2657                 ]]>
2658               </code>
2659               <para>If the operating system is Windows 2000, the output is:</para>
2660               <code>
2661             Microsoft Windows NT 5.0.2195.0
2662               </code>
2663             </example>
2664             <seealso cref="T:NAnt.Core.Functions.OperatingSystemFunctions"/>
2665         </member>
2666         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.EnvironmentFunctions.GetUserName">
2667             <summary>
2668             Gets the user name of the person who started the current thread.
2669             </summary>
2670             <returns>
2671             The name of the person logged on to the system who started the 
2672             current thread.
2673             </returns>
2674             <example>
2675               <para>
2676               Modify the home directory of the current user on unix-based systems.
2677               </para>
2678               <code>
2679                 <![CDATA[
2680             <exec program="usermod">
2681                 <arg value="-d" />
2682                 <arg value="/home/temp" />
2683                 <arg value="${environment::get-user-name()}" />
2684             </exec>
2685                 ]]>
2686               </code>
2687             </example>
2688         </member>
2689         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.EnvironmentFunctions.GetVariable(System.String)">
2690             <summary>
2691             Returns the value of the specified environment variable.
2692             </summary>
2693             <param name="name">The environment variable of which the value should be returned.</param>
2694             <returns>
2695             The value of the specified environment variable.
2696             </returns>
2697             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Environment variable <paramref name="name"/> does not exist.</exception>
2698         </member>
2699         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.EnvironmentFunctions.VariableExists(System.String)">
2700             <summary>
2701             Gets a value indicating whether the specified environment variable
2702             exists.
2703             </summary>
2704             <param name="name">The environment variable that should be checked.</param>
2705             <returns>
2706             <see langword="true" /> if the environment variable exists; otherwise,
2707             <see langword="false" />.
2708             </returns>
2709             <example>
2710               <para>
2711               Execute a set of tasks only if the &quot;BUILD_DEBUG&quot; environment
2712               variable is set.
2713               </para>
2714               <code>
2715                 <![CDATA[
2716             <if test="${environment::variable-exists('BUILD_DEBUG')}">
2717                 ...
2718             </if>
2719                 ]]>
2720               </code>
2721             </example>
2722         </member>
2723         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.EnvironmentFunctions.GetVersion">
2724             <summary>
2725             Gets a <see cref="T:System.Version"/> object that describes the major, 
2726             minor, build, and revision numbers of the Common Language Runtime.
2727             </summary>
2728             <returns>
2729             A Version object.
2730             </returns>
2731             <example>
2732               <para>Output the major version of the CLR.</para>
2733               <code>
2734                 <![CDATA[
2735             <echo message="Major version=${version::get-major(environment::get-version())}" />
2736                 ]]>
2737               </code>
2738             </example>
2739         </member>
2740         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Functions.FileFunctions">
2741             <summary>
2742             Groups a set of functions for dealing with files.
2743             </summary>
2744         </member>
2745         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FileFunctions.GetCreationTime(System.String)">
2746             <summary>
2747             Returns the creation date and time of the specified file.
2748             </summary>
2749             <param name="path">The file for which to obtain creation date and time information.</param>
2750             <returns>
2751             The creation date and time of the specified file.
2752             </returns>
2753             <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">The specified file does not exist.</exception>
2754             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="path"/> is a zero-length string, contains only white space, or contains one or more invalid characters.</exception>
2755             <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.</exception>
2756             <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <paramref name="path"/> parameter is in an invalid format.</exception>
2757         </member>
2758         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FileFunctions.GetLastWriteTime(System.String)">
2759             <summary>
2760             Returns the date and time the specified file was last written to.
2761             </summary>
2762             <param name="path">The file for which to obtain write date and time information.</param>
2763             <returns>
2764             The date and time the specified file was last written to.
2765             </returns>
2766             <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">The specified file does not exist.</exception>
2767             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="path"/> is a zero-length string, contains only white space, or contains one or more invalid characters.</exception>
2768             <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.</exception>
2769         </member>
2770         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FileFunctions.GetLastAccessTime(System.String)">
2771             <summary>
2772             Returns the date and time the specified file was last accessed.
2773             </summary>
2774             <param name="path">The file for which to obtain access date and time information.</param>
2775             <returns>
2776             The date and time the specified file was last accessed.
2777             </returns>
2778             <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">The specified file does not exist.</exception>
2779             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="path"/> is a zero-length string, contains only white space, or contains one or more invalid characters.</exception>
2780             <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.</exception>
2781             <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <paramref name="path"/> parameter is in an invalid format.</exception>
2782         </member>
2783         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FileFunctions.Exists(System.String)">
2784             <summary>
2785             Determines whether the specified file exists.
2786             </summary>
2787             <param name="file">The file to check.</param>
2788             <returns>
2789             <see langword="true" /> if <paramref name="file" /> refers to an 
2790             existing file; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
2791             </returns>
2792             <example>
2793               <para>Execute a set of tasks, if file "output.xml" does not exist.</para>
2794               <code>
2795                 <![CDATA[
2796             <if test="${not file::exists('output.xml')}">
2797                 ...
2798             </if>
2799                 ]]>
2800               </code>
2801             </example>
2802         </member>
2803         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FileFunctions.UpToDate(System.String,System.String)">
2804             <summary>
2805             Determines whether <paramref name="targetFile"/> is more or equal 
2806             up-to-date than <paramref name="srcFile"/>.
2807             </summary>
2808             <param name="srcFile">The file to check against the target file.</param>
2809             <param name="targetFile">The file for which we want to determine the status.</param>
2810             <returns>
2811             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="targetFile"/> is more 
2812             or equal up-to-date than <paramref name="srcFile"/>; otherwise,
2813             <see langword="false"/>.
2814             </returns>
2815             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="srcFile"/> or <paramref name="targetFile"/> is a zero-length string, contains only white space, or contains one or more invalid characters.</exception>
2816             <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">The specified path, file name, or both of either <paramref name="srcFile"/> or <paramref name="targetFile"/> exceed the system-defined maximum length.</exception>
2817         </member>
2818         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FileFunctions.GetLength(System.String)">
2819             <summary>
2820             Gets the length of the file.
2821             </summary>
2822             <param name="file">filename</param>
2823             <returns>
2824             Length in bytes, of the file named <paramref name="file"/>.
2825             </returns>
2826             <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException">The file specified cannot be found.</exception>
2827         </member>
2828         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FileFunctions.IsAssembly(System.String)">
2829             <summary>
2830             Checks if a given file is an assembly.
2831             </summary>
2832             <param name="assemblyFile">The name or path of the file to be checked.</param>
2833             <returns>True if the file is a valid assembly, false if it's not or if the assembly seems corrupted (invalid headers or metadata).</returns>
2834             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="assemblyFile"/> is a null <see cref="T:System.String"/>.</exception>
2835             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="assemblyFile"/> is an empty <see cref="T:System.String"/>.</exception>
2836             <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException"><paramref name="assemblyFile"/> is not found, or the file you are trying to check does not specify a filename extension.</exception>
2837             <exception cref="T:System.Security.SecurityException">The caller does not have path discovery permission.</exception>
2838         </member>
2839         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Functions.FileVersionInfoFunctions">
2840             <summary>
2841             Functions that provide version information for a physical file on disk.
2842             </summary>
2843         </member>
2844         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FileVersionInfoFunctions.GetVersionInfo(System.String)">
2845             <summary>
2846             Returns a <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo"/> representing the version 
2847             information associated with the specified file.
2848             </summary>
2849             <param name="fileName">The file to retrieve the version information for.</param>
2850             <returns>
2851             A <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo"/> containing information about the file.
2852             </returns>
2853             <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException">The file specified cannot be found.</exception>
2854         </member>
2855         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FileVersionInfoFunctions.GetCompanyName(System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo)">
2856             <summary>
2857             Gets the name of the company that produced the file.
2858             </summary>
2859             <param name="fileVersionInfo">A <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo"/> instance containing version information about a file.</param>
2860             <returns>
2861             The name of the company that produced the file.
2862             </returns>
2863         </member>
2864         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FileVersionInfoFunctions.GetFileVersion(System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo)">
2865             <summary>
2866             Gets the file version of a file.
2867             </summary>
2868             <param name="fileVersionInfo">A <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo"/> instance containing version information about a file.</param>
2869             <returns>
2870             The file version of a file.
2871             </returns>
2872             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Functions.VersionFunctions"/>
2873         </member>
2874         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FileVersionInfoFunctions.GetProductName(System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo)">
2875             <summary>
2876             Gets the name of the product the file is distributed with.
2877             </summary>
2878             <param name="fileVersionInfo">A <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo"/> instance containing version information about a file.</param>
2879             <returns>
2880             The name of the product the file is distributed with.
2881             </returns>
2882         </member>
2883         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FileVersionInfoFunctions.GetProductVersion(System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo)">
2884             <summary>
2885             Gets the product version of a file.
2886             </summary>
2887             <param name="fileVersionInfo">A <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo"/> instance containing version information about a file.</param>
2888             <returns>
2889             The product version of a file.
2890             </returns>
2891             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Functions.VersionFunctions"/>
2892         </member>
2893         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.Exists(System.String)">
2894             <summary>
2895             Checks whether the specified framework exists, and is valid.
2896             </summary>
2897             <param name="framework">The framework to test.</param>
2898             <returns>
2899             <see langword="true" /> if the specified framework exists ; otherwise,
2900             <see langword="false" />.
2901             </returns>
2902         </member>
2903         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.SdkExists(System.String)">
2904             <summary>
2905             Checks whether the SDK for the specified framework is installed.
2906             </summary>
2907             <param name="framework">The framework to test.</param>
2908             <returns>
2909             <see langword="true"/> if the SDK for specified framework is installed; 
2910             otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
2911             </returns>
2912             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetRuntimeFramework"/>
2913             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetTargetFramework"/>
2914         </member>
2915         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetTargetFramework">
2916             <summary>
2917             Gets the identifier of the current target framework.
2918             </summary>
2919             <returns>
2920             The identifier of the current target framework.
2921             </returns>
2922         </member>
2923         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetRuntimeFramework">
2924             <summary>
2925             Gets the identifier of the runtime framework.
2926             </summary>
2927             <returns>
2928             The identifier of the runtime framework.
2929             </returns>
2930         </member>
2931         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetFamily(System.String)">
2932             <summary>
2933             Gets the family of the specified framework.
2934             </summary>
2935             <param name="framework">The framework of which the family should be returned.</param>
2936             <returns>
2937             The family of the specified framework.
2938             </returns>
2939             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="framework"/> is not a valid framework identifier.</exception>
2940             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetRuntimeFramework"/>
2941             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetTargetFramework"/>
2942         </member>
2943         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetVersion">
2944             <summary>
2945             Gets the version of the current target framework.
2946             </summary>
2947             <returns>
2948             The version of the current target framework.
2949             </returns>
2950             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetTargetFramework"/>
2951         </member>
2952         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetVersion(System.String)">
2953             <summary>
2954             Gets the version of the specified framework.
2955             </summary>
2956             <param name="framework">The framework of which the version should be returned.</param>
2957             <returns>
2958             The version of the specified framework.
2959             </returns>
2960             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="framework"/> is not a valid framework identifier.</exception>
2961             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetRuntimeFramework"/>
2962             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetTargetFramework"/>
2963         </member>
2964         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetDescription">
2965             <summary>
2966             Gets the description of the current target framework.
2967             </summary>
2968             <returns>
2969             The description of the current target framework.
2970             </returns>
2971             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetTargetFramework"/>
2972         </member>
2973         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetDescription(System.String)">
2974             <summary>
2975             Gets the description of the specified framework.
2976             </summary>
2977             <param name="framework">The framework of which the description should be returned.</param>
2978             <returns>
2979             The description of the specified framework.
2980             </returns>
2981             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="framework"/> is not a valid framework identifier.</exception>
2982             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetRuntimeFramework"/>
2983             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetTargetFramework"/>
2984         </member>
2985         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetClrVersion">
2986             <summary>
2987             Gets the Common Language Runtime version of the current target
2988             framework.
2989             </summary>
2990             <returns>
2991             The Common Language Runtime version of the current target framework.
2992             </returns>
2993             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetTargetFramework"/>
2994         </member>
2995         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetClrVersion(System.String)">
2996             <summary>
2997             Gets the Common Language Runtime version of the specified framework.
2998             </summary>
2999             <param name="framework">The framework of which the Common Language Runtime version should be returned.</param>
3000             <returns>
3001             The Common Language Runtime version of the specified framework.
3002             </returns>
3003             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="framework"/> is not a valid framework identifier.</exception>
3004             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetRuntimeFramework"/>
3005             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetTargetFramework"/>
3006         </member>
3007         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetFrameworkDirectory(System.String)">
3008             <summary>
3009             Gets the framework directory of the specified framework.
3010             </summary>
3011             <param name="framework">The framework of which the framework directory should be returned.</param>
3012             <returns>
3013             The framework directory of the specified framework.
3014             </returns>
3015             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="framework"/> is not a valid framework identifier.</exception>
3016             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetRuntimeFramework"/>
3017             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetTargetFramework"/>
3018         </member>
3019         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetAssemblyDirectory(System.String)">
3020             <summary>
3021             Gets the assembly directory of the specified framework.
3022             </summary>
3023             <param name="framework">The framework of which the assembly directory should be returned.</param>
3024             <returns>
3025             The assembly directory of the specified framework.
3026             </returns>
3027             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="framework"/> is not a valid framework identifier.</exception>
3028             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetRuntimeFramework"/>
3029             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetTargetFramework"/>
3030         </member>
3031         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetSdkDirectory(System.String)">
3032             <summary>
3033             Gets the SDK directory of the specified framework.
3034             </summary>
3035             <param name="framework">The framework of which the SDK directory should be returned.</param>
3036             <returns>
3037             The SDK directory of the specified framework, or an empty 
3038             <see cref="T:System.String"/> if the SDK of the specified framework is not 
3039             installed.
3040             </returns>
3041             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="framework"/> is not a valid framework identifier.</exception>
3042             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetRuntimeFramework"/>
3043             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetTargetFramework"/>
3044         </member>
3045         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetToolPath(System.String)">
3046             <summary>
3047             Gets the absolute path of the specified tool for the current
3048             target framework.
3049             </summary>
3050             <param name="tool">The file name of the tool to search for.</param>
3051             <returns>
3052             The absolute path to <paramref name="tool"/> if found in one of the
3053             configured tool paths; otherwise, an error is reported.
3054             </returns>
3055             <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException"><paramref name="tool"/> could not be found in the configured tool paths.</exception>
3056             <remarks>
3057               <para>
3058               The configured tool paths are scanned in the order in which they
3059               are defined in the framework configuration.
3060               </para>
3061               <para>
3062               The file name of the tool to search should include the extension.
3063               </para>
3064             </remarks>
3065             <example>
3066               <para>Use <b>gacutil</b> to install an assembly in the GAC.</para>
3067               <code>
3068                 <![CDATA[
3069             <exec program="${framework::get-tool-path('gacutil.exe')}" managed="strict">
3070                 <arg value="/i" />
3071                 <arg file="Cegeka.HealthFramework.dll" />
3072             </exec>
3073                 ]]>
3074               </code>
3075             </example>
3076         </member>
3077         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetRuntimeEngine(System.String)">
3078             <summary>
3079             Gets the runtime engine of the specified framework.
3080             </summary>
3081             <param name="framework">The framework of which the runtime engine should be returned.</param>
3082             <returns>
3083             The full path to the runtime engine of the specified framework, or
3084             an empty <see cref="T:System.String"/> if no runtime engine is defined
3085             for the specified framework.
3086             </returns>
3087             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="framework"/> is not a valid framework identifier.</exception>
3088             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetRuntimeFramework"/>
3089             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetTargetFramework"/>
3090         </member>
3091         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetFrameworks(NAnt.Core.FrameworkTypes)">
3092             <summary>
3093             Gets a comma-separated list of frameworks filtered by the specified
3094             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.FrameworkTypes"/>.
3095             </summary>
3096             <param name="types">A bitwise combination of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.FrameworkTypes"/> values that filter the frameworks to retrieve.</param>
3097             <returns>
3098             A comma-separated list of frameworks filtered by the specified
3099             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.FrameworkTypes"/>, sorted on name.
3100             </returns>
3101             <example>
3102               <para>
3103               Define a <b>build-all</b> target that executes the <b>build</b>
3104               target once for each installed framework targeting compact
3105               devices.
3106               </para>
3107               <code>
3108                 <![CDATA[
3109             <target name="build-all">
3110                 <foreach item="String" in="${framework::get-frameworks('installed compact')}" delim="," property="framework">
3111                     <property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="${framework}" />
3112                     <call target="build" />
3113                 </foreach>
3114             </target>
3116             <target name="build">
3117                 ...
3118             </target>
3119                 ]]>
3120               </code>
3121             </example>
3122         </member>
3123         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.GetFramework(System.String)">
3124             <summary>
3125             Checks whether the specified framework is valid.
3126             </summary>
3127             <param name="framework">The framework to check.</param>
3128             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="framework"/> is not a valid framework identifier.</exception>
3129         </member>
3130         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.Int32ConversionFunctions.Parse(System.String)">
3131             <summary>
3132             Converts the specified string representation of a number to its 
3133             32-bit signed integer equivalent.
3134             </summary>
3135             <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert.</param>
3136             <returns>
3137             A 32-bit signed integer equivalent to the number contained in 
3138             <paramref name="s"/>.
3139             </returns>
3140             <exception cref="T:System.FormatException"><paramref name="s"/> is not of the correct format.</exception>
3141             <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException"><paramref name="s"/> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MinValue"/> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue"/>.</exception>
3142             <remarks>
3143             The <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo"/> for the invariant culture is 
3144             used to supply formatting information about <paramref name="s"/>.
3145             </remarks>
3146         </member>
3147         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.Int32ConversionFunctions.ToString(System.Int32)">
3148             <summary>
3149             Converts the specified <see cref="T:System.Int32"/> to its equivalent string
3150             representation.
3151             </summary>
3152             <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.Int32"/> to convert.</param>
3153             <returns>
3154             The string representation of <paramref name="value"/>, consisting 
3155             of a negative sign if the value is negative, and a sequence of 
3156             digits ranging from 0 to 9 with no leading zeroes.
3157             </returns>
3158             <remarks>
3159             <paramref name="value"/> is formatted with the 
3160             <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo"/> for the invariant culture.
3161             </remarks>
3162         </member>
3163         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.Int64ConversionFunctions.Parse(System.String)">
3164             <summary>
3165             Converts the specified string representation of a number to its 
3166             64-bit signed integer equivalent.
3167             </summary>
3168             <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert.</param>
3169             <returns>
3170             A 64-bit signed integer equivalent to the number contained in 
3171             <paramref name="s"/>.
3172             </returns>
3173             <exception cref="T:System.FormatException"><paramref name="s"/> is not of the correct format.</exception>
3174             <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException"><paramref name="s"/> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Int64.MinValue"/> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int64.MaxValue"/>.</exception>
3175             <remarks>
3176             The <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo"/> for the invariant culture is 
3177             used to supply formatting information about <paramref name="s"/>.
3178             </remarks>
3179         </member>
3180         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.Int64ConversionFunctions.ToString(System.Int64)">
3181             <summary>
3182             Converts the specified <see cref="T:System.Int64"/> to its equivalent string
3183             representation.
3184             </summary>
3185             <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.Int64"/> to convert.</param>
3186             <returns>
3187             The string representation of <paramref name="value"/>, consisting 
3188             of a negative sign if the value is negative, and a sequence of 
3189             digits ranging from 0 to 9 with no leading zeroes.
3190             </returns>
3191             <remarks>
3192             <paramref name="value"/> is formatted with the 
3193             <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo"/> for the invariant culture.
3194             </remarks>
3195         </member>
3196         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.MathFunctions.Round(System.Double)">
3197             <summary>
3198             Rounds the value to the nearest whole number
3199             </summary>
3200             <param name="value">Number to be rounded, can be anything convertible to a double.</param>
3201             <returns>
3202             Rounded value.
3203             </returns>
3204         </member>
3205         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.MathFunctions.Floor(System.Double)">
3206             <summary>
3207             Returns the largest whole number less than or equal to the specified 
3208             number.
3209             </summary>
3210             <param name="value">value to be , can be anything convertible to a double</param>
3211             <returns>
3212             The largest whole number less than or equal to the specified number.
3213             </returns>
3214         </member>
3215         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.MathFunctions.Ceiling(System.Double)">
3216             <summary>
3217             Returns the smallest whole number greater than or equal to the specified number
3218             </summary>
3219             <param name="value">value</param>
3220             <returns>
3221             The smallest whole number greater than or equal to the specified number.
3222             </returns>
3223         </member>
3224         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.MathFunctions.Abs(System.Double)">
3225             <summary>
3226             Returns the absolute value of the specified number
3227             </summary>
3228             <param name="value">value to take the absolute value from</param>
3229             <returns>
3230             <paramref name="value" /> when <paramref name="value" /> is greater 
3231             than or equal to zero; otherwise, -<paramref name="value" />.
3232             </returns>
3233         </member>
3234         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.NAntFunctions.GetBaseDirectory">
3235             <summary>
3236             Gets the base directory of the appdomain in which NAnt is running.
3237             </summary>
3238             <returns>
3239             The base directory of the appdomain in which NAnt is running.
3240             </returns>
3241         </member>
3242         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.NAntFunctions.GetAssembly">
3243             <summary>
3244             Gets the NAnt assembly.
3245             </summary>
3246             <returns>
3247             The NAnt assembly.
3248             </returns>
3249         </member>
3250         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.NAntFunctions.ScanProbingPaths(System.String)">
3251             <summary>
3252             Searches the probing paths of the current target framework for the
3253             specified file.
3254             </summary>
3255             <param name="fileName">The name of the file to search for.</param>
3256             <returns>
3257             The absolute path to <paramref name="fileName"/> if found in one of the
3258             configured probing; otherwise, an error is reported.
3259             </returns>
3260             <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException"><paramref name="fileName"/> could not be found in the configured probing paths.</exception>
3261             <remarks>
3262               <para>
3263               The (relative) probing paths are resolved relative to the base
3264               directory of the appdomain in which NAnt is running.
3265               </para>
3266               <para>
3267               The configured probing paths are scanned recursively in the order
3268               in which they are defined in the framework configuration.
3269               </para>
3270               <para>
3271               The file name to search should include the extension.
3272               </para>
3273             </remarks>
3274             <example>
3275               <para>
3276               Compile an assembly referencing the <c>nunit.framework</c> assembly
3277               for the current target framework that is shipped as part of the
3278               NAnt distribution.
3279               </para>
3280               <code>
3281                 <![CDATA[
3282             <csc target="library" output="NAnt.Core.Tests.dll">
3283                 <sources basedir="NAnt.Core">
3284                     <include name="**/*.cs" />
3285                 </sources>
3286                 <references>
3287                     <include name="NAnt.Core.dll" />
3288                     <include name="${framework::get-lib-path('nunit.framework.dll')}" />
3289                 </references>
3290             </csc>
3291                 ]]>
3292               </code>
3293             </example>
3294         </member>
3295         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.NAntFunctions.ScanProbingPaths(System.String,System.String)">
3296             <summary>
3297             Searches the probing paths of the current target framework for the
3298             specified file.
3299             </summary>
3300             <param name="baseDirectory">The directory to use a base directory for the probing paths.</param>
3301             <param name="fileName">The name of the file to search for.</param>
3302             <returns>
3303             The absolute path to <paramref name="fileName"/> if found in one of the
3304             configured probing; otherwise, an error is reported.
3305             </returns>
3306             <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException"><paramref name="fileName"/> could not be found in the configured probing paths.</exception>
3307             <remarks>
3308               <para>
3309               The (relative) probing paths are resolved relative to the specified
3310               base directory.
3311               </para>
3312               <para>
3313               The configured probing paths are scanned recursively in the order
3314               in which they are defined in the framework configuration.
3315               </para>
3316               <para>
3317               The file name to search should include the extension.
3318               </para>
3319             </remarks>
3320             <example>
3321               <para>
3322               Compile an assembly referencing the <c>nunit.framework</c> assembly
3323               for the current target framework that is shipped as part of the
3324               NAnt distribution.
3325               </para>
3326               <code>
3327                 <![CDATA[
3328             <csc target="library" output="NAnt.Core.Tests.dll">
3329                 <sources basedir="NAnt.Core">
3330                     <include name="**/*.cs" />
3331                 </sources>
3332                 <references>
3333                     <include name="NAnt.Core.dll" />
3334                     <include name="${framework::get-lib-path('nunit.framework.dll')}" />
3335                 </references>
3336             </csc>
3337                 ]]>
3338               </code>
3339             </example>
3340         </member>
3341         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.ProjectFunctions.GetName">
3342             <summary>
3343             Gets the name of the current project.
3344             </summary>
3345             <returns>
3346             The name of the current project, or an empty <see cref="T:System.String"/>
3347             if no name is specified in the build file.
3348             </returns>
3349         </member>
3350         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.ProjectFunctions.GetBuildFileUri">
3351             <summary>
3352             Gets the <see cref="T:System.Uri"/> form of the build file.
3353             </summary>
3354             <returns>
3355             The <see cref="T:System.Uri"/> form of the build file, or 
3356             an empty <see cref="T:System.String"/> if the project is not file backed.
3357             </returns>
3358         </member>
3359         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.ProjectFunctions.GetBuildFilePath">
3360             <summary>
3361             Gets the local path to the build file.
3362             </summary>
3363             <returns>
3364             The local path of the build file, or an empty <see cref="T:System.String"/>
3365             if the project is not file backed.
3366             </returns>
3367         </member>
3368         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.ProjectFunctions.GetDefaultTarget">
3369             <summary>
3370             Gets the name of the target that will be executed when no other 
3371             build targets are specified.
3372             </summary>
3373             <returns>
3374             The name of the target that will be executed when no other build
3375             targets are specified, or an empty <see cref="T:System.String"/> if no
3376             default target is defined for the project.
3377             </returns>
3378         </member>
3379         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.ProjectFunctions.GetBaseDirectory">
3380             <summary>
3381             Gets the base directory of the current project.
3382             </summary>
3383             <returns>
3384             The base directory of the current project.
3385             </returns>
3386         </member>
3387         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TargetFunctions.Exists(System.String)">
3388             <summary>
3389             Checks whether the specified target exists.
3390             </summary>
3391             <param name="name">The target to test.</param>
3392             <returns>
3393             <see langword="true" /> if the specified target exists; otherwise,
3394             <see langword="false" />.
3395             </returns>
3396             <example>
3397               <para>
3398               Execute target &quot;clean&quot;, if it exists.
3399               </para>
3400               <code>
3401                 <![CDATA[
3402             <if test="${target::exists('clean')}">
3403                 <call target="clean" />
3404             </if>
3405                 ]]>
3406               </code>
3407             </example>
3408         </member>
3409         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TargetFunctions.GetCurrentTarget">
3410             <summary>
3411             Gets the name of the target being executed.
3412             </summary>
3413             <returns>
3414             A <see cref="T:System.String"/> that contains the name of the target
3415             being executed.
3416             </returns>
3417             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">No target is being executed.</exception>
3418         </member>
3419         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TargetFunctions.HasExecuted(System.String)">
3420             <summary>
3421             Checks whether the specified target has already been executed.
3422             </summary>
3423             <param name="name">The target to test.</param>
3424             <returns>
3425             <see langword="true"/> if the specified target has already been 
3426             executed; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
3427             </returns>
3428             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Target <paramref name="name"/> does not exist.</exception>
3429         </member>
3430         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TaskFunctions.Exists(System.String)">
3431             <summary>
3432             Checks whether the specified task exists.
3433             </summary>
3434             <param name="name">The task to test.</param>
3435             <returns>
3436             <see langword="true" /> if the specified task exists; otherwise,
3437             <see langword="false" />.
3438             </returns>
3439         </member>
3440         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TaskFunctions.GetAssembly(System.String)">
3441             <summary>
3442             Returns the <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Assembly"/> from which the specified task
3443             was loaded.
3444             </summary>
3445             <param name="name">The name of the task to get the <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Assembly"/> of.</param>
3446             <returns>
3447             The <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Assembly"/> from which the specified task was loaded.
3448             </returns>
3449             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Task <paramref name="name"/> is not available.</exception>
3450         </member>
3451         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PropertyFunctions.Exists(System.String)">
3452             <summary>
3453             Checks whether the specified property exists.
3454             </summary>
3455             <param name="name">The property to test.</param>
3456             <returns>
3457             <see langword="true" /> if the specified property exists; otherwise,
3458             <see langword="false" />.
3459             </returns>
3460             <example>
3461               <para>
3462               Execute a set of tasks if the &quot;build.debug&quot; property
3463               exists.
3464               </para>
3465               <code>
3466                 <![CDATA[
3467             <if test="${property::exists('build.debug')}">
3468                 <echo message="Starting debug build" />
3469                 <call target="init-debug" />
3470                 <call target="build" />
3471             </if>
3472                 ]]>
3473               </code>
3474             </example>
3475         </member>
3476         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PropertyFunctions.IsReadOnly(System.String)">
3477             <summary>
3478             Checks whether the specified property is read-only.
3479             </summary>
3480             <param name="name">The property to test.</param>
3481             <returns>
3482             <see langword="true"/> if the specified property is read-only; 
3483             otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
3484             </returns>
3485             <example>
3486               <para>Check whether the "debug" property is read-only.</para>
3487               <code>property::is-readonly('debug')</code>
3488             </example>
3489             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Property <paramref name="name"/> has not been set.</exception>
3490         </member>
3491         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PropertyFunctions.IsDynamic(System.String)">
3492             <summary>
3493             Checks whether the specified property is a dynamic property.
3494             </summary>
3495             <param name="name">The property to test.</param>
3496             <returns>
3497             <see langword="true"/> if the specified property is a dynamic
3498             property; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
3499             </returns>
3500             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Property <paramref name="name"/> has not been set.</exception>
3501             <example>
3502               <para>
3503               Check whether the "debug" property is a dynamic property.
3504               </para>
3505               <code>property::is-dynamic('debug')</code>
3506             </example>
3507         </member>
3508         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PlatformFunctions.GetName">
3509             <summary>
3510             Gets the name of the platform on which NAnt is running.
3511             </summary>
3512             <returns>
3513             The name of the platform on which NAnt is running.
3514             </returns>
3515         </member>
3516         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PlatformFunctions.IsWin32">
3517             <summary>
3518             Checks whether NAnt is running on Windows (and not just 32-bit Windows
3519             as the name may lead you to believe).
3520             </summary>
3521             <returns>
3522             <see langword="true" /> if NAnt is running on Windows;
3523             otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
3524             </returns>
3525         </member>
3526         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PlatformFunctions.IsWindows">
3527             <summary>
3528             Checks whether NAnt is running on Windows.
3529             </summary>
3530             <returns>
3531             <see langword="true" /> if NAnt is running on Windows;
3532             otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
3533             </returns>
3534         </member>
3535         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PlatformFunctions.IsUnix">
3536             <summary>
3537             Checks whether NAnt is running on Unix.
3538             </summary>
3539             <returns>
3540             <see langword="true" /> if NAnt is running on Unix;
3541             otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
3542             </returns>
3543         </member>
3544         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Functions.OperatingSystemFunctions">
3545             <summary>
3546             Functions that return information about an operating system.
3547             </summary>
3548         </member>
3549         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.OperatingSystemFunctions.GetPlatform(System.OperatingSystem)">
3550             <summary>
3551             Gets a <see cref="T:System.PlatformID"/> value that identifies the operating 
3552             system platform.
3553             </summary>
3554             <param name="operatingSystem">The operating system.</param>
3555             <returns>
3556             <see cref="T:System.PlatformID"/> value that identifies the operating system
3557             platform.
3558             </returns>
3559             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.EnvironmentFunctions.GetOperatingSystem"/>
3560         </member>
3561         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.OperatingSystemFunctions.GetVersion(System.OperatingSystem)">
3562             <summary>
3563             Gets a <see cref="T:System.Version"/> object that identifies this operating
3564             system.
3565             </summary>
3566             <param name="operatingSystem">The operating system.</param>
3567             <returns>
3568             A <see cref="T:System.Version"/> object that describes the major version, 
3569             minor version, build, and revision of the operating system.
3570             </returns>
3571             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.EnvironmentFunctions.GetOperatingSystem"/>
3572         </member>
3573         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.OperatingSystemFunctions.ToString(System.OperatingSystem)">
3574             <summary>
3575             Converts the value of the specified operating system to its equivalent
3576             <see cref="T:System.String"/> representation.
3577             </summary>
3578             <param name="operatingSystem">The operating system.</param>
3579             <returns>
3580             The <see cref="T:System.String"/> representation of 
3581             <paramref name="operatingSystem"/>.
3582             </returns>
3583             <example>
3584               <para>
3585               Output string representation of the current operating system.
3586               </para>
3587               <code>
3588                 <![CDATA[
3589             <echo message="OS=${operating-system::to-string(environment::get-operating-system())}" />
3590                 ]]>
3591               </code>
3592               <para>If the operating system is Windows 2000, the output is:</para>
3593               <code>
3594             Microsoft Windows NT 5.0.2195.0
3595               </code>
3596             </example>
3597             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.EnvironmentFunctions.GetOperatingSystem"/>
3598         </member>
3599         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PathFunctions.GetFullPath(System.String)">
3600             <summary>
3601             Returns the fully qualified path.
3602             </summary>
3603             <param name="path">The file or directory for which to obtain absolute path information.</param>
3604             <returns>
3605             A string containing the fully qualified location of <paramref name="path"/>,
3606             such as "C:\MyFile.txt".
3607             </returns>
3608             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="path"/> is a zero-length string, contains only white space, or contains one or more invalid characters.</exception>
3609             <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException"><paramref name="path"/> contains a colon (":").</exception>
3610             <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.</exception>
3611         </member>
3612         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PathFunctions.Combine(System.String,System.String)">
3613             <summary>
3614             Combines two paths.
3615             </summary>
3616             <param name="path1">first path</param>
3617             <param name="path2">second path</param>
3618             <returns>
3619             A string containing the combined paths. If one of the specified paths 
3620             is a zero-length string, this method returns the other path. If 
3621             <paramref name="path2"/> contains an absolute path, this method 
3622             returns <paramref name="path2"/>.
3623             </returns>
3624             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="path1"/> or <paramref name="path2"/> contain one or more invalid characters.</exception>
3625         </member>
3626         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PathFunctions.ChangeExtension(System.String,System.String)">
3627             <summary>
3628             Changes the extension of the path string.
3629             </summary>
3630             <param name="path">The path information to modify. The path cannot contain any of the characters 
3631             defined in <see cref="F:System.IO.Path.InvalidPathChars"/>InvalidPathChars.</param>
3632             <param name="extension">The new extension (with a leading period). Specify a null reference 
3633             to remove an existing extension from <paramref name="path"/>.</param>
3634             <returns>
3635             <para>
3636             A string containing the modified path information.
3637             </para>
3638             <para>
3639             On Windows-based desktop platforms, if <paramref name="path"/> is 
3640             an empty <see cref="T:System.String"/>, the path information is returned 
3641             unmodified. If <paramref name="path"/> has no extension, the returned 
3642             path <see cref="T:System.String"/> contains <paramref name="extension"/> 
3643             appended to the end of <paramref name="path"/>.
3644             </para>
3645             </returns>
3646             <remarks>
3647             For more information see the <see cref="T:System.IO.Path"/> documentation.
3648             </remarks>
3649             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="path"/> contains one or more invalid characters.</exception>
3650         </member>
3651         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PathFunctions.GetDirectoryName(System.String)">
3652             <summary>
3653             Returns the directory information for the specified path string.
3654             </summary>
3655             <param name="path">The path of a file or directory.</param>
3656             <returns>
3657             A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing directory information for 
3658             <paramref name="path"/>, or an empty <see cref="T:System.String"/> if 
3659             <paramref name="path"/> denotes a root directory, or does not
3660             contain directory information.
3661             </returns>
3662             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="path"/> contains invalid characters, is empty, or contains only white spaces.</exception>
3663         </member>
3664         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PathFunctions.GetExtension(System.String)">
3665             <summary>
3666             Returns the extension for the specified path string.
3667             </summary>
3668             <param name="path">The path string from which to get the extension.</param>
3669             <returns>
3670             A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the extension of the specified 
3671             <paramref name="path"/> (including the "."), or an empty 
3672             <see cref="T:System.String"/> if <paramref name="path"/> does not have 
3673             extension information.
3674             </returns>
3675             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="path"/> contains one or more invalid characters.</exception>
3676         </member>
3677         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PathFunctions.GetFileName(System.String)">
3678             <summary>
3679             Returns the filename for the specified path string.
3680             </summary>
3681             <param name="path">The path string from which to obtain the file name and extension.</param>
3682             <returns>
3683             <para>
3684             A <see cref="T:System.String"/> consisting of the characters after the last 
3685             directory character in path. 
3686             </para>
3687             <para>
3688             If the last character of <paramref name="path"/> is a directory or 
3689             volume separator character, an empty <see cref="T:System.String"/> is returned.
3690             </para>
3691             </returns>
3692             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="path"/> contains one or more invalid characters.</exception>
3693         </member>
3694         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PathFunctions.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(System.String)">
3695             <summary>
3696             Returns the filename without extension for the specified path string.
3697             </summary>
3698             <param name="path">The path of the file.</param>
3699             <returns>
3700             A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the <see cref="T:System.String"/> returned 
3701             by <see cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PathFunctions.GetFileName(System.String)"/>, minus the last period (.) and all 
3702             characters following it.
3703             </returns>
3704             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="path"/> contains one or more invalid characters.</exception>
3705         </member>
3706         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PathFunctions.GetPathRoot(System.String)">
3707             <summary>
3708             Gets the root directory of the specified path.
3709             </summary>
3710             <param name="path">The path from which to obtain root directory information.</param>
3711             <returns>
3712             A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the root directory of 
3713             <paramref name="path"/>, such as "C:\", or an empty <see cref="T:System.String"/> 
3714             if <paramref name="path"/> does not contain root directory information.
3715             </returns>
3716             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="path"/> contains invalid characters, or is empty.</exception>
3717         </member>
3718         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PathFunctions.GetTempFileName">
3719             <summary>
3720             Returns a uniquely named zero-byte temporary file on disk and returns the full path to that file.
3721             </summary>
3722             <returns>
3723             A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the name of the temporary file.
3724             </returns>
3725         </member>
3726         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PathFunctions.GetTempPath">
3727             <summary>
3728             Gets the path to the temporary directory.
3729             </summary>
3730             <returns>
3731             A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the path information of a 
3732             temporary directory.
3733             </returns>
3734         </member>
3735         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PathFunctions.HasExtension(System.String)">
3736             <summary>
3737             Determines whether a path string includes an extension.
3738             </summary>
3739             <param name="path">The path to search for an extension.</param>
3740             <returns>
3741             <see langword="true"/>. if the characters that follow the last 
3742             directory separator or volume separator in the <paramref name="path"/> 
3743             include a period (.) followed by one or more characters; 
3744             otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
3745             </returns>
3746             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="path"/> contains one or more invalid characters.</exception>
3747         </member>
3748         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PathFunctions.IsPathRooted(System.String)">
3749             <summary>
3750             Determines whether a path string is absolute.
3751             </summary>
3752             <param name="path">The path to test.</param>
3753             <returns>
3754             <see langword="true"/> if path contains an absolute <paramref name="path"/>; 
3755             otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
3756             </returns>
3757             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="path"/> contains one or more invalid characters.</exception>
3758         </member>
3759         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PkgConfigFunctions.GetVariable(System.String,System.String)">
3760             <summary>
3761             Gets the value of a variable for the specified package.
3762             </summary>
3763             <param name="package">The package for which the variable should be retrieved.</param>
3764             <param name="name">The name of the variable.</param>
3765             <returns>
3766             The value of variable <paramref name="name"/> for the specified 
3767             package.
3768             </returns>
3769             <exception cref="T:System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception"><c>pkg-config</c> could not be started.</exception>
3770             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="package"/> does not exist.</exception>
3771         </member>
3772         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PkgConfigFunctions.GetLinkFlags(System.String)">
3773             <summary>
3774             Gets the link flags required to compile the package, including all
3775             its dependencies.
3776             </summary>
3777             <param name="package">The package for which the link flags should be retrieved.</param>
3778             <returns>
3779             The link flags required to compile the package.
3780             </returns>
3781             <exception cref="T:System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception"><c>pkg-config</c> could not be started.</exception>
3782             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="package"/> does not exist.</exception>
3783         </member>
3784         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PkgConfigFunctions.GetCompileFlags(System.String)">
3785             <summary>
3786             Gets the compile flags required to compile the package, including all
3787             its dependencies.
3788             </summary>
3789             <param name="package">The package for which the compile flags should be retrieved.</param>
3790             <returns>
3791             The pre-processor and compile flags required to compile the package.
3792             </returns>
3793             <exception cref="T:System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception"><c>pkg-config</c> could not be started.</exception>
3794             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="package"/> does not exist.</exception>
3795         </member>
3796         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PkgConfigFunctions.GetModVersion(System.String)">
3797             <summary>
3798             Determines the version of the given package.
3799             </summary>
3800             <param name="package">The package to get the version of.</param>
3801             <returns>
3802             The version of the given package.
3803             </returns>
3804             <exception cref="T:System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception"><c>pkg-config</c> could not be started.</exception>
3805             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="package"/> does not exist.</exception>
3806         </member>
3807         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PkgConfigFunctions.IsAtLeastVersion(System.String,System.String)">
3808             <summary>
3809             Determines whether the given package is at least version 
3810             <paramref name="version"/>.
3811             </summary>
3812             <param name="package">The package to check.</param>
3813             <param name="version">The version the package should at least have.</param>
3814             <returns>
3815             <see langword="true"/> if the given package is at least version
3816             <paramref name="version"/>; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
3817             </returns>
3818             <exception cref="T:System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception"><c>pkg-config</c> could not be started.</exception>
3819         </member>
3820         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PkgConfigFunctions.IsExactVersion(System.String,System.String)">
3821             <summary>
3822             Determines whether the given package is exactly version 
3823             <paramref name="version"/>.
3824             </summary>
3825             <param name="package">The package to check.</param>
3826             <param name="version">The version the package should have.</param>
3827             <returns>
3828             <see langword="true"/> if the given package is exactly version
3829             <paramref name="version"/>; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
3830             </returns>
3831             <exception cref="T:System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception"><c>pkg-config</c> could not be started.</exception>
3832         </member>
3833         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PkgConfigFunctions.IsMaxVersion(System.String,System.String)">
3834             <summary>
3835             Determines whether the given package is at no newer than version
3836             <paramref name="version"/>.
3837             </summary>
3838             <param name="package">The package to check.</param>
3839             <param name="version">The version the package should maximum have.</param>
3840             <returns>
3841             <see langword="true"/> if the given package is at no newer than 
3842             version <paramref name="version"/>; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
3843             </returns>
3844             <exception cref="T:System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception"><c>pkg-config</c> could not be started.</exception>
3845         </member>
3846         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PkgConfigFunctions.IsBetweenVersion(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
3847             <summary>
3848             Determines whether the given package is between two versions.
3849             </summary>
3850             <param name="package">The package to check.</param>
3851             <param name="minVersion">The version the package should at least have.</param>
3852             <param name="maxVersion">The version the package should maximum have.</param>
3853             <returns>
3854             <see langword="true"/> if the given package is between <paramref name="minVersion"/>
3855             and <paramref name="maxVersion"/>; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
3856             </returns>
3857             <exception cref="T:System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception"><c>pkg-config</c> could not be started.</exception>
3858         </member>
3859         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PkgConfigFunctions.Exists(System.String)">
3860             <summary>
3861             Determines whether the given package exists.
3862             </summary>
3863             <param name="package">The package to check.</param>
3864             <returns>
3865             <see langword="true"/> if the package exists; otherwise, 
3866             <see langword="false"/>.
3867             </returns>
3868             <exception cref="T:System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception"><c>pkg-config</c> could not be started.</exception>
3869         </member>
3870         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PkgConfigFunctions.RunPkgConfigBool(NAnt.Core.Types.Argument[])">
3871             <summary>
3872             Runs pkg-config with the specified arguments and returns a 
3873             <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> based on the exit code.
3874             </summary>
3875             <param name="args">The arguments to pass to pkg-config.</param>
3876             <returns>
3877             <see langword="true"/> if pkg-config exited with exit code 0;
3878             otherwise, <see langword="false"/>
3879             </returns>
3880         </member>
3881         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PkgConfigFunctions.RunPkgConfigString(NAnt.Core.Types.Argument[])">
3882             <summary>
3883             Runs pkg-config with the specified arguments and returns the result 
3884             as a <see cref="T:System.String"/>.
3885             </summary>
3886             <param name="args">The arguments to pass to pkg-config.</param>
3887             <returns>
3888             The result of running pkg-config with the specified arguments.
3889             </returns>
3890         </member>
3891         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PkgConfigFunctions.GetTask(System.IO.Stream)">
3892             <summary>
3893             Factory method to return a new instance of ExecTask
3894             </summary>
3895             <param name="stream"></param>
3896             <returns></returns>
3897         </member>
3898         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.StringFunctions.GetLength(System.String)">
3899             <summary>
3900             Returns the length of the specified string.
3901             </summary>
3902             <param name="s">input string</param>
3903             <returns>
3904             The string's length.
3905             </returns>
3906             <example>
3907             <code>string::get-length('foo') ==> 3</code>
3908             </example>
3909             <example>
3910             <code>string::get-length('') ==> 0</code>
3911             </example>
3912         </member>
3913         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.StringFunctions.Substring(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
3914             <summary>
3915             Returns a substring of the specified string.
3916             </summary>
3917             <param name="str">input string</param>
3918             <param name="startIndex">position of the start of the substring</param>
3919             <param name="length">the length of the substring</param>
3920             <returns>
3921             <para>
3922             If the <paramref name="length"/> is greater than zero, the
3923             function returns a substring starting at character position
3924             <paramref name="startIndex"/> with a length of <paramref name="length"/>
3925             characters.
3926             </para>
3927             <para>
3928             If the <paramref name="length"/> is equal to zero, the function
3929             returns an empty string.
3930             </para>
3931             </returns>
3932             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="startIndex"/> or <paramref name="length"/> is less than zero.</exception>
3933             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="startIndex"/> is greater than the length of <paramref name="str"/>.</exception>
3934             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="startIndex"/> plus <paramref name="length"/> indicates a position not within <paramref name="str"/>.</exception>
3935             <example>
3936             <code>string::substring('testing string', 0, 4) ==&gt; 'test'</code>
3937             </example>
3938             <example>
3939             <code>string::substring('testing string', 8, 3) ==&gt; 'str'</code>
3940             </example>
3941             <example>
3942             <code>string::substring('testing string', 8, 0) ==&gt; ''</code>
3943             </example>
3944             <example>
3945             <code>string::substring('testing string', -1, 5) ==&gt; ERROR</code>
3946             </example>
3947             <example>
3948             <code>string::substring('testing string', 8, -1) ==&gt; ERROR</code>
3949             </example>
3950             <example>
3951             <code>string::substring('testing string', 5, 17) ==&gt; ERROR</code>
3952             </example>
3953         </member>
3954         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.StringFunctions.StartsWith(System.String,System.String)">
3955             <summary>
3956             Tests whether the specified string starts with the specified prefix
3957             string.
3958             </summary>
3959             <param name="s1">test string</param>
3960             <param name="s2">prefix string</param>
3961             <returns>
3962             <see langword="true" /> when <paramref name="s2" /> is a prefix for
3963             the string <paramref name="s1" />. Meaning, the characters at the 
3964             beginning of <paramref name="s1" /> are identical to
3965             <paramref name="s2" />; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
3966             </returns>
3967             <remarks>
3968             This function performs a case-sensitive word search using the 
3969             invariant culture.
3970             </remarks>
3971             <example>
3972             <code>string::starts-with('testing string', 'test') ==> true</code>
3973             </example>
3974             <example>
3975             <code>string::starts-with('testing string', 'testing') ==> true</code>
3976             </example>
3977             <example>
3978             <code>string::starts-with('testing string', 'string') ==> false</code>
3979             </example>
3980             <example>
3981             <code>string::starts-with('test', 'testing string') ==> false</code>
3982             </example>
3983         </member>
3984         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.StringFunctions.EndsWith(System.String,System.String)">
3985             <summary>
3986             Tests whether the specified string ends with the specified suffix
3987             string.
3988             </summary>
3989             <param name="s1">test string</param>
3990             <param name="s2">suffix string</param>
3991             <returns>
3992             <see langword="true" /> when <paramref name="s2" /> is a suffix for
3993             the string <paramref name="s1" />. Meaning, the characters at the 
3994             end of <paramref name="s1" /> are identical to 
3995             <paramref name="s2" />; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
3996             </returns>
3997             <remarks>
3998             This function performs a case-sensitive word search using the 
3999             invariant culture.
4000             </remarks>
4001             <example>
4002             <code>string::ends-with('testing string', 'string') ==> true</code>
4003             </example>
4004             <example>
4005             <code>string::ends-with('testing string', '') ==> true</code>
4006             </example>
4007             <example>
4008             <code>string::ends-with('testing string', 'bring') ==> false</code>
4009             </example>
4010             <example>
4011             <code>string::ends-with('string', 'testing string') ==> false</code>
4012             </example>
4013         </member>
4014         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.StringFunctions.ToLower(System.String)">
4015             <summary>
4016             Returns the specified string converted to lowercase.
4017             </summary>
4018             <param name="s">input string</param>
4019             <returns>
4020             The string <paramref name="s" /> in lowercase.
4021             </returns>
4022             <remarks>
4023             The casing rules of the invariant culture are used to convert the
4024             <paramref name="s" /> to lowercase.
4025             </remarks>
4026             <example>
4027             <code>string::to-lower('testing string') ==> 'testing string'</code>
4028             </example>
4029             <example>
4030             <code>string::to-lower('Testing String') ==> 'testing string'</code>
4031             </example>
4032             <example>
4033             <code>string::to-lower('Test 123') ==> 'test 123'</code>
4034             </example>
4035         </member>
4036         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.StringFunctions.ToUpper(System.String)">
4037             <summary>
4038             Returns the specified string converted to uppercase.
4039             </summary>
4040             <param name="s">input string</param>
4041             <returns>
4042             The string <paramref name="s" /> in uppercase.
4043             </returns>
4044             <remarks>
4045             The casing rules of the invariant culture are used to convert the
4046             <paramref name="s" /> to uppercase.
4047             </remarks>
4048             <example>
4049             <code>string::to-upper('testing string') ==> 'TESTING STRING'</code>
4050             </example>
4051             <example>
4052             <code>string::to-upper('Testing String') ==> 'TESTING STRING'</code>
4053             </example>
4054             <example>
4055             <code>string::to-upper('Test 123') ==> 'TEST 123'</code>
4056             </example>
4057         </member>
4058         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.StringFunctions.Replace(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
4059             <summary>
4060             Returns a string corresponding to the replacement of a given string
4061             with another in the specified string.
4062             </summary>
4063             <param name="str">input string</param>
4064             <param name="oldValue">A <see cref="T:System.String"/> to be replaced.</param>
4065             <param name="newValue">A <see cref="T:System.String"/> to replace all occurrences of <paramref name="oldValue"/>.</param>
4066             <returns>
4067             A <see cref="T:System.String"/> equivalent to <paramref name="str"/> but 
4068             with all instances of <paramref name="oldValue"/> replaced with 
4069             <paramref name="newValue"/>.
4070             </returns>
4071             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="oldValue"/> is an empty string.</exception>
4072             <remarks>
4073             This function performs a word (case-sensitive and culture-sensitive) 
4074             search to find <paramref name="oldValue"/>.
4075             </remarks>
4076             <example>
4077             <code>string::replace('testing string', 'test', 'winn') ==&gt; 'winning string'</code>
4078             </example>
4079             <example>
4080             <code>string::replace('testing string', 'foo', 'winn') ==&gt; 'testing string'</code>
4081             </example>
4082             <example>
4083             <code>string::replace('testing string', 'ing', '') ==&gt; 'test str'</code>
4084             </example>
4085             <example>
4086             <code>string::replace('banana', 'ana', 'ana') ==&gt; 'banana'</code>
4087             </example>
4088         </member>
4089         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.StringFunctions.Contains(System.String,System.String)">
4090             <summary>
4091             Tests whether the specified string contains the given search string.
4092             </summary>
4093             <param name="source">The string to search.</param>
4094             <param name="value">The string to locate within <paramref name="source" />.</param>
4095             <returns>
4096             <see langword="true" /> if <paramref name="value" /> is found in 
4097             <paramref name="source" />; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
4098             </returns>
4099             <remarks>
4100             This function performs a case-sensitive word search using the 
4101             invariant culture.
4102             </remarks>
4103             <example>
4104             <code>string::contains('testing string', 'test') ==> true</code>
4105             </example>
4106             <example>
4107             <code>string::contains('testing string', '') ==> true</code>
4108             </example>
4109             <example>
4110             <code>string::contains('testing string', 'Test') ==> false</code>
4111             </example>
4112             <example>
4113             <code>string::contains('testing string', 'foo') ==> false</code>
4114             </example>
4115         </member>
4116         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.StringFunctions.IndexOf(System.String,System.String)">
4117             <summary>
4118             Returns the position of the first occurrence in the specified string
4119             of the given search string.
4120             </summary>
4121             <param name="source">The string to search.</param>
4122             <param name="value">The string to locate within <paramref name="source" />.</param>
4123             <returns>
4124             <para>
4125             The lowest-index position of <paramref name="value" /> in
4126             <paramref name="source" /> if it is found, or -1 if <paramref name="source" /> 
4127             does not contain <paramref name="value" />.
4128             </para>
4129             <para>
4130             If <paramref name="value" /> is an empty string, the return value
4131             will always be <c>0</c>.
4132             </para>
4133             </returns>
4134             <remarks>
4135             This function performs a case-sensitive word search using the 
4136             invariant culture.
4137             </remarks>
4138             <example>
4139             <code>string::index-of('testing string', 'test') ==> 0</code>
4140             </example>
4141             <example>
4142             <code>string::index-of('testing string', '') ==> 0</code>
4143             </example>
4144             <example>
4145             <code>string::index-of('testing string', 'Test') ==> -1</code>
4146             </example>
4147             <example>
4148             <code>string::index-of('testing string', 'ing') ==> 4</code>
4149             </example>
4150         </member>
4151         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.StringFunctions.LastIndexOf(System.String,System.String)">
4152             <summary>
4153             Returns the position of the last occurrence in the specified string
4154             of the given search string.
4155             </summary>
4156             <param name="source">The string to search.</param>
4157             <param name="value">The string to locate within <paramref name="source" />.</param>
4158             <returns>
4159             <para>
4160             The highest-index position of <paramref name="value" /> in
4161             <paramref name="source" /> if it is found, or -1 if <paramref name="source" /> 
4162             does not contain <paramref name="value" />.
4163             </para>
4164             <para>
4165             If <paramref name="value" /> is an empty string, the return value
4166             is the last index position in <paramref name="source" />.
4167             </para>
4168             </returns>
4169             <remarks>
4170             This function performs a case-sensitive word search using the 
4171             invariant culture.
