4 This feature release has several new smaller or larger features:
6 * The current branch is now highlighted
7 * In the commit view, there is an option to amend commits
8 * The "Gist it" button now respects github.user/token
9 * Display a gravatar of the committer
10 * The commit message view now displays a vertical line at 50 characters
11 * It is now possible to revert changes by using the context menu in the
13 * You can now stage only parts of a file by using the "Stage Hunk" buttons
15 * You can now use GitX to show a diff of anything, for example by using
16 'gitx --diff HEAD^^' or 'git diff HEAD~3 | gitx --diff'
17 * You can now drag and drop refs to move them and also create branches
19 In addition, the following bugs have been fixed:
21 * Better detection of git version
22 * Branch lines are no longer interspersed with half a pixel of whitespace
23 * The toolbar keeps its state when switching views