1 Nothing to say; except the Copyright stuff! By calling the MakeData script
2 you accept the respective copyrights; for further informations please have
3 a look at the original sources (as provided in the script). The script is
4 only intended as a cheat sheet for creating your own personal copy of the
5 downloadable stuff in the web. In particular I'm not responsible, what you
9 (1) The hints page is provided with permission of E. Moltrecht. No further
10 redistribution (in particular making money with it) is allowed.
12 Please respect the work he has put in his books since years and buy them ;)
14 (2) The "Fragenkatalog" comes from the BNetzA.
16 (3) The QA catalog comes from the webpage of O. Saal.
19 Note to Win***ws users:
20 (1) Install cygwin to run the MakeData script; optionally drop me a mail
21 (gerolf@ziegenhain.com) and I may send you a ready-to-use copy of the data files.