5 url "https://klokki.com/download/Klokki.dmg"
7 desc "Automatic time-tracking solution"
8 homepage "https://klokki.com/"
10 # The dates in the appcast are sometimes out of order (i.e. a newer version
11 # may have an older `pubDate`), so we have to override the default `sparkle`
12 # strategy logic to identify the latest version in this case.
14 url "https://klokki.com/download/appcast.xml"
15 strategy :sparkle do |items|
16 items.map(&:short_version)
20 depends_on macos: ">= :high_sierra"
24 uninstall launchctl: "com.klokki-launcher",
25 quit: "com.klokki-launcher"
28 "~/Library/Application Scripts/com.klokki-launcher",
29 "~/Library/Application Support/com.klokki.macos",
30 "~/Library/Application Support/Klokki",
31 "~/Library/Caches/com.klokki.macos",
32 "~/Library/Containers/com.klokki-launcher",
33 "~/Library/HTTPStorages/com.klokki.macos",
34 "~/Library/HTTPStorages/com.klokki.macos.binarycookies",
35 "~/Library/Preferences/com.klokki.macos.plist",