Fix UTF-8 bug in NSString_RegEx
[GitX.git] / PBGitCommitController.m
1 //
2 //  PBGitCommitController.m
3 //  GitX
4 //
5 //  Created by Pieter de Bie on 19-09-08.
6 //  Copyright 2008 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
7 //
9 #import "PBGitCommitController.h"
10 #import "NSFileHandleExt.h"
11 #import "PBChangedFile.h"
12 #import "PBWebChangesController.h"
13 #import "NSString_RegEx.h"
16 @interface PBGitCommitController (PrivateMethods)
17 - (NSArray *) linesFromNotification:(NSNotification *)notification;
18 - (void) doneProcessingIndex;
19 - (NSMutableDictionary *)dictionaryForLines:(NSArray *)lines;
20 - (void) addFilesFromDictionary:(NSMutableDictionary *)dictionary staged:(BOOL)staged tracked:(BOOL)tracked;
21 - (void)processHunk:(NSString *)hunk stage:(BOOL)stage reverse:(BOOL)reverse;
22 @end
24 @implementation PBGitCommitController
26 @synthesize files, status, busy, amend;
28 - (void)awakeFromNib
30         self.files = [NSMutableArray array];
31         [super awakeFromNib];
32         [self refresh:self];
34         [commitMessageView setTypingAttributes:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSFont fontWithName:@"Monaco" size:12.0] forKey:NSFontAttributeName]];
36         [unstagedFilesController setFilterPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"hasUnstagedChanges == 1"]];
37         [cachedFilesController setFilterPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"hasStagedChanges == 1"]];
39         [unstagedFilesController setSortDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
40                 [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"status" ascending:false],
41                 [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"path" ascending:true], nil]];
42         [cachedFilesController setSortDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:
43                 [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"path" ascending:true]]];
45 - (void) removeView
47         [webController closeView];
48         [super finalize];
50 - (NSResponder *)firstResponder;
52         return commitMessageView;
55 - (IBAction)signOff:(id)sender
57         if (![repository.config valueForKeyPath:@""] || ![repository.config valueForKeyPath:@""])
58                 return [[repository windowController] showMessageSheet:@"User's name not set" infoText:@"Signing off a commit requires setting and in your git config"];
59         NSString *SOBline = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Signed-off-by: %@ <%@>",
60                                 [repository.config valueForKeyPath:@""],
61                                 [repository.config valueForKeyPath:@""]];
63         if([commitMessageView.string rangeOfString:SOBline].location == NSNotFound) {
64                 NSArray *selectedRanges = [commitMessageView selectedRanges];
65                 commitMessageView.string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n\n%@",
66                                 commitMessageView.string, SOBline];
67                 [commitMessageView setSelectedRanges: selectedRanges];
68         }
71 - (void) setAmend:(BOOL)newAmend
73         if (newAmend == amend)
74                 return;
76         amend = newAmend;
77         amendEnvironment = nil;
79         // If we amend, we want to keep the author information for the previous commit
80         // We do this by reading in the previous commit, and storing the information
81         // in a dictionary. This dictionary will then later be read by [self commit:]
82         if (amend) {
83                 NSString *message = [repository outputForCommand:@"cat-file commit HEAD"];
84                 NSArray *match = [message substringsMatchingRegularExpression:@"\nauthor ([^\n]*) <([^\n>]*)> ([0-9]+[^\n]*)\n" count:3 options:0 ranges:nil error:nil];
85                 if (match)
86                         amendEnvironment = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[match objectAtIndex:1], @"GIT_AUTHOR_NAME",
87                                 [match objectAtIndex:2], @"GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL",
88                                 [match objectAtIndex:3], @"GIT_AUTHOR_DATE",
89                                  nil];
91                 // Replace commit message with the old one if it's less than 3 characters long.
92                 // This is just a random number.