4172             </remarks>
4173             <example>
4174             <code>string::last-index-of('testing string', 'test') ==> 0</code>
4175             </example>
4176             <example>
4177             <code>string::last-index-of('testing string', '') ==> 13</code>
4178             </example>
4179             <example>
4180             <code>string::last-index-of('testing string', 'Test') ==> -1</code>
4181             </example>
4182             <example>
4183             <code>string::last-index-of('testing string', 'ing') ==> 11</code>
4184             </example>
4185         </member>
4186         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.StringFunctions.PadLeft(System.String,System.Int32,System.String)">
4187             <summary>
4188             Returns the given string left-padded to the given length.
4189             </summary>
4190             <param name="s">The <see cref="T:System.String"/> that needs to be left-padded.</param>
4191             <param name="totalWidth">The number of characters in the resulting string, equal to the number of original characters plus any additional padding characters.</param>
4192             <param name="paddingChar">A Unicode padding character.</param>
4193             <returns>
4194             If the length of <paramref name="s"/> is at least 
4195             <paramref name="totalWidth"/>, then a new <see cref="T:System.String"/> identical
4196             to <paramref name="s"/> is returned. Otherwise, <paramref name="s"/> 
4197             will be padded on the left with as many <paramref name="paddingChar"/>
4198             characters as needed to create a length of <paramref name="totalWidth"/>.
4199             </returns>
4200             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="totalWidth"/> is less than zero.</exception>
4201             <remarks>
4202             Note that only the first character of <paramref name="paddingChar"/>
4203             will be used when padding the result.
4204             </remarks>
4205             <example>
4206             <code>string::pad-left('test', 10, ' ') ==&gt; '      test'</code>
4207             </example>
4208             <example>
4209             <code>string::pad-left('test', 10, 'test') ==&gt; 'tttttttest'</code>
4210             </example>
4211             <example>
4212             <code>string::pad-left('test', 3, ' ') ==&gt; 'test'</code>
4213             </example>
4214             <example>
4215             <code>string::pad-left('test', -4, ' ') ==&gt; ERROR</code>
4216             </example>
4217         </member>
4218         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.StringFunctions.PadRight(System.String,System.Int32,System.String)">
4219             <summary>
4220             Returns the given string right-padded to the given length.
4221             </summary>
4222             <param name="s">The <see cref="T:System.String"/> that needs to be right-padded.</param>
4223             <param name="totalWidth">The number of characters in the resulting string, equal to the number of original characters plus any additional padding characters.</param>
4224             <param name="paddingChar">A Unicode padding character.</param>
4225             <returns>
4226             If the length of <paramref name="s"/> is at least 
4227             <paramref name="totalWidth"/>, then a new <see cref="T:System.String"/> identical
4228             to <paramref name="s"/> is returned. Otherwise, <paramref name="s"/> 
4229             will be padded on the right with as many <paramref name="paddingChar"/>
4230             characters as needed to create a length of <paramref name="totalWidth"/>.
4231             </returns>
4232             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="totalWidth"/> is less than zero.</exception>
4233             <remarks>
4234             Note that only the first character of <paramref name="paddingChar"/>
4235             will be used when padding the result.
4236             </remarks>
4237             <example>
4238             <code>string::pad-right('test', 10, ' ') ==&gt; 'test      '</code>
4239             </example>
4240             <example>
4241             <code>string::pad-right('test', 10, 'abcd') ==&gt; 'testaaaaaa'</code>
4242             </example>
4243             <example>
4244             <code>string::pad-right('test', 3, ' ') ==&gt; 'test'</code>
4245             </example>
4246             <example>
4247             <code>string::pad-right('test', -3, ' ') ==&gt; ERROR</code>
4248             </example>
4249         </member>
4250         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.StringFunctions.Trim(System.String)">
4251             <summary>
4252             Returns the given string trimmed of whitespace.
4253             </summary>
4254             <param name="s">input string</param>
4255             <returns>
4256             The string <paramref name="s" /> with any leading or trailing
4257             white space characters removed.
4258             </returns>
4259             <example>
4260             <code>string::trim('  test  ') ==> 'test'</code>
4261             </example>
4262             <example>
4263             <code>string::trim('\t\tfoo  \r\n') ==> 'foo'</code>
4264             </example>
4265         </member>
4266         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.StringFunctions.TrimStart(System.String)">
4267             <summary>
4268             Returns the given string trimmed of leading whitespace.
4269             </summary>
4270             <param name="s">input string</param>
4271             <returns>
4272             The string <paramref name="s" /> with any leading
4273             whites pace characters removed.
4274             </returns>
4275             <example>
4276             <code>string::trim-start('  test  ') ==> 'test  '</code>
4277             </example>
4278             <example>
4279             <code>string::trim-start('\t\tfoo  \r\n') ==> 'foo  \r\n'</code>
4280             </example>
4281         </member>
4282         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.StringFunctions.TrimEnd(System.String)">
4283             <summary>
4284             Returns the given string trimmed of trailing whitespace.
4285             </summary>
4286             <param name="s">input string</param>
4287             <returns>
4288             The string <paramref name="s" /> with any trailing
4289             white space characters removed.
4290             </returns>
4291             <example>
4292             <code>string::trim-end('  test  ') ==> '  test'</code>
4293             </example>
4294             <example>
4295             <code>string::trim-end('\t\tfoo  \r\n') ==> '\t\tfoo'</code>
4296             </example>
4297         </member>
4298         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TimeSpanFunctions.GetTotalDays(System.TimeSpan)">
4299             <summary>
4300             Returns the total number of days represented by the specified 
4301             <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>, expressed in whole and fractional days.
4302             </summary>
4303             <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.</param>
4304             <returns>
4305             The total number of days represented by the given <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.
4306             </returns>
4307         </member>
4308         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TimeSpanFunctions.GetTotalHours(System.TimeSpan)">
4309             <summary>
4310             Returns the total number of hours represented by the specified 
4311             <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>, expressed in whole and fractional hours.
4312             </summary>
4313             <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.</param>
4314             <returns>
4315             The total number of hours represented by the given <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.
4316             </returns>
4317         </member>
4318         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TimeSpanFunctions.GetTotalMinutes(System.TimeSpan)">
4319             <summary>
4320             Returns the total number of minutes represented by the specified 
4321             <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>, expressed in whole and fractional minutes.
4322             </summary>
4323             <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.</param>
4324             <returns>
4325             The total number of minutes represented by the given <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.
4326             </returns>
4327         </member>
4328         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TimeSpanFunctions.GetTotalSeconds(System.TimeSpan)">
4329             <summary>
4330             Returns the total number of seconds represented by the specified 
4331             <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>, expressed in whole and fractional seconds.
4332             </summary>
4333             <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.</param>
4334             <returns>
4335             The total number of seconds represented by the given <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.
4336             </returns>
4337         </member>
4338         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TimeSpanFunctions.GetTotalMilliseconds(System.TimeSpan)">
4339             <summary>
4340             Returns the total number of milliseconds represented by the specified 
4341             <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>, expressed in whole and fractional milliseconds.
4342             </summary>
4343             <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.</param>
4344             <returns>
4345             The total number of milliseconds represented by the given 
4346             <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.
4347             </returns>
4348         </member>
4349         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TimeSpanFunctions.GetDays(System.TimeSpan)">
4350             <summary>
4351             Returns the number of whole days represented by the specified 
4352             <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.
4353             </summary>
4354             <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.</param>
4355             <returns>
4356             The number of whole days represented by the given 
4357             <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.
4358             </returns>
4359             <example>
4360               <para>
4361               Remove all files that have not been modified in the last 7 days from directory "binaries".</para>
4362               <code>
4363                 <![CDATA[
4364             <foreach item="File" in="binaries" property="filename">
4365                 <if test="${timespan::get-days(datetime::now() - file::get-last-write-time(filename)) >= 7}">
4366                     <delete file="${filename}" />
4367                 </if>
4368             </foreach>
4369                 ]]>
4370               </code>
4371             </example>
4372         </member>
4373         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TimeSpanFunctions.GetHours(System.TimeSpan)">
4374             <summary>
4375             Returns the number of whole hours represented by the specified 
4376             <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.
4377             </summary>
4378             <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.</param>
4379             <returns>
4380             The number of whole hours represented by the given 
4381             <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.
4382             </returns>
4383         </member>
4384         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TimeSpanFunctions.GetMinutes(System.TimeSpan)">
4385             <summary>
4386             Returns the number of whole minutes represented by the specified 
4387             <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.
4388             </summary>
4389             <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.</param>
4390             <returns>
4391             The number of whole minutes represented by the given 
4392             <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.
4393             </returns>
4394         </member>
4395         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TimeSpanFunctions.GetSeconds(System.TimeSpan)">
4396             <summary>
4397             Returns the number of whole seconds represented by the specified 
4398             <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.
4399             </summary>
4400             <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.</param>
4401             <returns>
4402             The number of whole seconds represented by the given 
4403             <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.
4404             </returns>
4405         </member>
4406         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TimeSpanFunctions.GetMilliseconds(System.TimeSpan)">
4407             <summary>
4408             Returns the number of whole milliseconds represented by the specified
4409             <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.
4410             </summary>
4411             <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.</param>
4412             <returns>
4413             The number of whole milliseconds represented by the given 
4414             <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.
4415             </returns>
4416         </member>
4417         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TimeSpanFunctions.GetTicks(System.TimeSpan)">
4418             <summary>
4419             Returns the number of ticks contained in the specified
4420             <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.
4421             </summary>
4422             <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.</param>
4423             <returns>
4424             The number of ticks contained in the given <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.
4425             </returns>
4426         </member>
4427         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TimeSpanFunctions.FromDays(System.Double)">
4428             <summary>
4429             Returns a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/> that represents a specified number
4430             of days, where the specification is accurate to the nearest millisecond.
4431             </summary>
4432             <param name="value">A number of days, accurate to the nearest millisecond.</param>
4433             <returns>
4434             A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/> that represents <paramref name="value"/>.
4435             </returns>
4436         </member>
4437         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TimeSpanFunctions.FromHours(System.Double)">
4438             <summary>
4439             Returns a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/> that represents a specified number
4440             of hours, where the specification is accurate to the nearest 
4441             millisecond.
4442             </summary>
4443             <param name="value">A number of hours, accurate to the nearest millisecond.</param>
4444             <returns>
4445             A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/> that represents <paramref name="value"/>.
4446             </returns>
4447         </member>
4448         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TimeSpanFunctions.FromMinutes(System.Double)">
4449             <summary>
4450             Returns a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/> that represents a specified number
4451             of minutes, where the specification is accurate to the nearest 
4452             millisecond.
4453             </summary>
4454             <param name="value">A number of minutes, accurate to the nearest millisecond.</param>
4455             <returns>
4456             A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/> that represents <paramref name="value"/>.
4457             </returns>
4458         </member>
4459         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TimeSpanFunctions.FromSeconds(System.Double)">
4460             <summary>
4461             Returns a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/> that represents a specified number
4462             of seconds, where the specification is accurate to the nearest 
4463             millisecond.
4464             </summary>
4465             <param name="value">A number of seconds, accurate to the nearest millisecond.</param>
4466             <returns>
4467             A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/> that represents <paramref name="value"/>.
4468             </returns>
4469         </member>
4470         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TimeSpanFunctions.FromMilliseconds(System.Double)">
4471             <summary>
4472             Returns a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/> that represents a specified number
4473             of milliseconds.
4474             </summary>
4475             <param name="value">A number of milliseconds.</param>
4476             <returns>
4477             A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/> that represents <paramref name="value"/>.
4478             </returns>
4479         </member>
4480         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TimeSpanFunctions.FromTicks(System.Int64)">
4481             <summary>
4482             Returns a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/> that represents a specified time, 
4483             where the specification is in units of ticks.
4484             </summary>
4485             <param name="value">A number of ticks that represent a time.</param>
4486             <returns>
4487             A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/> that represents <paramref name="value"/>.
4488             </returns>
4489         </member>
4490         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TimeSpanConversionFunctions.Parse(System.String)">
4491             <summary>
4492             Constructs a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/> from a time indicated by a 
4493             specified string.
4494             </summary>
4495             <param name="s">A string.</param>
4496             <returns>
4497             A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/> that corresponds to <paramref name="s"/>.
4498             </returns>
4499             <exception cref="T:System.FormatException"><paramref name="s"/> has an invalid format.</exception>
4500             <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">At least one of the hours, minutes, or seconds components is outside its valid range.</exception>
4501         </member>
4502         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TimeSpanConversionFunctions.ToString(System.TimeSpan)">
4503             <summary>
4504             Converts the specified <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/> to its equivalent 
4505             string representation.
4506             </summary>
4507             <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/> to convert.</param>
4508             <returns>
4509             The string representation of <paramref name="value"/>. The format 
4510             of the return value is of the form: [-][d.]hh:mm:ss[.ff].
4511             </returns>
4512         </member>
4513         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.VersionFunctions.GetMajor(System.Version)">
4514             <summary>
4515             Gets the value of the major component of a given version.
4516             </summary>
4517             <param name="version">A version.</param>
4518             <returns>
4519             The major version number.
4520             </returns>
4521             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyNameFunctions.GetVersion(System.Reflection.AssemblyName)"/>
4522             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.EnvironmentFunctions.GetVersion"/>
4523             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.OperatingSystemFunctions.GetVersion(System.OperatingSystem)"/>
4524         </member>
4525         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.VersionFunctions.GetMinor(System.Version)">
4526             <summary>
4527             Gets the value of the minor component of a given version.
4528             </summary>
4529             <param name="version">A version.</param>
4530             <returns>
4531             The minor version number.
4532             </returns>
4533             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyNameFunctions.GetVersion(System.Reflection.AssemblyName)"/>
4534             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.EnvironmentFunctions.GetVersion"/>
4535             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.OperatingSystemFunctions.GetVersion(System.OperatingSystem)"/>
4536         </member>
4537         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.VersionFunctions.GetBuild(System.Version)">
4538             <summary>
4539             Gets the value of the build component of a given version.
4540             </summary>
4541             <param name="version">A version.</param>
4542             <returns>
4543             The build number, or -1 if the build number is undefined.
4544             </returns>
4545             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyNameFunctions.GetVersion(System.Reflection.AssemblyName)"/>
4546             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.EnvironmentFunctions.GetVersion"/>
4547             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.OperatingSystemFunctions.GetVersion(System.OperatingSystem)"/>
4548         </member>
4549         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.VersionFunctions.GetRevision(System.Version)">
4550             <summary>
4551             Gets the value of the revision component of a given version.
4552             </summary>
4553             <param name="version">A version.</param>
4554             <returns>
4555             The revision number, or -1 if the revision number is undefined.
4556             </returns>
4557             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyNameFunctions.GetVersion(System.Reflection.AssemblyName)"/>
4558             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.EnvironmentFunctions.GetVersion"/>
4559             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.OperatingSystemFunctions.GetVersion(System.OperatingSystem)"/>
4560         </member>
4561         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.VersionConversionFunctions.Parse(System.String)">
4562             <summary>
4563             Converts the specified string representation of a version to 
4564             its <see cref="T:System.Version"/> equivalent.
4565             </summary>
4566             <param name="version">A string containing the major, minor, build, and revision numbers, where each number is delimited with a period character ('.').</param>
4567             <returns>
4568             A <see cref="T:System.Version"/> instance representing the specified 
4569             <see cref="T:System.String"/>.
4570             </returns>
4571             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="version"/> has fewer than two components or more than four components.</exception>
4572             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">A major, minor, build, or revision component is less than zero.</exception>
4573             <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">At least one component of <paramref name="version"/> does not parse to a decimal integer.</exception>
4574         </member>
4575         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.VersionConversionFunctions.ToString(System.Version)">
4576             <summary>
4577             Converts the specified <see cref="T:System.Version"/> to its equivalent
4578             string representation.
4579             </summary>
4580             <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.Version"/> to convert.</param>
4581             <returns>
4582             The string representation of the values of the major, minor, build, 
4583             and revision components of the specified <see cref="T:System.Version"/>.
4584             </returns>
4585             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.AssemblyNameFunctions.GetVersion(System.Reflection.AssemblyName)"/>
4586             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.EnvironmentFunctions.GetVersion"/>
4587             <seealso cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.OperatingSystemFunctions.GetVersion(System.OperatingSystem)"/>
4588         </member>
4589         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AttribTask">
4590             <summary>
4591             Changes the file attributes of a file or set of files and directories.
4592             </summary>
4593             <remarks>
4594             <para>
4595             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AttribTask"/> does not have the concept of turning 
4596             attributes off.  Instead you specify all the attributes that you want 
4597             turned on and the rest are turned off by default.
4598             </para>
4599             <para>
4600             Refer to the <see cref="T:System.IO.FileAttributes"/> enumeration in the .NET SDK 
4601             for more information about file attributes.
4602             </para>
4603             </remarks>
4604             <example>
4605               <para>
4606                 Set the <c>read-only</c> file attribute for the specified file in 
4607                 the project directory.
4608               </para>
4609               <code>
4610                 <![CDATA[
4611             <attrib file="myfile.txt" readonly="true" />
4612                 ]]>
4613               </code>
4614             </example>
4615             <example>
4616               <para>
4617                 Set the <c>normal</c> file attribute for the specified file.
4618               </para>
4619               <code>
4620                 <![CDATA[
4621             <attrib file="myfile.txt" normal="true" />
4622                 ]]>
4623               </code>
4624             </example>
4625             <example>
4626               <para>
4627                 Set the <c>normal</c> file attribute for all executable files in 
4628                 the current project directory and sub-directories.
4629                 </para>
4630               <code>
4631                 <![CDATA[
4632             <attrib normal="true">
4633                 <fileset>
4634                     <include name="**/*.exe" />
4635                     <include name="bin" />
4636                 </fileset>
4637             </attrib>
4638                 ]]>
4639               </code>
4640             </example>
4641         </member>
4642         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Task">
4643             <summary>
4644             Provides the abstract base class for tasks.
4645             </summary>
4646             <remarks>
4647             A task is a piece of code that can be executed.
4648             </remarks>
4649         </member>
4650         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Task.Execute">
4651             <summary>
4652             Executes the task unless it is skipped.
4653             </summary>
4654         </member>
4655         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Task.Log(NAnt.Core.Level,System.String)">
4656             <summary>
4657             Logs a message with the given priority.
4658             </summary>
4659             <param name="messageLevel">The message priority at which the specified message is to be logged.</param>
4660             <param name="message">The message to be logged.</param>
4661             <remarks>
4662             <para>
4663             The actual logging is delegated to the project.
4664             </para>
4665             <para>
4666             If the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Task.Verbose"/> attribute is set on the task and a
4667             message is logged with level <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Level.Verbose"/>, the
4668             priority of the message will be increased to <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Level.Info"/>
4669             when the threshold of the build log is <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Level.Info"/>.
4670             </para>
4671             <para>
4672             This will allow individual tasks to run in verbose mode while
4673             the build log itself is still configured with threshold 
4674             <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Level.Info"/>.
4675             </para>
4676             <para>
4677             The threshold of the project is not taken into account to determine
4678             whether a message should be passed to the logging infrastructure, 
4679             as build listeners might be interested in receiving all messages.
4680             </para>
4681             </remarks>
4682         </member>
4683         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Task.Log(NAnt.Core.Level,System.String,System.Object[])">
4684             <summary>
4685             Logs a formatted message with the given priority.
4686             </summary>
4687             <param name="messageLevel">The message priority at which the specified message is to be logged.</param>
4688             <param name="message">The message to log, containing zero or more format items.</param>
4689             <param name="args">An <see cref="T:System.Object"/> array containing zero or more objects to format.</param>
4690             <remarks>
4691             <para>
4692             The actual logging is delegated to the project.
4693             </para>
4694             <para>
4695             If the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Task.Verbose"/> attribute is set on the task and a 
4696             message is logged with level <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Level.Verbose"/>, the 
4697             priority of the message will be increased to <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Level.Info"/>.
4698             when the threshold of the build log is <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Level.Info"/>.
4699             </para>
4700             <para>
4701             This will allow individual tasks to run in verbose mode while
4702             the build log itself is still configured with threshold 
4703             <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Level.Info"/>.
4704             </para>
4705             </remarks>
4706         </member>
4707         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Task.IsLogEnabledFor(NAnt.Core.Level)">
4708             <summary>
4709             Determines whether build output is enabled for the given 
4710             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Level"/>.
4711             </summary>
4712             <param name="messageLevel">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Level"/> to check.</param>
4713             <returns>
4714             <see langword="true"/> if messages with the given <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Level"/>
4715             should be passed on to the logging infrastructure; otherwise, 
4716             <see langword="false"/>.
4717             </returns>
4718             <remarks>
4719             The threshold of the project is not taken into account to determine
4720             whether a message should be passed to the logging infrastructure, 
4721             as build listeners might be interested in receiving all messages.
4722             </remarks>
4723         </member>
4724         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Task.InitializeTaskConfiguration">
4725             <summary>
4726             Initializes the configuration of the task using configuration 
4727             settings retrieved from the NAnt configuration file.
4728             </summary>
4729             <remarks>
4730             TO-DO : Remove this temporary hack when a permanent solution is 
4731             available for loading the default values from the configuration
4732             file if a build element is constructed from code.
4733             </remarks>
4734         </member>
4735         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Task.Initialize">
4736             <summary>Initializes the task.</summary>
4737         </member>
4738         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Task.InitializeTask(System.Xml.XmlNode)">
4739             <summary>Initializes the task.</summary>
4740         </member>
4741         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Task.ExecuteTask">
4742             <summary>Executes the task.</summary>
4743         </member>
4744         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Task.GetAttributeConfigurationNode(NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo,System.String)">
4745             <summary>
4746             Locates the XML node for the specified attribute in either the
4747             configuration section of the extension assembly or the.project.
4748             </summary>
4749             <param name="attributeName">The name of attribute for which the XML configuration node should be located.</param>
4750             <param name="framework">The framework to use to obtain framework specific information, or <see langword="null" /> if no framework specific information should be used.</param>
4751             <returns>
4752             The XML configuration node for the specified attribute, or 
4753             <see langword="null" /> if no corresponding XML node could be 
4754             located.
4755             </returns>
4756             <remarks>
4757             If there's a valid current framework, the configuration section for
4758             that framework will first be searched.  If no corresponding 
4759             configuration node can be located in that section, the framework-neutral
4760             section of the project configuration node will be searched.
4761             </remarks>
4762         </member>
4763         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Task.FailOnError">
4764             <summary>
4765             Determines if task failure stops the build, or is just reported. 
4766             The default is <see langword="true" />.
4767             </summary>
4768         </member>
4769         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Task.Verbose">
4770             <summary>
4771             Determines whether the task should report detailed build log messages. 
4772             The default is <see langword="false" />.
4773             </summary>
4774         </member>
4775         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Task.IfDefined">
4776             <summary>
4777             If <see langword="true" /> then the task will be executed; otherwise, 
4778             skipped. The default is <see langword="true" />.
4779             </summary>
4780         </member>
4781         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Task.UnlessDefined">
4782             <summary>
4783             Opposite of <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Task.IfDefined"/>. If <see langword="false"/> 
4784             then the task will be executed; otherwise, skipped. The default is 
4785             <see langword="false"/>.
4786             </summary>
4787         </member>
4788         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Task.Name">
4789             <summary>
4790             The name of the task.
4791             </summary>
4792         </member>
4793         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Task.LogPrefix">
4794             <summary>
4795             The prefix used when sending messages to the log.
4796             </summary>
4797         </member>
4798         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Task.Threshold">
4799             <summary>
4800             Gets or sets the log threshold for this <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/>. By
4801             default the threshold of a task is <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Level.Debug"/>,
4802             causing no messages to be filtered in the task itself.
4803             </summary>
4804             <value>
4805             The log threshold level for this <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/>.
4806             </value>
4807             <remarks>
4808             When the threshold of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> is higher than the
4809             threshold of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/>, then all messages will
4810             still be delivered to the build listeners.
4811             </remarks>
4812         </member>
4813         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Task.TaskBuilder">
4814             <summary>
4815             Returns the TaskBuilder used to construct an instance of this
4816             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/>.
4817             </summary>
4818         </member>
4819         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AttribTask.File">
4820             <summary>
4821             The name of the file which will have its attributes set. This is 
4822             provided as an alternate to using the task's fileset.
4823             </summary>
4824         </member>
4825         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AttribTask.AttribFileSet">
4826             <summary>
4827             All the matching files and directories in this fileset will have 
4828             their attributes set.
4829             </summary>
4830         </member>
4831         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AttribTask.ArchiveAttrib">
4832             <summary>
4833             Set the archive attribute. The default is <see langword="false" />.
4834             </summary>
4835         </member>
4836         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AttribTask.HiddenAttrib">
4837             <summary>
4838             Set the hidden attribute. The default is <see langword="false" />.
4839             </summary>
4840         </member>
4841         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AttribTask.NormalAttrib">
4842             <summary>
4843             Set the normal file attributes. This attribute is only valid if used 
4844             alone. The default is <see langword="false" />.
4845             </summary>
4846         </member>
4847         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AttribTask.ReadOnlyAttrib">
4848             <summary>
4849             Set the read-only attribute. The default is <see langword="false" />.
4850             </summary>
4851         </member>
4852         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AttribTask.SystemAttrib">
4853             <summary>
4854             Set the system attribute. The default is <see langword="false" />.
4855             </summary>
4856         </member>
4857         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AvailableTask">
4858             <summary>
4859             Checks if a resource is available at runtime.
4860             </summary>
4861             <remarks>
4862               <para>
4863               The specified property is set to <see langword="true"/> if the 
4864               requested resource is available at runtime, and <see langword="false"/> 
4865               if the resource is not available.
4866               </para>
4867               <note>
4868               we advise you to use the following functions instead:
4869               </note>
4870               <list type="table">
4871                 <listheader>
4872                     <term>Function</term>
4873                     <description>Description</description>
4874                 </listheader>
4875                 <item>
4876                     <term><see cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FileFunctions.Exists(System.String)"/></term>
4877                     <description>Determines whether the specified file exists.</description>
4878                 </item>
4879                 <item>
4880                     <term><see cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.DirectoryFunctions.Exists(System.String)"/></term>
4881                     <description>Determines whether the given path refers to an existing directory on disk.</description>
4882                 </item>
4883                 <item>
4884                     <term><see cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.Exists(System.String)"/></term>
4885                     <description>Checks whether the specified framework exists..</description>
4886                 </item>
4887                 <item>
4888                     <term><see cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.FrameworkFunctions.SdkExists(System.String)"/></term>
4889                     <description>Checks whether the SDK for the specified framework is installed.</description>
4890                 </item>
4891               </list>  
4892             </remarks>
4893             <example>
4894               <para>
4895               Sets the <c>myfile.present</c> property to <see langword="true"/> if the 
4896               file is available on the filesystem and <see langword="false"/> if the 
4897               file is not available.
4898               </para>
4899               <code>
4900                 <![CDATA[
4901             <available type="File" resource="myfile.txt" property="myfile.present" />
4902                 ]]>
4903               </code>
4904             </example>
4905             <example>
4906               <para>
4907               Sets the <c>build.dir.present</c> property to <see langword="true"/> 
4908               if the directory is available on the filesystem and <see langword="false"/> 
4909               if the directory is not available.
4910               </para>
4911               <code>
4912                 <![CDATA[
4913             <available type="Directory" resource="build" property="build.dir.present" />
4914                 ]]>
4915               </code>
4916             </example>
4917             <example>
4918               <para>
4919               Sets the <c>mono-0.21.framework.present</c> property to <see langword="true"/> 
4920               if the Mono 0.21 framework is available on the current system and 
4921               <see langword="false"/> if the framework is not available.
4922               </para>
4923               <code>
4924                 <![CDATA[
4925             <available type="Framework" resource="mono-0.21" property="mono-0.21.framework.present" />
4926                 ]]>
4927               </code>
4928             </example>
4929             <example>
4930               <para>
4931               Sets the <c>net-1.1.frameworksdk.present</c> property to <see langword="true"/> 
4932               if the .NET 1.1 Framework SDK is available on the current system and 
4933               <see langword="false"/> if the SDK is not available.
4934               </para>
4935               <code>
4936                 <![CDATA[
4937             <available type="FrameworkSDK" resource="net-1.1" property="net-1.1.frameworksdk.present" />
4938                 ]]>
4939               </code>
4940             </example>
4941         </member>
4942         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AvailableTask.ExecuteTask">
4943             <summary>
4944             Executes the task.
4945             </summary>
4946             <remarks>
4947             <para>
4948             Sets the property identified by <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AvailableTask.PropertyName"/> to 
4949             <see langword="true"/> when the resource exists and to <see langword="false"/> 
4950             when the resource doesn't exist.
4951             </para>
4952             </remarks>
4953             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">The availability of the resource could not be evaluated.</exception>
4954         </member>
4955         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AvailableTask.Evaluate">
4956             <summary>
4957             Evaluates the availability of a resource.
4958             </summary>
4959             <returns>
4960             <see langword="true"/> if the resource is available; otherwise, 
4961             <see langword="false"/>.
4962             </returns>
4963             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">The availability of the resource could not be evaluated.</exception>
4964         </member>
4965         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AvailableTask.CheckFile">
4966             <summary>
4967             Checks if the file specified in the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AvailableTask.Resource"/> property is 
4968             available on the filesystem.
4969             </summary>
4970             <returns>
4971             <see langword="true"/> when the file exists; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
4972             </returns>
4973         </member>
4974         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AvailableTask.CheckDirectory">
4975             <summary>
4976             Checks if the directory specified in the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AvailableTask.Resource"/> 
4977             property is available on the filesystem.
4978             </summary>
4979             <returns>
4980             <see langword="true"/> when the directory exists; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
4981             </returns>
4982         </member>
4983         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AvailableTask.CheckFramework">
4984             <summary>
4985             Checks if the framework specified in the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AvailableTask.Resource"/> 
4986             property is available on the current system.
4987             </summary>
4988             <returns>
4989             <see langword="true"/> when the framework is available; otherwise,
4990             <see langword="false"/>.
4991             </returns>
4992         </member>
4993         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AvailableTask.CheckFrameworkSDK">
4994             <summary>
4995             Checks if the SDK for the framework specified in the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AvailableTask.Resource"/> 
4996             property is available on the current system.
4997             </summary>
4998             <returns>
4999             <see langword="true"/> when the SDK for the specified framework is 
5000             available; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
5001             </returns>
5002         </member>
5003         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AvailableTask.Resource">
5004             <summary>
5005             The resource which must be available.
5006             </summary>
5007         </member>
5008         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AvailableTask.Type">
5009             <summary>
5010             The type of resource which must be present.
5011             </summary>
5012         </member>
5013         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AvailableTask.PropertyName">
5014             <summary>
5015             The property that must be set if the resource is available.
5016             </summary>
5017         </member>
5018         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AvailableTask.ResourceType">
5019             <summary>
5020             Defines the possible resource checks.
5021             </summary>
5022         </member>
5023         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AvailableTask.ResourceType.File">
5024             <summary>
5025             Determines whether a given file exists.
5026             </summary>
5027         </member>
5028         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AvailableTask.ResourceType.Directory">
5029             <summary>
5030             Determines whether a given directory exists.
5031             </summary>
5032         </member>
5033         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AvailableTask.ResourceType.Framework">
5034             <summary>
5035             Determines whether a given framework is available.
5036             </summary>
5037         </member>
5038         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AvailableTask.ResourceType.FrameworkSDK">
5039             <summary>
5040             Determines whether a given SDK is available.
5041             </summary>
5042         </member>
5043         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CallTask">
5044             <summary>
5045             Calls a NAnt target in the current project.
5046             </summary>
5047             <remarks>
5048               <para>
5049               When the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CallTask"/> is used to execute a target, both that 
5050               target and all its dependent targets will be re-executed.
5051               </para>
5052               <para>
5053               To avoid dependent targets from being executed more than once, two 
5054               options are available:
5055               </para>
5056               <list type="bullet">
5057                 <item>
5058                     <description>
5059                     Add an "unless" attribute with value "${<see href="../functions/target.has-executed.html">target::has-executed</see>('<c>&lt;target name&gt;</c>')}"
5060                     to the dependent targets.
5061                     </description>
5062                 </item>
5063                 <item>
5064                     <description>
5065                     Set the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CallTask.CascadeDependencies"/> attribute on the 
5066                     <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CallTask"/> to <see langword="false "/> (<c>recommended</c>).
5067                     </description>
5068                 </item>
5069               </list>
5070             </remarks>
5071             <example>
5072               <para>
5073               Call the target "build".
5074               </para>
5075               <code>
5076                 <![CDATA[
5077             <call target="build" />
5078                 ]]>
5079               </code>
5080             </example>
5081             <example>
5082               <para>
5083               This shows how a project could 'compile' a debug and release build 
5084               using a common compile target.
5085               </para>
5086               <code>
5087                 <![CDATA[
5088             <project default="build">
5089                 <property name="debug" value="false" />
5090                 <target name="init">
5091                     <echo message="initializing" />
5092                 </target>
5093                 <target name="compile" depends="init">
5094                     <echo message="compiling with debug = ${debug}" />
5095                 </target>
5096                 <target name="build">
5097                     <property name="debug" value="false" />
5098                     <call target="compile" />
5099                     <property name="debug" value="true" />
5100                     <call target="compile" />
5101                 </target>
5102             </project>
5103                 ]]>
5104               </code>
5105               <para>
5106               The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CallTask.CascadeDependencies"/> parameter of the 
5107               <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CallTask"/> defaults to <see langword="true"/>, 
5108               causing the "init" target to be executed for both
5109               the "debug" and "release" build.
5110               </para>
5111               <para>
5112               This results in the following build log:
5113               </para>
5114               <code>
5115             build:
5117             init:
5118                             [echo] initializing
5120             compile:
5122                 [echo] compiling with debug = false
5124             init:
5126                 [echo] initializing
5128             compile:
5130                 [echo] compiling with debug = true
5132             BUILD SUCCEEDED
5133               </code>
5134               <para>
5135               If the "init" should only be executed once, set the
5136               <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CallTask.CascadeDependencies"/> attribute of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CallTask"/>
5137               to <see langword="false"/>.
5138               </para>
5139               <para>
5140               The build log would then look like this:
5141               </para>
5142               <code>
5143             build:
5145             init:
5146                             [echo] initializing
5148             compile:
5150                 [echo] compiling with debug = false
5152             compile:
5154                 [echo] compiling with debug = true
5156             BUILD SUCCEEDED
5157               </code>
5158             </example>
5159         </member>
5160         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CallTask.ExecuteTask">
5161             <summary>
5162             Executes the specified target.
5163             </summary>
5164         </member>
5165         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CallTask.Initialize">
5166             <summary>
5167             Makes sure the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CallTask"/> is not calling its own 
5168             parent.
5169             </summary>
5170         </member>
5171         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CallTask.TargetName">
5172             <summary>
5173             NAnt target to call.
5174             </summary>
5175         </member>
5176         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CallTask.ForceExecute">
5177             <summary>
5178             Force an execute even if the target has already been executed. The 
5179             default is <see langword="false" />.
5180             </summary>
5181         </member>
5182         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CallTask.CascadeDependencies">
5183             <summary>
5184             Execute the specified targets dependencies -- even if they have been 
5185             previously executed. The default is <see langword="true" />.
5186             </summary>
5187         </member>
5188         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask">
5189             <summary>
5190             Copies a file or set of files to a new file or directory.
5191             </summary>
5192             <remarks>
5193               <para>
5194               Files are only copied if the source file is newer than the destination 
5195               file, or if the destination file does not exist.  However, you can 
5196               explicitly overwrite files with the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.Overwrite"/> attribute.
5197               </para>
5198               <para>
5199               When a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> is used to select files to copy, the 
5200               <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.ToDirectory"/> attribute must be set. Files that are 
5201               located under the base directory of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> will
5202               be copied to a directory under the destination directory matching the
5203               path relative to the base directory of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/>,
5204               unless the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.Flatten"/> attribute is set to
5205               <see langword="true"/>.
5206               </para>
5207               <para>
5208               Files that are not located under the the base directory of the
5209               <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> will be copied directly under to the destination 
5210               directory, regardless of the value of the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.Flatten"/>
5211               attribute.
5212               </para>
5213               <h4>Encoding</h4>
5214               <para>
5215               Unless an encoding is specified, the encoding associated with the 
5216               system's current ANSI code page is used.
5217               </para>
5218               <para>
5219               An UTF-8, little-endian Unicode, and big-endian Unicode encoded text 
5220               file is automatically recognized, if the file starts with the 
5221               appropriate byte order marks.
5222               </para>
5223               <note>
5224               If you employ filters in your copy operation, you should limit the copy 
5225               to text files. Binary files will be corrupted by the copy operation.
5226               </note>
5227             </remarks>
5228             <example>
5229               <para>
5230               Copy a single file while changing its encoding from "latin1" to 
5231               "utf-8".
5232               </para>
5233               <code>
5234                 <![CDATA[
5235             <copy 
5236                 file="myfile.txt"
5237                 tofile="mycopy.txt"
5238                 inputencoding="latin1"
5239                 outputencoding="utf-8" />
5240                 ]]>
5241               </code>
5242             </example>
5243             <example>
5244               <para>Copy a set of files to a new directory.</para>
5245               <code>
5246                 <![CDATA[
5247             <copy todir="${build.dir}">
5248                 <fileset basedir="bin">
5249                     <include name="*.dll" />
5250                 </fileset>
5251             </copy>
5252                 ]]>
5253               </code>
5254             </example>
5255             <example>
5256               <para>
5257               Copy a set of files to a directory, replacing <c>@TITLE@</c> with 
5258               "Foo Bar" in all files.
5259               </para>
5260               <code>
5261                 <![CDATA[
5262             <copy todir="../backup/dir">
5263                 <fileset basedir="src_dir">
5264                     <include name="**/*" />
5265                 </fileset>
5266                 <filterchain>
5267                     <replacetokens>
5268                         <token key="TITLE" value="Foo Bar" />
5269                     </replacetokens>
5270                 </filterchain>
5271             </copy>
5272                 ]]>
5273               </code>
5274             </example>
5275         </member>
5276         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.#ctor">
5277             <summary>
5278             Initialize new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask"/>.
5279             </summary>
5280         </member>
5281         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.Initialize">
5282             <summary>
5283             Checks whether the task is initialized with valid attributes.
5284             </summary>
5285         </member>
5286         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.ExecuteTask">
5287             <summary>
5288             Executes the Copy task.
5289             </summary>
5290             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">A file that has to be copied does not exist or could not be copied.</exception>
5291         </member>
5292         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.DoFileOperations">
5293             <summary>
5294             Actually does the file copies.
5295             </summary>
5296         </member>
5297         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.SourceFile">
5298             <summary>
5299             The file to copy.
5300             </summary>
5301         </member>
5302         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.ToFile">
5303             <summary>
5304             The file to copy to.
5305             </summary>
5306         </member>
5307         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.ToDirectory">
5308             <summary>
5309             The directory to copy to.
5310             </summary>
5311         </member>
5312         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.Overwrite">
5313             <summary>
5314             Overwrite existing files even if the destination files are newer. 
5315             The default is <see langword="false" />.
5316             </summary>
5317         </member>
5318         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.Flatten">
5319             <summary>
5320             Ignore directory structure of source directory, copy all files into 
5321             a single directory, specified by the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.ToDirectory"/> 
5322             attribute. The default is <see langword="false"/>.
5323             </summary>
5324         </member>
5325         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.IncludeEmptyDirs">
5326             <summary>
5327             Copy any empty directories included in the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/>. 
5328             The default is <see langword="true"/>.
5329             </summary>
5330         </member>
5331         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.CopyFileSet">
5332             <summary>
5333             Used to select the files to copy. To use a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/>, 
5334             the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.ToDirectory"/> attribute must be set.
5335             </summary>
5336         </member>
5337         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.Filters">
5338             <summary>
5339             Chain of filters used to alter the file's content as it is copied.
5340             </summary>
5341         </member>
5342         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.InputEncoding">
5343             <summary>
5344             The encoding to use when reading files. The default is the system's
5345             current ANSI code page.
5346             </summary>
5347         </member>
5348         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.OutputEncoding">
5349             <summary>
5350             The encoding to use when writing the files. The default is
5351             the encoding of the input file.
5352             </summary>
5353         </member>
5354         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.FileCopyMap">
5355             <summary>
5356             The set of files to perform a file operation on.
5357             </summary>
5358             <remarks>
5359               <para>
5360               The key of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable"/> is the absolute path of 
5361               the destination file and the value is a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.FileDateInfo"/>
5362               holding the path and last write time of the most recently updated
5363               source file that is selected to be copied or moved to the 
5364               destination file.
5365               </para>
5366               <para>
5367               On Windows, the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable"/> is case-insensitive.
5368               </para>
5369             </remarks>
5370         </member>
5371         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.FileDateInfo">
5372             <summary>
5373             Holds the absolute paths and last write time of a given file.
5374             </summary>
5375         </member>
5376         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.FileDateInfo.#ctor(System.String,System.DateTime)">
5377             <summary>
5378             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.FileDateInfo"/>
5379             class for the specified file and last write time.
5380             </summary>
5381             <param name="path">The absolute path of the file.</param>
5382             <param name="lastWriteTime">The last write time of the file.</param>
5383         </member>
5384         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.FileDateInfo.Path">
5385             <summary>
5386             Gets the absolute path of the current file.
5387             </summary>
5388             <value>
5389             The absolute path of the current file.
5390             </value>
5391         </member>
5392         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.FileDateInfo.LastWriteTime">
5393             <summary>
5394             Gets the time when the current file was last written to.
5395             </summary>
5396             <value>
5397             The time when the current file was last written to.
5398             </value>
5399         </member>
5400         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.DeleteTask">
5401             <summary>
5402             Deletes a file, fileset or directory.
5403             </summary>
5404             <remarks>
5405               <para>
5406               Deletes either a single file, all files in a specified directory and 
5407               its sub-directories, or a set of files specified by one or more filesets.
5408               </para>
5409               <para>
5410               If the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.DeleteTask.File"/> or <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.DeleteTask.Directory"/> attribute is 
5411               set then the fileset contents will be ignored. To delete the files 
5412               in the fileset ommit the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.DeleteTask.File"/> and <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.DeleteTask.Directory"/>
5413               attributes in the <c>&lt;delete&gt;</c> element.
5414               </para>
5415               <para>
5416               If the specified file or directory does not exist, no error is 
5417               reported.
5418               </para>
5419               <note>
5420               Read-only files cannot be deleted.  Use the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.AttribTask"/> 
5421               first to remove the read-only attribute.
5422               </note>
5423             </remarks>
5424             <example>
5425               <para>Delete a single file.</para>
5426               <code>
5427                 <![CDATA[
5428             <delete file="myfile.txt" />
5429                 ]]>
5430               </code>
5431             </example>
5432             <example>
5433               <para>
5434               Delete a directory and the contents within. If the directory does not 
5435               exist, no error is reported.
5436               </para>
5437               <code>
5438                 <![CDATA[
5439             <delete dir="${build.dir}" />
5440                 ]]>
5441               </code>
5442             </example>
5443             <example>
5444               <para>
5445               Delete a set of files.
5446               </para>
5447               <code>
5448                 <![CDATA[
5449             <delete>
5450                 <fileset>
5451                     <include name="${basename}-??.exe" />
5452                     <include name="${basename}-??.pdb" />
5453                 </fileset>
5454             </delete>
5455                 ]]>
5456               </code>
5457             </example>
5458         </member>
5459         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.DeleteTask.Initialize">
5460             <summary>
5461             Ensures the supplied attributes are valid.
5462             </summary>
5463         </member>
5464         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.DeleteTask.File">
5465             <summary>
5466             The file to delete.
5467             </summary>
5468         </member>
5469         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.DeleteTask.Directory">
5470             <summary>
5471             The directory to delete.
5472             </summary>
5473         </member>
5474         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.DeleteTask.IncludeEmptyDirs">
5475             <summary>
5476             Remove any empty directories included in the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/>. 
5477             The default is <see langword="true"/>.
5478             </summary>
5479         </member>
5480         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.DeleteTask.DeleteFileSet">
5481             <summary>
5482             All the files in the file set will be deleted.
5483             </summary>
5484         </member>
5485         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.DeleteTask.Verbose">
5486             <summary>
5487             Controls whether to show the name of each deleted file or directory.
5488             The default is <see langword="false" />.
5489             </summary>
5490         </member>
5491         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.DescriptionTask">
5492             <summary>
5493             An empty task that allows a build file to contain a description.
5494             </summary>
5495             <example>
5496               <para>Set a description.</para>
5497               <code>
5498                 <![CDATA[
5499             <description>This is a description.</description>
5500                 ]]>
5501               </code>
5502             </example>
5503         </member>
5504         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.EchoTask">
5505             <summary>
5506             Writes a message to the build log or a specified file.
5507             </summary>
5508             <remarks>
5509               <para>
5510               The message can be specified using the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.EchoTask.Message"/> attribute 
5511               or as inline content.
5512               </para>
5513               <para>
5514               Macros in the message will be expanded.
5515               </para>
5516               <para>
5517               When writing to a file, the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.EchoTask.MessageLevel"/> attribute is
5518               ignored.
5519               </para>
5520             </remarks>
5521             <example>
5522               <para>
5523               Writes a message with level <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Level.Debug"/> to the build log.
5524               </para>
5525               <code>
5526                 <![CDATA[
5527             <echo message="Hello, World!" level="Debug" />
5528                 ]]>
5529               </code>
5530             </example>
5531             <example>
5532               <para>
5533               Writes a message with expanded macro to the build log.
5534               </para>
5535               <code>
5536                 <![CDATA[
5537             <echo message="Base build directory = ${nant.project.basedir}" />
5538                 ]]>
5539               </code>
5540             </example>
5541             <example>
5542               <para>
5543               Functionally equivalent to the previous example.
5544               </para>
5545               <code>
5546                 <![CDATA[
5547             <echo>Base build directory = ${nant.project.basedir}</echo>
5548                 ]]>
5549               </code>
5550             </example>
5551             <example>
5552               <para>
5553               Writes the previous message to a file in the project directory, 
5554               overwriting the file if it exists.
5555               </para>
5556               <code>
5557                 <![CDATA[
5558             <echo file="buildmessage.txt">Base build directory = ${nant.project.basedir}</echo>
5559                 ]]>
5560               </code>
5561             </example>
5562         </member>
5563         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.EchoTask.ExecuteTask">
5564             <summary>
5565             Outputs the message to the build log or the specified file.
5566             </summary>
5567         </member>
5568         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.EchoTask.Message">
5569             <summary>
5570             The message to output.
5571             </summary>
5572         </member>
5573         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.EchoTask.Contents">
5574             <summary>
5575             Gets or sets the inline content that should be output.
5576             </summary>
5577             <value>
5578             The inline content that should be output.
5579             </value>
5580         </member>
5581         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.EchoTask.File">
5582             <summary>
5583             The file to write the message to.
5584             </summary>
5585         </member>
5586         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.EchoTask.Append">
5587             <summary>
5588             Determines whether the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.EchoTask"/> should append to the 
5589             file, or overwrite it.  By default, the file will be overwritten.
5590             </summary>
5591             <value>
5592             <see langword="true"/> if output should be appended to the file; 
5593             otherwise, <see langword="false"/>. The default is 
5594             <see langword="false"/>.
5595             </value>
5596         </member>
5597         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.EchoTask.MessageLevel">
5598             <summary>
5599             The logging level with which the message should be output. The default 
5600             is <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Level.Info"/>.
5601             </summary>
5602         </member>
5603         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExecTask">
5604             <summary>
5605             Executes a system command.
5606             </summary>
5607             <remarks>
5608               <para>
5609               Use of nested <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.Arguments"/> element(s)
5610               is advised over the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExecTask.CommandLineArguments"/> parameter, as
5611               it supports automatic quoting and can resolve relative to absolute
5612                paths.
5613               </para>
5614             </remarks>
5615             <example>
5616               <para>Ping "nant.sourceforge.net".</para>
5617               <code>
5618                 <![CDATA[
5619             <exec program="ping">
5620                 <arg value="nant.sourceforge.net" />
5621             </exec>
5622                 ]]>
5623               </code>
5624             </example>
5625             <example>
5626               <para>
5627               Execute a java application using <c>IKVM.NET</c> that requires the 
5628               Apache FOP jars, and a set of custom jars.
5629               </para>
5630               <code>
5631                 <![CDATA[
5632                     <path id="fop-classpath">
5633                         <pathelement file="${fop.dist.dir}/build/fop.jar" />
5634                         <pathelement file="${fop.dist.dir}/lib/xercesImpl-2.2.1.jar" />
5635                         <pathelement file="${fop.dist.dir}/lib/avalon-framework-cvs-20020806.jar" />
5636                         <pathelement file="${fop.dist.dir}/lib/batik.jar" />
5637                     </path>
5638                     <exec program="ikvm.exe" useruntimeengine="true">
5639                         <arg value="-cp" />
5640                         <arg>
5641                             <path>
5642                                 <pathelement dir="conf" />
5643                                 <path refid="fop-classpath" />
5644                                 <pathelement file="lib/mylib.jar" />
5645                                 <pathelement file="lib/otherlib.zip" />
5646                             </path>
5647                         </arg>
5648                         <arg value="org.me.MyProg" />
5649                     </exec>
5650                 ]]>
5651               </code>
5652               <para>
5653               Assuming the base directory of the build file is "c:\ikvm-test" and
5654               the value of the "fop.dist.dir" property is "c:\fop", then the value
5655               of the <c>-cp</c> argument that is passed to<c>ikvm.exe</c> is
5656               "c:\ikvm-test\conf;c:\fop\build\fop.jar;conf;c:\fop\lib\xercesImpl-2.2.1.jar;c:\fop\lib\avalon-framework-cvs-20020806.jar;c:\fop\lib\batik.jar;c:\ikvm-test\lib\mylib.jar;c:\ikvm-test\lib\otherlib.zip"
5657               on a DOS-based system.
5658               </para>
5659             </example>
5660         </member>
5661         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase">
5662             <summary>
5663             Provides the abstract base class for tasks that execute external applications.
5664             </summary>
5665             <remarks>
5666               <para>
5667               When a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.ProgramLocationAttribute"/> is applied to the
5668               deriving class and <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.ExeName"/> does not return an
5669               absolute path, then the program to execute will first be searched for
5670               in the location specified by <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Attributes.ProgramLocationAttribute.LocationType"/>.
5671               </para>
5672               <para>
5673               If the program does not exist in that location, then the list of tool
5674               paths of the current target framework will be scanned in the order in
5675               which they are defined in the NAnt configuration file.
5676               </para>
5677             </remarks>
5678         </member>
5679         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.UnknownExitCode">
5680             <summary>
5681             Defines the exit code that will be returned by <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.ExitCode"/>
5682             if the process could not be started, or did not exit (in time).
5683             </summary>
5684         </member>
5685         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase._lockObject">
5686             <summary>
5687             Will be used to ensure thread-safe operations.
5688             </summary>
5689         </member>
5690         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.ExecuteTask">
5691             <summary>
5692             Starts the external process and captures its output.
5693             </summary>
5694             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
5695               <para>The external process did not finish within the configured timeout.</para>
5696               <para>-or-</para>
5697               <para>The exit code of the external process indicates a failure.</para>
5698             </exception>
5699         </member>
5700         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.PrepareProcess(System.Diagnostics.Process)">
5701             <summary>
5702             Updates the <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo"/> of the specified 
5703             <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.Process"/>.
5704             </summary>
5705             <param name="process">The <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.Process"/> of which the <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo"/> should be updated.</param>
5706         </member>
5707         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.StartProcess">
5708             <summary>
5709             Starts the process and handles errors.
5710             </summary>
5711             <returns>The <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.Process"/> that was started.</returns>
5712         </member>
5713         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.StreamReaderThread_Output">
5714             <summary>
5715             Reads from the stream until the external program is ended.
5716             </summary>
5717         </member>
5718         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.StreamReaderThread_Error">
5719             <summary>
5720             Reads from the stream until the external program is ended.
5721             </summary>
5722         </member>
5723         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.DetermineFilePath">
5724             <summary>
5725             Determines the path of the external program that should be executed.
5726             </summary>
5727             <returns>
5728             A fully qualifies pathname including the program name.
5729             </returns>
5730             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">The task is not available or not configured for the current framework.</exception>
5731         </member>
5732         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.ExeName">
5733             <summary>
5734             The name of the executable that should be used to launch the 
5735             external program.
5736             </summary>
5737             <value>
5738             The name of the executable that should be used to launch the external
5739             program, or <see langword="null" /> if no name is specified.
5740             </value>
5741             <remarks>
5742             If available, the configured value in the NAnt configuration
5743             file will be used if no name is specified.
5744             </remarks>
5745         </member>
5746         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.ProgramFileName">
5747             <summary>
5748             Gets the filename of the external program to start.
5749             </summary>
5750             <value>
5751             The filename of the external program.
5752             </value>
5753             <remarks>
5754             Override in derived classes to explicitly set the location of the 
5755             external tool.
5756             </remarks>
5757         </member>
5758         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.ProgramArguments">
5759             <summary>
5760             Gets the command-line arguments for the external program.
5761             </summary>
5762             <value>
5763             The command-line arguments for the external program.
5764             </value>
5765         </member>
5766         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.Output">
5767             <summary>
5768             Gets the file to which the standard output should be redirected.
5769             </summary>
5770             <value>
5771             The file to which the standard output should be redirected, or 
5772             <see langword="null" /> if the standard output should not be
5773             redirected.
5774             </value>
5775             <remarks>
5776             The default implementation will never allow the standard output
5777             to be redirected to a file.  Deriving classes should override this 
5778             property to change this behaviour.
5779             </remarks>
5780         </member>
5781         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.OutputAppend">
5782             <summary>
5783             Gets a value indicating whether output will be appended to the 
5784             <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.Output"/>.
5785             </summary>
5786             <value>
5787             <see langword="true"/> if output should be appended to the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.Output"/>; 
5788             otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
5789             </value>
5790         </member>
5791         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.BaseDirectory">
5792             <summary>
5793             Gets the working directory for the application.
5794             </summary>
5795             <value>
5796             The working directory for the application.
5797             </value>
5798         </member>
5799         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.TimeOut">
5800             <summary>
5801             The maximum amount of time the application is allowed to execute, 
5802             expressed in milliseconds.  Defaults to no time-out.
5803             </summary>
5804         </member>
5805         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.Arguments">
5806             <summary>
5807             The command-line arguments for the external program.
5808             </summary>
5809         </member>
5810         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.UseRuntimeEngine">
5811             <summary>
5812             Specifies whether the external program is a managed application
5813             which should be executed using a runtime engine, if configured. 
5814             The default is <see langword="false"/>.
5815             </summary>
5816             <value>
5817             <see langword="true"/> if the external program should be executed 
5818             using a runtime engine; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
5819             </value>
5820             <remarks>
5821               <para>
5822               The value of <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.UseRuntimeEngine"/> is only used from
5823               <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.Managed"/>, and then only if its value is set to
5824               <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Types.ManagedExecution.Default"/>. In which case
5825               <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.Managed"/> returns <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Types.ManagedExecution.Auto"/>
5826               if <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.UseRuntimeEngine"/> is <see langword="true"/>.
5827               </para>
5828               <para>
5829               In all other cases, the value of <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.UseRuntimeEngine"/>
5830               is ignored.
5831               </para>
5832             </remarks>
5833         </member>
5834         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.Managed">
5835             <summary>
5836             Specifies whether the external program should be treated as a managed
5837             application, possibly forcing it to be executed under the currently
5838             targeted version of the CLR.
5839             </summary>
5840             <value>
5841             A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.ManagedExecution"/> indicating how the program should
5842             be treated.
