1 cask :v1 => 'ioquake3' do
2 # note: "3" is not a version number, but an intrinsic part of the product name
4 sha256 'ff310471aa641cc27980055691b3e3cf5496ac262f10967c9d5052fd3815a3fc'
6 url "http://ioquake3.org/files/#{version}/ioquake3%20#{version}.dmg"
8 homepage 'http://ioquake3.org/'
9 license :unknown # todo: change license and remove this comment; ':unknown' is a machine-generated placeholder
14 To complete the installation of #{token}, you will have to copy the file
15 'pak0.pk3' from your Quake 3 Arena installation support directory into
16 ~/Applications/ioquake3/baseq3/.