93                 if ([[commitMessageView string] length] <= 3) {
94                         // Find the commit message
95                         NSRange r = [message rangeOfString:@"\n\n"];
96                         if (r.location != NSNotFound)
97                                 message = [message substringFromIndex:r.location + 2];
99                         commitMessageView.string = message;
100                 }
101         }
103         [self refresh:self];
106 - (NSArray *) linesFromNotification:(NSNotification *)notification
108         NSDictionary *userInfo = [notification userInfo];
109         NSData *data = [userInfo valueForKey:NSFileHandleNotificationDataItem];
110         if (!data)
111                 return NULL;
113         NSString* string = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
114         if (!string)
115                 return NULL;
117         // Strip trailing newline
118         if ([string hasSuffix:@"\n"])
119                 string = [string substringToIndex:[string length]-1];
121         NSArray *lines = [string componentsSeparatedByString:@"\0"];
122         return lines;
125 - (NSString *) parentTree
127         NSString *parent = amend ? @"HEAD^" : @"HEAD";
129         if (![repository parseReference:parent])
130                 // We don't have a head ref. Return the empty tree.
131                 return @"4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904";
133         return parent;
136 - (void) refresh:(id) sender
138         if (![repository workingDirectory])
139                 return;
141         self.status = @"Refreshing index…";
143         // If self.busy reaches 0, all tasks have finished
144         self.busy = 0;
146         // Refresh the index, necessary for the next methods (that's why it's blocking)
147         // FIXME: Make this non-blocking. This call can be expensive in large repositories
148         [repository outputInWorkdirForArguments:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"update-index", @"-q", @"--unmerged", @"--ignore-missing", @"--refresh", nil]];
150         NSNotificationCenter *nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; 
151         [nc removeObserver:self]; 
153         // Other files (not tracked, not ignored)
154         NSArray *arguments = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"ls-files", @"--others", @"--exclude-standard", @"-z", nil];
155         NSFileHandle *handle = [repository handleInWorkDirForArguments:arguments];
156         [nc addObserver:self selector:@selector(readOtherFiles:) name:NSFileHandleReadToEndOfFileCompletionNotification object:handle]; 
157         self.busy++;
158         [handle readToEndOfFileInBackgroundAndNotify];
160         // Unstaged files
161         handle = [repository handleInWorkDirForArguments:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"diff-files", @"-z", nil]];
162         [nc addObserver:self selector:@selector(readUnstagedFiles:) name:NSFileHandleReadToEndOfFileCompletionNotification object:handle]; 
163         self.busy++;
164         [handle readToEndOfFileInBackgroundAndNotify];
166         // Staged files
167         handle = [repository handleInWorkDirForArguments:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"diff-index", @"--cached", @"-z", [self parentTree], nil]];
168         [nc addObserver:self selector:@selector(readCachedFiles:) name:NSFileHandleReadToEndOfFileCompletionNotification object:handle]; 
169         self.busy++;
170         [handle readToEndOfFileInBackgroundAndNotify];
172         // Reload refs (in case HEAD changed)
173         [repository reloadRefs];
176 - (void) updateView
178         [self refresh:nil];
181 // This method is called for each of the three processes from above.
182 // If all three are finished (self.busy == 0), then we can delete
183 // all files previously marked as deletable
184 - (void) doneProcessingIndex
186         // if we're still busy, do nothing :)
187         if (--self.busy)
188                 return;
190         NSMutableArray *deleteFiles = [NSMutableArray array];
191         for (PBChangedFile *file in files) {
192                 if (!file.hasStagedChanges && !file.hasUnstagedChanges)
193                         [deleteFiles addObject:file];
194         }
196         if ([deleteFiles count]) {
197                 [self willChangeValueForKey:@"files"];
198                 for (PBChangedFile *file in deleteFiles)
199                         [files removeObject:file];
200                 [self didChangeValueForKey:@"files"];
201         }
202         self.status = @"Ready";
205 - (void) readOtherFiles:(NSNotification *)notification;
207         NSArray *lines = [self linesFromNotification:notification];
208         NSMutableDictionary *dictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:[lines count]];
209         // We fake this files status as good as possible.