5843             </value>
5844             <remarks>
5845               <para>
5846               If <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.Managed"/> is set to <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Types.ManagedExecution.Default"/>,
5847               which is the default value, and <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.UseRuntimeEngine"/> is
5848               <see langword="true"/> then <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Types.ManagedExecution.Auto"/>
5849               is returned.
5850               </para>
5851               <para>
5852               When the changing <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.Managed"/> to <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Types.ManagedExecution.Default"/>,
5853               then <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.UseRuntimeEngine"/> is set to <see langword="false"/>;
5854               otherwise, it is changed to <see langword="true"/>.
5855               </para>
5856             </remarks>
5857         </member>
5858         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.OutputWriter">
5859             <summary>
5860             Gets or sets the <see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/> to which standard output
5861             messages of the external program will be written.
5862             </summary>
5863             <value>
5864             The <see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/> to which standard output messages of 
5865             the external program will be written.
5866             </value>
5867             <remarks>
5868             By default, standard output messages wil be written to the build log
5869             with level <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Level.Info"/>.
5870             </remarks>
5871         </member>
5872         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.ErrorWriter">
5873             <summary>
5874             Gets or sets the <see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/> to which error output
5875             of the external program will be written.
5876             </summary>
5877             <value>
5878             The <see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/> to which error output of the external 
5879             program will be written.
5880             </value>
5881             <remarks>
5882             By default, error output wil be written to the build log with level 
5883             <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Level.Warning"/>.
5884             </remarks>
5885         </member>
5886         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.ExitCode">
5887             <summary>
5888             Gets the value that the process specified when it terminated.
5889             </summary>
5890             <value>
5891             The code that the associated process specified when it terminated, 
5892             or <c>-1000</c> if the process could not be started or did not 
5893             exit (in time).
5894             </value>
5895         </member>
5896         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.ProcessId">
5897             <summary>
5898             Gets the unique identifier for the spawned application.
5899             </summary>
5900         </member>
5901         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.Spawn">
5902             <summary>
5903             Gets or sets a value indicating whether the application should be
5904             spawned. If you spawn an application, its output will not be logged
5905             by NAnt. The default is <see langword="false" />.
5906             </summary>
5907         </member>
5908         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.CommandLine">
5909             <summary>
5910             Gets the command-line arguments, separated by spaces.
5911             </summary>
5912         </member>
5913         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExecTask.Initialize">
5914             <summary>
5915             Performs additional checks after the task has been initialized.
5916             </summary>
5917             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException"><see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExecTask.FileName"/> does not hold a valid file name.</exception>
5918         </member>
5919         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExecTask.ExecuteTask">
5920             <summary>
5921             Executes the external program.
5922             </summary>
5923         </member>
5924         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExecTask.FileName">
5925             <summary>
5926             The program to execute without command arguments.
5927             </summary>
5928             <remarks>
5929             The path will not be evaluated to a full path using the project
5930             base directory.
5931             </remarks>
5932         </member>
5933         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExecTask.CommandLineArguments">
5934             <summary>
5935             The command-line arguments for the program.  These will be
5936             passed as is to the external program. When quoting is necessary,
5937             these must be explictly set as part of the value. Consider using
5938             nested <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.Arguments"/> elements instead.
5939             </summary>
5940         </member>
5941         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExecTask.EnvironmentSet">
5942             <summary>
5943             Environment variables to pass to the program.
5944             </summary>
5945         </member>
5946         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExecTask.WorkingDirectory">
5947             <summary>
5948             The directory in which the command will be executed.
5949             </summary>
5950             <value>
5951             The directory in which the command will be executed. The default 
5952             is the project's base directory.
5953             </value>
5954             <remarks>
5955             <para>
5956             The working directory will be evaluated relative to the project's
5957             base directory if it is relative.
5958             </para>
5959             </remarks>
5960         </member>
5961         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExecTask.ResultProperty">
5962             <summary>
5963             <para>
5964             The name of a property in which the exit code of the program should 
5965             be stored. Only of interest if <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Task.FailOnError"/> is 
5966             <see langword="false"/>.
5967             </para>
5968             <para>
5969             If the exit code of the program is "-1000" then the program could 
5970             not be started, or did not exit (in time).
5971             </para>
5972             </summary>
5973         </member>
5974         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExecTask.UseRuntimeEngine">
5975             <summary>
5976             Specifies whether the external program should be executed using a 
5977             runtime engine, if configured. The default is <see langword="false" />.
5978             </summary>
5979             <value>
5980             <see langword="true" /> if the external program should be executed 
5981             using a runtime engine; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
5982             </value>
5983         </member>
5984         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExecTask.Managed">
5985             <summary>
5986             Specifies whether the external program is a managed application
5987             which should be executed using a runtime engine, if configured. 
5988             The default is <see langword="false" />.
5989             </summary>
5990             <value>
5991             <see langword="true" /> if the external program should be executed 
5992             using a runtime engine; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
5993             </value>
5994         </member>
5995         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExecTask.ProgramFileName">
5996             <summary>
5997             Gets the filename of the external program to start.
5998             </summary>
5999             <value>
6000             The filename of the external program.
6001             </value>
6002         </member>
6003         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExecTask.ProgramArguments">
6004             <summary>
6005             Gets the command-line arguments for the external program.
6006             </summary>
6007             <value>
6008             The command-line arguments for the external program.
6009             </value>
6010         </member>
6011         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExecTask.BaseDirectory">
6012             <summary>
6013             The directory the program is in.
6014             </summary>
6015             <remarks>
6016             <value>
6017             The directory the program is in. The default is the project's base 
6018             directory.
6019             </value>
6020             <para>
6021             The basedir will be evaluated relative to the project's base 
6022             directory if it is relative.
6023             </para>
6024             </remarks>
6025         </member>
6026         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExecTask.Output">
6027             <summary>
6028             The file to which the standard output will be redirected.
6029             </summary>
6030             <remarks>
6031             By default, the standard output is redirected to the console.
6032             </remarks>
6033         </member>
6034         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExecTask.OutputAppend">
6035             <summary>
6036             Gets or sets a value indicating whether output should be appended 
6037             to the output file. The default is <see langword="false"/>.
6038             </summary>
6039             <value>
6040             <see langword="true"/> if output should be appended to the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExecTask.Output"/>; 
6041             otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
6042             </value>
6043         </member>
6044         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExecTask.Spawn">
6045             <summary>
6046             Gets or sets a value indicating whether the application should be
6047             spawned. If you spawn an application, its output will not be logged
6048             by NAnt. The default is <see langword="false" />.
6049             </summary>
6050         </member>
6051         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExecTask.ProcessIdProperty">
6052             <summary>
6053             The name of a property in which the unique identifier of the spawned
6054             application should be stored. Only of interest if <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExecTask.Spawn"/>
6055             is <see langword="true"/>.
6056             </summary>
6057         </member>
6058         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.FailTask">
6059             <summary>
6060             Exits the current build by throwing a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException"/>, 
6061             optionally printing additional information.
6062             </summary>
6063             <remarks>
6064               <para>
6065               The cause of the build failure can be specified using the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.FailTask.Message"/> 
6066               attribute or as inline content.
6067               </para>
6068               <para>
6069               Macros in the message will be expanded.
6070               </para>
6071             </remarks>
6072             <example>
6073               <para>Exits the current build without giving further information.</para>
6074               <code>
6075                 <![CDATA[
6076             <fail />
6077                 ]]>
6078               </code>
6079             </example>
6080             <example>
6081               <para>Exits the current build and writes a message to the build log.</para>
6082               <code>
6083                 <![CDATA[
6084             <fail message="Something wrong here." />
6085                 ]]>
6086               </code>
6087             </example>
6088             <example>
6089               <para>Functionally equivalent to the previous example.</para>
6090               <code>
6091                 <![CDATA[
6092             <fail>Something wrong here.</fail>
6093                 ]]>
6094               </code>
6095             </example>
6096         </member>
6097         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.FailTask.Message">
6098             <summary>
6099             A message giving further information on why the build exited.
6100             </summary>
6101             <remarks>
6102             Inline content and <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.FailTask.Message"/> are mutually exclusive.
6103             </remarks>
6104         </member>
6105         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.FailTask.Contents">
6106             <summary>
6107             Gets or sets the inline content that should be output in the build
6108             log, giving further information on why the build exited.
6109             </summary>
6110             <value>
6111             The inline content that should be output in the build log.
6112             </value>
6113             <remarks>
6114             Inline content and <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.FailTask.Message"/> are mutually exclusive.
6115             </remarks>
6116         </member>
6117         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.GetTask">
6118             <summary>
6119             Gets a particular file from a URL source.
6120             </summary>
6121             <remarks>
6122               <para>
6123               Options include verbose reporting and timestamp based fetches.
6124               </para>
6125               <para>
6126               Currently, only HTTP and UNC protocols are supported. FTP support may 
6127               be added when more pluggable protocols are added to the System.Net 
6128               assembly.
6129               </para>
6130               <para>
6131               The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.GetTask.UseTimeStamp"/> option enables you to control downloads 
6132               so that the remote file is only fetched if newer than the local copy. 
6133               If there is no local copy, the download always takes place. When a file 
6134               is downloaded, the timestamp of the downloaded file is set to the remote 
6135               timestamp.
6136               </para>
6137               <note>
6138               This timestamp facility only works on downloads using the HTTP protocol.
6139               </note>
6140             </remarks>
6141             <example>
6142               <para>
6143               Gets the index page of the NAnt home page, and stores it in the file 
6144               <c>help/index.html</c> relative to the project base directory.
6145               </para>
6146               <code>
6147                 <![CDATA[
6148             <get src="http://nant.sourceforge.org/" dest="help/index.html" />
6149                 ]]>
6150               </code>
6151             </example>
6152             <example>
6153               <para>
6154               Gets the index page of a secured web site using the given credentials, 
6155               while connecting using the specified password-protected proxy server.
6156               </para>
6157               <code>
6158                 <![CDATA[
6159             <get src="http://password.protected.site/index.html" dest="secure/index.html">
6160                 <credentials username="user" password="guess" domain="mydomain" />
6161                 <proxy host="proxy.company.com" port="8080">
6162                     <credentials username="proxyuser" password="dunno" />
6163                 </proxy>
6164             </get>
6165                 ]]>
6166               </code>
6167             </example>
6168         </member>
6169         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.GetTask.Initialize">
6170             <summary>
6171             Initializes task and ensures the supplied attributes are valid.
6172             </summary>
6173         </member>
6174         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.GetTask.ExecuteTask">
6175             <summary>
6176             This is where the work is done 
6177             </summary>
6178         </member>
6179         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.GetTask.TouchFile(System.IO.FileInfo,System.DateTime)">
6180             <summary>
6181             Sets the timestamp of a given file to a specified time.
6182             </summary>
6183         </member>
6184         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.GetTask.Source">
6185             <summary>
6186             The URL from which to retrieve a file.
6187             </summary>
6188         </member>
6189         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.GetTask.DestinationFile">
6190             <summary>
6191             The file where to store the retrieved file.
6192             </summary>
6193         </member>
6194         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.GetTask.HttpProxy">
6195             <summary>
6196             If inside a firewall, proxy server/port information
6197             Format: {proxy server name}:{port number}
6198             Example: proxy.mycompany.com:8080 
6199             </summary>
6200         </member>
6201         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.GetTask.Proxy">
6202             <summary>
6203             The network proxy to use to access the Internet resource.
6204             </summary>
6205         </member>
6206         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.GetTask.Credentials">
6207             <summary>
6208             The network credentials used for authenticating the request with 
6209             the Internet resource.
6210             </summary>
6211         </member>
6212         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.GetTask.IgnoreErrors">
6213             <summary>
6214             Log errors but don't treat as fatal. The default is <see langword="false" />.
6215             </summary>
6216         </member>
6217         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.GetTask.UseTimeStamp">
6218             <summary>
6219             Conditionally download a file based on the timestamp of the local 
6220             copy. HTTP only. The default is <see langword="false" />.
6221             </summary>
6222         </member>
6223         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.GetTask.Timeout">
6224             <summary>
6225             The length of time, in milliseconds, until the request times out.
6226             The default is <c>100000</c> milliseconds.
6227             </summary>
6228         </member>
6229         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.GetTask.Certificates">
6230             <summary>
6231             The security certificates to associate with the request.
6232             </summary>
6233         </member>
6234         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.IfTask">
6235             <summary>
6236             Checks the conditional attributes and executes the children if
6237             <see langword="true"/>.
6238             </summary>
6239             <remarks>
6240               <para>
6241               If no conditions are checked, all child tasks are executed. 
6242               </para>
6243               <para>
6244               If more than one attribute is used, they are &amp;&amp;'d. The first 
6245               to fail stops the check.
6246               </para>
6247               <para>
6248               The order of condition evaluation is, <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.IfTask.TargetNameExists"/>, 
6249               <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.IfTask.PropertyNameExists"/>, <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.IfTask.PropertyNameTrue"/>, 
6250               <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.IfTask.UpToDateFile"/>.
6251               </para>
6252               <note>
6253               instead of using the deprecated attributes, we advise you to use the
6254               following functions in combination with the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.IfTask.Test"/>
6255               attribute:
6256               </note>
6257               <list type="table">
6258                 <listheader>
6259                     <term>Function</term>
6260                     <description>Description</description>
6261                 </listheader>
6262                 <item>
6263                     <term><see cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PropertyFunctions.Exists(System.String)"/></term>
6264                     <description>Checks whether the specified property exists.</description>
6265                 </item>
6266                 <item>
6267                     <term><see cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.TargetFunctions.Exists(System.String)"/></term>
6268                     <description>Checks whether the specified target exists.</description>
6269                 </item>
6270               </list>  
6271             </remarks>
6272             <example>
6273               <para>Tests the value of a property using expressions.</para>
6274               <code>
6275                 <![CDATA[
6276             <if test="${build.configuration=='release'}">
6277                 <echo>Build release configuration</echo>
6278             </if>
6279                 ]]>
6280               </code>
6281             </example>
6282             <example>
6283               <para>Tests the the output of a function.</para>
6284               <code>
6285                 <![CDATA[
6286             <if test="${not file::exists(filename) or file::get-length(filename) = 0}">
6287                 <echo message="The version file ${filename} doesn't exist or is empty!" />
6288             </if>
6289                 ]]>
6290               </code>
6291             </example>
6292             <example>
6293               <para><c>(Deprecated)</c> Check that a target exists.</para>
6294               <code>
6295                 <![CDATA[
6296             <target name="myTarget" />
6297             <if targetexists="myTarget">
6298                 <echo message="myTarget exists" />
6299             </if>
6300                 ]]>
6301               </code>
6302             </example>
6303             <example>
6304               <para><c>(Deprecated)</c> Check existence of a property.</para>
6305               <code>
6306                 <![CDATA[
6307             <if propertyexists="myProp">
6308                 <echo message="myProp Exists. Value='${myProp}'" />
6309             </if>
6310                 ]]>
6311               </code>
6312             </example>
6313             <example>
6314               <para><c>(Deprecated)</c> Check that a property value is true.</para>
6315               <code>
6316                 <![CDATA[
6317             <if propertytrue="myProp">
6318                 <echo message="myProp is true. Value='${myProp}'" />
6319             </if>
6320                 ]]>
6321               </code>
6322             </example>
6323             <example>
6324               <para>
6325               <c>(Deprecated)</c> Check that a property exists and is <see langword="true"/> 
6326               (uses multiple conditions).
6327               </para>
6328               <code>
6329                 <![CDATA[
6330             <if propertyexists="myProp" propertytrue="myProp">
6331                 <echo message="myProp is '${myProp}'" />
6332             </if>
6333                 ]]>
6334               </code>
6335               <para>which is the same as</para>
6336               <code>
6337                 <![CDATA[
6338             <if propertyexists="myProp">
6339                 <if propertytrue="myProp">
6340                     <echo message="myProp is '${myProp}'" />
6341                 </if>
6342             </if>
6343                 ]]>
6344               </code>
6345             </example>
6346             <example>
6347               <para>
6348               <c>(Deprecated)</c> Check file dates. If <c>myfile.dll</c> is uptodate,
6349               then do stuff.
6350               </para>
6351               <code>
6352                 <![CDATA[
6353             <if uptodatefile="myfile.dll" comparefile="myfile.cs">
6354                 <echo message="myfile.dll is newer/same-date as myfile.cs" />
6355             </if>
6356                 ]]>
6357               </code>
6358               <para>or</para>
6359               <code>
6360                 <![CDATA[
6361             <if uptodatefile="myfile.dll">
6362                 <comparefiles>
6363                     <include name="*.cs" />
6364                 </comparefiles>
6365                 <echo message="myfile.dll is newer/same-date as myfile.cs" />
6366             </if>
6367                 ]]>
6368               </code>
6369               <para>or</para>
6370               <code>
6371                 <![CDATA[
6372             <if>
6373                 <uptodatefiles>
6374                     <include name="myfile.dll" />
6375                 </uptodatefiles>
6376                 <comparefiles>
6377                     <include name="*.cs" />
6378                 </comparefiles>
6379                 <echo message="myfile.dll is newer/same-date as myfile.cs" />
6380             </if>
6381                 ]]>
6382               </code>
6383             </example>
6384         </member>
6385         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.TaskContainer">
6386             <summary>
6387             Executes embedded tasks in the order in which they are defined.
6388             </summary>
6389         </member>
6390         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TaskContainer.Initialize">
6391             <summary>
6392             Automatically exclude build elements that are defined on the task 
6393             from things that get executed, as they are evaluated normally during
6394             XML task initialization.
6395             </summary>
6396         </member>
6397         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TaskContainer.ExecuteChildTasks">
6398             <summary>
6399             Creates and executes the embedded (child XML nodes) elements.
6400             </summary>
6401             <remarks>
6402             Skips any element defined by the host <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> that has 
6403             a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Attributes.BuildElementAttribute"/> defined.
6404             </remarks>
6405         </member>
6406         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.TaskContainer.CustomXmlProcessing">
6407             <summary>
6408             Gets a value indicating whether the element is performing additional
6409             processing using the <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/> that was use to 
6410             initialize the element.
6411             </summary>
6412             <value>
6413             <see langword="true"/>, as a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskContainer"/> is
6414             responsable for creating tasks from the nested build elements.
6415             </value>
6416         </member>
6417         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.IfTask.UpToDateFile">
6418             <summary>
6419             The file to compare if uptodate.
6420             </summary>
6421         </member>
6422         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.IfTask.CompareFile">
6423             <summary>
6424             The file to check against for the uptodate file.
6425             </summary>
6426         </member>
6427         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.IfTask.CompareFiles">
6428             <summary>
6429             The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> that contains the comparison files for 
6430             the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.IfTask.UpToDateFile"/>(s) check.
6431             </summary>
6432         </member>
6433         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.IfTask.UpToDateFiles">
6434             <summary>
6435             The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> that contains the uptodate files for 
6436             the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.IfTask.CompareFile"/>(s) check.
6437             </summary>
6438         </member>
6439         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.IfTask.PropertyNameTrue">
6440             <summary>
6441             Used to test whether a property is true.
6442             </summary>
6443         </member>
6444         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.IfTask.PropertyNameExists">
6445             <summary>
6446             Used to test whether a property exists.
6447             </summary>
6448         </member>
6449         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.IfTask.TargetNameExists">
6450             <summary>
6451             Used to test whether a target exists.
6452             </summary>
6453         </member>
6454         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.IfTask.Test">
6455             <summary>
6456             Used to test arbitrary boolean expression.
6457             </summary>
6458         </member>
6459         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.IfNotTask">
6460             <summary>
6461             The opposite of the <c>if</c> task.
6462             </summary>
6463             <example>
6464               <para>Check that a property does not exist.</para>
6465               <code>
6466                 <![CDATA[
6467             <ifnot propertyexists="myProp">
6468                 <echo message="myProp does not exist."/>
6469             </if>
6470                 ]]>
6471               </code>
6472               <para>Check that a property value is not true.</para>
6473               <code>
6474                 <![CDATA[
6475             <ifnot propertytrue="myProp">
6476                 <echo message="myProp is not true."/>
6477             </if>
6478                 ]]>
6479               </code>
6480             </example>
6481             <example>
6482               <para>Check that a target does not exist.</para>
6483               <code>
6484                 <![CDATA[
6485             <ifnot targetexists="myTarget">
6486                 <echo message="myTarget does not exist."/>
6487             </if>
6488                 ]]>
6489               </code>
6490             </example>
6491         </member>
6492         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.IncludeTask">
6493             <summary>
6494             Includes an external build file.
6495             </summary>
6496             <remarks>
6497               <para>
6498               This task is used to break your build file into smaller chunks.  You 
6499               can load a partial build file and have it included into the build file.
6500               </para>
6501               <note>
6502               Any global (project level) tasks in the included build file are executed 
6503               when this task is executed.  Tasks in target elements are only executed 
6504               if that target is executed.
6505               </note>
6506               <note>
6507               The project element attributes are ignored.
6508               </note>
6509               <note>
6510               This task can only be in the global (project level) section of the 
6511               build file.
6512               </note>
6513               <note>
6514               This task can only include files from the file system.
6515               </note>
6516             </remarks>
6517             <example>
6518               <para>
6519               Include a task that fetches the project version from the 
6520               <c>GetProjectVersion.include</c> build file.
6521               </para>
6522               <code>
6523                 <![CDATA[
6524             <include buildfile="GetProjectVersion.include" />
6525                 ]]>
6526               </code>
6527             </example>
6528         </member>
6529         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Tasks.IncludeTask._includedFileNames">
6530             <summary>
6531             Used to check for recursived includes.
6532             </summary>
6533         </member>
6534         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.IncludeTask.Initialize">
6535             <summary>
6536             Verifies parameters.
6537             </summary>
6538         </member>
6539         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.IncludeTask.BuildFileName">
6540             <summary>
6541             Build file to include.
6542             </summary>
6543         </member>
6544         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoadFileTask">
6545             <summary>
6546             Load a text file into a single property.
6547             </summary>
6548             <remarks>
6549               <para>
6550               Unless an encoding is specified, the encoding associated with the 
6551               system's current ANSI code page is used.
6552               </para>
6553               <para>
6554               An UTF-8, little-endian Unicode, and big-endian Unicode encoded text 
6555               file is automatically recognized, if the file starts with the appropriate 
6556               byte order marks.
6557               </para>
6558             </remarks>
6559             <example>
6560               <para>
6561               Load file <c>message.txt</c> into property "message".
6562               </para>
6563               <code>
6564                 <![CDATA[
6565             <loadfile
6566                 file="message.txt"
6567                 property="message" />
6568                 ]]>
6569               </code>
6570             </example>
6571             <example>
6572               <para>
6573               Load a file using the "latin-1" encoding.
6574               </para>
6575               <code>
6576                 <![CDATA[
6577             <loadfile
6578                 file="loadfile.xml"
6579                 property="encoded-file"
6580                 encoding="iso-8859-1" />
6581                 ]]>
6582               </code>
6583             </example>
6584             <example>
6585               <para>
6586               Load a file, replacing all <c>@NOW@</c> tokens with the current 
6587               date/time. 
6588               </para>
6589               <code>
6590                 <![CDATA[
6591             <loadfile file="token.txt" property="token-file">
6592                 <filterchain>
6593                     <replacetokens>
6594                         <token key="NOW" value="${datetime::now()}" />
6595                     </replacetokens>
6596                 </filterchain>
6597             </loadfile>
6598                 ]]>
6599               </code>
6600             </example>
6601         </member>
6602         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoadFileTask.File">
6603             <summary>
6604             The file to load.
6605             </summary>
6606         </member>
6607         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoadFileTask.Property">
6608             <summary>
6609             The name of the property to save the content to.
6610             </summary>
6611         </member>
6612         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoadFileTask.Encoding">
6613             <summary>
6614             The encoding to use when loading the file. The default is the encoding
6615             associated with the system's current ANSI code page.
6616             </summary>
6617         </member>
6618         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoadFileTask.FilterChain">
6619             <summary>
6620             The filterchain definition to use.
6621             </summary>
6622         </member>
6623         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoadTasksTask">
6624              <summary>
6625              Loads tasks form a given assembly or all assemblies in a given directory
6626              or <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/>.
6627              </summary>
6628             <example>
6629                <para>
6630                Load tasks from a single assembly.
6631                </para>
6632                <code>
6633                  <![CDATA[
6634              <loadtasks assembly="c:foo\NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.dll" />
6635                  ]]>
6636                </code>
6637              </example>
6638              <example>
6639                <para>
6640                Scan a single directory for task assemblies.
6641                </para>
6642                <code>
6643                  <![CDATA[
6644              <loadtasks path="c:\foo" />
6645                  ]]>
6646                </code>
6647              </example>
6648              <example>
6649                <para>
6650                Use a <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoadTasksTask.TaskFileSet"/> containing both a directory and an 
6651                assembly.
6652                </para>
6653                <code>
6654                  <![CDATA[
6655              <loadtasks>
6656                 <fileset>
6657                     <include name="C:\cvs\NAntContrib\build" />
6658                     <include name="C:\cvs\NAntContrib\build\NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.dll" />
6659                 </fileset>
6660             </loadtasks>
6661                  ]]>
6662                </code>
6663              </example>
6664         </member>
6665         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoadTasksTask.ExecuteTask">
6666             <summary>
6667             Executes the Load Tasks task.
6668             </summary>
6669             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">Specified assembly or path does not exist.</exception>
6670         </member>
6671         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoadTasksTask.Initialize">
6672             <summary>
6673             Validates the attributes.
6674             </summary>
6675             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">Both <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoadTasksTask.AssemblyPath"/> and <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoadTasksTask.Path"/> are set.</exception>
6676         </member>
6677         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoadTasksTask.AssemblyPath">
6678             <summary>
6679             An assembly to load tasks from.
6680             </summary>
6681         </member>
6682         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoadTasksTask.Path">
6683             <summary>
6684             A directory to scan for task assemblies.
6685             </summary>
6686         </member>
6687         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoadTasksTask.TaskFileSet">
6688             <summary>
6689             Used to select which directories or individual assemblies to scan.
6690             </summary>
6691         </member>
6692         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoopTask">
6693             <summary>
6694             Loops over a set of items.
6695             </summary>
6696             <remarks>
6697               <para>
6698               Can loop over files in directory, lines in a file, etc.
6699               </para>
6700               <para>
6701               The property value is stored before the loop is done, and restored 
6702               when the loop is finished.
6703               </para>
6704               <para>
6705               The property is returned to its normal value once it is used. Read-only 
6706               parameters cannot be overridden in this loop.
6707               </para>
6708             </remarks>
6709             <example>
6710               <para>Loops over the files in <c>c:\</c>.</para>
6711               <code>
6712                 <![CDATA[
6713             <foreach item="File" in="c:\" property="filename">
6714                 <echo message="${filename}" />
6715             </foreach>
6716                 ]]>
6717               </code>
6718             </example>
6719             <example>
6720               <para>Loops over all files in the project directory.</para>
6721               <code>
6722                 <![CDATA[
6723             <foreach item="File" property="filename">
6724                 <in>
6725                     <items>
6726                         <include name="**" />
6727                     </items>
6728                 </in>
6729                 <do>
6730                     <echo message="${filename}" />
6731                 </do>
6732             </foreach>
6733                 ]]>
6734               </code>
6735             </example>
6736             <example>
6737               <para>Loops over the folders in <c>c:\</c>.</para>
6738               <code>
6739                 <![CDATA[
6740             <foreach item="Folder" in="c:\" property="foldername">
6741                 <echo message="${foldername}" />
6742             </foreach>
6743                 ]]>
6744               </code>
6745             </example>
6746             <example>
6747               <para>Loops over all folders in the project directory.</para>
6748               <code>
6749                 <![CDATA[
6750             <foreach item="Folder" property="foldername">
6751                 <in>
6752                     <items>
6753                         <include name="**" />
6754                     </items>
6755                 </in>
6756                 <do>
6757                     <echo message="${foldername}" />
6758                 </do>
6759             </foreach>
6760                 ]]>
6761               </code>
6762             </example>
6763             <example>
6764               <para>Loops over a list.</para>
6765               <code>
6766                 <![CDATA[
6767             <foreach item="String" in="1 2,3" delim=" ," property="count">
6768                 <echo message="${count}" />
6769             </foreach>
6770                 ]]>
6771               </code>
6772             </example>
6773             <example>
6774               <para>
6775               Loops over lines in the file <c>properties.csv</c>, where each line 
6776               is of the format name,value.
6777               </para>
6778               <code>
6779                 <![CDATA[
6780             <foreach item="Line" in="properties.csv" delim="," property="x,y">
6781                 <echo message="Read pair ${x}=${y}" />
6782             </foreach>
6783                 ]]>
6784               </code>
6785             </example>
6786         </member>
6787         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoopTask.Property">
6788             <summary>
6789             The NAnt property name(s) that should be used for the current 
6790             iterated item.
6791             </summary>
6792             <remarks>
6793             If specifying multiple properties, separate them with a comma.
6794             </remarks>
6795         </member>
6796         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoopTask.ItemType">
6797             <summary>
6798             The type of iteration that should be done.
6799             </summary>
6800         </member>
6801         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoopTask.TrimType">
6802             <summary>
6803             The type of whitespace trimming that should be done. The default 
6804             is <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoopTask.LoopTrim.None"/>.
6805             </summary>
6806         </member>
6807         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoopTask.Source">
6808             <summary>
6809             The source of the iteration.
6810             </summary>
6811         </member>
6812         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoopTask.Delimiter">
6813             <summary>
6814             The deliminator char.
6815             </summary>
6816         </member>
6817         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoopTask.InElement">
6818             <summary>
6819             Stuff to operate in. Just like the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoopTask.Source"/> 
6820             attribute, but supports more complicated things like a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> 
6821             and such.
6822             <note>
6823             Please remove the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoopTask.Source"/> attribute if you 
6824             are using this element.
6825             </note>
6826             </summary>
6827         </member>
6828         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoopTask.StuffToDo">
6829             <summary>
6830             Tasks to execute for each matching item.
6831             </summary>
6832         </member>
6833         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoopTask.LoopTrim.None">
6834             <summary>
6835             Do not remove any white space characters.
6836             </summary>
6837         </member>
6838         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoopTask.LoopTrim.End">
6839             <summary>
6840             Remove all white space characters from the end of the current
6841             item.
6842             </summary>
6843         </member>
6844         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoopTask.LoopTrim.Start">
6845             <summary>
6846             Remove all white space characters from the beginning of the 
6847             current item.
6848             </summary>
6849         </member>
6850         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Tasks.LoopTask.LoopTrim.Both">
6851             <summary>
6852             Remove all white space characters from the beginning and end of
6853             the current item.
6854             </summary>
6855         </member>
6856         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MailTask">
6857             <summary>
6858             Sends an SMTP message.
6859             </summary>
6860             <remarks>
6861             <para>
6862             Text and text files to include in the message body may be specified as 
6863             well as binary attachments.
6864             </para>
6865             </remarks>
6866             <example>
6867               <para>
6868               Sends an email from <c>nant@sourceforge.net</c> to three recipients 
6869               with a subject about the attachments. The body of the message will be
6870               the combined contents of all <c>.txt</c> files in the base directory.
6871               All zip files in the base directory will be included as attachments.  
6872               The message will be sent using the <c>smtpserver.anywhere.com</c> SMTP 
6873               server.
6874               </para>
6875               <code>
6876                 <![CDATA[
6877             <mail 
6878                 from="nant@sourceforge.net" 
6879                 tolist="recipient1@sourceforge.net" 
6880                 cclist="recipient2@sourceforge.net" 
6881                 bcclist="recipient3@sourceforge.net" 
6882                 subject="Msg 7: With attachments" 
6883                 mailhost="smtpserver.anywhere.com">
6884                 <files>
6885                     <include name="*.txt" />
6886                 </files>   
6887                 <attachments>
6888                     <include name="*.zip" />
6889                 </attachments>
6890             </mail>
6891                 ]]>
6892               </code>
6893             </example>
6894         </member>
6895         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MailTask.Initialize">
6896             <summary>
6897             Initializes task and ensures the supplied attributes are valid.
6898             </summary>
6899         </member>
6900         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MailTask.ExecuteTask">
6901             <summary>
6902             This is where the work is done.
6903             </summary>
6904         </member>
6905         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MailTask.ReadFile(System.String)">
6906             <summary>
6907             Reads a text file and returns the content
6908             in a string.
6909             </summary>
6910             <param name="filename">The file to read content of.</param>
6911             <returns>
6912             The content of the specified file.
6913             </returns>
6914         </member>
6915         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MailTask.From">
6916             <summary>
6917             Email address of sender.
6918             </summary>
6919         </member>
6920         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MailTask.ToList">
6921             <summary>
6922             Semicolon-separated list of recipient email addresses.
6923             </summary>
6924         </member>
6925         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MailTask.CcList">
6926             <summary>
6927             Semicolon-separated list of CC: recipient email addresses.
6928             </summary>
6929         </member>
6930         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MailTask.BccList">
6931             <summary>
6932             Semicolon-separated list of BCC: recipient email addresses.
6933             </summary>
6934         </member>
6935         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MailTask.Mailhost">
6936             <summary>
6937             Host name of mail server. The default is <c>localhost</c>.
6938             </summary>
6939         </member>
6940         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MailTask.Message">
6941             <summary>
6942             Text to send in body of email message.
6943             </summary>
6944         </member>
6945         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MailTask.Subject">
6946             <summary>
6947             Text to send in subject line of email message.
6948             </summary>
6949         </member>
6950         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MailTask.Format">
6951             <summary>
6952             Format of the message. The default is <see cref="F:System.Web.Mail.MailFormat.Text"/>.
6953             </summary>
6954         </member>
6955         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MailTask.Files">
6956             <summary>
6957             Files that are transmitted as part of the body of the email message.
6958             </summary>
6959         </member>
6960         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MailTask.Attachments">
6961             <summary>
6962             Attachments that are transmitted with the message.
6963             </summary>
6964         </member>
6965         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MkDirTask">
6966             <summary>
6967             Creates a directory and any non-existent parent directory if necessary.
6968             </summary>
6969             <example>
6970               <para>Create the directory <c>build</c>.</para>
6971               <code>
6972                 <![CDATA[
6973             <mkdir dir="build" />
6974                 ]]>
6975               </code>
6976             </example>
6977             <example>
6978               <para>Create the directory tree <c>one/two/three</c>.</para>
6979               <code>
6980                 <![CDATA[
6981             <mkdir dir="one/two/three" />
6982                 ]]>
6983               </code>
6984             </example>
6985         </member>
6986         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MkDirTask.ExecuteTask">
6987             <summary>
6988             Creates the directory specified by the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MkDirTask.Dir"/> property.
6989             </summary>
6990             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">The directory could not be created.</exception>
6991         </member>
6992         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MkDirTask.Dir">
6993             <summary>
6994             The directory to create.
6995             </summary>
6996         </member>
6997         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MoveTask">
6998             <summary>
6999             Moves a file or set of files to a new file or directory.
7000             </summary>
7001             <remarks>
7002               <para>
7003               Files are only moved if the source file is newer than the destination
7004               file, or if the destination file does not exist.  However, you can
7005               explicitly overwrite files with the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.Overwrite"/> 
7006               attribute.
7007               </para>
7008               <para>
7009               A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> can be used to select files to move. To use
7010               a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/>, the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.ToDirectory"/> 
7011               attribute must be set.
7012               </para>
7013               <h3>Encoding</h3>
7014               <para>
7015               Unless an encoding is specified, the encoding associated with the 
7016               system's current ANSI code page is used.
7017               </para>
7018               <para>
7019               An UTF-8, little-endian Unicode, and big-endian Unicode encoded text 
7020               file is automatically recognized, if the file starts with the 
7021               appropriate byte order marks.
7022               </para>
7023               <note>
7024               If you employ filters in your move operation, you should limit the 
7025               move to text files. Binary files will be corrupted by the move 
7026               operation.
7027               </note>
7028             </remarks>
7029             <example>
7030               <para>
7031               Move a single file while changing its encoding from "latin1" to 
7032               "utf-8".
7033               </para>
7034               <code>
7035                 <![CDATA[
7036             <move
7037                 file="myfile.txt"
7038                 tofile="mycopy.txt"
7039                 inputencoding="latin1"
7040                 outputencoding="utf-8" />
7041                 ]]>
7042               </code>
7043             </example>
7044             <example>
7045               <para>Move a set of files.</para>
7046               <code>
7047                 <![CDATA[
7048             <move todir="${build.dir}">
7049                 <fileset basedir="bin">
7050                     <include name="*.dll" />
7051                 </fileset>
7052             </move>
7053                 ]]>
7054               </code>
7055             </example>
7056             <example>
7057               <para>
7058               Move a set of files to a directory, replacing <c>@TITLE@</c> with 
7059               "Foo Bar" in all files.
7060               </para>
7061               <code>
7062                 <![CDATA[
7063             <move todir="../backup/dir">
7064                 <fileset basedir="src_dir">
7065                     <include name="**/*" />
7066                 </fileset>
7067                 <filterchain>
7068                     <replacetokens>
7069                         <token key="TITLE" value="Foo Bar" />
7070                     </replacetokens>
7071                 </filterchain>
7072             </move>
7073                 ]]>
7074               </code>
7075             </example>
7076         </member>
7077         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MoveTask.DoFileOperations">
7078             <summary>
7079             Actually does the file moves.
7080             </summary>
7081         </member>
7082         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MoveTask.SourceFile">
7083             <summary>
7084             The file to move.
7085             </summary>
7086         </member>
7087         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MoveTask.ToFile">
7088             <summary>
7089             The file to move to.
7090             </summary>
7091         </member>
7092         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MoveTask.ToDirectory">
7093             <summary>
7094             The directory to move to.
7095             </summary>
7096         </member>
7097         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MoveTask.CopyFileSet">
7098             <summary>
7099             Used to select the files to move. To use a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/>,
7100             the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MoveTask.ToDirectory"/> attribute must be set.
7101             </summary>
7102         </member>
7103         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MoveTask.Flatten">
7104             <summary>
7105             Ignore directory structure of source directory, move all files into
7106             a single directory, specified by the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MoveTask.ToDirectory"/>
7107             attribute. The default is <see langword="false"/>.
7108             </summary>
7109         </member>
7110         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.MoveTask.Filters">
7111             <summary>
7112             Chain of filters used to alter the file's content as it is moved.
7113             </summary>
7114         </member>
7115         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.NAntSchemaTask">
7116             <summary>
7117             Creates an XSD File for all available tasks.
7118             </summary>
7119             <remarks>
7120               <para>
7121               This can be used in conjuntion with the command-line option to do XSD 
7122               Schema validation on the build file.
7123               </para>
7124             </remarks>
7125             <example>
7126               <para>Creates a <c>NAnt.xsd</c> file in the current project directory.</para>
7127               <code>
7128                 <![CDATA[
7129             <nantschema output="NAnt.xsd" />
7130                 ]]>
7131               </code>
7132             </example>
7133         </member>
7134         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.NAntSchemaTask.WriteSchema(System.IO.Stream,System.Type[],System.Type[],System.String)">
7135             <summary>
7136             Creates a NAnt Schema for given types
7137             </summary>
7138             <param name="stream">The output stream to save the schema to. If <see langword="null" />, writing is ignored, no exception generated.</param>
7139             <param name="tasks">The list of tasks to generate XML Schema for.</param>
7140             <param name="dataTypes">The list of datatypes to generate XML Schema for.</param>
7141             <param name="targetNS">The target namespace to output.</param>
7142             <returns>The new NAnt Schema.</returns>
7143         </member>
7144         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.NAntSchemaTask.CreateXsdAttribute(System.String,System.Boolean)">
7145             <summary>
7146             Creates a new <see cref="T:System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute"/> instance.
7147             </summary>
7148             <param name="name">The name of the attribute.</param>
7149             <param name="required">Value indicating whether the attribute should be required.</param>
7150             <returns>The new <see cref="T:System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute"/> instance.</returns>
7151         </member>
7152         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.NAntSchemaTask.CreateXsdSequence(System.Decimal,System.Decimal)">
7153             <summary>
7154             Creates a new <see cref="T:System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence"/> instance.
7155             </summary>
7156             <param name="min">The minimum value to allow for this choice</param>
7157             <param name="max">The maximum value to allow, Decimal.MaxValue sets it to 'unbound'</param>
7158             <returns>The new <see cref="T:System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence"/> instance.</returns>
7159         </member>
7160         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.NAntSchemaTask.OutputFile">
7161             <summary>
7162             The name of the output file to which the XSD should be written.
7163             </summary>
7164         </member>
7165         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.NAntSchemaTask.TargetNamespace">
7166             <summary>
7167             The target namespace for the output. Defaults to "http://tempuri.org/nant-donotuse.xsd"
7168             </summary>
7169         </member>
7170         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.NAntSchemaTask.ForType">
7171             <summary>
7172             The <see cref="T:System.Type"/> for which an XSD should be created. If not
7173             specified, an XSD will be created for all available tasks.
7174             </summary>
7175         </member>
7176         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.NAntSchemaTask.NAntSchemaGenerator.#ctor(System.Type[],System.Type[],System.String)">
7177             <summary>
7178             Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.NAntSchemaTask.NAntSchemaGenerator"/>
7179             class.
7180             </summary>
7181             <param name="tasks">Tasks for which a schema should be generated.</param>
7182             <param name="dataTypes">Data Types for which a schema should be generated.</param>
7183             <param name="targetNS">The namespace to use.
7184             <example> http://tempuri.org/nant.xsd </example>
7185             </param>
7186         </member>
7187         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.NAntTask">
7188             <summary>
7189             Runs NAnt on a supplied build file, or a set of build files.
7190             </summary>
7191             <remarks>
7192               <para>
7193               By default, all the properties of the current project will be available
7194               in the new project. Alternatively, you can set <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.NAntTask.InheritAll"/>
7195               to <see langword="false"/> to not copy any properties to the new 
7196               project.
7197               </para>
7198               <para>
7199               You can also set properties in the new project from the old project by 
7200               using nested property tags. These properties are always passed to the 
7201               new project regardless of the setting of <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.NAntTask.InheritAll"/>.
7202               This allows you to parameterize your subprojects.
7203               </para>
7204               <para>
7205               References to data types can also be passed to the new project, but by
7206               default they are not. If you set the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.NAntTask.InheritRefs"/> to 
7207               <see langword="true"/>, all references will be copied.
7208               </para>
7209             </remarks>
7210             <example>
7211               <para>
7212               Build a project located in a different directory if the <c>debug</c> 
7213               property is not <see langword="true"/>.
7214               </para>
7215               <code>
7216                 <![CDATA[
7217             <nant buildfile="${src.dir}/Extras/BuildServer/BuildServer.build" unless="${debug}" />
7218                 ]]>
7219               </code>
7220             </example>
7221             <example>
7222               <para>
7223               Build a project while adding a set of properties to that project.
7224               </para>
7225               <code>
7226                 <![CDATA[
7227             <nant buildfile="${src.dir}/Extras/BuildServer/BuildServer.build">
7228                 <properties>
7229                     <property name="build.dir" value="c:/buildserver" />
7230                     <property name="build.debug" value="false" />
7231                     <property name="lib.dir" value="c:/shared/lib" readonly="true" />
7232                 </properties>
7233             </nant>
7234                 ]]>
7235               </code>
7236             </example>
7237             <example>
7238               <para>
7239               Build all projects named <c>default.build</c> located anywhere under 
7240               the project base directory.
7241               </para>
7242               <code>
7243                 <![CDATA[
7244             <nant>
7245                 <buildfiles>
7246                     <include name="**/default.build" />
7247                     <!-- avoid recursive execution of current build file -->
7248                     <exclude name="${project::get-buildfile-path()}" />
7249                 </buildfiles>
7250             </nant>
7251                 ]]>
7252               </code>
7253             </example>
7254         </member>
7255         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.NAntTask.Initialize">
7256             <summary>
7257             Validates the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.NAntTask"/> element.
7258             </summary>
7259         </member>
7260         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.NAntTask.BuildFile">
7261             <summary>
7262             The build file to build.
7263             </summary>
7264         </member>
7265         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.NAntTask.DefaultTarget">
7266             <summary>
7267             The target to execute. To specify more than one target seperate 
7268             targets with a space. Targets are executed in order if possible. 
7269             The default is to use target specified in the project's default 
7270             attribute.
7271             </summary>
7272         </member>
7273         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.NAntTask.BuildFiles">
7274             <summary>
7275             Used to specify a set of build files to process.
7276             </summary>
7277         </member>
7278         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.NAntTask.InheritAll">
7279             <summary>
7280             Specifies whether current property values should be inherited by 
7281             the executed project. The default is <see langword="true" />.
7282             </summary>
7283         </member>
7284         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.NAntTask.InheritRefs">
7285             <summary>
7286             Specifies whether all references will be copied to the new project. 
7287             The default is <see langword="false" />.
7288             </summary>
7289         </member>
7290         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.NAntTask.OverrideProperties">
7291             <summary>
7292             Specifies a collection of properties that should be created in the
7293             executed project.  Note, existing properties with identical names 
7294             that are not read-only will be overwritten.
7295             </summary>
7296         </member>
7297         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.PropertyTask">
7298             <summary>
7299             Sets a property in the current project.
7300             </summary>
7301             <remarks>
7302               <note>NAnt uses a number of predefined properties.</note>
7303             </remarks>
7304             <example>
7305               <para>
7306               Define a <c>debug</c> property with value <see langword="true" />.
7307               </para>
7308               <code>
7309                 <![CDATA[
7310             <property name="debug" value="true" />
7311                 ]]>
7312               </code>
7313             </example>
7314             <example>
7315               <para>
7316               Use the user-defined <c>debug</c> property.
7317               </para>
7318               <code>
7319                 <![CDATA[
7320             <property name="trace" value="${debug}" />
7321                 ]]>
7322               </code>
7323             </example>
7324             <example>
7325               <para>
7326               Define a read-only property. This is just like passing in the param 
7327               on the command line.
7328               </para>
7329               <code>
7330                 <![CDATA[
7331             <property name="do_not_touch_ME" value="hammer" readonly="true" />
7332                 ]]>
7333               </code>
7334             </example>
7335             <example>
7336               <para>
7337               Define a property, but do not overwrite the value if the property already exists (eg. it was specified on the command line).
7338               </para>
7339               <code>
7340                 <![CDATA[
7341             <project name="property-example">
7342               <property name="debug" value="true" overwrite="false" />
7343               <echo message="debug: ${debug}" />
7344             </project>
7345                 ]]>
7346               </code>
7347               <para>
7348               Executing this build file with the command line option <c>-D:debug=false</c>,
7349               would cause the value specified on the command line to remain unaltered.
7350               </para>
7351               <code>
7352                 <![CDATA[
7353             [echo] debug: false
7354                 ]]>
7355               </code>
7356             </example>
7357         </member>
7358         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.PropertyTask.PropertyName">
7359             <summary>
7360             The name of the NAnt property to set.
7361             </summary>
7362         </member>
7363         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.PropertyTask.Value">
7364             <summary>
7365             The value to assign to the NAnt property.
7366             </summary>
7367         </member>
7368         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.PropertyTask.ReadOnly">
7369             <summary>
7370             Specifies whether the property is read-only or not. 
7371             The default is <see langword="false" />.
7372             </summary>
7373         </member>
7374         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.PropertyTask.Dynamic">
7375             <summary>
7376             Specifies whether references to other properties should not be 
7377             expanded when the value of the property is set, but expanded when
7378             the property is actually used.  By default, properties will be
7379             expanded when set.
7380             </summary>
7381         </member>
7382         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.PropertyTask.Overwrite">
7383             <summary>
7384             Specifies whether the value of a property should be overwritten if
7385             the property already exists (unless the property is read-only). 
7386             The default is <see langword="true" />.
7387             </summary>
7388         </member>
7389         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.RegexTask">
7390             <summary>
7391             Sets project properties based on the evaluatuion of a regular expression.
7392             </summary>
7393             <remarks>
7394             <para>
7395             The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.RegexTask.Pattern"/> attribute must contain one or more 
7396             <see href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpgenref/html/cpcongroupingconstructs.asp">
7397             named grouping constructs</see>, which represents the names of the 
7398             properties to be set. These named grouping constructs can be enclosed 
7399             by angle brackets (?&lt;name&gt;) or single quotes (?'name').
7400             </para>
7401             <note>
7402             In the build file, use the XML element <![CDATA[&lt;]]> to specify &lt;, 
7403             and <![CDATA[&gt;]]> to specify &gt;.
7404             </note>
7405             <note>
7406             The named grouping construct must not contain any punctuation and it 
7407             cannot begin with a number.
7408             </note>
7409             </remarks>
7410             <example>
7411               <para>
7412               Find the last word in the given string and stores it in the property 
7413               <c>lastword</c>.
7414               </para>
7415               <code>
7416                 <![CDATA[
7417             <regex pattern="(?'lastword'\w+)$" input="This is a test sentence" />
7418             <echo message="${lastword}" />
7419                 ]]>
7420               </code>
7421             </example>
7422             <example>
7423               <para>
7424               Split the full filename and extension of a filename.
7425               </para>
7426               <code>
7427                 <![CDATA[
7428             <regex pattern="^(?'filename'.*)\.(?'extension'\w+)$" input="d:\Temp\SomeDir\SomeDir\bla.xml" />
7429                 ]]>
7430               </code>
7431             </example>
7432             <example>
7433               <para>
7434               Split the path and the filename. (This checks for <c>/</c> or <c>\</c> 
7435               as the path separator).
7436               </para>
7437               <code>
7438                 <![CDATA[
7439             <regex pattern="^(?'path'.*(\\|/)|(/|\\))(?'file'.*)$" input="d:\Temp\SomeDir\SomeDir\bla.xml" />
7440                 ]]>
7441               </code>
7442               <para>
7443               Results in path=<c>d:\Temp\SomeDir\SomeDir\</c> and file=<c>bla.xml</c>.
7444               </para>
7445             </example>
7446         </member>
7447         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.RegexTask.ExecuteTask">
7448             <summary>
7449             Executes the task.
7450             </summary>
7451         </member>
7452         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.RegexTask.Pattern">
7453             <summary>
7454             Represents the regular expression to be evalued.
7455             </summary>
7456             <value>
7457             The regular expression to be evalued.
7458             </value>
7459             <remarks>
7460             The pattern must contain one or more named constructs, which may 
7461             not contain any punctuation and cannot begin with a number.
7462             </remarks>
7463         </member>
7464         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.RegexTask.Options">
7465             <summary>
7466             A comma separated list of options to pass to the regex engine. The
7467             default is <see cref="F:System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.None"/>.
7468             </summary>
7469         </member>
7470         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.RegexTask.Input">
7471             <summary>
7472             Represents the input for the regular expression.
7473             </summary>
7474             <value>
7475             The input for the regular expression.
7476             </value>
7477         </member>
7478         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SetEnvTask">
7479             <summary>
7480             Sets an environment variable or a whole collection of them. Use an empty 
7481             <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SetEnvTask.LiteralValue"/> attribute to clear a variable.
7482             </summary>
7483             <remarks>
7484               <note>
7485               Variables will be set for the current NAnt process and all child 
7486               processes that NAnt spawns (compilers, shell tools, etc). If the 
7487               intention is to only set a variable for a single child process, then
7488               using the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExecTask"/> and its nested <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExecTask.EnvironmentSet"/> 
7489               element might be a better option. 
7490               </note>
7491               <note>
7492               Expansion of inline environment variables is performed using the syntax 
7493               of the current platform. So on Windows platforms using the string %PATH% 
7494               in the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SetEnvTask.LiteralValue"/> attribute will result in the value of 
7495               the PATH variable being expanded in place before the variable is set.
7496               </note>
7497             </remarks>
7498             <example>
7499               <para>Set the MONO_PATH environment variable on a *nix platform.</para>
7500               <code>
7501                 <![CDATA[
7502                 <setenv name=="MONO_PATH" value="/home/jimbob/dev/foo:%MONO_PATH%"/>
7503                 ]]>
7504               </code>
7505             </example>
7506             <example>
7507               <para>Set a collection of environment variables. Note the nested variable used to set var3.</para>
7508               <code>
7509                 <![CDATA[
7510                 <setenv>
7511                         <variable name="var1" value="value2" />
7512                         <variable name="var2" value="value2" />
7513                         <variable name="var3" value="value3:%var2%" />
7514                 </setenv>
7515                 ]]>
7516               </code>
7517             </example>
7518             <example>
7519               <para>Set environment variables using nested path elements.</para>
7520               <code>
7521                 <![CDATA[
7522                 <path id="build.path">
7523                        <pathelement dir="c:/windows" />
7524                        <pathelement dir="c:/cygwin/usr/local/bin" />
7525                    </path>
7526                 <setenv>         
7527                         <variable name="build_path" >
7528                                <path refid="build.path" />
7529                         </variable>
7530                         <variable name="path2">
7531                            <path>
7532                                <pathelement dir="c:/windows" />
7533                                <pathelement dir="c:/cygwin/usr/local/bin" />
7534                            </path>
7535                         </variable>
7536                 </setenv>    
7537                 ]]>
7538               </code>
7539             </example>
7540         </member>
7541         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SetEnvTask.SetEnvironmentVariable(System.String,System.String)">
7542             <summary>
7543             Win32 DllImport for the SetEnvironmentVariable function.
7544             </summary>
7545             <param name="lpName"></param>
7546             <param name="lpValue"></param>
7547             <returns></returns>
7548         </member>
7549         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SetEnvTask.setenv(System.String,System.String,System.Int32)">
7550             <summary>
7551             *nix dllimport for the setenv function.
7552             </summary>
7553             <param name="name"></param>
7554             <param name="value"></param>
7555             <param name="overwrite"></param>
7556             <returns>
7557             <c>0</c> if the execution is successful; otherwise, <c>-1</c>.
7558             </returns>
7559         </member>
7560         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SetEnvTask.unsetenv(System.String)">
7561             <summary>
7562             Deletes all instances of the variable name.
7563             </summary>
7564             <param name="name">The variable to unset.</param>
7565             <returns>
7566             <c>0</c> if the execution is successful; otherwise, <c>-1</c>.
7567             </returns>
7568         </member>
7569         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SetEnvTask.Initialize">
7570             <summary>
7571             Checks whether the task is initialized with valid attributes.
7572             </summary>
7573         </member>
7574         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SetEnvTask.ExecuteTask">
7575             <summary>
7576             Set the environment variables
7577             </summary>
7578         </member>
7579         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SetEnvTask.SetSingleEnvironmentVariable(System.String,System.String)">
7580             <summary>
7581             Do the actual work here.
7582             </summary>
7583             <param name="name">The name of the environment variable.</param>
7584             <param name="value">The value of the environment variable.</param>
7585         </member>
7586         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SetEnvTask.EnvName">
7587             <summary>
7588             The name of a single Environment variable to set
7589             </summary>
7590         </member>
7591         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SetEnvTask.LiteralValue">
7592             <summary>
7593             The literal value for the environment variable.
7594             </summary>
7595         </member>
7596         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SetEnvTask.File">
7597             <summary>
7598             The value for a file-based environment variable. NAnt will convert 
7599             it to an absolute filename.
7600             </summary>
7601         </member>
7602         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SetEnvTask.Directory">
7603             <summary>
7604             The value for a directory-based environment variable. NAnt will 
7605             convert it to an absolute path.
7606             </summary>
7607         </member>
7608         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SetEnvTask.Path">
7609             <summary>
7610             The value for a PATH like environment variable. You can use 
7611             <c>:</c> or <c>;</c> as path separators and NAnt will convert it to 
7612             the platform's local conventions.
7613             </summary>
7614         </member>
7615         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SleepTask">
7616             <summary>
7617             A task for sleeping a specified period of time, useful when a build or deployment process
7618             requires an interval between tasks.
7619             </summary>
7620             <example>
7621               <para>Sleep 1 hour, 2 minutes, 3 seconds and 4 milliseconds.</para>
7622               <code>
7623                 <![CDATA[
7624             <sleep hours="1" minutes="2" seconds="3" milliseconds="4" />
7625                 ]]>
7626               </code>
7627             </example>
7628             <example>
7629               <para>Sleep 123 milliseconds.</para>
7630               <code>
7631                 <![CDATA[
7632             <sleep milliseconds="123" />
7633                 ]]>
7634               </code>
7635             </example>
7636         </member>
7637         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SleepTask.Initialize">
7638             <summary>
7639              Verify parameters.
7640             </summary>
7641         </member>
7642         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SleepTask.GetSleepTime">
7643             <summary>
7644             Return time to sleep.
7645             </summary>
7646         </member>
7647         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SleepTask.DoSleep(System.Int32)">
7648             <summary>
7649             Sleeps for the specified number of milliseconds.
7650             </summary>
7651             <param name="millis">Number of milliseconds to sleep.</param>
7652         </member>
7653         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SleepTask.Hours">
7654             <summary>
7655             Hours to add to the sleep time.
7656             </summary>
7657         </member>
7658         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SleepTask.Minutes">
7659             <summary>
7660             Minutes to add to the sleep time.
7661             </summary>
7662         </member>
7663         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SleepTask.Seconds">
7664             <summary>
7665             Seconds to add to the sleep time.
7666             </summary>
7667         </member>
7668         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SleepTask.Milliseconds">
7669             <summary>
7670             Milliseconds to add to the sleep time.
7671             </summary>
7672         </member>
7673         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.StyleTask">
7674             <summary>
7675             Processes a document via XSLT.
7676             </summary>
7677             <example>
7678               <para>Create a report in HTML.</para>
7679               <code>
7680                 <![CDATA[
7681             <style style="report.xsl" in="data.xml" out="report.html" />
7682                 ]]>
7683               </code>
7684             </example>
7685             <example>
7686               <para>Create a report in HTML, with a param.</para>
7687               <code>
7688                 <![CDATA[
7689             <style style="report.xsl" in="data.xml" out="report.html">
7690                 <parameters>
7691                     <parameter name="reportType" namespaceuri="" value="Plain" />
7692                 </parameters>
7693             </style>
7694                 ]]>
7695               </code>
7696             </example>
7697             <example>
7698               <para>Create a report in HTML, with a expanded param.</para>
7699               <code>
7700                 <![CDATA[
7701             <style style="report.xsl" in="data.xml" out="report.html">
7702                 <parameters>
7703                     <parameter name="reportType" namespaceuri="" value="${report.type}" />
7704                 </parameters>
7705             </style>
7706                 ]]>
7707               </code>
7708             </example>
7709             <example>
7710               <para>Create some code based on a directory of templates.</para>
7711               <code>
7712                 <![CDATA[
7713             <style style="CodeGenerator.xsl" extension="java">
7714                 <infiles>
7715                     <include name="*.xml" />
7716                 </infiles>
7717                 <parameters>
7718                     <parameter name="reportType" namespaceuri="" value="Plain" if="${report.plain}" />
7719                 </parameters>
7720             <style>
7721                 ]]>
7722               </code>
7723             </example>
7724             <example>
7725               <para>Create a report in HTML, with an extension object.</para>
7726               <code>
7727                 <![CDATA[
7728             <style style="report.xsl" in="data.xml" out="report.html">
7729                 <extensionobjects>
7730                     <extensionobject namespaceuri="urn:Formatter" typename="XsltExtensionObjects.Formatter" assembly="XsltExtensionObjects.dll" />
7731                 </extensionobjects>
7732             </style>
7733                 ]]>
7734               </code>
7735             </example>
7736         </member>
7737         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.StyleTask.DestDir">
7738             <summary>
7739             Directory in which to store the results. The default is the project
7740             base directory.
7741             </summary>
7742         </member>
7743         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.StyleTask.Extension">
7744             <summary>
7745             Desired file extension to be used for the targets. The default is 
7746             <c>html</c>.
7747             </summary>
7748         </member>
7749         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.StyleTask.XsltFile">
7750             <summary>
7751             URI or path that points to the stylesheet to use. If given as path, it can
7752             be relative to the project's basedir or absolute.
7753             </summary>
7754         </member>
7755         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.StyleTask.SrcFile">
7756             <summary>
7757             Specifies a single XML document to be styled. Should be used with 
7758             the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.StyleTask.OutputFile"/> attribute.
7759             </summary>
7760         </member>
7761         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.StyleTask.OutputFile">
7762             <summary>
7763             Specifies the output name for the styled result from the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.StyleTask.SrcFile"/> 
7764             attribute.
7765             </summary>
7766         </member>
7767         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.StyleTask.InFiles">
7768             <summary>
7769             Specifies a group of input files to which to apply the stylesheet.
7770             </summary>
7771         </member>
7772         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.StyleTask.Parameters">
7773             <summary>
7774             XSLT parameters to be passed to the XSLT transformation.
7775             </summary>
7776         </member>
7777         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.StyleTask.ExtensionObjects">
7778             <summary>
7779             XSLT extension objects to be passed to the XSLT transformation.
7780             </summary>
7781         </member>
7782         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.StyleTask.Proxy">
7783             <summary>
7784             The network proxy to use to access the Internet resource.
7785             </summary>
7786         </member>
7787         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SysInfoTask">
7788             <summary>
7789             Sets properties with system information.
7790             </summary>
7791             <remarks>
7792               <para>Sets a number of properties with information about the system environment.  The intent of this task is for nightly build logs to have a record of system information so that the build was performed on.</para>
7793               <list type="table">
7794                 <listheader>
7795                   <term>Property</term>
7796                   <description>Value</description>
7797                 </listheader>
7798                 <item>
7799                   <term>&lt;<see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SysInfoTask.Prefix"/>&gt;.clr.version</term>
7800                   <description>Common Language Runtime version number.</description>
7801                 </item>
7802                 <item>
7803                   <term>&lt;<see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SysInfoTask.Prefix"/>&gt;.env.*</term>
7804                   <description>Environment variables (e.g., &lt;<see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SysInfoTask.Prefix"/>&gt;.env.PATH).</description>
7805                 </item>
7806                 <item>
7807                   <term>&lt;<see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SysInfoTask.Prefix"/>&gt;.os.platform</term>
7808                   <description>Operating system platform ID.</description>
7809                 </item>
7810                 <item>
7811                   <term>&lt;<see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SysInfoTask.Prefix"/>&gt;.os.version</term>
7812                   <description>Operating system version.</description>
7813                 </item>
7814                 <item>
7815                   <term>&lt;<see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SysInfoTask.Prefix"/>&gt;.os</term>
7816                   <description>Operating system version string.</description>
7817                 </item>
7818                 <item>
7819                   <term>&lt;<see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SysInfoTask.Prefix"/>&gt;.os.folder.applicationdata</term>
7820                   <description>The directory that serves as a common repository for application-specific data for the current roaming user.</description>
7821                 </item>
7822                 <item>
7823                   <term>&lt;<see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SysInfoTask.Prefix"/>&gt;.os.folder.commonapplicationdata</term>
7824                   <description>The directory that serves as a common repository for application-specific data that is used by all users.</description>
7825                 </item>
7826                 <item>
7827                   <term>&lt;<see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SysInfoTask.Prefix"/>&gt;.os.folder.commonprogramfiles</term>
7828                   <description>The directory for components that are shared across applications.</description>
7829                 </item>
7830                 <item>
7831                   <term>&lt;<see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SysInfoTask.Prefix"/>&gt;.os.folder.desktopdirectory</term>
7832                   <description>The directory used to physically store file objects on the desktop. Do not confuse this directory with the desktop folder itself, which is a virtual folder.</description>
7833                 </item>
7834                 <item>
7835                   <term>&lt;<see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SysInfoTask.Prefix"/>&gt;.os.folder.programfiles</term>
7836                   <description>The Program Files directory.</description>
7837                 </item>
7838                 <item>
7839                   <term>&lt;<see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SysInfoTask.Prefix"/>&gt;.os.folder.system</term>
7840                   <description>The System directory.</description>
7841                 </item>
7842                 <item>
7843                   <term>&lt;<see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SysInfoTask.Prefix"/>&gt;.os.folder.temp</term>
7844                   <description>The temporary directory.</description>
7845                 </item>
7846               </list>
7847               <para>
7848               When the name of an environment variable is not a valid property name,
7849               the task will fail. In that case, set <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Task.FailOnError"/> to 
7850               <see langword="true"/> to allow that environment variable to be 
7851               skipped.
7852               </para>
7853               <note>
7854               we advise you to use the following functions instead:
7855               </note>
7856               <list type="table">
7857                 <listheader>
7858                     <term>Function</term>
7859                     <description>Description</description>
7860                 </listheader>
7861                 <item>
7862                     <term><see cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.EnvironmentFunctions.GetOperatingSystem"/></term>
7863                     <description>Gets a <see cref="T:System.OperatingSystem"/> object that identifies this operating system.</description>
7864                 </item>
7865                 <item>
7866                     <term><see cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.EnvironmentFunctions.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder)"/></term>
7867                     <description>Gets the path to a system special folder.</description>
7868                 </item>
7869                 <item>
7870                     <term><see cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.EnvironmentFunctions.GetVariable(System.String)"/></term>
7871                     <description>Returns the value of a environment variable.</description>
7872                 </item>
7873                 <item>
7874                     <term><see cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.PathFunctions.GetTempPath"/></term>
7875                     <description>Gets the path to the temporary directory.</description>
7876                 </item>
7877                 <item>
7878                     <term><see cref="M:NAnt.Core.Functions.EnvironmentFunctions.GetVersion"/></term>
7879                     <description>Gets the Common Language Runtime version.</description>
7880                 </item>
7881               </list>  
7882             </remarks>
7883             <example>
7884               <para>Register the properties with the default property prefix.</para>
7885               <code>
7886                 <![CDATA[
7887             <sysinfo />
7888                 ]]>
7889               </code>
7890             </example>
7891             <example>
7892               <para>Register the properties without a prefix.</para>
7893               <code>
7894                 <![CDATA[
7895             <sysinfo prefix="" />
7896                 ]]>
7897               </code>
7898             </example>
7899             <example>
7900               <para>Register properties and display a summary.</para>
7901               <code>
7902                 <![CDATA[
7903             <sysinfo verbose="true" />
7904                 ]]>
7905               </code>
7906             </example>
7907         </member>
7908         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.SysInfoTask.Prefix">
7909             <summary>
7910             The string to prefix the property names with. The default is "sys.".
7911             </summary>
7912         </member>
7913         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.TStampTask">
7914             <summary>
7915             Sets properties with the current date and time.
7916             </summary>
7917             <remarks>
7918               <para>
7919               By default the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.TStampTask"/> displays the current date 
7920               and time and sets the following properties:
7921               </para>
7922               <list type="bullet">
7923                 <item><description>tstamp.date to yyyyMMdd</description></item>
7924                 <item><description>tstamp.time to HHmm</description></item>
7925                 <item><description>tstamp.now using the default DateTime.ToString() method</description></item>
7926               </list>
7927               <para>
7928               To set an additional property with a custom date/time use the 
7929               <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.TStampTask.Property"/> and <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.TStampTask.Pattern"/> attributes.  
7930               To set a number of additional properties with the exact same date and 
7931               time use the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.TStampTask.Formatters"/> nested element (see example).
7932               </para>
7933               <para>
7934               The date and time string displayed by the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.TStampTask"/> 
7935               uses the computer's default long date and time string format.  You 
7936               might consider setting these to the 
7937               <see href="http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-time.html">ISO 8601 standard 
7938               for date and time notation</see>.
7939               </para>
7940             </remarks>
7941             <example>
7942               <para>Set the <c>build.date</c> property.</para>
7943               <code>
7944                 <![CDATA[
7945             <tstamp property="build.date" pattern="yyyyMMdd" verbose="true" />
7946                 ]]>
7947               </code>
7948             </example>
7949             <example>
7950               <para>Set a number of properties for Ant like compatibility.</para>
7951               <code>
7952                 <![CDATA[
7953             <tstamp verbose="true">
7954                 <formatter property="TODAY" pattern="dd MMM yyyy"/>
7955                 <formatter property="DSTAMP" pattern="yyyyMMdd" unless="${date.not.needed}" />
7956                 <formatter property="TSTAMP" pattern="HHmm" if="${need.hours}" />
7957             </tstamp>
7958                 ]]>
7959               </code>
7960             </example>
7961         </member>
7962         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.TStampTask.Property">
7963             <summary>
7964             The property to receive the date/time string in the given pattern.
7965             </summary>
7966         </member>
7967         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.TStampTask.Pattern">
7968             <summary>The date/time pattern to be used.</summary>
7969             <remarks>
7970               <para>The following table lists the standard format characters for each standard pattern. The format characters are case-sensitive; for example, 'g' and 'G' represent slightly different patterns.</para>
7971               <list type="table">
7972                 <listheader>
7973                   <description>Format Character</description>
7974                   <description>Description Example Format Pattern (en-US)</description>
7975                 </listheader>
7976                 <item><description>d</description><description>MM/dd/yyyy</description></item>
7977                 <item><description>D</description><description>dddd, dd MMMM yyyy</description></item>
7978                 <item><description>f</description><description>dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm</description></item>
7979                 <item><description>F</description><description>dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss</description></item>
7980                 <item><description>g</description><description>MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm</description></item>
7981                 <item><description>G</description><description>MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss</description></item>
7982                 <item><description>m, M</description><description>MMMM dd</description></item>
7983                 <item><description>r, R</description><description>ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH':'mm':'ss 'GMT'</description></item>
7984                 <item><description>s</description><description>yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss</description></item>
7985                 <item><description>t</description><description>HH:mm</description></item>
7986                 <item><description>T</description><description>HH:mm:ss</description></item>
7987                 <item><description>u</description><description>yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss'Z'</description></item>
7988                 <item><description>U</description><description>dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss</description></item>
7989                 <item><description>y, Y</description><description>yyyy MMMM</description></item>
7990               </list>
7991               <para>The following table lists the patterns that can be combined to construct custom patterns. The patterns are case-sensitive; for example, "MM" is recognized, but "mm" is not. If the custom pattern contains white-space characters or characters enclosed in single quotation marks, the output string will also contain those characters. Characters not defined as part of a format pattern or as format characters are reproduced literally.</para>
7992               <list type="table">
7993                 <listheader>
7994                   <description>Format</description>
7995                   <description>Pattern Description</description>
7996                 </listheader>
7997                 <item><description>d</description><description>The day of the month. Single-digit days will not have a leading zero.</description></item>
7998                 <item><description>dd</description><description>The day of the month. Single-digit days will have a leading zero.</description></item>
7999                 <item><description>ddd</description><description>The abbreviated name of the day of the week.</description></item>
8000                 <item><description>dddd</description><description>The full name of the day of the week.</description></item>
8001                 <item><description>M</description><description>The numeric month. Single-digit months will not have a leading zero.</description></item>
8002                 <item><description>MM</description><description>The numeric month. Single-digit months will have a leading zero.</description></item>
8003                 <item><description>MMM</description><description>The abbreviated name of the month.</description></item>
8004                 <item><description>MMMM</description><description>The full name of the month.</description></item>
8005                 <item><description>y</description><description>The year without the century. If the year without the century is less than 10, the year is displayed with no leading zero.</description></item>
8006                 <item><description>yy</description><description>The year without the century. If the year without the century is less than 10, the year is displayed with a leading zero.</description></item>
8007                 <item><description>yyyy</description><description>The year in four digits, including the century.</description></item>
8008                 <item><description>gg</description><description>The period or era. This pattern is ignored if the date to be formatted does not have an associated period or era string.</description></item>
8009                 <item><description>h</description><description>The hour in a 12-hour clock. Single-digit hours will not have a leading zero.</description></item>
8010                 <item><description>hh</description><description>The hour in a 12-hour clock. Single-digit hours will have a leading zero.</description></item>
8011                 <item><description>H</description><description>The hour in a 24-hour clock. Single-digit hours will not have a leading zero.</description></item>
8012                 <item><description>HH</description><description>The hour in a 24-hour clock. Single-digit hours will have a leading zero.</description></item>
8013                 <item><description>m</description><description>The minute. Single-digit minutes will not have a leading zero.</description></item>
8014                 <item><description>mm</description><description>The minute. Single-digit minutes will have a leading zero.</description></item>
8015                 <item><description>s</description><description>The second. Single-digit seconds will not have a leading zero.</description></item>
8016                 <item><description>ss</description><description>The second. Single-digit seconds will have a leading zero.</description></item>
8017                 <item><description>f</description><description>The fraction of a second in single-digit precision. The remaining digits are truncated.</description></item>
8018                 <item><description>ff</description><description>The fraction of a second in double-digit precision. The remaining digits are truncated.</description></item>
8019                 <item><description>fff</description><description>The fraction of a second in three-digit precision. The remaining digits are truncated.</description></item>
8020                 <item><description>ffff</description><description>The fraction of a second in four-digit precision. The remaining digits are truncated.</description></item>
8021                 <item><description>fffff</description><description>The fraction of a second in five-digit precision. The remaining digits are truncated. </description></item>
8022                 <item><description>ffffff</description><description>The fraction of a second in six-digit precision. The remaining digits are truncated. </description></item>
8023                 <item><description>fffffff</description><description>The fraction of a second in seven-digit precision. The remaining digits are truncated. </description></item>
8024                 <item><description>t</description><description>The first character in the AM/PM designator.</description></item>
8025                 <item><description>tt</description><description>The AM/PM designator. </description></item>
8026                 <item><description>z</description><description>The time zone offset ("+" or "-" followed by the hour only). Single-digit hours will not have a leading zero. For example, Pacific Standard Time is "-8".</description></item>
8027                 <item><description>zz</description><description>The time zone offset ("+" or "-" followed by the hour only). Single-digit hours will have a leading zero. For example, Pacific Standard Time is "-08".</description></item>
8028                 <item><description>zzz</description><description>The full time zone offset ("+" or "-" followed by the hour and minutes). Single-digit hours and minutes will have leading zeros. For example, Pacific Standard Time is "-08:00".</description></item>
8029                 <item><description>:</description><description>The default time separator.</description></item>
8030                 <item><description>/</description><description>The default date separator.</description></item>
8031                 <item><description>\ c</description><description>Pattern Where c is any character. Displays the character literally. To display the backslash character, use "\\". </description></item>
8032               </list>
8033             </remarks>
8034         </member>
8035         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.TouchTask">
8036             <summary>
8037             Touches a file or set of files -- corresponds to the Unix touch command.  
8038             </summary>
8039             <remarks>
8040             <para>
8041             If the file specified does not exist, the task will create it.
8042             </para>
8043             </remarks>
8044             <example>
8045               <para>Touch the <c>Main.cs</c> file.  The current time is used.</para>
8046               <code>
8047                 <![CDATA[
8048             <touch file="Main.cs" />
8049                 ]]>
8050               </code>
8051             </example>
8052             <example>
8053               <para>
8054               Touch all executable files in the project base directory and its 
8055               subdirectories.
8056               </para>
8057               <code>
8058                 <![CDATA[
8059             <touch>
8060                 <fileset>
8061                     <include name="**/*.exe" />
8062                     <include name="**/*.dll" />
8063                 </fileset>
8064             </touch>
8065                 ]]>
8066               </code>
8067             </example>
8068         </member>
8069         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.TouchTask.Initialize">
8070             <summary>
8071             Ensures the supplied attributes are valid.
8072             </summary>
8073         </member>
8074         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.TouchTask.File">
8075             <summary>
8076             The file to touch.
8077             </summary>
8078         </member>
8079         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.TouchTask.Millis">
8080             <summary>
8081             Specifies the new modification time of the file(s) in milliseconds 
8082             since midnight Jan 1 1970.
8083             </summary>
8084         </member>
8085         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.TouchTask.Datetime">
8086             <summary>
8087             Specifies the new modification time of the file in the format 
8088             MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS.
8089             </summary>
8090         </member>
8091         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.TouchTask.TouchFileSet">
8092             <summary>
8093             Used to select files that should be touched.
8094             </summary>
8095         </member>
8096         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.UpToDateTask">
8097             <summary>
8098             Check modification dates on groups of files.
8099             </summary>
8100             <remarks>
8101             If all <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.UpToDateTask.TargetFiles"/> are same or newer than all <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.UpToDateTask.SourceFiles"/>, the specified property is set to <see langword="true"/>, otherwise it
8102             is set to <see langword="false"/>.
8103             </remarks>
8104             <example>
8105               <para>
8106               Check file dates. If <c>myfile.dll</c> is same or newer than <c>myfile.cs</c>, then set <c>myfile.dll.uptodate</c> property 
8107               to either <see langword="true"/> or <see langword="false"/>.
8108               </para>
8109               <code>
8110                 <![CDATA[
8111             <uptodate property="myfile.dll.uptodate">
8112                 <sourcefiles>
8113                     <include name="myfile.cs" />
8114                 </sourcefiles>
8115                 <targetfiles>
8116                     <include name="myfile.dll" />
8117                 </targetfiles>
8118             </uptodate>
8119                 ]]>
8120               </code>
8121             </example>
8122         </member>
8123         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.UpToDateTask.PropertyName">
8124             <summary>
8125             Property that will be set to <see langword="true" /> or <see langword="false" /> depending on the 
8126             result of the date check.
8127             </summary>
8128         </member>
8129         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.UpToDateTask.SourceFiles">
8130             <summary>
8131             The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> that contains list of source files. 
8132             </summary>
8133         </member>
8134         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.UpToDateTask.TargetFiles">
8135             <summary>
8136             The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> that contains list of target files. 
8137             </summary>
8138         </member>
8139         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.XmlPeekTask">
8140             <summary>
8141             Extracts text from an XML file at the location specified by an XPath 
8142             expression.
8143             </summary>
8144             <remarks>
8145             <para>
8146             If the XPath expression specifies multiple nodes the node index is used 
8147             to determine which of the nodes' text is returned.
8148             </para>
8149             </remarks>
8150             <example>
8151               <para>
8152               The example provided assumes that the following XML file (App.config)
8153               exists in the current build directory.
8154               </para>
8155               <code>
8156                 <![CDATA[
8157             <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
8158             <configuration xmlns="http://www.gordic.cz/shared/project-config/v_1.0.0.0">
8159                 <appSettings>
8160                     <add key="server" value="testhost.somecompany.com" />
8161                 </appSettings>
8162             </configuration>
8163                 ]]>
8164               </code>
8165             </example>
8166             <example>
8167               <para>
8168               The example will read the server value from the above
8169               configuration file.
8170               </para>
8171               <code>
8172                 <![CDATA[
8173             <xmlpeek
8174                 file="App.config"
8175                 xpath="/x:configuration/x:appSettings/x:add[@key = 'server']/@value"
8176                 property="configuration.server">
8177                 <namespaces>
8178                     <namespace prefix="x" uri="http://www.gordic.cz/shared/project-config/v_1.0.0.0" />
8179                 </namespaces>
8180             </xmlpeek>
8181                 ]]>
8182               </code>
8183             </example>
8184         </member>
8185         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.XmlPeekTask.ExecuteTask">
8186             <summary>
8187             Executes the XML peek task.
8188             </summary>
8189         </member>
8190         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.XmlPeekTask.LoadDocument(System.String)">
8191             <summary>
8192             Loads an XML document from a file on disk.
8193             </summary>
8194             <param name="fileName">The file name of the file to load the XML document from.</param>
8195             <returns>
8196             A <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlDocument">document</see> containing
8197             the document object representing the file.
8198             </returns>
8199         </member>
8200         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.XmlPeekTask.GetNodeContents(System.String,System.Xml.XmlDocument,System.Int32)">
8201             <summary>
8202             Gets the contents of the node specified by the XPath expression.
8203             </summary>
8204             <param name="xpath">The XPath expression used to determine which nodes to choose from.</param>
8205             <param name="document">The XML document to select the nodes from.</param>
8206             <param name="nodeIndex">The node index in the case where multiple nodes satisfy the expression.</param>
8207             <returns>
8208             The contents of the node specified by the XPath expression.
8209             </returns>
8210         </member>
8211         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.XmlPeekTask.XmlFile">
8212             <summary>
8213             The name of the file that contains the XML document
8214             that is going to be peeked at.
8215             </summary>
8216         </member>
8217         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.XmlPeekTask.NodeIndex">
8218             <summary>
8219             The index of the node that gets its text returned when the query 
8220             returns multiple nodes.
8221             </summary>
8222         </member>
8223         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.XmlPeekTask.Property">
8224             <summary>
8225             The property that receives the text representation of the XML inside 
8226             the node returned from the XPath expression.
8227             </summary>
8228         </member>
8229         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.XmlPeekTask.XPath">
8230             <summary>
8231             The XPath expression used to select which node to read.
8232             </summary>
8233         </member>
8234         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.XmlPeekTask.Namespaces">
8235             <summary>
8236             Namespace definitions to resolve prefixes in the XPath expression.
8237             </summary>
8238         </member>
8239         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.XmlPokeTask">
8240             <summary>
8241             Replaces text in an XML file at the location specified by an XPath 
8242             expression.
8243             </summary>
8244             <remarks>
8245             <para>
8246             The location specified by the XPath expression must exist, it will
8247             not create the parent elements for you. However, provided you have
8248             a root element you could use a series of the tasks to build the
8249             XML file up if necessary.
8250             </para>
8251             </remarks>
8252             <example>
8253               <para>
8254               Change the <c>server</c> setting in the configuration from <c>testhost.somecompany.com</c> 
8255               to <c>productionhost.somecompany.com</c>.
8256               </para>
8257               <para>XML file:</para>
8258               <code>
8259                 <![CDATA[
8260             <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
8261             <configuration>
8262                 <appSettings>
8263                     <add key="server" value="testhost.somecompany.com" />
8264                 </appSettings>
8265             </configuration>
8266                 ]]>
8267               </code>
8268               <para>Build fragment:</para>
8269               <code>
8270                 <![CDATA[
8271             <xmlpoke
8272                 file="App.config"
8273                 xpath="/configuration/appSettings/add[@key = 'server']/@value"
8274                 value="productionhost.somecompany.com" />
8275                 ]]>
8276               </code>
8277             </example>
8278             <example>
8279               <para>
8280               Modify the <c>noNamespaceSchemaLocation</c> in an XML file.
8281               </para>
8282               <para>XML file:</para>
8283               <code>
8284                 <![CDATA[
8285             <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
8286             <Commands xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Path Value">
8287             </Commands>
8288                 ]]>
8289               </code>
8290               <para>Build fragment:</para>
8291               <code>
8292                 <![CDATA[
8293             <xmlpoke file="test.xml" xpath="/Commands/@xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation" value="d:\Commands.xsd">
8294                 <namespaces>
8295                     <namespace prefix="xsi" uri="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" />
8296                 </namespaces>
8297             </xmlpoke>
8298                 ]]>
8299               </code>
8300             </example>
8301         </member>
8302         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.XmlPokeTask.ExecuteTask">
8303             <summary>
8304             Executes the XML poke task.
8305             </summary>
8306         </member>
8307         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.XmlPokeTask.LoadDocument(System.String)">
8308             <summary>
8309             Loads an XML document from a file on disk.
8310             </summary>
8311             <param name="fileName">
8312             The file name of the file to load the XML document from.
8313             </param>
8314             <returns>
8315             An <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlDocument"/> containing
8316             the document object model representing the file.
8317             </returns>
8318         </member>
8319         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.XmlPokeTask.SelectNodes(System.String,System.Xml.XmlDocument,System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager)">
8320             <summary>
8321             Given an XML document and an expression, returns a list of nodes
8322             which match the expression criteria.
8323             </summary>
8324             <param name="xpath">
8325             The XPath expression used to select the nodes.
8326             </param>
8327             <param name="document">
8328             The XML document that is searched.
8329             </param>
8330             <param name="nsMgr">
8331             An <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager"/> to use for resolving namespaces 
8332             for prefixes in the XPath expression.
8333             </param>
8334             <returns>
8335             An <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNodeList"/> containing references to the nodes 
8336             that matched the XPath expression.
8337             </returns>
8338         </member>
8339         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.XmlPokeTask.UpdateNodes(System.Xml.XmlNodeList,System.String)">
8340             <summary>
8341             Given a node list, replaces the XML within those nodes.
8342             </summary>
8343             <param name="nodes">
8344             The list of nodes to replace the contents of.
8345             </param>
8346             <param name="value">
8347             The text to replace the contents with.
8348             </param>
8349         </member>
8350         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Tasks.XmlPokeTask.SaveDocument(System.Xml.XmlDocument,System.String)">
8351             <summary>
8352             Saves the XML document to a file.
8353             </summary>
8354             <param name="document">The XML document to be saved.</param>
8355             <param name="fileName">The file name to save the XML document under.</param>
8356         </member>
8357         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.XmlPokeTask.XmlFile">
8358             <summary>
8359             The name of the file that contains the XML document that is going 
8360             to be poked.
8361             </summary>
8362         </member>
8363         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.XmlPokeTask.XPath">
8364             <summary>
8365             The XPath expression used to select which nodes are to be modified.
8366             </summary>
8367         </member>
8368         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.XmlPokeTask.Value">
8369             <summary>
8370             The value that replaces the contents of the selected nodes.
8371             </summary>
8372         </member>
8373         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Tasks.XmlPokeTask.Namespaces">
8374             <summary>
8375             Namespace definitions to resolve prefixes in the XPath expression.
8376             </summary>
8377         </member>
8378         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument">
8379             <summary>
8380             Represents a command-line argument.
8381             </summary>
8382             <remarks>
8383               <para>
8384               When passed to an external application, the argument will be quoted
8385               when appropriate. This does not apply to the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument.Line"/>
8386               parameter, which is always passed as is.
8387               </para>
8388             </remarks>
8389             <example>
8390               <para>
8391               A single command-line argument containing a space character.
8392               </para>
8393               <code>
8394                 <![CDATA[
8395             <arg value="-l -a" />
8396                 ]]>
8397               </code>
8398             </example>
8399             <example>
8400               <para>
8401               Two separate command-line arguments.
8402               </para>
8403               <code>
8404                 <![CDATA[
8405             <arg line="-l -a" />
8406                 ]]>
8407               </code>
8408             </example>
8409             <example>
8410               <para>
8411               A single command-line argument with the value <c>\dir;\dir2;\dir3</c>
8412               on DOS-based systems and <c>/dir:/dir2:/dir3</c> on Unix-like systems.
8413               </para>
8414               <code>
8415                 <![CDATA[
8416             <arg path="/dir;/dir2:\dir3" />
8417                 ]]>
8418               </code>
8419             </example>
8420         </member>
8421         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument.#ctor">
8422             <summary>
8423             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/> class.
8424             </summary>
8425         </member>
8426         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument.#ctor(System.String)">
8427             <summary>
8428             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/> class
8429             with the specified command-line argument.
8430             </summary>
8431         </member>
8432         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument.#ctor(System.IO.FileInfo)">
8433             <summary>
8434             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/> class
8435             with the given file.
8436             </summary>
8437         </member>
8438         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.PathSet)">
8439             <summary>
8440             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/> class
8441             with the given path.
8442             </summary>
8443         </member>
8444         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument.ToString">
8445             <summary>
8446             Returns the argument as a <see cref="T:System.String"/>.
8447             </summary>
8448             <returns>
8449             The argument as a <see cref="T:System.String"/>.
8450             </returns>
8451             <remarks>
8452             File and individual path elements will be quoted if necessary.
8453             </remarks>
8454         </member>
8455         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument.QuoteArgument(System.String)">
8456             <summary>
8457             Quotes a command line argument if it contains a single quote or a
8458             space.
8459             </summary>
8460             <param name="argument">The command line argument.</param>
8461             <returns>
8462             A quoted command line argument if <paramref name="argument" /> 
8463             contains a single quote or a space; otherwise, 
8464             <paramref name="argument" />.
8465             </returns>
8466         </member>
8467         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument.Value">
8468             <summary>
8469             A single command-line argument; can contain space characters.
8470             </summary>
8471         </member>
8472         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument.File">
8473             <summary>
8474             The name of a file as a single command-line argument; will be 
8475             replaced with the absolute filename of the file.
8476             </summary>
8477         </member>
8478         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument.Directory">
8479             <summary>
8480             The value for a directory-based command-line argument; will be
8481             replaced with the absolute path of the directory.
8482             </summary>
8483         </member>
8484         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument.Path">
8485             <summary>
8486             The value for a PATH-like command-line argument; you can use 
8487             <c>:</c> or <c>;</c> as path separators and NAnt will convert it 
8488             to the platform's local conventions, while resolving references to 
8489             environment variables.
8490             </summary>
8491             <remarks>
8492             Individual parts will be replaced with the absolute path, resolved
8493             relative to the project base directory.
8494             </remarks>
8495         </member>
8496         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument.PathSet">
8497             <summary>
8498             Sets a single command-line argument and treats it like a PATH - ensures 
8499             the right separator for the local platform is used.
8500             </summary>
8501         </member>
8502         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument.Line">
8503             <summary>
8504             List of command-line arguments; will be passed to the executable
8505             as is.
8506             </summary>
8507         </member>
8508         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument.IfDefined">
8509             <summary>
8510             Indicates if the argument should be passed to the external program. 
8511             If <see langword="true" /> then the argument will be passed; 
8512             otherwise, skipped. The default is <see langword="true" />.
8513             </summary>
8514         </member>
8515         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument.UnlessDefined">
8516             <summary>
8517             Indicates if the argument should not be passed to the external 
8518             program. If <see langword="false" /> then the argument will be 
8519             passed; otherwise, skipped. The default is <see langword="false" />.
8520             </summary>
8521         </member>
8522         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument.StringValue">
8523             <summary>
8524             Gets string value corresponding with the argument.
8525             </summary>
8526         </member>
8527         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection">
8528             <summary>
8529             Contains a collection of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/> elements.
8530             </summary>
8531         </member>
8532         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection.#ctor">
8533             <summary>
8534             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection"/> class.
8535             </summary>
8536         </member>
8537         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection)">
8538             <summary>
8539             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection"/> class
8540             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection"/> instance.
8541             </summary>
8542         </member>
8543         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.Argument[])">
8544             <summary>
8545             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection"/> class
8546             with the specified array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/> instances.
8547             </summary>
8548         </member>
8549         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection.Add(NAnt.Core.Types.Argument)">
8550             <summary>
8551             Adds a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/> to the end of the collection.
8552             </summary>
8553             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
8554             <returns>The position into which the new element was inserted.</returns>
8555         </member>
8556         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.Types.Argument[])">
8557             <summary>
8558             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/> array to the end of the collection.
8559             </summary>
8560             <param name="items">The array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/> elements to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
8561         </member>
8562         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection)">
8563             <summary>
8564             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection"/> to the end of the collection.
8565             </summary>
8566             <param name="items">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
8567         </member>
8568         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection.Contains(NAnt.Core.Types.Argument)">
8569             <summary>
8570             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/> is in the collection.
8571             </summary>
8572             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/> to locate in the collection.</param> 
8573             <returns>
8574             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="item"/> is found in the 
8575             collection; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
8576             </returns>
8577         </member>
8578         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection.Contains(System.String)">
8579             <summary>
8580             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/> with the specified
8581             value is in the collection.
8582             </summary>
8583             <param name="value">The argument value to locate in the collection.</param> 
8584             <returns>
8585             <see langword="true"/> if a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/> with value 
8586             <paramref name="value"/> is found in the collection; otherwise, 
8587             <see langword="false"/>.
8588             </returns>
8589         </member>
8590         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection.CopyTo(NAnt.Core.Types.Argument[],System.Int32)">
8591             <summary>
8592             Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array.        
8593             </summary>
8594             <param name="array">The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The array must have zero-based indexing.</param> 
8595             <param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins.</param>
8596         </member>
8597         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection.IndexOf(NAnt.Core.Types.Argument)">
8598             <summary>
8599             Retrieves the index of a specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/> object in the collection.
8600             </summary>
8601             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/> object for which the index is returned.</param> 
8602             <returns>
8603             The index of the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/>. If the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/> is not currently a member of the collection, it returns -1.
8604             </returns>
8605         </member>
8606         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection.Insert(System.Int32,NAnt.Core.Types.Argument)">
8607             <summary>
8608             Inserts a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/> into the collection at the specified index.
8609             </summary>
8610             <param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="item"/> should be inserted.</param>
8611             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/> to insert.</param>
8612         </member>
8613         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection.GetEnumerator">
8614             <summary>
8615             Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection.
8616             </summary>
8617             <returns>
8618             A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentEnumerator"/> for the entire collection.
8619             </returns>
8620         </member>
8621         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection.Remove(NAnt.Core.Types.Argument)">
8622             <summary>
8623             Removes a member from the collection.
8624             </summary>
8625             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/> to remove from the collection.</param>
8626         </member>
8627         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
8628             <summary>
8629             Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
8630             </summary>
8631             <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get or set.</param>
8632         </member>
8633         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection.Item(System.String)">
8634             <summary>
8635             Gets the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/> with the specified value.
8636             </summary>
8637             <param name="value">The value of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/> to get.</param>
8638         </member>
8639         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentEnumerator">
8640             <summary>
8641             Enumerates the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Argument"/> elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection"/>.
8642             </summary>
8643         </member>
8644         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentEnumerator.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection)">
8645             <summary>
8646             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentEnumerator"/> class
8647             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection"/>.
8648             </summary>
8649             <param name="arguments">The collection that should be enumerated.</param>
8650         </member>
8651         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentEnumerator.MoveNext">
8652             <summary>
8653             Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.
8654             </summary>
8655             <returns>
8656             <see langword="true" /> if the enumerator was successfully advanced 
8657             to the next element; <see langword="false" /> if the enumerator has 
8658             passed the end of the collection.
8659             </returns>
8660         </member>
8661         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentEnumerator.Reset">
8662             <summary>
8663             Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the 
8664             first element in the collection.
8665             </summary>
8666         </member>
8667         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentEnumerator.Current">
8668             <summary>
8669             Gets the current element in the collection.
8670             </summary>
8671             <returns>
8672             The current element in the collection.
8673             </returns>
8674         </member>
8675         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Credential">
8676             <summary>
8677             Provides credentials for password-based authentication schemes.
8678             </summary>
8679         </member>
8680         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.Credential.#ctor">
8681             <summary>
8682             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Credential"/> class.
8683             </summary>
8684         </member>
8685         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.Credential.GetCredential">
8686             <summary>
8687             Returns a <see cref="T:System.Net.NetworkCredential"/> instance representing
8688             the current <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Credential"/>.
8689             </summary>
8690             <returns>
8691             A <see cref="T:System.Net.NetworkCredential"/> instance representing the current 
8692             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Credential"/>, or <see langword="null"/> if the 
8693             credentials should not be used to provide authentication information
8694             to the external resource.
8695             </returns>
8696         </member>
8697         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Credential.Domain">
8698             <summary>
8699             The domain or computer name that verifies the credentials.
8700             </summary>
8701         </member>
8702         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Credential.Password">
8703             <summary>
8704             The password for the user name associated with the credentials.
8705             </summary>
8706         </member>
8707         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Credential.UserName">
8708             <summary>
8709             The user name associated with the credentials. 
8710             </summary>
8711         </member>
8712         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Credential.IfDefined">
8713             <summary>
8714             Indicates if the credentials should be used to provide authentication
8715             information to the external resource. If <see langword="true" /> then 
8716             the credentials will be passed; otherwise, not. The default is 
8717             <see langword="true" />.
8718             </summary>
8719         </member>
8720         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Credential.UnlessDefined">
8721             <summary>
8722             Indicates if the credentials should not be used to provide authentication
8723             information to the external resource. If <see langword="false" /> then the 
8724             credentials will be passed; otherwise, not. The default is 
8725             <see langword="false" />.
8726             </summary>
8727         </member>
8728         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.DirSet">
8729             <summary>
8730             A specialized <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> used for specifying a set of 
8731             directories.
8732             </summary>
8733             <remarks>
8734             Hint for supporting tasks that the included directories instead of 
8735             files should be used.
8736             </remarks>
8737         </member>
8738         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet">
8739             <summary>
8740             Filesets are groups of files.  These files can be found in a directory 
8741             tree starting in a base directory and are matched by patterns taken 
8742             from a number of patterns.  Filesets can appear inside tasks that support 
8743             this feature or at the project level, i.e., as children of <c>&lt;project&gt;</c>.
8744             </summary>
8745             <remarks>
8746             <h3>Patterns</h3>
8747             <para>
8748             As described earlier, patterns are used for the inclusion and exclusion. 
8749             These patterns look very much like the patterns used in DOS and UNIX:
8750             </para>
8751             <list type="bullet">
8752                 <item>
8753                     <description>
8754                         <para>'<c>*</c>' matches zero or more characters</para>
8755                         <para>For example:</para>
8756                         <para>
8757                         <c>*.cs</c> matches <c>.cs</c>, <c>x.cs</c> and <c>FooBar.cs</c>, 
8758                         but not <c>FooBar.xml</c> (does not end with <c>.cs</c>).
8759                         </para>
8760                     </description>
8761                 </item>
8762                 <item>
8763                     <description>
8764                         <para>'<c>?</c>' matches one character</para>
8765                         <para>For example:</para>
8766                         <para>
8767                         <c>?.cs</c> matches <c>x.cs</c>, <c>A.cs</c>, but not 
8768                         <c>.cs</c> or <c>xyz.cs</c> (both don't have one character
8769                         before <c>.cs</c>).
8770                         </para>
8771                     </description>
8772                 </item>
8773             </list>
8774             <para>
8775             Combinations of <c>*</c>'s and <c>?</c>'s are allowed.
8776             </para>
8777             <para>
8778             Matching is done per-directory. This means that first the first directory 
8779             in the pattern is matched against the first directory in the path to match. 
8780             Then the second directory is matched, and so on. For example, when we have 
8781             the pattern <c>/?abc/*/*.cs</c> and the path <c>/xabc/foobar/test.cs</c>, 
8782             the first <c>?abc</c> is matched with <c>xabc</c>, then <c>*</c> is matched 
8783             with <c>foobar</c>, and finally <c>*.cs</c> is matched with <c>test.cs</c>. 
8784             They all match, so the path matches the pattern.
8785             </para>
8786             <para>
8787             To make things a bit more flexible, we added one extra feature, which makes 
8788             it possible to match multiple directory levels. This can be used to match a 
8789             complete directory tree, or a file anywhere in the directory tree. To do this, 
8790             <c>**</c> must be used as the name of a directory. When <c>**</c> is used as 
8791             the name of a directory in the pattern, it matches zero or more directories. 
8792             For example: <c>/test/**</c> matches all files/directories under <c>/test/</c>, 
8793             such as <c>/test/x.cs</c>, or <c>/test/foo/bar/xyz.html</c>, but not <c>/xyz.xml</c>.
8794             </para>
8795             <para>
8796             There is one "shorthand" - if a pattern ends with <c>/</c> or <c>\</c>, then 
8797             <c>**</c> is appended. For example, <c>mypackage/test/</c> is interpreted as 
8798             if it were <c>mypackage/test/**</c>.
8799             </para>
8800             <h3>Case-Sensitivity</h3>
8801             <para>
8802             By default, pattern matching is case-sensitive on Unix and case-insensitive
8803             on other platforms. The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.CaseSensitive"/> parameter can be used
8804             to override this.
8805             </para>
8806             <h3>Default Excludes</h3>
8807             <para>
8808             There are a set of definitions that are excluded by default from all 
8809             tasks that use filesets. They are:
8810             </para>
8811             <list type="bullet">
8812                 <item>
8813                     <description>
8814                     **/*~
8815                     </description>
8816                 </item>
8817                 <item>
8818                     <description>
8819                     **/#*#
8820                     </description>
8821                 </item>
8822                 <item>
8823                     <description>
8824                     **/.#*
8825                     </description>
8826                 </item>
8827                 <item>
8828                     <description>
8829                     **/%*%
8830                     </description>
8831                 </item>
8832                 <item>
8833                     <description>
8834                     **/CVS
8835                     </description>
8836                 </item>
8837                 <item>
8838                     <description>
8839                     **/CVS/**
8840                     </description>
8841                 </item>
8842                 <item>
8843                     <description>
8844                     **/.cvsignore
8845                     </description>
8846                 </item>
8847                 <item>
8848                     <description>
8849                     **/.svn
8850                     </description>
8851                 </item>
8852                 <item>
8853                     <description>
8854                     **/.svn/**
8855                     </description>
8856                 </item>
8857                 <item>
8858                     <description>
8859                     **/_svn
8860                     </description>
8861                 </item>
8862                 <item>
8863                     <description>
8864                     **/_svn/**
8865                     </description>
8866                 </item>
8867                 <item>
8868                     <description>
8869                     **/SCCS
8870                     </description>
8871                 </item>
8872                 <item>
8873                     <description>
8874                     **/SCCS/**
8875                     </description>
8876                 </item>
8877                 <item>
8878                     <description>
8879                     **/vssver.scc
8880                     </description>
8881                 </item>
8882                 <item>
8883                     <description>
8884                     **/vssver2.scc
8885                     </description>
8886                 </item>
8887                 <item>
8888                     <description>
8889                     **/_vti_cnf/**
8890                     </description>
8891                 </item>
8892             </list>
8893             <para>
8894             If you do not want these default excludes applied, you may disable them 
8895             by setting <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.DefaultExcludes"/> to <see langword="false"/>.
8896             </para>
8897             </remarks>
8898             <example>
8899             <list type="table">
8900                 <listheader>
8901                     <term>Pattern</term>
8902                     <description>Match</description>
8903                 </listheader>
8904                 <item>
8905                     <term><c>**/CVS/*</c></term>
8906                     <description>
8907                         <para>
8908                         Matches all files in <c>CVS</c> directories that can be 
8909                         located anywhere in the directory tree.
8910                         </para>
8911                         <para>Matches:</para>
8912                         <list type="bullet">
8913                             <item>
8914                                 <description>CVS/Repository</description>
8915                             </item>
8916                             <item>
8917                                 <description>org/apache/CVS/Entries</description>
8918                             </item>
8919                             <item>
8920                                 <description>org/apache/jakarta/tools/ant/CVS/Entries</description>
8921                             </item>
8922                         </list>
8923                         <para>But not:</para>
8924                         <list type="bullet">
8925                             <item>
8926                                 <description>org/apache/CVS/foo/bar/Entries (<c>foo/bar/</c> part does not match)</description>
8927                             </item>
8928                         </list>
8929                     </description>
8930                 </item>
8931                 <item>
8932                     <term><c>org/apache/jakarta/**</c></term>
8933                     <description>
8934                         <para>
8935                         Matches all files in the <c>org/apache/jakarta</c> directory 
8936                         tree.
8937                         </para>
8938                         <para>Matches:</para>
8939                         <list type="bullet">
8940                             <item>
8941                                 <description>org/apache/jakarta/tools/ant/docs/index.html</description>
8942                             </item>
8943                             <item>
8944                                 <description>org/apache/jakarta/test.xml</description>
8945                             </item>
8946                         </list>
8947                         <para>But not:</para>
8948                         <list type="bullet">
8949                             <item>
8950                                 <description>org/apache/xyz.java (<c>jakarta/</c> part is missing)</description>
8951                             </item>
8952                         </list>
8953                     </description>
8954                 </item>
8955                 <item>
8956                     <term><c>org/apache/**/CVS/*</c></term>
8957                     <description>
8958                         <para>
8959                         Matches all files in <c>CVS</c> directories that are located 
8960                         anywhere in the directory tree under <c>org/apache</c>.
8961                         </para>
8962                         <para>Matches:</para>
8963                         <list type="bullet">
8964                             <item>
8965                                 <description>org/apache/CVS/Entries</description>
8966                             </item>
8967                             <item>
8968                                 <description>org/apache/jakarta/tools/ant/CVS/Entries</description>
8969                             </item>
8970                         </list>
8971                         <para>But not:</para>
8972                         <list type="bullet">
8973                             <item>
8974                                 <description>org/apache/CVS/foo/bar/Entries (<c>foo/bar/</c> part does not match)</description>
8975                             </item>
8976                         </list>
8977                     </description>
8978                 </item>
8979                 <item>
8980                     <term><c>**/test/**</c></term>
8981                     <description>
8982                         <para>
8983                         Matches all files that have a <c>test</c> element in their 
8984                         path, including <c>test</c> as a filename.
8985                         </para>
8986                     </description>
8987                 </item>
8988             </list>
8989             </example>
8990             <seealso cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternSet"/>
8991         </member>
8992         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.#ctor">
8993             <summary>
8994             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> class.
8995             </summary>
8996         </member>
8997         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet)">
8998             <summary>
8999             copy constructor
9000             </summary>
9001             <param name="fs"></param>
9002         </member>
9003         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.Clone">
9004             <summary>
9005             Creates a shallow copy of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/>.
9006             </summary>
9007             <returns>
9008             A shallow copy of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/>.
9009             </returns>
9010         </member>
9011         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.AddPatternSet(NAnt.Core.Types.PatternSet)">
9012             <summary>
9013             Adds a nested set of patterns, or references a standalone patternset.
9014             </summary>
9015         </member>
9016         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.CopyTo(NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet)">
9017             <summary>
9018             Copies all instance data of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> to a given
9019             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/>.
9020             </summary>
9021         </member>
9022         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.FindMoreRecentLastWriteTime(System.String,System.DateTime)">
9023             <summary>
9024             Determines if a file has a more recent last write time than the 
9025             given time, or no longer exists.
9026             </summary>
9027             <param name="fileName">A file to check the last write time against.</param>
9028             <param name="targetLastWriteTime">The datetime to compare against.</param>
9029             <returns>
9030             The name of the file that has a last write time greater than 
9031             <paramref name="targetLastWriteTime" /> or that no longer exists; 
9032             otherwise, <see langword="null" />.
9033             </returns>
9034         </member>
9035         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.FindMoreRecentLastWriteTime(System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection,System.DateTime)">
9036             <summary>
9037             Determines if one of the given files has a more recent last write 
9038             time than the given time. If one of the given files no longer exists,
9039             the target will be considered out-of-date.
9040             </summary>
9041             <param name="fileNames">A collection of filenames to check the last write time against.</param>
9042             <param name="targetLastWriteTime">The datetime to compare against.</param>
9043             <returns>
9044             The name of the first file that has a last write time greater than 
9045             <paramref name="targetLastWriteTime" />; otherwise, null.
9046             </returns>
9047         </member>
9048         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.CaseSensitive">
9049             <summary>
9050             Indicates whether include and exclude patterns must be treated in a
9051             case-sensitive way. The default is <see langword="true" /> on Unix;
9052             otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
9053             </summary>
9054         </member>
9055         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.FailOnEmpty">
9056             <summary>
9057             When set to <see langword="true"/>, causes the fileset element to 
9058             throw a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.ValidationException"/> when no files match the 
9059             includes and excludes criteria. The default is <see langword="false"/>.
9060             </summary>
9061         </member>
9062         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.DefaultExcludes">
9063             <summary>
9064             Indicates whether default excludes should be used or not. 
9065             The default is <see langword="true" />.
9066             </summary>
9067         </member>
9068         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.BaseDirectory">
9069             <summary>
9070             The base of the directory of this fileset. The default is the project 
9071             base directory.
9072             </summary>
9073         </member>
9074         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.Includes">
9075             <summary>
9076             Gets the collection of include patterns.
9077             </summary>
9078         </member>
9079         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.Excludes">
9080             <summary>
9081             Gets the collection of exclude patterns.
9082             </summary>
9083         </member>
9084         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.AsIs">
9085             <summary>
9086             Gets the collection of files that will be added to the 
9087             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> without pattern matching or checking if the 
9088             file exists.
9089             </summary>
9090         </member>
9091         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.FileNames">
9092             <summary>
9093             Gets the collection of file names that match the fileset.
9094             </summary>
9095             <value>
9096             A collection that contains the file names that match the 
9097             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/>.
9098             </value>
9099         </member>
9100         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.DirectoryNames">
9101             <summary>
9102             Gets the collection of directory names that match the fileset.
9103             </summary>
9104             <value>
9105             A collection that contains the directory names that match the 
9106             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/>.
9107             </value>
9108         </member>
9109         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.ScannedDirectories">
9110             <summary>
9111             Gets the collection of directory names that were scanned for files.
9112             </summary>
9113             <value>
9114             A collection that contains the directory names that were scanned for
9115             files.
9116             </value>
9117         </member>
9118         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.SetIncludes">
9119             <summary>
9120             The items to include in the fileset.
9121             </summary>
9122         </member>
9123         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.IncludeElements">
9124             <summary>
9125             The items to include in the fileset.
9126             </summary>
9127         </member>
9128         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.SetExcludes">
9129             <summary>
9130             The items to exclude from the fileset.
9131             </summary>
9132         </member>
9133         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.ExcludeElements">
9134             <summary>
9135             The items to exclude from the fileset.
9136             </summary>
9137         </member>
9138         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.SetIncludesList">
9139             <summary>
9140             The files from which a list of patterns or files to include should 
9141             be obtained.
9142             </summary>
9143         </member>
9144         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.IncludesFiles">
9145             <summary>
9146             The files from which a list of patterns or files to include should
9147             be obtained.
9148             </summary>
9149         </member>
9150         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.ExcludesFiles">
9151             <summary>
9152             The files from which a list of patterns or files to exclude should
9153             be obtained.
9154             </summary>
9155         </member>
9156         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.MostRecentLastWriteTimeFile">
9157             <summary>
9158             Determines the most recently modified file in the fileset (by LastWriteTime of the <see cref="T:System.IO.FileInfo"/>).
9159             </summary>
9160             <returns>
9161             The <see cref="T:System.IO.FileInfo"/> of the file that has the newest (closest to present) last write time.
9162             </returns>
9163         </member>
9164         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.Exclude.Pattern">
9165             <summary>
9166             The pattern or file name to exclude.
9167             </summary>
9168         </member>
9169         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.Exclude.IfDefined">
9170             <summary>
9171             If <see langword="true" /> then the pattern will be excluded; 
9172             otherwise, skipped. The default is <see langword="true" />.
9173             </summary>
9174         </member>
9175         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.Exclude.UnlessDefined">
9176             <summary>
9177             Opposite of <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.Exclude.IfDefined"/>. If <see langword="false"/> 
9178             then the pattern will be excluded; otherwise, skipped. The default 
9179             is <see langword="false"/>.
9180             </summary>
9181         </member>
9182         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.Include.AsIs">
9183             <summary>
9184             If <see langword="true"/> then the file name will be added to 
9185             the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> without pattern matching or checking 
9186             if the file exists.  The default is <see langword="false"/>.
9187             </summary>
9188         </member>
9189         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.Include.FromPath">
9190             <summary>
9191             If <see langword="true" /> then the file will be searched for 
9192             on the path. The default is <see langword="false" />.
9193             </summary>
9194         </member>
9195         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.Include.Pattern">
9196             <summary>
9197             The pattern or file name to include.
9198             </summary>
9199         </member>
9200         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.Include.IfDefined">
9201             <summary>
9202             If <see langword="true" /> then the pattern will be included; 
9203             otherwise, skipped. The default is <see langword="true" />.
9204             </summary>
9205         </member>
9206         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.Include.UnlessDefined">
9207             <summary>
9208             Opposite of <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.Include.IfDefined"/>. If <see langword="false"/> 
9209             then the pattern will be included; otherwise, skipped. The default 
9210             is <see langword="false"/>.