210         NSArray *fileStatus = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@":000000", @"100644", @"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", @"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", @"A", nil];
211         for (NSString *path in lines) {
212                 if ([path length] == 0)
213                         continue;
214                 [dictionary setObject:fileStatus forKey:path];
215         }
216         [self addFilesFromDictionary:dictionary staged:NO tracked:NO];
217         [self doneProcessingIndex];
220 - (NSMutableDictionary *)dictionaryForLines:(NSArray *)lines
222         NSMutableDictionary *dictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:[lines count]/2];
224         // Fill the dictionary with the new information
225         NSArray *fileStatus;
226         BOOL even = FALSE;
227         for (NSString *line in lines) {
228                 if (!even) {
229                         even = TRUE;
230                         fileStatus = [line componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
231                         continue;
232                 }
234                 even = FALSE;
235                 [dictionary setObject:fileStatus forKey:line];
236         }
237         return dictionary;
240 - (void) addFilesFromDictionary:(NSMutableDictionary *)dictionary staged:(BOOL)staged tracked:(BOOL)tracked
242         // Iterate over all existing files
243         for (PBChangedFile *file in files) {
244                 NSArray *fileStatus = [dictionary objectForKey:file.path];
245                 // Object found, this is still a cached / uncached thing
246                 if (fileStatus) {
247                         if (tracked) {
248                                 NSString *mode = [[fileStatus objectAtIndex:0] substringFromIndex:1];
249                                 NSString *sha = [fileStatus objectAtIndex:2];
250                                 file.commitBlobSHA = sha;
251                                 file.commitBlobMode = mode;
253                                 if (staged)
254                                         file.hasStagedChanges = YES;
255                                 else
256                                         file.hasUnstagedChanges = YES;
257                         } else {
258                                 // Untracked file, set status to NEW, only unstaged changes
259                                 file.hasStagedChanges = NO;
260                                 file.hasUnstagedChanges = YES;
261                                 file.status = NEW;
262                         }
263                         [dictionary removeObjectForKey:file.path];
264                 } else { // Object not found, let's remove it from the changes
265                         if (staged)
266                                 file.hasStagedChanges = NO;
267                         else if (tracked && file.status != NEW) // Only remove it if it's not an untracked file. We handle that with the other thing
268                                 file.hasUnstagedChanges = NO;
269                         else if (!tracked && file.status == NEW)
270                                 file.hasUnstagedChanges = NO;
271                 }
272         }
274         // Do new files
275         if (![[dictionary allKeys] count])
276                 return;
278         [self willChangeValueForKey:@"files"];
279         for (NSString *path in [dictionary allKeys]) {
280                 NSArray *fileStatus = [dictionary objectForKey:path];
282                 PBChangedFile *file = [[PBChangedFile alloc] initWithPath:path];
283                 if ([[fileStatus objectAtIndex:4] isEqualToString:@"D"])
284                         file.status = DELETED;
285                 else if([[fileStatus objectAtIndex:0] isEqualToString:@":000000"])
286                         file.status = NEW;
287                 else
288                         file.status = MODIFIED;
290                 if (tracked) {
291                         file.commitBlobMode = [[fileStatus objectAtIndex:0] substringFromIndex:1];
292                         file.commitBlobSHA = [fileStatus objectAtIndex:2];
293                 }
295                 file.hasStagedChanges = staged;
296                 file.hasUnstagedChanges = !staged;
298                 [files addObject: file];
299         }
300         [self didChangeValueForKey:@"files"];
303 - (void) readUnstagedFiles:(NSNotification *)notification
305         NSArray *lines = [self linesFromNotification:notification];
306         NSMutableDictionary *dic = [self dictionaryForLines:lines];
307         [self addFilesFromDictionary:dic staged:NO tracked:YES];
308         [self doneProcessingIndex];
311 - (void) readCachedFiles:(NSNotification *)notification
313         NSArray *lines = [self linesFromNotification:notification];
314         NSMutableDictionary *dic = [self dictionaryForLines:lines];
315         [self addFilesFromDictionary:dic staged:YES tracked:YES];
316         [self doneProcessingIndex];
319 - (void) commitFailedBecause:(NSString *)reason
321         self.busy--;
322         self.status = [@"Commit failed: " stringByAppendingString:reason];
323         [[repository windowController] showMessageSheet:@"Commit failed" infoText:reason];
324         return;
327 - (IBAction) commit:(id) sender
329         if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:[repository.fileURL.path stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"MERGE_HEAD"]]) {