9211             </summary>
9212         </member>
9213         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.ExcludesFile.Patterns">
9214             <summary>
9215             Gets the list of patterns in <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.ExcludesFile.PatternFile"/>.
9216             </summary>
9217         </member>
9218         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.ExcludesFile.IfDefined">
9219             <summary>
9220             If <see langword="true" /> then the patterns will be excluded; 
9221             otherwise, skipped. The default is <see langword="true" />.
9222             </summary>
9223         </member>
9224         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.ExcludesFile.UnlessDefined">
9225             <summary>
9226             Opposite of <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.ExcludesFile.IfDefined"/>. If <see langword="false"/> 
9227             then the patterns will be excluded; otherwise, skipped. The default 
9228             is <see langword="false"/>.
9229             </summary>
9230         </member>
9231         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.ExcludesFile.PatternFile">
9232             <summary>
9233             The name of a file; each line of this file is taken to be a 
9234             pattern.
9235             </summary>
9236         </member>
9237         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.IncludesFile.AsIs">
9238             <summary>
9239             If <see langword="true"/> then the patterns in the include file 
9240             will be added to the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> without pattern 
9241             matching or checking if the file exists.  The default is 
9242             <see langword="false"/>.
9243             </summary>
9244         </member>
9245         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.IncludesFile.FromPath">
9246             <summary>
9247             If <see langword="true" /> then the patterns in the include file
9248             will be searched for on the path. The default is <see langword="false" />.
9249             </summary>
9250         </member>
9251         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.IncludesFile.IfDefined">
9252             <summary>
9253             If <see langword="true" /> then the patterns will be included;
9254             otherwise, skipped. The default is <see langword="true" />.
9255             </summary>
9256         </member>
9257         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.IncludesFile.UnlessDefined">
9258             <summary>
9259             Opposite of <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.IncludesFile.IfDefined"/>. If <see langword="false"/> 
9260             then the patterns will be included; otherwise, skipped. The default 
9261             is <see langword="false"/>.
9262             </summary>
9263         </member>
9264         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.DirSet.#ctor">
9265             <summary>
9266             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.DirSet"/> class.
9267             </summary>
9268         </member>
9269         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.DirSet.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet)">
9270             <summary>
9271             Copy constructor for <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/>. Required in order to 
9272             assign references of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> type where 
9273             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.DirSet"/> is used.
9274             </summary>
9275             <param name="fs">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/> instance to create a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.DirSet"/> from.</param>
9276         </member>
9277         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable">
9278             <summary>
9279             Represents an environment variable.
9280             </summary>
9281         </member>
9282         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
9283             <summary>
9284             Initializes a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable"/> instance with the
9285             specified name and value.
9286             </summary>
9287             <param name="name">The name of the environment variable.</param>
9288             <param name="value">The value of the environment variable.</param>
9289         </member>
9290         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable.#ctor">
9291             <summary>
9292             Initializes a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable"/> instance.
9293             </summary>
9294         </member>
9295         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable.VariableName">
9296             <summary>
9297             The name of the environment variable.
9298             </summary>
9299         </member>
9300         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable.LiteralValue">
9301             <summary>
9302             The literal value for the environment variable.
9303             </summary>
9304         </member>
9305         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable.File">
9306             <summary>
9307             The value for a file-based environment variable. NAnt will convert 
9308             it to an absolute filename.
9309             </summary>
9310         </member>
9311         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable.Directory">
9312             <summary>
9313             The value for a directory-based environment variable. NAnt will 
9314             convert it to an absolute path.
9315             </summary>
9316         </member>
9317         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable.Path">
9318             <summary>
9319             The value for a PATH like environment variable. You can use 
9320             <c>:</c> or <c>;</c> as path separators and NAnt will convert it to 
9321             the platform's local conventions.
9322             </summary>
9323         </member>
9324         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable.PathSet">
9325             <summary>
9326             Sets a single environment variable and treats it like a PATH - 
9327             ensures the right separator for the local platform is used.
9328             </summary>
9329         </member>
9330         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable.Value">
9331             <summary>
9332             Gets the value of the environment variable.
9333             </summary>
9334         </member>
9335         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable.IfDefined">
9336             <summary>
9337             Indicates if the environment variable should be passed to the 
9338             external program.  If <see langword="true" /> then the environment
9339             variable will be passed;  otherwise, skipped. The default is 
9340             <see langword="true" />.
9341             </summary>
9342         </member>
9343         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable.UnlessDefined">
9344             <summary>
9345             Indicates if the environment variable should not be passed to the 
9346             external program.  If <see langword="false" /> then the environment
9347             variable will be passed;  otherwise, skipped. The default is 
9348             <see langword="false" />.
9349             </summary>
9350         </member>
9351         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentSet">
9352             <summary>
9353             A set of environment variables.
9354             </summary>
9355         </member>
9356         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentSet.Options">
9357             <summary>
9358             Environment variable to pass to a program.
9359             </summary>
9360         </member>
9361         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentSet.EnvironmentVariables">
9362             <summary>
9363             Environment variable to pass to a program.
9364             </summary>
9365         </member>
9366         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection">
9367             <summary>
9368             Contains a collection of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable"/> elements.
9369             </summary>
9370         </member>
9371         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection.#ctor">
9372             <summary>
9373             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection"/> class.
9374             </summary>
9375         </member>
9376         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection)">
9377             <summary>
9378             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection"/> class
9379             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection"/> instance.
9380             </summary>
9381         </member>
9382         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable[])">
9383             <summary>
9384             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection"/> class
9385             with the specified array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable"/> instances.
9386             </summary>
9387         </member>
9388         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection.Add(NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable)">
9389             <summary>
9390             Adds a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable"/> to the end of the collection.
9391             </summary>
9392             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
9393             <returns>The position into which the new element was inserted.</returns>
9394         </member>
9395         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable[])">
9396             <summary>
9397             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable"/> array to the end of the collection.
9398             </summary>
9399             <param name="items">The array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable"/> elements to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
9400         </member>
9401         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection)">
9402             <summary>
9403             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection"/> to the end of the collection.
9404             </summary>
9405             <param name="items">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
9406         </member>
9407         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection.Contains(NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable)">
9408             <summary>
9409             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable"/> is in the collection.
9410             </summary>
9411             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable"/> to locate in the collection.</param> 
9412             <returns>
9413             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="item"/> is found in the 
9414             collection; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
9415             </returns>
9416         </member>
9417         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection.Contains(System.String)">
9418             <summary>
9419             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable"/> with the specified
9420             value is in the collection.
9421             </summary>
9422             <param name="value">The argument value to locate in the collection.</param> 
9423             <returns>
9424             <see langword="true"/> if a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable"/> with value 
9425             <paramref name="value"/> is found in the collection; otherwise, 
9426             <see langword="false"/>.
9427             </returns>
9428         </member>
9429         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection.CopyTo(NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable[],System.Int32)">
9430             <summary>
9431             Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array.        
9432             </summary>
9433             <param name="array">The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The array must have zero-based indexing.</param> 
9434             <param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins.</param>
9435         </member>
9436         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection.IndexOf(NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable)">
9437             <summary>
9438             Retrieves the index of a specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable"/> object in the collection.
9439             </summary>
9440             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable"/> object for which the index is returned.</param> 
9441             <returns>
9442             The index of the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable"/>. If the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable"/> is not currently a member of the collection, it returns -1.
9443             </returns>
9444         </member>
9445         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection.Insert(System.Int32,NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable)">
9446             <summary>
9447             Inserts a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable"/> into the collection at the specified index.
9448             </summary>
9449             <param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="item"/> should be inserted.</param>
9450             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable"/> to insert.</param>
9451         </member>
9452         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection.GetEnumerator">
9453             <summary>
9454             Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection.
9455             </summary>
9456             <returns>
9457             A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableEnumerator"/> for the entire collection.
9458             </returns>
9459         </member>
9460         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection.Remove(NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable)">
9461             <summary>
9462             Removes a member from the collection.
9463             </summary>
9464             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable"/> to remove from the collection.</param>
9465         </member>
9466         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
9467             <summary>
9468             Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
9469             </summary>
9470             <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get or set.</param>
9471         </member>
9472         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection.Item(System.String)">
9473             <summary>
9474             Gets the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable"/> with the specified name.
9475             </summary>
9476             <param name="name">The name of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable"/> to get.</param>
9477         </member>
9478         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableEnumerator">
9479             <summary>
9480             Enumerates the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable"/> elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection"/>.
9481             </summary>
9482         </member>
9483         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableEnumerator.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection)">
9484             <summary>
9485             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableEnumerator"/> class
9486             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection"/>.
9487             </summary>
9488             <param name="arguments">The collection that should be enumerated.</param>
9489         </member>
9490         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableEnumerator.MoveNext">
9491             <summary>
9492             Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.
9493             </summary>
9494             <returns>
9495             <see langword="true" /> if the enumerator was successfully advanced 
9496             to the next element; <see langword="false" /> if the enumerator has 
9497             passed the end of the collection.
9498             </returns>
9499         </member>
9500         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableEnumerator.Reset">
9501             <summary>
9502             Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the 
9503             first element in the collection.
9504             </summary>
9505         </member>
9506         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableEnumerator.Current">
9507             <summary>
9508             Gets the current element in the collection.
9509             </summary>
9510             <returns>
9511             The current element in the collection.
9512             </returns>
9513         </member>
9514         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter.Property">
9515             <summary>
9516             The name of the NAnt property to set.
9517             </summary>
9518         </member>
9519         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter.Pattern">
9520             <summary>
9521             The string pattern to use to format the property.
9522             </summary>       
9523         </member>
9524         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter.IfDefined">
9525             <summary>
9526             Indicates if the formatter should be used to format the timestamp.
9527             If <see langword="true" /> then the formatter will be used; 
9528             otherwise, skipped. The default is <see langword="true" />.
9529             </summary>
9530         </member>
9531         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter.UnlessDefined">
9532             <summary>
9533             Indicates if the formatter should be not used to format the 
9534             timestamp. If <see langword="false" /> then the formatter will be 
9535             used; otherwise, skipped. The default is <see langword="false" />.
9536             </summary>
9537         </member>
9538         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection">
9539             <summary>
9540             Contains a collection of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter"/> elements.
9541             </summary>
9542         </member>
9543         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection.#ctor">
9544             <summary>
9545             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection"/> class.
9546             </summary>
9547         </member>
9548         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection)">
9549             <summary>
9550             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection"/> class
9551             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection"/> instance.
9552             </summary>
9553         </member>
9554         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter[])">
9555             <summary>
9556             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection"/> class
9557             with the specified array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter"/> instances.
9558             </summary>
9559         </member>
9560         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection.Add(NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter)">
9561             <summary>
9562             Adds a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter"/> to the end of the collection.
9563             </summary>
9564             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
9565             <returns>The position into which the new element was inserted.</returns>
9566         </member>
9567         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter[])">
9568             <summary>
9569             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter"/> array to the end of the collection.
9570             </summary>
9571             <param name="items">The array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter"/> elements to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
9572         </member>
9573         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection)">
9574             <summary>
9575             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection"/> to the end of the collection.
9576             </summary>
9577             <param name="items">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
9578         </member>
9579         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection.Contains(NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter)">
9580             <summary>
9581             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter"/> is in the collection.
9582             </summary>
9583             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter"/> to locate in the collection.</param> 
9584             <returns>
9585             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="item"/> is found in the 
9586             collection; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
9587             </returns>
9588         </member>
9589         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection.CopyTo(NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter[],System.Int32)">
9590             <summary>
9591             Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array.        
9592             </summary>
9593             <param name="array">The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The array must have zero-based indexing.</param> 
9594             <param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins.</param>
9595         </member>
9596         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection.IndexOf(NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter)">
9597             <summary>
9598             Retrieves the index of a specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter"/> object in the collection.
9599             </summary>
9600             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter"/> object for which the index is returned.</param> 
9601             <returns>
9602             The index of the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter"/>. If the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter"/> is not currently a member of the collection, it returns -1.
9603             </returns>
9604         </member>
9605         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection.Insert(System.Int32,NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter)">
9606             <summary>
9607             Inserts a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter"/> into the collection at the specified index.
9608             </summary>
9609             <param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="item"/> should be inserted.</param>
9610             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter"/> to insert.</param>
9611         </member>
9612         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection.GetEnumerator">
9613             <summary>
9614             Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection.
9615             </summary>
9616             <returns>
9617             A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterEnumerator"/> for the entire collection.
9618             </returns>
9619         </member>
9620         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection.Remove(NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter)">
9621             <summary>
9622             Removes a member from the collection.
9623             </summary>
9624             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter"/> to remove from the collection.</param>
9625         </member>
9626         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
9627             <summary>
9628             Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
9629             </summary>
9630             <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get or set.</param>
9631         </member>
9632         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterEnumerator">
9633             <summary>
9634             Enumerates the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter"/> elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection"/>.
9635             </summary>
9636         </member>
9637         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterEnumerator.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection)">
9638             <summary>
9639             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterEnumerator"/> class
9640             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection"/>.
9641             </summary>
9642             <param name="arguments">The collection that should be enumerated.</param>
9643         </member>
9644         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterEnumerator.MoveNext">
9645             <summary>
9646             Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.
9647             </summary>
9648             <returns>
9649             <see langword="true" /> if the enumerator was successfully advanced 
9650             to the next element; <see langword="false" /> if the enumerator has 
9651             passed the end of the collection.
9652             </returns>
9653         </member>
9654         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterEnumerator.Reset">
9655             <summary>
9656             Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the 
9657             first element in the collection.
9658             </summary>
9659         </member>
9660         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterEnumerator.Current">
9661             <summary>
9662             Gets the current element in the collection.
9663             </summary>
9664             <returns>
9665             The current element in the collection.
9666             </returns>
9667         </member>
9668         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.ManagedExecution">
9669             <summary>
9670             Specifies the execution mode for managed applications.
9671             </summary>
9672             <remarks>
9673               <para>
9674               For backward compatibility, the following string values can also be
9675               used in build files:
9676               </para>
9677               <list type="table">
9678                 <listheader>
9679                   <term>Value</term>
9680                   <description>Corresponding field</description>
9681                 </listheader>
9682                 <item>
9683                   <term>"true"</term>
9684                   <description><see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Types.ManagedExecution.Auto"/></description>
9685                 </item>
9686                 <item>
9687                   <term>"false"</term>
9688                   <description><see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Types.ManagedExecution.Default"/></description>
9689                 </item>
9690               </list>
9691               <para>
9692               Even if set to <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Types.ManagedExecution.Default"/>, the operating system can still
9693               run the program as a managed application.
9694               </para>
9695               <para>On Linux this can be done through <b>binfmt_misc</b>, while on
9696               Windows installing the .NET Framework redistributable caused managed
9697               applications to run on the MS CLR by default.
9698               </para>
9699             </remarks>
9700         </member>
9701         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Types.ManagedExecution.Default">
9702             <summary>
9703             Do not threat the program as a managed application.
9704             </summary>
9705         </member>
9706         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Types.ManagedExecution.Auto">
9707             <summary>
9708             Leave it up to the CLR to determine which specific version of
9709             the CLR will be used to run the application.
9710             </summary>
9711         </member>
9712         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Types.ManagedExecution.Strict">
9713             <summary>
9714             Forces an application to run against the currently targeted
9715             version of a given CLR.
9716             </summary>
9717         </member>
9718         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.ManagedExecutionConverter">
9719             <summary>
9720             Specialized <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.EnumConverter"/> that also supports 
9721             case-insensitive conversion of "true" to 
9722             <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Types.ManagedExecution.Auto"/> and "false" to
9723             <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Types.ManagedExecution.Default"/>.
9724             </summary>
9725         </member>
9726         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.ManagedExecutionConverter.#ctor">
9727             <summary>
9728             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.ManagedExecutionConverter"/>
9729             class.
9730             </summary>
9731         </member>
9732         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.ManagedExecutionConverter.ConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext,System.Globalization.CultureInfo,System.Object)">
9733             <summary>
9734             Converts the given object to the type of this converter, using the 
9735             specified context and culture information.
9736             </summary>
9737             <param name="context">An <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext"/> that provides a format context.</param>
9738             <param name="culture">A <see cref="T:System.Globalization.CultureInfo"/> object. If a <see langword="null"/> is passed, the current culture is assumed.</param>
9739             <param name="value">The <see cref="T:System.Object"/> to convert.</param>
9740             <returns>
9741             An <see cref="T:System.Object"/> that represents the converted value.
9742             </returns>
9743         </member>
9744         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Option">
9745             <summary>
9746             Represents an option.
9747             </summary>
9748         </member>
9749         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.Option.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
9750             <summary>
9751             name, value constructor
9752             </summary>
9753             <param name="name"></param>
9754             <param name="value"></param>
9755         </member>
9756         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.Option.#ctor">
9757             <summary>
9758             Default constructor
9759             </summary>
9760         </member>
9761         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Option.OptionName">
9762             <summary>
9763             Name of the option.
9764             </summary>
9765         </member>
9766         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Option.Value">
9767             <summary>
9768             Value of the option. The default is <see langword="null" />.
9769             </summary>
9770         </member>
9771         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Option.IfDefined">
9772             <summary>
9773             Indicates if the option should be passed to the task. 
9774             If <see langword="true" /> then the option will be passed; 
9775             otherwise, skipped. The default is <see langword="true" />.
9776             </summary>
9777         </member>
9778         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Option.UnlessDefined">
9779             <summary>
9780             Indicates if the option should not be passed to the task.
9781             If <see langword="false" /> then the option will be passed; 
9782             otherwise, skipped. The default is <see langword="false" />.
9783             </summary>
9784         </member>
9785         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection">
9786             <summary>
9787             Contains a collection of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Option"/> elements.
9788             </summary>
9789         </member>
9790         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection.#ctor">
9791             <summary>
9792             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection"/> class.
9793             </summary>
9794         </member>
9795         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection)">
9796             <summary>
9797             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection"/> class
9798             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection"/> instance.
9799             </summary>
9800         </member>
9801         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.Option[])">
9802             <summary>
9803             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection"/> class
9804             with the specified array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Option"/> instances.
9805             </summary>
9806         </member>
9807         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection.Add(NAnt.Core.Types.Option)">
9808             <summary>
9809             Adds a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Option"/> to the end of the collection.
9810             </summary>
9811             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Option"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
9812             <returns>The position into which the new element was inserted.</returns>
9813         </member>
9814         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.Types.Option[])">
9815             <summary>
9816             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Option"/> array to the end of the collection.
9817             </summary>
9818             <param name="items">The array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Option"/> elements to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
9819         </member>
9820         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection)">
9821             <summary>
9822             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection"/> to the end of the collection.
9823             </summary>
9824             <param name="items">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
9825         </member>
9826         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection.Contains(NAnt.Core.Types.Option)">
9827             <summary>
9828             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Option"/> is in the collection.
9829             </summary>
9830             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Option"/> to locate in the collection.</param> 
9831             <returns>
9832             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="item"/> is found in the 
9833             collection; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
9834             </returns>
9835         </member>
9836         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection.Contains(System.String)">
9837             <summary>
9838             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Option"/> for the specified 
9839             task is in the collection.
9840             </summary>
9841             <param name="taskName">The name of task for which the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Option"/> should be located in the collection.</param> 
9842             <returns>
9843             <see langword="true"/> if a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Option"/> for the specified 
9844             task is found in the collection; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
9845             </returns>
9846         </member>
9847         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection.CopyTo(NAnt.Core.Types.Option[],System.Int32)">
9848             <summary>
9849             Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array.        
9850             </summary>
9851             <param name="array">The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The array must have zero-based indexing.</param> 
9852             <param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins.</param>
9853         </member>
9854         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection.IndexOf(NAnt.Core.Types.Option)">
9855             <summary>
9856             Retrieves the index of a specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Option"/> object in the collection.
9857             </summary>
9858             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Option"/> object for which the index is returned.</param> 
9859             <returns>
9860             The index of the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Option"/>. If the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Option"/> is not currently a member of the collection, it returns -1.
9861             </returns>
9862         </member>
9863         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection.Insert(System.Int32,NAnt.Core.Types.Option)">
9864             <summary>
9865             Inserts a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Option"/> into the collection at the specified index.
9866             </summary>
9867             <param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="item"/> should be inserted.</param>
9868             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Option"/> to insert.</param>
9869         </member>
9870         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection.GetEnumerator">
9871             <summary>
9872             Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection.
9873             </summary>
9874             <returns>
9875             A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionEnumerator"/> for the entire collection.
9876             </returns>
9877         </member>
9878         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection.Remove(NAnt.Core.Types.Option)">
9879             <summary>
9880             Removes a member from the collection.
9881             </summary>
9882             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Option"/> to remove from the collection.</param>
9883         </member>
9884         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
9885             <summary>
9886             Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
9887             </summary>
9888             <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get or set.</param>
9889         </member>
9890         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection.Item(System.String)">
9891             <summary>
9892             Gets the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Option"/> with the specified name.
9893             </summary>
9894             <param name="name">The name of the option that should be located in the collection.</param> 
9895         </member>
9896         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionEnumerator">
9897             <summary>
9898             Enumerates the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Option"/> elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection"/>.
9899             </summary>
9900         </member>
9901         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionEnumerator.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection)">
9902             <summary>
9903             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionEnumerator"/> class
9904             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection"/>.
9905             </summary>
9906             <param name="arguments">The collection that should be enumerated.</param>
9907         </member>
9908         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionEnumerator.MoveNext">
9909             <summary>
9910             Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.
9911             </summary>
9912             <returns>
9913             <see langword="true" /> if the enumerator was successfully advanced 
9914             to the next element; <see langword="false" /> if the enumerator has 
9915             passed the end of the collection.
9916             </returns>
9917         </member>
9918         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionEnumerator.Reset">
9919             <summary>
9920             Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the 
9921             first element in the collection.
9922             </summary>
9923         </member>
9924         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.OptionEnumerator.Current">
9925             <summary>
9926             Gets the current element in the collection.
9927             </summary>
9928             <returns>
9929             The current element in the collection.
9930             </returns>
9931         </member>
9932         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.PathElement">
9933             <summary>
9934             Represents a nested path element.
9935             </summary>
9936         </member>
9937         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.PathElement.File">
9938             <summary>
9939             The name of a file to add to the path. Will be replaced with 
9940             the absolute path of the file.
9941             </summary>
9942         </member>
9943         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.PathElement.Directory">
9944             <summary>
9945             The name of a directory to add to the path. Will be replaced with 
9946             the absolute path of the directory.
9947             </summary>
9948         </member>
9949         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.PathElement.Path">
9950             <summary>
9951             A string that will be treated as a path-like string. You can use
9952             <c>:</c> or <c>;</c> as path separators and NAnt will convert it 
9953             to the platform's local conventions, while resolving references
9954             to environment variables.
9955             </summary>
9956         </member>
9957         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.PathElement.IfDefined">
9958             <summary>
9959             If <see langword="true" /> then the entry will be added to the
9960             path; otherwise, skipped. The default is <see langword="true" />.
9961             </summary>
9962         </member>
9963         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.PathElement.UnlessDefined">
9964             <summary>
9965             Opposite of <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Types.PathElement.IfDefined"/>. If <see langword="false"/> 
9966             then the entry will be added to the path; otherwise, skipped. 
9967             The default is <see langword="false"/>.
9968             </summary>
9969         </member>
9970         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.PathElement.Parts">
9971             <summary>
9972             Gets the parts of a path represented by this element.
9973             </summary>
9974             <value>
9975             A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection"/> containing the parts of a path 
9976             represented by this element.
9977             </value>
9978         </member>
9979         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.PathSet">
9980             <summary>
9981             <para>
9982             Paths are groups of files and/or directories that need to be passed as a single
9983             unit. The order in which parts of the path are specified in the build file is 
9984             retained, and duplicate parts are automatically suppressed.
9985             </para>
9986             </summary>
9987             <example>
9988               <para>
9989               Define a global <c>&lt;path&gt;</c> that can be referenced by other
9990               tasks or types.
9991               </para>
9992               <code>
9993                 <![CDATA[
9994                     <path id="includes-path">
9995                         <pathelement path="%INCLUDE%" />
9996                         <pathelement dir="${build.dir}/include" />
9997                     </path>
9998                 ]]>
9999               </code>
10000             </example>
10001         </member>
10002         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.PathSet.#ctor">
10003             <summary>
10004             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.PathSet"/> class.
10005             </summary>
10006         </member>
10007         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.PathSet.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Project,System.String)">
10008             <summary>
10009             Invoked by <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator"/> for build 
10010             attributes with an underlying <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.PathSet"/> type.
10011             </summary>
10012             <param name="project">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/> to be used to resolve relative paths.</param>
10013             <param name="path">The string representing a path.</param>
10014         </member>
10015         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.PathSet.ToString">
10016             <summary>
10017             Returns a textual representation of the path, which can be used as
10018             PATH environment variable definition.
10019             </summary>
10020             <returns>
10021             A textual representation of the path.
10022             </returns>
10023         </member>
10024         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.PathSet.AddPath(NAnt.Core.Types.PathSet)">
10025             <summary>
10026             Defines a set of path elements to add to the current path.
10027             </summary>
10028             <param name="path">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.PathSet"/> to add.</param>
10029         </member>
10030         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.PathSet.AddPathElement(NAnt.Core.Types.PathElement)">
10031             <summary>
10032             Defines a path element to add to the current path.
10033             </summary>
10034             <param name="pathElement">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.PathElement"/> to add.</param>
10035         </member>
10036         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.PathSet.GetElements">
10037             <summary>
10038             Returns all path elements defined by this path object.
10039             </summary>
10040             <returns>
10041             A list of path elements.
10042             </returns>
10043         </member>
10044         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.PathSet.TranslatePath(NAnt.Core.Project,System.String)">
10045             <summary>
10046             Splits a PATH (with ; or : as separators) into its parts, while 
10047             resolving references to environment variables.
10048             </summary>
10049             <param name="project">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/> to be used to resolve relative paths.</param>
10050             <param name="source">The path to translate.</param>
10051             <returns>
10052             A PATH split up its parts, with references to environment variables
10053             resolved and duplicate entries removed.
10054             </returns>
10055         </member>
10056         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern.#ctor">
10057             <summary>
10058             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern"/> class.
10059             </summary>
10060         </member>
10061         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern.PatternName">
10062             <summary>
10063             The name pattern to include/exclude.
10064             </summary>
10065         </member>
10066         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern.IfDefined">
10067             <summary>
10068             If <see langword="true" /> then the pattern will be used; 
10069             otherwise, skipped. The default is <see langword="true" />.
10070             </summary>
10071         </member>
10072         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern.UnlessDefined">
10073             <summary>
10074             If <see langword="false" /> then the pattern will be used;
10075             otherwise, skipped. The default is <see langword="false" />.
10076             </summary>
10077         </member>
10078         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternCollection">
10079             <summary>
10080             Contains a collection of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern"/> elements.
10081             </summary>
10082         </member>
10083         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternCollection.#ctor">
10084             <summary>
10085             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternCollection"/> class.
10086             </summary>
10087         </member>
10088         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternCollection.Clear">
10089             <summary>
10090             Removes all items from the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternCollection"/>.
10091             </summary>
10092         </member>
10093         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternCollection.Add(NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern)">
10094             <summary>
10095             Adds a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern"/> to the end of the collection.
10096             </summary>
10097             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
10098             <returns>The position into which the new element was inserted.</returns>
10099         </member>
10100         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern[])">
10101             <summary>
10102             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern"/> array to the end of the collection.
10103             </summary>
10104             <param name="items">The array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern"/> elements to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
10105         </member>
10106         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.Types.PatternCollection)">
10107             <summary>
10108             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternCollection"/> to the end of the collection.
10109             </summary>
10110             <param name="items">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternCollection"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
10111         </member>
10112         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternCollection.Contains(NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern)">
10113             <summary>
10114             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern"/> is in the collection.
10115             </summary>
10116             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern"/> to locate in the collection.</param> 
10117             <returns>
10118             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="item"/> is found in the 
10119             collection; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
10120             </returns>
10121         </member>
10122         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternCollection.CopyTo(NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern[],System.Int32)">
10123             <summary>
10124             Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array,
10125             starting at the specified index of the target array.        
10126             </summary>
10127             <param name="array">The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The array must have zero-based indexing.</param> 
10128             <param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins.</param>
10129         </member>
10130         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternCollection.IndexOf(NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern)">
10131             <summary>
10132             Retrieves the index of a specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern"/> object in the collection.
10133             </summary>
10134             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern"/> object for which the index is returned.</param> 
10135             <returns>
10136             The index of the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern"/>. If the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern"/> is not currently a member of the collection, it returns -1.
10137             </returns>
10138         </member>
10139         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternCollection.Insert(System.Int32,NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern)">
10140             <summary>
10141             Inserts a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern"/> into the collection at the specified index.
10142             </summary>
10143             <param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="item"/> should be inserted.</param>
10144             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern"/> to insert.</param>
10145         </member>
10146         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternCollection.GetEnumerator">
10147             <summary>
10148             Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection.
10149             </summary>
10150             <returns>
10151             A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternEnumerator"/> for the entire collection.
10152             </returns>
10153         </member>
10154         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternCollection.Remove(NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern)">
10155             <summary>
10156             Removes a member from the collection.
10157             </summary>
10158             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern"/> to remove from the collection.</param>
10159         </member>
10160         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
10161             <summary>
10162             Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
10163             </summary>
10164             <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get or set.</param>
10165         </member>
10166         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternEnumerator">
10167             <summary>
10168             Enumerates the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern"/> elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternCollection"/>.
10169             </summary>
10170         </member>
10171         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternEnumerator.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.PatternCollection)">
10172             <summary>
10173             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternEnumerator"/> class
10174             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternCollection"/>.
10175             </summary>
10176             <param name="arguments">The collection that should be enumerated.</param>
10177         </member>
10178         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternEnumerator.MoveNext">
10179             <summary>
10180             Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.
10181             </summary>
10182             <returns>
10183             <see langword="true" /> if the enumerator was successfully advanced 
10184             to the next element; <see langword="false" /> if the enumerator has 
10185             passed the end of the collection.
10186             </returns>
10187         </member>
10188         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternEnumerator.Reset">
10189             <summary>
10190             Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the 
10191             first element in the collection.
10192             </summary>
10193         </member>
10194         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternEnumerator.Current">
10195             <summary>
10196             Gets the current element in the collection.
10197             </summary>
10198             <returns>
10199             The current element in the collection.
10200             </returns>
10201         </member>
10202         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternEnumerator.System#Collections#IEnumerator#Current">
10203             <summary>
10204             Gets the current element in the collection.
10205             </summary>
10206             <returns>
10207             The current element in the collection.
10208             </returns>
10209         </member>
10210         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternSet">
10211             <summary>
10212             A set of patterns, mostly used to include or exclude certain files.
10213             </summary>
10214             <remarks>
10215               <para>
10216               The individual patterns support <c>if</c> and <c>unless</c> attributes
10217               to specify that the element should only be used if or unless a given
10218               condition is met.
10219               </para>
10220               <para>
10221               The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternSet.IncludesFile"/> and <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternSet.ExcludesFile"/>
10222               elements load patterns from a file. When the file is a relative path,
10223               it will be resolved relative to the project base directory in which
10224               the patternset is defined. Each line of this file is taken to be a
10225               pattern.
10226               </para>
10227               <para>
10228               The number sign (#) as the first non-blank character in a line denotes
10229               that all text following it is a comment:
10230               </para>
10231               <code>
10232                 <![CDATA[
10233                    EventLog.cs
10234                    # requires Mono.Posix
10235                    SysLogEventLogImpl.cs
10236                    # uses the win32 eventlog API
10237                    Win32EventLogImpl.cs
10238                 ]]>
10239               </code>
10240               <para>
10241               Patterns can be grouped to sets, and later be referenced by their
10242               <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBase.ID"/>.
10243               </para>
10244               <para>
10245               When used as a standalone element (global type), any properties that
10246               are referenced will be resolved when the definition is processed, not
10247               when it actually used. Passing a reference to a nested build file 
10248               will not cause the properties to be re-evaluated.
10249               </para>
10250               <para>
10251               To improve reuse of globally defined patternsets, avoid referencing
10252               any properties altogether.
10253               </para>
10254             </remarks>
10255             <example>
10256               <para>
10257               Define a set of patterns that matches all .cs files that do not contain
10258               the text <c>Test</c> in their name.
10259               </para>
10260               <code>
10261                 <![CDATA[
10262                     <patternset id="non.test.sources">
10263                         <include name="**/*.cs" />
10264                         <exclude name="**/*Test*" />
10265                     </patternset>
10266                 ]]>
10267               </code>
10268             </example>
10269             <example>
10270               <para>
10271               Define two sets. One holding C# sources, and one holding VB sources.
10272               Both sets only include test sources when the <c>test</c> property is
10273               set. A third set combines both C# and VB sources.
10274               </para>
10275               <code>
10276                 <![CDATA[
10277                     <patternset id="cs.sources">
10278                         <include name="src/**/*.cs" />
10279                         <include name="test/**/*.cs" if=${property::exist('test')}" />
10280                     </patternset>
10282                     <patternset id="vb.sources">
10283                         <include name="src/**/*.vb" />
10284                         <include name="test/**/*.vb" if=${property::exist('test')}" />
10285                     </patternset>
10287                     <patternset id="all.sources">
10288                         <patternset refid="cs.sources" />
10289                         <patternset refid="vb.sources" />
10290                     </patternset>
10291                 ]]>
10292               </code>
10293             </example>
10294             <example>
10295               <para>
10296               Define a set from patterns in a file.
10297               </para>
10298               <code>
10299                 <![CDATA[
10300                     <patternset id="sources">
10301                         <includesfile name="test.sources" />
10302                         <includesfile name="non.test.sources" />
10303                     </patternset>
10304                 ]]>
10305               </code>
10306             </example>
10307             <example>
10308               <para>
10309               Defines a patternset with patterns that are loaded from an external
10310               file, and shows the behavior when that patternset is passed as a
10311               reference to a nested build script.
10312               </para>
10313               <para>
10314               External file "c:\foo\build\service.lst" holding patterns
10315               of source files to include for the Foo.Service assembly:
10316               </para>
10317               <code>
10318                 <![CDATA[
10319                     AssemblyInfo.cs
10320                     *Channel.cs
10321                     ServiceFactory.cs]]></code>
10322               <para>
10323               Main build script located in "c:\foo\default.build":
10324               </para>
10325               <code>
10326                 <![CDATA[
10327                     <project name="main" default="build">
10328                         <property name="build.debug" value="true" />
10330                         <patternset id="service.sources">
10331                             <include name="TraceListener.cs" if="${build.debug}" />
10332                             <includesfile name="build/service.lst" />
10333                         </patternset>
10335                         <property name="build.debug" value="false" />
10337                         <target name="build">
10338                             <nant buildfile="service/default.build" inheritrefs="true" />
10339                         </target>
10340                     </project>]]></code>
10341               <para>
10342               Nested build script located in "c:\foo\services\default.build"
10343               which uses the patternset to feed sources files to the C# compiler:
10344               </para>
10345               <code>
10346                 <![CDATA[
10347                     <project name="service" default="build">
10348                         <target name="build">
10349                             <csc output="../bin/Foo.Service.dll" target="library">
10350                                 <fileset basedir="src">
10351                                     <patternset refid="service.sources" />
10352                                 </fileset>
10353                             </csc>
10354                         </target>
10355                     </project>]]></code>
10356               <para>
10357               At the time when the patternset is used in the "service"
10358               build script, the following source files in "c:\foo\services\src"
10359               match the defined patterns:
10360               </para>
10361               <code>
10362                 <![CDATA[
10363                     AssemblyInfo.cs
10364                     MsmqChannel.cs
10365                     SmtpChannel.cs
10366                     ServiceFactory.cs
10367                     TraceListener.cs]]></code>
10368               <para>
10369               You should have observed that:
10370               </para>
10371               <list type="bullet">
10372                 <item>
10373                     <description>
10374                     although the patternset is used from the "service"
10375                     build script, the path to the external file is resolved relative
10376                     to the base directory of the "main" build script in
10377                     which the patternset is defined.
10378                     </description>
10379                 </item>
10380                 <item>
10381                     <description>
10382                     the "TraceListener.cs" file is included, even though 
10383                     the "build.debug" property was changed to <b>false</b>
10384                     after the patternset was defined (but before it was passed to
10385                     the nested build, and used).
10386                     </description>
10387                 </item>
10388               </list>
10389             </example>
10390             <seealso cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet"/>
10391         </member>
10392         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternSet.#ctor">
10393             <summary>
10394             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternSet"/> class.
10395             </summary>
10396         </member>
10397         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternSet.Append(NAnt.Core.Types.PatternSet)">
10398             <summary>
10399             Adds a nested set of patterns, or references other standalone 
10400             patternset.
10401             </summary>
10402             <param name="patternSet">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternSet"/> to add.</param>
10403         </member>
10404         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternSet.Include">
10405             <summary>
10406             Defines a single pattern for files to include.
10407             </summary>
10408         </member>
10409         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternSet.IncludesFile">
10410             <summary>
10411             Loads multiple patterns of files to include from a given file, set
10412             using the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern.PatternName"/> parameter.
10413             </summary>
10414         </member>
10415         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternSet.Exclude">
10416             <summary>
10417             Defines a single pattern for files to exclude.
10418             </summary>
10419         </member>
10420         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.PatternSet.ExcludesFile">
10421             <summary>
10422             Loads multiple patterns of files to exclude from a given file, set
10423             using the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern.PatternName"/> parameter.
10424             </summary>
10425         </member>
10426         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Proxy">
10427             <summary>
10428             Contains HTTP proxy settings used to process requests to Internet 
10429             resources.
10430             </summary>
10431         </member>
10432         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.Proxy.#ctor">
10433             <summary>
10434             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Proxy"/> class.
10435             </summary>
10436         </member>
10437         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.Proxy.GetWebProxy">
10438             <summary>
10439             Gets a <see cref="T:System.Net.WebProxy"/> instance representing the current
10440             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Proxy"/>.
10441             </summary>
10442             <returns>
10443             A <see cref="T:System.Net.WebProxy"/> instance representing the current 
10444             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Proxy"/>, or <see langword="GlobalProxySelection.Select"/> 
10445             if this proxy should not be used to connect to the external resource.
10446             </returns>
10447         </member>
10448         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Proxy.Host">
10449             <summary>
10450             The name of the proxy host. 
10451             </summary>
10452         </member>
10453         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Proxy.Port">
10454             <summary>
10455             The port number on <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Proxy.Host"/> to use. 
10456             </summary>
10457         </member>
10458         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Proxy.BypassOnLocal">
10459             <summary>
10460             Specifies whether to bypass the proxy server for local addresses.
10461             The default is <see langword="false" />.
10462             </summary>
10463         </member>
10464         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Proxy.Credentials">
10465             <summary>
10466             The credentials to submit to the proxy server for authentication.
10467             </summary>
10468         </member>
10469         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Proxy.IfDefined">
10470             <summary>
10471             Indicates if the proxy should be used to connect to the external 
10472             resource. If <see langword="true" /> then the proxy will be used; 
10473             otherwise, not. The default is <see langword="true" />.
10474             </summary>
10475         </member>
10476         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Proxy.UnlessDefined">
10477             <summary>
10478             Indicates if the proxy should not be used to connect to the external
10479             resource. If <see langword="false" /> then the proxy will be used;
10480             otherwise, not. The default is <see langword="false" />.
10481             </summary>
10482         </member>
10483         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.RawXml">
10484             <summary>
10485             Represents an element of which the XML is processed by its parent task 
10486             or type.
10487             </summary>
10488         </member>
10489         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.RawXml.Xml">
10490             <summary>
10491             Gets the XML that this element represents.
10492             </summary>
10493         </member>
10494         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.RawXml.CustomXmlProcessing">
10495             <summary>
10496             Gets a value indicating whether the element is performing additional
10497             processing using the <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/> that was use to 
10498             initialize the element.
10499             </summary>
10500             <value>
10501             <see langword="true"/>, as the XML that represents this build 
10502             element is processed by the containing task or type.
10503             </value>
10504         </member>
10505         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.Token">
10506             <summary>
10507             ReplaceTokens filter token.
10508             </summary>
10509         </member>
10510         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Token.Key">
10511             <summary>
10512             Token to be replaced.
10513             </summary>
10514         </member>
10515         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Token.Value">
10516             <summary>
10517             New value of token.
10518             </summary>
10519         </member>
10520         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Token.IfDefined">
10521             <summary>
10522             Indicates if the token should be used to replace values. 
10523             If <see langword="true" /> then the token will be used; 
10524             otherwise, not. The default is <see langword="true" />.
10525             </summary>
10526         </member>
10527         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.Token.UnlessDefined">
10528             <summary>
10529             Indicates if the token should not be used to replace values.
10530             If <see langword="false" /> then the token will be used;
10531             otherwise, not. The default is <see langword="false" />.
10532             </summary>
10533         </member>
10534         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace">
10535             <summary>
10536             Represents an XML namespace.
10537             </summary>
10538         </member>
10539         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace.Prefix">
10540             <summary>
10541             The prefix to associate with the namespace.
10542             </summary>
10543         </member>
10544         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace.Uri">
10545             <summary>
10546             The associated XML namespace URI.
10547             </summary>
10548         </member>
10549         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace.IfDefined">
10550             <summary>
10551             Indicates if the namespace should be added to the <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager"/>.
10552             If <see langword="true"/> then the namespace will be added; 
10553             otherwise, skipped. The default is <see langword="true"/>.
10554             </summary>
10555         </member>
10556         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace.UnlessDefined">
10557             <summary>
10558             Indicates if the namespace should not be added to the <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager"/>.
10559             list. If <see langword="false"/> then the parameter will be 
10560             added; otherwise, skipped. The default is <see langword="false"/>.
10561             </summary>
10562         </member>
10563         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection">
10564             <summary>
10565             Contains a collection of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace"/> elements.
10566             </summary>
10567         </member>
10568         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection.#ctor">
10569             <summary>
10570             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection"/> class.
10571             </summary>
10572         </member>
10573         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection)">
10574             <summary>
10575             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection"/> class
10576             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection"/> instance.
10577             </summary>
10578         </member>
10579         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace[])">
10580             <summary>
10581             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection"/> class
10582             with the specified array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace"/> instances.
10583             </summary>
10584         </member>
10585         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection.Add(NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace)">
10586             <summary>
10587             Adds a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace"/> to the end of the collection.
10588             </summary>
10589             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
10590             <returns>The position into which the new element was inserted.</returns>
10591         </member>
10592         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace[])">
10593             <summary>
10594             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace"/> array to the end of the collection.
10595             </summary>
10596             <param name="items">The array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace"/> elements to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
10597         </member>
10598         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection)">
10599             <summary>
10600             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection"/> to the end of the collection.
10601             </summary>
10602             <param name="items">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
10603         </member>
10604         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection.Contains(NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace)">
10605             <summary>
10606             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace"/> is in the collection.
10607             </summary>
10608             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace"/> to locate in the collection.</param> 
10609             <returns>
10610             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="item"/> is found in the 
10611             collection; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
10612             </returns>
10613         </member>
10614         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection.Contains(System.String)">
10615             <summary>
10616             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace"/> with the specified
10617             value is in the collection.
10618             </summary>
10619             <param name="value">The argument value to locate in the collection.</param> 
10620             <returns>
10621             <see langword="true"/> if a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace"/> with 
10622             value <paramref name="value"/> is found in the collection; otherwise, 
10623             <see langword="false"/>.
10624             </returns>
10625         </member>
10626         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection.CopyTo(NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace[],System.Int32)">
10627             <summary>
10628             Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array.        
10629             </summary>
10630             <param name="array">The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The array must have zero-based indexing.</param> 
10631             <param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins.</param>
10632         </member>
10633         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection.IndexOf(NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace)">
10634             <summary>
10635             Retrieves the index of a specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace"/> object in the collection.
10636             </summary>
10637             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace"/> object for which the index is returned.</param> 
10638             <returns>
10639             The index of the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace"/>. If the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace"/> is not currently a member of the collection, it returns -1.
10640             </returns>
10641         </member>
10642         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection.Insert(System.Int32,NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace)">
10643             <summary>
10644             Inserts a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace"/> into the collection at the specified index.
10645             </summary>
10646             <param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="item"/> should be inserted.</param>
10647             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace"/> to insert.</param>
10648         </member>
10649         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection.GetEnumerator">
10650             <summary>
10651             Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection.
10652             </summary>
10653             <returns>
10654             A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceEnumerator"/> for the entire collection.
10655             </returns>
10656         </member>
10657         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection.Remove(NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace)">
10658             <summary>
10659             Removes a member from the collection.
10660             </summary>
10661             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace"/> to remove from the collection.</param>
10662         </member>
10663         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
10664             <summary>
10665             Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
10666             </summary>
10667             <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get or set.</param>
10668         </member>
10669         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection.Item(System.String)">
10670             <summary>
10671             Gets the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace"/> with the specified prefix.
10672             </summary>
10673             <param name="value">The prefix of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace"/> to get.</param>
10674         </member>
10675         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceEnumerator">
10676             <summary>
10677             Enumerates the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace"/> elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection"/>.
10678             </summary>
10679         </member>
10680         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceEnumerator.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection)">
10681             <summary>
10682             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceEnumerator"/> class
10683             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection"/>.
10684             </summary>
10685             <param name="arguments">The collection that should be enumerated.</param>
10686         </member>
10687         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceEnumerator.MoveNext">
10688             <summary>
10689             Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.
10690             </summary>
10691             <returns>
10692             <see langword="true" /> if the enumerator was successfully advanced 
10693             to the next element; <see langword="false" /> if the enumerator has 
10694             passed the end of the collection.
10695             </returns>
10696         </member>
10697         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceEnumerator.Reset">
10698             <summary>
10699             Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the 
10700             first element in the collection.
10701             </summary>
10702         </member>
10703         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceEnumerator.Current">
10704             <summary>
10705             Gets the current element in the collection.
10706             </summary>
10707             <returns>
10708             The current element in the collection.
10709             </returns>
10710         </member>
10711         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject">
10712             <summary>
10713             Represents an XSLT extension object. The object should have a default
10714             parameterless constructor and the return value should be one of the 
10715             four basic XPath data types of number, string, Boolean or node set.
10716             </summary>
10717         </member>
10718         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject.#ctor">
10719             <summary>
10720             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject"/> 
10721             class.
10722             </summary>
10723         </member>
10724         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject.NamespaceUri">
10725             <summary>
10726             The namespace URI to associate with the extension object.
10727             </summary>
10728             <value>
10729             The namespace URI to associate with the extension object, or 
10730             <see cref="F:System.String.Empty"/> if not set.
10731             </value>
10732         </member>
10733         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject.TypeName">
10734             <summary>
10735             The full type name of the XSLT extension object.
10736             </summary>
10737         </member>
10738         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject.AssemblyPath">
10739             <summary>
10740             The assembly which contains the XSLT extension object.
10741             </summary>
10742         </member>
10743         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject.IfDefined">
10744             <summary>
10745             Indicates if the extension object should be added to the XSLT argument
10746             list. If <see langword="true" /> then the extension object will be
10747             added; otherwise, skipped. The default is <see langword="true" />.
10748             </summary>
10749         </member>
10750         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject.UnlessDefined">
10751             <summary>
10752             Indicates if the extension object should not be added to the XSLT argument
10753             list. If <see langword="false" /> then the extension object will be 
10754             added; otherwise, skipped. The default is <see langword="false" />.
10755             </summary>
10756         </member>
10757         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection">
10758             <summary>
10759             Contains a collection of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject"/> elements.
10760             </summary>
10761         </member>
10762         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection.#ctor">
10763             <summary>
10764             Initializes a new instance of the
10765             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection"/> class.
10766             </summary>
10767         </member>
10768         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection)">
10769             <summary>
10770             Initializes a new instance of the
10771             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection"/> class with the
10772             specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection"/> instance.
10773             </summary>
10774         </member>
10775         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject[])">
10776             <summary>
10777             Initializes a new instance of the
10778             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection"/> class with the
10779             specified array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject"/> instances.
10780             </summary>
10781         </member>
10782         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection.Add(NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject)">
10783             <summary>
10784             Adds a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject"/> to the end of the collection.
10785             </summary>
10786             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject"/> to be added
10787             to the end of the collection.</param> 
10788             <returns>The position into which the new element was inserted.</returns>
10789         </member>
10790         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject[])">
10791             <summary>
10792             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject"/> array to the
10793             end of the collection.
10794             </summary>
10795             <param name="items">The array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject"/>
10796             elements to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
10797         </member>
10798         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection)">
10799             <summary>
10800             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection"/>
10801             to the end of the collection.
10802             </summary>
10803             <param name="items">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection"/>
10804             to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
10805         </member>
10806         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection.Contains(NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject)">
10807             <summary>
10808             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject"/> is in the
10809             collection.
10810             </summary>
10811             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject"/> to locate
10812             in the collection.</param> 
10813             <returns>
10814             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="item"/> is found in the 
10815             collection; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
10816             </returns>
10817         </member>
10818         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection.Contains(System.String)">
10819             <summary>
10820             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject"/> with the
10821             specified value is in the collection.
10822             </summary>
10823             <param name="value">The argument value to locate in the
10824             collection.</param> 
10825             <returns>
10826             <see langword="true"/> if a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject"/>
10827             with value <paramref name="value"/> is found in the collection;
10828             otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
10829             </returns>
10830         </member>
10831         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection.CopyTo(NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject[],System.Int32)">
10832             <summary>
10833             Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array,
10834             starting at the specified index of the target array.        
10835             </summary>
10836             <param name="array">The one-dimensional array that is the
10837             destination of the elements copied from the collection. The array
10838             must have zero-based indexing.</param> 
10839             <param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/>
10840             at which copying begins.</param>
10841         </member>
10842         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection.IndexOf(NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject)">
10843             <summary>
10844             Retrieves the index of a specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject"/>
10845             object in the collection.
10846             </summary>
10847             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject"/> object for
10848             which the index is returned.</param> 
10849             <returns>
10850             The index of the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject"/>. If the
10851             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject"/> is not currently a member of the
10852             collection, it returns -1.
10853             </returns>
10854         </member>
10855         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection.Insert(System.Int32,NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject)">
10856             <summary>
10857             Inserts a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject"/> into the collection at
10858             the specified index.
10859             </summary>
10860             <param name="index">The zero-based index at which
10861             <paramref name="item"/> should be inserted.</param>
10862             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject"/> to
10863             insert.</param>
10864         </member>
10865         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection.GetEnumerator">
10866             <summary>
10867             Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection.
10868             </summary>
10869             <returns>
10870             A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectEnumerator"/> for the entire
10871             collection.
10872             </returns>
10873         </member>
10874         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection.Remove(NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject)">
10875             <summary>
10876             Removes a member from the collection.
10877             </summary>
10878             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject"/> to remove
10879             from the collection.</param>
10880         </member>
10881         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
10882             <summary>
10883             Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
10884             </summary>
10885             <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get
10886             or set.</param>
10887         </member>
10888         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection.Item(System.String)">
10889             <summary>
10890             Gets the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject"/> with the specified name.
10891             </summary>
10892             <param name="value">The name of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject"/>
10893             to get.</param>
10894         </member>
10895         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectEnumerator">
10896             <summary>
10897             Enumerates the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject"/> elements of a
10898             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection"/>.
10899             </summary>
10900         </member>
10901         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectEnumerator.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection)">
10902             <summary>
10903             Initializes a new instance of the
10904             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectEnumerator"/> class
10905             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection"/>.
10906             </summary>
10907             <param name="arguments">The collection that should be
10908             enumerated.</param>
10909         </member>
10910         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectEnumerator.MoveNext">
10911             <summary>
10912             Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.
10913             </summary>
10914             <returns>
10915             <see langword="true" /> if the enumerator was successfully advanced 
10916             to the next element; <see langword="false" /> if the enumerator has 
10917             passed the end of the collection.
10918             </returns>
10919         </member>
10920         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectEnumerator.Reset">
10921             <summary>
10922             Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the 
10923             first element in the collection.
10924             </summary>
10925         </member>
10926         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectEnumerator.Current">
10927             <summary>
10928             Gets the current element in the collection.
10929             </summary>
10930             <returns>
10931             The current element in the collection.
10932             </returns>
10933         </member>
10934         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter">
10935             <summary>
10936             Represents an XSLT parameter.
10937             </summary>
10938         </member>
10939         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter.#ctor">
10940             <summary>
10941             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter"/> 
10942             class.
10943             </summary>
10944         </member>
10945         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter.ParameterName">
10946             <summary>
10947             The name of the XSLT parameter.
10948             </summary>
10949             <value>
10950             The name of the XSLT parameter, or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty"/> if 
10951             not set.
10952             </value>
10953         </member>
10954         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter.NamespaceUri">
10955             <summary>
10956             The namespace URI to associate with the parameter.
10957             </summary>
10958             <value>
10959             The namespace URI to associate with the parameter, or 
10960             <see cref="F:System.String.Empty"/> if not set.
10961             </value>
10962         </member>
10963         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter.Value">
10964             <summary>
10965             The value of the XSLT parameter.
10966             </summary>
10967             <value>
10968             The value of the XSLT parameter, or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty"/> if 
10969             not set.
10970             </value>
10971         </member>
10972         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter.IfDefined">
10973             <summary>
10974             Indicates if the parameter should be added to the XSLT argument list.
10975             If <see langword="true" /> then the parameter will be added; 
10976             otherwise, skipped. The default is <see langword="true" />.
10977             </summary>
10978         </member>
10979         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter.UnlessDefined">
10980             <summary>
10981             Indicates if the parameter should not be added to the XSLT argument
10982             list. If <see langword="false" /> then the parameter will be 
10983             added; otherwise, skipped. The default is <see langword="false" />.
10984             </summary>
10985         </member>
10986         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection">
10987             <summary>
10988             Contains a collection of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter"/> elements.
10989             </summary>
10990         </member>
10991         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection.#ctor">
10992             <summary>
10993             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection"/> class.
10994             </summary>
10995         </member>
10996         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection)">
10997             <summary>
10998             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection"/> class
10999             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection"/> instance.
11000             </summary>
11001         </member>
11002         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter[])">
11003             <summary>
11004             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection"/> class
11005             with the specified array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter"/> instances.
11006             </summary>
11007         </member>
11008         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection.Add(NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter)">
11009             <summary>
11010             Adds a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter"/> to the end of the collection.
11011             </summary>
11012             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
11013             <returns>The position into which the new element was inserted.</returns>
11014         </member>
11015         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter[])">
11016             <summary>
11017             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter"/> array to the end of the collection.
11018             </summary>
11019             <param name="items">The array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter"/> elements to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
11020         </member>
11021         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection)">
11022             <summary>
11023             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection"/> to the end of the collection.
11024             </summary>
11025             <param name="items">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
11026         </member>
11027         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection.Contains(NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter)">
11028             <summary>
11029             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter"/> is in the collection.
11030             </summary>
11031             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter"/> to locate in the collection.</param> 
11032             <returns>
11033             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="item"/> is found in the 
11034             collection; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
11035             </returns>
11036         </member>
11037         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection.Contains(System.String)">
11038             <summary>
11039             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter"/> with the specified
11040             value is in the collection.
11041             </summary>
11042             <param name="value">The argument value to locate in the collection.</param> 
11043             <returns>
11044             <see langword="true"/> if a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter"/> with 
11045             value <paramref name="value"/> is found in the collection; otherwise, 
11046             <see langword="false"/>.
11047             </returns>
11048         </member>
11049         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection.CopyTo(NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter[],System.Int32)">
11050             <summary>
11051             Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array.        
11052             </summary>
11053             <param name="array">The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The array must have zero-based indexing.</param> 
11054             <param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins.</param>
11055         </member>
11056         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection.IndexOf(NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter)">
11057             <summary>
11058             Retrieves the index of a specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter"/> object in the collection.
11059             </summary>
11060             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter"/> object for which the index is returned.</param> 
11061             <returns>
11062             The index of the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter"/>. If the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter"/> is not currently a member of the collection, it returns -1.
11063             </returns>
11064         </member>
11065         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection.Insert(System.Int32,NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter)">
11066             <summary>
11067             Inserts a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter"/> into the collection at the specified index.
11068             </summary>
11069             <param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="item"/> should be inserted.</param>
11070             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter"/> to insert.</param>
11071         </member>
11072         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection.GetEnumerator">
11073             <summary>
11074             Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection.
11075             </summary>
11076             <returns>
11077             A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterEnumerator"/> for the entire collection.
11078             </returns>
11079         </member>
11080         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection.Remove(NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter)">
11081             <summary>
11082             Removes a member from the collection.
11083             </summary>
11084             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter"/> to remove from the collection.</param>
11085         </member>
11086         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
11087             <summary>
11088             Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
11089             </summary>
11090             <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get or set.</param>
11091         </member>
11092         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection.Item(System.String)">
11093             <summary>
11094             Gets the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter"/> with the specified name.
11095             </summary>
11096             <param name="value">The name of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter"/> to get.</param>
11097         </member>
11098         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterEnumerator">
11099             <summary>
11100             Enumerates the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter"/> elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection"/>.
11101             </summary>
11102         </member>
11103         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterEnumerator.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection)">
11104             <summary>
11105             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterEnumerator"/> class
11106             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection"/>.
11107             </summary>
11108             <param name="arguments">The collection that should be enumerated.</param>
11109         </member>
11110         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterEnumerator.MoveNext">
11111             <summary>
11112             Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.
11113             </summary>
11114             <returns>
11115             <see langword="true" /> if the enumerator was successfully advanced 
11116             to the next element; <see langword="false" /> if the enumerator has 
11117             passed the end of the collection.
11118             </returns>
11119         </member>
11120         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterEnumerator.Reset">
11121             <summary>
11122             Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the 
11123             first element in the collection.
11124             </summary>
11125         </member>
11126         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterEnumerator.Current">
11127             <summary>
11128             Gets the current element in the collection.
11129             </summary>
11130             <returns>
11131             The current element in the collection.
11132             </returns>
11133         </member>
11134         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Util.AssemblyResolver">
11135             <summary> 
11136             Resolves assemblies by caching assemblies that were loaded.
11137             </summary>
11138         </member>
11139         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.AssemblyResolver.#ctor">
11140             <summary> 
11141             Initializes an instanse of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.AssemblyResolver"/> 
11142             class.
11143             </summary>
11144         </member>
11145         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.AssemblyResolver.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Task)">
11146             <summary> 
11147             Initializes an instanse of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.AssemblyResolver"/> 
11148             class in the context of the given <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/>.
11149             </summary>
11150         </member>
11151         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.AssemblyResolver.Attach">
11152             <summary> 
11153             Installs the assembly resolver by hooking up to the 
11154             <see cref="F:System.AppDomain.AssemblyResolve"/> event.
11155             </summary>
11156         </member>
11157         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.AssemblyResolver.Detach">
11158             <summary> 
11159             Uninstalls the assembly resolver.
11160             </summary>
11161         </member>
11162         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.AssemblyResolver.AssemblyResolve(System.Object,System.ResolveEventArgs)">
11163             <summary> 
11164             Resolves an assembly not found by the system using the assembly 
11165             cache.
11166             </summary>
11167             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
11168             <param name="args">A <see cref="T:System.ResolveEventArgs"/> that contains the event data.</param>
11169             <returns>
11170             The loaded assembly, or <see langword="null"/> if not found.
11171             </returns>
11172         </member>
11173         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.AssemblyResolver.AssemblyLoad(System.Object,System.AssemblyLoadEventArgs)">
11174             <summary>
11175             Occurs when an assembly is loaded. The loaded assembly is added 
11176             to the assembly cache.
11177             </summary>
11178             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
11179             <param name="args">An <see cref="T:System.AssemblyLoadEventArgs"/> that contains the event data.</param>
11180         </member>
11181         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.AssemblyResolver.Log(NAnt.Core.Level,System.String,System.Object[])">
11182             <summary>
11183             Logs a message with the given priority.
11184             </summary>
11185             <param name="messageLevel">The message priority at which the specified message is to be logged.</param>
11186             <param name="message">The message to log, containing zero or more format items.</param>
11187             <param name="args">An <see cref="T:System.Object"/> array containing zero or more objects to format.</param>
11188             <remarks>
11189             The actual logging is delegated to the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> in which 
11190             the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.AssemblyResolver"/> is executing 
11191             </remarks>
11192         </member>
11193         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Util.AssemblyResolver._assemblyCache">
11194             <summary>
11195             Holds the loaded assemblies.
11196             </summary>
11197         </member>
11198         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Util.AssemblyResolver._task">
11199             <summary>
11200             Holds the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> in which the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.AssemblyResolver"/> 
11201             is executing.
11202             </summary>
11203             <value>
11204             The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> in which the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.AssemblyResolver"/> 
11205             is executing or <see langword="null"/> if the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.AssemblyResolver"/>
11206             is not executing in the context of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/>.
11207             </value>
11208         </member>
11209         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument">
11210             <summary>
11211             Represents a valid command-line argument.
11212             </summary>
11213         </member>
11214         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.Finish(System.Object)">
11215             <summary>
11216             Sets the value of the argument on the specified object.
11217             </summary>
11218             <param name="destination">The object on which the value of the argument should be set.</param>
11219             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentException">The argument is required and no value was specified.</exception>
11220             <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">
11221             <para>
11222             The matching property is collection-based, but is not initialized 
11223             and cannot be written to.
11224             </para>
11225             <para>-or-</para>
11226             <para>
11227             The matching property is collection-based, but has no strongly-typed
11228             Add method.
11229             </para>
11230             <para>-or-</para>
11231             <para>
11232             The matching property is collection-based, but the signature of the 
11233             Add method is not supported.
11234             </para>
11235             </exception>
11236         </member>
11237         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.SetValue(System.String)">
11238             <summary>
11239             Assigns the specified value to the argument.
11240             </summary>
11241             <param name="value">The value that should be assigned to the argument.</param>
11242             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentException">
11243             <para>Duplicate argument.</para>
11244             <para>-or-</para>
11245             <para>Invalid value.</para>
11246             </exception>
11247         </member>
11248         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.IsNameValueCollectionType(System.Type)">
11249             <summary>
11250             Indicates whether the specified <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.Type"/> is a 
11251             <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection"/>.
11252             </summary>
11253             <value>
11254             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="type"/> can be assigned
11255             to <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection"/>; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
11256             </value>
11257         </member>
11258         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.IsCollectionType(System.Type)">
11259             <summary>
11260             Indicates whether the specified <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.Type"/> is collection-based.
11261             </summary>
11262             <value>
11263             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="type"/> can be assigned
11264             to <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection"/> and is not backed by a <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.Type"/>
11265             that can be assigned to <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection"/>; 
11266             otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
11267             </value>
11268         </member>
11269         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.IsArrayType(System.Type)">
11270             <summary>
11271             Indicates whether the specified <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.Type"/> is an array.
11272             </summary>
11273             <value>
11274             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="type"/> is an array;
11275             otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
11276             </value>
11277         </member>
11278         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.Property">
11279             <summary>
11280             Gets the property that backs the argument.
11281             </summary>
11282             <value>
11283             The property that backs the arguments.
11284             </value>
11285         </member>
11286         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.ValueType">
11287             <summary>
11288             Gets the underlying <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.Type"/> of the argument.
11289             </summary>
11290             <value>
11291             The underlying <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.Type"/> of the argument.
11292             </value>
11293             <remarks>
11294             If the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.Type"/> of the argument is a collection type,
11295             this property will returns the underlying type of that collection.
11296             </remarks>
11297         </member>
11298         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.LongName">
11299             <summary>
11300             Gets the long name of the argument.
11301             </summary>
11302             <value>The long name of the argument.</value>
11303         </member>
11304         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.ShortName">
11305             <summary>
11306             Gets the short name of the argument.
11307             </summary>
11308             <value>The short name of the argument.</value>
11309         </member>
11310         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.Description">
11311             <summary>
11312             Gets the description of the argument.
11313             </summary>
11314             <value>The description of the argument.</value>
11315         </member>
11316         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.IsRequired">
11317             <summary>
11318             Gets a value indicating whether the argument is required.
11319             </summary>
11320             <value>
11321             <see langword="true" /> if the argument is required; otherwise, 
11322             <see langword="false" />.
11323             </value>
11324         </member>
11325         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.SeenValue">
11326             <summary>
11327             Gets a value indicating whether a mathing command-line argument 
11328             was already found.
11329             </summary>
11330             <value>
11331             <see langword="true" /> if a matching command-line argument was 
11332             already found; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
11333             </value>
11334         </member>
11335         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.AllowMultiple">
11336             <summary>
11337             Gets a value indicating whether the argument can be specified multiple
11338             times.
11339             </summary>
11340             <value>
11341             <see langword="true" /> if the argument may be specified multiple 
11342             times; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
11343             </value>
11344         </member>
11345         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.Unique">
11346             <summary>
11347             Gets a value indicating whether the argument can only be specified once
11348             with a certain value.
11349             </summary>
11350             <value>
11351             <see langword="true" /> if the argument should always have a unique 
11352             value; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
11353             </value>
11354         </member>
11355         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.Type">
11356             <summary>
11357             Gets the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.Type"/> of the property to which the argument
11358             is applied.
11359             </summary>
11360             <value>
11361             The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.Type"/> of the property to which the argument is
11362             applied.
11363             </value>
11364         </member>
11365         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.IsCollection">
11366             <summary>
11367             Gets a value indicating whether the argument is collection-based.
11368             </summary>
11369             <value>
11370             <see langword="true"/> if the argument is backed by a <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.Type"/> 
11371             that can be assigned to <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection"/> and is not backed 
11372             by a <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.Type"/> that can be assigned to 
11373             <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection"/>; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
11374             </value>
11375         </member>
11376         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.IsNameValueCollection">
11377             <summary>
11378             Gets a value indicating whether the argument is a set of name/value
11379             pairs.
11380             </summary>
11381             <value>
11382             <see langword="true"/> if the argument is backed by a <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.Type"/>
11383             that can be assigned to <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection"/>; otherwise, 
11384             <see langword="false"/>.
11385             </value>
11386         </member>
11387         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.IsArray">
11388             <summary>
11389             Gets a value indicating whether the argument is array-based.
11390             </summary>
11391             <value>
11392             <see langword="true" /> if the argument is backed by an array; 
11393             otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
11394             </value>
11395         </member>
11396         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.IsDefault">
11397             <summary>
11398             Gets a value indicating whether the argument is the default argument.
11399             </summary>
11400             <value>
11401             <see langword="true" /> if the argument is the default argument; 
11402             otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
11403             </value>
11404         </member>
11405         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument.IsExclusive">
11406             <summary>
11407             Gets a value indicating whether the argument cannot be combined with
11408             other arguments.
11409             </summary>
11410             <value>
11411             <see langword="true" /> if the argument cannot be combined with other 
11412             arguments; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
11413             </value>
11414         </member>
11415         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentAttribute">
11416             <summary>
11417             Allows control of command line parsing.
11418             </summary>
11419         </member>
11420         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentAttribute.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentTypes)">
11421             <summary>
11422             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentAttribute"/> class
11423             with the specified argument type.
11424             </summary>
11425             <param name="argumentType">Specifies the checking to be done on the argument.</param>
11426         </member>
11427         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentAttribute.Type">
11428             <summary>
11429             Gets or sets the checking to be done on the argument.
11430             </summary>
11431             <value>The checking that should be done on the argument.</value>
11432         </member>
11433         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentAttribute.Name">
11434             <summary>
11435             Gets or sets the long name of the argument.
11436             </summary>
11437             <value>The long name of the argument.</value>
11438         </member>
11439         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentAttribute.ShortName">
11440             <summary>
11441             Gets or sets the short name of the argument.
11442             </summary>
11443             <value>The short name of the argument.</value>
11444         </member>
11445         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentAttribute.Description">
11446             <summary>
11447             Gets or sets the description of the argument.
11448             </summary>
11449             <value>The description of the argument.</value>
11450         </member>
11451         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection">
11452             <summary>
11453             Contains a strongly typed collection of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument"/> objects.
11454             </summary>
11455         </member>
11456         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection.#ctor">
11457             <summary>
11458             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection"/> class.
11459             </summary>
11460         </member>
11461         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection)">
11462             <summary>
11463             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection"/> class
11464             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection"/> instance.
11465             </summary>
11466         </member>
11467         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument[])">
11468             <summary>
11469             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection"/> class
11470             with the specified array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument"/> instances.
11471             </summary>
11472         </member>
11473         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection.Add(NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument)">
11474             <summary>
11475             Adds a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument"/> to the end of the collection.
11476             </summary>
11477             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
11478             <returns>The position into which the new element was inserted.</returns>
11479         </member>
11480         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument[])">
11481             <summary>
11482             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument"/> array to the end of the collection.
11483             </summary>
11484             <param name="items">The array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument"/> elements to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
11485         </member>
11486         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection)">
11487             <summary>
11488             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection"/> to the end of the collection.
11489             </summary>
11490             <param name="items">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
11491         </member>
11492         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection.Contains(NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument)">
11493             <summary>
11494             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument"/> is in the collection.
11495             </summary>
11496             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument"/> to locate in the collection.</param> 
11497             <returns>
11498             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="item"/> is found in the 
11499             collection; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
11500             </returns>
11501         </member>
11502         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection.CopyTo(NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument[],System.Int32)">
11503             <summary>
11504             Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array.        
11505             </summary>
11506             <param name="array">The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The array must have zero-based indexing.</param> 
11507             <param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins.</param>
11508         </member>
11509         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection.IndexOf(NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument)">
11510             <summary>
11511             Retrieves the index of a specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument"/> object in the collection.
11512             </summary>
11513             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument"/> object for which the index is returned.</param> 
11514             <returns>
11515             The index of the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument"/>. If the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument"/> is not currently a member of the collection, it returns -1.
11516             </returns>
11517         </member>
11518         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection.Insert(System.Int32,NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument)">
11519             <summary>
11520             Inserts a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument"/> into the collection at the specified index.
11521             </summary>
11522             <param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="item"/> should be inserted.</param>
11523             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument"/> to insert.</param>
11524         </member>
11525         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection.GetEnumerator">
11526             <summary>
11527             Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection.
11528             </summary>
11529             <returns>
11530             A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentEnumerator"/> for the entire collection.
11531             </returns>
11532         </member>
11533         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection.Remove(NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument)">
11534             <summary>
11535             Removes a member from the collection.
11536             </summary>
11537             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument"/> to remove from the collection.</param>
11538         </member>
11539         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
11540             <summary>
11541             Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
11542             </summary>
11543             <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get or set.</param>
11544         </member>
11545         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection.Item(System.String)">
11546             <summary>
11547             Gets the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument"/> with the specified name.
11548             </summary>
11549             <param name="name">The name of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument"/> to get.</param>
11550         </member>
11551         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentEnumerator">
11552             <summary>
11553             Enumerates the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument"/> elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection"/>.
11554             </summary>
11555         </member>
11556         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentEnumerator.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection)">
11557             <summary>
11558             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentEnumerator"/> class
11559             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection"/>.
11560             </summary>
11561             <param name="arguments">The collection that should be enumerated.</param>
11562         </member>
11563         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentEnumerator.MoveNext">
11564             <summary>
11565             Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.
11566             </summary>
11567             <returns>
11568             <see langword="true" /> if the enumerator was successfully advanced 
11569             to the next element; <see langword="false" /> if the enumerator has 
11570             passed the end of the collection.
11571             </returns>
11572         </member>
11573         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentEnumerator.Reset">
11574             <summary>
11575             Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the 
11576             first element in the collection.
11577             </summary>
11578         </member>
11579         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentEnumerator.Current">
11580             <summary>
11581             Gets the current element in the collection.
11582             </summary>
11583             <returns>
11584             The current element in the collection.
11585             </returns>
11586         </member>
11587         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentException">
11588             <summary>
11589             The exception that is thrown when one of the command-line arguments provided 
11590             is not valid.
11591             </summary>
11592         </member>
11593         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentException.#ctor">
11594             <summary>
11595             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentException"/> class.
11596             </summary>
11597         </member>
11598         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentException.#ctor(System.String)">
11599             <summary>
11600             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentException"/> class
11601             with a descriptive message.
11602             </summary>
11603             <param name="message">A descriptive message to include with the exception.</param>
11604         </member>
11605         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
11606             <summary>
11607             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentException"/> class
11608             with a descriptive message and an inner exception.
11609             </summary>
11610             <param name="message">A descriptive message to include with the exception.</param>
11611             <param name="innerException">A nested exception that is the cause of the current exception.</param>
11612         </member>
11613         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
11614             <summary>
11615             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentException"/> class 
11616             with serialized data.
11617             </summary>
11618             <param name="info">The <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo"/> that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
11619             <param name="context">The <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext"/> that contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
11620         </member>
11621         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentTypes">
11622             <summary>
11623             Used to control parsing of command-line arguments.
11624             </summary>
11625         </member>
11626         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentTypes.Required">
11627             <summary>
11628             Indicates that this field is required. An error will be displayed
11629             if it is not present when parsing arguments.
11630             </summary>
11631         </member>
11632         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentTypes.Unique">
11633             <summary>
11634             Only valid in conjunction with Multiple.
11635             Duplicate values will result in an error.
11636             </summary>
11637         </member>
11638         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentTypes.Multiple">
11639             <summary>
11640             Inidicates that the argument may be specified more than once.
11641             Only valid if the argument is a collection
11642             </summary>
11643         </member>
11644         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentTypes.Exclusive">
11645             <summary>
11646             Inidicates that if this argument is specified, no other arguments may be specified.
11647             </summary>
11648         </member>
11649         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentTypes.AtMostOnce">
11650             <summary>
11651             The default type for non-collection arguments.
11652             The argument is not required, but an error will be reported if it is specified more than once.
11653             </summary>
11654         </member>
11655         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentTypes.MultipleUnique">
11656             <summary>
11657             The default type for collection arguments.
11658             The argument is permitted to occur multiple times, but duplicate 
11659             values will cause an error to be reported.
11660             </summary>
11661         </member>
11662         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineParser">
11663             <summary>
11664             Commandline parser.
11665             </summary>
11666         </member>
11667         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineParser.#ctor(System.Type,System.Boolean)">
11668             <summary>
11669             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineParser"/> class
11670             using possible arguments deducted from the specific <see cref="T:System.Type"/>.
11671             </summary>
11672             <param name="argumentSpecification">The <see cref="T:System.Type"/> from which the possible command-line arguments should be retrieved.</param>
11673             <param name="supportsResponseFile">A <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> value indicating whether or not a response file is able to be used. </param>
11674             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="argumentSpecification"/> is a null reference.</exception>
11675         </member>
11676         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineParser.Parse(System.String[],System.Object)">
11677             <summary>
11678             Parses an argument list.
11679             </summary>
11680             <param name="args">The arguments to parse.</param>
11681             <param name="destination">The destination object on which properties will be set corresponding to the specified arguments.</param>
11682             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="destination"/> is a null reference.</exception>
11683             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The <see cref="T:System.Type"/> of <paramref name="destination"/> does not match the argument specification that was used to initialize the parser.</exception>
11684         </member>
11685         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineParser.ParseArguments(System.String,System.Char[])">
11686             <summary>
11687             Splits a string and removes any empty strings from the 
11688             result. Same functionality as the 
11689             public string[] Split(char[] separator, StringSplitOptions options) 
11690             method in .Net 2.0. Replace with that call when 2.0 is standard.
11691             </summary>
11692             <param name="sourceString"></param>
11693             <param name="delimiters"></param>
11694             <returns>the array of strings</returns>
11695         </member>
11696         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineParser.ProcessResponseFile(System.String)">
11697             <summary>
11698             Read a response file and parse the arguments as usual.
11699             </summary>
11700             <param name="file">The response file to load arguments</param>
11701         </member>
11702         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineParser.ParseArgumentList(System.String[])">
11703             <summary>
11704             Parse the argument list using the 
11705             </summary>
11706             <param name="args"></param>
11707         </member>
11708         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineParser.GetCommandLineAttribute(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)">
11709             <summary>
11710             Returns the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentAttribute"/> that's applied 
11711             on the specified property.
11712             </summary>
11713             <param name="propertyInfo">The property of which applied <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentAttribute"/> should be returned.</param>
11714             <returns>
11715             The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentAttribute"/> that's applied to the 
11716             <paramref name="propertyInfo"/>, or a null reference if none was applied.
11717             </returns>
11718         </member>
11719         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineParser.LogoBanner">
11720             <summary>
11721             Gets a logo banner using version and copyright attributes defined on the 
11722             <see cref="M:System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly"/> or the 
11723             <see cref="M:System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly"/>.
11724             </summary>
11725             <value>
11726             A logo banner.
11727             </value>
11728         </member>
11729         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineParser.Usage">
11730             <summary>
11731             Gets the usage instructions.
11732             </summary>
11733             <value>The usage instructions.</value>
11734         </member>
11735         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineParser.NoArgs">
11736             <summary>
11737             Gets a value indicating whether no arguments were specified on the
11738             command line.
11739             </summary>
11740         </member>
11741         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Util.DefaultCommandLineArgumentAttribute">
11742             <summary>
11743             Marks a command-line option as being the default option.  When the name of 
11744             a command-line argument is not specified, this option will be assumed.
11745             </summary>
11746         </member>
11747         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.DefaultCommandLineArgumentAttribute.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentTypes)">
11748             <summary>
11749             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentAttribute"/> class
11750             with the specified argument type.
11751             </summary>
11752             <param name="argumentType">Specifies the checking to be done on the argument.</param>
11753         </member>
11754         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Util.FileUtils">
11755             <summary>
11756             Provides modified version for Copy and Move from the File class that 
11757             allow for filter chain processing.
11758             </summary>
11759         </member>
11760         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.FileUtils.CopyFile(System.String,System.String,NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterChain,System.Text.Encoding,System.Text.Encoding)">
11761             <summary>
11762             Copies a file filtering its content through the filter chain.
11763             </summary>
11764             <param name="sourceFileName">The file to copy</param>
11765             <param name="destFileName">The file to copy to</param>
11766             <param name="filterChain">Chain of filters to apply when copying, or <see langword="null" /> is no filters should be applied.</param>
11767             <param name="inputEncoding">The encoding used to read the soure file.</param>
11768             <param name="outputEncoding">The encoding used to write the destination file.</param>
11769         </member>
11770         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.FileUtils.MoveFile(System.String,System.String,NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterChain,System.Text.Encoding,System.Text.Encoding)">
11771             <summary>
11772             Moves a file filtering its content through the filter chain.
11773             </summary>
11774             <param name="sourceFileName">The file to move.</param>
11775             <param name="destFileName">The file to move move to.</param>
11776             <param name="filterChain">Chain of filters to apply when moving, or <see langword="null" /> is no filters should be applied.</param>
11777             <param name="inputEncoding">The encoding used to read the soure file.</param>
11778             <param name="outputEncoding">The encoding used to write the destination file.</param>
11779         </member>
11780         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.FileUtils.ReadFile(System.String,NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterChain,System.Text.Encoding)">
11781             <summary>
11782             Reads a file filtering its content through the filter chain.
11783             </summary>
11784             <param name="fileName">The file to read.</param>
11785             <param name="filterChain">Chain of filters to apply when reading, or <see langword="null" /> is no filters should be applied.</param>
11786             <param name="inputEncoding">The encoding used to read the file.</param>
11787             <remarks>
11788             If <paramref name="inputEncoding" /> is <see langword="null" />,
11789             then the system's ANSI code page will be used to read the file.
11790             </remarks>
11791         </member>
11792         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.FileUtils.GetTempDirectory">
11793             <summary>
11794             Returns a uniquely named empty temporary directory on disk.
11795             </summary>
11796             <value>
11797             A <see cref="T:System.IO.DirectoryInfo"/> representing the temporary directory.
11798             </value>
11799         </member>
11800         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.FileUtils.CombinePaths(System.String,System.String)">
11801             <summary>
11802             Combines two path strings.
11803             </summary>
11804             <param name="path1">The first path.</param>
11805             <param name="path2">The second path.</param>
11806             <returns>
11807             A string containing the combined paths. If one of the specified 
11808             paths is a zero-length string, this method returns the other path. 
11809             If <paramref name="path2"/> contains an absolute path, this method 
11810             returns <paramref name="path2"/>.
11811             </returns>
11812             <remarks>
11813               <para>
11814               On *nix, processing is delegated to <see cref="M:System.IO.Path.Combine(System.String,System.String)"/>.
11815               </para>
11816               <para>
11817               On Windows, this method normalized the paths to avoid running into
11818               the 260 character limit of a path and converts forward slashes in 
11819               both <paramref name="path1"/> and <paramref name="path2"/> to 
11820               the platform's directory separator character.
11821               </para>
11822             </remarks>
11823         </member>
11824         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.FileUtils.GetFullPath(System.String)">
11825             <summary>
11826             Returns Absolute Path (Fix for 260 Char Limit of Path.GetFullPath(...))
11827             </summary>
11828             <param name="path">The file or directory for which to obtain absolute path information.</param>
11829             <returns>Path Resolved</returns>
11830             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">path is a zero-length string, contains only white space or contains one or more invalid characters as defined by <see cref="F:System.IO.Path.InvalidPathChars"/>.</exception>
11831             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="path"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
11832         </member>
11833         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.FileUtils.GetHomeDirectory">
11834             <summary>
11835             Returns the home directory of the current user.
11836             </summary>
11837             <returns>
11838             The home directory of the current user.
11839             </returns>
11840         </member>
11841         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.FileUtils.ResolveFile(System.String[],System.String,System.Boolean)">
11842             <summary>
11843             Scans a list of directories for the specified filename.
11844             </summary>
11845             <param name="directories">The list of directories to search.</param>
11846             <param name="fileName">The name of the file to look for.</param>
11847             <param name="recursive">Specifies whether the directory should be searched recursively.</param>
11848             <remarks>
11849             The directories are scanned in the order in which they are defined.
11850             </remarks>
11851             <returns>
11852             The absolute path to the specified file, or null if the file was
11853             not found.
11854             </returns>
11855         </member>
11856         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Util.GacCache">
11857             <summary>
11858             Helper class for determining whether assemblies are located in the 
11859             Global Assembly Cache.
11860             </summary>
11861         </member>
11862         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.GacCache.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Project)">
11863             <summary>
11864             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.GacCache"/> class in 
11865             the context of the given <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Util.GacCache.Project"/>.
11866             </summary>
11867         </member>
11868         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.GacCache.IsAssemblyInGac(System.String)">
11869             <summary>
11870             Determines whether an assembly is installed in the Global
11871             Assembly Cache given its file name or path.
11872             </summary>
11873             <param name="assemblyFile">The name or path of the file that contains the manifest of the assembly.</param>
11874             <returns>
11875             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="assemblyFile"/> is 
11876             installed in the Global Assembly Cache; otherwise, 
11877             <see langword="false"/>.
11878             </returns>
11879             <remarks>
11880             <para>
11881             To determine whether the specified assembly is installed in the 
11882             Global Assembly Cache, the assembly is loaded into a separate
11883             <see cref="T:System.AppDomain"/>.
11884             </para>
11885             <para>
11886             If the family of the current runtime framework does not match the
11887             family of the current target framework, this method will return
11888             <see langword="false"/> for all assemblies as there's no way to
11889             determine whether a given assembly is in the Global Assembly Cache
11890             for another framework family than the family of the current runtime
11891             framework.
11892             </para>
11893             </remarks>
11894         </member>
11895         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Util.GacCache._domain">
11896             <summary>
11897             Holds the <see cref="T:System.AppDomain"/> in which assemblies will be loaded
11898             to determine whether they are in the Global Assembly Cache.
11899             </summary>
11900         </member>
11901         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Util.GacCache._project">
11902             <summary>
11903             Holds the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Util.GacCache.Project"/> context of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.GacCache"/>.
11904             </summary>
11905         </member>
11906         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Util.GacCache._gacQueryCache">
11907             <summary>
11908             Holds a list of assembly files for which already has been determined 
11909             whether they are located in the Global Assembly Cache.
11910             </summary>
11911             <remarks>
11912             <para>
11913             The key of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Hashtable"/> is the full path to the 
11914             assembly file and the value is a <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> indicating 
11915             whether the assembly is located in the Global Assembly Cache.
11916             </para>
11917             </remarks>
11918         </member>
11919         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Util.GacCache._disposed">
11920             <summary>
11921             Holds a value indicating whether the object has been disposed.
11922             </summary>
11923         </member>
11924         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Util.GacCache.Project">
11925             <summary>
11926             Gets the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Util.GacCache.Project"/> context of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.GacCache"/>.
11927             </summary>
11928             <value>
11929             The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Util.GacCache.Project"/> context of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.GacCache"/>.
11930             </value>
11931         </member>
11932         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.GacCache.GacResolver.InitializeLifetimeService">
11933             <summary>
11934             Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for 
11935             this instance.
11936             </summary>
11937             <returns>
11938             An object of type <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ILease"/> used to control the lifetime 
11939             policy for this instance. This is the current lifetime service object 
11940             for this instance if one exists; otherwise, a new lifetime service 
11941             object initialized with a lease that will never time out.
11942             </returns>
11943         </member>
11944         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.GacCache.GacResolver.IsAssemblyInGac(System.String)">
11945             <summary>
11946             Determines whether an assembly is installed in the Global
11947             Assembly Cache given its file name or path.
11948             </summary>
11949             <param name="assemblyFile">The name or path of the file that contains the manifest of the assembly.</param>
11950             <returns>
11951             <see langword="true" /> if <paramref name="assemblyFile" /> is 
11952             installed in the Global Assembly Cache; otherwise, 
11953             <see langword="false" />.
11954             </returns>
11955         </member>
11956         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Util.ReflectionUtils">
11957             <summary>
11958             Provides a set of helper methods related to reflection.
11959             </summary>
11960         </member>
11961         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.ReflectionUtils.#ctor">
11962             <summary>
11963             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.ReflectionUtils"/> class.
11964             </summary>
11965             <remarks>
11966             Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class.
11967             </remarks>
11968         </member>
11969         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.ReflectionUtils.GetTypeFromString(System.String,System.Boolean)">
11970             <summary>
11971             Loads the type specified in the type string with assembly qualified name.
11972             </summary>
11973             <param name="typeName">The assembly qualified name of the type to load.</param>
11974             <param name="throwOnError">Flag set to <see langword="true"/> to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded.</param>
11975             <exception cref="T:System.TypeLoadException">
11976                 <paramref name="throwOnError"/> is <see langword="true"/> and 
11977                 an error is encountered while loading the <see cref="T:System.Type"/>, or 
11978                 <paramref name="typeName"/> is not an assembly qualified name.
11979             </exception>
11980             <remarks>
11981             If the <see cref="T:System.Type"/> cannot be instantiated from the assembly
11982             qualified type name, then we'll try to instantiate the type using its
11983             simple type name from an already loaded assembly with an assembly 
11984             name mathing the assembly in the assembly qualified type name.
11985             </remarks>
11986             <returns>
11987             The type loaded or <see langword="null"/> if it could not be loaded.
11988             </returns>
11989         </member>
11990         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Util.ResourceUtils">
11991             <summary>
11992             Provides resource support to NAnt assemblies. This class cannot
11993             be inherited from.
11994             </summary>
11995         </member>
11996         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.ResourceUtils.#ctor">
11997             <summary>
11998             Prevents the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.ResourceUtils"/> class from being 
11999             instantiated explicitly.
12000             </summary>
12001         </member>
12002         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.ResourceUtils.RegisterSharedAssembly(System.Reflection.Assembly)">
12003             <summary>
12004             Registers the assembly to be used as the fallback if resources
12005             aren't found in the local satellite assembly.
12006             </summary>
12007             <param name="assembly">
12008             A <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Assembly"/> that represents the
12009             assembly to register.
12010             </param>
12011             <example>
12012             The following example shows how to register a shared satellite
12013             assembly.
12014             <code>
12015             <![CDATA[
12016             Assembly sharedAssembly = Assembly.Load("MyResources.dll");
12017             ResourceUtils.RegisterSharedAssembly(sharedAssembly);
12018             ]]>
12019             </code>
12020             </example>
12021         </member>
12022         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.ResourceUtils.GetString(System.String)">
12023             <summary>
12024             Returns the value of the specified string resource.
12025             </summary>
12026             <param name="name">
12027             A <see cref="T:System.String"/> that contains the name of the
12028             resource to get.
12029             </param>
12030             <returns>
12031             A <see cref="T:System.String"/> that contains the value of the
12032             resource localized for the current culture.
12033             </returns>
12034             <remarks>
12035             The returned resource is localized for the cultural settings of the
12036             current <see cref="T:System.Threading.Thread"/>.
12037             <note>
12038             The <c>GetString</c> method is thread-safe.
12039             </note>
12040             </remarks>
12041             <example>
12042             The following example demonstrates the <c>GetString</c> method using
12043             the cultural settings of the current <see cref="T:System.Threading.Thread"/>.
12044             <code>
12045             <![CDATA[
12046             string localizedString = ResourceUtils.GetString("String_HelloWorld");
12047             ]]>
12048             </code>
12049             </example>
12050         </member>
12051         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.ResourceUtils.GetString(System.String,System.Globalization.CultureInfo)">
12052              <summary>
12053              Returns the value of the specified string resource localized for
12054              the specified culture.
12055              </summary>
12056              <param name="name"></param>
12057              <param name="culture"></param>
12058              <returns>
12059              A <see cref="T:System.String"/> that contains the value of the
12060              resource localized for the specified culture. 
12061             </returns>
12062              <remarks>
12063              <note>
12064              The <c>GetString</c> method is thread-safe.
12065              </note>
12066              </remarks>
12067              <example>
12068              The following example demonstrates the <c>GetString</c> method using
12069              a specific culture.
12070              <code>
12071              <![CDATA[
12072              CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US");
12073              string localizedString = ResourceUtils.GetString("String_HelloWorld", culture);
12074              ]]>
12075              </code>
12076              </example>
12077         </member>
12078         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.ResourceUtils.GetString(System.String,System.Globalization.CultureInfo,System.Reflection.Assembly)">
12079             <summary>
12080             Returns the value of the specified string resource localized for
12081             the specified culture for the specified assembly.
12082             </summary>
12083             <param name="name">
12084             A <see cref="T:System.String"/> that contains the name of the
12085             resource to get.
12086             </param>
12087             <param name="culture">
12088             A <see cref="T:System.Globalization.CultureInfo"/> that represents
12089             the culture for which the resource is localized.
12090             </param>
12091             <param name="assembly">
12092             A <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Assembly"/>
12093             </param>
12094             <returns>
12095             A <see cref="T:System.String"/> that contains the value of the
12096             resource localized for the specified culture.
12097             </returns>
12098             <remarks>
12099             <note>
12100             The <c>GetString</c> method is thread-safe.
12101             </note>
12102             </remarks>
12103             <example>
12104             The following example demonstrates the <c>GetString</c> method using
12105             specific culture and assembly.
12106             <code>
12107             <![CDATA[
12108             CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US");
12109             Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
12110             string localizedString = ResourceUtils.GetString("String_HelloWorld", culture, assembly);
12111             ]]>
12112             </code>
12113             </example>
12114         </member>
12115         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.ResourceUtils.RegisterAssembly(System.Reflection.Assembly)">
12116             <summary>
12117             Registers the specified assembly.
12118             </summary>
12119             <param name="assembly">
12120             A <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Assembly"/> that represents the
12121             assembly to register.
12122             </param>
12123         </member>
12124         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.ResourceUtils.GetResourceName(System.String)">
12125             <summary>
12126             Determines the manifest resource name of the resource holding the
12127             localized strings.
12128             </summary>
12129             <param name="assemblyName">The name of the assembly.</param>
12130             <returns>
12131             The manifest resource name of the resource holding the localized
12132             strings for the specified assembly.
12133             </returns>
12134             <remarks>
12135             The manifest resource name of the resource holding the localized
12136             strings should match the name of the assembly, minus <c>Tasks</c>
12137             suffix.
12138             </remarks>
12139         </member>
12140         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Util.StringUtils">
12141             <summary>
12142             Groups a set of useful <see cref="T:System.String"/> manipulation and validation 
12143             methods.
12144             </summary>
12145         </member>
12146         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.StringUtils.#ctor">
12147             <summary>
12148             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.StringUtils"/> class.
12149             </summary>
12150             <remarks>
12151             Prevents instantiation of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Util.StringUtils"/> class.
12152             </remarks>
12153         </member>
12154         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.StringUtils.EndsWith(System.String,System.Char)">
12155             <summary>
12156             Determines whether the last character of the given <see cref="T:System.String"/>
12157             matches the specified character.
12158             </summary>
12159             <param name="value">The string.</param>
12160             <param name="c">The character.</param>
12161             <returns>
12162             <see langword="true"/> if the last character of <paramref name="value"/>
12163             matches <paramref name="c"/>; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
12164             </returns>
12165             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="value"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
12166         </member>
12167         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.StringUtils.IsNullOrEmpty(System.String)">
12168             <summary>
12169             Indicates whether or not the specified <see cref="T:System.String"/> is 
12170             <see langword="null"/> or an <see cref="F:System.String.Empty"/> string.
12171             </summary>
12172             <param name="value">The value to check.</param>
12173             <returns>
12174             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="value"/> is <see langword="null"/>
12175             or an empty string (""); otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
12176             </returns>
12177         </member>
12178         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.StringUtils.ConvertEmptyToNull(System.String)">
12179             <summary>
12180             Converts an empty string ("") to <see langword="null" />.
12181             </summary>
12182             <param name="value">The value to convert.</param>
12183             <returns>
12184             <see langword="null" /> if <paramref name="value" /> is an empty 
12185             string ("") or <see langword="null" />; otherwise, <paramref name="value" />.
12186             </returns>
12187         </member>
12188         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.StringUtils.ConvertNullToEmpty(System.String)">
12189             <summary>
12190             Converts <see langword="null" /> to an empty string.
12191             </summary>
12192             <param name="value">The value to convert.</param>
12193             <returns>
12194             An empty string if <paramref name="value" /> is <see langword="null" />;
12195             otherwise, <paramref name="value" />.
12196             </returns>
12197         </member>
12198         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.StringUtils.Join(System.String,System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection)">
12199             <summary>
12200             Concatenates a specified separator <see cref="T:System.String"/> between each 
12201             element of a specified <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection"/>, yielding a 
12202             single concatenated string.
12203             </summary>
12204             <param name="separator">A <see cref="T:System.String"/>.</param>
12205             <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection"/>.</param>
12206             <returns>
12207             A <see cref="T:System.String"/> consisting of the elements of <paramref name="value"/> 
12208             interspersed with the separator string.
12209             </returns>
12210             <remarks>
12211             <para>
12212             For example if <paramref name="separator"/> is ", " and the elements 
12213             of <paramref name="value"/> are "apple", "orange", "grape", and "pear", 
12214             <see cref="M:NAnt.Core.Util.StringUtils.Join(System.String,System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection)"/> returns "apple, orange, 
12215             grape, pear".
12216             </para>
12217             <para>
12218             If <paramref name="separator"/> is <see langword="null"/>, an empty 
12219             string (<see cref="F:System.String.Empty"/>) is used instead.
12220             </para>
12221             </remarks>
12222         </member>
12223         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Util.StringUtils.Clone(System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection)">
12224             <summary>
12225             Creates a shallow copy of the specified <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection"/>.
12226             </summary>
12227             <param name="stringCollection">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection"/> that should be copied.</param>
12228             <returns>
12229             A shallow copy of the specified <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection"/>.
12230             </returns>
12231         </member>
12232         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
12233             <summary>
12234             Thrown whenever an error occurs during the build.
12235             </summary>
12236         </member>
12237         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.BuildException._location">
12238             <summary>
12239             The location of the exception in the build document (xml file).
12240             </summary>
12241         </member>
12242         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildException.#ctor">
12243             <summary>
12244             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException"/> class.
12245             </summary>
12246         </member>
12247         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildException.#ctor(System.String)">
12248             <summary>
12249             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException"/> class 
12250             with a descriptive message.
12251             </summary>
12252             <param name="message">A descriptive message to include with the exception.</param>
12253         </member>
12254         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
12255             <summary>
12256             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException"/> class
12257             with the specified descriptive message and inner exception.
12258             </summary>
12259             <param name="message">A descriptive message to include with the exception.</param>
12260             <param name="innerException">A nested exception that is the cause of the current exception.</param>
12261         </member>
12262         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildException.#ctor(System.String,NAnt.Core.Location)">
12263             <summary>
12264             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException"/> class
12265             with a descriptive message and the location in the build file that 
12266             caused the exception.
12267             </summary>
12268             <param name="message">A descriptive message to include with the exception.</param>
12269             <param name="location">The location in the build file where the exception occured.</param>
12270         </member>
12271         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildException.#ctor(System.String,NAnt.Core.Location,System.Exception)">
12272             <summary>
12273             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException"/> class
12274             with a descriptive message, the location in the build file and an 
12275             instance of the exception that is the cause of the current exception.
12276             </summary>
12277             <param name="message">A descriptive message to include with the exception.</param>
12278             <param name="location">The location in the build file where the exception occured.</param>
12279             <param name="innerException">A nested exception that is the cause of the current exception.</param>
12280         </member>
12281         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
12282             <summary>
12283             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException"/> class 
12284             with serialized data.
12285             </summary>
12286             <param name="info">The <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo"/> that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
12287             <param name="context">The <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext"/> that contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
12288         </member>
12289         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildException.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
12290             <summary>
12291             Serializes this object into the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo"/> provided.
12292             </summary>
12293             <param name="info">The <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo"/> to populate with data.</param>
12294             <param name="context">The destination for this serialization.</param>
12295         </member>
12296         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildException.ToString">
12297             <summary>
12298             Creates and returns a string representation of the current 
12299             exception.
12300             </summary>
12301             <returns>
12302             A string representation of the current exception.
12303             </returns>
12304         </member>
12305         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.BuildException.RawMessage">
12306             <summary>
12307             Gets the raw message as specified when the exception was 
12308             constructed.
12309             </summary>
12310             <value>
12311             The raw message as specified when the exception was 
12312             constructed.
12313             </value>
12314         </member>
12315         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.BuildException.Location">
12316             <summary>
12317             Gets the location in the build file of the element from which the
12318             exception originated.
12319             </summary>
12320             <value>
12321             The location in the build file of the element from which the
12322             exception originated.
12323             </value>
12324         </member>
12325         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.BuildException.Message">
12326             <summary>
12327             Gets a message that describes the current exception.
12328             </summary>
12329             <value>
12330             The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
12331             </value>
12332             <remarks>
12333             Adds location information to the message, if available.
12334             </remarks>
12335         </member>
12336         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.CommandLineOptions">
12337             <summary>
12338             Represents the set of command-line options supported by NAnt.
12339             </summary>
12340         </member>
12341         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.CommandLineOptions.TargetFramework">
12342             <summary>
12343             Gets or sets the target framework to use (overrides 
12344             NAnt.exe.config settings)
12345             </summary>
12346             <value>
12347             The framework that should be used.
12348             </value>
12349             <remarks>
12350             For a list of possible frameworks, see NAnt.exe.config, possible
12351             values include "net-1.0", "net-1.1", etc.
12352             </remarks>
12353         </member>
12354         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.CommandLineOptions.DefaultFramework">
12355             <summary>
12356             Gets or sets the target framework to use (overrides 
12357             NAnt.exe.config settings)
12358             </summary>
12359             <value>
12360             The framework that should be used.
12361             </value>
12362             <remarks>
12363             For a list of possible frameworks, see NAnt.exe.config, possible
12364             values include "net-1.0", "net-1.1", etc.
12365             </remarks>
12366         </member>
12367         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.CommandLineOptions.BuildFile">
12368             <summary>
12369             Gets or sets the buildfile that should be executed.
12370             </summary>
12371             <value>
12372             The buildfile that should be executed.
12373             </value>
12374             <remarks>
12375             Can be both a file or an URI.
12376             </remarks>
12377         </member>
12378         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.CommandLineOptions.Verbose">
12379             <summary>
12380             Gets or sets a value indicating whether more information should be
12381             displayed during the build process.
12382             </summary>
12383             <value>
12384             <see langword="true" /> if more information should be displayed; 
12385             otherwise, <see langword="false" />. The default is <see langword="false" />.
12386             </value>
12387         </member>
12388         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.CommandLineOptions.Debug">
12389             <summary>
12390             Gets or sets a value indicating whether debug information should be
12391             displayed during the build process.
12392             </summary>
12393             <value>
12394             <see langword="true" /> if debug information should be displayed; 
12395             otherwise, <see langword="false" />. The default is <see langword="false" />.
12396             </value>
12397         </member>
12398         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.CommandLineOptions.Quiet">
12399             <summary>
12400             Gets or sets a value indicating whether only error and debug debug messages should be
12401             displayed during the build process.
12402             </summary>
12403             <value>
12404             <see langword="true" /> if only error or warning messages should be 
12405             displayed; otherwise, <see langword="false" />. The default is
12406             <see langword="false" />.
12407             </value>
12408         </member>
12409         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.CommandLineOptions.EmacsMode">
12410             <summary>
12411             Gets or sets a value indicating whether to produce emacs (and other
12412             editor) friendly output.
12413             </summary>
12414             <value>
12415             <see langword="true" /> if output is to be unadorned so that emacs 
12416             and other editors can parse files names, etc. The default is
12417             <see langword="false" />.
12418             </value>
12419         </member>
12420         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.CommandLineOptions.FindInParent">
12421             <summary>
12422             Gets a value indicating whether parent directories should be searched
12423             for a buildfile.
12424             </summary>
12425             <value>
12426             <see langword="true" /> if parent directories should be searched for 
12427             a build file; otherwise, <see langword="false" />. The default is
12428             <see langword="false" />.
12429             </value>
12430         </member>
12431         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.CommandLineOptions.IndentationLevel">
12432             <summary>
12433             Gets or sets the indentation level of the build output.
12434             </summary>
12435             <value>
12436             The indentation level of the build output. The default is <c>0</c>.
12437             </value>
12438         </member>
12439         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.CommandLineOptions.Properties">
12440             <summary>
12441             Gets or sets the list of properties that should be set.
12442             </summary>
12443             <value>
12444             The list of properties that should be set.
12445             </value>
12446         </member>
12447         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.CommandLineOptions.LoggerType">
12448             <summary>
12449             Gets or sets the <see cref="T:System.Type"/> of logger to add to the list
12450             of listeners.
12451             </summary>
12452             <value>
12453             The <see cref="T:System.Type"/> of logger to add to the list of
12454             listeners.
12455             </value>
12456             <remarks>
12457             The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.CommandLineOptions.LoggerType"/> should derive from <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildLogger"/>.
12458             </remarks>
12459         </member>
12460         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.CommandLineOptions.LogFile">
12461             <summary>
12462             Gets or sets the name of the file to log output to.
12463             </summary>
12464             <value>
12465             The name of the file to log output to.
12466             </value>
12467         </member>
12468         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.CommandLineOptions.Listeners">
12469             <summary>
12470             Gets a collection containing fully qualified type names of classes 
12471             implementating <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/> that should be added 
12472             to the project as listeners.
12473             </summary>
12474             <value>
12475             A collection of fully qualified type names that should be added as 
12476             listeners to the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/>.
12477             </value>
12478         </member>
12479         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.CommandLineOptions.ExtensionAssemblies">
12480             <summary>
12481             Gets a collection of assemblies to load extensions from.
12482             </summary>
12483             <value>
12484             A collection of assemblies to load extensions from.
12485             </value>
12486         </member>
12487         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.CommandLineOptions.ShowProjectHelp">
12488             <summary>
12489             Gets or sets a value indicating whether <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/> help 
12490             should be printed.
12491             </summary>
12492             <value>
12493             <see langword="true"/> if <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/> help should be 
12494             printed; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>. The default is
12495             <see langword="false"/>.
12496             </value>
12497         </member>
12498         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.CommandLineOptions.NoLogo">
12499             <summary>
12500             Gets or sets a value indicating whether the logo banner should be
12501             printed.
12502             </summary>
12503             <value>
12504             <see langword="true" /> if the logo banner should be printed; otherwise, 
12505             <see langword="false" />. The default is <see langword="false" />.
12506             </value>
12507         </member>
12508         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.CommandLineOptions.ShowHelp">
12509             <summary>
12510             Gets or sets a value indicating whether the NAnt help should be
12511             printed.
12512             </summary>
12513             <value>
12514             <see langword="true" /> if NAnt help should be printed; otherwise, 
12515             <see langword="false" />. The default is <see langword="false" />.
12516             </value>
12517         </member>
12518         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.CommandLineOptions.Targets">
12519             <summary>
12520             Gets a collection containing the targets that should be executed.
12521             </summary>
12522             <value>
12523             A collection that contains the targets that should be executed.
12524             </value>
12525         </member>
12526         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.ConfigurationSection">
12527             <summary>
12528             Custom configuration section handler for the <nantsettings/> element.
12529             </summary>
12530         </member>
12531         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.ConfigurationSection.Create(System.Object,System.Object,System.Xml.XmlNode)">
12532             <summary>
12533             This just passed things through. Return the node read from the config file.
12534             </summary>
12535         </member>
12536         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.ConsoleDriver">
12537             <summary>
12538             Main entry point to NAnt that is called by the ConsoleStub.
12539             </summary>
12540         </member>
12541         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.ConsoleDriver.Main(System.String[])">
12542             <summary>
12543             Starts NAnt. This is the Main entry point.
12544             </summary>
12545             <param name="args">Command Line args, or whatever you want to pass it. They will treated as Command Line args.</param>
12546             <returns>
12547             The exit code.
12548             </returns>
12549         </member>
12550         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.ConsoleDriver.ShowProjectHelp(System.Xml.XmlDocument)">
12551             <summary>
12552             Prints the projecthelp to the console.
12553             </summary>
12554             <param name="buildDoc">The build file to show help for.</param>
12555             <remarks>
12556             <paramref name="buildDoc" /> is loaded and transformed with 
12557             <c>ProjectHelp.xslt</c>, which is an embedded resource.
12558             </remarks>
12559         </member>
12560         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.ConsoleDriver.GetBuildFileName(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
12561             <summary>
12562             Gets the file name for the build file in the specified directory.
12563             </summary>
12564             <param name="directory">The directory to look for a build file.  When in doubt use Environment.CurrentDirectory for directory.</param>
12565             <param name="searchPattern">Look for a build file with this pattern or name.  If null look for a file that matches the default build pattern (*.build).</param>
12566             <param name="findInParent">Whether or not to search the parent directories for a build file.</param>
12567             <returns>The path to the build file or <c>null</c> if no build file could be found.</returns>
12568         </member>
12569         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.ConsoleDriver.LoadExtensionAssemblies(System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection,NAnt.Core.Project)">
12570             <summary>
12571             Loads the extension assemblies in the current <see cref="T:System.AppDomain"/>
12572             and scans them for extensions.
12573             </summary>
12574             <param name="extensionAssemblies">The extension assemblies to load.</param>
12575             <param name="project">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/> which will be used to output messages to the build log.</param>
12576         </member>
12577         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.ConsoleDriver.CreateLogger(System.String)">
12578             <summary>
12579             Dynamically constructs an <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildLogger"/> instance of 
12580             the class specified.
12581             </summary>
12582             <remarks>
12583             <para>
12584             At this point, only looks in the assembly where <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildLogger"/> 
12585             is defined.
12586             </para>
12587             </remarks>
12588             <param name="typeName">The fully qualified name of the logger that should be instantiated.</param>
12589             <exception cref="T:System.TypeLoadException">Type <paramref name="typeName"/> could not be loaded.</exception>
12590             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="typeName"/> does not implement <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildLogger"/>.</exception>
12591         </member>
12592         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.ConsoleDriver.CreateListener(System.String)">
12593             <summary>
12594             Dynamically constructs an <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/> instance of 
12595             the class specified.
12596             </summary>
12597             <remarks>
12598             <para>
12599             At this point, only looks in the assembly where <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/> 
12600             is defined.
12601             </para>
12602             </remarks>
12603             <param name="typeName">The fully qualified name of the listener that should be instantiated.</param>
12604             <exception cref="T:System.TypeLoadException">Type <paramref name="typeName"/> could not be loaded.</exception>
12605             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="typeName"/> does not implement <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/>.</exception>
12606         </member>
12607         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.ConsoleDriver.AddBuildListeners(NAnt.Core.CommandLineOptions,NAnt.Core.Project)">
12608             <summary>
12609             Add the listeners specified in the command line arguments,
12610             along with the default listener, to the specified project.
12611             </summary>
12612             <param name="cmdlineOptions">The command-line options.</param>
12613             <param name="project">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/> to add listeners to.</param>
12614         </member>
12615         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.ConsoleDriver.ShowHelp(NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineParser)">
12616             <summary>
12617             Spits out generic help info to the console.
12618             </summary>
12619         </member>
12620         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.ConsoleDriver.WriteException(System.Exception)">
12621             <summary>
12622             Write the message of the specified <see cref="T:System.Exception"/> and
12623             the inner exceptions to <see cref="P:System.Console.Error"/>.
12624             </summary>
12625             <param name="cause">The <see cref="T:System.Exception"/> to write to <see cref="P:System.Console.Error"/>.</param>
12626         </member>
12627         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly,System.String)">
12628             <summary>
12629             Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/> 
12630             class for the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBase"/> class in the 
12631             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly"/> specified.
12632             </summary>
12633             <param name="extensionAssembly">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly"/> containing the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBase"/>.</param>
12634             <param name="className">The class representing the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBase"/>.</param>
12635         </member>
12636         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder.ClassName">
12637             <summary>
12638             Gets the name of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBase"/> class that can be
12639             created using this <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/>.
12640             </summary>
12641             <value>
12642             The name of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBase"/> class that can be created
12643             using this <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/>.
12644             </value>
12645         </member>
12646         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder.DataTypeName">
12647             <summary>
12648             Gets the name of the data type which the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/>
12649             can create.