330                 [[repository windowController] showMessageSheet:@"Cannot commit merges" infoText:@"GitX cannot commit merges yet. Please commit your changes from the command line."];
331                 return;
332         }
334         if ([[cachedFilesController arrangedObjects] count] == 0) {
335                 [[repository windowController] showMessageSheet:@"No changes to commit" infoText:@"You must first stage some changes before committing"];
336                 return;
337         }               
339         NSString *commitMessage = [commitMessageView string];
340         if ([commitMessage length] < 3) {
341                 [[repository windowController] showMessageSheet:@"Commitmessage missing" infoText:@"Please enter a commit message before committing"];
342                 return;
343         }
345         [cachedFilesController setSelectionIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSet]];
346         [unstagedFilesController setSelectionIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSet]];
348         NSString *commitSubject;
349         NSRange newLine = [commitMessage rangeOfString:@"\n"];
350         if (newLine.location == NSNotFound)
351                 commitSubject = commitMessage;
352         else
353                 commitSubject = [commitMessage substringToIndex:newLine.location];
355         commitSubject = [@"commit: " stringByAppendingString:commitSubject];
357         NSString *commitMessageFile;
358         commitMessageFile = [repository.fileURL.path
359                                                  stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"COMMIT_EDITMSG"];
361         [commitMessage writeToFile:commitMessageFile atomically:YES encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
363         self.busy++;
364         self.status = @"Creating tree..";
365         NSString *tree = [repository outputForCommand:@"write-tree"];
366         if ([tree length] != 40)
367                 return [self commitFailedBecause:@"Could not create a tree"];
369         int ret;
371         NSMutableArray *arguments = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"commit-tree", tree, nil];
372         NSString *parent = amend ? @"HEAD^" : @"HEAD";
373         if ([repository parseReference:parent]) {
374                 [arguments addObject:@"-p"];
375                 [arguments addObject:parent];
376         }
378         NSString *commit = [repository outputForArguments:arguments
379                                                                                   inputString:commitMessage
380                                                            byExtendingEnvironment:amendEnvironment
381                                                                                          retValue: &ret];
383         if (ret || [commit length] != 40)
384                 return [self commitFailedBecause:@"Could not create a commit object"];
386         if (![repository executeHook:@"pre-commit" output:nil])
387                 return [self commitFailedBecause:@"Pre-commit hook failed"];
389         if (![repository executeHook:@"commit-msg" withArgs:[NSArray arrayWithObject:commitMessageFile] output:nil])
390     return [self commitFailedBecause:@"Commit-msg hook failed"];
392         [repository outputForArguments:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"update-ref", @"-m", commitSubject, @"HEAD", commit, nil]
393                                                   retValue: &ret];
394         if (ret)
395                 return [self commitFailedBecause:@"Could not update HEAD"];
397         if (![repository executeHook:@"post-commit" output:nil])
398                 [webController setStateMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Post-commit hook failed, however, successfully created commit %@", commit]];
399         else
400                 [webController setStateMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Successfully created commit %@", commit]];
402         repository.hasChanged = YES;
403         self.busy--;
404         [commitMessageView setString:@""];
405         amend = NO;
406         amendEnvironment = nil;
407         [self refresh:self];
408         self.amend = NO;
411 - (void) stageHunk:(NSString *)hunk reverse:(BOOL)reverse
413         [self processHunk:hunk stage:TRUE reverse:reverse];
416 - (void)discardHunk:(NSString *)hunk
418         [self processHunk:hunk stage:FALSE reverse:TRUE];
421 - (void)processHunk:(NSString *)hunk stage:(BOOL)stage reverse:(BOOL)reverse
423         NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"apply", nil];
424         if (stage)
425                 [array addObject:@"--cached"];
426         if (reverse)
427                 [array addObject:@"--reverse"];
429         int ret = 1;
430         NSString *error = [repository outputForArguments:array
431                                                                                  inputString:hunk
432                                                                                         retValue:&ret];
434         // FIXME: show this error, rather than just logging it
435         if (ret)
436                 NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
438         // TODO: We should do this smarter by checking if the file diff is empty, which is faster.
439         [self refresh:self]; 
442 @end