12650             </summary>
12651             <value>
12652             The name of the data type which the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/>
12653             can create.
12654             </value>
12655         </member>
12656         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection">
12657             <summary>
12658             Contains a strongly typed collection of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/> objects.
12659             </summary>
12660         </member>
12661         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection.#ctor">
12662             <summary>
12663             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection"/> class.
12664             </summary>
12665         </member>
12666         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection)">
12667             <summary>
12668             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection"/> class
12669             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection"/> instance.
12670             </summary>
12671         </member>
12672         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder[])">
12673             <summary>
12674             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection"/> class
12675             with the specified array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/> instances.
12676             </summary>
12677         </member>
12678         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection.Add(NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder)">
12679             <summary>
12680             Adds a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/> to the end of the collection.
12681             </summary>
12682             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
12683             <returns>The position into which the new element was inserted.</returns>
12684         </member>
12685         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder[])">
12686             <summary>
12687             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/> array to the end of the collection.
12688             </summary>
12689             <param name="items">The array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/> elements to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
12690         </member>
12691         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection)">
12692             <summary>
12693             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection"/> to the end of the collection.
12694             </summary>
12695             <param name="items">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
12696         </member>
12697         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection.Contains(NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder)">
12698             <summary>
12699             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/> is in the collection.
12700             </summary>
12701             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/> to locate in the collection.</param> 
12702             <returns>
12703             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="item"/> is found in the 
12704             collection; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
12705             </returns>
12706         </member>
12707         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection.Contains(System.String)">
12708             <summary>
12709             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/> for the specified 
12710             task is in the collection.
12711             </summary>
12712             <param name="taskName">The name of task for which the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/> should be located in the collection.</param> 
12713             <returns>
12714             <see langword="true"/> if a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/> for 
12715             the specified task is found in the collection; otherwise, 
12716             <see langword="false"/>.
12717             </returns>
12718         </member>
12719         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection.CopyTo(NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder[],System.Int32)">
12720             <summary>
12721             Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array.        
12722             </summary>
12723             <param name="array">The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The array must have zero-based indexing.</param> 
12724             <param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins.</param>
12725         </member>
12726         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection.IndexOf(NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder)">
12727             <summary>
12728             Retrieves the index of a specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/> object in the collection.
12729             </summary>
12730             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/> object for which the index is returned.</param> 
12731             <returns>
12732             The index of the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/>. If the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/> is not currently a member of the collection, it returns -1.
12733             </returns>
12734         </member>
12735         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection.Insert(System.Int32,NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder)">
12736             <summary>
12737             Inserts a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/> into the collection at the specified index.
12738             </summary>
12739             <param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="item"/> should be inserted.</param>
12740             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/> to insert.</param>
12741         </member>
12742         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection.GetEnumerator">
12743             <summary>
12744             Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection.
12745             </summary>
12746             <returns>
12747             A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderEnumerator"/> for the entire collection.
12748             </returns>
12749         </member>
12750         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection.Remove(NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder)">
12751             <summary>
12752             Removes a member from the collection.
12753             </summary>
12754             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/> to remove from the collection.</param>
12755         </member>
12756         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
12757             <summary>
12758             Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
12759             </summary>
12760             <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get or set.</param>
12761         </member>
12762         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection.Item(System.String)">
12763             <summary>
12764             Gets the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/> for the specified task.
12765             </summary>
12766             <param name="dataTypeName">The name of task for which the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/> should be located in the collection.</param> 
12767         </member>
12768         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderEnumerator">
12769             <summary>
12770             Enumerates the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/> elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection"/>.
12771             </summary>
12772         </member>
12773         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderEnumerator.#ctor(NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection)">
12774             <summary>
12775             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderEnumerator"/> class
12776             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection"/>.
12777             </summary>
12778             <param name="arguments">The collection that should be enumerated.</param>
12779         </member>
12780         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderEnumerator.MoveNext">
12781             <summary>
12782             Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.
12783             </summary>
12784             <returns>
12785             <see langword="true" /> if the enumerator was successfully advanced 
12786             to the next element; <see langword="false" /> if the enumerator has 
12787             passed the end of the collection.
12788             </returns>
12789         </member>
12790         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderEnumerator.Reset">
12791             <summary>
12792             Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the 
12793             first element in the collection.
12794             </summary>
12795         </member>
12796         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderEnumerator.Current">
12797             <summary>
12798             Gets the current element in the collection.
12799             </summary>
12800             <returns>
12801             The current element in the collection.
12802             </returns>
12803         </member>
12804         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseDictionary.#ctor">
12805             <summary>
12806             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseDictionary"/> class.
12807             </summary>
12808         </member>
12809         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseDictionary.#ctor(System.Int32)">
12810             <summary>
12811             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseDictionary"/> class
12812             with the specified capacity.
12813             </summary>
12814         </member>
12815         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseDictionary.Inherit(NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseDictionary)">
12816             <summary>
12817             Inherits Properties from an existing property
12818             dictionary Instance
12819             </summary>
12820             <param name="source">DataType list to inherit</param>       
12821         </member>
12822         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.DirectoryScanner">
12823             <summary>
12824             Used for searching filesystem based on given include/exclude rules.
12825             </summary>
12826             <example>
12827                 <para>Simple client code for testing the class.</para>
12828                 <code>
12829                     while (true) {
12830                         DirectoryScanner scanner = new DirectoryScanner();
12831                                     Console.Write("Scan Basedirectory : ");
12832                         string s = Console.ReadLine();
12833                         if (s.Length == 0) break;
12834                         scanner.BaseDirectory = s;
12835                                     while(true) {
12836                             Console.Write("Include pattern : ");
12837                             s = Console.ReadLine();
12838                             if (s.Length == 0) break;
12839                             scanner.Includes.Add(s);
12840                         }
12841                                     while(true) {
12842                             Console.Write("Exclude pattern : ");
12843                             s = Console.ReadLine();
12844                             if (s.Length == 0) break;
12845                             scanner.Excludes.Add(s);
12846                         }
12847                                     foreach (string name in scanner.FileNames)
12848                             Console.WriteLine("file:" + name);
12849                         foreach (string name in scanner.DirectoryNames)
12850                             Console.WriteLine("dir :" + name);
12851                                     Console.WriteLine("");
12852                     }
12853                 </code>
12854             </example>
12855         </member>
12856         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DirectoryScanner.#ctor">
12857             <summary>
12858             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DirectoryScanner"/>.
12859             </summary>
12860             <remarks>
12861             On unix, patterns are matching case-sensitively; otherwise, they
12862             are matched case-insensitively.
12863             </remarks>
12864         </member>
12865         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DirectoryScanner.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
12866             <summary>
12867             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DirectoryScanner"/>
12868             specifying whether patterns are to be match case-sensitively.
12869             </summary>
12870             <param name="caseSensitive">Specifies whether patterns are to be matched case-sensititely.</param>
12871         </member>
12872         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DirectoryScanner.Clone">
12873             <summary>
12874             Creates a shallow copy of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DirectoryScanner"/>.
12875             </summary>
12876             <returns>
12877             A shallow copy of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DirectoryScanner"/>.
12878             </returns>
12879         </member>
12880         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DirectoryScanner.Scan">
12881             <summary>
12882             Uses <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.DirectoryScanner.Includes"/> and <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.DirectoryScanner.Excludes"/> search criteria (relative to 
12883             <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.DirectoryScanner.BaseDirectory"/> or absolute), to search for filesystem objects.
12884             </summary>
12885         </member>
12886         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DirectoryScanner.ConvertPatterns(System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection,System.Collections.ArrayList,System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection,System.Boolean)">
12887             <summary>
12888             Parses specified NAnt search patterns for search directories and 
12889             corresponding regex patterns.
12890             </summary>
12891             <param name="nantPatterns">In. NAnt patterns. Absolute or relative paths.</param>
12892             <param name="regexPatterns">Out. Regex patterns. Absolute canonical paths.</param>
12893             <param name="nonRegexFiles">Out. Non-regex files. Absolute canonical paths.</param>
12894             <param name="addSearchDirectories">In. Whether to allow a pattern to add search directories.</param>
12895         </member>
12896         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DirectoryScanner.ParseSearchDirectoryAndPattern(System.Boolean,System.String,System.String@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.String@)">
12897             <summary>
12898             Given a NAnt search pattern returns a search directory and an regex 
12899             search pattern.
12900             </summary>
12901             <param name="isInclude">Whether this pattern is an include or exclude pattern</param>
12902             <param name="originalNAntPattern">NAnt searh pattern (relative to the Basedirectory OR absolute, relative paths refering to parent directories ( ../ ) also supported)</param>
12903             <param name="searchDirectory">Out. Absolute canonical path to the directory to be searched</param>
12904             <param name="recursive">Out. Whether the pattern is potentially recursive or not</param>
12905             <param name="isRegex">Out. Whether this is a regex pattern or not</param>
12906             <param name="regexPattern">Out. Regex search pattern (absolute canonical path)</param>
12907         </member>
12908         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DirectoryScanner.ScanDirectory(System.String,System.Boolean)">
12909             <summary>
12910             Searches a directory recursively for files and directories matching 
12911             the search criteria.
12912             </summary>
12913             <param name="path">Directory in which to search (absolute canonical path)</param>
12914             <param name="recursive">Whether to scan recursively or not</param>
12915         </member>
12916         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DirectoryScanner.ToRegexPattern(System.String)">
12917             <summary>
12918             Converts search pattern to a regular expression pattern.
12919             </summary>
12920             <param name="nantPattern">Search pattern relative to the search directory.</param>
12921             <returns>Regular expresssion</returns>
12922         </member>
12923         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.DirectoryScanner.CaseSensitive">
12924             <summary>
12925             Gets or set a value indicating whether or not to use case-sensitive
12926             pattern matching.
12927             </summary>
12928         </member>
12929         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.DirectoryScanner.Includes">
12930             <summary>
12931             Gets the collection of include patterns.
12932             </summary>
12933         </member>
12934         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.DirectoryScanner.Excludes">
12935             <summary>
12936             Gets the collection of exclude patterns.
12937             </summary>
12938         </member>
12939         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.DirectoryScanner.BaseDirectory">
12940             <summary>
12941             The base directory to scan. The default is the 
12942             <see cref="P:System.Environment.CurrentDirectory">current directory</see>.
12943             </summary>
12944         </member>
12945         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.DirectoryScanner.FileNames">
12946             <summary>
12947             Gets the list of files that match the given patterns.
12948             </summary>
12949         </member>
12950         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.DirectoryScanner.DirectoryNames">
12951             <summary>
12952             Gets the list of directories that match the given patterns.
12953             </summary>
12954         </member>
12955         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.DirectoryScanner.ScannedDirectories">
12956             <summary>
12957             Gets the list of directories that were scanned for files.
12958             </summary>
12959         </member>
12960         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.StringCollectionWithGoodToString.Clone">
12961             <summary>
12962             Creates a shallow copy of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.StringCollectionWithGoodToString"/>.
12963             </summary>
12964             <returns>
12965             A shallow copy of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.StringCollectionWithGoodToString"/>.
12966             </returns>
12967         </member>
12968         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.StringCollectionWithGoodToString.ToString">
12969             <summary>
12970             Creates a string representing a list of the strings in the collection.
12971             </summary>
12972             <returns>
12973             A string that represents the contents.
12974             </returns>
12975         </member>
12976         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DirScannerStringCollection.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
12977             <summary>
12978             Initialize a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DirScannerStringCollection"/>
12979             class specifying whether or not string comparison should be
12980             case-sensitive.
12981             </summary>
12982             <param name="caseSensitive">Specifies whether or not string comparison should be case-sensitive.</param>
12983         </member>
12984         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DirScannerStringCollection.Clone">
12985             <summary>
12986             Creates a shallow copy of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DirScannerStringCollection"/>.
12987             </summary>
12988             <returns>
12989             A shallow copy of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DirScannerStringCollection"/>.
12990             </returns>
12991         </member>
12992         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DirScannerStringCollection.Contains(System.String)">
12993             <summary>
12994             Determines whether the specified string is in the 
12995             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DirScannerStringCollection"/>.
12996             </summary>
12997             <param name="value">The string to locate in the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DirScannerStringCollection"/>. The value can be <see langword="null"/>.</param>
12998             <returns>
12999             <seee langword="true"/> if value is found in the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DirScannerStringCollection"/>; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
13000             </returns>
13001             <remarks>
13002             String comparisons within the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DirScannerStringCollection"/>
13003             are only case-sensitive if <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.DirScannerStringCollection.CaseSensitive"/> is
13004             <see langword="true"/>
13005             </remarks>
13006         </member>
13007         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DirScannerStringCollection.IndexOf(System.String)">
13008             <summary>
13009             Searches for the specified string and returns the zero-based index 
13010             of the first occurrence within the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DirScannerStringCollection"/>.
13011             </summary>
13012             <param name="value">The string to locate. The value can be <see langword="null"/>.</param>
13013             <returns>
13014             The zero-based index of the first occurrence of <paramref name="value"/> 
13015             in the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DirScannerStringCollection"/>, if found; otherwise, -1.
13016             </returns>
13017             <remarks>
13018             String comparisons within the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DirScannerStringCollection"/>
13019             are only case-sensitive if <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.DirScannerStringCollection.CaseSensitive"/> is
13020             <see langword="true"/>.
13021             </remarks>
13022         </member>
13023         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.DirScannerStringCollection.CaseSensitive">
13024             <summary>
13025             Gets a value indicating whether string comparison is case-sensitive.
13026             </summary>
13027             <value>
13028             A value indicating whether string comparison is case-sensitive.
13029             </value>
13030         </member>
13031         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.ExpressionEvaluator.GetPropertyValue(System.String)">
13032             <summary>
13033             Gets the value of the specified property.
13034             </summary>
13035             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to get the value of.</param>
13036             <returns>
13037             The value of the specified property.
13038             </returns>
13039         </member>
13040         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.ExpressionTokenizer">
13041             <summary>
13042             Splits an input string into a sequence of tokens used during parsing.
13043             </summary>
13044         </member>
13045         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.ExpressionTokenizer.TokenType">
13046             <summary>
13047             Available tokens
13048             </summary>
13049         </member>
13050         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo">
13051             <summary>
13052             Encalsulates information about installed frameworks incuding version 
13053             information and directory locations for finding tools.
13054             </summary>
13055         </member>
13056         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.ResolveAssembly(System.String)">
13057             <summary>
13058             Resolves the specified assembly to a full path by matching it
13059             against the reference assemblies.
13060             </summary>
13061             <param name="fileName">The file name of the assembly to resolve (without path information).</param>
13062             <returns>
13063             An absolute path to the assembly, or <see langword="null" /> if the
13064             assembly could not be found or no reference assemblies are configured
13065             for the current framework.
13066             </returns>
13067             <remarks>
13068             Whether the file name is matched case-sensitively depends on the
13069             operating system.
13070             </remarks>
13071         </member>
13072         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.GetToolPath(System.String)">
13073             <summary>
13074             Searches the list of tool paths of the current framework for the
13075             given file, and returns the absolute path if found.
13076             </summary>
13077             <param name="tool">The file name of the tool to search for.</param>
13078             <returns>
13079             The absolute path to <paramref name="tool"/> if found in one of the
13080             configured tool paths; otherwise, <see langword="null"/>.
13081             </returns>
13082             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="tool"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
13083             <remarks>
13084               <para>
13085               The configured tool paths are scanned in the order in which they
13086               are defined in the framework configuration.
13087               </para>
13088               <para>
13089               The file name of the tool to search should include the extension.
13090               </para>
13091             </remarks>
13092         </member>
13093         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.GetXmlAttributeValue(System.Xml.XmlNode,System.String)">
13094             <summary>
13095             Gets the value of the specified attribute from the specified node.
13096             </summary>
13097             <param name="xmlNode">The node of which the attribute value should be retrieved.</param>
13098             <param name="attributeName">The attribute of which the value should be returned.</param>
13099             <returns>
13100             The value of the attribute with the specified name or <see langword="null" />
13101             if the attribute does not exist or has no value.
13102             </returns>
13103         </member>
13104         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.Name">
13105             <summary>
13106             Gets the name of the framework.
13107             </summary>
13108             <value>
13109             The name of the framework.
13110             </value>
13111         </member>
13112         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.Family">
13113             <summary>
13114             Gets the family of the framework.
13115             </summary>
13116             <value>
13117             The family of the framework.
13118             </value>
13119         </member>
13120         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.Description">
13121             <summary>
13122             Gets the description of the framework.
13123             </summary>
13124             <value>
13125             The description of the framework.
13126             </value>
13127         </member>
13128         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.Vendor">
13129             <summary>
13130             Gets the vendor of the framework.
13131             </summary>
13132             <value>
13133             The vendor of the framework.
13134             </value>
13135         </member>
13136         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.Version">
13137             <summary>
13138             Gets the version of the framework.
13139             </summary>
13140             <value>
13141             The version of the framework.
13142             </value>
13143             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The framework is not valid.</exception>
13144             <remarks>
13145             When <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.Version"/> is not configured, the framework is not
13146             considered valid.
13147             </remarks>
13148         </member>
13149         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.ClrVersion">
13150             <summary>
13151             Gets the Common Language Runtime version of the framework.
13152             </summary>
13153             <value>
13154             The Common Language Runtime version of the framework.
13155             </value>
13156             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The framework is not valid.</exception>
13157             <remarks>
13158             When <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.ClrVersion"/> is <see langword="null"/>, the
13159             framework is not considered valid.
13160             </remarks>
13161         </member>
13162         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.ClrType">
13163             <summary>
13164             Gets the CLR type of the framework.
13165             </summary>
13166             <value>
13167             The CLR type of the framework.
13168             </value>
13169             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The framework is not valid.</exception>
13170         </member>
13171         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.VisualStudioVersion">
13172             <summary>
13173             Gets the Visual Studio version that corresponds with this
13174             framework.
13175             </summary>
13176             <value>
13177             The Visual Studio version that corresponds with this framework.
13178             </value>
13179             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The framework is not valid.</exception>
13180             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">There is no version of Visual Studio that corresponds with this framework.</exception>
13181         </member>
13182         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.FrameworkDirectory">
13183             <summary>
13184             Gets the base directory of the framework tools for the framework.
13185             </summary>
13186             <value>
13187             The base directory of the framework tools for the framework.
13188             </value>
13189             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The framework is not valid.</exception>
13190         </member>
13191         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.Runtime">
13192             <summary>
13193             Gets the runtime information for this framework.
13194             </summary>
13195             <value>
13196             The runtime information for the framework or <see langword="null"/>
13197             if no runtime information is configured for the framework.
13198             </value>
13199             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The framework is not valid.</exception>
13200         </member>
13201         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.FrameworkAssemblyDirectory">
13202             <summary>
13203             Gets the directory where the system assemblies for the framework
13204             are located.
13205             </summary>
13206             <value>
13207             The directory where the system assemblies for the framework are 
13208             located.
13209             </value>
13210             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The framework is not valid.</exception>
13211         </member>
13212         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.SdkDirectory">
13213             <summary>
13214             Gets the directory containing the SDK tools for the framework.
13215             </summary>
13216             <value>
13217             The directory containing the SDK tools for the framework or a null 
13218             reference if the configured sdk directory does not exist, or is not
13219             valid.
13220             </value>
13221             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The framework is not valid.</exception>
13222         </member>
13223         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.Project">
13224             <summary>
13225             Gets the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.Project"/> used to initialize this framework.
13226             </summary>
13227             <value>
13228             The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.Project"/> used to initialize this framework.
13229             </value>
13230             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The framework is not valid.</exception>
13231         </member>
13232         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.TaskAssemblies">
13233             <summary>
13234             Gets the set of assemblies and directories that should scanned for
13235             NAnt tasks, types or functions.
13236             </summary>
13237             <value>
13238             The set of assemblies and directories that should be scanned for 
13239             NAnt tasks, types or functions.
13240             </value>
13241             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The framework is not valid.</exception>
13242         </member>
13243         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.IsValid">
13244             <summary>
13245             Returns a value indicating whether the current framework is valid.
13246             </summary>
13247             <value>
13248             <see langword="true" /> if the framework is installed and correctly
13249             configured; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
13250             </value>
13251         </member>
13252         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.ReferenceAssemblies">
13253             <summary>
13254             Gets the reference assemblies for the current framework.
13255             </summary>
13256             <value>
13257             The reference assemblies for the current framework.
13258             </value>
13259             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The framework is not valid.</exception>
13260         </member>
13261         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.ToolPaths">
13262             <summary>
13263             Gets the tool paths for the current framework.
13264             </summary>
13265             <value>
13266             The tool paths for the current framework.
13267             </value>
13268             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The framework is not valid.</exception>
13269         </member>
13270         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.NamespaceManager">
13271             <summary>
13272             Gets the <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager"/>.
13273             </summary>
13274             <value>
13275             The <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager"/>.
13276             </value>
13277             <remarks>
13278             The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo.NamespaceManager"/> defines the current namespace 
13279             scope and provides methods for looking up namespace information.
13280             </remarks>
13281         </member>
13282         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfoDictionary.#ctor">
13283             <summary>
13284             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfoDictionary"/> class.
13285             </summary>
13286         </member>
13287         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfoDictionary.#ctor(System.Int32)">
13288             <summary>
13289             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfoDictionary"/> class
13290             with the specified capacity.
13291             </summary>
13292         </member>
13293         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.FrameworkTypes">
13294             <summary>
13295             Defines the types of frameworks.
13296             </summary>
13297         </member>
13298         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.FrameworkTypes.NotInstalled">
13299             <summary>
13300             Frameworks that are supported on the current platform, but are not
13301             installed.
13302             </summary>
13303         </member>
13304         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.FrameworkTypes.Installed">
13305             <summary>
13306             Frameworks that are installed on the current system.
13307             </summary>
13308         </member>
13309         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.FrameworkTypes.InstallStateMask">
13310             <summary>
13311             Retrieves installation state attributes.
13312             </summary>
13313         </member>
13314         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.FrameworkTypes.Desktop">
13315             <summary>
13316             Frameworks that typically target full desktop devices.
13317             </summary>
13318         </member>
13319         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.FrameworkTypes.Compact">
13320             <summary>
13321             Frameworks that target compact devices.
13322             </summary>
13323         </member>
13324         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.FrameworkTypes.Browser">
13325             <summary>
13326             Frameworks that run in a browser.
13327             </summary>
13328         </member>
13329         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.FrameworkTypes.DeviceMask">
13330             <summary>
13331             Retrieves device attributes.
13332             </summary>
13333         </member>
13334         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.FrameworkTypes.Mono">
13335             <summary>
13336             Frameworks released as part of the open-source <see href="http://www.mono-project.com">Mono</see>
13337             project.
13338             </summary>
13339         </member>
13340         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.FrameworkTypes.MS">
13341             <summary>
13342             Frameworks released by Microsoft.
13343             </summary>
13344         </member>
13345         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.FrameworkTypes.VendorMask">
13346             <summary>
13347             Retrieves vendor attributes.
13348             </summary>
13349         </member>
13350         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.FrameworkTypes.All">
13351             <summary>
13352             All frameworks supported on the current platform, regarless of their
13353             installation state, target device or vendor.
13354             </summary>
13355         </member>
13356         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Location">
13357             <summary>
13358             Stores the file name, line number and column number to record a position 
13359             in a text file.
13360             </summary>
13361         </member>
13362         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Location.#ctor(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
13363             <summary>
13364             Creates a location consisting of a file name, line number and 
13365             column number.
13366             </summary>
13367             <remarks>
13368             <paramref name="fileName" /> can be a local URI resource, e.g., file:///C:/WINDOWS/setuplog.txt.
13369             </remarks>
13370         </member>
13371         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Location.#ctor(System.String)">
13372             <summary>
13373             Creates a location consisting of a file name.
13374             </summary>
13375             <remarks>
13376             <paramref name="fileName" /> can be a local URI resource, e.g., file:///C:/WINDOWS/setuplog.txt.
13377             </remarks>
13378         </member>
13379         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Location.#ctor">
13380             <summary>
13381             Creates an "unknown" location.
13382             </summary>
13383         </member>
13384         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Location.Init(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
13385             <summary>Private Init function.</summary>
13386         </member>
13387         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Location.ToString">
13388              <summary>
13389              Returns the file name, line number and a trailing space. An error
13390              message can be appended easily. For unknown locations, returns
13391              an empty string.
13392             </summary>
13393         </member>
13394         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Location.FileName">
13395             <summary>
13396             Gets a string containing the file name for the location.
13397             </summary>
13398             <remarks>
13399             The file name includes both the file path and the extension.
13400             </remarks>
13401         </member>
13402         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Location.LineNumber">
13403             <summary>
13404             Gets the line number for the location.
13405             </summary>
13406             <remarks>
13407             Lines start at 1.  Will be zero if not specified.
13408             </remarks>
13409         </member>
13410         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Location.ColumnNumber">
13411             <summary>
13412             Gets the column number for the location.
13413             </summary>
13414             <remarks>
13415             Columns start a 1.  Will be zero if not specified.
13416             </remarks>
13417         </member>
13418         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.LocationMap">
13419             <summary>
13420             Maps XML nodes to the text positions from their original source.
13421             </summary>
13422         </member>
13423         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.LocationMap.#ctor">
13424             <summary>
13425             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.LocationMap"/> class.
13426             </summary>
13427         </member>
13428         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.LocationMap.FileIsMapped(System.String)">
13429             <summary>
13430             Determines if a file has been loaded by the current project. 
13431             </summary>
13432             <param name="fileOrUri">The file to check.</param>
13433             <returns>
13434             <see langword="true" /> if the specified file has already been loaded
13435             by the current project; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
13436             </returns>
13437         </member>
13438         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.LocationMap.Add(System.Xml.XmlDocument)">
13439             <summary>
13440             Adds an <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlDocument"/> to the map.
13441             </summary>
13442             <remarks>
13443             An <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlDocument"/> can only be added to the map once.
13444             </remarks>
13445         </member>
13446         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.LocationMap.GetLocation(System.Xml.XmlNode)">
13447             <summary>
13448             Returns the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Location"/> in the XML file for the given node.
13449             </summary>
13450             <remarks>
13451             The <paramref name="node"/> must be from an <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlDocument"/> 
13452             that has been added to the map.
13453             </remarks>
13454         </member>
13455         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.LocationMap.TextPosition">
13456             <summary>
13457             Represents a position in the build file.
13458             </summary>
13459         </member>
13460         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.LocationMap.TextPosition.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
13461             <summary>
13462             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.LocationMap.TextPosition"/>
13463             with the speified line and column.
13464             </summary>
13465             <param name="line">The line coordinate of the position.</param>
13466             <param name="column">The column coordinate of the position.</param>
13467         </member>
13468         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.LocationMap.TextPosition.Line">
13469             <summary>
13470             The line coordinate of the position.
13471             </summary>
13472         </member>
13473         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.LocationMap.TextPosition.Column">
13474             <summary>
13475             The column coordinate of the position.
13476             </summary>
13477         </member>
13478         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Level">
13479             <summary>
13480             Defines the set of levels recognised by the NAnt logging system.
13481             </summary>
13482         </member>
13483         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Level.Debug">
13484             <summary>
13485             Designates fine-grained informational events that are most useful 
13486             to debug a build process.
13487             </summary>
13488         </member>
13489         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Level.Verbose">
13490             <summary>
13491             Designates events that offer a more detailed view of the build 
13492             process.
13493             </summary>
13494         </member>
13495         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Level.Info">
13496             <summary>
13497             Designates informational events that are useful for getting a 
13498             high-level view of the build process.
13499             </summary>
13500         </member>
13501         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Level.Warning">
13502             <summary>
13503             Designates potentionally harmful events.
13504             </summary>
13505         </member>
13506         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Level.Error">
13507             <summary>
13508             Designates error events.
13509             </summary>
13510         </member>
13511         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Level.None">
13512             <summary>
13513             Can be used to suppress all messages.
13514             </summary>
13515             <remarks>
13516             No events should be logged with this <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Level"/>.
13517             </remarks>
13518         </member>
13519         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs">
13520             <summary>
13521             Class representing an event occurring during a build.
13522             </summary>
13523             <remarks>
13524             <para>
13525             An event is built by specifying either a project, a task or a target.
13526             </para>
13527             <para>
13528             A <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Project"/> level event will only have a <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Project"/> 
13529             reference.
13530             </para>
13531             <para>
13532             A <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Target"/> level event will have <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Project"/> and 
13533             <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Target"/> references.
13534             </para>
13535             <para>
13536             A <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Task"/> level event will have <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Project"/>, 
13537             <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Target"/> and <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Task"/> references.
13538             </para>
13539             </remarks>
13540         </member>
13541         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.#ctor">
13542             <summary>
13543             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> 
13544             class.
13545             </summary>
13546         </member>
13547         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Project)">
13548             <summary>
13549             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/>
13550             class for a <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Project"/> level event.
13551             </summary>
13552             <param name="project">The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Project"/> that emitted the event.</param>
13553         </member>
13554         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Target)">
13555             <summary>
13556             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/>
13557             class for a <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Target"/> level event.
13558             </summary>
13559             <param name="target">The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Target"/> that emitted the event.</param>
13560         </member>
13561         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Task)">
13562             <summary>
13563             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/>
13564             class for a <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Task"/> level event.
13565             </summary>
13566             <param name="task">The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Task"/> that emitted the event.</param>
13567         </member>
13568         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Message">
13569             <summary>
13570             Gets or sets the message associated with this event.
13571             </summary>
13572             <value>
13573             The message associated with this event.
13574             </value>
13575         </member>
13576         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.MessageLevel">
13577             <summary>
13578             Gets or sets the priority level associated with this event.
13579             </summary>
13580             <value>
13581             The priority level associated with this event.
13582             </value>
13583         </member>
13584         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Exception">
13585             <summary>
13586             Gets or sets the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Exception"/> associated with this event.
13587             </summary>
13588             <value>
13589             The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Exception"/> associated with this event.
13590             </value>
13591         </member>
13592         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Project">
13593             <summary>
13594             Gets the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Project"/> that fired this event.
13595             </summary>
13596             <value>
13597             The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Project"/> that fired this event.
13598             </value>
13599         </member>
13600         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Target">
13601             <summary>
13602             Gets the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Target"/> that fired this event.
13603             </summary>
13604             <value>
13605             The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Target"/> that fired this event, or a null reference 
13606             if this is a <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Project"/> level event.
13607             </value>
13608         </member>
13609         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Task">
13610             <summary>
13611             Gets the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Task"/> that fired this event.
13612             </summary>
13613             <value>
13614             The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Task"/> that fired this event, or <see langword="null"/>
13615             if this is a <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Project"/> or <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs.Target"/> level 
13616             event.
13617             </value>
13618         </member>
13619         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventHandler">
13620             <summary>
13621             Represents the method that handles the build events.
13622             </summary>
13623             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
13624             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> that contains the event data.</param>
13625         </member>
13626         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener">
13627             <summary>
13628             Instances of classes that implement this interface can register to be 
13629             notified when things happen during a build.
13630             </summary>
13631         </member>
13632         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener.BuildStarted(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
13633             <summary>
13634             Signals that a build has started.
13635             </summary>
13636             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
13637             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
13638             <remarks>
13639             This event is fired before any targets have started.
13640             </remarks>
13641         </member>
13642         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener.BuildFinished(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
13643             <summary>
13644             Signals that the last target has finished.
13645             </summary>
13646             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
13647             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
13648             <remarks>
13649             This event will still be fired if an error occurred during the build.
13650             </remarks>
13651         </member>
13652         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener.TargetStarted(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
13653             <summary>
13654             Signals that a target has started.
13655             </summary>
13656             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
13657             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
13658         </member>
13659         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener.TargetFinished(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
13660             <summary>
13661             Signals that a target has finished.
13662             </summary>
13663             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
13664             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
13665             <remarks>
13666             This event will still be fired if an error occurred during the build.
13667             </remarks>
13668         </member>
13669         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener.TaskStarted(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
13670             <summary>
13671             Signals that a task has started.
13672             </summary>
13673             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
13674             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
13675         </member>
13676         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener.TaskFinished(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
13677             <summary>
13678             Signals that a task has finished.
13679             </summary>
13680             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
13681             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
13682             <remarks>
13683             This event will still be fired if an error occurred during the build.
13684             </remarks>
13685         </member>
13686         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener.MessageLogged(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
13687             <summary>
13688             Signals that a message has been logged.
13689             </summary>
13690             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
13691             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
13692         </member>
13693         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildLogger">
13694             <summary>
13695             Interface used by NAnt to log the build output. 
13696             </summary>
13697             <remarks>
13698             Depending on the supplied command-line arguments, NAnt will set the
13699             <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.IBuildLogger.OutputWriter"/> to <see cref="P:System.Console.Out"/> or a
13700             <see cref="T:System.IO.StreamWriter"/>  with a file as backend store.
13701             </remarks>
13702         </member>
13703         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.IBuildLogger.Flush">
13704             <summary>
13705             Flushes buffered build events or messages to the underlying storage.
13706             </summary>
13707         </member>
13708         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.IBuildLogger.Threshold">
13709             <summary>
13710             Gets or sets the highest level of message this logger should respond 
13711             to.
13712             </summary>
13713             <value>The highest level of message this logger should respond to.</value>
13714             <remarks>
13715             Only messages with a message level higher than or equal to the given 
13716             level should actually be written to the log.
13717             </remarks>
13718         </member>
13719         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.IBuildLogger.EmacsMode">
13720             <summary>
13721             Gets or sets a value indicating whether to produce emacs (and other
13722             editor) friendly output.
13723             </summary>
13724             <value>
13725             <see langword="true" /> if output is to be unadorned so that emacs 
13726             and other editors can parse files names, etc.
13727             </value>
13728         </member>
13729         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.IBuildLogger.OutputWriter">
13730             <summary>
13731             Gets or sets the <see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/> to which the logger is 
13732             to send its output.
13733             </summary>
13734         </member>
13735         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DefaultLogger.#ctor">
13736             <summary>
13737             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DefaultLogger"/> 
13738             class.
13739             </summary>
13740         </member>
13741         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DefaultLogger.Flush">
13742             <summary>
13743             Flushes buffered build events or messages to the underlying storage.
13744             </summary>
13745         </member>
13746         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DefaultLogger.BuildStarted(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
13747             <summary>
13748             Signals that a build has started.
13749             </summary>
13750             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
13751             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
13752             <remarks>
13753             This event is fired before any targets have started.
13754             </remarks>
13755         </member>
13756         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DefaultLogger.BuildFinished(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
13757             <summary>
13758             Signals that the last target has finished.
13759             </summary>
13760             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
13761             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
13762             <remarks>
13763             This event will still be fired if an error occurred during the build.
13764             </remarks>
13765         </member>
13766         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DefaultLogger.TargetStarted(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
13767             <summary>
13768             Signals that a target has started.
13769             </summary>
13770             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
13771             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
13772         </member>
13773         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DefaultLogger.TargetFinished(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
13774             <summary>
13775             Signals that a task has finished.
13776             </summary>
13777             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
13778             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
13779             <remarks>
13780             This event will still be fired if an error occurred during the build.
13781             </remarks>
13782         </member>
13783         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DefaultLogger.TaskStarted(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
13784             <summary>
13785             Signals that a task has started.
13786             </summary>
13787             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
13788             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
13789         </member>
13790         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DefaultLogger.TaskFinished(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
13791             <summary>
13792             Signals that a task has finished.
13793             </summary>
13794             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
13795             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
13796             <remarks>
13797             This event will still be fired if an error occurred during the build.
13798             </remarks>
13799         </member>
13800         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DefaultLogger.MessageLogged(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
13801             <summary>
13802             Signals that a message has been logged.
13803             </summary>
13804             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
13805             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
13806             <remarks>
13807             Only messages with a priority higher or equal to the threshold of 
13808             the logger will actually be output in the build log.
13809             </remarks>
13810         </member>
13811         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DefaultLogger.Log(System.String)">
13812             <summary>
13813             Empty implementation which allows derived classes to receive the
13814             output that is generated in this logger.
13815             </summary>
13816             <param name="message">The message being logged.</param>
13817         </member>
13818         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DefaultLogger.OutputMessage(NAnt.Core.Level,System.String,System.Int32)">
13819             <summary>
13820             Outputs an indented message to the build log if its priority is 
13821             greather than or equal to the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.DefaultLogger.Threshold"/> of the 
13822             logger.
13823             </summary>
13824             <param name="messageLevel">The priority of the message to output.</param>
13825             <param name="message">The message to output.</param>
13826             <param name="indentationLength">The number of characters that the message should be indented.</param>
13827         </member>
13828         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DefaultLogger.OutputMessage(NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
13829             <summary>
13830             Outputs an indented message to the build log if its priority is 
13831             greather than or equal to the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.DefaultLogger.Threshold"/> of the 
13832             logger.
13833             </summary>
13834             <param name="e">The event to output.</param>
13835         </member>
13836         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.DefaultLogger.OutputMessage(NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs,System.Int32)">
13837             <summary>
13838             Outputs an indented message to the build log if its priority is 
13839             greather than or equal to the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.DefaultLogger.Threshold"/> of the 
13840             logger.
13841             </summary>
13842             <param name="e">The event to output.</param>
13843             <param name="indentationLength">The number of characters that the message should be indented.</param>
13844         </member>
13845         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.DefaultLogger._buildReports">
13846             <summary>
13847             Holds a stack of reports for all running builds.
13848             </summary>
13849         </member>
13850         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.DefaultLogger.Threshold">
13851             <summary>
13852             Gets or sets the highest level of message this logger should respond 
13853             to.
13854             </summary>
13855             <value>
13856             The highest level of message this logger should respond to.
13857             </value>
13858             <remarks>
13859             Only messages with a message level higher than or equal to the given 
13860             level should be written to the log.
13861             </remarks>
13862         </member>
13863         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.DefaultLogger.EmacsMode">
13864             <summary>
13865             Gets or sets a value indicating whether to produce emacs (and other
13866             editor) friendly output.
13867             </summary>
13868             <value>
13869             <see langword="true" /> if output is to be unadorned so that emacs 
13870             and other editors can parse files names, etc. The default is
13871             <see langword="false" />.
13872             </value>
13873         </member>
13874         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.DefaultLogger.OutputWriter">
13875             <summary>
13876             Gets or sets the <see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/> to which the logger is 
13877             to send its output.
13878             </summary>
13879             <value>
13880             The <see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/> to which the logger sends its output.
13881             </value>
13882         </member>
13883         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.BuildReport">
13884             <summary>
13885             Used to store information about a build, to allow better reporting to 
13886             the user.
13887             </summary>
13888         </member>
13889         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.BuildReport.Errors">
13890             <summary>
13891             Errors encountered so far.
13892             </summary>
13893         </member>
13894         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.BuildReport.Warnings">
13895             <summary>
13896             Warnings encountered so far.
13897             </summary>
13898         </member>
13899         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.BuildReport.StartTime">
13900             <summary>
13901             The start time of the build process.
13902             </summary>
13903         </member>
13904         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.MailLogger">
13905             <summary>
13906             Buffers log messages from DefaultLogger, and sends an e-mail with the
13907             results.
13908             </summary>
13909             <remarks>
13910             The following properties are used to send the mail :
13911             <list type="table">
13912                 <listheader>
13913                     <term>Property</term>
13914                     <description>Description</description>
13915                 </listheader>
13916                 <item>
13917                     <term>MailLogger.mailhost</term>
13918                     <description>Mail server to use. [default: localhost]</description>
13919                 </item>
13920                 <item>
13921                     <term>MailLogger.from</term>
13922                     <description>The address of the e-mail sender.</description>
13923                 </item>
13924                 <item>
13925                     <term>MailLogger.failure.notify</term>
13926                     <description>Send build failure e-mails ? [default: true]</description>
13927                 </item>
13928                 <item>
13929                     <term>MailLogger.success.notify</term>
13930                     <description>Send build success e-mails ? [default: true]</description>
13931                 </item>
13932                 <item>
13933                     <term>MailLogger.failure.to</term>
13934                     <description>The address to send build failure messages to.</description>
13935                 </item>
13936                 <item>
13937                     <term>MailLogger.success.to</term>
13938                     <description>The address to send build success messages to.</description>
13939                 </item>
13940                 <item>
13941                     <term>MailLogger.failure.subject</term>
13942                     <description>The subject of build failure messages. [default: "Build Failure"]</description>
13943                 </item>
13944                 <item>
13945                     <term>MailLogger.success.subject</term>
13946                     <description>The subject of build success messages. [default: "Build Success"]</description>
13947                 </item>
13948                 <item>
13949                     <term>MailLogger.success.attachments</term>
13950                     <description>The ID of a fileset holdng set of files to attach when the build is successful.</description>
13951                 </item>
13952                 <item>
13953                     <term>MailLogger.failure.attachments</term>
13954                     <description>The ID of a fileset holdng set of files to attach when the build fails.</description>
13955                 </item>
13956                 <item>
13957                     <term>MailLogger.body.encoding</term>
13958                     <description>The encoding type of the body of the e-mail message. [default: system's ANSI code page]</description>
13959                 </item>
13960                 <item>
13961                     <term>MailLogger.smtp.username</term>
13962                     <description>The name of the user to login to the SMTP server.</description>
13963                 </item>
13964                 <item>
13965                     <term>MailLogger.smtp.password</term>
13966                     <description>The password of the specified user.</description>
13967                 </item>
13968                 <item>
13969                     <term>MailLogger.smtp.enablessl</term>
13970                     <description>Specifies whether to use SSL to encrypt the connection. [default: false]</description>
13971                 </item>
13972                 <item>
13973                     <term>MailLogger.smtp.port</term>
13974                     <description>The SMTP server port to connect to. [default: 25]</description>
13975                 </item>
13976             </list>
13977             </remarks>
13978         </member>
13979         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.MailLogger.#ctor">
13980             <summary>
13981             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.MailLogger"/> 
13982             class.
13983             </summary>
13984         </member>
13985         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.MailLogger.BuildStarted(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
13986             <summary>
13987             Signals that a build has started.
13988             </summary>
13989             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
13990             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
13991             <remarks>
13992             This event is fired before any targets have started.
13993             </remarks>
13994         </member>
13995         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.MailLogger.BuildFinished(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
13996             <summary>
13997             Signals that the last target has finished, and send an e-mail with 
13998             the build results.
13999             </summary>
14000             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
14001             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
14002         </member>
14003         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.MailLogger.Log(System.String)">
14004             <summary>
14005             Receives and buffers log messages.
14006             </summary>
14007             <param name="message">The message being logged.</param>
14008         </member>
14009         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.MailLogger.GetPropertyValue(NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
14010             <summary>
14011             Gets the value of the specified property.
14012             </summary>
14013             <param name="properties">Properties to obtain value from.</param>
14014             <param name="name">Suffix of property name.  "MailLogger" will be prepended internally.</param>
14015             <param name="defaultValue">Value returned if property is not present in <paramref name="properties"/>.</param>
14016             <param name="required">Value indicating whether the property should exist, or have a default value set.</param>
14017             <returns>
14018             The value of the specified property; or the default value if the 
14019             property is not present in <paramref name="properties"/>.
14020             </returns>
14021             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="required"/> is <see langword="true"/>, and the specified property is not present and no default value has been given.</exception>
14022         </member>
14023         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.MailLogger._buffer">
14024             <summary>
14025             Buffer in which the message is constructed prior to sending.
14026             </summary>
14027         </member>
14028         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.MailLogger._projectStack">
14029             <summary>
14030             Holds the stack of currently executing projects.
14031             </summary>
14032         </member>
14033         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection">
14034             <summary>
14035             Contains a strongly typed collection of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/> 
14036             objects.
14037             </summary>
14038         </member>
14039         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection.#ctor">
14040             <summary>
14041             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection"/> 
14042             class.
14043             </summary>
14044         </member>
14045         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection)">
14046             <summary>
14047             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection"/> 
14048             class with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection"/> instance.
14049             </summary>
14050         </member>
14051         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.IBuildListener[])">
14052             <summary>
14053             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection"/> 
14054             class with the specified array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/> instances.
14055             </summary>
14056         </member>
14057         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection.Add(NAnt.Core.IBuildListener)">
14058             <summary>
14059             Adds a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/> to the end of the collection.
14060             </summary>
14061             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
14062             <returns>The position into which the new element was inserted.</returns>
14063         </member>
14064         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.IBuildListener[])">
14065             <summary>
14066             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/> array to the end of the collection.
14067             </summary>
14068             <param name="items">The array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/> elements to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
14069         </member>
14070         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection)">
14071             <summary>
14072             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection"/> to the end of the collection.
14073             </summary>
14074             <param name="items">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
14075         </member>
14076         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection.Contains(NAnt.Core.IBuildListener)">
14077             <summary>
14078             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/> is in the collection.
14079             </summary>
14080             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/> to locate in the collection.</param> 
14081             <returns>
14082             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="item"/> is found in the 
14083             collection; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
14084             </returns>
14085         </member>
14086         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection.CopyTo(NAnt.Core.IBuildListener[],System.Int32)">
14087             <summary>
14088             Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array.        
14089             </summary>
14090             <param name="array">The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The array must have zero-based indexing.</param> 
14091             <param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins.</param>
14092         </member>
14093         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection.IndexOf(NAnt.Core.IBuildListener)">
14094             <summary>
14095             Retrieves the index of a specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/> object in the collection.
14096             </summary>
14097             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/> object for which the index is returned.</param> 
14098             <returns>
14099             The index of the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/>. If the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/> is not currently a member of the collection, it returns -1.
14100             </returns>
14101         </member>
14102         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection.Insert(System.Int32,NAnt.Core.IBuildListener)">
14103             <summary>
14104             Inserts a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/> into the collection at the specified index.
14105             </summary>
14106             <param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="item"/> should be inserted.</param>
14107             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/> to insert.</param>
14108         </member>
14109         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection.GetEnumerator">
14110             <summary>
14111             Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection.
14112             </summary>
14113             <returns>
14114             A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerEnumerator"/> for the entire collection.
14115             </returns>
14116         </member>
14117         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection.Remove(NAnt.Core.IBuildListener)">
14118             <summary>
14119             Removes a member from the collection.
14120             </summary>
14121             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/> to remove from the collection.</param>
14122         </member>
14123         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
14124             <summary>
14125             Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
14126             </summary>
14127             <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get or set.</param>
14128         </member>
14129         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerEnumerator">
14130             <summary>
14131             Enumerates the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/> elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection"/>.
14132             </summary>
14133         </member>
14134         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerEnumerator.#ctor(NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection)">
14135             <summary>
14136             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerEnumerator"/> class
14137             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection"/>.
14138             </summary>
14139             <param name="arguments">The collection that should be enumerated.</param>
14140         </member>
14141         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerEnumerator.MoveNext">
14142             <summary>
14143             Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.
14144             </summary>
14145             <returns>
14146             <see langword="true" /> if the enumerator was successfully advanced 
14147             to the next element; <see langword="false" /> if the enumerator has 
14148             passed the end of the collection.
14149             </returns>
14150         </member>
14151         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerEnumerator.Reset">
14152             <summary>
14153             Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the 
14154             first element in the collection.
14155             </summary>
14156         </member>
14157         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.BuildListenerEnumerator.Current">
14158             <summary>
14159             Gets the current element in the collection.
14160             </summary>
14161             <returns>
14162             The current element in the collection.
14163             </returns>
14164         </member>
14165         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.LogWriter">
14166             <summary>
14167             Implements a <see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/> for writing information to 
14168             the NAnt logging infrastructure.
14169             </summary>
14170         </member>
14171         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.LogWriter.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Task,NAnt.Core.Level,System.IFormatProvider)">
14172             <summary>
14173             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.LogWriter"/> class 
14174             for the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> with the specified output 
14175             level and format provider.
14176             </summary>
14177             <param name="task">Determines the indentation level.</param>
14178             <param name="outputLevel">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Level"/> with which messages will be output to the build log.</param>
14179             <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> object that controls formatting.</param>
14180         </member>
14181         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.LogWriter.Write(System.Char[])">
14182             <summary>
14183             Writes a character array to the buffer.
14184             </summary>
14185             <param name="chars">The character array to write to the text stream.</param>
14186         </member>
14187         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.LogWriter.Write(System.String)">
14188             <summary>
14189             Writes a string to the buffer.
14190             </summary>
14191             <param name="value"></param>
14192         </member>
14193         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.LogWriter.WriteLine">
14194             <summary>
14195             Writes an empty string to the logging infrastructure.
14196             </summary>
14197         </member>
14198         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.LogWriter.WriteLine(System.String)">
14199             <summary>
14200             Writes a string to the logging infrastructure.
14201             </summary>
14202             <param name="value">The string to write. If <paramref name="value" /> is a null reference, only the line termination characters are written.</param>
14203         </member>
14204         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.LogWriter.WriteLine(System.String,System.Object[])">
14205             <summary>
14206             Writes out a formatted string using the same semantics as 
14207             <see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>.
14208             </summary>
14209             <param name="line">The formatting string.</param>
14210             <param name="args">The object array to write into format string.</param>
14211         </member>
14212         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.LogWriter.Flush">
14213             <summary>
14214             Causes any buffered data to be written to the logging infrastructure.
14215             </summary>
14216         </member>
14217         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.LogWriter.Close">
14218             <summary>
14219             Closes the current writer and releases any system resources 
14220             associated with the writer.
14221             </summary>
14222         </member>
14223         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.LogWriter.InitializeLifetimeService">
14224             <summary>
14225             Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for 
14226             this instance.
14227             </summary>
14228             <returns>
14229             An object of type <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ILease"/> used to control the lifetime 
14230             policy for this instance. This is the current lifetime service object 
14231             for this instance if one exists; otherwise, a new lifetime service 
14232             object initialized with a lease that will never time out.
14233             </returns>
14234         </member>
14235         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.LogWriter.Encoding">
14236             <summary>
14237             Gets the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.LogWriter.Encoding"/> in which the output is written.
14238             </summary>
14239             <value>
14240             The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.LogWriter"/> always writes output in UTF8 
14241             encoding.
14242             </value>
14243         </member>
14244         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.LogWriter.OutputLevel">
14245             <summary>
14246             Gets the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Level"/> with which messages will be output to
14247             the build log.
14248             </summary>
14249         </member>
14250         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.PathScanner">
14251             <summary>
14252             Used to search for files on the PATH. 
14253             </summary>
14254             <remarks>
14255             <para>
14256             The local directory is not searched (since this would already be covered 
14257             by normal use of the includes element).
14258             </para>
14259             <para>
14260             Also, advanced pattern matching isn't supported: you need to know the 
14261             exact name of the file.
14262             </para>
14263             </remarks>
14264         </member>
14265         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.PathScanner.System#ICloneable#Clone">
14266             <summary>
14267             Creates a shallow copy of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.PathScanner"/>.
14268             </summary>
14269             <returns>
14270             A shallow copy of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.PathScanner"/>.
14271             </returns>
14272         </member>
14273         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.PathScanner.Clone">
14274             <summary>
14275             Creates a shallow copy of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.PathScanner"/>.
14276             </summary>
14277             <returns>
14278             A shallow copy of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.PathScanner"/>.
14279             </returns>
14280         </member>
14281         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.PathScanner.Add(System.String)">
14282             <summary>
14283             Adds a file to the list of files to be scanned for.
14284             </summary>
14285             <param name="fileName">The filename or search pattern to add to the list.</param>
14286         </member>
14287         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.PathScanner.Scan">
14288             <summary>
14289             Scans all direcetories in the PATH environment variable for files.
14290             </summary>
14291             <returns>
14292             List of matching files found in the PATH.
14293             </returns>
14294         </member>
14295         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.PathScanner.Scan(System.String)">
14296             <summary>
14297             Scans all directories in the given environment variable for files.
14298             </summary>
14299             <param name="name">The environment variable of which the directories should be scanned.</param>
14300             <returns>
14301             List of matching files found in the directory of the given 
14302             environment variable.
14303             </returns>
14304         </member>
14305         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.PathScanner.Clone(System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection)">
14306             <summary>
14307             Creates a shallow copy of the specified <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection"/>.
14308             </summary>
14309             <param name="stringCollection">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection"/> that should be copied.</param>
14310             <returns>
14311             A shallow copy of the specified <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection"/>.
14312             </returns>
14313         </member>
14314         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.PlatformHelper.Is64Bit">
14315             <summary>
14316             Returns a value indicating whether NAnt is running in 64-bit mode.
14317             </summary>
14318             <value>
14319             <see langword="true" /> if NAnt is running in 64-bit mode; otherwise,
14320             <see langword="false" />.
14321             </value>
14322         </member>
14323         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.PlatformHelper.Is32Bit">
14324             <summary>
14325             Returns a value indicating whether NAnt is running in 32-bit mode.
14326             </summary>
14327             <remarks>
14328             Note that even if the platform is 64-bit, NAnt may be running in
14329             32-bit mode.
14330             </remarks>
14331             <value>
14332             <see langword="true" /> if NAnt is running in 32-bit mode; otherwise,
14333             <see langword="false" />.
14334             </value>
14335         </member>
14336         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.PlatformHelper.IsWindows">
14337             <summary>
14338             Returns a value indicating whether NAnt is running on Windows.
14339             </summary>
14340             <value>
14341             <see langword="true" /> if NAnt is running on Windows;
14342             otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
14343             </value>
14344         </member>
14345         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Project">
14346             <summary>
14347             Central representation of a NAnt project.
14348             </summary>
14349             <example>
14350               <para>
14351               The <see cref="M:NAnt.Core.Project.Run"/> method will initialize the project with the build
14352               file specified in the constructor and execute the default target.
14353               </para>
14354               <code>
14355                 <![CDATA[
14356             Project p = new Project("foo.build", Level.Info);
14357             p.Run();
14358                 ]]>
14359               </code>
14360             </example>
14361             <example>
14362               <para>
14363               If no target is given, the default target will be executed if specified 
14364               in the project.
14365               </para>
14366               <code>
14367                 <![CDATA[
14368             Project p = new Project("foo.build", Level.Info);
14369             p.Execute("build");
14370                 ]]>
14371               </code>
14372             </example>
14373         </member>
14374         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Project.Visiting">
14375             <summary>
14376             Constant for the "visiting" state, used when traversing a DFS of 
14377             target dependencies.
14378             </summary>
14379         </member>
14380         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Project.Visited">
14381             <summary>
14382             Constant for the "visited" state, used when traversing a DFS of 
14383             target dependencies.
14384             </summary>
14385         </member>
14386         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Project.logger">
14387             <summary>
14388             Holds the logger for this class.
14389             </summary>
14390         </member>
14391         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Project._threshold">
14392             <summary>
14393             Holds the default threshold for build loggers.
14394             </summary>
14395         </member>
14396         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.#ctor(System.Xml.XmlDocument,NAnt.Core.Level,System.Int32)">
14397             <summary>
14398             Initializes a new <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/> class with the given 
14399             document, message threshold and indentation level.
14400             </summary>
14401             <param name="doc">Any valid build format will do.</param>
14402             <param name="threshold">The message threshold.</param>
14403             <param name="indentLevel">The project indentation level.</param>
14404         </member>
14405         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.#ctor(System.Xml.XmlDocument,NAnt.Core.Level,System.Int32,System.Xml.XmlNode)">
14406             <summary>
14407             Initializes a new <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/> class with the given 
14408             document, message threshold and indentation level, and using 
14409             the specified <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/> to load internal configuration
14410             settings.
14411             </summary>
14412             <param name="doc">Any valid build format will do.</param>
14413             <param name="threshold">The message threshold.</param>
14414             <param name="indentLevel">The project indentation level.</param>
14415             <param name="configurationNode">The <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/> NAnt should use to initialize configuration settings.</param>
14416             <remarks>
14417             This constructor is useful for developers using NAnt as a class
14418             library.
14419             </remarks>
14420         </member>
14421         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.#ctor(System.String,NAnt.Core.Level,System.Int32)">
14422             <summary>
14423             Initializes a new <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/> class with the given 
14424             source, message threshold and indentation level.
14425             </summary>
14426             <param name="uriOrFilePath">
14427             <para>The full path to the build file.</para>
14428             <para>This can be of any form that <see cref="M:System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(System.String)"/> accepts.</para>
14429             </param>
14430             <param name="threshold">The message threshold.</param>
14431             <param name="indentLevel">The project indentation level.</param>
14432             <remarks>
14433             If the source is a uri of form 'file:///path' then use the path part.
14434             </remarks>
14435         </member>
14436         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.#ctor(System.String,NAnt.Core.Level,System.Int32,System.Xml.XmlNode)">
14437             <summary>
14438             Initializes a new <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/> class with the given 
14439             source, message threshold and indentation level, and using 
14440             the specified <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/> to load internal configuration
14441             settings.
14442             </summary>
14443             <param name="uriOrFilePath">
14444             <para>The full path to the build file.</para>
14445             <para>This can be of any form that <see cref="M:System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(System.String)"/> accepts.</para>
14446             </param>
14447             <param name="threshold">The message threshold.</param>
14448             <param name="indentLevel">The project indentation level.</param>
14449             <param name="configurationNode">The <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/> NAnt should use to initialize configuration settings.</param>
14450             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="configurationNode"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
14451             <remarks>
14452             If the source is a uri of form 'file:///path' then use the path part.
14453             </remarks>
14454         </member>
14455         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.#ctor(System.String,NAnt.Core.Project)">
14456             <summary>
14457             Initializes a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/> as subproject of the specified
14458             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/>.
14459             </summary>
14460             <param name="uriOrFilePath">
14461             <para>The full path to the build file.</para>
14462             <para>This can be of any form that <see cref="M:System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(System.String)"/> accepts.</para>
14463             </param>
14464             <param name="parent">The parent <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/>.</param>
14465             <remarks>
14466             Optimized for framework initialization projects, by skipping automatic
14467             discovery of extension assemblies and framework configuration.
14468             </remarks>
14469         </member>
14470         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.#ctor(System.Xml.XmlDocument)">
14471             <summary>
14472             Initializes a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/> with <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Project.Threshold"/>
14473             set to <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Level.None"/>, and <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Project.IndentationLevel"/>
14474             set to 0.
14475             </summary>
14476             <param name="doc">An <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlDocument"/> containing the build script.</param>
14477             <remarks>
14478             Optimized for framework initialization projects, by skipping automatic
14479             discovery of extension assemblies and framework configuration.
14480             </remarks>
14481         </member>
14482         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.GetFrameworks(NAnt.Core.FrameworkTypes)">
14483             <summary>
14484             Gets the list of supported frameworks filtered by the specified
14485             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.FrameworkTypes"/> parameter.
14486             </summary>
14487             <param name="types">A bitwise combination of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.FrameworkTypes"/> values that filter the frameworks to retrieve.</param>
14488             <returns>
14489             An array of type <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.FrameworkInfo"/> that contains the
14490             frameworks specified by the <paramref name="types"/> parameter,
14491             sorted on name.
14492             </returns>
14493         </member>
14494         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.GetLocation(System.Xml.XmlNode)">
14495             <summary>
14496             Returns the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Location"/> of the given node in an XML
14497             file loaded by NAnt.
14498             </summary>
14499             <remarks>
14500               <para>
14501               The <paramref name="node"/> must be from an <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlDocument"/>
14502               that has been loaded by NAnt.
14503               </para>
14504               <para>
14505               NAnt also does not process any of the following node types:
14506               </para>
14507               <list type="bullet">
14508                 <item>
14509                     <description><see cref="F:System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Whitespace"/></description>
14510                 </item>
14511                 <item>
14512                     <description><see cref="F:System.Xml.XmlNodeType.EndElement"/></description>
14513                 </item>
14514                 <item>
14515                     <description><see cref="F:System.Xml.XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction"/></description>
14516                 </item>
14517                 <item>
14518                     <description><see cref="F:System.Xml.XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration"/></description>
14519                 </item>
14520                 <item>
14521                     <description><see cref="F:System.Xml.XmlNodeType.DocumentType"/></description>
14522                 </item>
14523               </list>
14524               <para>
14525               As a result, no location information is available for these nodes.
14526               </para>
14527             </remarks>
14528             <param name="node">The <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/> to get the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Location"/> for.</param>
14529             <returns>
14530             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Location"/> of the given node in an XML file loaded by NAnt, or
14531             <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Location.UnknownLocation"/> if the node was not loaded from
14532             an XML file.
14533             </returns>
14534             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
14535               <para><paramref name="node"/> is from an XML file that was not loaded by NAnt.</para>
14536               <para>-or</para>
14537               <para><paramref name="node"/> was not processed by NAnt (eg. an XML declaration).</para>
14538             </exception>
14539         </member>
14540         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.OnBuildStarted(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
14541             <summary>
14542             Dispatches a <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Project.BuildStarted"/> event to the build listeners 
14543             for this <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/>.
14544             </summary>
14545             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
14546             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> that contains the event data.</param>
14547         </member>
14548         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.OnBuildFinished(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
14549             <summary>
14550             Dispatches a <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Project.BuildFinished"/> event to the build listeners 
14551             for this <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/>.
14552             </summary>
14553             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
14554             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> that contains the event data.</param>
14555         </member>
14556         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.OnTargetStarted(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
14557             <summary>
14558             Dispatches a <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Project.TargetStarted"/> event to the build listeners 
14559             for this <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/>.
14560             </summary>
14561             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
14562             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> that contains the event data.</param>
14563         </member>
14564         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.OnTargetFinished(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
14565             <summary>
14566             Dispatches a <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Project.TargetFinished"/> event to the build listeners 
14567             for this <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/>.
14568             </summary>
14569             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
14570             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> that contains the event data.</param>
14571         </member>
14572         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.OnTaskStarted(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
14573             <summary>
14574             Dispatches a <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Project.TaskStarted"/> event to the build listeners 
14575             for this <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/>.
14576             </summary>
14577             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
14578             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> that contains the event data.</param>
14579         </member>
14580         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.OnTaskFinished(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
14581             <summary>
14582             Dispatches the <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Project.TaskFinished"/> event to the build listeners 
14583             for this <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/>.
14584             </summary>
14585             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
14586             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> that contains the event data.</param>
14587         </member>
14588         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.OnMessageLogged(NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
14589             <summary>
14590             Dispatches a <see cref="F:NAnt.Core.Project.MessageLogged"/> event to the build listeners 
14591             for this <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/>.
14592             </summary>
14593             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> that contains the event data.</param>
14594         </member>
14595         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.Log(NAnt.Core.Level,System.String)">
14596             <summary>
14597             Writes a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/> level message to the build log with
14598             the given <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Level"/>.
14599             </summary>
14600             <param name="messageLevel">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Level"/> to log at.</param>
14601             <param name="message">The message to log.</param>
14602         </member>
14603         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.Log(NAnt.Core.Level,System.String,System.Object[])">
14604             <summary>
14605             Writes a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/> level formatted message to the build 
14606             log with the given <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Level"/>.
14607             </summary>
14608             <param name="messageLevel">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Level"/> to log at.</param>
14609             <param name="message">The message to log, containing zero or more format items.</param>
14610             <param name="args">An <see cref="T:System.Object"/> array containing zero or more objects to format.</param>
14611         </member>
14612         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.Log(NAnt.Core.Task,NAnt.Core.Level,System.String)">
14613             <summary>
14614             Writes a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> task level message to the build log 
14615             with the given <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Level"/>.
14616             </summary>
14617             <param name="task">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> from which the message originated.</param>
14618             <param name="messageLevel">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Level"/> to log at.</param>
14619             <param name="message">The message to log.</param>
14620         </member>
14621         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.Log(NAnt.Core.Target,NAnt.Core.Level,System.String)">
14622             <summary>
14623             Writes a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Target"/> level message to the build log with 
14624             the given <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Level"/>.
14625             </summary>
14626             <param name="target">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Target"/> from which the message orignated.</param>
14627             <param name="messageLevel">The level to log at.</param>
14628             <param name="message">The message to log.</param>
14629         </member>
14630         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.Execute">
14631             <summary>
14632             Executes the default target.
14633             </summary>
14634             <remarks>
14635             No top level error handling is done. Any <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException"/> 
14636             will be passed onto the caller.
14637             </remarks>
14638         </member>
14639         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.Execute(System.String)">
14640             <summary>
14641             Executes a specific target, and its dependencies.
14642             </summary>
14643             <param name="targetName">The name of the target to execute.</param>
14644             <remarks>
14645             Global tasks are not executed.
14646             </remarks>
14647         </member>
14648         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.Execute(System.String,System.Boolean)">
14649             <summary>
14650             Executes a specific target.
14651             </summary>
14652             <param name="targetName">The name of the target to execute.</param>
14653             <param name="forceDependencies">Whether dependencies should be forced to execute</param>
14654             <remarks>
14655             Global tasks are not executed.
14656             </remarks>
14657         </member>
14658         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.Run">
14659             <summary>
14660             Executes the default target and wraps in error handling and time 
14661             stamping.
14662             </summary>
14663             <returns>
14664             <see langword="true" /> if the build was successful; otherwise, 
14665             <see langword="false" />.
14666             </returns>
14667         </member>
14668         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.CreateTask(System.Xml.XmlNode)">
14669             <summary>
14670             Creates a new <see ref="Task"/> from the given <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/>.
14671             </summary>
14672             <param name="taskNode">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> definition.</param>
14673             <returns>The new <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> instance.</returns>
14674         </member>
14675         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.CreateTask(System.Xml.XmlNode,NAnt.Core.Target)">
14676             <summary>
14677             Creates a new <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> from the given <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/> 
14678             within a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Target"/>.
14679             </summary>
14680             <param name="taskNode">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> definition.</param>
14681             <param name="target">The owner <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Target"/>.</param>
14682             <returns>The new <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> instance.</returns>
14683         </member>
14684         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.ExpandProperties(System.String,NAnt.Core.Location)">
14685             <summary>
14686             Expands a <see cref="T:System.String"/> from known properties.
14687             </summary>
14688             <param name="input">The <see cref="T:System.String"/> with replacement tokens.</param>
14689             <param name="location">The location in the build file. Used to throw more accurate exceptions.</param>
14690             <returns>The expanded and replaced <see cref="T:System.String"/>.</returns>
14691         </member>
14692         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.GetFullPath(System.String)">
14693             <summary>
14694             Combines the specified path with the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Project.BaseDirectory"/> of 
14695             the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/> to form a full path to file or directory.
14696             </summary>
14697             <param name="path">The relative or absolute path.</param>
14698             <returns>
14699             A rooted path, or the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Project.BaseDirectory"/> of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/> 
14700             if the <paramref name="path"/> parameter is a null reference.
14701             </returns>
14702         </member>
14703         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.CreateDefaultLogger">
14704             <summary>
14705             Creates the default <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildLogger"/> and attaches it to
14706             the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/>.
14707             </summary>
14708         </member>
14709         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.Indent">
14710             <summary>
14711             Increases the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Project.IndentationLevel"/> of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/>.
14712             </summary>
14713         </member>
14714         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.Unindent">
14715             <summary>
14716             Decreases the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Project.IndentationLevel"/> of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/>.
14717             </summary>
14718         </member>
14719         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.DetachBuildListeners">
14720             <summary>
14721             Detaches the currently attached <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/> instances
14722             from the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/>.
14723             </summary>
14724         </member>
14725         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.AttachBuildListeners(NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection)">
14726             <summary>
14727             Attaches the specified build listeners to the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/>.
14728             </summary>
14729             <param name="listeners">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/> instances to attach to the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/>.</param>
14730             <remarks>
14731             The currently attached <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/> instances will 
14732             be detached before the new <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.IBuildListener"/> instances 
14733             are attached.
14734             </remarks>
14735         </member>
14736         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.CtorHelper(System.Xml.XmlDocument,NAnt.Core.Level,System.Int32,NAnt.Core.Optimizations)">
14737             <summary>
14738             Inits stuff:
14739                 <para>TypeFactory: Calls Initialize and AddProject </para>
14740                 <para>Log.IndentSize set to 12</para>
14741                 <para>Project properties are initialized ("nant.* stuff set")</para>
14742                 <list type="nant.items">
14743                     <listheader>NAnt Props:</listheader>
14744                     <item>nant.filename</item>
14745                     <item>nant.version</item>
14746                     <item>nant.location</item>
14747                     <item>nant.project.name</item>
14748                     <item>nant.project.buildfile (if doc has baseuri)</item>
14749                     <item>nant.project.basedir</item>
14750                     <item>nant.project.default = defaultTarget</item>
14751                 </list>
14752             </summary>
14753             <param name="doc">An <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlDocument"/> representing the project definition.</param>
14754             <param name="threshold">The project message threshold.</param>
14755             <param name="indentLevel">The project indentation level.</param>
14756             <param name="optimization">Optimization flags.</param>
14757             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="doc"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
14758         </member>
14759         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.InitializeProjectDocument(System.Xml.XmlDocument)">
14760             <summary>
14761             This method is only meant to be used by the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/> 
14762             class and <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Tasks.IncludeTask"/>.
14763             </summary>
14764         </member>
14765         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.LoadBuildFile(System.String)">
14766             <summary>
14767             Creates a new <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlDocument"/> based on the project 
14768             definition.
14769             </summary>
14770             <param name="uriOrFilePath">
14771             <para>The full path to the build file.</para>
14772             <para>This can be of any form that <see cref="M:System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(System.String)"/> accepts.</para>
14773             </param>
14774             <returns>
14775             An <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlDocument"/> based on the specified project 
14776             definition.
14777             </returns>
14778         </member>
14779         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.ConfigurePlatformProperties">
14780             <summary>
14781             Configures the platform properties for the current platform.
14782             </summary>
14783             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">NAnt does not support the current platform.</exception>
14784         </member>
14785         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.UpdateTargetFrameworkProperties">
14786             <summary>
14787             Updates dependent properties when the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Project.TargetFramework"/> 
14788             is set.
14789             </summary>
14790         </member>
14791         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.TopologicalTargetSort(System.String,NAnt.Core.TargetCollection)">
14792             <summary>
14793             Topologically sorts a set of targets.
14794             </summary>
14795             <param name="root">The name of the root target. The sort is created in such a way that the sequence of targets up to the root target is the minimum possible such sequence. Must not be <see langword="null"/>.</param>
14796             <param name="targets">A collection of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Target"/> instances.</param>
14797             <returns>
14798             A collection of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Target"/> instances in sorted order.
14799             </returns>
14800             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">There is a cyclic dependecy among the targets, or a named target does not exist.</exception>
14801         </member>
14802         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.TopologicalTargetSort(System.String,NAnt.Core.TargetCollection,System.Collections.Hashtable,System.Collections.Stack,NAnt.Core.TargetCollection)">
14803             <summary>
14804             <para>
14805             Performs a single step in a recursive depth-first-search traversal 
14806             of the target dependency tree.
14807             </para>
14808             <para>
14809             The current target is first set to the "visiting" state, and pushed
14810             onto the "visiting" stack.
14811             </para>
14812             <para>
14813             An exception is then thrown if any child of the current node is in 
14814             the visiting state, as that implies a circular dependency. The 
14815             exception contains details of the cycle, using elements of the 
14816             "visiting" stack.
14817             </para>
14818             <para>
14819             If any child has not already been "visited", this method is called
14820             recursively on it.
14821             </para>
14822             <para>
14823             The current target is then added to the ordered list of targets. 
14824             Note that this is performed after the children have been visited in 
14825             order to get the correct order. The current target is set to the 
14826             "visited" state.
14827             </para>
14828             <para>
14829             By the time this method returns, the ordered list contains the 
14830             sequence of targets up to and including the current target.
14831             </para>
14832             </summary>
14833             <param name="root">The current target to inspect. Must not be <see langword="null"/>.</param>
14834             <param name="targets">A collection of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Target"/> instances.</param>
14835             <param name="state">A mapping from targets to states The states in question are "VISITING" and "VISITED". Must not be <see langword="null"/>.</param>
14836             <param name="visiting">A stack of targets which are currently being visited. Must not be <see langword="null"/>.</param>
14837             <param name="executeTargets">The list to add target names to. This will end up containing the complete list of depenencies in dependency order. Must not be <see langword="null"/>.</param>
14838             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">
14839               <para>A non-existent target is specified</para>
14840               <para>-or-</para>
14841               <para>A circular dependency is detected.</para>
14842             </exception>
14843         </member>
14844         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Project.CreateCircularException(System.String,System.Collections.Stack)">
14845             <summary>
14846             Builds an appropriate exception detailing a specified circular
14847             dependency.
14848             </summary>
14849             <param name="end">The dependency to stop at. Must not be <see langword="null"/>.</param>
14850             <param name="stack">A stack of dependencies. Must not be <see langword="null"/>.</param>
14851             <returns>
14852             A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException"/> detailing the specified circular 
14853             dependency.
14854             </returns>
14855         </member>
14856         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Project.IndentationLevel">
14857             <summary>
14858             Gets or sets the indendation level of the build output.
14859             </summary>
14860             <value>
14861             The indentation level of the build output.
14862             </value>
14863             <remarks>
14864             To change the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Project.IndentationLevel"/>, the <see cref="M:NAnt.Core.Project.Indent"/> 
14865             and <see cref="M:NAnt.Core.Project.Unindent"/> methods should be used.
14866             </remarks>
14867         </member>
14868         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Project.IndentationSize">
14869             <summary>
14870             Gets or sets the indentation size of the build output.
14871             </summary>
14872             <value>
14873             The indendation size of the build output.
14874             </value>
14875         </member>
14876         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Project.Threshold">
14877             <summary>
14878             Gets or sets the default threshold level for build loggers.
14879             </summary>
14880             <value>
14881             The default threshold level for build loggers.
14882             </value>
14883         </member>
14884         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Project.ProjectName">
14885             <summary>
14886             Gets the name of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/>.
14887             </summary>
14888             <value>
14889             The name of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/> or an empty <see cref="T:System.String"/>
14890             if no name is specified.
14891             </value>
14892         </member>
14893         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Project.BaseDirectory">
14894             <summary>
14895             Gets or sets the base directory used for relative references.
14896             </summary>
14897             <value>
14898             The base directory used for relative references.
14899             </value>
14900             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">The directory is not rooted.</exception>
14901             <remarks>
14902             <para>
14903             The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Project.BaseDirectory"/> gets and sets the built-in property 
14904             named "nant.project.basedir".
14905             </para>
14906             </remarks>
14907         </member>
14908         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Project.NamespaceManager">
14909             <summary>
14910             Gets the <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager"/>.
14911             </summary>
14912             <value>
14913             The <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager"/>.
14914             </value>
14915             <remarks>
14916             The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Project.NamespaceManager"/> defines the current namespace 
14917             scope and provides methods for looking up namespace information.
14918             </remarks>
14919         </member>
14920         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Project.BuildFileUri">
14921             <summary>
14922             Gets the <see cref="T:System.Uri"/> form of the current project definition.
14923             </summary>
14924             <value>
14925             The <see cref="T:System.Uri"/> form of the current project definition.
14926             </value>
14927         </member>
14928         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Project.Frameworks">
14929             <summary>
14930             Gets a collection of available .NET frameworks.
14931             </summary>
14932             <value>
14933             A collection of available .NET frameworks.
14934             </value>
14935         </member>
14936         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Project.RuntimeFramework">
14937             <summary>
14938             Gets the framework in which NAnt is currently running.
14939             </summary>
14940             <value>
14941             The framework in which NAnt is currently running.
14942             </value>
14943         </member>
14944         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Project.TargetFramework">
14945             <summary>
14946             Gets or sets the framework to use for compilation.
14947             </summary>
14948             <value>
14949             The framework to use for compilation.
14950             </value>
14951             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The value specified is <see langword="null"/>.</exception>
14952             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">The specified framework is not installed, or not configured correctly.</exception>
14953             <remarks>
14954             We will use compiler tools and system assemblies for this framework 
14955             in framework-related tasks.
14956             </remarks>
14957         </member>
14958         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Project.PlatformName">
14959             <summary>
14960             Gets the name of the platform on which NAnt is currently running.
14961             </summary>
14962             <value>
14963             The name of the platform on which NAnt is currently running.
14964             </value>
14965             <remarks>
14966             <para>
14967             Possible values are:
14968             </para>
14969             <list type="bullet">
14970                 <item>
14971                     <description>win32</description>
14972                 </item>
14973                 <item>
14974                     <description>unix</description>
14975                 </item>
14976             </list>
14977             </remarks>
14978             <exception cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException">NAnt does not support the current platform.</exception>
14979         </member>
14980         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Project.CurrentTarget">
14981             <summary>
14982             Gets the current target.
14983             </summary>
14984             <value>
14985             The current target, or <see langword="null" /> if no target is
14986             executing.
14987             </value>
14988         </member>
14989         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Project.BuildFileLocalName">
14990             <summary>
14991             Gets the path to the build file.
14992             </summary>
14993             <value>
14994             The path to the build file, or <see langword="null" /> if the build
14995             document is not file backed.
14996             </value>
14997         </member>
14998         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Project.Document">
14999             <summary>
15000             Gets the active <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/> definition.
15001             </summary>
15002             <value>
15003             The active <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/> definition.
15004             </value>
15005         </member>
15006         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Project.ConfigurationNode">
15007             <summary>
15008             Gets the <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/> NAnt should use to initialize 
15009             configuration settings.
15010             </summary>
15011             <value>
15012             The <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/> NAnt should use to initialize 
15013             configuration settings.
15014             </value>
15015         </member>
15016         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Project.DefaultTargetName">
15017             <remarks>
15018             Gets the name of the target that will be executed when no other 
15019             build targets are specified.
15020             </remarks>
15021             <value>
15022             The name of the target that will be executed when no other 
15023             build targets are specified, or <see langword="null" /> if no
15024             default target is specified in the build file.
15025             </value>
15026         </member>
15027         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Project.Verbose">
15028             <summary>
15029             Gets a value indicating whether tasks should output more build log 
15030             messages.
15031             </summary>
15032             <value>
15033             <see langword="true" /> if tasks should output more build log message; 
15034             otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
15035             </value>
15036         </member>
15037         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Project.BuildTargets">
15038             <summary>
15039             The list of targets to build.
15040             </summary>
15041             <remarks>
15042             Targets are built in the order they appear in the collection.  If 
15043             the collection is empty the default target will be built.
15044             </remarks>
15045         </member>
15046         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Project.Properties">
15047             <summary>
15048             Gets the properties defined in this project.
15049             </summary>
15050             <value>The properties defined in this project.</value>
15051             <remarks>
15052             <para>
15053             This is the collection of properties that are defined by the system 
15054             and property task statements.
15055             </para>
15056             <para>
15057             These properties can be used in expansion.
15058             </para>
15059             </remarks>
15060         </member>
15061         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Project.FrameworkNeutralProperties">
15062             <summary>
15063             Gets the framework-neutral properties defined in the NAnt 
15064             configuration file.
15065             </summary>
15066             <value>
15067             The framework-neutral properties defined in the NAnt configuration 
15068             file.
15069             </value>
15070             <remarks>
15071             <para>
15072             This is the collection of read-only properties that are defined in 
15073             the NAnt configuration file.
15074             </para>
15075             <para>
15076             These properties can only be used for expansion in framework-specific
15077             and framework-neutral configuration settings.  These properties are 
15078             not available for expansion in the build file.
15079             </para>
15080             </remarks>
15081         </member>
15082         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Project.DataTypeReferences">
15083             <summary>
15084             Gets the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBase"/> instances defined in this project.
15085             </summary>
15086             <value>
15087             The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBase"/> instances defined in this project.
15088             </value>
15089             <remarks>
15090             <para>
15091             This is the collection of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBase"/> instances that
15092             are defined by <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBase"/> (eg fileset) declarations.
15093             </para>
15094             </remarks>
15095         </member>
15096         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Project.Targets">
15097             <summary>
15098             Gets the targets defined in this project.
15099             </summary>
15100             <value>
15101             The targets defined in this project.
15102             </value>
15103         </member>
15104         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Project.BuildListeners">
15105             <summary>
15106             Gets the build listeners for this project. 
15107             </summary>
15108             <value>
15109             The build listeners for this project.
15110             </value>
15111         </member>
15112         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.Optimizations">
15113             <summary>
15114             Allow the project construction to be optimized.
15115             </summary>
15116             <remarks>
15117             Use this with care!
15118             </remarks>
15119         </member>
15120         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Optimizations.None">
15121             <summary>
15122             Do not perform any optimizations.
15123             </summary>
15124         </member>
15125         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Optimizations.SkipAutomaticDiscovery">
15126             <summary>
15127             The project base directory must not be automatically scanned 
15128             for extension assemblies.
15129             </summary>
15130         </member>
15131         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.Optimizations.SkipFrameworkConfiguration">
15132             <summary>
15133             Do not scan the project configuration for frameworks, and 
15134             do not configure the runtime and target framework.
15135             </summary>
15136         </member>
15137         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.ProjectSettingsLoader.ScannedTasks">
15138             <summary>
15139             Holds a value indicating whether a scan for tasks, types and functions
15140             has already been performed for the current runtime framework.
15141             </summary>
15142         </member>
15143         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.ProjectSettingsLoader.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Project)">
15144             <summary>
15145             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.ProjectSettingsLoader"/>
15146             class for the given <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.ProjectSettingsLoader.Project"/>.
15147             </summary>
15148             <param name="project">The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.ProjectSettingsLoader.Project"/> that should be configured.</param>
15149         </member>
15150         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.ProjectSettingsLoader.ProcessSettings">
15151             <summary>
15152             Loads and processes settings from the specified <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/> 
15153             of the configuration file.
15154             </summary>
15155         </member>
15156         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.ProjectSettingsLoader.ProcessFrameworks(System.Xml.XmlNode)">
15157             <summary>
15158             Processes the framework nodes of the given platform node.
15159             </summary>
15160             <param name="platformNode">An <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/> representing the platform on which NAnt is running.</param>
15161         </member>
15162         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.ProjectSettingsLoader.ProcessGlobalProperties(System.Xml.XmlNodeList)">
15163             <summary>
15164             Reads the list of global properties specified in the NAnt configuration
15165             file.
15166             </summary>
15167             <param name="propertyNodes">An <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNodeList"/> representing global properties.</param>
15168         </member>
15169         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.ProjectSettingsLoader.GetXmlAttributeValue(System.Xml.XmlNode,System.String)">
15170             <summary>
15171             Gets the value of the specified attribute from the specified node.
15172             </summary>
15173             <param name="xmlNode">The node of which the attribute value should be retrieved.</param>
15174             <param name="attributeName">The attribute of which the value should be returned.</param>
15175             <returns>
15176             The value of the attribute with the specified name or <see langword="null" />
15177             if the attribute does not exist or has no value.
15178             </returns>
15179         </member>
15180         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.ProjectSettingsLoader.Project">
15181             <summary>
15182             Gets the underlying <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.ProjectSettingsLoader.Project"/> instance.
15183             </summary>
15184             <value>
15185             The underlying <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.ProjectSettingsLoader.Project"/> instance.
15186             </value>
15187         </member>
15188         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.ProjectSettingsLoader.NamespaceManager">
15189             <summary>
15190             Gets the <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager"/>.
15191             </summary>
15192             <value>
15193             The <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager"/>.
15194             </value>
15195             <remarks>
15196             The <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.ProjectSettingsLoader.NamespaceManager"/> defines the current namespace 
15197             scope and provides methods for looking up namespace information.
15198             </remarks>
15199         </member>
15200         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary.Visiting">
15201             <summary>
15202             Constant for the "visiting" state, used when traversing a DFS of 
15203             property references.
15204             </summary>
15205         </member>
15206         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary.Visited">
15207             <summary>
15208             Constant for the "visited" state, used when travesing a DFS of 
15209             property references.
15210             </summary>
15211         </member>
15212         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Project)">
15213             <summary>
15214             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary"/>
15215             class holding properties for the given <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary.Project"/> 
15216             instance.
15217             </summary>
15218             <param name="project">The project for which the dictionary will hold properties.</param>
15219         </member>
15220         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary.OnInsert(System.Object,System.Object)">
15221             <summary>
15222             Performs additional custom processes before inserting a new element 
15223             into the <see cref="T:System.Collections.DictionaryBase"/> instance.
15224             </summary>
15225             <param name="key">The key of the element to insert.</param>
15226             <param name="value">The value of the element to insert.</param>
15227         </member>
15228         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary.OnRemove(System.Object,System.Object)">
15229             <summary>
15230             Performs additional custom processes before removing an element
15231             from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.DictionaryBase"/> instance.
15232             </summary>
15233             <param name="key">The key of the element to remove.</param>
15234             <param name="value">The value of the element to remove.</param>
15235         </member>
15236         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary.OnValidate(System.Object,System.Object)">
15237             <summary>
15238             Performs additional custom processes when validating the element 
15239             with the specified key and value.
15240             </summary>
15241             <param name="key">The key of the element to validate.</param>
15242             <param name="value">The value of the element to validate.</param>
15243         </member>
15244         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary.AddReadOnly(System.String,System.String)">
15245             <summary>
15246             Adds a property that cannot be changed.
15247             </summary>
15248             <param name="name">The name of the property.</param>
15249             <param name="value">The value to assign to the property.</param>
15250             <remarks>
15251             Properties added with this method can never be changed.  Note that
15252             they are removed if the <see cref="M:System.Collections.DictionaryBase.Clear"/> method is called.
15253             </remarks>
15254         </member>
15255         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary.MarkDynamic(System.String)">
15256             <summary>
15257             Marks a property as a property of which the value is expanded at 
15258             execution time.
15259             </summary>
15260             <param name="name">The name of the property to mark as dynamic.</param>
15261         </member>
15262         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary.Add(System.String,System.String)">
15263             <summary>
15264             Adds a property to the collection.
15265             </summary>
15266             <param name="name">The name of the property.</param>
15267             <param name="value">The value to assign to the property.</param>
15268         </member>
15269         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary.IsReadOnlyProperty(System.String)">
15270             <summary>
15271             Determines whether the specified property is listed as read-only.
15272             </summary>
15273             <param name="name">The name of the property to check.</param>
15274             <returns>
15275             <see langword="true" /> if the property is listed as read-only; 
15276             otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
15277             </returns>
15278         </member>
15279         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary.IsDynamicProperty(System.String)">
15280             <summary>
15281             Determines whether the specified property is listed as dynamic.
15282             </summary>
15283             <param name="name">The name of the property to check.</param>
15284             <returns>
15285             <see langword="true" /> if the property is listed as dynamic; 
15286             otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
15287             </returns>
15288         </member>
15289         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary.Inherit(NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary,System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection)">
15290             <summary>
15291             Inherits properties from an existing property dictionary Instance.
15292             </summary>
15293             <param name="source">Property list to inherit.</param>
15294             <param name="excludes">The list of properties to exclude during inheritance.</param>
15295         </member>
15296         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary.ExpandProperties(System.String,NAnt.Core.Location)">
15297             <summary>
15298             Expands a <see cref="T:System.String"/> from known properties.
15299             </summary>
15300             <param name="input">The replacement tokens.</param>
15301             <param name="location">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Location"/> to pass through for any exceptions.</param>
15302             <returns>The expanded and replaced string.</returns>
15303         </member>
15304         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary.Contains(System.String)">
15305             <summary>
15306             Determines whether a property already exists.
15307             </summary>
15308             <param name="name">The name of the property to check.</param>
15309             <returns>
15310             <see langword="true" /> if the specified property already exists; 
15311             otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
15312             </returns>
15313         </member>
15314         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary.Remove(System.String)">
15315             <summary>
15316             Removes the property with the specified name.
15317             </summary>
15318             <param name="name">The name of the property to remove.</param>
15319         </member>
15320         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary.ExpandProperties(System.String,NAnt.Core.Location,System.Collections.Hashtable,System.Collections.Stack)">
15321             <summary>
15322             Expands a <see cref="T:System.String"/> from known properties.
15323             </summary>
15324             <param name="input">The replacement tokens.</param>
15325             <param name="location">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Location"/> to pass through for any exceptions.</param>
15326             <param name="state">A mapping from properties to states. The states in question are "VISITING" and "VISITED". Must not be <see langword="null"/>.</param>
15327             <param name="visiting">A stack of properties which are currently being visited. Must not be <see langword="null"/>.</param>
15328             <returns>The expanded and replaced string.</returns>
15329         </member>
15330         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary.EvaluateEmbeddedExpressions(System.String,NAnt.Core.Location,System.Collections.Hashtable,System.Collections.Stack)">
15331             <summary>
15332             Evaluates the given expression string and returns the result
15333             </summary>
15334             <param name="input"></param>
15335             <param name="location"></param>
15336             <param name="state"></param>
15337             <param name="visiting"></param>
15338             <returns></returns>
15339         </member>
15340         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary.CheckDeprecation(System.String)">
15341             <summary>
15342             Checks whether the specified property is deprecated.
15343             </summary>
15344             <param name="name">The property to check.</param>
15345         </member>
15346         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary.CreateCircularException(System.String,System.Collections.Stack)">
15347             <summary>
15348             Builds an appropriate exception detailing a specified circular
15349             reference.
15350             </summary>
15351             <param name="end">The property reference to stop at. Must not be <see langword="null"/>.</param>
15352             <param name="stack">A stack of property references. Must not be <see langword="null"/>.</param>
15353             <returns>
15354             A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildException"/> detailing the specified circular 
15355             dependency.
15356             </returns>
15357         </member>
15358         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary._readOnlyProperties">
15359             <summary>
15360             Maintains a list of the property names that are readonly.
15361             </summary>
15362         </member>
15363         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary._dynamicProperties">
15364             <summary>
15365             Maintains a list of the property names of which the value is expanded
15366             on usage, not at initalization.
15367             </summary>
15368         </member>
15369         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary._project">
15370             <summary>
15371             The project for which the dictionary holds properties.
15372             </summary>
15373         </member>
15374         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary.Item(System.String)">
15375             <summary>
15376             Indexer property. 
15377             </summary>
15378         </member>
15379         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary.Project">
15380             <summary>
15381             Gets the project for which the dictionary holds properties.
15382             </summary>
15383             <value>
15384             The project for which the dictionary holds properties.
15385             </value>
15386         </member>
15387         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Target.#ctor">
15388             <summary>
15389             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Target"/> class.
15390             </summary>
15391         </member>
15392         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Target.System#ICloneable#Clone">
15393             <summary>
15394             Creates a shallow copy of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Target"/>.
15395             </summary>
15396             <returns>
15397             A shallow copy of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Target"/>.
15398             </returns>
15399         </member>
15400         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Target.Clone">
15401             <summary>
15402             Creates a shallow copy of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Target"/>.
15403             </summary>
15404             <returns>
15405             A shallow copy of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Target"/>.
15406             </returns>
15407         </member>
15408         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.Target.Execute">
15409             <summary>
15410             Executes dependent targets first, then the target.
15411             </summary>
15412         </member>
15413         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Target.Executed">
15414             <summary>
15415             This indicates whether the target has already executed.
15416             </summary>
15417         </member>
15418         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Target.Name">
15419             <summary>
15420             The name of the target.
15421             </summary>
15422             <remarks>
15423               <para>
15424               Hides <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Element.Name"/> to have <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Target"/> 
15425               return the name of target, not the name of XML element - which 
15426               would always be <c>target</c>.
15427               </para>
15428               <para>
15429               Note: Properties are not allowed in the name.
15430               </para>
15431             </remarks>
15432         </member>
15433         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Target.IfCondition">
15434             <summary>
15435             If <see langword="true" /> then the target will be executed; 
15436             otherwise, skipped. The default is <see langword="true" />.
15437             </summary>
15438         </member>
15439         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Target.IfDefined">
15440             <summary>
15441             Gets a value indicating whether the target should be executed.
15442             </summary>
15443             <value>
15444             <see langword="true" /> if the target should be executed; otherwise, 
15445             <see langword="false" />.
15446             </value>
15447         </member>
15448         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Target.UnlessCondition">
15449             <summary>
15450             Opposite of <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Target.IfDefined"/>. If <see langword="false"/> 
15451             then the target will be executed; otherwise, skipped. The default 
15452             is <see langword="false"/>.
15453             </summary>
15454         </member>
15455         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Target.UnlessDefined">
15456             <summary>
15457             Gets a value indicating whether the target should NOT be executed.
15458             </summary>
15459             <value>
15460             <see langword="true" /> if the target should NOT be executed;
15461             otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
15462             </value>
15463         </member>
15464         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Target.Description">
15465             <summary>
15466             The description of the target.
15467             </summary>
15468         </member>
15469         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Target.DependsListString">
15470             <summary>
15471             Space separated list of targets that this target depends on.
15472             </summary>
15473         </member>
15474         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.Target.Dependencies">
15475             <summary>
15476             A collection of target names that must be executed before this 
15477             target.
15478             </summary>
15479         </member>
15480         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TargetCollection.Find(System.String)">
15481             <summary>
15482             Finds a target by name.
15483             </summary>
15484             <param name="targetName">The name of the target to find.</param>
15485             <returns>
15486             The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Target"/> with the specified name, or 
15487             <see langword="null"/> if no <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Target"/> exists with
15488             the given name.
15489             </returns>
15490         </member>
15491         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TargetCollection.ToString(System.String)">
15492             <summary>
15493             Gets the names of the targets in the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TargetCollection"/>
15494             combined into one list separated by the given <see cref="T:System.String"/>.
15495             </summary>
15496             <returns>
15497             A <see cref="T:System.String"/> that contains a list of the names of the 
15498             targets in the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TargetCollection"/>, separated by
15499             the specified <paramref name="separator"/>.
15500             </returns>
15501         </member>
15502         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TargetCollection.ToString">
15503             <summary>
15504             Gets the names of the targets in the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TargetCollection"/>
15505             combined into one comma-separated list.
15506             </summary>
15507             <returns>
15508             A <see cref="T:System.String"/> that contains a comma-separated list of the
15509             names of the targets in the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TargetCollection"/>.
15510             </returns>
15511         </member>
15512         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder.#ctor(NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly,System.String)">
15513             <summary>
15514             Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> class
15515             for the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> class in the specified
15516             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly"/>.
15517             </summary>
15518             <param name="extensionAssembly">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly"/> containing the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/>.</param>
15519             <param name="className">The class representing the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/>.</param>
15520         </member>
15521         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder.ClassName">
15522             <summary>
15523             Gets the name of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> class that can be created
15524             using this <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/>.
15525             </summary>
15526             <value>
15527             The name of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> class that can be created using
15528             this <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/>.
15529             </value>
15530         </member>
15531         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder.TaskName">
15532             <summary>
15533             Gets the name of the task which the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/>
15534             can create.
15535             </summary>
15536             <value>
15537             The name of the task which the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> can 
15538             create.
15539             </value>
15540         </member>
15541         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection">
15542             <summary>
15543             Contains a strongly typed collection of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> objects.
15544             </summary>
15545         </member>
15546         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection.#ctor">
15547             <summary>
15548             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection"/> class.
15549             </summary>
15550         </member>
15551         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection)">
15552             <summary>
15553             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection"/> class
15554             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection"/> instance.
15555             </summary>
15556         </member>
15557         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection.#ctor(NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder[])">
15558             <summary>
15559             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection"/> class
15560             with the specified array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> instances.
15561             </summary>
15562         </member>
15563         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection.Add(NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder)">
15564             <summary>
15565             Adds a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> to the end of the collection.
15566             </summary>
15567             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
15568             <returns>The position into which the new element was inserted.</returns>
15569         </member>
15570         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder[])">
15571             <summary>
15572             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> array to the end of the collection.
15573             </summary>
15574             <param name="items">The array of <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> elements to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
15575         </member>
15576         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection.AddRange(NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection)">
15577             <summary>
15578             Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection"/> to the end of the collection.
15579             </summary>
15580             <param name="items">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection"/> to be added to the end of the collection.</param> 
15581         </member>
15582         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection.Contains(NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder)">
15583             <summary>
15584             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> is in the collection.
15585             </summary>
15586             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> to locate in the collection.</param> 
15587             <returns>
15588             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="item"/> is found in the 
15589             collection; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
15590             </returns>
15591         </member>
15592         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection.Contains(System.String)">
15593             <summary>
15594             Determines whether a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> for the specified 
15595             task is in the collection.
15596             </summary>
15597             <param name="taskName">The name of task for which the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> should be located in the collection.</param> 
15598             <returns>
15599             <see langword="true"/> if a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> for the 
15600             specified task is found in the collection; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
15601             </returns>
15602         </member>
15603         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection.CopyTo(NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder[],System.Int32)">
15604             <summary>
15605             Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array.        
15606             </summary>
15607             <param name="array">The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The array must have zero-based indexing.</param> 
15608             <param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins.</param>
15609         </member>
15610         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection.IndexOf(NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder)">
15611             <summary>
15612             Retrieves the index of a specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> object in the collection.
15613             </summary>
15614             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> object for which the index is returned.</param> 
15615             <returns>
15616             The index of the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/>. If the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> is not currently a member of the collection, it returns -1.
15617             </returns>
15618         </member>
15619         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection.Insert(System.Int32,NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder)">
15620             <summary>
15621             Inserts a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> into the collection at the specified index.
15622             </summary>
15623             <param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="item"/> should be inserted.</param>
15624             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> to insert.</param>
15625         </member>
15626         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection.GetEnumerator">
15627             <summary>
15628             Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection.
15629             </summary>
15630             <returns>
15631             A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderEnumerator"/> for the entire collection.
15632             </returns>
15633         </member>
15634         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection.Remove(NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder)">
15635             <summary>
15636             Removes a member from the collection.
15637             </summary>
15638             <param name="item">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> to remove from the collection.</param>
15639         </member>
15640         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
15641             <summary>
15642             Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
15643             </summary>
15644             <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get or set.</param>
15645         </member>
15646         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection.Item(System.String)">
15647             <summary>
15648             Gets the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> for the specified task.
15649             </summary>
15650             <param name="taskName">The name of task for which the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> should be located in the collection.</param> 
15651         </member>
15652         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderEnumerator">
15653             <summary>
15654             Enumerates the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> elements of a <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection"/>.
15655             </summary>
15656         </member>
15657         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderEnumerator.#ctor(NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection)">
15658             <summary>
15659             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderEnumerator"/> class
15660             with the specified <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection"/>.
15661             </summary>
15662             <param name="arguments">The collection that should be enumerated.</param>
15663         </member>
15664         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderEnumerator.MoveNext">
15665             <summary>
15666             Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.
15667             </summary>
15668             <returns>
15669             <see langword="true" /> if the enumerator was successfully advanced 
15670             to the next element; <see langword="false" /> if the enumerator has 
15671             passed the end of the collection.
15672             </returns>
15673         </member>
15674         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderEnumerator.Reset">
15675             <summary>
15676             Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the 
15677             first element in the collection.
15678             </summary>
15679         </member>
15680         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderEnumerator.Current">
15681             <summary>
15682             Gets the current element in the collection.
15683             </summary>
15684             <returns>
15685             The current element in the collection.
15686             </returns>
15687         </member>
15688         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.TypeFactory">
15689             <summary>
15690             Comprises all of the loaded, and available, tasks. 
15691             Use these static methods to register, initialize and create a task.
15692             </summary>
15693         </member>
15694         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TypeFactory.ScanAssembly(System.String,NAnt.Core.Task)">
15695             <summary>
15696             Scans the given assembly for tasks, types, functions and filters.
15697             </summary>
15698             <param name="assemblyFile">The assembly to scan for tasks, types, functions and filters.</param>
15699             <param name="task">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> which will be used to output messages to the build log.</param>
15700         </member>
15701         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TypeFactory.ScanAssembly(System.Reflection.Assembly,NAnt.Core.Task)">
15702             <summary>
15703             Scans the given assembly for tasks, types, functions and filters.
15704             </summary>
15705             <param name="assembly">The assembly to scan for tasks, types, functions and filters.</param>
15706             <param name="task">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> which will be used to output messages to the build log.</param>
15707             <returns>
15708             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="assembly"/> contains at 
15709             least one "extension"; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
15710             </returns>
15711         </member>
15712         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TypeFactory.ScanDir(System.String,NAnt.Core.Task,System.Boolean)">
15713             <summary>
15714             Scans the path for any task assemblies and adds them.
15715             </summary>
15716             <param name="path">The directory to scan in.</param>
15717             <param name="task">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> which will be used to output messages to the build log.</param>
15718             <param name="failOnError"><see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> indicating whether scanning of the directory should halt on first error.</param>
15719         </member>
15720         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TypeFactory.AddProject(NAnt.Core.Project)">
15721             <summary>
15722             Adds any task assemblies in the project base directory
15723             and its <c>tasks</c> subdirectory.
15724             </summary>
15725             <param name="project">The project to work from.</param>
15726         </member>
15727         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TypeFactory.AddProject(NAnt.Core.Project,System.Boolean)">
15728             <summary>
15729             Registers the project with <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TypeFactory"/>, and optionally
15730             scan the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Project.BaseDirectory"/> for extension assemblies.
15731             </summary>
15732             <param name="project">The project to work from.</param>
15733             <param name="scan">Specified whether to scan the <see cref="P:NAnt.Core.Project.BaseDirectory"/> for extension assemblies.</param>
15734         </member>
15735         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TypeFactory.LookupFunction(System.String,NAnt.Core.Extensibility.FunctionArgument[],NAnt.Core.Project)">
15736             <summary>
15737             Looks up a function by name and argument count.
15738             </summary>
15739             <param name="functionName">The name of the function to lookup, including namespace prefix.</param>
15740             <param name="args">The argument of the function to lookup.</param>
15741             <param name="project">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/> in which the function is invoked.</param>
15742             <returns>
15743             A <see cref="T:System.Reflection.MethodInfo"/> representing the function, or 
15744             <see langword="null"/> if a function with the given name and
15745             arguments does not exist.
15746             </returns>
15747         </member>
15748         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TypeFactory.CreateTask(System.Xml.XmlNode,NAnt.Core.Project)">
15749             <summary> 
15750             Creates a new <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> instance for the given XML and 
15751             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/>.
15752             </summary>
15753             <param name="taskNode">The XML to initialize the task with.</param>
15754             <param name="proj">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Project"/> that the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> belongs to.</param>
15755             <returns>
15756             The new <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> instance.
15757             </returns>
15758         </member>
15759         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TypeFactory.ScanTypeForTasks(NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly,System.Type,NAnt.Core.Task)">
15760             <summary>
15761             Scans a given <see cref="T:System.Type"/> for tasks.
15762             </summary>
15763             <param name="extensionAssembly">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly"/> containing the <see cref="T:System.Type"/> to scan.</param>
15764             <param name="type">The <see cref="T:System.Type"/> to scan.</param>
15765             <param name="task">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> which will be used to output messages to the build log.</param>
15766             <returns>
15767             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="type"/> represents a
15768             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/>; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
15769             </returns>
15770         </member>
15771         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TypeFactory.ScanTypeForDataTypes(NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly,System.Type,NAnt.Core.Task)">
15772             <summary>
15773             Scans a given <see cref="T:System.Type"/> for data type.
15774             </summary>
15775             <param name="extensionAssembly">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly"/> containing the <see cref="T:System.Type"/> to scan.</param>
15776             <param name="type">The <see cref="T:System.Type"/> to scan.</param>
15777             <param name="task">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> which will be used to output messages to the build log.</param>
15778             <returns>
15779             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="type"/> represents a
15780             data type; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
15781             </returns>
15782         </member>
15783         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TypeFactory.ScanTypeForFunctions(System.Type,NAnt.Core.Task)">
15784             <summary>
15785             Scans a given <see cref="T:System.Type"/> for functions.
15786             </summary>
15787             <param name="type">The <see cref="T:System.Type"/> to scan.</param>
15788             <param name="task">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> which will be used to output messages to the build log.</param>
15789             <returns>
15790             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="type"/> represents a
15791             valid set of funtions; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
15792             </returns>
15793         </member>
15794         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.TypeFactory.ScanTypeForFilters(NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly,System.Type,NAnt.Core.Task)">
15795             <summary>
15796             Scans a given <see cref="T:System.Type"/> for filters.
15797             </summary>
15798             <param name="extensionAssembly">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Extensibility.ExtensionAssembly"/> containing the <see cref="T:System.Type"/> to scan.</param>
15799             <param name="type">The <see cref="T:System.Type"/> to scan.</param>
15800             <param name="task">The <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Task"/> which will be used to output messages to the build log.</param>
15801             <returns>
15802             <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="type"/> represents a
15803             <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter"/>; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
15804             </returns>
15805         </member>
15806         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.TypeFactory.TaskBuilders">
15807             <summary>
15808             Gets the list of loaded <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> instances.
15809             </summary>
15810             <value>
15811             List of loaded <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder"/> instances.
15812             </value>
15813         </member>
15814         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.TypeFactory.DataTypeBuilders">
15815             <summary>
15816             Gets the list of loaded <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/> instances.
15817             </summary>
15818             <value>
15819             List of loaded <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder"/> instances.
15820             </value>
15821         </member>
15822         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.TypeFactory.FilterBuilders">
15823             <summary>
15824             Gets the list of loaded <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/> instances.
15825             </summary>
15826             <value>
15827             List of loaded <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder"/> instances.
15828             </value>
15829         </member>
15830         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.ValidationException.#ctor">
15831             <summary>
15832             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.ValidationException"/> 
15833             class.
15834             </summary>
15835         </member>
15836         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.ValidationException.#ctor(System.String)">
15837             <summary>
15838             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.ValidationException"/> 
15839             class with a descriptive message.
15840             </summary>
15841             <param name="message">A descriptive message to include with the exception.</param>
15842         </member>
15843         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.ValidationException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
15844             <summary>
15845             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.ValidationException"/> 
15846             class with the specified descriptive message and inner exception.
15847             </summary>
15848             <param name="message">A descriptive message to include with the exception.</param>
15849             <param name="innerException">A nested exception that is the cause of the current exception.</param>
15850         </member>
15851         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.ValidationException.#ctor(System.String,NAnt.Core.Location)">
15852             <summary>
15853             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.ValidationException"/> 
15854             class with a descriptive message and the location in the build file 
15855             that caused the exception.
15856             </summary>
15857             <param name="message">A descriptive message to include with the exception.</param>
15858             <param name="location">The location in the build file where the exception occured.</param>
15859         </member>
15860         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.ValidationException.#ctor(System.String,NAnt.Core.Location,System.Exception)">
15861             <summary>
15862             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.ValidationException"/> 
15863             class with a descriptive message, the location in the build file and 
15864             an instance of the exception that is the cause of the current 
15865             exception.
15866             </summary>
15867             <param name="message">A descriptive message to include with the exception.</param>
15868             <param name="location">The location in the build file where the exception occured.</param>
15869             <param name="innerException">A nested exception that is the cause of the current exception.</param>
15870         </member>
15871         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.ValidationException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
15872             <summary>
15873             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.ValidationException"/> 
15874             class with serialized data.
15875             </summary>
15876             <param name="info">The <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo"/> that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
15877             <param name="context">The <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext"/> that contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
15878         </member>
15879         <member name="T:NAnt.Core.XmlLogger">
15880             <summary>
15881             Used to wrap log messages in xml &lt;message/&gt; elements.
15882             </summary>
15883         </member>
15884         <member name="F:NAnt.Core.XmlLogger._projectStack">
15885             <summary>
15886             Holds the stack of currently executing projects.
15887             </summary>
15888         </member>
15889         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.XmlLogger.#ctor">
15890             <summary>
15891             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.XmlLogger"/> class.
15892             </summary>
15893         </member>
15894         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.XmlLogger.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
15895             <summary>
15896             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.XmlLogger"/> class 
15897             with serialized data.
15898             </summary>
15899             <param name="info">The <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo"/> that holds the serialized object data.</param>
15900             <param name="context">The <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext"/> that contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
15901         </member>
15902         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.XmlLogger.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
15903             <summary>
15904             Populates <paramref name="info"/> with the data needed to serialize 
15905             the <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.XmlLogger"/> instance.
15906             </summary>
15907             <param name="info">The <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo"/> to populate with data.</param>
15908             <param name="context">The destination for this serialization.</param>
15909         </member>
15910         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.XmlLogger.ToString">
15911             <summary>
15912             Returns the contents of log captured.
15913             </summary>
15914         </member>
15915         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.XmlLogger.BuildStarted(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
15916             <summary>
15917             Signals that a build has started.
15918             </summary>
15919             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
15920             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
15921             <remarks>
15922             This event is fired before any targets have started.
15923             </remarks>
15924         </member>
15925         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.XmlLogger.BuildFinished(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
15926             <summary>
15927             Signals that the last target has finished.
15928             </summary>
15929             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
15930             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
15931             <remarks>
15932             This event will still be fired if an error occurred during the build.
15933             </remarks>
15934         </member>
15935         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.XmlLogger.TargetStarted(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
15936             <summary>
15937             Signals that a target has started.
15938             </summary>
15939             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
15940             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
15941         </member>
15942         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.XmlLogger.TargetFinished(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
15943             <summary>
15944             Signals that a target has finished.
15945             </summary>
15946             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
15947             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
15948             <remarks>
15949             This event will still be fired if an error occurred during the build.
15950             </remarks>
15951         </member>
15952         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.XmlLogger.TaskStarted(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
15953             <summary>
15954             Signals that a task has started.
15955             </summary>
15956             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
15957             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
15958         </member>
15959         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.XmlLogger.TaskFinished(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
15960             <summary>
15961             Signals that a task has finished.
15962             </summary>
15963             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
15964             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
15965             <remarks>
15966             This event will still be fired if an error occurred during the build.
15967             </remarks>
15968         </member>
15969         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.XmlLogger.MessageLogged(System.Object,NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs)">
15970             <summary>
15971             Signals that a message has been logged.
15972             </summary>
15973             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
15974             <param name="e">A <see cref="T:NAnt.Core.BuildEventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
15975             <remarks>
15976             Only messages with a priority higher or equal to the threshold of 
15977             the logger will actually be output in the build log.
15978             </remarks>
15979         </member>
15980         <member name="M:NAnt.Core.XmlLogger.Flush">
15981             <summary>
15982             Flushes buffered build events or messages to the underlying storage.
15983             </summary>
15984         </member>
15985         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.XmlLogger.Threshold">
15986             <summary>
15987             Gets or sets the highest level of message this logger should respond 
15988             to.
15989             </summary>
15990             <value>
15991             The highest level of message this logger should respond to.
15992             </value>
15993             <remarks>
15994             Only messages with a message level higher than or equal to the given 
15995             level should be written to the log.
15996             </remarks>
15997         </member>
15998         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.XmlLogger.EmacsMode">
15999             <summary>
16000             Gets or sets a value indicating whether to produce emacs (and other
16001             editor) friendly output.
16002             </summary>
16003             <value>
16004             <see langword="false" /> as it has no meaning in XML format.
16005             </value>
16006         </member>
16007         <member name="P:NAnt.Core.XmlLogger.OutputWriter">
16008             <summary>
16009             Gets or sets the <see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/> to which the logger is 
16010             to send its output.
16011             </summary>
16012         </member>
16013     </members>
16014 </doc>